HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-04-02, Page 9.1' N DOLIAIR n GODERICH V a n d SATURDAY, MAY y- ' ()nee amore Goderieh Merchants are Co -Operating to gye Record -Smashing *'allies for. Two Days,'• May 1st and 2 -., and it will be worth your while coming many mules to take advantage of these remarkable offerings.. 'The merchants whose .advertiseaments appear in this big bill are join- ing in this manunoth`Value-Givi*g Sale. Their stores will be marked• with Dollar Day, Pennants on. Dollar Days. -.:MeExpecting Big 'Values yau Won't +fie . Disappointed LNERY he most remarkable Values of the Season Outstanding in Style Quality and Price FOR DOLLAR DAY $4.50Values` for $2.75 . $5.50 " » $3.75 ... $7.50 " * $4.75 A Collection of Hats specially priced at $1.00 Children's Hats . , .. , ..... ........$1.00 Baby Bonnets . , ' .. $1.00 Scar'f8,.. ...:. ..... .$1.00 Costume Jewellery . .$1.00 Y'ou are_cordially invited to inspect our stock • MISS M. R. MacVICAR Kingston St. .11 lig 1,19 ' Shoe Sale al cvicar s Means a Sale of Footwear with Money 'Saving Opportunities, Oxfords, Strap Slippers andw Pumps, for Men, Women. aid Children will be on sale at remarkably low prices. few lines.,are .listed.below: MEN'S; ' BOYS' and YOUTHS' GUN ME'T'AL OXFORDS, reg $3.50: to $4.00 per pair Dollar Day price. .. , , ... $2.95 30 PAIR MEN'S BROWN BLUCHERS, reg._. • 5> 5a to $7 OQ.pet p ir,'sizes.6 to 41; .Doh lar Day Sale Price. , : ... „$4.45: 30 PAIR MEN'S BLACK and BROWN GRAIN WORK BLUCHERS, Panco soles, solid in. soles, sizes 6 t' 11. Dollar Day.Price $2.75 30 PAIR.. WOMEN'S BLACK and BROWN KID 'PUMPS, Cuban heels, Sixes .3 / to 7.. Dollar Day Price.. .... ... ; .. $3.50 • DOLLAR DAY is an event we Awa. endeavor been reduced to make alit Dollar Day one to North Side. Square 30 PAIR WOM S BL ACK KID' and PATENT 1 -STRAP' SLIPPERS, sizes 20. -to 8: Dol." Lar Day. Prim.... $2,95 MISSES' STRAP SLIPPERS, SANDALS and es.44-•4o4r--Dollar-Dail ice- ._. e •_p per .pair. .. , .... .$1.95 CHILDREN'S . STRAP :SLIPPER.% SANDALS and OXFORDS, all sizes. Dollar Day 'Puce per pair.. :::. ., ............$1.45 MISCELLANEOUS LOT OF SHOES AND SLIPPERS, for everybody, all.sizes. Dol- lar Day Price . ,l..:.. ... 41100 toy make worth while forour friends. Prices have be,renaembered.. Prices at this sale are for cash' only. cV car G o h 4.. ' 1.1 01.441t. DAYS s$$$$$ $$$$*$:$41$$$.sss •10 room lots of wide 30 -inch Paper -to clear at 19c per roll 10 patterns of -inch Paper Sunworthy Embossed, to clear at 1ell Also Paper" at 5c er roll. On . Dollar Days, May 1,st and 2nd, we are giving 20 : per cent. h are �oil all Wall Papers that a e n otarn sale. CO- S BOOKSTOR 1. r V Advantage of Our 2 Days' Sacrifice: Sale • Low : Cash Prices Away Less' Than :Replacement Values. Bring This :1 LINOLEt3M RUGS FOR YOUR FLOORS "Linoleum wears better" Size 6 x $ ft. $7.50 for • $4.95 9 x 101/2 ft. $12.50 for. ; :. '.. $9.75 9 x 12 ft. $14.00 for...... $11.75 12 x '131/2 ft. $22.00 *for . $16.75 SILK AND RAYON WASH SILKS 36 inches wide in a large choice of doral,. sera and dot designs. Light, mid and dark colors. Reg. price 49c up to 80c. One table full, at per yd..... . •35c� BYMOOR RU Heavy guaranteed quality, patterns 1�j► x 2 yds. $18.00 for..... 21/4.• x 3 yds. $29.75 x for... . . • 63% .. $45.00 for...: . 3 x 4. yds. $50.00 for... Y ...... GS splendid ♦. W.i ..$14.V0 . ,....$22.50 • ......$29.95 $38.95 • SILT STOKINGS • Silk and Raid), and Pure Silk 'H lep;i,00f, a large lay»out, all this season's stock. • Large choice of shades and colors. Sizes 83/2 to 10, value 75c to $1.00; for 50c Men's 'Silk Hose, neat patterns and all shades. Double sole and heel. 10 doz:• regular 75e per pr ............35e. CUSHIONS 5 doz. Chintz and Art Sateen „Covered Cushions filled with kapok for your chairs, couches, beds or your . car. Regula 69c 'for 35c or.......:.3 for 99c White Flannelette, 28 -inch- .......12 %e White Flannelette, yd. wide. ......... .18c White Cheese Cloth...................5e Men's Overallsand Smocks. Itog.w$2.04. Two days* sale., ................$1.25 1st W tik Your FLOOR OI. CLOTHS Large choice of new patterns, in 1, 2 and 21/2 yds. width. At per square yd. ..49c DRESS SILKS 38 -inch Flat Crepe, heavy • beautiful quality, in black, navy, sand, ivory: Value $1.75 per yd . • . $1.4$ - DRESSES Pure Silk Crepe Dresses, Silk and Wool, Jersey: Dresses.' Some very late ar- rivals and very smart. Sizes 18 to 38. Values from $9.95 to $14.00: Two. days' sale • $7.50 PRINTED BROADCLOTHS Dress Prints. and Percales, light, mid and i dark, . finest quality, 36 inches wide.. Colors guaranteed fast. One table. full. Reg. 35e to 59e. all at per yd. ..25c CONGOLEUM RUGS" All sizes, new patterns. 2 days on clearing sale. PURE SILK HOSIERY • .Finest all silk Full-fashioned Hose. `12 new' shades in every -size. 'Our;regular„ __...,$1.35 to $1.95, On sale.... .......98c House Dresses, Ottto'48, On sale:.. , $1.00 Men's I3albriggan Underwear, 2 -piece or combinations, long sleeves or half sleeves. 2 days only, half price per suit 75c DRESS .LINENS Pure Linen for dresses, mauve, blue, rose, yellow, ,green,: brown, grey. 36 inches wide. Value 80e per yd.., ... 55c anaimirnim ACHESON & SON AT $ssstsassasassaassasssaasssssss Fridaya�d� � $aturday, May1 1 BINS 5 Here are Real Dollar Day; .Bargains . Everything Reduced-- Corm .and "See for Yourself Men's Tweed Pants, well made, cuff bottom, , 4 pockets, all sizes, Dollar 'Day* ..•.•...... Y.....• ..: Topkins' Combinations, sizes 34 to 42, special Dollar Days y Shirts,Work : blue chambray, all sizes, White' Handkerchiefs, with border, t 1 Dollar Days,. each. ..:............ Dollar Days per dozen........ . xl Bo s' Bloomers, all sizes, special for $ Dollar Days. Y • , . .. Y .. . ..... • ♦ . Fancy Socks, sizes 10 to • 11, ;Dollar t • Days 10 pair' for.... .... ; . ,.. K.K. Collars, all sizes and colors, Dol. t larDays 4 for . . . . .. Mien's Merino Combinations, all sizes, $1 .Dollar Days. ... Men's Fancy Caps, .all .sizes,. Dollar $ Days , i Horse -hide Gloves, special ° for, Dollar si Days at per pair °.. 1 Men's Balbriggan Combination Combxnatio�►s, sized 34 to 42, Dollar D.. , ...., . Police Braces, extra heavy elastic, on t Dollar Days 2 pair for.. , .. . Boys' all wool Pull -over Sweaters, all sizes, Dollar lays each ...... , .... Men's Broadcloth Shirts, blue, white „t' and cream, all sizes, Dollar. Days.. . Men's .Silk Ties, latest patterns, Dol- $l lar Days 8 for..... .........'.... Y . • : Men's FlannelPyjainap, sizes 15 to 17, Dollar Days .. . . ...Y4''X ... • ...,.... . Come to the "Dollar Day" and Reap the gene& of this Special Sale. 5 $ $ $ 5 $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ 5.5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s 8 5 M. ROBINS • Watch OUP Windows for Extra Specials TIPTOP AGENTS fi