HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-23, Page 7opts 001micu KA% IPA"
"UMAY, Anx
TWOAto, ropruwtaiuve of Wulf,
Joha *"a IndLw" III U*l, It& VAsW uW UK a d"10 NW60660 041 CA yfww� the 4
HMA N UNN whaft Aev. ma� Mau"&. Vt* uc- X0 V" Y""Aw with slION
In YAW*W at the zwsalty, wu-b showod tl* vm� YW —A""" be IUV
"n 01 "411 ?W UW PWW. X4 %be wwlir,, in is" ReVI Nw'h. mu"WAry frow manchwia,
W""� Itch Aw som CQUW JA ta" V"
V4* tWoss*), and jg-t ISIS was, r"or_ #,W,#_W,�AfAdm* by Rev. W.
WorkwassOwden Ift'"t"Ch"W. to mr- ft""" '704" A" i4d""` at Au
As the Uum VA&d Ud %bM4b tho *d %6 tb& IU* Uo4kr*to�, of U#AtWd NWXSY. BA* 6)UWt0A )AMUOU"Y 1n
Thm 1A so xwWr Us 10. S. U. IN plwy,& forest- WombItery. X# was %, rAtiye. QC W&W, $wthera outAtio xaA XolteM MOW
U"Ut of the CA"" 0M
to PA 0 'domain, 94 00 x1ort, V4^d openod %b* $we allows us to refer " to one t9w ALENT,
wu an Qww# Bush through mount vorefit. AWO a those Oweer "wocthl"'11. RAV. Ola P'to. --- Address. Rev. Dr. A. 0.
Wo a* 4"ibk wawtxtou U 'Xiam4ow and "th. Reew ucQual-.10 wm inducted, At 01axit. wattaty of lutirteral zoard of
Ww" of ampton, Rev. P. clart Open" whighsol on Ike, W. 11W. He was U4"Ix,^A, Tomato.
talsslon at Xincard,04 In cX1144 imm, Druu�bo� where be bad been WXDNUWAY 9(*MNQ
Um J44. 4L osew, R. R. $o. X P"-4bytftlau M* 1W bspu for 4en yeays. He was wMwh&t gtru YAW 'C000tituttd. in a na kisit
D"K10ft,0*t.,VW*s&,-4Yot*nuwbw 1$5@; W. Wott in the YA 3g yggr Vt. In rasquer buthIs wRimont otttu MoVed %30 P
RY440 at valovy, *Ad in the f4lowl) . 0.40 az.—TWO And plowo Of n4%t
I vw swatt was inducted at WalkbrtW, In W audience to toaxs. 0"Unt.
sww* pa my ba%WitI b Tboy woW4 1462 Rev. Andrew TOUR* was wArdskr in 1074 x1a" Church, oo4erlcb� cM. 9.54 %^—neports of coutnittles,
for "00 PO4 U VON itch and 1)UM OP it 44 -t I `ooua Pat Q.wen 00'01A had ban trils" for 41 P1rPW* 43;6W. Of. WhICh 12-40 P.M.--itewilations of 81404. The parable of,the 0140% 1*
r*, and my woxk was a burdia to P0. On WVUWU. ,
NVOWACT000 OKY My opened In 1840 by Rev. J $34% went to the schetats Of thO Church 1.00 pm.--VIQ*lngL
TM T. MILOURN to., Limmsd t*4 4*Mt,*444*% wt of No "There were giants 14 tbAft OW And $301 to other benevolent Purposes. The. present ofecers of the sytod Are
Toronto, Onto sivog. 4t I&A 1.�" ad*od to VAO For oxwvle Rev. 4Qhu Ro" of Druce. Last year It raised 4together $13.552. of 0 fellow#-. xx.uoderator. Rev. J. A. j,
And a4w wbi�l* ;4,404 went to mUslops And ben� I I
IWO* B194 x4em field V" 96 real,rouperman lAtelloctwaly Brown, DA., of Ingersoll. moderator., The nopkin, inSiblicAd
tahw tbm boUlo, iow.haaft wwo and Also a "Obaracter.41 In philosophy evolemcea. Knox '11r", X'1114t4lne, Rev. T. 1). McCullough. X A.. Xlacor- stbtk�*V$ of the 10t gtU00t10A
UZ01 sad I hav* UA Ao mum ot 016 and. the l4nguage'i be� I* ranked with gave at that date 40*095, of which *2311 ftef UWurer, Rev., J McNaIr.
to m_and, UIs: Nvheresis last year DD., �London; and clskt, # I A, U
Young, And In idi, went' it and to4ay,
A Imm, professor
. I h Q=tA U� to* A the same-churelt gave 410,0.50 for all 'Aufteo MIA., of Hagenvule, A blotork-
b*t.e UL tb4 01M
qatiortof leadIng'YW. Ho -did ItQt enter the P%VWrs. zaad 42,755 tAo U. A" B,%� eg xi�* an the program of the. voming
SYNOD OF RA?WTON wall organized as A w0gregatlOn"of- be felt that its The whole rsywo of usuillton Aud Lon' ta"ung, whieb, will be the tItty-SeVeAth
AND LONDON TO Probytery of Hatallton. Union of 1873 because not do justice to don in � 1#16, ralsed for all purposes *'�,Iusl meeting of the Oyood, Weit-thei
Before t'ae q nal statement did FAUtInO ftotift OU the 4461149A
ra 41. regul*rly conftft doctri ps%652 out of"W14ch $39,170 Went to early modeXxtora. As follows.. Th first
2 — %he Crown Rights of the Redeemer." a
MRST APRI14 27,29 QbArges. there. we$ an Interesting Wx N. swx V's. U0 ye�r tui %QtAt CQA%rt* on -
of missionary activity. Huron was then 0& g'madsoa is Mr. Oeorse Uackq,,the Mdetator WAR Rev. ThOO. tAWrY,. Of
%WtO47. buttons amounted to 41,112,441, and of Brantford; second. Rev. Jas. 0. OMAN are finan"T
maw S*ys in the Raman Catholic. . Diocese of Tor. Nisalonsry in yormoss, who is expected other both
14 -Y as thee%rl" At the S] V101. -of at. VA4111 chumb. Hathilton.
%*,s Syn" . onto, Witb mod.,'In IS61.1tev, John lonte 4252.4,16 Was OVoted to misslolas
Writer 'or . VW*. roOpend
. J lest priest to minWer to the WbAtO Ot- was sottled At Xxeter, one of ther elders third' Rev. John 1,04, DID" of, Dun.,
1� 'Budge, Clerlt) tl I It was in the Diocese of Toronto who laid tbe� call before Prtabytery being wItb#.% mgme was $1,500, Rev. 1P. go- dax; fourtli, Rev. R. Hamilton,'D. V,,, of
(Austin ers
Mr, 00017 QUO Motherwell; Attk'. Rev. . .1ohn. U6107M.
In 400muw 'to, 00derlob, the Synod.of Abothst,.W6 AASUC&A m1plofis layaud mr. John Strapir, whose 490, 4 w In 0114ton, recWVZ4 $1,000; Rev.
etwem Rev. -MV. CroM. Strang, lext.ft 0 Mr. LoOe- was T. Qolds#4th In Seafqrth, 0,004 Rev. of Ingersoll; slYths..Rev, ll� To wbat ill, your 114041-44=164
H=11ton making new the b9nor is b Be
and London is H. . McQuArrie In Wiaghqm, 4800-t' and LL,D., of Wa*trton, Money endfloO,
history. Afterwards Bishop'of London, 4314ACY, a �vgry ane scitolor And Ole � PrWhM
taken the H4rFg.
At 1441tAt has - 4.4y. Avilt , morman front Blytik und Bel"
the- past hundred Ur. Cooper, wh6'had ok farax In Stanley, The mosi noted. however. of these t9m The gatlierlAg Will vouslat of i,�**e
goad, over -wblob ln� 0 t and, $map,, of preaching in many of the settlements ous leiders Im Dr. Robot L Ure, Who grave, $40., number of commisatoners and "atch
years many 0119rim"t AV" was Inducted at following Is tile of the AbSolute safetr, the fa*t ��twt
have, travelled. Ojj�j sbree, hundred for, the Arst tlme� � %%e lormor On 040 Knot church, jaoiltrIch, . . program Is being honored In th*� m*i0$ here of
bla, lineage Wk, sessions :
�commisaloners, beoldea nornerous Vlsi- occasion chriate4ea twelve children In In '1062, Ue, traced sUch anituPortant church court. &*1 the $0044, it velloblot 00AY
tors, have h94 a royal 11glooW. and win. the neighborhood of Ueter And the let- ftough Scottish parentage to 46 Mff�- MONDAY. RVICNINO
beside the, blue ter began the wori- __ComWttee, on bills j�nd
Appreclk,te their-40joUrn JOB% es from
y1leld. In the uenot jamily, Who. ware, refuge .In. ,
Be lectured In ; ' I LEG PAINS
early days there were four denoplifts, perWAtIon in $Uuoe 441wa,
*atera of 44e'UtV0iI- '60; and on 0.00 p.m,--SyftQd iconvenes, Pubho Both essoutials &to iabel�p4 In a
tern Ontario, W111611 b" 01W04'bCOn in - queen's, Rev. James CHE A
The Synod covqrO that stret4b,of Wes. t4ons of Methodists and three kinds of ApplogetIcal in. Knox Cc)
prestlyterlarifil. Aov� Mr. Whitehead is -*orship %no: acimon hy,tho moderidor, BAA—AVKA
Ho' lie ct " '44 neighbor In St. An.
the pride L of said to have preached the first Aormon Sleve 141, W Rev..T. P, � McCullough, *I A., x1acar. oa!laga 40"um at any broac
Vrom the Niagara Alver to Wlnda� In.Godericb, and In many other pprts drowa
.both !church ond at
Ate. qWerl6h, anci thAre.4 in - ET NG U&NIGHTS
dine. s.pW constituted, Uemorlsl ser,,. *4
of the c. .01le � of his c9ugrep- the joint pastorate Qf Xnox church sft�r vice 10
-and-� northipard to OWea Sound And , I Ourity three r ministers and elders who have
TobermQry, ties sI Sue', fertile. trAck, long 00110 cOMISted Of Men,,Whiu he the Union in 1470 Rev. Andrew TOWe bon vollPd to Uoli, *w0d, Brief ad" it your, days and night$ Are, made
-pr dr
since cleared Wits foreats_by #* worthy proAclle4 In 4 shanty near Brucihold, did a great work 1 the northern sit.of ,, by Rev. j). it. LaIXe,, B A., Wallace- miserable, by paln And sorenos, aw, der -
k the t,XCO of
never turning ]Wk it
race of ploneers,.. It Is still -the boast of sod then remAI4,6d with.W4 audience all Bruce burg. And prayer by Rev. Z A, Brown, Kidtiey Weakness. frequent de4100 to -AN
the native-borla, and the envy Of -an the nIght.,1a 1039 Rev. Wm. Orouedot sad wintry storms. or.44%Xier beat.. as be a. - A., Ingtraoll, - Election of Inod6rator eliminate with burning , Irritition, Back_ THE CANAD !AN B
Rev. Thomas . Christie, of the United travelled over bla.,wido pWsb.1 Hih son, 1. . I . . �% % , %, I, �i . . . .
f the Dominion. As a Pres- and reception. delegstiorls. ache, swollon feet" slid Ankles, "palrW In
Provinces o Ole _of Southampton, � 14 a
robyterlan. church came to Goderich Major, TO the back of legs�-duv to Gout. gbqums�
byterlan o he meantuni, P . of M
p J§yngd. Rev, , Walter ERCE
ommunity, for t TUESDAY AtORNING F Cu M
J GodericIt JA its capital. on % miWonary:. tour. The former 10 membet' of � the '30'a.mr-!,Syno4 c6ustItuted by th tism, Cloned Kidneys or InfisbuftatW
1044 found A Divinity Hall In undon, Inglis, who bad boon,& missimArY In 9, of Urinary tract '—, you should try th'e,
.141no rre4bytedes mxke
W0to4 beeelfixg. the � 6 th, here the late Principal CaVeU received Afrl%�as settled, xt Riverdale. and his M000rat0r.
n -1850 the first 8, certain Value of "KarAtin TsLblets!' at �0
He bl.k edueq�lon- Xn an 4, Rev. Walter Inglis UcLean, 9.45 a.m&IIDualness, Capital _44-vp
the:e1deat d"Sugghtq. At time of e, ost of, once t Resery
seMcea'In:MorrIs. ivere bold in. the'llorat of Hamilton, ft At the Committee' On Mae In Canada, With true listlat In* a Fund SQ mmio
-Synod, 1440 a-m'Reort of
Vnibn -to 207k there . were eight, one ' of"ReV. J. B, tsyl6r, &-short distance The last nlentiolaed*1085 to mind the G. S., and S. Rev. W, Mackintosh, gredients'plainly printed on every
narae.1y' MignitolO, reached , 6ver 'prairie convener., pack.
ea# of Biy�h. able array,of presbyters who held high b. D.., London, age., xamlin Toblets" - emit be. cbtaihetli
and xaqun
Wn' to the Pacific �Oceaq.
ranIg J0 0 "The' Op -
That ba long - stnoe been separated, And in due time the travelling prWher Huron .0 small cost� from any goo
4 half contuqy,196, W 11.0 #,n --C.onfer nee on d drussist
.-Arelh. McLean or, pbrtuniti.of the. Prehytorlan church In on a bluding. money back'guarontee of' It
a new, p;esbyt;eryof SzzWo, 4nd,another gave place to the settled pastor. I�ftther McLeans father, Rev to
calls , 4 x1and Coming into, being in Peter , Schneider :looked after flocks lit Blytb, was minister fr6ft-1866-4o 1906, -Catiadi,11 PA:—(&) "An Appeal,
greatly. loved -ev LIEF 'IN 24'.14QURS
1870. therefore, Goderloh Stratford, McKilloP and Goderich, . a He was by: his - congregai- Vouth," A Charlea , Ir. Macdonald, RE
very :11no church being built. where Ift tion, acted As ClerkL of Uurort PreAyfery. b. A..., a;6m; (b) "Consecration to
stoci, Impt9veimpt, Association, W1110h duatiry iii Uum"""Couaky 11144
for almost forty years: -and was dy COONTYLIVEST609 1WROVEMENT
Colimban Iq, 01 pre4ent. Rev. R.,V. honored Christian . $ekvice," - Rev' J. A, Lair have as It$ ()bjeot the geuQ01. 101 9 -bred iti#10, Ili ill
(c) 1�o�ltive Preach- ASSOCIATION to i3E F01i=l) OhAU I. pur
with a D;I D;I Dr. A, V. -MeDogald Was B. D, St. Thomas It of oll *
A., was' the Anglican thioatho ud4ty P*I' to'
Campbell,. M. called to, selforth in. 1419, having been Ing," Rev., C. -L., Cowan, BID.. Hamilton. At the, January. session of, the Huron proveme; the Co,
clergyman In ooderich and in 18.50 was the Colifity., it -is through such VA or- puco'gt this mioUbto "-I
WIN? the assistant - at Knox church, Galt. Piscussiob, unit tbt� bonuses In, 00an
4R succeeded by ROV, E, L,.,=Woo(l, W -A-. county Cc I the necessary by4aw. that
V bodlsts Were' active. where the celebrated Dr. Z*"e was TUXSOI�y AFT)IRNOON, was,,'Pass" establishing Huron County e0. axe 31m
esleyan Met 4n . d ga "t': , A&M -IN
minister. Dr. MqDonald had a very as,A.1196tter Bull Area," comIng Into V, lhe,*Isetter Bull, Ar
cement work moving And jacking amo4g - tho first settled prevhera were
I .. . 1, John W large 6cmtreffatlOn sad W name *24 2.3 onstItUtta. uted apid, ax this bylaw Comes Into
UO buildtnka� Reys, George Kennedy llllama� a -effect on b�O 1st, 1931.
c�"h. jDr, utitiess. iffeet on may lat".1; t4toting of all Jn-�
wellnkn�wn throughout the 2.40 p.me—A .1. W_
and Samuel Fear. :lit GcIilerlch' the� 3.00 p.m.—Rtport.� on getkeral, Inter- In any county or. district where 048 tere . sted, )Lqostock 3
�,ftexh,eement and. lime. %IWaY4 on Alex',Stewiat ,was settled at Clinton In Aetj Ix- being held in
hand. Carload,A041 Auld K1401 called Rev., Alex, MoAXid, Varia, Wlaw has,been.passedo,ainy farmer buy- ult* bit $0.
arrived.. . 1079, He was orassned a0d.-spent, 1hree eats, ReC V. Xur.Connell,, D.A., ing a," ' the Agricultural ofiloe. C1
Hqmiltoa,'In 1848,"But �hire was a purebred sire for the first time! is P1891 AVTOM
Q ot�s Dr. R. urday, April Oth, at 2.00 0.16- Mr.
Oat. ma
UP ttal
Vier 10
,;own ur,
..We deliver e the West as missionary 4t.Bat;. 3,30 "I'r-90POtt n taia�'
Itl4er -fzi town or -Of
congregation. of United Preftteriafts be.� years n botius from the Ll
_c litices xesoonible.. tleford arid ., chaplain to 4.116 mquite4 40hnktOlyl St;� Catharines. ]Discussion eligible to recelve� a. 26% - Wade, Dlrfttor of the, Ontario Vt
om . t . ry., fore that time, of which Rev. Charles police at Fort, Pelly. H6 bxA. a 1ofig and 5.00 o.m.—Dev . ottobill, v half-hour, ied QoVernmelit on � the purchaae price, of Stock Sr&Aobl LwIlL bo� in attendance to 0 ATIr,
Give us A VAHI' Inetchor was minister. The latter also the walmal. providing, such 'Animils, 6utfte the'00110, wind expwn to 1RIMAki� PAS
�In. WlUis.cbIWch,:ClIn�. by Rev. Qebrge Rowland, BM,: y ly the
d ford. have passed Government Inspection and ' 06nditioni on w
acted as Superintendotit of' Schools. h0nort ministry hich bonoats !I be F. WOOLL
HAMM" St, There 'were . congregations of :the .frrLe,o ton,* Jn.1865 Rev. Alex. Grant was $n*
'n?v I
have. successfully passed:the tuberculir, IWAXItMON W9
Phonoi 343 L
Afiflotired *10 :TUMAY ZVEN*0 Paid .
rian -- church. at TuckersmIth ducte4, it. AshAeld, mid. r test or are sold subject to the test, 10
Goaerkh on of,.oueh An 04"
Presb* iv I I
nt 'Zast,' with Rev. wm.: -Grabsxa� miftl It church,, Ripley.. U 8.00 p.m,4yaod -c uses tkx� be p0d'It should mean Much to the
Ater 'At Hur,0 e V"_,* Before any boi' Is
and o - n.-�he'.Loadon, Road, with,'Rev' Tfthlaiid' I- rifeadier, 6.15 pftoon7Address by Mrs. John WHII-I first nectm -to form a County tive"
sple d14 t3ipe of the
Phone 71
CUTS Mv, WIMPIRE . . . . . . . . .... .
rA X 0
Knife and Sdss.ors
Thg setrited,edge cuts With each motion of the hand; producing a clea n 6tvlthou, theeSin! Ili be ad ot making crufiibg. It Is not Ili -a class
'r 6 'e
with ordinary cheip -bread kniveso but att'article of merit that you will appreciate. ed dge %,III last for yepas and can be,,shatpon
made of high-grade blu on treen anarn
ro6istlng of 10 discsi i I Sox complete,with
base, 2% inch es long. Each toot packed In a individi Q
for fztenin&
ed. by Tubbing thetsmooth, side of the bladeon a whetstone.
Screws permatielyt
Premium wi* two yws "I"� voymem
it 0, 1 worth $1.25 ittall
is r4bailly avonderfully,effiCientAnd satisf KAU
of Cocoboio
All Burns gread Knives ate made of high grade Carbon Steel, hand -,ground ind'"hPittly,polished. The handles are made
is and fastened ito the steel blade with thiM brass TIVEt$0
wo6di which 15 also hand poll hed,
Ind Full size propot-
with beautif'ut Swiss washible organdle dress"', shatst stockinga, etc.
tionate body, with.lovely unbreakable head And binds,
ady adl we, and yo**ish one of these . splendid premiums
If, your J ription is sire M
send us a" further pay�nent for the period re*
es e, ()r Vet us a new saluctiber and we will send both y nou and the ne w subsm
quired ean the 'or YOU 9 Mer thepremium
Phone 71