HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-02, Page 12Exceptional Value 35c . yd. 36 Inch. English Ch� tz 20 Patterns Ler Yrs 42 -inch Irish Line Pillow Cases Strong and durable. LUNQERIE Woods "Lavender .'Line", Silk Bloomers •rn all : shades and sizes.Reg• ...61.75, $1. e5 • and $2.25. Sale price, p r 2 :Woods "Lavender Line" extra heavy shadow proof silk Slips. Regular ..$2.95 to. $4.25 each. Sale, price,, each... •Misses' and Children's Silk Slips and Gowns. . from 610 td 16 yrs. Regular up to $1.50 each, Sale price, each . ,95c Children's Rayon Vests : and Bloomers, selling at each 415e. 210 off aal-Salt on, Do -kr Days, - Fillet Net Curtains 40-144 by 2i/ yards• ROMERY SP 200 pair of Children's Lisle and Cotton Ribbed Stock- ings in brown, fawn, white and black* Reg. up to 55e pr. Clearing at 25c• —T (DOLLAR DAY VALUES Qtjty Jewelry fit greatly Reduced Prices s 11 See our windows for Specials of 0 e our difFerent lines of merchandise o IE. C. Robertson . Diamond Merchant and Jeweler o er Phone .136 O0DERICH, ONT. 0112110) <ocaL Dollar Days PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 csku for 'file Not more than $t.ob worth to a customer. FAIR SEX SOAP :. 3 cakes -for lie Not more than $1.00 worth to a customer INFANT'S DELIGHT 3 cakes for lie Not more than $1,n0 worth to a customer. CASTLE 'SOAP. g cakes for 25e COIN SULPHUR for cattle.,. 6 lbs. for 25e COhoYIon. EPSOM SALTS .for Stock 6lbs. for 25e at Campbell's Drug Store Spatial prima fur FRIDAY and SATURDAY'.MAY lot owl god PENMAN HAND LOTIONS Regular U Sala lr, MAG LAC MILK. OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE Regular 50c Salo. Price, 29c West's Tooth Brash, 50c West's Tooth Paste, 25o Sale Price, 59c CANDY Peppermint Chocolate Patties • 290per lb. FRUIT DROPS Regular 35c per lb. Sale Pyr 23e per lb- MANY OTHER ITEMS coTrs FACE POWDER • $90 Ends of limns of FACE POWDERS CREAMS, ETC at.% PRICE PARISIAN FACE POWDER 40 Cents SARGON 2 Bottles, Sargon and • FRENCH'S NUERB 3 for $1.00 a VITALEX $1.2$ a bottle PENSLAR DENTAL CREAM Regular 5oc • Sale Noe, e 29c Phone 90 :A PBE''L.a.S DRUG STORE, QOderlc •. . C Blackstone's >< Dollar Day is the day to bay Furniture or anything for the home. SPECIAL NEW BUFFETS NEW MAS § • Res. $30.00 Reg. $9.00 Dollar Days $6.95 $25.00 1 .. SOO NEW CHINA CABINET Res. $25.00 000011, Days •MAO o PECL4,L . NEW . BLINDS s9 , SPECIAL. .NEW OAK DINING . ROOM CHAIRS ... Reg. 32,(M) Sale p2rioe $25.00 New DRESSERS at .,Special Prices Con olitun Rtes {large aim)) Out Dollar off Mal.. Order Howe prices. Every day we positively save you money. THIS IS YOUR STORE,, USE IT. Blackstone's Furniture Exchange o BROADWAY; GOPERICH OQ 0=0,--'-1os=or 0 50 Pairs o Flannelette Blankets Largest-si-x e $1.98 per pair • Many Outst nd n , Values Oreoe •apt ` HIBB.ERT collar Days 5' `HYGEIA" This New atritary, Towel L OFFER 25c per pkg. 42 and . 44 -inch Circular Pillow 'Cotton •. Best:; quality, Regular 49c. , 52 Inch Linen Lunch lith �:. each. Only 34e yd. -HOSIERY Ladies" all 'silk Hose, full fashioned and circular knit. Reg. up to $1.95 a pair. °Clearing at per pair.......49c. Orien#" service > weight #lull» with silk hose w th the new French heel, per pr. $1.00 Ladies' lisle Bose, fawn, grey, and black, colors plain and ribbed top. Setting at per pair... ...'..3tle and 59c` Misses' silk stockings, a beautiful hose for growing girls• per pair, only:. ... :...59c See our new range of kiddies' anklets and three-quarter hose. 36 Inch Plain Satinette. is Reg. 50c. ,,per yard 70 -inch Bleached Sheeting Close, even Weave. TOWELS 200 Extra heavy English. Bath Towels, white with colored borders, size 24• x 46 inches. Each.... .. • ..39e iia+.•o Al! Lin eit- • attractively hemstitched with damask border, 18 x 32" . inches. 22 Inch Glass Towelling, blue, green, rose,gold and orchid borders. Special value, per yards.. .•. ♦. ....25c. 10 doz. Linen Glass Towels.:. with colored borders, fine evenly woven, 20 x 30 ins 15 Dozen pace Cloths in two tone'.effeets. 2 for... .25c.' Ladies' All Wool and Silk and Wool Suits IA two and three-piece, new styles, new colors and lower prices. it Style Fir Gloves 49c Pair Children's Woollen Wear selling at I. Price ti1�e have decided oto reduce our stock of Children's and Infant's wear: • WOOLLEN' -BONNETS •SWEAThRS rttigtp.su. BOOTEES MITTENS SHAWLS CRIB COVERS, ETC. Clawing at 1,4 • zice. Figured Georgette and Celanese Voile Regular $2.00 98c Per Yard SILKS •. :- Fancy, brocaded 'and plain col- ors in 27 -inch Rayon, a • beautiful • material fear child . dell's wear ,and Lingerie. .; Special value, per yard -39c ; 3 8-incl'i " Heavy. flit Crepe, Crepe Satin and Crepe Rom- gaine. Reg. up to $3.5o per yard. Sale price, per yd $1.9ll 36 -Inch Heavy quality Black Duchess Satin, ,b a s -u o f rf l quality. , Selling at per yd 36 -Inch Crepe Satin, navy blue, golden brown and black. Reg. $1.50. Sale price, per yard.. ......:.98e 38 -Inch 'ufe • Silk Crepe and'. Celanese Crepe in all colors, Reg. $1.75. Special value at per yard... ..... .. $1.20 ,Fine alemiettoes Lion Nar'row and Jl Ne 5 c 'hard Pair Special 'Value at. -59c ea. BROWN'S IRISH LINEN. 20% . off the following.. Colored Damask Lunch and Dimer Sets • AO: white Satin Damask Sets, all sines. Damask Cloths, 2 yds., 21%, yds. and 3 yards long. 22 Inch Damask Napkins: 20%c OFF -- Linen Huck` Towels with : color- ed :borders. Linen Guest Towels, beauti- fully . appliqued in assorted colors. Madeira Napkins selling at 6 for. , : .. , a :$1.25. Get our tom` Nl PRICES on Kenwood` 3lankets Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 'In all sizes. 1931 patterns now in stock. Special Prices for this Sale WASH GOODS ' 30.1'nch English Prints, 'dark .and1• ht colors, a ,Car ed rat*i of � beautiful patterns, 9eawl 25o: at .per yacd...i 36 -inch. pueblo Pints, guaran- teed tub fast, small,• dainty designs. ' Reg. - 39e. Sate :. price, per 'yard. �..... 29c } Fancy Voiles in floral :patterns, also Wendy Lawn in the new checks and stripes, - at per' .. yard... 49c and 59c per .peter Pan Prints in forty differ- • eat patterns, and guaranteed fast ° colors, per yard.....49 e Linen h Lunc Cloths •52 x Only 95c each HOUSE FURNISHINGS 36.Inch. Marquisette in checks,. stripes : and colored .spots,ss a large'assortment to choose from. Special per yard.. „25e. Don't miss this special offer on all So•Inch Silk Overdrapes..• For Dollar Day only 20% off. • if you are considering new vines dour Curtains we invite you to see our new stock of Swiss Curtains, Ruffle Curtains, Silk and Cotton Nets by the yard, also Tapestry and Shadow Cloths. - Window Blinds and Curtain hods always in stock. Fancy ro • Stitched all Linen Ladies' Handker- chiefs each. • Lea Woollen Underwear and 3G inch Bleach ed or nl�lca Led Cotton Ladies. ,a id mosses Sweatetcoats and Women Rose Heaviest quality and good valueat • Pullovers • Selllun�g• rat 20per cont off � �� Ville yd.Selling per cent. off 27 INCH, WHITE lefte 12c yard Est HIBBERT Quality Merchandise at Reasonable Prices Ladies' and Children's Rest Room above Oar Store. F . ,. £F, LADIES' Summer VestS Short Sleeves and Comfy cut 19c each 4. I'