HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-30, Page 11WSTOCK REDUCING ernsSALE 0401011111.111111111111114111$1.0 2 Big Dollar Days May ist and 2nd All Preview Price Redictians Shattered is This Bale-Terars CallAsods Ilst Seat 0 Approval • LOT NO. 1 About 100 pair assortment of Women's Rid, Patent and Calf Straps and Oxordscuban and low heels. . ** . . 95c Dollar Days, per pr LOT NO. $ Abet* 100 pairs of Womens fine Strpst. Oxfords and Pumps, in all leathers. Reg, up to $5.50, Dollar Days, per pr.... (to ar g. ge/ Tor NO. 2 Women's assorted Kid, Patent and Cal. Black and colored, Straps and • OxfOrds. Reg. up to $4.50. Nrf N0*** *I 0,0 0."0 • 0 0 • *rot sir" fit: Dollar Day, per „ .0.. qamtewo You LOT NO. 4 Women's Fine Kid, Calf and Patent Straps; Rid, Oxford and Pumps. Can ;7f1 these:) .. have.. . . built-in., . .8; hes They are real comfort shoes, Reg. Dolla r Days, per pr.. .. . . SaVe LOT No. 5 LOT NO. A large assortment of Men's Black and Tan Fine Boots and Oxords. Reg. e e urto $650...........u• Dollar Days, per pr..... LOT NO. 7 , An assortment of Boys' Fine Boots and Oxords. Sizes 1 to 5. Regillar. up to, $350.: • .. Si 95 Dollar Days, per • IOT NO. 9 s' Patent Straps and. Oxfords. Siges 11 to 2. Regup to $3.35. Dollar 1)11Ys, Per Pr" " $1 95 LOT O. 11 Child's Sandals and Oxords. *.*** Dollar Days, per 95c This is an opportunity for you to obtain your requirements in Iin the store will beleduced to special Dollar Day prices which you Clothing and Furnishings at the lowest prices in years. Everything if rot afford to miss. The following are some of the outstanding *en's VVork Boots with leather and. Panco soles. Reg. up to $4.50.. Dollar Days, per pr.. 2 65 •••••••••••••••••0 •1 P.14 LOT NO. 8 m ' An assortment of Boys rine Boots and Oxfords. Sizes 1 to 5. Reg. up to t 295 Dollar Days, per po. i MS • LOT NO. 10 • ° Patent Straps . and Oxfords. Regular up to $2.75 Sale Dollar Days, per pr.... „ . • $1 45 RUNNING SI113ES - For Men, For Boys, pr.... , . ,......98c For Women, Satin Oxfords, pr 98c For Misses, Blonde Straps, pr. ... 78c For Children, Blonde Strap, pr... Men's Suits Group No. 1 10 Suits at $10.00 formerly up to $30.00 Men's Suits Men's All -Wool Pullovers and Sweater Coats Vorineliy up to $6.00 Men's Fine All -Wool Socks For two Dollar Days we will give a discount of 10% on all regular. lin'es of Footwear and Travelling Goods. We Invite You ern'sShoe • These suits are fine English Worsteds, formerly up to $35.00 35 Suits at $19.50 Men's Fine Shirts The guaranteed Fortiryth Shirts $1.49 . 2 for $2.75 Men's Silk and Wool Socks • Regular 75o Interwoven and Holeproof Per pair 59c Men's teckwear Regular $1.00 69c . „ . • • Regular $100` English. and Cana! an makes 69e Boys' Suits la -Suits, 2 -Pant Suits at $7.95 Reg: up to $13.50 Boys' Summer. Underwear In Nainsook Combinations 49e Boys' Cotton Golf Rose MI sizes, reg. 50c 39e C. _ P IDHAM THE STORE WITH THE STOCK - , 411.111111111111111111011•11111941111111110111.1100.111111.111110,111111$10.1100.111.1.1..... •-nte•e M, .1 . A.8.,3489,e,„8,,,:r 0,4 ea eye s_„.„m„,,e• 14.••••-•,, ..A. • .4 •), Sj0.0.•=, WILL .••BUY JY AND SAVE 4.1.... • •HOUSE DRESSES• Guaranteedfast colors, sizes 14 years to 52 bust....$1.00 CRETONNE Ideal for dapes, ate, neat patterns, 4 yards for. .$1.00 . . • • , • 1,,oz.. skeins,4 ply, all shades, . skeins. LINOLEUM. 4 yards wide, havicaZ-,;.:, • leuircovers your floor 441. out a ieain, per square yd .$1' IRUPPLE CURTAINS • For the Bedroom or Kitchen, extra special, 2 pair....$1.00 BUNCALO NET Full 36 inches wide, lace edge, 4 yards... - RUFFLE SCRIM Colors blue, .goId geen. rose. 5 yards .......$1.00 - • EIATH TOWElS Large size and good quality white, 3 .for..... .... ..$1.00 •;„ BUY WHERET YOUR OLLARS .GINGHANIS Canadian Gingharns good patterns, fast colors. 8 yards $1.60 SILKHOSE Dozens ofpairs, pure silk, full fahioned, spring shades, a 11 sfiCS. t4� pat. 0.00 Mgr. WHITE MIDDIES FIAVE MORE CENTS 11111.0•114•11k DOLLAR DAYS return again on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, -and what remarkable values they bring. Items have been specially bought -others have been spechdly reduced. EverYthhlif has been carefully planned to snake your dollar buy more. ' Note the extremely low „prices -see the windows -plan to shop early and often. Bey and save. •Detachable c ol 1, a r and cuffs, Collegiate style,. sizes 6 to 20 years. Each 81.00 FLOOR OILCLOTH • 1 and 2 yards wide, first quality. 2 square yds. 81.00 50 RAY KNIT DRESSES, sizes to 20 years, 36 to 52 Dollar Dais $5 9c ale. e • • • lb 0 . ib • Another shipment just hi of Washable Celanese Dresses, all sizes up to 44. t A at Dollar Days Sale . .... 25 Crepe. Dresses, spring shades, all sizes. • Dollar Days Specials............ tfit at ...... .. . ... • • ... .. .. flt•uo 6 • • • • • * , • • 0 • 0 • • erAo IF 18 Silk and Wool Jersey Dresses. Regu lar $7.95. all sizes. Dollar Days Saleez ne" dutp . . . ........ 0604404 do *so" . 0041•00., .1 \ SEE WHAT $1.0 WILL BUY A BARGAIN FEAST PRINTS Choice patterns, fast colors. 6 yards $1.00 SILK HOSE. Made of silk and ray. on, good appearance, French heel, a I I •shades and. sizes. • 2 pair $1:00 "SWEA COATS 130z Wool coats, sizes 24 to 32, all sizes. One price. Each 0.00 A Special price on every Dress in the store for Dollar Days. cwa4e===rostiro==g06 Obuou=isolutor=====uonion=== - • RAYON LINGERIE ,A manufacturer's clearance of Vest and Moonier Set, Vest and Brassiere Sets, Vest and Pantie t AR Seb, Slips end GOIVIII. special value of . . .. . .. ... =00)==i0f1:141===t1101C110=00$0==010101=2011" Srnart New Coat bought thio season. This is your opportunity to buy a Spring Coat at but a fiaction of the regigar price. Children's COatS, 5 to 14 years $4.95 to $7.50 each MISSES' COATS, sizes 14 to 20 yas. LADIES" COATS, sizes 36 to 46, also half sizes for the titotter kgue. SANITARY NAPKINS "Duchss" 1/ to a box, 3, boxes.. ......$1.00 PLAI1INELEITE White or pink or blue stripe; nice wight, 6 yards. i$1.00 ART MILK Brocade or plain, for -curtin, Iledsprads, ete91 yards $1.00 • TEENS Ali shades, good quality, 5 yards... ; , . $UNFAST DRAPERY A quality cloth; for side drapes, 50 iris. wide. 2 Y**di o1.00 HAM BAGS A special purchase of traveller's samples is the reason for the, price. WI, $1.00 CREroNNE CUSHIONS For verandah or car, 3, for $1 LINOLEUM REMNANTS A few 4 -yard wide ends, at Dollar Day Prices TABLE omcccera g. yards wide, 3 yds.$100 • yards wide, 2 yards $1.00 REXOLEUM MATS You will want 3 or 4 at this price... . ... ..10e eileh DENIMS Khaki, grey and black, heavy quality, 3 yards.. ....1.00 CORSETS and CORSELEITES Claring lines • and broken sizes, but wonderful values at $1.00 PRICES STILL LOWER FOR DOLLAR DAYS georesseamossesato=r00 Ottotco Arktoos==010010*. peci4 Prices on Axminster, Tapestry, Congoleum and Certainteed LINEN. TOWELLING Pure Irish Linen and a real buy at 10 yards for $1.00 Rugs, all sizes„ new patterns. KNIT SUITS 15 Knit Stlts, 3. piece all wooi, spring weight, good value $9.85 VOILES AND DRESS CREPES Fresh and clean, just in, a big selection, at per yard. .4.4c DRESSES Dozens of childrents and ladies' dresses, all sizes up to 52 bust, smart styies and guaranteed fast colors,. Each $1.711t KID CLOVES A great clearance of aold pairs of quality gloves,pet pair.... $Ii`.4110 CHILDRENS SOCKS All sizes. • Regular 49e par. 3 pair... . - .. ...•$1.00 STAMPED TEA TOWELS Pure linen, red and blue cheek, extra special, 6 for $1 VOILE MOD= Smart voile blou6, just i�h all sizs, s1eeve1ss,each $1.29 YOUR STORE Phone Geo Schaefer OF VALUE "--"--ids, Ontari SMOCKS Plain shades of hroaderoth, fancy trim collar and cufis, all sizes, each 81.19