HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-30, Page 10eLean • BANG Go. the Prices - on Men's and Boys' Clothing At this Sale Clothiers, Hatters and Gent's Furnishers • Prices Slashed on CLOTHING Dollar Days BIG DOLLAR DAY VALUES ridayin4 Saturday, May 1 and 2\\ MEN'S stars BOYS' BLOOMER SUITS . casual. ammo .Tweeds atfdWOrsteds, sizes 34 Sias 33 to 36. Reg. PO to and SMOCKS , to 38. Dollar Daya.$10.00 $1 5. Dam. Days. .$4.95 Dollar Dos. ....SLIM oath MEN, WORSTED SUITS ,°'Iti1.$27.50 to $35.00. 823.00 MEN'S SPRING TOPCOATS To clear Dollar DlYs.$4.95 1111Era SPRING TOPGOATE' Reg. $20 to $30. Dollar Days $1595 MEN'S *INTER: OVER- COATS 10 only. ..Doffs!. Dnys•.81p: epion TIGER BRAND ',FLEECE., .I.1NED 'UNDERWEAR, Shirts and ..Draniers. Dollar Dalt. •;154 each BOYS' BLUE REEFERS DnUar Days.... , .82.25 BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS Dollar Dors... ...95c BOYS' GOLF SOCKS Dollar Days. .. ....39c MEN'S WORK PARIS Reg. $1.75. Dollar OaYs $1.35 • SIEN'A WO�KI SHIRTS Reg._ $1.00 to $1.50. 'Dollar DaP. • ... . .85e NeacoviAtt Reg $1.00. Dollar Day*, 2 •for . . 4 I * * M.* • •$111,00 Boys, carrom TWEED Lumber Jack and Tionsers- , Dollar Days... ,....$2.75 • MEN'S 'WOOL• 300CS Donor Daya120e each. 6 pair' for.... 41.00 Gomm% WASH SUITS Reg. 51.00 to t .50. Dollar • MINT SWEATERS Reg. $200. Dollar Days 4148 COLLAR ATrACHED SHIRTS FOR MEN Dangle Day.. . 85c MEN'S CAPS Reg. 82.25.. Dollar Days,$1.50 20 per cent. Off Merchandise Not On Sale When. Sale Amounts to $2.00 or Ovei. 1. EAST SIDE ,.....„.., The "Repression" is Over So lookIlirough this list and see how your dollar will go farther here during Dollar Days. HOUSE CLEANING SPECIALS Waverly Floor. Wax, reg. 50e a lb. for.,39c - °Thiftilit'Miblillolish, reg. 25c and 60e 'for and 35c . .0 -cedar Polish, 25c and 50e.for 19c and 37c NOW:01ft Wax m lb. -tins, for . . . ......65c Extra special, 1/2 pt. Johnson's Liquid Wax, Y2 lb. Johnson's Paste Wax and - 1 int Turpentine' . .....79e ,Do you use Dustbane? This is a special. 6 lbs • ......25c Kneeling Pads , Rubber Stair Treads,, with •Glasi Caster Cups........ .7, for 25e A VARNISH Sl'ECIAL 1 pt V. 93 Varnish and 11h Rubber Set Brush for .. , ..49c Good varnish • .1):• li'eaity All -Copper Boiler, reg. $4.50for • • • • ... ••••,!•••1******••••OR ob• • This is a goOd buy. Coleman Gasoline Lantern at .......$6./5 Guarant Sani-Flush, pe 52.00 O -Cedar Mops, • 51.25 0-Ceclar ter- . 40 and 60 -watt Tungsten Lamps, 6 for $1.00 • Moresco Wall Finish,' reg. 70c for, ..... $5c A special' Grey • Paint suitable I& purpose and specially priced at per gallon (gallons only) . . .... .....$1.49 special price on Raw thiseed Oil, per ganon ...$1.09 Barb Wire, 4 -point, a few left, per spool . . .... 43.75 Lawn Mowers, all self-adjusting and 11 bearing. See our prices.. We will allow • you $2,00 for your old mower on these two days. Special prices on. Rogers' Lacquers - 3/4 pt. 40c, 1-2 pt. 65c, pt. S110, qt. $I 00 60 ft Garden Hose with couplings and nozzle complete for.. „ , $4.10 10 per cent. discount on Garden Tools. Flour Sifters, large size-, ... 00 • ..26! See our special line of Granite Ware, to sell at 89c. Wonderful value. Johnson's Liquid Wax, Johnson's Liquid Wax, qt .51.25 2-1b. Paste, per tin 51.25 ed Lanterns . • Sherwin Williams Family Paint per qt. 99o, " ' • • • • • • • • * • •`. Suitable for inside •or outside. „for. • • • • • • • .. . $1•39 I Only, 3 burner Coal Oil Stove, special $14.90 • • • • • • • 99c ' Special Prices In • Poultry Netting • Remember These Goods are all Regular Stock Watch for-SPecial Prices Not Listed. IMRE TERMS --:ASU. 'Kt • • PHONE • 501 t • • • .• ar FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY ist and 2nd Do�ar Days are Here Again, With Biggr Values Than E tverything in the Store is at Wonderful Reductions for, Dollar Days. Come t xpeciing Bargains; You Won't be Disappointed er Ladies' Need Coats This season's styles, good qua- • lity. Sizes 1.4 to U. Reg. up to $19.50. Dollar Days at... .512.75 Misses' . Spring Coats In tweeds, breadeloth, poiret, twill, etc., smart styles, some fur , ' trimmed. Sizes 12 to 17. , Reg, up to $15.00. Dollar Days at $5.00 Misses' : 'Need. Ensemble Suits , Three 'only, sizes 12 and 14. Reg. MAO. Dollar .Days at $5.00 • Georgette, Canton Crepe and FlatiCrepe Dresses 20 only, in :black, navy, sand, blue, ete. Dollar Days at...$5.00 Washable Dresses ;Washable Dresses in pastel '• shades, 'sleeveless, short sleeves and long sleeves. Reg. up to "LK Dollar Days 4 Skirts inpleated and plain crepes and all wool tweeds. Dollar Days Ladies' Hats Fancy straws and braids. Reg. $8•60 to $5.00. Dollar Days • at • ... • • • 4! • • 11 **age obel••1149 Ladies' Silk Gloves In shades beige, grey, black. Reg. $1.45. Dollar Days, pr. 51.00 Ladies' Kid Gloves in brown shades and grey. Reg. $1.96. Dollar Days, pr. . 'Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves, in sand, grey, ete DoIIar Days, pr. .... Ladies' Silk Bose Weldrest Full-fashioned •Silk Hose. Reg. $1.25 and $1.75 pr. Dollar Days, pr.....,........$1.00 Celanese Hose Reg. '75e pr. Dollar Days, 2 pr. tcor . ••••••••••••••••••SIM Children's Stockings Lisle Stockings, long and % length. Sizes 7 to 9. Reg. 35c tb 60e pr. Dollar Days, pr. 25c Children's Silk Socks • In colors, sizes 41/2 to 6, Reg, 85e pi. Dollar Days, pr....19e !Ladies' Silk Bloomers Heavy weight, in good shades. Reg. $1.00 pr. Dollar Days, 2 prs. for' Satinofaced Crepe and Flat Crepe Satin -faced Crepe and Flat Crepe. Eeg. up to $2.95 a yd. Dollar Days, per y4........$1.00• yon In shades green, blue, rose, yel- low, white. Reg. 35c per yd. Dollar Day, 4 Yds. for. cotton Broadcloth Cotton Broadcloth in all shades Reg. 39e yd. Dollar Dam, 4 yds. for Figured Dimity Figured Dimity. Reg. 45e yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for. Figured Rayon Figured Rayon for Dresses. Mee patterns Reg. 39c. per yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for. . $1.00 ?Cottage Prints CottagtPrMtS dainty patterns.. Reg. 20e yd. Dollar Days, 6 yds.' for Assortment ot Yard Goods Voiles, Crepes, Broadcloths, etc. Reg. 66e to $1.25 yd. Dollar Days, per yd. .... ............25e Factory CottOn 40 in. wide, fine even weave. Reg. 80e yd. Dollar Days, 5 yds. for ...m.o....41.00 Our F,sitire Stock is at Reduc Dollar Day Prices Towelling / All Linen. Towelling, colored border. Dollar Days, 10 yds. .White Bath Towels With colored borders. Dollar t Days, 5 towel's for........ $1.00 ia ea Bath Towels Dollar Days, 2 pr. for........ .95c Frilled Curtain Material With rose border. .Reg. 29c yd., Dollar Days, per yd......... .15c Figured Ctitain Net In floral designs. Reg. 35c yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for:, ....$1.00 Ladies' Corsets Ladies' Corsets, "Goddess" front laced. Dollar Days, per pr..sisoo Girls' Raincoats Sizes 4 to 12 Dollar Days for Men's Topcoats' in tweed. Reg. $17.50. Dollar • Days at 1.................$12.95 Men's Suits Worsted, assorted SiAeS and pat- . terns. Reg. $24.50 and $27.50„ Dollar Days .............$15.00 A. CORN IELD Ladies° and Med'4 War. •op where youpre invited ,to shop" • West side f Scinftte. Phone 418. Youth's. Suits. 3 -piece, sizes 32 ter 36. Reg. $10-.50;.„„,Dollar Days at 59.95 'Boye.Tweed Suits • , Assorted patterns and; sizes; ranging 26 to • 85, with 1 pair Dblooloianarerns.aysit,egs;*".). et.o. • !11:0505..90 Men's Dress Shirts 'Fine broadcloths Reg. up to $2.50. Dollar Days at... ...$1.00 Men's Work Shirts Plain navy and navy polka dot, salt and pepper. Reg. $126. Dollar Days 51.00 Men's Balbriggan Underweari shrtDrawers d Combine - tions. Reg. $1.26 suit Dollar Days, suit ..... $1.00 , r • Men's Socks ) Fancy silk, silk and lisle. Dollar Days, 3 pr. for..............4$1.00 Penman's Merino Socks keg. •85e pr. Dollar Days, 4 pis. for Meen', 'fie! 0 • rtg i$ 00 Do lar Days, 2 flea for . Men's Overalls Snagprdof Overalls, blitek and plain blue. Reg. $1.75 lora Dollar Smocks to match,