HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-02, Page 10• BANG Go the Prices on Men's and Boys' • Clothing ". At this Sale 'Hean • Bros. Clothiers, Hatters and Gent's Furnishers Prices Slashed OR CLOTHING Dollar Days BIG DOLLAR DAY VALUES Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2. MEN'S SUITS BOYS' BLOOMER gas cAitaurrr oyERAus Tweeds and Worsteds, sizes 34 Sizes 33 to 36. Reg. $10 to and SMOCKS to 3$.- Dollar Days . 310,00 $15. Dollar Days $4.95 Dollar Days , . 31.0$ each MIMS WORSTED surrs Reg..$27.50 to $35.00, Del - tar Days $23,00 framammil;•••70.01""*.saamma: MEWS SPRING TOPCOATS To clear Dollar D*ys $4.96 MEN'S SPIRING TOPCOATS Reg. $20 to 430. Dollar Days . 315,95 MEWS WINTcoAAR, OVER - 10 only. Dollar 1".Iiiys . $10 TIGER BRAND. FLEECE - LINED UNDERWEAR Starts. and Drawers. Dollar Days..; each, BOYS' atm REEFERS Dollar Days.... BOYS' TWEED BLOOWIERS Dollar Dan... . .95c BOYS' GOLF SOCKS Dollar Days....e... ....Sec S WORK PANTS Reg. $1.75. Dollar Days $1.35 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Reg. $1.0O to $1.50. Dollar Days. ....BSc elloaaaaaaaaliPN••••••..*asa.+1.....awaaonama. NECKWEAR Reg. $1.00. DAS! Days,• 2 for, ... .$1.00 Bon' corroti iv= Lumber Jack and Trousers. Dollar Days... .$2.15 MEN'S WOOL SOCKS Dollar Deys,20c each. 6 pair for... , CHILDREN'S WASH suns Reg $t 00 to $1.50. rkaur °Days 75c • HEAVY SWEATERS *go. $z.00: Diiys $1.49 COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS IFOlt MEN Dollar Days.. ; „ .115c MEN'S CAPS. Reg. $2.5., D•I1,r Days, $1.50 20 per cent. Off Merchandise Not On Sale. When Sale Amounts to $2.00 or Over.. An7. The 4‘Repressiop" is Over So look through this list and see how your dollar will go farther here during Dollar Days. HOUSE CLEANING SPECIALS 40 and 60 -watt Tungsten Lamps, 5 for $1.00 Waverly Floor Wax, reg. 50c a lb. or 39c Mureseo Wall Finish, reg. 70e for........5Se Liquid-eedar Polish, 25e and 50c flir 19c and 37c gallon (gallons onlY),...4-;;.,4.-.'--.7vi‘1"- sPpaeciniatilystil.ptleleedfoart any Veneer Polish, reg25e and 50e A , for , ....15e and 35c psgpciot GreandY Johnson's Wax M lb. -tins, for..........65e. A special price on Raw cpnseed Oil/ Per •Extra special. 1/2„ pt. Johnson's Liquid gall°n **** * " " .$14" 1 pint Turkentine. for Barb Wire, 4 -point, a .few left, per__ o you This is a 01=11%I. 79c spool . * ** ....... ... .... Wax, 1/2 lb. Johnson's Paste Wax and This is good. Lawn Mowers, all self-adjusting:1dg; I)use Dustbane? Special prices on R orgeri:sid'.8L1°W:uerr9-111 these - 6 lbs. for .. bearing. See' eu°1-111) ve Twouo ray,00s, foi y 1/4 pt 40c, 1-2 pt. 65c, pt $1 10, q 50 ft. Garden Hose with couprings and nozzle complete for. ... . . ... .$4.10 10 per tent discount on Garden Tools.., Flour Sifters, large size 25c See our special line of Granite Ware, to sell - at 89c. Wonderfulvalue. Johnson's cLiquid Wax, pts. 65c Johnson's Liquid Wax, qts $1.25 24. Paste, per tin.................. $1.25 Sherwin Williams Family Paint, per qt 99c ops,,, or.... 1 osnulitya,3bibe;fronie-rincsoideoraioiloutsidestov r e,sp•eciaust4, $1.25 0 -Cedar Mops, for...-. . ;99c Special Prices In Poultry Netting Remember These Goods are all Regular Stock Watch for Special Prices Not Listed Rubber Stair Treads, with nosing....21c Glass Caster Cups..............7 for 25c • A VARNiSit SPECIAL 1 pt V.'931ifirldsli and 1174 Rubber Set Brush for . . , Good varnish -A heavy- All -Copper Boiler, -reg. $4.50 for ................ .$329 This is a good buy. . Coleman Gasoline Lantern at....... $6.75 Guaranteed Lanterns , ......$L29 Said -Flush, per TERMS --CASH JAS C CARRIE EAST SIDE SQUARE PIIONE 501 won 111111111 FRIDAY andqSATURDAY; MAY 1st and 24 DaYs are Here Again, WA Bigger Values Than Ever Everything in the Store is at Wonderful Reductions for Oahu- Days Come Expecting Bargains; You Won't be Disappointed Ladies' Tweed Coats This season's styles, good qua - Sizes 14 to 38. Reg. up to $1.0.50. Dollar Days at....$12:15 Misses' Spring Coats. In tweeds, - broadcloth, poiret twill, etc., mart styles, some fur trimmed. Sizes 12 to 17. Reg. up to $15.00. Dollar Days at $5.00 Misfes' Tweed Ensemble Suits• , Three only, sizes 12 and 14. Reg. $12.50. Dollar Days at $5.00 Georgette, Canton Crepe •and Flat Crepe Dresses 20 only, in blaek, *navy, sand, blue, etc. Dollar Days at...$5.00 Washable Dresses' ft :Washable Dressis in pastel t" shades, sleeveless, short sleeves and long sleeves. Reg, up to $7,50. Dollar Days Skirts Skirts in pleated and plain crepes and all wool tweeds. • Dollar Days , tidies' Hats Fancy straws and braids. Reg. $3.50 to 35.00. Dollar 'Days - at ... 6.0.444 IsOt•G*I4aili,41$00 Ladies' Silk Gloves In shades beige), grey, back. • Reg. $1.45. Dollar Days, pr. $1.06 *Ladies' Kid Gloves In brown shades and grey. Reg. $1.95. Dollar Days, pr.., .$1.39 iLadies' Chamoisette Gloves Ladies' Chamoisette 'Gloves, M sand, grey, etc. Dollar Days, pr. ......... :............. .29c • 'Ladies'. Silk Hose • Weldrest Full-fashioned Silk Rose. Reg. $1.25 and $1.75 pr. - Dollar Days, pr..... Celanese Hose Reg. 16c pr. Dollar Days, 2 Iv. for.. Children's Stoeklitgs Lisle Stoclungs, long and 3/4. '10tigth. Sizes 7 to 9. Reg. 85e • to. 60e pr. Dollar Days, pr....25c Children's Silk Soiks Iri eolors, sizes 4% to O. Reg. 35e pr. Dollar Days, pr, .; :19c ILadies"- Silk Bloomers Heavy weight, in good shades. Reg. $1.00 pr. Dollar Days, 2 prs. for , Satin0faced Crepe and Flat Crepe Satinsfaeed Crepe and Flat repe. Reg. up to 32.95 a yd. Dollar Days, per yd...... " .$1.00 a • '4 Mayon In shades green, blue, rose, yel- low, white. Reg. 35c per yd. Dollar Day, 4 yds. for......$1.00 Cotton Broadcloth Cotton Broadeloth in all shades. Reg. 39c yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for ... Figured.,Dhuity Figured Dimity. Reg. 45c yd. , - Dollar Days, 4 yds. for......$1.00 Figured Rayon Figured Rayon for - Dresses. Nice patterns'. Reg. 39e per yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for., sum !Cottage Plias • Cottage Prints, dainty patterns. Reg. 20e yd, Dollar Dtys, 6 yds. for Assortment of Yard -Goods Voiles, Crepes, Broadeloths, etc.' Reg. 65c to $1.25 yd. Dollar Days, per ydi -25c , • • • - • • • 4 Factory Cotton 40 in. wide, fine even weave. • Reg. 30e yd.', Dollar Days,. 6 yds. for .......... , .......$1.00 Our Entire Stock is at Reduced Dollar Day Prices • Towelling All Linen Towelling, colored border. Dollar Days, 10 yds. I for ........... ......31.00 ;White Bath Towels With colored borders. Dollar t Days, 5 -towels for.... 0.00 Colored Bath,Towels Dollar Days, 2 pr. for... 95c • Frilled Curtain Material With rose border. Reg. 29c yd. Dollar Days, per yd..........15e Figured Curtain Net Xn floral designs. Reg. 35e yd. Dollar Days, 4 yds. for......$1,00 Ladies' Corsets Ladies' Corsets, "Goddess" front laced.. Dollar Days, per pr. .$1.00 Raincoats Sizes 4 to 12. Dollar Days for Men's Topcoats In tweed. Reg. $17.50. Dollar Days at ... . .. ......312.35 Men's Suits Worsted, assorted sizes and pat- . terns. Reg. 324.50 and $27.50. Dollar Days • A. CORNFIELD Lilies° anti Men's Wear. ',shop where you are incited t 3htjf' West side of Square. Phone 418. Youth's Suits 3 -piece," sizes 32 to 36; Reg. $16.50. Dollar Days at .. 39.95 Boys' Tweed Suits Assorted patterns and sizes, . ranging 26 to 35, with 1 pair bloomers. Reg. up to $14.50, Dollar Days, suit.. Men's Dress Shirts Fine broadcloths. Reg. up to $2.50. Dollar Days at.... .$1,00 Men's Shirts Plain navy and navy polka dot, salt and pepper. Reg. $1.25. Dollar Days I..31.00 Men's Balbriggan Underwear Shirts, Drawers and Combina- *ma, Reg. $1.25 suit. Dollar. Days, suit ....."....... Men's Socks • • Fancy silk, silk and lisle.. Dollar Days, pr. foram.... ....sigoo Penntates Merino Socks Reg. 35c pr. Days, 4 prs. for ...... . . Men's Ties Reg. $1.00. Dollar Days, 2 ties for . Men' Overalls Snagproof Overalls, black and 4 plain blue. Reg. $1.115 pr. Dollar Days) Smoeks to match.