HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-16, Page 9I
4— Had To StwYln V*d
am* time. tAW bo%h qWW In too Tom*! ___ .0
Owl. thW Sadrssggsd Uta saw 04d OW HEAPER CUTS MAKE TASTY ]DISHES ft ~$ WM "d ^"," On a
A&, each Wod 11b" utaftx� to"% r,"t _0 t
tbo 11" p"ka of *"WWAY. 7t*
we was the QQW "U_ by )Wty awlay UM of,, 0. WWWAV, APAW, XW
W#cWUUt41d,l T%J^ VbArl"Ww" to rain 57 wittee Worwa
ly catwpiwa. UW VAUCOA was "U. 1111 0 IWO"
c�&*Ud; tta on* UT44 $A Wi7i 04040*4 4111cod 0" in VAt%W wto wit and "aye 0" W % stay in bod Ittv"o
oft of the 4 09 OWASb* 40
atu* Way
other hoped In awy. MW Moles* 0441 varied uwu%x is yellow. kft to aft? 1041rsdia"U, =_ (a *&0110
4evarote poluu, at 41MIlow, oeliolow tr cuts ot R* Umu" in 0, oov"'04 70"44 ajakips aw U&NOt
saw, :au, Va stuw*4 loy to Mike V." of Uw chosp *fk and Und0r. VA. W Aal Aw. my, bwb"a Iftowt Dr�
wbotioa the pi;"O I
t owocw. tiaw, us*% so always, *as at 0 omf. apdou tw Wi :Asw"tauvii
ft Condition, 09 bb Wh910 th= '�MW J%*ft"#aoJ 4
me ow wsx Juppoat, 0# i4wo In, any food Ww. XKWAI and bake WAII Chi"It is ftw MAI
reverent, whg1t there U no 0^141, " chop& art Undoubt"
many STMM OX TAZ rh.0% 34 "we a TIM P To
there �csu be XP worship-' wity 4#11clous, but VAM We
ch0ow cuts wbkbi with 4 Uttle oppe. sit all *-A* tw 4*
The, Usoons 0 1 ox Wll
�ft that gsb* tomb b"V and tilwo 101AY 1* 2% quarts water bWA C6, 1AC, T1 t*tll
no" is Unighteousuo"'. that "11-truilt W40 into awh tasty dMt* that Out 4 carrots, dkotl
16 practIVA atl*tsm. that AW10a 4�= wonders why the Writt Was not lwutd 2 Aurnips, ftsd Tho =*H, nerva" bound was, b%v- CANADIAN NAIIONR RT*
247 tempt Is not P040404 piety; that stilit- years bdo" Mutton. round Amk* a 00AW0, oUed :I" an unplosaant Interview W" the
boasting goex beroro were God
44straction.' that' nWk' 604 other of the ellop CAU Or I low potato, dke4 ISM, MWuW co* whom he was rt*
mwa only "t form, the basis of some of the btit 2 twpoous sum pivowaw on 4ccowt of her uumft* MAIN SERVICE to TOMM.
U -ft ground ot bows soverelp morer." 01 by leiding, dietitisuil. I tables I
rectpes Composed poons butter
�k chop rmt, *46t. or p1eqe Of WU- 2 it40004111 'W0r0e9Wft she, ilsou eAWt
W(Mtb X181114M ing meAt may be used for one dish and d
and pepper xn"rm, V, dreolduou#ht, ftro
MAN 1116401064 of TO" the Acit 40 the wt -over portion may 6.36 a.*. i* #016
n *ustonsxy 13ro4fodt be uUliied in some n ou Cut Ut short lebtUx'wha I omill Clinton ll.,o 111,186
e xorwe& , ovtl zt*t dish that W"h ft oX , , i#Wqgl,,, repUed the other. looldM at
W Zululand Once asked his mu've will be regardod Toy the family or 3rour ]$To*% in its own fat. thk 1*40 -of broken 000%� "It would
teachor, 44vqbxt U Add "W ft 3atchell 14 4-21). $A P=6
n Th
q#_010 out aeglotth 7.111. *m, -tit V^
Sts n d. aiy C,4 r 00n wth and what is guestA as %real =411trplect. In butter.
y_..er_ftt you are destoy. Air
Ife' roCol'ied tbet tenoltvila AlIttIfl,toUe util, the er bk��p der. Iva Stratford I." alm. $0 PAL
h of SUg*r LIM these dish"
4us4u of the water. "Unmer U
x4e" msdo from. cheaper cuts will go 4L long me4t Is tender. in the meantime. to*- !4 Kitchener 9.0 Im. 6.111 V1114
tv. IWE& 11A JVIZ -�mo have, Aitt
e4ellent WAw",
kd IVA W04, Way t,^-Ud making the, dish sppetillug. the carrotg slad, turullm f0t 10 Mlnutft Dougl", Egyptian wx ex- GuelpIx 9.30 villub f." #xx-
too held of Christ Or Toronto 10.50 *M.. 7411
'a -noogh to sweeten. It. but In I quart ot ther vaW. Add to the effent le Wash for, $Wig. -Aiso re -
to lock. X411h, mewa to let go Chr4t Do luot use c Acturning—us;V4 Toronto 7.60 SJOLZ
his.teaching about prayer.'OHOW we 04 d Wit Word Tt) this the ChrlstIOU ulerefv enough to givo that required 04, most. with the vider In w1d0h they wtrO moves corns In 4.55
raNX to the sods sincere desire an hones, *A4 quickly xe-
quereo. a . r UneXpr"$e4; have hearts. whatever else we Uve. 49 Zulu a4ded the following explanation' dt4 asge, U*iTie, Woreatobtro cq*ed. Add 6160 the Potatoes, the Haves brulses, sPrains. OW011145 24d Parlor cafe Car Ooderldh 01W
fxtj� 1"tion'lof 0� hidden ore. have not, we all have UeArU*, "A a4 -Ax Zululand strougmen art stationed sauce, eurry powder, tomatoes, Muxtsrd. Worcestershire S*UC#,- Ilowl "It 104 Joint OtIffata.
%bs4.*emble* Ifi, the breast. hearts W of the Pmft secret, Oil' at the rivers to carry the people over outwit. salt *ad pepiter, all have their pepl*r. When tAt vegetAblex art 004. On Morning! train, and Toroata to Goilt-
ItilLry. uptliscovered. UUMU51104 '", when th M4 I . I rich ou 6.05 pm. tralm No cbmw 4C
ftmq is the Christian's vital breath,, . e water* we high. . Before these place In d4hes, of " - thicken the stew with * 004 quantity j.".
vi*Alio Anathvu, *long with our bgWtf, we 0 meA go tbroUWrL the ever. they. tell I �:re tr tbne reclites for 461101OU111 of flour Mixed Wft'& little cold Water, Ty c%vq. between Uoderich and Uvtfttl�
wrelvor IA 02 ft world those whem, tbiycarry to t*ke k 4= es t moly be prepared from cuts to % am00%�I*ste. 'Cook Until thll:ltl 0.1111dre3i , ll. A.
at the gt%es at death halve Gold, VA I FOR FLITClitRIS Tqwn ras"Mer sall
Sit wAtclwor(l there is s,. humAu heart, 0
od 4110 14 bold. Then who have confidence in of meet" that am far front expensive, ened,
li.e%veu, with pr%1Ww there. And Ur is there, in order tip have the career 844 obey bb:4 safely reach, Ait a matter of fact, they We 30 Much
that heart Poured oLot before, iiin� UA the other Ade;'bub they who 1040 tw-� lew eX*U4" 0= Some Of the M%14- �4, A 6 T C)
a, of the Adcato and� � let go- their. I.w - P.e . lk, In c4urseJ*h1*, a Mmllr , ftoxm, 4. that
out of that, out of �tho, alwolo To, Me Wend In
M Thog who art the way Unto the human heart, and out of tht nearness the wstcr.' TU" Is falth and UnWlef, &,a extra, peen: vtgttablo may'bo placed SCOtland, Sargon
V" I sod who didst I leAVA us 00 m- of God AA evUY huraw heart. there, Ipa� believes in Christ, CUUP to upon the table and YOU may 3411 k",p
qt. how to hold fellowship with medJaWy arises this supreme duty to Zes"=31 all eircUmitaneft. t011dh-10- the gost of the meal b4ow normat. *4ftrt years I sulfered1with InOP67
]WAY. Jft* Us how to Pm. A41M. every I man W L he has a hiaxt.—tbak tit on sis gntao�e,,And ob�ys him. Thus App%$S
IL %tlk, I"IL SbAll at au times VOW his heart Out be- he gets Wely #Aw an4j[ept losing Welght and strenSth.
"it �r� � through wa life And. 2 pounds'"Utton ateak I dIdult rot well, WO cQ11840W, weak
%4PN1K-ft0Q-110W To 1"r- rare God, it is, not the duty and Ptm rewaps We beautiful land = the 0ber $ apples and rundma, . Sargon ended all my
lege Of psalmists and great saints ox"Y'. side of the river of 096th- Whosoever 2 oulo=
It is every mWs duty, and eve* 10 lacks faith,'Ver"04 in his Wandeenp, troubles: my appetAte i's Ame, I've PUl-
I loopoon sugar, WtL And peppermint Paunds and' So Well and VtMW'
GAW_ becau
ell� i0m privilegoO (Alexander sit. he bas 320 guide
ift ter dU jolt?.. When X go to Scotland this summer I am
'Parable of the Importunate The widow so'b tcfs convenient got*. to take g,, treplt=eut to a friend
'onx she Od.hft� her.- In, FLIDWEM F.OR tto
*fA mutton Isto pl
put her heat, wh belltivtd� 001 AI�XU
,ftLVO:O" her pootent we ,116 that, comm; for serving. Trim. ofr any superfluous of none *he needs It badly Oki 1414,
4-saroon Pills mv
e, UsUWS412141 In. Hebtt*s 11:6 'TDOOR fat.- R,611 each piece In 4our V seA; erN for over-:
eth to 0od MUstbeltove that be. 106 INCX swed 04th salt,and -pepper. Bro oil in Woude KL the
that he is a, rewarder of them tho, coming constipation and regUlIkUP
se blM,* TheL ZrAt step (11,verimentall Forms -Xoto) Uttle fat In the frying pan. Ari liver in an eww. PaturAl WAY-"—AleX-
9*AUY es a 'd SmithL 101 Lottritigg St., Hfimfl_�
learning XLOW to pray, is to toink'o A4nUd govers'sre Very UWUI in guy a, baking dish. Place 411cod apples; aundet
U. S Z "First of go, my chudi" said Pateraus to garden. In -the 'new Ott . e they can be sliced onions on top. Sprinkle With too, Qbt. Canaffian P40160"01 =111MMOth new
I f SO L salt, and pepper. Ckftf, bake In Sold in Goderieft b�. J4s. Campbe 0 Now.
his $w,..qhb*- magWnceatly of Clod., Used freely so as to bavP abundance 0 , ouro I . : ranpress, of - Britain, turns the, gorgeous, St.
mqguffy ma provitience;- "Ora: 01-8 bloonx the ftst sq%so4 %vhUe the. more A,moderate oven. for one and. one-lialf I)rugglst. SeAWjy Into $to XAWMUC* SP04
0 r ic frequeot"His 4ervice; - and prak permanent plants are growing, In an hours. Just before servin(L spread top WAY
Hydf -Ele power, L are Relfevea Asthma at 0 a 01416 at
they _Xf, 1100i train Noutrenl, to othip
to. sim. frequently.artti instantly. Uux. establishoA garden lleeded. to with. mint Jelly. WN , YOU Quebec 2 days sealwa 1%1;r 3 days Open.
THE pFZOPW� STORE mind; teach Your =. '141) bare spaceiii loft by the WIY- could road the thoU$=d$ of tmWUeJtQd M .
always in your -horbourg mot, Southsimptlon
]Kim, C
I'thoughts -to reverence Him lri . every now6red.bulbs. and varieties that bloom letters L reecesved by the. makers ftm
Is late 6A�Jn the summer should be chosen I cup uncoolted rice -grateful users -you, too, Would
;rl then is.'no - Place Where He realize
x cup, round steak grot=4 the remarkable powers of'Dj; J, 1D. Kel-
my child, fear and *W-. tot, tbJ4 purpose. Where space. POMH5, 2 cups
not. Th, ore, L I L 6 . , boiling Jogg,$ litsthms' Remedy.. Ali cases. In -
ship, and love God; first and last. think rows. can be. grown in tUdyegetable 00r. 2 cups canned tomatoes
magnWeently. of � God." cl en so'as V provide gowers for outt'119 o1pkent and chronic, are bentAted by it
Otend- ivithouti taking. them from duion ly remedy;' Why $Uffer laquireyouTwat
The widow- br her persistent tbq� borders. this great famil
2 tableSP06naL butter experlinent with we uktc, rdACXAY., General Agente
Atce on the unjust judge was rewarded , The -$ocds can be sown In specially or L rthIeSN prepam-
2 teaspoons sugar tions when the genuine Kellogg"s can
and' Jesus applies the: lesson and Says, prepared beds and transplanted Into saft Lan conadlaupavilic Bldg., =0
en, ought always' to. pray and t , beir pei�manent quarters, 'or ther can d pepper be purchased everywhere,
"that = grated chewe
not Lto faint" for "God will - aven&.Uis benowu where, thOy are -th blOdin. Thi . , . r , . 1
11 M willow
ownefect, which cry da� And night Unto 1* be Old be made in a,well-drain
gt= and the ground should 'be Nvell
in verses 944 we. read a; secbnd. pilr- �Aug h=ed and the surface soll made
able setting forth prayer. We hear. first fine.! L ow chills about slx� kdches�
a prayer fro a phar� anti. then one appe; should bei� drawn Across the bed
from. a publican.. . and the seeds 'sown thinly In these, 0,
Dr. Joseph Parker preaching in the. Very fine Seeds. like p6pPles, need -wly
pity Temple on this �subJoct -,51prinkling of fte �oq'over them, but
are five lioints In, which OW large 'seeds like' e 1�iould be W
and ille public= ag;ee�, there we oye, c9vored., Wita oxw- to 'Ze �jAoh_of
in L Which tre 50A according L to
'PoInts 'difrer,� and heir size. fte, sell
thoy� pheler 4�
art should . be presse.4 ..dQVM,, 9eAUY',,.0#0r,
11ve special, lesson$
4 the seed. it the seedlings are Point S':
dout urges upon the, awtten6n, 7 L the'
Iron bk Elftbift men ln� all. ages. not too thick they can, :be left. in the
--ed *4 to plant out
ey were
CLEM Qq,1:Z ho"ym, desfrable'--in =sAY -10,
once Ws
tkansplafit the BeedLUM'
COWMIENT1. Th both. I' the Temple a the' in theIr permanent podtiw It IS.
They had. the ismer objett--prayer,' Se b6d until'large eftox 'When yo ' u Y
Claw;mr. flitm Cog or Wood before, putting � thft Juto' the LL flower BU
m -Cleaner
Mt el0ttle valcuu plant the SeOliuga add for -tht
trana _ has not tW2e 'ar-m-- e
1�odjs: Yor Anyone
reffloyos the. dust; a broom plah h h resent - interference after
startt�wt t�
n growth, the seed can be
just moves,the dust Will- it resist ru
sown In +i the � borders. Oe sure to sow
tee all H. y d t 6 - Olinly and tblu.
We g4aran very I out. severely to that is its strength?
each seedling has room to grow to its How eat,
Lamps,for 000-ftwm-
full.dzo. Thote 4re a number of varle- t rink !and' -
is. -he Wire Co� por-nea
lklln aildisce,. d1splay at ties of annuals that can be 86Wn out-
=p"Itaps - auget.
doors.but the twelve mentioned here we
amongst the easiest to grew.
IRE 'H* ORO STORE Alyssurn is a dwarf growing plant Js
'ollft .. ... loll"
suitohle for edgings, UtuAkes a nest
_45ters . Of Rma]l
For border cOvem 61 .. Tlitie are just'. a few, poinft,. of couoe,.. but
due 6 wh1te,;C1o*ers. In! August, when It 19 be- I . .== . LL ' . I I . . ' , ' L I
Imo st *ey are., Vital. opeS and it is to. your advantage
ACH, to- look untidy; the tol* should enCe.
to consider buying F
be dut oft vith �Ashftrs and In a few thefn Well When arm
T SWARTV S agyd it will be full of bloont $Wain and WAV11 Fenceii are. -heavilj Zinc
will kelepin good condition uhtil. severe 7 (WO ".11 . . I . = r_—_ = _". - T. TA x
trod. Sow where It bM to bloom. -1,qlt1x1ated to resist ruit (the Galvanizing wi.
9'and Put U1610 eece
CalendU106 the Pot URrIg01(% 11"'In S)tithd four on,
,MihUte ilrimersions by the PT
dium-Sized,, double dA*_Uk0 flowers In el Line.Posts
lux, Stableso Etc* shades of yellow and orange., Test). When. erected on Banner Ste
r Virt Set End
Cornflower (Q�eutibure% cyanus) Is eM-. jmd Natibnal Bxpanding Aftcho
duce. ny grown from seed and will 4thrive in rdsts, it is as ruggedly strong as �a
just off the Square quits, poor soll. Ther aft single and -and Comer
e. geL
,%o*4%W Ful
varittles In various shades of fence Can be. All Wife used I No- 9'Gau
MVUAL FIRST -C blue, pink and white. Sow where it Copper,o8earingi Galvan ` ed Ace r
rot 512WE — . Uy,yoq ANYWOME ihe A idL 661111)MwAlylt
C has to bloom.
A I a WIJFM 110V WAIT TO OET THERI 'Dimorphotheca, is -a dwarf plant with Ask, your dealer', ab'out. 6e
Fasteg"'Meat all Trains and CK stomacbs, soufr stomachs dud brilliant color4 d9v41ke , flowers : In GjiaronAte, of Servict or write diiect for infortnation*
pAsse"Nor Boaft Slindigestion tiouidly, rnean, 01cess shades of lemon, yelloW'and orange. cblaser of
acid.'The gtomach--n6rVeS AM ItIg tvbsblute protectio,.1 for the pur
Lukspw can now be -obtained in
PrAsongers opliettifor In any ovtr-stinlulated.,�' .1. .. I . .
onattch mAny shades of Pink, roit. 1*vendersl FaM ]Pence*
Part of the to*11, got all Too much acid malm-the,st
trains at 0. To -R.,or Cl; P. R hud intestines sour. Alkali U19 d purple, and wbite. . It grows from One sils Of ollo and Apollo Key$16116
Deglots. s, phalips to two feet pad the -long 111*wer spikes Also manafitefurc
instant%Tho I*st form. i
Mimof agilesig, because one harm- are useful for Cutting. coppgr Sled Brandt of 0�2anhed 5h9CU-'�Tin Plate&
Prompt Service and less dose ncutraliteA Many" times its ,, lAnArts, rmombles. A small snopdragdn
Csretul'Attenda'6 cc, voluiucin acid. For 50years th�AAM� and comes In va;r1ous colbral; Ca 'diAh'Steel
dard with physicians tverywherd� Mignonette to not very brilliant in
U%sad flesdoffiCet 011bwAy, F"el COdntY, 00tAtIO
Take q spbonful in water and your color but, the fia6leao� Is so "�tild 1101"Ifton, Wwalpeg end VancOUTO
ourL Livery and Hoolk bervicoL unhappy condition will. probably,end, it gloWd be in every . g4rdion., SOW Waith Car the In "Cobill
*tIt be f6modup-to-4ste in five fainutes. Then You Hl 61WAYS where It'llas to bloom.
Ilk every resilect. know what to do4 Cirude and harmful , ZtasturUutu is too wen known to. need
Methods will never appeal W you. �Go, inyL 'description. sow where it hab to
youiPsttronstre sollott.ed prove this for your own s 0. It blow.
save a great many. disagreeable hou - s Pb169 Drummondit bw a! Aragoft
to , I
Ir. SWARTS BesuretogotthegcnUift hil hAbit, of growth. It Is Ve* lflortfcrOus
Milk of Magnesia pros ibed
Idoctreal Stree
"eise 101 as' in correctino s. Act g. and bloomA until severe frcOt ft tan be ov,
Ined in
many shades
A A physicid oi *pink, pur-
ple, -chamois md white. -e—
poppy—There &to the SbUleya 'With .. Woe,..
their beautiful sl1kr,petab in shades. of
of papaver somniferum, such as the h*,*
peony -flowered =4 The U*sOO. .06W
N where It has 'to bloom.
red, pink and salmon and* the varletiec
I A ki_
SWeet Peas do best WhLn the ground
e the fa% but, if thJ6
ZI been preWed in
not done, dig the 96und Well a,"
mix tO asome� bout meal "il AUpe-r-
FOOD HOTEL rillpspbate before WWI" the nome,
SAM They artl usefoi for making "Oreeni am
150 Poo S W*rH gro*iftg: or they tall be tralu- E
RA010, IMEMlY POW boi&Z 1��.ql i IF
ed Into. pyramids In the 110WOr
04tt 6pnwn.tA* iftuaUd Sow,where it has to blqwu
A It f3undoweo are &At of,the eidest Im-
nuab to grow. front tee(l sown In the
position where they halve, to bloom AL OJMW, AT"
CANADA Tuere ate a great number of kfu*
ueer4 otow WA the&** rar2lfig in helght and sift of 11AM.
'n't ntwi�we& were elong their 1;rst
to raal,partp. Au lrnpntant dt-WI Atame
up whiell botlAoWd tltl_� Smung %2fe. "'If
Wolff Won Only ir.re! Ghe M1 skr-
r=o "17"411n6,111 %Iby, 1W. trl I
I X-1 WOO W M15
il hr -T7 51lo flu- =1 hc-2 Sew- r W
rzle to toll W." Vlutt r1e n
'T tlat 7442�,, DIUmw a. ae'Alinale Ivire
ft Fous, 0,