HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-16, Page 3TUMPAY, AMM 10tk INI TFM GODERICH STAtt
W Ndshborh News Nuggpts [HAD TO KEEP
. I won 'Citanx aeow" hicked ftom Ow Exchagm, FROM SCHOOL .........................
U,*O mov=Vott Xonw &boot.
%%Wftr at !1:21,
felt" 6=2409M* Aswom" 30. and Mrs. X Xr*141 a Poulom.
f CgM OW= W. WA Mrs. A P. 141A Of 2U*k 7UYWIU rt"O iA *=%fQkA1
wish to saaakmee tho eng"Mmt of 010sm X" as"" W)r Cwr -010 ft* Or, Imame
UMAto CAXW Weir OauqbW. Murky, to Mr, W*IW- Aft*r t1w #VO4W WvV# tAW"lq_ "k (to*) T" A*
'*" il 0=4 W- 110". Of DO"t, $be Ow- WWI* thurch, Cllatop. UA Vb4ir to*
AW too take pwo Q* muta at Awit tl;e oppoitunity of proftatint Mr. W. --"&W iN Sift
In IDetrott.
NORTif VJ?- PIWAe 513- 'Mr. John Valcwwr. vba rvqo4tly C I Mr. W. W0114 vokeil the Venti- Mm J*MO3
UO�b. Jr.. who W04 Vm4dent ot the my asq6w
"kuw IFOMUMw WUWM^ 1)&UT X040m 04%0WUQA. With 44 g4d VW *Ud V4Q- 44110t *",*lW10A yftn QW�11
PUNNU&Yt 0. A, Moved to W10040131 from Cuumv, Im wents of the Members` wbea he, exprel. oly Ream),ka. 1, btarow
pur#VWd the dAlry b1*4WX of WI%L 0. *ad regret at the bNsndb* Oft�Wuure 11, tow4h 00440, "AC be-
Varlow. $44k1w, Xf#. Zoy* and took ever his, uatem AiQ4. Of Mr. Mutizu tram the town, And )WON, -
'"am 20. XQATg AT,, Qo&**b. day of Ud wi*k. P"ey UfAr" Made tho Pr0*4WA04. I p bet N
fralk schAol. I Te%d A tDC-11
bought a couple of bous.
Y It- DAH80w. Moding *04 eleetIm ot
ftbaes'xte., = ovea%arj jisici slo� at oftez*' -9 �ho Xxet4tr branch of the 4OW4 "U" tbtM ^6d got well aw
JAWcossor to J. L, X111ma JU*d Man".Wbgn, Req,4 *To$, CAVAdIon tftfM Was J*Jd, on 'Thursasq, stroo"oes. to school tvtry day. Vais
mum ff. omm" InO Square, 00derich Anthwy Vidw in Marriago 06mune Alga And. 'Presidea *L Wray, of Log� and she hoa not been
X., elder Mr. gVA A40ftwon, don, ftether with & numberof ther bra.
LW, OC Than*# RoM,
i4tan, *well Vt" -"sot *U4 bA t@4 4everAl
S"W soh ot Mr. and Ma. jQhrA.M0U1k4 Of at* members and b*t4ud the. newly aufre"41 Wn*t kt your daughter m*o
IA�* at her. Is she
15an, Lito RIO- Adellv And Vlotprl% elodtod OM"I* -of ft'Xxeter bl*Ac%, as The $Me mJ5tjktt.
T*9110ne 5301 om Samonct surnoot fQUQWs-, VM. Q. S. AWA$Qn, 10'vlee PXk? L JAMVA?'
A flre lot unknovm or*la dA*vqed preddeut, A. :9. Gimbrill,. 2nd vice. The i" Ana other Amtots in Die.
pi�esldeut, Aleomdor Xoton', sergeant- V`1111%w* Pink M 0000 increase tlW
the homo - of I Mrs. )DQP44 *41DMVU� of At-Ormg, Mau Songster., Mr. N. W. natabor of xtd orpowks, in ft
lue second conctodon. of Grey, last, VIA# is , blo�
awmister, WkItor. NotJ ftwc Wctlr- aOM0 JuVAltur4 VW raomed Of MW vaaae�q*w Improving the C004*400, Jncrexaog
Con from the Arst awt, the T64 Was do. D"tb Wy vitalityw Any drumist, vilt provide
70.4,with Dr6 wfumi� Pink, Pills. Ot
"Me. m ST. 4MIO(L Neighbors Worked hard U4 After an glum of #eyerai Y"".' Our- *Tite to the Dr, William$ Medicine CO,w
4ur-o"Oto in MAY14 the barn, filtiom, 04" X Penotbaker
At 1, the home Ot b*r Met Vas"4 Away FAce $0 coati p box. 144
Xeaae�aker, _bmr, Wq. H, -
A'r4Ultt but pretty Wedding' %CC w4b, 44*. 0114ton, oil
in st� 4urle* 4ftroh, Jarajtfom. on rriday oftonoon"Aprit 3d- Tbe "e. Will be W 'befort a oUrt '1,4
RM rA% V000. TIMAT Thursdor, 4pa 2U4, VI)RIt Mrs. zotu cum$ young WOMIn Who WAS the Scotland. erk
Ute JKouse. sMeon. sew york orpU_ W41tero f9merly of zxeW, wo naited Youppet. daughter of the late nentl*h 001W & Ooft.olalm that
over $7,000 As owift, them Uadtr on
4bawo And Aural nospitso. Xselatant ot in marriate with Mr. W414" amitb., Iltzmebaker And 10w. Penusbakor, waa- Agreement for the sot of broken, , A%w
Mooteft1d's rye Hospital and Golden by Vev. Mr, . jeaklns. Mr. ' bOM 0=4 W 11"d all her life in Olin.
4wd Mrs,
Smith a was tdut4od 06%
Oquam lurost Hosww, London., XnX 'peat A twx$ hog",moon. With ton, And cut9a, pZ. straw, Thol Allege that the defendant
453 Waterloo St So. t".Vordo TOO,! Company coatr*cw to buy sm 4044 of
110 school And, collegisto.-
Phone 267. gree4:11*X tow -at 480 a tm,*04 they.
At Hotel Bed1iord. Ood"Ich, oft tbL.e EXOkt VanA4104 lm&n Wvtp 90mi "fund to Accept the full ^amot as
qftning ot the third Mondgy of wh owmed In the �eoatmt- Tuft action
-the following d�y, Tuesq�ky, Xa"UUN. ot the parks- toMmi
Mona tan :fte�r Mir* _,tW of ....... ---- ................ ......... ....
L" 10V I the ulturat SMAKY W#4 was listed for trio at,thi lost ossise . . . . . .
04imb In 140don but �Was %m"Cp&&
held Saturday Morn*�� April
0MOVAACTIC Cfte, With Mr. W. H, Gladmon 4: etvftry. attlaff for the
Jo dent of Ib* vomojt� Retkoll Am. will Orange !0 have 'the
-ir," Mr,'Johnston �, was ease " in 86"04.1
itcld the�: R - , .1. oil
lwawu "n J�Mtdip in.
#,Out re�eleeted 001sr APO
p cut; Mr. 4. A(, so
UOP die 4kin 001t*Ad d&s Int And *� Oeo.
"OrnitcTog Ano Xitiomas
AMOVes red A" IKE
4900 son, 500"tarY. oom"k" wqre ap�
ftWpl*d with elodtto;. agoetle bathJ and �ifte$ 1rftj10A.L POinted In cOUUft*n With the v"us JV1R5T:VQu 118tolt 1;4 KelloSS's Rite Kriapim Y04 ac.
gloctronla eleettic treatment fiAd At 3kw bm"'W puiblio. I*rk$ and the LWOrk'of Improving There have
the4e parks Im. dW40od: bee that the, he
A ;a*M #r those" t li# rke 'buhhles' pop $a
Vtoette- Chionic, organic and , nervous t 1 PH
Corn Borer Act, Would not be enforeeft
1,%&ttsadAncC' oillee 0. Xqf�*k this yokrL. Icirdowe With gftuess as )rOu poor on milk ON, i9reollum:
='to1Afi!'�nA.t6- 0 P.M., excepting, Such, rumom a" uniounded.
The 10 M&� M orl
family In J�pto%QJWW
.497, And. Thursday by qp0QIatMCiA. Then just tist that --foup fiav 0%Jt4V
AT=001T. residence. And 4t SAL 4 Clinton, Sunday, April &tb,: and IpItUens called A meeting, of the oort.j. 11orer In.. E rl' L JUCh 44nd:
corner L Of South Arft% aud Zri geftrAllY Were shocked. Mooday morn. Vectors, fticupt,44 With thipta.their d4- Al C 0*unehy� You'll say IV$ go�odl:
Phone 341, 104 by As" 91 the �qccideatal de � Of tieS L And gQve Instructions that there
Wourishisig too, lRosy to digest. A ift etroid, for,
"I of 'Mr, And Mrs. P. Gar- nursery ou
Prank qardeA MW400hi flying JoStruo- should be no slapkening up in tbe.en-
tor, elder forcemeat of the Act, - 'We s4d the �bor-� X, ens Or ior a he�dthfnt hedtIM'
T6 West Street V
dexi Murdoch of rfttoa, �tblle. ju the er was just as dangerous As. e and
AS 01=JJ4y_ Or W10% 9 -student, JU�a Kr,00,eo
0i e at take Rams%y. , �neax the 0147 safeguard 4g%last SerloU$ too
Sudbury. 'Mr. XWdQc4 and a :young to the- loom larlf)� a. thorough cloan-up
iAve Mo* and General Auctlohe., Elictrical $erve. f6r'lua4 with -fruits. "or boney �4do& Vke I$%
4e t"
Moth plane when It crashed,. !�a�k P"OdinbtedfgouMtetrhatabtibutgwela*- candles, desserts. -
Ekglu Aye., Goderfoh. Murdock. Isml
Sales Made eVerywbero And 411 efroirs eAX as,
"ade, . We'c4iry good'stoo of her, IS 0, Ve
you-satistaction, k . a ery Important factor In de -
0 gIve 96Y Electrocuted n Order fto)�ML Y4�Uj gr6e -.Look for t -red-and.;
ers! Sale Not*% discounted. oft-sel. could got
1%ofte Ito. Eketrical - Appli�me* A bdFhO prank brQUghtL death -by a re- ago.' io. W or, he.
t: of bbrerg Any. green
NOTARY kQMC, Fix _L eft electrocution to lJoyd VcMuley, 14,: years -the wea. RIC pack ake L Sure 'of go,Ung g#
YM -014 son of 16'.-aad mrs,�N�6*toa: Itico Krispiej. Alude, by Kellox� In.'.1,,
4th JAW4 so Much ondo"
------ OfL.Zru"eJ8. R�OtUralng to that all a good Cl
— --------- 0"" 11
040�-UO cogld�d* would (Ontat"O.: rhoonly Cow *to vrlsp woraV141-01 in cre-4m,
WKL We Speciall his bOme'Vith bU
T;A= �xe in broth*�, Zothe the Prevent A. very ifte; Increase,
W *. by&o poie toF.
General Conveyancing done Wirin'g �OrAH Kinds tut7VJM, at the top, As he ne ("ir Years the weather wOq1 'L help, us
Arid the sud there wo4ldbc a decrease. 0(4,&0$t V#r L a . nd
called mit 4 to.)* TOUT enloy Kolloges Slymbet Alulle, �i 0 z
reoftted. pe* he
Eatiromtx given on brother, pho FArmers'oh6Uld boo tu Mind, that Iwo aMocksted 01 the X. 'R. C. every $unday evening at 10;30� .
Phone 29& WW4 .. . ,
000ricb, Jqqd.reMaJned::w* the stound- 4'1)14 �6u there *= no
VN A abock .4h, I ROMOS00ttle 0 10.00,4and X0.4,
"got j14 '*fit Prospoct '101 Its' being T., Also XF) Lo� Angelej
I* to VIthdrA.W the C�Orn Act
AU Workv, dej4.L M�d� Ora.
ftiled JmMedWely and attempts or Many rears 140 come, in fact We May
made but'the� wqe rhays to reqUolre A. compulsory c4eaft-up
JoKILLOP NIVTVAT. VME JNS(YJK,, to r"I" the were lor ages Just us they' ha:Vi-to.do in pAr story, J*4bveTlt it yqu
ANCE CO?dPAW. Frank MeArthur, Without success, -Of Burope, the home, of the. c"'.. have a 11augh 014. 01611049 4. )We ouci. he lot It broNsing,ft thQ Pefaj�aVe$.L
borer- all om
ha" both barrels, but tlie.cherry pits
rARN APW ISOLAT80. TOWN Phone 82 A Weii S Partner !04nton Viststa, Uence theL 'wift course for. farmers. WL �W Ont thOA rtoOgnizeA the deer 04 the We J*
freet Di" Or AAH 0— 0* Made flesh woUndS And the
PROP- . . L I
UtTy mstinim. Word was ree follow "It to "00t, the best method of Three .,Years Ago when. deer,werQ plen- esesoed., had pep4*
61"d 41 Mton'rocent.. red three y" Ago Mott,
ly'Qf the death of LMr. Albert ;J Plum. handling their eoJ% ndft each.yearso %fful and, bu ocaret, aidbord Clegg y0k+dAY-Clen '�xs 'hunting ovz
6 Mix fjour'With bi*.
mer of tfurban BtAn. 'Dece"e4lAa he, Most famous "Me am 'when he notictma �&. largo
that they Will t*vg 11 of:Zllfid River, one, ot t a the time -he's soini t
Value of promrty Wan d Or. no, 1and
re 'OR to Jan-
pl0king 16 t4wory pltx� Itid, rrW,0UVrry7 00 i*, A*
'86ML of the late Stewart Plumm6r And ve At huntft, In Northern: , 04wq%, wit with st"Mal smatt cherry. treto growing
be 1*40. reubta -this to JdAd'
Cz"—JOIM pr4o. NEW VVIII 10moft4itil by. rowy there, also AW., others should f6rced his gm. Vilth iild cher* out Of Its sides and other', deer were hOOt,
B00401110h- Jad. 0onnolly, 'HEAD UAITERS. In try to follow theIr example. The in -
Q B17th, where he,rd$lded for a number
t% Predd Of years before roingFWMt, bj4* Vpect4orS Will gladly Jiva� WV helpful
suggestions. to their power.
elplj4'of the 'Public. W
'hool thek�. =37
bh�ufdice, wAttonj ]PIUMmer paMed *s. _0WitW to economic oonditid'ns all over
Visa. Wrl%'(b - George UCCW. TfI14 COC901JUTT PLOW CO ANAY only 4 few the ptoft�j it is sped VMS
oslance, , L
live of Farm zm� eAn-Up jo Corn
W. be
AbQ1# 'the last .0
r"Of", plements, and . Rep DOMINIOL "STORES X
1"yo S00001h,' ROM_ For Harld*- mOntlik Ado, her death t"itig place y"T thatL Ol Ally desirable
sructfield; 11111to, ,
ft -per, A. , Airs, includ�� completed early, so UwA
Allis r A9Y TWO� Aedwes ftr on ex
J Veo, R, M,3, 01110to I ing:theMnIted smd ARG" '!VO*k kept ag� low As Possible,
kLt; Wottt D' e Council of the taynUblo of at, efooltno
.7%h". Ed., 111nehley, 6sa.
CHL on . Mon4ay last ."rw growers In bitles. and
Oftk decld,�d to reduce the Vati of pay Urged to coopperAte by W*iZRZ QUAILI-Ty. C.0.JU:NJrS
115, Mento.'At'Oblvin cuteft storel for work done on' to 410 roads. py reamrits ldestnVod not. U%4r than. May
The Clinton OrL.&'
Royal � Jk4 ow
;KJ geton St: Atr*Ingsht,rtte,4*t was
0e4w, WU
� V., �
MILO., 'Opt
WIShing to 90 furthei In.
foe,. M" . It ic
A VWfie.lable jedftj the, forbWiQn. on
the borer and. the best
14 townsht Q
p * road 'rate ftal 3 mills to 2 MObOds of 00ptrol Should write � to the
AAVC It attended to . L .0
by:tbe nos, ora, "ViXIS 'of $5.00 on- -A- Pirector of af-1.4— A -
W040104M CAV16089 1 1 1 L . . . . L . I I I . . .
TUAL Or Ter -
1 Mt gravel h4u0ni , with aW .8lock, t%rilamept, 13uildiags,
INSAIgAUrl horm must Also 00=�Pste In Price Wft Onto, Add "k for a copy of bulletin No. at
Offlee.. athgganob 03* the - rate 'that the travel pan 1* hauled. .0
by truck, 7wgplan Will m&*'it s RRY 1, 1 I)gS
ReWItt. Mno"no, Pmident 1dbl to place more gravel on the ioxds CIRE 6a
DAVId"a, Dungannon, Vice Pre. r for the same amount of Money. V400"Atou tue
AdeRt. In Akddlypn to the PMIdent,and titalatt.
vice pireiddeiii, the following are X*_ 'PTIC"
Uj the PASsing 'Of' ftun, JqtjZlm0n8k HotfrL it "JWh te t
e0toost W. A. Thompson Auburn: vat. that
36quftlll Lucknow; w7i, 1W LUO widow Of JDaVid S., Icetmedy, WithIta af This On*
0, xt.' SSUrallee CoMpany turred Thurg"y Which oc- LL AMIUM
2, LUCIMOW; Harry, L. Solkeld, "oo A night, April 2m, oft- � W. Joun G. Leinei sends us the fol-
'11chol Ernest Ackert' AblYrood'. Tim ton t�speeted clt'2�6n- !tbe: 'owing story from T#& Obleato Irerald
a, no. 7, Luc d*0ea$6dwQM4ft:w0 In her iltat, ye
know. Canada ar* and Mmminer'. and makestlae'leomment,
.3ate-000: per; 06box and had been ailing but -J&'. JeW -d%yA, 411t c6rtAWY must be bgd st= that our
Sixty YeArs ago she wAs marriM,
to the Canadian brothers as drinking, thest
Ali, -xienhicly, who "Yi to be Able to M sstch mimeles as 33
her L by eighteen ye&M Surjivt4 Am t��s Igi -OR
ed mdur Portrayt;"' And bere Is the 'P
A UNS ctmmls
VD' 1100Kff"L h"t bot"' "ert Intisim6ba; of t5lb-
. ...... sister, MM, r4"
ton' ode rd W*tson,
Brog� L 1100110960 Slyth; one wn, ;6ha B., of I)dtolt, 0, BAn,
wi�. #ftt*h, williAm. Of -Mnton. A AIE
11f ROOM, U EXdft 4Cbftplt- 'Celebrate 0
uldea, weatuar
GOIDER1014 A&. at%, �. I , All"Ta", ,L..
on .1toftday L
their boo "044AM& at.
April Oth. Urs. parsOns tnee 00311140
HeYWOO(l), eldest citught namin ROM*
J1*d. SMOAL118 tr the
JOhn At7wood of the 3rd toneeftioft of "NATO
wan'e HEATF0%LKS1
utt - CATS, -P
At" lei
t1abornO twP�, 'And 114M ftmfts, eld-
P,=VpCr. tst Wn 01 the ' late *rh� lnrsons of the
�3rtl tontegglon of the township
AT A LT4 �rigrc.
Of Step, of Yoii MkV0URWM 40
'Aed in Is
tha.yoar ftat You CM Wkvi W P NOW
the, Bible Che�stlan (:hurch l*rsOng#,, at WFIL l(�kp(#WfqRe A-0006 SYR.V 9.
the *1114ge of Creditob, by the late gev.
John, W. illutcher, Who Was then pastor WITMOUtAVITQF�053
of the 9fth- Mr. and Mrs, � Parsons OUR M-Obt 't 0 :LAST
MVC UVO in FNeter tmd �IdnitY during
the 'entire AftV,yewd Of their Wedded
W, Reeler I)-MAgft fr6m Stottish Firm
Alair as VicAl moter of Mo q
rdneral Direcior anti AL uPremd
r-ourk'Judga Zloseph Wearint of Im.
tion Im - tet, $1,250-90 as the 401OVht, Of inot. 27c
da"Isges oftroled by Owen 00ger &
Also Ambulance Ser'l-ce
4011taflo 4s tho rosu Of an 41-
40delich it M
lege-4 breach Of aW- emont, by tt, j)� Mae. 01 All,
)DOU41d, Ltd,,
for *n' of Ren"n'
bundet, igoodAna. Tile
Ali (Wig 'Promptly.attiladpa to 110084,11 Iltm is going thp 660ttfsh manu. 0 SO& Hisculta 2 um
dav tit night I tiOttl*" tot this' Pano.unt and,the tam 23c
111tones: stom 335'. notistv 3)aw 10�VNV
WE cau mver be sure just WhiLt Whelf You Slow dovi your heater
MakrA ati infant ftstfc�A. -1 f the Heat folks'agaia Show their
but Wo . rth. They keep, pace %v* 11
the temegy icau'always be the tam& it
Good old CAstarial Theie�j comfort your tequirimeats. - i4e
in every drop of tbit. putt ve hible re is
9feParation, and tot tho- r*mhtftt tWelVe Cylinder C041 --*—you 01111
4fin itt ft tre gat W,4 M 01"A 41% Sl()�V down to poe degr6e Aboo
ejtf an hour
BOY h" a fr� (d, open, h ('6verish, 0 . 3
or 610 and Cwt st6+, let (:*Ntodi and never. stall your lire, Alld the
506ft *Ad quiet hita� 8%*6me*,iVA lleat Folks bave plenty of pick. -ta
Sk. (0*h of th&� SiotwtjMfte�Ast- it UP, tOO- Ff011l a standing start
6611- '09 diAAest—i condition t
01169M alwsys be, -Obeekod *ftlt6dt the,.V Will Olit-distanCe Any cold
d )Ii5f i C606ris hmdy, *"d with tile minimum -of fuel, ABACON'
8i tly, Rew win ronew CALL TM
rttz it it doesn% yon atleet" XJft
Ill USO 14WOVOW301*4aw COAL 11041
J%t*AJ% bems ,MO 200
the ........... Tat a, MOSTARDCOMPANY ". I