HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-30, Page 1i "-WP I I -.1-1-1---, I � 1. . I .-
. Owter Qeck Boob
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I ��� to their %4ws 4 "Asm'l
Try va star with 3roat Not ogtor
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ledL.9 a AL A� A.A - - Artistic Announcements -
The *0 U petpond to ove swial At-
unuou to plamustir and exocutuw orw.
%W Milk"O SUAWAKORent cordt ft*
45 1 tar � $01141010 or 411 40" ..I
TIT Im ow ow "01011011609 11W P506600"
0� 1-1 '" lV N* . - - I- I I I
-------III III 1;1;11:11 I -- ---- - — -
,---,--. I 11
-������"` awwdPU94: $3 a year in C*naft GODERICK, ONTARIOr CANADAo THURSDAY APRIfI 300., 1W1- 1� . . I WALTUVArM PWMWbW
r>zVJi44Ty.SzMXV TrAR � I I #150 a year to U. K Voluts, . ---' . --- --o , ovmmdo- . _ _ =, L, . =
L . —� 1 � I � L' �
. -- �-- . I . . . . . a � 11 I 0 11
-----.,- & W, Dohr, ,
, 11re 0
� Zod. are Dolar aye m use , Be. Sure to 'Visit 16 lular. D res oil .04S
N'To eikk 4usto --- I — If
. Al lu -1 It
M . - - -- -
I;r_- 11 I I �—
. . - - 0`1 wid foi %he anw,es., or wim"a 4**
, 1. I I .
1"]Pft$S1V1K, I
AMONG ME ..%%%%
. 0� . I il
I i,
i I!
-.1'.... 11 - . � .'"., - - � � .
" '" wd from. Jm COW* WATIhQU" At
"I ,
, . . 13Wtb, and of taking Mr. QUtVA 01OW �
� i
L1181,988w, once 0 f. HARda Cox without. the permission of the Own.
-son *t " OMPHR4 0 0 �
The dean err meeting at tht rural
deanery Of Huronwill, be'beld.lu Xxettr
OF enuRcit
LOVE stater
UJW Wxtt IlAwkins . ie.=tO . ; .
. .
bame After spending A oWrtk I with her . ;
In London. i
I i tr, ne. is to SQrVe, two months In the
, An honor and TespiAtvaS.Pold to t* on
Uqr44ay, ,June 4th. . � .
Mr. C". Clark, Of atrattoro� IS Visit- I .�
I ,-
. r ounty'jg1l, after which, -he goes to the
I Ic L
memoty of the two boys, Isowa Usm -
. luukted 911urelt
services At Vlctorl% at liteV.
I "Vle*
son, Mr. Arthur Clark. -*44 Ural . �1
, -, I ..A'.�� r - - vutkuia reformatory to put In the re-
'I � -, nw-UNW14010
Donald -And Willtaft U4104b,, WUM
on Sunday next*. to &,m,. for I
, .
. 44
Xarrl ft aly"to WA.. 11hik-IF0.1tuvt
. ,
X11z'sBrock at. . �, I .� , ,
, ,�,�
, The Ordinary Life Policy of the Suo Life AsSU12UcW&M*1y. rAgining four inputh$ of A, .six mOuths' boots
sentence.,. Drinking *as Sold to )*'the
Were recovem4 from the I%ke1%3t1ChrISt%a
Thursday. when. thepeoplo of the tawn
VellOwsbIP; 11 a�4i E`Ublto
Worship, subject, "The Wan4ever:11 7 -
, LoymeWs Association of the An-
L I" A. is. $1*111her d and Ads , It. 3L,o i
Gregor -44d ftoghter,.L of' W S. . "I
I . walpe �.,
� is an -ideal coMbinatioll of MUIMUM protection,", and Safe in- P start at, NembltV4 troubles And his per - CougregaW.1n,
. .
X09t elturch'oa rrlday.
p.m.j vu�llc Worship, subject, "Tha Man
church is v� r*centIyoformed or- '01*ut
.. I
the WC -cit -end with MS. IL V., I I
I vestment acquired -by. ,posit$. 1. . ralt bag been canceftd. V4� Doultelly
Small 4Le
Where the fulatV41 $MV1 to was, conduct-
who walko,with God."
gAntatiOAL which wIlt no doubt prove Of
. I
WbAtPl0Y- . L 11 11 i
I ..
'i :By leaving policy dividends on der,oSlt with the company to . 'via his counsel
- - .
ed, tw the Rev. R. 0. MebtrRA4. The
T11e wgrat Appreciation ,of I
, 4-ijItif, in enlisting the laymen,
nuatils �
Rev Messrs.' 61arke, SOO And Vind � I I .
l - . . kreat
accurq4late for bjs benefit, the policy ,holder not only in;- VV00a "11011 10 111irs* T-. lIL C"te" - - the
i 'Stu
I congreg%tioa W 0$ $becholr "aw
Twenty-TWd, V461m. Old AM. W.
klousl comr the Missionary And
glittee at
Noutegante XFUU4 of the United church
Of tho ,church In definite 0 _
wvrk� Rev. CrAnon, '$key. at S�.
A�%a Wsm. Sonic. Prldh%ai iW gobt. . �.;
Davidsm (t.1nion) ,attended tbA mftt� . r i"
creases Ills protection'but 4186 SOC44 investment for Ills f, Vrom, A recent Issue of The Renfrew
I . .
Bunt read' the le#m .and, Offered
.1. - . ,
8 conveyed to the.pliftcl%ls and, congm.
Arm,a churgh, ,Toronto, tald t" laymen Ing
,. I Z .
of Huron, In xlvptu on, '' - i.,
� . I . I I ,
: � - later years. I I I I I . I Mercury we take tba followft It0a;
. I - . Ward caotiius stud oeVvral of their
preyer. The Sialift-of ".RO*.,Of` AgeS"
� � .. L . .
. jlQu OtNorth Street. Ual*, churoW for
of the Peartery of Huron. at their bon-
.11,resbytery ..
. I . .
Tuesday. , .4 I . . �
� i
, . tionawo.
. Rates vill be. furnished Upon appliatioll. - an .s. jot at the Conservative .Ivr-
... I I . Istant
_rm9n, was
Rev. Mr. xcD.ermld14 se
excecoug'Its allocation, foi�,031L.
Thi subject to be discussed at the.
qUet Ju. M 43t ,V,% parish hall on -Tues-
, M .
day ovening., in the early daya I wtOi
Mayor Lee,, Mrs. Lee and MISS X*Aaa
. I
Lee wLro In Toronto for the, week,,end I
. I sq%slort and all residents of Renfrew,
:1 -0110,1061 1""' it R. LONG, nt to the home, of His 119110e 4U00
Cill" its Diatriet'L—Asent We
. I
Antly expressed; go tdid'how the
Very f
lure of the wat'Of 'Was ta'tht blood. Of
. S of the Menla Club of North at,
United church on Sunday, Morning will %K;�aecuticq
the disetples, were 4w4ttered Abroad by
they Went Over$,where wit-
. I I I
And WeM'Pr0Se1%t At the obtl4ttnift Of I .
christoplift Lmkhw. 190, Mr. "'Wro. , is;
,. .1 . L I . .
11- - Thomas .M. CO11tetIO. 04 WASY evening
.. L-'' --��—____� A*", Wv the Purpose- of making a pre-
_-1 :1 !�l 11 � —'..,;; 41;
those who an brought uVnear the
Water and that fear of It It" PO part
be. *11a church Attendance dee L reasing?
it so. w*71, The discussion win be
nesslitt tar Christ, Witnessing was not
conhuj4 to the opostil", "The deVil,"
Let's grandson, . . . t
Mayar �Qe W$Sr ftt oWeA SaUdd tn . 11
�=====�* .. .
= .
. I . . " . . L . . . . . I sentotion, to 1�ft'CQK40 AS 96 souvenir
. . WANT100, TOWN-TOP1,CS . of her politleAl ActIV10is tn Renfrew.
In their, thoughts. .%gr -�- OX,
' Voy.
pressed'the tl�ou$ht'that
lead by MI. W. 0. PrIdbam,
6hurch aUgdVr
444 Canon skeyv. "has never done Any-
thing so c;gver AS when, he Sidetracked
'A" �
Weduesday;attendlug an ex0cutt" K I 1. IJ
.. . .
'the 111140 Voter fthyar Am- 11
lug Of -
—. . - I They gave her . atticlea of Silverware, .age,
- THP. -Live )au�7.zghest .
11 acc9mpaVAe4.hy -an Illuminated addrem
I:d I
Chrt . . fbip And
it the master af,ft
" IM Aym-
hegvtn the lAven.- Ae
Servt ces at" -
next* pastior, Rev. W. T. 4IUut- Bible
witne ergy.lusteod of the
ssipg I the �le
L ff
He was aecontpabled'by")AM "I
clatioti. . �
' -
mariket-price Phone 611., I I
A, V - , I , read b$ %dIss lAurs lo-". Mrs, O. � 14.
Son"A Y4. 0A
Al* .,
pithy of, the peoPlo at tAim:tovra was
Sch ool, at XO a tn.; gospel sordec. At It
L ^"Christ.. the Kft of
people.111 The. Canon did not mean that
out should to, About, 04149 everybody
Ift and AOSS )$art= 10. , L 11
r . . I
.'Mr. R00ert Black- " Of Ut-'- aW �
V. Frvitch, coweye4 the Silverware.
ust be .
, ��80,-Aoom =4 board. in Dr.
, 3140 tourists - have itarted
-"� reasonable, -have home P1 . . aireAdy' MalmeY' And Visa; CAtheriAe' MA100Y
2aocges' luesdsiy ulght'two al al
t t at-
evIdeAced by the gr at AUNAllp
tended : .
- ''the serViee., *
A.M.. subject,
Xfts.111 The Urd's supper -be Ad-
mtntater4d At the alO". of the. morning
it bemas 1AVOL but In 16 quiet way by
gVgtiop. And Viore UOA Anything by
Mrs. Real 111selt, fOMet rd-Akfits" of � , I �
Ooderlch,, and his friend,, Ur. rfouis L . . I
ad privaW :Rome Wi 4ired W a heir were present, " the V. P. $or South
-"-. .
-.#V.f —�L'7$, . � P14L Renfrew Added. t4% the; Mentime0ti& tX-
' I
The claw's M4 the ihg.COt_
leglate Attended the, iiMog'-In�o, body I .
- -
service, Gospel service at .7 pin., Bull,
eum j$ej the 1gyman could do
go could, do more. than thc� pa=
I . I . .L
, "I'll, � � 1. .
- Witt, . I
or a few the I
L Spirit, ., I
.. I
- 11 . . . � Pressed. In.the address, After. the pre-
FOR jiitk- OR TO RENT - , Tar, CA0, Cl,ars , I I Bents,+Apa a aoclsl hour wax spent, dqr.
. I
The �Ccneglao , CPA�- vooft * utid
the cort- for Aft't�iet�*4 sites
ject, Searching Manifestation," A
ftArty w0konit, ..
influencing the Absentee from, church to
. &.0
. . . . I
tlVes tkert.. The tri mooe � W r
P, w" .
�,w , . . .
-.#.. � I ..
� w-----------�—
Rzw.�-Voqse to rent, Every con- L
ventence. It. J, ACUZOON-- '
. - 4-
. . � - - —
� I --., . ` , - . . - I
. :, AEINT.e�Aportmeptl� . over , start, � Yi
'L . . tii - w. I Oft$, 'shoe Mir� :
thsat. L I . . It]
, . 1. . 1. I
- -- 5
A la' , 'L i,61—mlc 'NoTt ," -, �- I
; 1. .. .1 .L I -
. �_J WIX Aot-.L be responsible
. tor "any L dcW Contra
$ &=;�- . � cted by -ray b
W#e or any member of my'lamily After .0
. , - ,
tills date. . . .
.. . . -ARTHUR GRAHAM, 4
Qodedch, April 10M l031. . A
I L � I
. L
A T Yom S=VIft:' witu eliltt, years,
. AA. experience - : at oxyActsrdleu�
Welding. Win. . gor allyiVbere L it L any f
tim AAwa, mowers sharpened' And re-
paired' A.- Af NAZOELE, West egd:..St.
Patrick L .Of�;! Godarloh. . . � I c
I I .
I . 44
pTANo TuNtiga.-The experience of
a lifetime at your &POSfil. - J. � W. �
MOORE, - Goderich. - Box - 501. .Phone .
1527. . � I - I
L I . I I . I
- - I I L I I
FEA=. -gave � . your feather beds. 't
- into sanitary.. mattresses
our agent Is now in Goderich' Drop a
card to box 147,-,P, 0. � - I I ' I . . . . I
. - , ,
- . L';-,;:;-;- " .. �- I
;=. OV )RQ'o "E* �M L
I . I ;...-: . . � L . I �' � L ".1
, I —I .
we are Instructed. bp I Mrs. 1404 .31L
Repie to sell, by " pubIle - Abotich. at -the-
residenoe of the late, UM . Sneyd ant
, . . . , I
St. Croderick on. . . I . I L
I . I . .
I . : "'Ad : ,,,
. 0kT6VA&-i,,�Uxy"1. - ,
commencing at 1.301�sbatp: I I
I parlor suft,.�;p
I , irlor, � -cabluet. -� I .."
couch, 3 Apor � 1,4 _4w�-144214, �
L too*-'r;VAtQA""j' .'
Tooking choloo, 41-1100. *;
LWW ftna-,ad;,� tm At31;iQb% ;
won; foot stools", X�0, . 0
ho61eoa&' itias.:,4106t -'t-ft$ owbth"
ostains; -drapes- �ktureti -WdI*s;.;-. i �
4160trio Stop, lt.w. qu. atdv*,� p,-burntr;
. . Ith I . .
.1 mat oil hiAter' I M � g
L �_qfft'W �'
clowt and" hot. ��J�;� . - L ': I
sewing machine-, .'kItch ,� ,� 1. I
dlothes, reein cr . - . Y I � Its;, .
ifthen u"' iGkAltpor, � 1: n ,, �� . , �
, I : .
er" yr.�AIA*k .` t g --
be sed,' . I . . I . L �
,= � . I'll ... LL .. 1, I . .
TUR " � . I 11 , I'll. : .
.. . . T -0 ' V ' "BY ' ,
. i , �.,!, ,� , L.: Olt '.
. � I
-'— - ��"ZWr---�7,L
ART)iiiiW44 �
— " I
POP. SA�k;�,-�----W", r., 1I ml- �' =�� ,I
. =0.-,b.- 0. Uaga", Napier
EA. . . - . � I ., � . .., .,..'... L -, ` L .
. L 1:
ra S&4F,."-..-0td, fisliloned fIre:'p&de'
(CW:00*0 �,tindlq*, and W-* LL
parts N�*..-.Sbo WO-10KIM ... ld.kw
Ing doors tO'X,00iming,$� feet
9 feet e Inches . . luezvoiss,, A4ply, tobu
03"CE. .,: ,. . , , � .
I .
. ,." , .. , I
.. .1 - .. 1, �
FM ML1,tK--CheWOlet 'coupe, 192o
mod04'. good' tOadW6n,, th" - JIk6 .
new. SpIltdorf battery radio, six -tube,
excellent condition: 100 ,0.. A. C. bred.
to -lay Rock,hens Yeaflinstand pullats,
'k�� .. elsoh.ft.'. - .
.., . I
FoRSAt�Z'r�'itVer 'Bright"' ,1Z P L
b�rns.,. gasoline And Air, =;
from telling or Site Ott table. bus 10-Jach
whito fibade * bWMW base 6 - nickel -
plated., WE-". IMP-: lij tn *st 'chM
ahape. k1ce
Cl. $6.1XI.' withalut mantltg�.
AppW .. V�Aw=. air ,omce,
Pbone 7L "� � .. . ., . ,
. I L , . , .
fm " . 0 - g Strawberry PUats, .
Ir.Al . ., b, lsst� yearlo
roaftem; ,- phnor, $I -Co., 100 pilotri
$W. Come aAd .get thoii,- fiesli front
tlo gardeno A. ��� Wdou, St. I
I . � � .
A lot Of very cheap houses fair sale in
Goderfell. Hard ftmes,prideg from $M
to $3,000 eachi EaoterW far payment
if reQuired, ftt loml;Wm All 61 , the
410useff have! Modoo.dOUVehienceS. .
lt6 story housei all round gftd condl-
tion. good lot.' $114".00.
. 1% stor]r h;rk good lot, convenient
to Square. $1 .000. .
House, large lot, Small b%rn. '$1006.
IV. story house. neArly uM idd lot,
$1300. . . "
1% story home, lot. .$150. *, , L.
1% story house, two lots, $13oa.
1 % StOlY 116UK �h&i lot, small barn.
$1100. 1 . I . I
ftr Sale
,14� atO4 1'romed d6tugd
nearly neW. 0611ir, bathroom: - eleetrl�
11180sted * 6=90� good lot, -near $labor
pirk. Price $1250. Immeftte porA084
sim. . . . . . .1
214, &tory home, 1*1 roomt, electric
If0ted; water; good- I . ,Price $nscr.
Many ,others. Ask Aboat them.
cume good houtits to rnit. - .
A nUara,mr Of 1100 forms, for ,-Ae, ,
4, W.� AW19"7.0NO. ' ,
. Real r4w. ..
mode 002. 1�ft " Sol I. " 064mcb, 04L.
—1. ,
=.�.�.i , I � -
!N �.. �a I I
A010, JW4 .
I . too :
See Our New
LOW Rate's
" - ,
i— L�! =====-.
I , , -
. I
The I Turr L et,.Vape cleared da . Wed'oes- 449 .which retroatments, were - served where they, 4 0064 . at I , . itt . thtlan!;W4 Tbe,'17th annual meeting of the wt- go CA Ca. Sao, AMR% Awif WA -1610 e I L . . I .
parpon could not Say. ", , I The following from Oodalch��Aj"d-' . i
sy. at �s pxj. for the Sault. Where She Mrs. C00&116�'Xbd child"la,will Teu*UE paid their Anal'T"10ectal,U). former land Presbyterial Society at the W MAS. � .
� . pig Iran tar 'Td%VAtQ. to I4,ofnw. until the end at the School chulii I and school Insto- - t!*"r I . of the, ]PTesbyteitan 0hitich; in Cinxtia witneasing V104 the keyn e e4,the,]utcth*L Of Hurau�rr"�*00W, . . I
I . I - 1930 Lambeth,coutorenco, Just 48,fenow. W AL B., At Ifeusa on Tuaway.. I ....
. 11 load Wltb * , . Atro. . �
I . -ta sor After term. then join Judge Castello In Gade,- ry It S, ca ,will be held'aa Tuesday, May 12th, at at ' te, . - . , . . . � '!
be, Owneir, JgtQu4 � At the cemetV ,,Rw. I , IMt u- I - ship.waA of the oatiference U year* win. rivem um X Ues; W )" 1-0. , : I
, . .apL her
. I , . ! rich.. -, L . ' . . . ''d n vInUbIL Sesg n .
e td#. _ . I . . . � L. . I. I . �.�,,, ducted. 1he oervl.ce. 4i 029 liftft de� of Met PXtSbYttrIA - : 0-4 previous. 004 meaut tho world to be Butt, from Wctari*- 9., chufth'." boa, I . i
I 1. I L . �
A# 1. I ' . . - Sim. Church 4 Leonard Macm%144. %hp, Aiv, Mr will be hold In the morning -at 10 a�, one family Instead of each country MrS. Andrew, Aft. Orabam,'MhL V I
'"AL'S"M - WAW VW*Ar-,QUKAW Of �a. ,
tr � al *sketball "Teaut : , A notice L of the � ' ' 4-01 .* . McDermid,ofliclated, in. the 00raomi; at 2 p.m., And UX -the thinking, - u4tiogkIly only. Canada, fb%t attRuilbatt, lift. Grey, ,lift. 0* i6v * , , .
� - ' * .M. -
WWII' 'NOWA* - L I death F. 4. j�nba �t .7..3% P.M L A full eXefttlVe .
. IF I a ISSU6 of The: New, place -of WI11Iam.UA%ug*. , - . Canon ft iv- '
- . py sold lie W' Natteli ?4".L C' r"ClOrke" jjW. , y I
. Stratford Normal School basketball St*cey In last week jj�� rwM be. convened At I � or "'t."t Ca 'first' , Robertson L AndreW.. .UkS
I I . The pall -bearers, -ft' 1�*0004 Mac- red by any, meaus; he had no &" . Miss IL , . I I -
am, w%n.bo here $or a game. With the Outlook his Added- 16C4 interest -from Donaid v , ere Geoffrey rejchy�. . MISS Laura. Pelton, 1104 i WAS ; . eo�* i - . . ,
.0. 1. boys oa, Monday night; may the'U4 that &he was At one-time or- !fhomas, , WMIAm Melvor - � . William sympathy with, those tools; but he had ThQ144 Cheer and MISS K Xi , im, , I . .
. I . -altd A-aeth secretary, will h4W'a conference. The sympathy for the Russian 'people. I . � I . I 11 L .
. This looks like a real game. . gantst 'of Knox church. Oo4erich, this McAulay, Those,lot V40 . . ou ux'Har'� Russia. was seeking $or something she, tl:;�Usands, married Whoot it *U croo to - - -
w*'X.awugh presIdents,ot X.mg Women's ,A !
.ad P. S" Locat'lut W 0 � 1A , ' ' -. . . I being durlug,UQ time ,that Iuv. J, A. were John Allen, truest TiZOW, �Wll. IQ$ L ; Mission B&U6 and Girls, Groups did. not kno%V how to get, and WAS takl& force tA staybottud to itch other. I .. I . L � . .
��yal Vank: L . . Turnbull. .,was minister. - grs� Stacey was ijam 13%ituister , and Are ex to. attend this � .
. I . I . . L I I . _ jame � , pecto I I tonference., ,,,, the devil's way to get It. What that AS L remedlea for We Situation 0114M ��. . . . .1
L . I . . Auceeedid iW organist. by A"'Dickson, ... . --4 Mrs. George - W. user-sy, of rormo3a, . thaug)t� the. &%Q L of 'Marf*" .. ; � -
The. rimo,4441U 'i country was xeal)y In need of Was tot- 'Skey. _ .
I 'S 4�4. litarttd. on 'the� afterwards Itay Of Stratfq A. .,!I% OA.R '" , � 'the old .
. . , WSL . rc � ' '
pre*foo. of L , . ID OF
orme T the Royal, Ban - NQW'outIQOk Lis,* , . TRADE will ' be tho'guest Speaker 4Lt atte.rgam� -lowiltip, something better' th.a should be-bigher, No man hibellevt4 L
. k�. Item from Th, I , B . ., evening SeSSIO w �
. as to - � , . L I I .11 1, r , . .
there, the 4%. & P,'st6re I Is t0 be located. lovml . . . I . .. I . . . . . . . L — , . and pre na'L MRS. R013ERIT � .. . . nil as .an& . I .
. .. L I I . 1. ... . . . 'S , � order.. t*631ty;
, . . � 4tp Their L DAV]�DSOX' . Be!9!V. L . . . Atheism, 'was on the Increase WCAUse years at ItAA4 I I I
.he V%ult,hus.,imn, removed and. the o'The death: ot, Mrs. F. B. , Stacey, ,Citigens A" Vrxed to ox L I L . better twenty-thrft ' A - ' .
. um , rs ' ' . . 4 L J,roi�cirlle�, . l ' L '. I . I I the chUrth had lost the note of fellow- &I'af dghtoA was more devo -
arpoliters, electricians and A I*. 8" widow 'Of Rev. V.�B, Stacey, former M. ... . � , L iootiIi than I .� I I
hard at: It." � , � . I 1. . , ' , —, . .1 ft' IL DON HAS ,]BEEN AT' . ship and an atheist university would be a ,man of -twenty-two. _Ytt,we hod bo�% . .. 11 .. .. 'L
I . P. of Obill1wick, took'place at Vancou- I . . I . � L
. .. . . I . . . . . I 'At the monthly imeetinK -.bf -the'lloard IME ready nvx�, year, to flood the Vatted marrying at:18.,yeArs when th" were, . L
rhree . Auran Crowit-Attornqs. Mftt , ver, JFVbruary 19thg after a 100gthy.ill- bud I i . ng, I HOME: ALL THE T States =4 Canada with Atheistic Ait ' 1 L cipable Of AiII6A*:,.%% - . ;
A pecullar. . Incident, happened .it tlte� nes$. Furteral.*services were -held -in, of Trade council *op, M &)P. eveW, ... . — , .. " , . � L er- , not conald6red I , .
. I I . L L ., . . .c -, � 'Ontract tin they Weft '� . � . . .,
I � ChIlIlwaek United church,' and .Inter, AOtil Vthl�.apvezai �in*eiupi items St#ry or HOW H I ut�re. The 'trend. against the ItUrch bUSin"S r V , , . . . I
I , ,,, L, , , : I e Trated His biaster L I . . ,.� . .
QX- � �� � . I I . ' I � I . ,
L .
ourt House ,on Mondayi when two L ment-was made in the Chill[Wack cexde- were. discussedi . :� - ,� I I , . From As"elil to the Soo a DIVA � was because the ehuroh, had' lost lt� -Another remedy, was to Aeach *016 . ,
roWn A%torneys And -the new ''Crown I Mr. B, 1). Craft -gave L a ,yetiott on, the� . ' heart. 114e,."od bot'.blame Russia for what love, really is.. There. were t .
L tery, Yale ROA& Mo. statey,'daughter . ... I . . —_ L . j the RUi� L partS, to L ON .
tttorney met. In the ,county clerk's oA)ce. L .progress of the pjap9sal for the -OrQ406A -- - . .. getting rid of - tho.church $a _ � our nature, the physitiO the ". *
Me Party Wei comtosed. of judge Dud- of the -late -aet Charles Fish, .was bom ,A, Vold '�tcrgg# plant. `Jht,hq:.rQpOXt L ... 4 �Vcnderl* Story Of how. "pon't, A . I . , .11
. .
' � . 01, . thor , ',L . - . - fotterl.,'And any time mental and -the. spintip )
She married Rev. ' ill d ' - - a' little S church Not mixed ' IL Poi,tical in �.,,, '.. .1 � ... ' �
Ontario. In 1862. L � . . - Stan .church Was _; mere al. an.41W Ifteli L , .
ey 1%olmes, Mr. Chas, Seager and Dud- in C . : -that,lt was 6 . I - up 11 ,ty P*Sleal Ajttr4etlau WAS inisiakil(i �
,. L - - St4eey- 14 1005, � he� stated r rrag#�d to L have oughbred' Ca e 6g'. just . . .1
".. Z B.' And in 311b early ,Han� MrL I over P. year. oldi trailed his master,: John L .
6y u0pft, Jr. ,...:� I , .. 'egne0y', Mintstpr of'Agricui .. trigue an -could be ,no rw. . love - - I. i
I . . I I L dayo iio4ed to Manttdba, where ,sh)e . ..'. front, -near Dungannon toLthe , d lost the note at fellowship for love.. Theft L
. . . Y,'Vay Brodie ,respect Agd4ab ��
, tUre, como.to Qo0ert0h.91i'�)dopdi I L L that owouI4 make the ,church � living, without IdIpt love khtUt - -
44' an Active Pat � I I whi , , Speaj�r " _�. . " -
mprovlog the.�Square 2 1 1 , . In the . work of the . I . Owl 1. .ch. appeared, in some. of the OV*& PeaCeJUIL ",;#)ll[JQg" 'the ... %.1 1:
. - � � 18th, to address, the'.Bood at *%de god ailly, I I people Include the spiritu&l. ,The , -L �.
�,The work on, t4c,pew curbing around Methodist. church, being. particularly- bt-� LL � . . 11 'PapqrsLoa Thurs"T. Up nothing . , *. ,I
. , , the VM1 01,6wor4"Association-'of Auron .' would 4uM It diiyhl, 'We must brIM' nowever, admitted there kI?bu1d*bd im. . '7. ',
, - . L ,
Wit . ,
�.I#, prj*rsoo '' . to it 'iccordins; 16 authentic lvtorm%-� back. the L�OtQ 'that would make the pea, mSrrJageL ,
fte,Square! , , g.,*qry faygrably. terested lit theWomon's Mlssfhniry S� � -41i , L . With xi to kiss om *Wd � a, �' �
I I I -
Lpedect 06tY.' :Per. some years s4i *is prk-' County, At. -it. �"Pt tq i 169'.. lig* iw . . 1. * a e 1.
W -It nftdS'40*t �W,Lni& . I - .. ...:1. oat�, from, neighbors �.Ot, 34r., Brodle14 to I I . , . , . ..
,0.',tbJngS`, I . atel 'Bedford. , ar�p.-'-'A . L.'., , - , �, : I
' all , is � �hio44 the 4ent of -the , Maultaba, b itch of the .1 1. - I Ashfield. A, low Weeks ago Mr. B pie lovp IN e0i . I ... . i L
1 � t,i L JAYO,� Ailpent' W� 0 L . . I - . . . A41*16. would be -be pain, -
a _ � I M � i Mr. . *. "�U. 0 'rt ... L . rodle done it *a otve 4004 spirlt a phineell 'L Canon Skey, hag � a Wonderfut �' �
I , opbe -sorx rzporte6 -.that - � � L�: 1,
, we4L and W L , ' . . - move; - 606 to, the farm: be- . know- .
' I to th , , I - , Ich a* a - pi%1k 1 liv, P*40iy -for . e. of human, nsLture and : I
wk: " Iliii�llvw OVU440 plo .M.S , .and was frequently 9 delegate d. 00th the .
, il, L, , I 4, jogriSt t6jVg, L , , ' I of hUino,' AhdL $eiaW .
, . , L., '"' , - , -d in. Toronto. ,:40 ' the cireulax il4itf4lng, dodoT longing to Urs. DAVIC .d left his addrt& �wa# AlpleAK, , . L' '
lkew.� 400 Court house . A at , I Qliiin,. Just two aAd" f�6411� . .
, w*4 "t�*'.,* Q .goaq* Nom ' . . . L - 4 It"
� I -L I . . . ,�prosvnt beliat VrI4�', . gold .and followed. It, Wtc*d of. A41, , , , 4
- - i - ift boust lAm Ur ment, In* I9X0 ' L ,�, " . -11 �1.
*ere *� *fio : :� I
L L L .
W., L I a;ji' i � bitiIJI L L � I . . . - ' I '
quare wbu%,�� ' -wa " g, � to* jy, W . Stacey's retire .0.. .., .Snd,a bolt, Miles South of Dungannon doing, 149 was too,otten. done. .join ' ' Ch AlQtOje3t. Sq believes �tbAt . � . � I
I I I 'L . , . 0 ' *h0e'Mff'.' . I * TO g to VoWitil mu,
. . , wA4k . . I , Bad -brqught the . .
. :
ibout. . . .. . I 1, - � jl�,� interest -10 L';% Mr., 0. 1 . . 4W Wit" b' I 010� church conferences with pre�oncelved a business training.and a kuo*lefte ot 11 � :. .1
. I ,. ,:I L' . . ,1�*,m� r6ii� L L ..
11- . � ...., I I , � I ,Stacey' Continued her,*c � . . $Vf� 1*6 "the trip iii ,$into. Mr. Brodie stayett; cA tj�e&#:�J -What L we',WftW done, Arid �Iiet. Meli ag(%,VomeA�ShQuid I
. . L � .. . , L'�be.;�g, - , - * ,a-4AW - - . bo.�port of -the' ': Al -
I- .
kestibcOw Los* � Hvrolr�,, � ,� . �04 - - '.3:a� addltimt-��,tol .. Ply!c"Vommlqw A*kAA4U***.. . - t ai:JIoj tW"� Week$L -' , , . I I L � . I :. ,
� ZiUy. . �� �, L - � . * ` ' . ,�, .. , i, . L L' I I *
, ppv ` -�:"-��,t * ' ' W . InL
.", . .last, 4. 10o11' "rk� �, - " 14010011 1 Itiamd ifi�'ihei iti ting, a, caucus to back Up t% program or eq pmen . I �. .1 L
. � raoft :the, Alut, , er:, 'Ifilk"Ar I - , , . t Lbf every = ster '
11 A . 0 Gbdojlt�j f9 Qrij* - turned to tlit. L'Soo bk 'train,.. le.sx: It . , I L . . I
president 'of. the. - A* 1, *W
I , I I I n', -At L home.. the AOmInccL:0f;AA*ftidU1at 90 .1dr , 1lic. ':atteriftnee at, � he ,bbuilutt on ,. Z. �� �* � .,
Aik'.A�ld 906;006 jumbo herrlpg,�fty w0c ChblW%ek;�-4to-W", , tlyj � ,4 �)af4jd.*a'ja 00 UP 4400- L , .
- " I I up . .
' At 0odetJc4,,W.y � Orov , . wlth� the,.L ishilly,- Ao. . I
? *44W, W -I�itteraon And,, the' Board I O, S� A�69 oapA - I . I . .
_10, , Mt. .jAii "Aad.WAS 0 Wittv togtheer. .,t4h, 44W 40jil LoMee. L ' . .. 1. Tuesdoy.even_lug wo.i I I
." - ; . . . to L h an tho- - , -t . . . I k 3*Adid- one,, - I L L
. I. . I dent t cording ' ,
., hi'L ng. b I h , , � L - ,Lho. Me og,irj�d to Co��rate 'r4th. hJuire"toat 20thL "D , " h miltant himself a C , , 1"a trqo��Jd: !, i - L i
drabam. vi ;ft �Ikout"A# from t e dibt 'branch.. lit i�ritishr I Ii. , ;1 .. SM L at home Though A& onser- with good detegatlous�'; I � . . .
AnIon:batcherleS, �Thj,preyious '. day' W'a4. Wsa an ardent tjmp�eratee L . , the .16utiei. . . .1, I I 1 041" . w O. 'W" � va,tive c"ou skey said he believed Mr, but one at the parishes Of - the,,4@%uAty . � * �; - ' .
-'- L " . . L ,
I I I work , , T .April 21st, had'Arriv.td at -the Sqa�.and ' I
I . I . . ,Qt. re A' 1'etter was read. .from. .01,fj� cleirk , Bennett *'W 'tokken! the wroft� attitude, I-Aere werc'-�,IVQi. 160 Sit ,dairt�.Z*`4ho , - .1
a," Similar number L,WefeL ,Placed in. #16 -and iattrested.la:the W.61r.V.-,ot re- . , got to,tha'home where AV. Oro4lo'LWa6 . - , 1. . ..
-Bayd � I � , zno'k I ,*stiatipg that -the CbUn4 -had it 'the UnPerUlPonfereno in 111.6 'Can. t ttom�sayo
. . I she -has boon "Oresident- of, 9.' , Inclutift nifteL . "�" -�- - I
�ako * I and. the succeeding. day. .con I w I , to - sore da lu'4 ittutude in,place of a I eelg4 hOw. Able$ L L - - LL 11 L ",
, - - .t yesi ftyio, , M . et' were raw And
" Ar azgotm� At,.Port AlberL 1 Miy6i� thw Womewi .- gfiht�d f*rmissAou. to thil, Boiird - -of, and ' "' Varna. nine,1rapt - blyth. AUUWi��'W* .,. : '%� ":
&*. . Couservitivi. , L , W toeilans "' ' - right 4 ' : , 'LL. . i
A, . . Ass6cla,40p; I , were WOM away - _, '
--the- -MA k7 - -UL - T;ade to- Use t.hi .aouficA,.cbAn*grS for - , lar4c 4 cid4trIbU9o;i'.danids, could' make - . , i
- .was-W&Uibental in, Securint - t -&Ad� ii6 L theL Wfi . 9ftra Is.00 , -
W .rota, , of . the WtUde 0 the �6011 . had ipp4tthtly Adt . L . Ve. Iout from Bruise .'W44 I
1 . Sttl� Ole ton,; twenty-two from Clint * r . i
" TY-S�R�, Iheti�ld( -i fe, lt�.ahQUIA, L tie
� " , *` e�tligs. The. -letter i4so to the Ernpir
t6"for-feitooking the take.'' -.1 - , on, M Some
-toi 1.0.1ug',"und, P'fe'sidetiVot aii Loot e4teRmuch for ,�dq,YSL And. It �' . cu* the boa . .
I , . . .Stated LtlAt ttie Council Was' "Un& UPQ,r L SUPPor * Was Empire, first, not OanatU first. And DuagAnn= and porb Albert, . fonrtoin. . . I
I I ,,, . . I 'Council of Worgen1n. ChilliwacR ift' eut L _ ,c4 t1kif thig wiS a wonderful evi- . . .
� ;. l 1. Ittera by the I L Mo , er and of - walks were blamed !
Thor Me Flhe Household Tois, . I " - - - ' tti& giU4'eatlonL,P�i% ed to . high tarift $Or Uh- from gxetcr,'twenty-six frot4 000*10b. I
� AtacOYAs survived' -by three' dence of dqVotion-toL mast . thirteen .from Qlarrie eter: V o2w - , , . :
A liTeat 'many V' eo'p'*' tn' Goderich and Saga, ,G1 Board Lot Todc employment And lack of Peace. I wrox . , ,
Nelles Stacey, � And Igonard ;B. . . I . .. " the k0mving'O"hi love'lor his larmot h6ije in the Soo. i
Stacey, town. de� L ; J� " . - believed the fte FordWich, 'threc� from. )UP". and : ' ! :
Vicidity' ' Are' now cutting their bread Y"L �Pp%rzrlce of the Catiog Sitey Said lit . .
. I ,sr of Vah�b`wvtrl and'HcrWrt 0. . And it ls,i pity to dl�pel. the'llittsio 0', I .
th ,one of Star TWO., 1. 4t� I I 'Mr. Parsons proposett. thstthe4 Board . al - and five front Whighain, �'.
� . I , pe In was coming when the capitalist and the Signal . . . ,
L Premium ,bread . flear: I
Idlivog, Which T:-�. A. Auce thikoaL twice AS England. Sisters, , tits. - X " purs. . -ft up But "Doti" W been %t,home'pear Dnh-� ,t together And see that forth was the only parish wu"rtsq%,� � I � . .
.. V 11 I .� �, msu.,:�6f 0fiju*A%i0*:i*4J[q&,-".4 - �,�,Ijkjs - Uite the eliigieis -Ot.the 001L.ta #iimda r &W ibe . wrwe, And Uz. Brodle's laboro. WOUjd . I . . 11
. I
- . i " , . .. � 1. I . L . . .
4ft' out � of these s -ligivts, W.� - ' �9�eii pibpmerUm- ag 'boys L each 'would get a Just and fair propqr. ,�d: .. � I I . I . , . , .
-A I , Ato�` s, 4. � 'T . . �
, I , ,
eVerY - sulm . . . plendI4 , W.. atew*i� �f 'Toro � 4 P410 U*Ir h*%W _, Rgphg W� -124 L #44 V I t , .
ctiber (Aej dr old) �lw a . " e� V-4 8 46a ot the'prqAto of a buslness_ . liusi. Rheriff :. Middleton president - of ilis, .
P, ..�"d, beg&j jh�* t�jjf�:��j, - . f ji6ig i�7A,W6-j.,,;- lioniat- r .
I . brothers. Alfre*t I and- " ,,jig- W&- M - " � , It ul tint n'th0L �' I . . I
yearls. subscription to 1he Star . - I weiley yts#,',' . � I- 0 .L . VIh9 '46 *611A . iftsire to *6"nery Association. of 1AWMen, vfts, ip .. 1. . .
, . I
. I I in �sd al, d4ames iufi, ot*,.,�Aaorl .W.ATIgR AND. LIGHT Comm= e L fairer . I I
'. . , 'New ue* 111% -.`1. pri S16N With him, -hitching him. Up and having . -
Olt. a-' crbwp�;Awft. S50 , . . .. do there things;'they Wet thaaL ft Vh%IrA V144 &M 10POrting . ..
y I I I..� - 0 - a1$O-,SWV1Vc' ., L "', - � �. ' " . . I him draw ,them -and. &it the rest of. it. L:the 1 4 - I
, . �
=rpener, With. ii" .-vx �'Iaout su . .. a .L. . ...- 11 . ... .1 , . As .ijqted, 9A Pap 2* of Vill-IstU6 A dID-On" must have a double, that's - a I 11 Working. man L thought. , . the biojuiC *is'M 113tXIM 1. . I . .
L J I I I . . � I . , . I , . Oicte - bi It I I . I
Won in. Uvadde, L . . I I . . ? "Pids, �14, giw roof is to- be plAced-ow -tlw water- .We. cart I ey!s particular subject, how- Dean Jones of Gorrie. Wra, boof of . I . .
.. I . . ,
I ]BRIEF TOW. X . I -ulf t see for it. Mr. Brodie is. ,r .4, . .1
WISL-9"A Gets SIX montlas � . � . I , � works and .electric plant a ,he L tot-' turning to W. O. L ever, was the fi4ongs'. of the Lambeth Winghan-4 the aecretaryi read tite"M14- � I I
. . ThO Salt$ord Rosp[W., .Auxiliary *ill l6wing -pirticulars, Q; the W.4k, ore to be farm, 61i ftidai, and ae- ednference on divorce, and utes, of the, last meeting of the d&A.M . . , . L L , I :
on *164y.jast Vxm Nesbit, of BlYth, meet at the home OIL'Mrs, Voward .n6ted; - . r.. L cording to the stoi� from" W - ,Soo,' Is birth control., =1111 of Englapd. 40ociation. A vac%t selc '. )ft. . �.i '
tftelVed his -Sentence front L tMagistrate ftegan on - Thurs . - L britiolic -Don" with hint, so the "bon" I ,otlaft by I i
I . . day, May Ithi at 2.30 'The old. roof is- to be-, rtaw"d and which stayed xt�home. may have a play had been blamed for not speaking -out ,pisher, g,.cornet.solo br�Rdbt. lkft�r - " 'L I "
. . I .
' ' - P.M. � I L. . . 1;.1. ,.,.L 1. 1. steel e0IUMW and beama pUL W, alad, Xcilaw, in the ,, on social questions, but she had spoken and a min4dolh� adio'by A. Shore..%Ub ' .. .
' : L.. COSTO .H**HING- t . . Don" which arrived -at 2ut O'� . 1. ...I
. The 421huld Mother's .Day, service Will pfecMt,9yPSu)n 41abs 3 InoliewthI& will � . . .. . I these matters; .He believed that the argawst of St. George% G.L 13; X*. . . �
. . - . the, Soo. ,. . . � '. - I .
13A33y CM AND -GVOTom be held At.St: I'Atrick's Park on dun. be, laid 6n thec steel work, and, '- All of which -shows that dome tij c"a'4rort' Shout qh paniat an the piano. Wete .
. " 'L Im. Operly f d be to)4 the whole truth VIL gj�. 4egom. .
0 e About sex, and the sehools'sho(ild ,ai- r enjoied The, gpeaker of 4*
� �� 0. I . . . . . (16Y� May loth.' Purther pArticulao attattied in accordance with *Wndard stories Which- set*lnto the p A 'by L � . L
I . I '"
- I . I
. — 11 � -i, , - .':.�L I !" "� �. ; specification b ' n 'Pets Are point the very finest men. and women evening was lut�odUQ0,4 Mr, . .
'L . .h, L will. be-z�g1ve1r-.-`he4Aweek - - ,� . a y in& ufacturers, of. 'this not to be belfeye,d at th�lr: I 1. ,
� I
,appointed. - mat'"lal, - -;.,.0a tdp� .01'. -tw . - . fage, yal"O'e, . 1.
Single. Oftb White Ug or!% Chicks, Mr. Ogle Miller has-been they -could. get, to itift-t&-the boys and Or t*ttzr. . . - i ,��.L - ,
M&1%VflIeL roofing - Witt bak � 2"tar *en that yarn. which our . . I 11*..
, , * . : �
rices for April 13c May lg(;, June too. Janitor . of the Masoulc obuildlng and Johns. � & applied. 'Leiner of Chicago sent US ,,friend Mr* girls, so that they'L Would lear self con- A vote. of thanks to Canon Skev IrAs, - .. . �
,Rt.4n, pciligieed L c36kerela whose dams takes up the duties M I " Ist, succeeding AS the new roof will be a flat roof sonii few Weeks trol, purity and goodness. L 0 L ' . � "
. I
Wiid frdih 260 'to�L275 dgk.-hefts. Eggs Mr,, A. T. ItaItting, Mr.'and Mfg. Mnl� ohangQ L Will be necessary Im- the- brick- VO� About * the hunter UP north who Canon Sko comes from. on moved by R. *0. Whoteleyrt setondid byL I : I .. I .
from. selected high producing hens. Pla� �ed - pow ,echerry, pie - on 4 Of the mayor Lee, and heotily-cAr".ed. I .1
. .
dii�� hitching 4o Per egg. Royal ler and. son Will reside In the building. work Of thq Walls, and OA Is Includod ,boo y mixing 11our WIth his' the largest parishes in .Toronto,, in , Which The banquet, which was excollent, .
brooder, i4oves And StIpplies. %4;o poultry Mrs Ella �iarlow,'of 04%.out,, Past'in'the contract price. . ., . I y 11 cherry there; are 1400 families and:'j6 rich IWO- WSS provided And' served bi.. the . - I
� . . pit L auinumitAon, Which, according to the � . ., . . i
cod liver oil., price reasonable. . �Preslde;tt .of the Rebekah A30erftblyo will At the meeting. of the Water And *4 IIAC pie and his vlpws on blrtlfzogtrol� are. Woutah'6 AP902tion. . L I .
I-"'- '�) '* t L
W. HVM8 CLUTTON. It. *. 6, Oode, visit GodetIch Rebekah Lodge No. So 'Light Commission Int lliursddr 6VQn - ,-,� �
- y r, sprouted ftom. the hide of a the* result of r ,
. . I k
' . 13 May 5th. Mrs, Ing. 9. number of applicattont. Ioz eleci. h. He believed that an u, orn c d ineetW, of the deanery association tW . ..
L arml�ersxo r - huutiW� had shot at, - is wit ,-.z.'-,,Z�a:�
for their 6 ft
rkh. Phone 1413 Carlow., .. ' deer wbt�h the ,,, eted .-:4t twos decided not to hold another I .
F.- Barlow instituting i4 lodge here 31 trio light Services were pautA also, the not. tvidentlY 'belt6vtd by one at. leist had the right - to say -to Its parentS, it the fall, probably september . 11 I .
OR SALS,-4,2by Chicks for sale, Of -our readers, who aeuds us the 161 . I . . .
364* cbi6ks,fron% bred -to -lay free Yeirt ago. The zueig.6ers are:reques ll alia f electric range lowins: . I ' YOU can't feed Me, and 46the' me and I - - . .
, ' . I
I .h to attend. ' I I 9ftvIcft., Yrorn 0. Trotinan, for d*el- bear L, . educate Me, 0OWt bring the into the . CAUD 0$? ZUNI$ L . .
cause -�stock.L' Biair6d Rocks, Man , Xdltor.-4ar b� it from me to . I . .
April .and 'May� $14.dd ptr; hundred. The regular ftlittlng:of -the 'Central ling 64'�eornei Of Toronto, at. and Con, 'World. There should W no unwanted . I
C , . $3.50 , per' hund0ect gome' and School Club. will' be bf;d in brita 'road, and from irred. ftUse for criticisd The Star* doubt the veracity hildren OverpopulAtion, not, I und0r- a We takb this opportunity of e-Vtft, L
Ustom 1 hatching , Ig t St L . . of such -men of PrOwess.as the hunters c ,ing 'nit to the m4aY . - .1
L J. TARWARTHA, Clinton )daeKay Hall 0 TajSdAy� evefting,:L . rld�o& hca'd'It ft
ML 3. ft I ,A Usy ,dwd&g on as reet Of the north, But I would like to point, popula&n, Was the evil. , Japan had (b. who so untiriagly gave of 9bi4v . .
. one.01inton 611, r.22.' - 4th, at it O'clock. Members -front 0 1 400,000 children . ea year, and had not time
I ,IW-- The following applications for. -water out that the hunter Who plant; to grow .ch, during the long anxious Sewth tOr .
I Wn and Imarorth. Club3; V1f1j*-, 1&jta� �sorvlces .were passem, Fyom Tw * t , room, for theft The conditions - lit Our loved ones. We'&W atknowkdge , ' . . . I .
. . TEN01gas VoR DR1906 0* " , cherry Pie on the hoof.# tells a 4tory. China and
I A good progrMn has beeu Viejuiedand for ,shop on Pictan at., and froui. w. R. eL . Germany Were the tume� With apprt-elatton.ttie many beautiful, , . .
� ..�.. 4!Tn1rk4bly lik6 one of th adventures flowefs and are 'deeply grateful ft the . � .
a'S00141.1104 Will be enjoyed. . Good for dwelling on Cambria, road of Baron Mundbituse . it. The And birth control, was better thAn many expreastous of ayntl4thy shovu, US . . .
SZALZD TJWDERS, a4dresbed to the , book by abortion, ,as was being practiced by in..Our ,Very skid bereavement , We " . . .
undersigned and endorsed "Tender The regular meeting of the doderIch A communication- from 3tra. Crank 'that home appeared In England In 1785 thoUsandj of m6tIzers. � I
for Dredging, C0MngWO4'L0J1t."' Will WoMeWa Institute villl be helcE 14.Mae. about,cuttinN down it tree, adjiftnt to gn(L is a collection of Most, improbabie mado to birth conte6l Objection VIAS wish to expre3s our thanks to those Ww
bb received until 12 Welotit non (day. XaY M11 Thursday, May 7th, -at 3 her dwelling, through which the eleal, and Impossible adventure starles. - on the ground so kindly,loaned their"cars for the tm-. .
111tht'wAvinc). Tuesday, My 5. 1931. o'clock. This Is the annual meeting and tric wires pus, Was. read and referred . 1. . Z;t natural procer-ses should not be In- eral. . ..
. Tenders will, not be considered unless there Will be eliction of ofticers, The to the,ingineer to report on, &0,4uen womiss,s INSTITUTIC I terfered with but Canon Li3key sald he MR. BgRTMeDONALD ttrkd XMVX �
made (ft tho forms aupplied by the Do- demonstration, exchange -of bulbs or A, letter train the H. Eil P. C. df on- L had seen so mu MR. and MRS'. J09. MALL00011 and . I �
partment gad In accordance with the ME9XINGS , ch suffering I owing to L VAkMlk. ....
conditions set forth therein. $11ps. 11 I tarlo regarding claWiltation of power , families being to Urge mothers phyd-1 � . . L
I . r I , 1. I *.lllll V A summer'serlea Of Women#5 1AWtut8 cal wretko In early llie, and childreni . .
. C01h]?lned specifidation an& form of Used by' tht .0oderith .IeV&t6r L and, meetings will be hold In Huron County coMIntr Into the world In famll]Q3 that . � Isolm . � ,L' . .
tender can W obtained -on application to 1. ROYAL ALLEYS Transit Co. Was read and referred to the as, follot,16.' May -lath, Oeaforth, Public, t, BOULT.-At Colfingwood, Ott MOO&Y'- I . , , I
the Undersigned, also at the aflice of the r 1, . perintendent to . look into and, report. Library+. May l4t , Crediton (an quld not fecd and clotile those they al- April 20th, to Captain and Mm. W* A.
It d Zur- r ady- had,' th4t he believed lit birth . .
District Engineer, ,Equity Building, Tor- tn the Scotch doubles on wn* "Metsrg. Wm. Wallace and 0. L. Pat- I i
outoo Out. . I � night A. Taylor and P. Ulaset took ftst t;6ns Were heard regarding V�ater rat�s Ich), Institute Hall; May 16 . Uoult, a daughWr Ofary Viliabethy.
), j, 4 toth, Exeter control properly Upad. 11V did not be- - � � i
0a btrC b ChUrp
Tentlera must luelutfe the towInG, of prlgO with (and ilurondale am '11; U00FOUD. -lit Oaderleh, 611 atm.
- U More of 1335 IftS. V. charged- for Ventral and Vittoria achoola llove III It for the rich who wanted to day, April 26th, to Mr. and Utz. W. A. .
the plant to and from tho'worft Marth'i und F, McArthur were sneo:ftd. Rnd,,tW, was referred to the duperin- May loth, Godorichy MacKay Hall; way tpeare the. function 'of parenthood in MuCtord, of Colborne TwP., a� d3ugbtek I I .
ThO 'dredges and other plant which . I loth, nIntail (and bungannon) privatell (LOIS May). . I
art Intended to be. employed on this, With 3 ScOre Of 1299F Mud, ;Thc ttoyt$t tendent to look into and bring in a, to. ,order to have greater freedom to enjoy I I .. ..
Work, shall haVe been dul . Taylor Anil P. Bisset, 481Y. 1.1,90, 456. port, OA the b1sl residence; May 20th, Auburn, Vqeotersl . . I
y registered In A a and method of charge. nall; 0 hap3 lip ..pur. I GLOUCHEn -At P-Altford on batur-
Canada on or b6foro tho thifty-Arst, day tOttit .......... � .......... '...- .......................... 1936 May 215tt 09, Helena (and Gt. them elves' tvho per put t . I
of December, 1929, or shall have betit V. Martin and V. MeArthur, 435, 407, Mr, Gough Of the Hydra, auditini; dol, Aug�tstlne), hall, Uay,�gnd, Win4hani O=EO Of a' elleaterfield Ouite ahead of day, April 25th. ,to Mr. and, . Mrs. Nek . �
d registered Im Canada ' 457, 'total . .......... : ..... ... ... pattmont was heard explaining . tile ' the child, but he did believe tbat par- 01OUdhOr. a con. .
c6utructed an . .......... -.1200 kidge-fti%r ,Sut an accounting. System In council chambers; Mo,y 20th, Belgrava,' ents ahould"have only so many children, � DIE0
tius.tho- mid date. W, 183naiel and NV. Veltman, 476, 425,,,' Conhectlo# nklth merehandLee handled Foresters' Hall; ,May 97th, SIA1.1. rntm- w they could afford to care for. I L ZIALDM,."At Carlj�v. Colborne T .
I .
raell tender must be aecomMled by 39.41 total, � ... � .. ..... ,,?�� ... .... � ....... L.,1§g4 through tWttore and it W" Passed orial community: hall; May. 28th, --CHn- ,wp,. . . .
in aoeept64 cheque on a chartered batik ln��IaU t1le new L syStem. to I ton, 0, 0, V, hall* The rptaker fov And lie believed In &terill4tlou of the on Saturday. April 25th, 1031,. Vial I
able to tho order of the Minister Oi 0. MeManus and T. McDermott. 431, . . zontally� detective. There Were 3�000 Umedel, In his. 82nd Ve3r.
poftidue, woriis, for o Per cent of the con. 425, 429, total ...... -.1-11- ..... 1-11274 thete meotlugs�� Is Mk�i Aletts Ginith, mentAlly. defeetive ehlIdrea tn Toronto 1,=1,07. -At Ma*11nj 4SISX ta . . .
titehard and IM. DrIdle, 461, 491, lubbettc are bhowli- a DpOIAI line of It- r, NO, 1, 01autOrd Station, who has Sund4g, Aptil 26tbL, MartWt 15tra4hz. - .
tr#qt1*Ice, but A6 chpqup to be for Iw T- ,P . -Z7149 =Dwt schoob, and lie did not bellevo It wu �
. . .
thih Ave hinikired'dallari. lionch of the * '41011, totat . .. ..... . ........ � . .............. 1256 CbIldma's- 'Cotton and tWe Stocklftv,... bc-ta active In the work of the Women's right tI 611ov mefit4lly defet-tivts to go w1dow of tho late Mehftltl Malloy., In
'Dombilon of Canada -or bonds -of the W.. Ofsstt anil'L* V *Mistman, .2W, all siz(!3 fr,%n 5 to 0 1.�,,. 1�,Wn, light i Itittitates and the Juniots of Wentworth on -bringing Iresli tenetatlont Into thalher 19W y0r. . I I
can I 14 X9. Al Vall"k t6bipsny . 443. 385,,tOt4, 7 ........ ....... --131116 tKovin. bLAck and wtflte. special vaidelcoutity. Her suojectl are ,11it Four. varld Similar to themselves, � McR%TC9M--At A16:andta IMPItal, I . �
will attep as seettrity. or bonds ,V. Ilunt, And It. mewea. 285, 414, alo. at 250 Dr. Squate Institute, "Programs 611d Proi ()n the Matter of divorce . .
And AL ebfttj Vrequifed to'�moc` ' L� .... .... ! ....... :' ...... � ........... . to$$ Ciknt� nkey. Gaderlth+ on. sut=143y. Apru IMO
odd . amount, , . dp all toftl . ...... I � 1 40-.4� jecta for JuWof InStituto.-I "Books, pointed t6 011tistla ar4wor to, thwe who I Dsuald McIlitchle. . I .
. . lay otder, I A. Taylor * in won the $1.00 t%tra A comedg-draw cultltd, "Ito's M9 lWatle # and! Art.*, "The UorntmAerls Mictit him If It was TaWful to Put, %War I wynnom.-ta Goderlell. 0a *I. I
Ortter for to an even NO scor", P0.11 will be Presented by the Watt Tmk" and "The Art of Telling k tvife lqr 0�,cry eatL.e. 110 VoUlted-day, April 21th, Caroline MCG%ttft.
. . N. JDM AUDINS, -11-11- I.- - . I one'a .
. Sftreta:7. The A". Drainift Club, Undoh, In MAC- story.,, I . ! beloved viffe of ,Same -3 MAhinneyl In I
I)pPOrtment of Nblio Works, 00det It UkUd Will present a X&V 11141.1, Godtfleh, on-ThUteday e � w- I out 111MAt was owing to the WirdittZ 4, her �,Otj,j ,�e6r.
Veil- , .,
Oft*&. Al*lt 20, 1031. . Drogram. of in to in e Capital Thes. the say .13,tauntou!4 'Maii-trImmed W4U of their htsvt�� t4t MO$e-n Allowed 14V W90KIIIAM � �
-- ... �
:�:��--- tre an esandiv even , MAY 3rd, at s#- P&M and save Wile and money. A dl%ti:t, M114 this thowed the two sttu- OWAVVI".-Ta IoVtng oty ot I
,,, ,,, 1, . I 25C. I11rgp bet
. htt' y "t " '�"C:ht�""Is'loollk!1"8*�,lekc%altl,tldtI , Xhowigg of papotgg, "Iee, pApera dads, the AtandArd; Allowed UW 01
- , VIC" I ''
Motho'da W
" . I in
red = - I
I' I I
"' I I
I 'I
1. "' , 11
in �
r " 4", won t
an 01'en
�- I
" 11 b"na
f "I,f e W t caly
0 ,
� I I I 01106t. Pe AM *111 consist Valtlhluot'!�Ple.UteA
I �Lmd Y evo I C, M - our dw nifter, I&& wm� stfAiltell.
, I ---- ' t%WTzX1M,MW , .1 I ��- 0,-#�
. SM eredtp musle by 1wor who p"- a sway (Ate var ac'), on WY z
- I 8;t`%1eDr'11e1d6`L4n01Cl for anv room ia tile house at
tC- .. I 11114111PATTIlar'llek" Wows heatts And tI)A
I.. ' And Mentor MfmbetS LL the basid tm4er WOAANIO' 0013nM' fttLqS- 146* . - 80IIA"M811 it sts,nd0d. It MtYy ,St, 1930. . . I .
- � .14. HumsltR — claWW1 marr!ltd
. . C. "' ]-I the 1-fttler.thip of J. in HUMUS, mvtr styles, Smut Alektts. df -'s 24 YtAts 1:6 ------ S Clrlel*n th-qd & life Made beautgut by C*OV 4"'.
. . JIMMUSA L collftttm. lyr&c-fds. ia, AI4 of instrU. 46, At $4.05 cld�,, Xultted 1531tso 15-Nece ,� ft , Fau 10MU4 1AA$Iat 9611 ot titflilb %atild be no OuLk A*Ong for divarce. but A Ittlpful h&U4 tot other's needs; u �
" _
T"e V%ALL 8VOREE " went fand I mWIP9 ehatles, 043 t0b. VW6 iloawA' &at I* And W Ottv fiew Mlk Afid Wool every tile Was 110t a Cbtlttft� And the TO 0, beititIthl Ate there ltMa 10, ttld, I �
. . I W
'yber 1. ,:,--", — ,,,-�— slftvelM. 4$keS 23 to 41, it $t,2§ M0141 An Wool a0s. sites 34 to 41. The eltrV U4 rtot ft", h L ltOWAS� fMt d -IM, al AIM HVed---t'Vef1r6I3e's, OW4 .
WIT4 1MIt'1413 8"CK I - t11:01 at Wh"-lefs "4 fft4ster yoar�180-,C-Ial Pates fer P611ar 1hys. rjjd$:V��U§tty bl$11 btlt, tile r,JIt4M IM At : YOU 6alitt, 110f, to MsL" 611t Of --.1 oacny zt-�fd by 1"M rAWLV. I I
I , - -
tl-... ''I � _ , I 9 IOAMTT�l . i And U10 rcmdt wa� tll�it thera wcro 6"
a' ---L----' .�l.-`,; � _"_ vlz 01 the ch�ugdltvm M, lattl nattathy.; 6, W. Cox ,
I - , , , MU6 & - I I .
0 . I I I
. , � I; . I
I . i " I" I
l. .- - . ... �- �Ail . -- . �."