HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-03-19, Page 1I
'%*- . --- ,, - . -
� Akkh� .A
� Wmter Check Bwks JA=::�
, Tl* aw Ili& a*& opod WTansemmu
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Artistic Announeements.
Tho Sw W W#ww to Ott spotiol it-
te"U", to owulklur sk" tsm"ft 0".
uo %olims allikkowXviloolat cardik *"
fw4tft of a Nor"
Try T*0 00 for or"Ilw U" ft"W
, .
* . K=- -
Goderich -Pla- I"" Min w1un Againwil,Busy Week M* Police CourtomBowfing Club Annuo Meewg Held.
.I... � -- --,-- - -, ---11--- -.- . -
- I I .. . . I
I .---.1--- — -. - I -11 . year Irk, the Dominion toktraoimerkt,� PLANING M" - cluded with the sluguilt ot the Notloolal TOWN BAND . ARTHUR VIRCUR PLAY
- -. I — - I
, — - U 0. BWOM mtliekki. � I
. , , I , p4yint M Saturday .1 I I .
. *W accompakile4 the - Goderlebt cup de- TO OPERATE AGAIN vookily quAvrok Air" ft court fta"W A ME SUCCM
I . ItS 040111i Wills CIA1511 Of NtW — . I
I C, .1 AGO DOMPORD of On* tendeft'Pikiy1tig on ThUX046Y Alght- 1. ', �"ometiftw new $or Magistrate udo 311�"kft C4100,09 AWSW Nkdy ovkut I * V 1111010111W .
, �� BUD Lifa buto , rjo�kiilk riftr,ala ;, Cr*at of GwX* W*b"* Will Us Irk Chilep in M Court experience "A I �1- Itawl"10,1143P
� . I .. � z ., . . I . Tid . lav"UP- 40 ur= A111,111110W " .
-1.11, . .1
I I � - � . . - == .- S9*0 1$ .- for I&, XWWWIA 1444 X31A WWA-,. I Uou, which opened on Wednesday mom. ��The Prospects got a town bind for . ,
. . ., I , . R"o brook wat no *a out.04 weat I Ing and walk continued ThursUy *ttvr. this- sewu are quite Promising. A . atkill fttoy .
. 1 —1930 1 Whit has come to be known as the. , . . ,. , I., It which Jim been pracusing * . . . to Jokim ? wen I
... 1930—PROMROPS ANO PROORMIVE: hydre, elloctoo thirtetath power U1111, ol: 1. , . ,;�' : noon ulader pgpw valat I%ppe"41 1 �
. - ,tq wives and
I . � - . Ooderith - 4" -li4p =t4ris 4mone ,olong very *,ell
. I . � . the ad year, bo been work of. cleatillit" up %baL Vh11ftt0s,:1QQQ��-AU%" 15ii - V Ili- Jeno 03, not late so badly. -Xt seemt4
( , ........ WMMOOO T celve J h I . .
New Assurancavild for in 1930... . e N!stbl? b18M fact 110%it, of , around iijuking -ITAU property. the �old Buchatilk land being brought into court on the doed ou(i It 4 propwd that these boys,
.. � . I Dec. 4930.... .. �,. $2,8§3,701,000 , " wife'd #v011eallon tot % Summons for asdAtO bylaombera, of the sentor blind. to be the livst of the churut�er4 in tbo I
-- --i -0 inforge,�, , . lllwo.-thit Is the amount. collect*4 in mm'' is proposing, r4cely slid Mr.
I -Ais .�--� -- - � put cu a foll,cert tho Ilrst Sundpq v,ven- play $hut thjup were happelling to.
. , T tat -sw4n;es �... I
'... . .t . - � 4 , - - '86fili -tV -'bulk . .
� I T6`tal Incenle for 030r-�- .,3I 1 Z1V0Q t6a� elve m0sithly -Wilill'-ftt-011cla eeeofg-o WestbMX% I#, 91111IT44 91 O.."I"'W'M `y.,""e`o'14M,9"1e4,'h',� uw in May ;after- InTch to show tile .
. nterest eattidd I invested Asset � ,r t1t Id wife. ;M4 C�tpooiolly to We histiop who w,", .
, Ll to of I zli. I *. .0.44%o . lag, an Suflicleut to Pay $or the will 16r Mr, r. 0. X041ftelAch. or z V- WW '04M be acepmPusheo r
( 1 Averap ra . 11 . I . Power vaed �Jrk Ooderich, with an de- ish, the rietv owner, Already four .0, - of the.wille ,%-as taken on Wedut0ay tuaking ,aroutld in an rhillan.
L l brought in mosilliks and the husband's veraloa.wall town'= oollshort ii tinke. There is .
� —I)MWND JURILEE VM -101 � . preclotion and other oharoft IoR0 of- material bxve,*v,n With - qu . oil . . .
# .1an 1 . . . . .
. : , . I L -4, . I �- 0�,� aind ordor& for mlit#rb 81101k. an tile following * day. At' the no remoo why Gode.lch cannot have a 10411111940r W clerical MU for It , I .
11 I I I .....-O. 1L. , I I � . . St. Ntricu% oily xaft"balskents ' heurfult 04 Wednesday the band of f6dy-A" Or fifty pieces that time, 10? the Play, while the fi*e b%bop .
. .9 . . clal St, PatrIck'si MY feature daily. It 4 proposed toi devoto tho well- '0940 Of tile Will be a credit and An advertisement was enjoying (2) WeLatterit ,
� I V,daidekkae 5J L The ape tern ,end of ft Min 'building to the husbW Viks Asked t4 Product $10 for 1004 ot � Ju� .
f. 11 2 - I , . , H. - R, LONG, District Agent for the to.". Mr. Ilucklns,. who has VIkka Starlight.
'Plionts its I I I Picture, "Luety In, Love," given at "10 storage of bulldlar materials, tattrely. the keep Of* 145 wife 111 the Meantime, However i WoLk il;om- .
I. 'Zo., . -1 - I pital Theatre on Tuesday ovealng� lumber, gyVM eto., Ah4si new, n whioUL be 1)rQ1 hail the bosa in training. Is WkIna for pliciLted Condition Woo AMUY attskigM.
. I I I in. .Aptly did. According to -
I . 1 .11.1 0.00- . I —. -- ", . � �, I I *�, the 'room to the ev 'Wh 0 the Story"LlilSpilt , of. no mMetary r4ward; be will be -quite elt out And everyone stopped well* . , �
I # . L - - ." � Nardi 17th, under the auspice$ *4 *Ad 09 the liouilliag Is e$L,akk4 UMata Ve!ro &&ill" to acbkxe his desift at % band en
"LL; I—- -- - I I ----- 1. � -- I
,. I L� L. . . , .. , I . ".. Qh *M choming 4tw- being arranged, sotne�jutw mobtum frMucht occurrence anti the huliblind double. ,mvitia got the x1ght b", , I
I . I "". Npl(�S anct. the Attendance , Wm good- The Js.tA be brought IUA4 tl*,,u finally a*ed to give bla-wite $200,4130 a little encourage- Jell" got C*y sod Richard VA Mar...
� ' , islobirkery I
. FOR SALS OR TO R)kNT ,;� � , . 1� ,once the same, lleveulug� put on by the will be, rim by, ele�aoo rawer, � 10� two. to ;ovslrate� This she said he re- 01 f"', In"' way towards &4. Jorie, and Ili the raftathho Uebft had
. ,.,�-Ie�� 1 Men
1 .-, . - 0 � RIM,--pood tam. Eta jwrol� , I ..... .-�, �- -,.-, *"#%d#,r4 , oohotraj .in, Ixacilows, .Weatbrook-somo -mork04-aw,vu W(Y- Tu" -to m when she actuaily,. did lot It; There - a", quito a been getting heipst Qt 4COU to ktdP'1A%knI'L '
I �T JW , ., alin'4130 W"L An Attractive feature,. with t%ting *th L the ip" 40for tbg We of leavi. He wo said to be WMftL to number of " who we 41140118,1to loin It will; it - "O Comedy 'Witu, 4044, Umt .
I -
� - build And Well, running Water. lVen V*wer Gnaders 1900y far, , . , 'Put 111111" 130 Instruments and it 13 pro-
,. Lot 34, Cali. . ,4, 00derich To. Rent, 1, Still . a.good attendatlee. . part of tile V ligveher come bogic to him, but JA her. collettlork at tit$ Arthur Circle'ot Knox tilafth pct- ' , -
te�vqhj�ja, possawou? Apru. tat. Apply . � y = Akctory but with posed iQ %* tot 0 silver
---- I . the Purchase A�alftuch or the disposition on Wednesday tlk�ft did I not the ferited list Thursday suld' ftiday" Wgb" L .
1. MM, qIfAS. COX Ittrick R. U =e - �;t)omlhlon 'Road � idsobinerY .Co. Many Suffering With. "u. I I
. N%%, A - 1, , wamt In May to,forka a fund to
I I . -A.-0- I MI4 Ile b#* decided ta c"t In his lot seem -tO 4* any chance of that. P, In the looture. V900% of the chwo.
. or SJ1,%=TXA=, a t , a. no. 1, - has, ten" power gradm. Teady, tot, ship- We Are 0144sed to Aee P105t)(00al'Or do lattrorneato for these boyN glad #,Irkippg�, Darrow, ag.jpki", tbe.tr,illlel,
Ilayfi � �. . . .. I I , ft Again At 414 Past this week After A with him AA mah&W ,hi Mdarich� of Donnelly ,and R. 0. Rays! were the Oro'" � . .. . I
I ment. Souie..ga, to Quoind oid. others 00 - Ith coursiel for wife and husband. respect- In th% VOY -0" the boys something, to let for a hymn-booit how*, who egrildlI L
� .
L� L to,varlQuo Parts, au, bell* under order. tttk-nfay. Alr%est-from, threate404 paeu- Ow milling Md, or %1* bwAidal * . I I � . . dd�jllol 00 useful to them'.14 the -As
'; 11 ,hfttery $3. * . I I %. WeL at; kfW also to We Rft'rd Z"J'aS In Charlie of "Wd . 01010r, Cards . I% aloe-Itne 'and 4W �- . I
PR SAIX,"-0 )now � L a�wer�, We lVg,w. " I years to came. * .. � ,
I . . I. ii, Fort". Bows alksollne.7pok *1**,' th - kin is to , This Ttkur3iiay, afternoon a settlement �
I I WIA� XAFTXL,�: ! . orkilgid about again i after his Attack of are )glAd to know, .qe # L
I Phoad W T1 . . ... I I . -,_L . . Was ,arrived - husbatid agreeing �o On Monday list a. Meeting of the town found 46 towa dead* or &live, vai ki, .. . I
' I Forbea. MWer has had.. . . sit, the
11, A: SasetineL tank I Town operate: again. , " .. . .
. the Ila which settled In his eyes, 1. , I 1%.yAlia Wife $4SO.LL This Would be 4 band wax held W the band room and. a -
� L L
. I I t mounted., on a obasols to Use In trans- clirk, 'and. , T ur , Xhox;, who has . I I 1, = . 0�, I I . happy characterlsatic'u, and 4i Thom- , - -
. .
,,, I FOR I re" or � L., L. .�, nerkil discussion I
. � URNIS I I A . I ., . . . '' I L third of An vAliti of 41350, And 'but. P ., took Place us to $on as Zbenexer -Goo4l*# a.ptoteftatr of
.. ,
� " I . I �Ark( Q . 0 good P9r#h# L -been'' fthtiqg on the.t1u. for ,some time tutu" plans of the blind, A commAtee
'IL , ggsqlipe� from. his big tshk neo � . .6f
; . I I. . d. tricks td lits jonge � or With seVerip Rblimoeo. froth hwvi*ag work toedah. - at Practically .band kkzzd� wife and il� coliatable went �Allat*luyj carried.the digulty of,U14 pra�i , , . , , �
I , �. Y, ts. "for lubt, . . Rp to. tile � his,work,-bas every mudftI.1esftVAt,1A-Oht0AiO., Thu down to,the, house for the lady to I take of ift" members walk elected to &pct. M feagickilit re3dgrchelk . wea but, Aboved . I . L .. �
I . P*Zqr. . . � L I � 1. wher May. Itave an order,for de- been -laid -up thI4 week, but was bX& . ., ' L
., l I I .1 L . , tup! goid,--Medal 40peter- ,Possession of 'her, Own ,Personal belong- An executive, to handle tho business of himself, primitIvely .human L wlt)t$4
I . i I . ... Again tofty� at his 150#1 1 , I � year he woo - I . . . _ In
kl 1. ",�-Toarge ts0ftet ,Photo- livery, , :; I . I L . . ., . . �boror' And Ow wott tho, Ar4t Orlm .for 1pos. . . the band in conjunction with'the town tile lack be� got but of a prize Agu"
- FOR & ! Majoask:� Case Adjotunto for.,& Week ThIrliftu fq� Uilivok, Numiker for I . . � . ,
- I
I . � poilb, In good Iponditlon (WAIAnt) . I . L tenors At Iftrallork this year,: last - year Sullauket Hotel Broke I la I . council. The selootlori of % leader . was evLh If the kI* I114 give him �% bla* , , . I
,can make. no . . . Into thoroxgIlly.'discussed and the Members . . I
I all records-inpluxed. YOV L . The case �agatnst John Majoitaky, Of 0. C# z. Ba*d I" Vaym . having. ivort second place, Oor three . OYO. Antony Goodly. D, D., blahop of. . .
. k -Wing this machine. $18.00 to be htiartt.. Wednesday ' . . ,team years In succossloh he boa 'wen, the all- Hotel Sunset was broken into two or Present wereL unanimous. In selecting Ballarat, was. arlothor' dignified
. I t1ii.malabirke and records, SaItford, Aue. I .. Clinton, Collegisto basket ball note I aigi. , - ..
=%oliniuy ni6raing this ek, L : - three 'times recently, .the last oceigion John. N. Huckim " leader, for the cOm- r who . .
Q $TAU . we Weis. adjour'ned 'for both � &15 And W.VS, Were here for' re -L yqn1c"I at Toronto Wilt allo wen the I got Into'undi"ed, troubles, " L L � . .
�1 ApplyBOX O"TC9. i - '. . edal.ther$. i6r t 4ws ,in being Monday night, And t*ee young lagaeaVu, he to be subject -to the com- Who. could 40 -the pirt 40 well sh. vted, . I
� -� another week.'The charge is of having, turn games on Monday- night. 'The brOAZO =1 wo'� - , . L I
. quantity of iphlisk unlawfully mahufactured, con- 0 1 oderich'boys almost won, but stopped auccesdou � he haXL been, jold nledvAlliat In Men of town have cotkfci�ed to being Mittee. The' foudwing officers L were Wolr?- 1), WaIrri so Richlo L L
. A . . it the guilty ones. The flrs� visit was �1031 sesksoW. Treasurer. W. engaged to, Marjorie, Was 4 good. .1
� : . 20AL 0 sold ,At . - Stratford, and., on two, a Joij5L on elected *for I . . Heothorly,
Once- trary, to section, 181 of the XbrXiso Act. � at a score oi 4 - visitors went coal, HUCia L . _fe L ,
I Sto�: gal� M be . . McLagark Vrl4aY xilght, i�h6rt a quantity of cigars Johnston. proposed by Xr, .
1 1 . ply .t, L. g1dalre Store, . . L I L . a oh'L .S, while the ,kne went Stratford he walk awarded . 111, nodded to be to stand some of the c6 i .
and got 'anotber. The gi , . . , the J
L 'a Me s4kkar�e- rne' � . New, Trustees; .04 AUCKAY Jun Boar . X trose bowl,'gIvea to the4most out4tand. and candy was taken. k second at. seconded by A. ,Traverse; secretary, he got in h4 Wbolng, oMejtadoM was . .
. I ten, minutes 'o�qttfthe. The G. C, , I � 1. I I . I . .
-1 ".. . . Me4gko,"'A., M. Rbbertson , And Oda. girls also htopped,at 13, but the, Visiting Ling coriteatanon the'",nior cl.aasep'o 'L tempt was made oil situdeq night last Fowler, proposed by 'W- -XeWa6Mb%, represented by Andrew Porter, who, 1111;k. L .: - .. �,
.. . FORZM��Hea house' Mime` 'am Johnston, representing the W. 0. T. U., I ad:46, Keon.interest Was tak-i To .. � . but 1114.ycitkha met& did not get In this � seconded by - T. Jerkner, exetutive,. 0, peared both a L
. 2X55. feet. APPLIY -'to MRS- C... A. &14 $par P ailn a Thomas Holder, a Police, . .1. -.L'� .
I I 4mbase Leak -Loa . r ISO . - time,' though, armed with a, pair of' Young, W. X6weamboi T. Jenner.- 1W, man, , . I I I I... -
� HOWSON Auburn, , � I . and Clisks.'Barker And Obas..Young, re-� on ikk�the Jgamelf-.. .. . , .1 . L and 0, 'and Henry Pallerl $u riAtelaftnt . " L , .
W I . : . I'' 11 t
��, L. . I- . . 1--- presentIliq the n. 'T. of T., .have been . I I I . . At the regular meetttig'of- the Water'pftets, it turnscie bar, but -on I Johnston and 1. RUcklm, I I . I or m smitadu 21, - . LL . .
I I . I � 0, and 110 III his bit'ac
I -�- Imperial Incubator, alld elected by these organizations. -to Post- Weigh'thr. i,oads and Cave the. Itoods old-, � Light , Commisalon On Tl4ursday Monday night thdy:wore more success., I , . . I . "L I . .
. ILI . L I I . . . 1, . Mr. Cl L . ----1.- Cording to specifications. A. craft. I �
! ; I FOR S with hover. tions an the trustee.. board 'of - MacXdY TrAM now dorles 1h. evening last a cow L - I :
r Acme brooder, StOve 0 Ofilear Leaver I . plaint from . fill. Altogether Mr., Ime figures be- , ' �
r, LL . I t a score of. 1.3. while the*vlsltors went thought UP wis 0,11 Initial% and acted I L.
, I . Furchileed'Iss,t year and'14ed oray Lane Han " " ' ' . I I I * a , .
- _ ., , , I '. : . . I his �car -a neat AppAfatu& which flU ,in. Wurtele of radio Interference was Too tween $SOL and $40 worth of , stuJT Was .11
I .� . . . . - i I I I . I on arid goi,onathor. The -game went- AkO 040 and, had -the bishop doing t1lb, .
r seasbn; Wpl-'alen at reasonable price., L � ., . I I . i '
. 11 . . to i� ,Case. nbt, Much larilller'thok: 4 suit oolved. The superintendent was auth- taken� One �f the. boys, told the mag- - war dance too, Mrs. U. C..L Dunlop as. . 1. .
� - M . Perome. The 0. 0 - 1. �' I
1, Apply �AUIS. M,� )WPOMAX, Con. 5, Charged With Breakic., . xntp. 00k , -likk locAtillt set . ton minutes '017 1 . 1,
. .
� - Case, a set of scalliz for weighing, the OrIzcd to pUrchalao A, Istrate Oki Wednesday morning that they girls stopped a I I L �
west - Wavokoeb. Phone,: � 'Dungannon ' Charged *1 bie4kkfig! into the barn and .to 99CO.Vor the - local hydro system . i it, but ,the visiting Mrs. Goodly, the PrOfe=r,s,WJfd, Was!.
� 13 r 13, .. �. . v I L I . . � I . I... I .th lohdo of truco, lso that be q*A check:up had been talking about bank'robberies ' - Most 11 9011011t6u$ L .$or, the profes4ces - I . .
4 � - . o#drioddl regularly. The L girls
11 . , - =0 such .like And the Idom-was suggest. en in the ca.mes. The boys' teaftis wore hftltbi 111114411'tW the worry,ot� the P,M- -:L ,
of Richard PrItzleY, L%Wr0k%W 1 YURI, secretary was , soorpli "46. Noon, Interest was: tAk
� L. .; ...... �,�. aged 21 VagIlltrate ng:� of -trueks,i##t on the road � I � I . Instruct do.' Some . sh L � % 'L I
I AND INSURANCE . aft"ll'suspiclon. CoMi-to his,totice. ed tor bringin a report:,00, th6 insurAace eatJkAt they .thing. -None of a acted her ii.;trt *cu. cL�v
'. REAL SSTATFA � . . years, Was L before, as, a L � 1. tied when %me was called but a lot of lessor, L
I .
" - . . I I I — Reid', on Moriday and a Weeki"�O'okkrtk- T L . Use. carried On the waterworks and - electric the young. follows could - say which one I � . . -
I . - ... "I - I � � his JLPpf"tus which -1liasA*eA in points were 'scored in tile ten minutes (Mrs. W. B 6 .
, , I . - � �- nothwell) mojori &44 ,
j, . Anus L -RINAL' ESTATE mOnt. was m4 - . . � I I .. . light station aitd. -.contents, And, It was I first. made the suggestion; apparently It - , .
S VW . .. I .4e. Yuul was'00 huht for some'tithe has oplyAust how been * ,., . . * .1. . .
I ,; Fj Carey'a sum- ... .. IWOVA. . (Was Jean C�owoaj and Aft :,.
and I f6-- extm PIAY� - . , .... wereL . � 's
1� , WSURANCE AGOICY. .Ing and,was, got ht -F � introducell;Into .V* county.,-Alid the doldtd ... to�.hallg a- wakhihWq clock was 4 suggestion frlim whole three Oa.We�lpesdliy eveqhig Mitchell boys' B- Somerville) cha
I 1. . �,� L '. I , ." ' '. - L L the L young .
. . , , I mer cottage at sunaet'Beaeh,:' Impossible :fOr system Installed at waterworks at the same moment. Any d"d "ft# . I
I L I I .
�. - - . I . . �., officer a%$,$ it will. be ,way the and t I . her The O.C.1 to the. tam
il . ]Kansas And '. Ids it! Goderldh, and ' $14V ea. . . .
, )rns,were %; ,
Cup Defeki4tp,�q Play . Ight cases of . o*qrIO.kIIng -to get., Awo.y. now Plant. ,A. -letter jrokh� ,the Sangono was planned aheod. The plan for -the the- bishop; and Mm .1 . .
. � $aturdiiy N. I Electte Co., dneJOSh*,COkktrAotL wokl�thdir puke 14 to' 8 but. , . K. Revell as. Alvina.
vicinity And. farms for sale at slaki ,4 boys . , w of , 0manCe ' '_ L .
Lght r . - Sunday -� via etts. d
prices. A large numbo,r� of Vad hOtpes. . Dr. Hunter, 7P.:Qatoy sod Roy Patter- its he has'the'vions of -proof with him. I I � night kittelii�t was Made 111111 Ating girls had. the - best. 6; It, winning Starlight. h - Ch he r . . . . .
�, � . _ L . �, . I I . , . I .. 'ifijS�..0i E§Ahjoao'Wjtt_hO4-�L or, pur - * boys t6ld ,th� . 1. I . I . _ Wt. . .
" Usted for Cy low pricet and son ,Jett �;Q , . meters was, diii; afternoon. The b I : � , . I . . 'With the bishop (the real 6ijik.op) at , .. � . ..
sale At voi - I r Toronto today, wbere:they D- .Marun is stroug.,on History I . I . .
. I
� � easy teftW for pAyuient if reqUifoiL Will ble hapratin. to de. r. - ' evening. L ., March 10th I * filed. And-oilliqlal. . notification from the maglatridd they did not know what they y 34 W16 * ' - , , Cdoui bad a happy, Outcome, %-%s surely an . ,, - . , .
" Ank about tl�ozrk. . . I I . . . . .L. I � Pluto by 0. .*� a . On, Tuesday ,tovm council., WO, 'receWed' thst' two took the stuff 1or; tW couldn't stocks .Naceshow. MeLegrki, Greener . . .*Ures . 1 miss MW. ' . ' L
. .
I . .. . no . fekkd�L!440. **$ L If AeIl to Q Elliott; Biisset, Sutherland, 0aftel. -and � kret ting characterization. . I : � -
, ,
. _ Ir twenty men ste ces, road, all the cigars 'the$, .tbok.ik6r..iaL.AI"he. I , .
I No be#Or ,Skom to buy, �a 1101110, ' P . tr0P4T',' they - Won last ove t: thoVih he bf the ple of w4wr maw oii 13ritanniAL welj:L kink -Page-was- the-I'Llie -up -".--a Aq. C, L � go Wilson, Oe. . S*edf* ormt L ' '
.'J; bq* . —. 1CJeA]kd,, LMo$ ,ttu), and'AlstrOct- 'were Inc - - - learned Ab �
, . better fta,. , cbeapdr'th4ki batld-o - —)FO*Cle 14�Ti6i---- I ,juded In the Weektiont with the caiift. Apparently the, iaills . - of -wiiswt �W-Auow :rod. soon. , kki , �, ,
. , . . .. 'Itnalted � I - 'Wild * , : 11
I "-.. - -.1 , ive addresses, ever, given In St. Ghorll;e13 boys, buntou, � boya' team calls . .� .
. , 11*1 better than T*44,p , L � It W40 worth money to, Other, people ft, I - I .
I . X� I I -��,.,,,.,. - o4-�-,-,--- ' * -- �leh' L by * D4 Vni. Martin," Dr. � Unemploynignt. A,eW - -B004, the mork dettaketi, as a lark to out in #me, U Hovey. Hillier, . � UM11., .
L *I0-,Twq 00' bou0s. is aged andL , - , . , , -0 , :;. , Nt 10105 , ,:. ,
I , - , M jFIMXMRX�rapalrod, x0mod to - the"tr L ' " 11 . t0Ll?0.f-W wl - 0 ,*pq theL -a rather serlQua oftwo."hovevOi, the lioiawt nOws, � . 1 vam � itd -b" .t* *e"' thurn. L Unrave'll
, , - 11 ,
Ch-=�,4ftftM,.;, ,� , f ij�impio.yed bri -111s '�* tft �,c ork r 'which poop a' inson, ,Moore, .Drowh d � L
hW tl* � I _ - or -0 Ib", - , , , 10 1-14-W A ,
� .
. .4 . . -, , * —'a " ' L' if thing To " . - slid:: . " ;- .
� 0-04.�- -
� � .11� , rMd �
.. 1-�.-bbaa , , I -0402" Ilew `:tik I -*4#Ifi"tr"td1'V1Ii*4M'& . W100he ljif',6 1i , I .
zt,i4w , . .
. ,swift , JMt, *ork"dorke. L L *:�,61� . . I I . .. I in i behind - * ' of I . . I �'.
pleted, w ' " 'It L 6. S. MCNAY. - 0 a I ofte 11 I' :`t : " ' "ll'ten � boys% , teattil. Made A *10 of the requiredL ink
ell dae0AW,po_1y, polished . t, V#toi AnCt it$'Pfiboltil ftku ' , early' times, down : * . . . . . I L OL Put time - I . MIP51 W11150h herself Yaw quite e4*410 . ., . .
-bardwood .;600r*.L -616citic 118AW,. Ul'. ,riqka,at., pjl -�,3i;7. ." I �. I I P"gtt DiVlftofi, Citubtan, Cows,% !WDOU9411 I I., I .
. � one. : I en Ili andAlle-.pot that . locks ths4 thea4 %.P--,1 ' " ' ' b k " - I . "
1* Modern bdhL"Om Mut64 1(7;;W; .0, — L � a Ar&baL,pJ&yed tit driving the t.urkj Ratted county Cie& - - - - , , L L . I . . ung Men L to a . to. . . I I ..'.. � L . . Of gett4 h0t. V06 Cast 16r %he %*$. ..,A ,, .
. I 11"s. PSATHMS. _ th, . � .L, �nVi'lWhoW. -The 6o ' and Oblightly. As, . .
_Have . I Lyg have to re�- In between acts ,(it was, a three -act � ,
70%if ,
I � Houses weft jilkiliindd ,for, tobvenleace, I . foathcr beds from there durintl -the :vdr, -and, the . 110. (Thursday) was. Counti- 'clork port to. the. Magistrate next.' The 0. C. 1'. girls' team Ili both the I ,016Y) - W. 13, Roths, I - 1 -
I. : wakfort, ,complete and oonoodo beating. I �. zw4li Into . minitary, - Mattresses I I . Problem of. 'the $air. East.. rt Holmala's , hirthdiy and t ;ouA. ,mor ng to 'hear, -What tr Wednesday Clinton Anti .100tchell games consisted of . Tll, organist. of, the :' . - ,
. .
tinpoitant ito - ,* present . . eet4l* L 04 'I . ho C tit _L it.
� I I .. ., Au, ,At 'once., PTIW our' iiient is .no* in Godeild% Prop -a was a splendid � in � .. . d !veryohe House. people,, marked th.e.occasl9a,,by' e4tuient. is to .Z.. Dean', D�er 'And "k, Nattol, forl 0hutcIld Perform4d on tho Who, asr - . I I
. L '
� . w
. I I . I I : - W4' , �_ . I
, .., 1. . I '04 ' . ' ' �.L . Abli. And the, second j4hit tW:L,0
Very low.' 't : I - * -dard tor bii=,17474, V. , ' - . ' - be ilieted Out tOL t.haro . . I I . '. .1 , .
, ,�', , was k1ellghted,. gad dei�l; Indebted to prose i . . . da . . . .
1 . . riting him with a finexiev hat lot . . war ; - B4 - Mason and -M;,r0Ott,
. tAkrgei Au*ber* of fine form. for tale -- —-�:� L . I I OL entertained to.& supper, aftdr. ' I
". . I L I . . I I ; Mr. Holm aw I . � . . � ,
, . . � ,
� . L very Ch"p-- , , , I . . . .CUSTOM flATCHING . Dr. Motin. . .. spring. . MA dicr hat- kn What At the RoyjJ Alleyg - guards; 1RUth Murney, .A.. WielAnd,,.M. wer " 1. I t I hq ' . .
I ,�011i-%Aar,j� 0 . . I . . I . . � Sandy,andEiloon O'Brien, suba 0".rformall", : Rev; a. 0. 14cDermid, I&'.. . �
. special L " 19� - 16AM '5011. . CHICKS. 'AND. CVT'r-0j Skirpri"46 � rZko , y L . I - ..,. I to make of It when the bunch come Iti- I'. - Frank MArtin and , Dr. Graham . won I Intr9dueft th� � p"bilift" 7 Itilent,I)rk-. 1. , . �'. .
- . Me condition" self drotti,ed . as 6 ]B4THATCHINO, L . ,., . � . L . .- . . � . -- Wt It. - flot PrUe In thq� &9tch ,do1lbl% it, X1,7�9 Oo,ndlq, po,V 4kid LOV0% wfry - . I
.., no; W ; -to 'ble 6111cot no thought at the L Clint . . . 1.
land, Bethel hmbk�'.'06a' .b � � I A'LVery enjoyable sUrpt'Se 'Doty Was mjj�j J somli -ioA "of ,fiji4fAtW3 i ' P 'MQ;; th� l9dillf -pla�;6ri fW the' or. pdAhO clkin&��that bad had to be Made . . . :
I , , . . ,tci S6 the koy�j. Bo' Ing� All in .
located O1086. tb *-hool; ., : . . �. . , , . 1. 1 "7 �tondored Ulm lean Price, daughter Of a , wl eys . � . ,In the code On Account of MM F ' .
saw - ,' ', fine . � . . oral Allowance.or some- Ailght's tournament, with a . . " 8 jUnM;L Xrs nothwoli t", � .. L. . � .
him about Moth score Of girls.' �' ' ' akind'ra� i - , .,
law villese,vonveniont 0 9004,4112Tkets Single Comb White Leghorn Chicks, Mr. And Wx.%VV,. :V, H,.-p4ce,by the 'thhW of the IlOtt.' but he 3004 discovered 1472 &rlihO thr�06 Wines and P. Hunt miss Beattle - ad tlio Clinton sit I I
. -d rathjmd Otallons; 12 miles :ftom . prices for Mach and April 15e,. May , members. or her 1; fill4s; ,. . . . rofero I . I � ,� I I . .. .
Sunday School 0 On what was'up, when Juda Holmes made, a4d W, Crandon- wore * second with Goderich &Is, ff&MOL and Miss . . ,� . L
I �RerlW - Ptice *2910 . Cowan the part, . . .. . I I . --L .
I I per acre. Good 13e,,Junt Ile, 1 -Toth pedigreed rockerels. 'Friday zlight.11ke,oCcadon boing InL'oele- at,, address. anti aabeK� The 'Scores L * - --a 11 I.. - � . . I I .1 I
' , Were , folloWk.
terals foil, - � ,re from. 200 to -. . I . Pr" .1-488. as . the Mitchell at ch &Ipl game. . .will be given In. the . .. - I
Payment it ,required,. whose 'Askus we 2.75L egg; brail - a -� V4 Marti L . . I . I I . . I. . . I , . I ..
'* ARmsTR0 � hem. Egp from selfttill high pltoduc- "Jobusteh, the.4'ttich" of' the L . 61.new haL . n bAptist. 6hufth ii..8.15 ,Ft evening ` .
. o I 4. W. , lNG. . L on, of her sixteenth birthday. � Mrs. 411ced, th, Mr.*.MJM&n,s:vW .and Dr. Orahaw, 41.2, 070, 2= A. sacr4 Zlert I I - ." I
. . �j��l Ing hen& Cuatorki hatching *c, George I tors all .took the apportutilt)t .Of. con- . -,490,1 total .1 ........ v ... � .............. ... ...... � ... 1472 �AMOA M CHURCHES March 27th, by the, Vo l(lay
, per M. class. also Accosap L � . . ' L . U69 Ladiell, low �
I Phone 592., , BOX '89. cJt,.,Out,' A IWW 'broodet stove -st thred quAlUr , � Allied, the `gIrls. The � .. I him, itid wisillOK him minj 'P. Hunt and W. Crarlato% " ' 7 601" L I .
. . , '�- I - So 4hJCkAL in eVerlitig *As spent playing games, shig, gratulAting , ' so 0 `#ftviees in Hilog thurob, Will. be con Class and others. Free-will oft ,
� � - - - price with every order of I happy . retwus, I SOM ' L ittletw, we L re 430; total "..;. . I 1 ..1.33110 ducted by 4 the rutnister. Subjects ''of Qomel . . e". - � . I
-- .�- ".. I m------ . - . 0 - . . , ..
- , .dIvIllge'-wbitir +HT -48t,- -,N6r�lffi5-,W,-il-d�ffi�,,�rb-Tmfiilm.lpltitwim-.- -
— ,W--uw--Znt--of-�,-ApriL.-.-Ask-..Ibit--psrf4e*o Ang, ourl. -kites6.Misses, ... 1kilh---Cror� -thr9wnomrto-gct,-hinr-t0- *r-TAYidr--and-;0;;i� * ....... -� - -- --11 ... ....
. I .
� - . . . I and Esther bAcilwaine were the witirkers, ., . I , I I i I I L .
, . la`�. - HUME 0 birthdo It .was they wer,& marlthig, but - 420; total . ....................... "�' ........ 1347 1 'p.m.. 4When a Brook Pulled," SO- . Pla . .
. . . . I - No. 5' of the, litter. Soveral other Irloulla le Cla A '�Uaratktftd Put.* Silk t. crepe� . . . I
. . L , 4 LUTTON, R. R L . .the 4,40deat the.gental county clerk would W. Bisset and T. mcnetmot, 391, 460. *bath school and L331b to ahad" a oiniaer gTeen, ,WbkdtQk*, L ; . .L .
Goderich .Phone!1413, Carlow. - �Wtre. preadrit,L the hiarkbeitai come to it was to shy it I was between, the 414, total . . L I ssea,at throo
I W JN�G , L _ ..,.4_ L gikeStS L � ..
I I . . . I I twenty. -Mrs. Godlner,'of Stratford, an ' -, ..;k. . � ...... : ..... � ....... I .... 1331 olclqck, ,. . . I . . . 8111"ee 1 brown, Independence blue,,. egg- . . I
. . 65th T, i 2, L I . $bell, black lihii.white. M
1! I 1. I I . I AlycnON -SALIgg allnt, 'wils, bdX� for the happy event. I and eath, and he thanked, his vid- Pritchard AU . Sfta�el, 344, 46 . Servicis -it Baptist church . sun" 21 .IW,hft - .; .
I I .. L� . .1 � .. 1). . . . . .tora bloat cordially. The, deleption, In- 426; total ....... 1233 1 . eV. W. T.. glint. L � y Wido, at a ,new low price of .$1.60 a yd, . . .
I es, on the &UCTrON SA= Lop VAAM'1sTOCK PlVemen's ay at. St. a - d"-6'.'Tbi ... aw r-. -a ................... next, pastor, R 'Bible � � . . I .
I . , , I cortils' ' L chided Ms. Honor dudge -E-o4m"i.,-1UOb9t U.,WcOuire-hn . e'451.,-431, - - 090. -W. 13QzkMs?*, .
Riding ble're, sidewalk � - and' impimmWTS, . . . L 5L 1 0&4�ov -or ww�hf. Af
I . . I . . Lck Suadiy was *.omculs day In the Johnston,, sheriff .Middleton,.. Deputy 32 , total -� ... � .................... � ................. 1213 , )Npel.aervioe at 11 I . .. . .
Is stflctl� probill by l4w. I . . � MU& i.4 am;, subject, "Potees Great. Dental," . ..
. . I _ jkb"l*&J5�L Lf 0"" OF TnAN1KR' , L . . . , I., I .
.. 11 . I At'Lot 02, Hdrou Road 2U.'. Miles west series . bt special., services which , have Oherlft.'miss Clement, 'H. W1111aftid and McNeo, 410i 349- and at 7 p.m., subject, "Christ before� - Ur. and Ish to � I � . L
L . . offenders wRt be. pro.-ecitted. . ' 3 . .Aft. Charles Hallam * �
. L. I . of. Holzneavllli�, on H1jRA;,'-oii beeh'hold in � St. Gebrgel& church, spe-, Gordon Youtig. county tPasuror.:Efnest,1 12§L total �:,,,,, -----119 ruat;o or "The Civo Trial," A hearty. thAilk W&,-m111kftY--ft1,ends and -n -- I I
. . . 1. . 1.� . . I ...... -- -being set -apart- tar vinplia- Blkrker�- And George --- James. - : - --- - 0. RcManm 'dod V. Saukiigra,`�04, . �, -r- . I
- . . . - . L THURSDAY, &ARCH 26th d"undayw � . I 1 43 'W'01como. . I ., , ' ot -the kindness shown theth In=
. R. LC, POSTEWOWAITE � ' L c6rhmendrigit 1,00 o -clock shop,. size Sunday School and Young People's * M's. , 138 ZZY: - :
.9'. �,�,�,,;��,-�, , -,�,,.�...*4 -
L . . .
r Hold . I, 0. ............. . I" oas I I
I . . . And Arthur Cirelle . R. i4-*---- .: Services at Victoria St. United clikirch, cent I Of thefi� barn by fire, also those
. I . I I . . . Poli . � the following- I . I work, the"Laymen's Ass6olation and the jl�hjt Mdeting � I . 381;, total ........ I . ertson, 369, 3"'. � Urn in L 1
.. I . . 1. * . . . . 1. . . 1438 40 ti.m.i Class- for -Christian. Fell - who .Put- the dance on in, Aub
. . I Chief -of to 25 young. borses* to co" lialiting, ,and women of the. church, These services -Church A or OwaWP) .their behalf.. . . I .. .. . . I
ahip.,LCQU __ W. ___an( .
.., ' Knox uxillory *' ...... ' ...... * ................. -11 a.m. atad,Tv T___M�6;___W_ ____ .
. alike th fresbeo in. 6r.409. b 0.r.in prd W,XS-1 and P,'Blsset And- C.- A,. Reid, 332, SOD, . . . .M., public -w .. ..
- . I -1.1. � _: .1 --1 � L I . .. . . .ger 4ft . ved trallientli successful in L the the Arthur Clicle held Am i Interesting I I ' I
... , I I. . -1 . I Nifersq' 10 yearling belfers; 12 eAlves "llioverada.of the purpose for 410; t441 ... duatkll by the pastor; 3 pan.'Siniday ton Woods and,
� I ' , which ....... * ........... "' ....1.111-1137 A -o thank their friends, and ,1 � I
. . I . ,.. . . L joint meeting on Monday nlilit, in the ' . School.,, Reit. 0. Butt's thernes wilt bt' family wL,h t
. . 1� 1 4 , , � .1 11 I . -1 L , from I to 5 months old; brood Sow, due they Were designed Rev. Mr. J?arneyl Anglielift rector of . �. L . I . . I . .. .
---F .. - . o-Proilt Ili May: ,quintity of o4ts suit- last Sun kind'WorneWs day lecture rooak--ot Knox. Probyter%h St,, Mlkry�s, w neighbors tot their kindug In. their
. t ,wm� as In town on Tuesday as follows-. -Morning, "Not far from the slid bereavement, 'the passing Of thdWL' . . ' .
-4 . I
. . I able for Wd,, qUantity of sweet Clover day quite as successful as church. ' Vice*presidents, ' Kingdom," eVening, "Elijah.l. Only Bono Elmer, Also to thank &H thoW, � . .
.- I . , .
. �
. 1�v ... the 6thbm Th6 attehdance' at, the ties preald&t -Of the sftic- celebrkthig 'St. Vatriek's Day, attending S 1 4 L ,-�." '. - ,., 1; .,
I . seed; tan nod -of farm Mae . hinery; num- ,oarlY conifturtion. service as "It is Ahe � namely, Un, It. J. Walter the St. Pa,tricils Day .program at the . In the 841vatlon ArnW hall, special who. sent flOwd's and oant cu%, .:� :.4%.;"�. .,
$ 1 1 L bet of cedar Posts,. - . I I , and Ulm Margaret Wilson, I)* bust- ,Capital Theatre, *Ikere his former fel- �meetings Will be .conducted by gnalp also the Rev- J- X Ford f0t cobdUctis* � . .
� , I TSRliW.--0rk0u, cloVer seed and All other services of tho. day was. quft� ho$S' WAS CorlAilettli by the 'prtbidentS, l0%,.t0VMmAh, mr. H. � I the service tit the house slid grayeaide, . .
i .. OTICE Slims of $10.00 and, Under Cash; .over, large. The study of the W., A. this year I i. Sutherland, is Brewer of L*hdon, on the following in the absence, through illness,. of. the . .
. . L . thsit,amotint I loonths' crediV will be. ft Japan, and lectumon this blind wo Mrs. - McDonaliii� and,,: Mrs. H. the prol*letor,. ,,and dW,hq the after Saturday.. March gist, at 8,00 I
I. 11 ... fire George . . dates,
I .
I . .
To. 'CAS bultv"s . given oil furnishing bankable paper, or RlYeh on Monday And Tkle8fty eVeningS., ' C Dualoli. .the de-diliatory pt4yei Was. noon A. Match Wao fixed Up Lit the bowl- p.m.: Sunday. March .Md, at It - A.m. Rev, R- X Oald of Sayfleld. . I . .
. . L Mr. WM,L McMillin And W And I . I �
- I & ,discount Of 4 Per tent. straight ,91- o6red'by Mrs,. Mobonsild. A solo, waj� It* alleys with Mr. Yarkley'and 0, Me. and 7 p.m, A time of revival Is autiol- mr,1. W. Ilogic, atill'twitilyl of Sheppard. . I . .
. "h. Zvbemb� Ignterillue4. by. beautifully dang. by Mrs, A. J.: MacKay, phall. hs calit4flib. The Star editor And p4teda Weltome to all. - ion, gratefully - Acknowledge the Many
-must hilivo your 101 UMMUkers, lowed. for cash on credit Amounts. 044
you .. L A.,Z. . TOWN19HOM Prop I rietor. Clinton. Lofte ' , . I And -a VWO duet by, Mrs� )V� d. Dunlop Wes ,Lit* Alled in. L the forther with Mr. The Monthly �jiceting. of the Mis$lokk acts of kWdueis and spipathy 111horm - . .. I
I I perfaltS td drive, and Stop At All . . 090. it. X1430ITT, Sm Auctioneer. . Clinton, News: Record. "utolod, IU- And Mrs, H, X.Rovell *as ?cry much Varney and * the '106ttOr t4th Mr. Me; Circle of North'% United thurell Will them - In their recent flad bereavement. .
Stop sighs, Or L prosecution v4lt� --.I-- bekah I y . . , I
. LW90 �110- 366. Clinton, . wore enjoyed. Mrs, Albert TIL I& ove an P11411. - Each side won one .13ame. !t1h, at ! TheY Also WM to think tho3o who 10#4- .
. I A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, hostesses .01, Monday Mr. be hold Ott Tuesday. Moeh� -
. XX evening . when Inspiration Aster message, VarkkeY,,:Wh0 was low man in the first alclock,,atjho home of Mrs. ' ,C ed can at funeral ,and I
. fa,adw. . , Al talk M sit, �P '. 010 the' time' of the
. I I I . and IMPLWAENTS. ""Jell 'RebekahS tOL the_' number of basift her remarks on the text A thwe who sent Aoral tributes.
I � . . . I . . , . L � . 1. i "My game, come from behind in the second Britannia, Rd. The second chapter of -1 - . I I � .. 1.
ft. C. "ffUTHWWE , , Gt.* W About fifty baid them, a.social Visit, The Peace X Give Unto YOU; My Peace % game jukd had ille beat score of the the, 0tudy Book Will 60, given by Mrs, 1). . BOXX I I . . .
. I will bell by pubpe alletion at -tot 15, X.O.O.F. rooms were the rendev'ous and 1,000 with-Yofi,!" in which she. stressed jyhole four. In the firat fiame Mr, Me. 1). Gray and a dpeolat program. 16 being. ' X;iol .-Xn L I
� the ladles bad decorated them. very Christ's nearness IM Colborne tovakshjp, on
. Chief of Police Colt. 07, Colborkle Township, on and Hill %villinguess to P21311 surprised himself by scoring %line prepared tot,. th.0 eVening. All the. them, Thursday, .march Igth, 1031, to Ur, and . .
- I . I L I . . � 11 .. I Vlltlb.&Y, MMWII 27th . pretft in honor or St. Patrick. After help in Unto oil dlfllcult�. Mim Ethel otilkea a4d two aparea, out of tv�olve bets aw.requested to be prelent bind Mrs. Peter ]Mher. Jr., a, dauLfter (Mar. I .
. I . cozmkkenclng-� at 1.00 o'clock Sharp eW0*1; progressive euchre for 'is time Elder.tead a splendid chapter'ln the frames, but he could not stand such each bring a new Member it - I . .
1�6, I . . � . poo�ible, 091r0t "Clarq). L
�-21,�L -- . . I ... . . .. I . . Hoirsts and Cattle ... refreshment*, ,wero isefteld,, tetreshment: study'llook, "Ambassadorli.of the. King," prosperity and ten from this ClIf, , -� * � . 1)nLL--Xn GOierlCh, 01% Saturday.. .
- .- , . 11 . I bay horse, 9-years,,.t Day make,.1 tables being Wd In the Rebekah rooms On British Oulana. After the Meetifig McManua stuff down to low - thatil 4wt .10, 'anotper shipment Of Wash- Much l4th, to Mr. and Uri). Wm. Mal � .
I . . - I 11 . years; I bay, aged mare in foil; - I bay which 'Were )%�'O beautifully decorated: the ladles wake entertained by .4. group in the second Cattle. ,and ihe rectorlable . Celanese Dremes, stilart styloa, a run, , . 1.
. "" . f9ly. rising � years; I Holstein cow 1� After supper dancing WAS 100419ed in of the Arthur Circle members and -a ,who had been,,worldedn bow, r,hariltlspthig shades. out6tandine value, $5.15 ' DUE)TOW.-At. Alexandra Marine and, , .
.. . JE - I years, supposed to be In ealf; I A,Vft- for some ,hours, Of toutgo the Odd zoolai'lialf hour Was enjoyed. did It in 9 M . L GVO- W, 0011AM = Oc-110al 1105PItAl On. Tuesday, ,match ' ,
� S : .3. . : shire- cow 0 �eara, wppds�ed to freshen VellOWS helped the Itobelmlis to- enjoy past Win . 8 the first game, profited by, hLa - C dt � . - . L l7th, to Mr. hfid'Mta, Oldrenco Dust6tv,-. 11
. I In July; - 1, part Jersey 'tow 6 years, themselves.ork this Oftiolon, ' ' cloale Night , tudY Of tile method, to .such art egiletit, ,
� . I freshened I month; 1'red. tow 0 years, a . . . Tuesday night was past principalal t1lat 110 � %011' maldrill drikese nod Help the Wottl 11wrlital Ausillary Ilito, a dauGhter. . . . . .1 I 11
F. BELL & BROS .freshened; I red and white yearling C. 11166 Club At lfok�6 L . by adeadin-, the Capital Theatre April, ". . �
0. . .. I night In Huron Chapter. go. 90,. M A. 04tW 4-PlOnty anti, a,, already, stated, . s D141) I
-.1-0 . I I I .1 , hotter, 2 young calves; I row; 40 Whito T110 March tit 110MOr of the Wenece- -, ,&hen atgllt.13i��Cokhp. 11. 0. Durk. had the best score for the second llama. -Otb or Itli, whork Harold Bell wrieliva ` -In acadlell.twp" On ent. - - I
I- .. ughown how; triop or geet'C', . M . . I 'igyes of the Woilo," will be tile feature . - WOOD3. 11.1
, tUng C11106 0111b Was liald oil, Xrrlda�, , x - Clinton tlea& the Intereollegiate picture. . I . 11a Marcli 14th, 1031, Elmer Bantirto I . I
"I,-,& I about $oar cement and gravel I Ithpliments I . loll, wLsiot,6_4 by !tight V - Comm. Gal I
L L .. 1. .1 --I—.- -L W I
latt, and pr6ved an enjoyable functioni . I. .- ----- wood"; 01111,9 = of Mr. and rdw, Mil
. � Mmsey nurls, Mower, 6 it. out - Cut' I The pij2ea for' Pl�c ntmd'C'd went to Comps .Tichborne, Vroaman, Gordon . le nuy otaunton attil-ttimmed , I Wall I 1.
� ContMots We L hA V e � t'Zoellint. 1 Mastey Harris binder, 6 ft ' 16% X,roft O,hd Hugh".11111 and Ex. Masket fijill.f, agoo . . � . woodl: In ht,,� 18th ycar. ton L �
; I - Mrs . r
cgnient forms and a got, l3ta el, sey Hatrig 11-cuso drill; I oul. r . I t, rAlkeld, lidlee high score ; Meg", Gtorge t1aaVidAr, A ,�. Only Q16 mo e riame - remahift to be Cavd time. Our spring WeMIL1401.-At Goder: ` "
V., I C�F6,�,fat Oayed Ili 'the Int0keollegiate baskot-ball 1, Parel, and'.. loll' -on Satar. L '' - .
I r.ading macbhkl� and can handle 3-stfttien harrows. I walking 0 1 Mrs. MoOlity, lAdlee low scoro; Jact Kay, -0. L. p,%T;61�r; and 11. turdy, series, and that to betvVeen Clinjon # rance of wallmpera Is complete, realton- day March. l0b. 1% 1. ff�rerkce ElLm. � . I
L UNA Bogle, beloVtd Wife Lot %illank Me.
Wagoh ind gra cl X* I CA -At . and J ably Priced at ge, 10c, 15a and 25c V4 MIU, .
tize. , MAt , rd,A,l L. I Johatton gentlinitWs high And Jr. U v
, " a 16*4 practically an�, WrIt6l .., 4 . I r- e ; pul on the &dred worit. Tw6wa5 done MitChell, or r4tiler ,tve should Day tv�o, P� In her 40th year. I
, . � ftt,raek; I ba SAL ; I Age b 91 ,ld, ;enllii ekoeft,a JOW. L For . . games, for both btya and girls are to 11 roll, I GEO. W. 90HAMn. ylollm�"Ifi COUTAO tot-milif . P. on . ,
. tonom. ..& I Salko the dance In a mo -,t Imptez1ve Manner. EJ
. , 41 call or phone . . . I 11holiess; 1 tot . e" *Wth t6llotod tht, litnelt tit oreh"tra ,Comps. Jolth ,Ekikwny ,and Wo%61taver play, but t,ho rcsult will riot thsalge tile �. MandaV. March 16th, - 193J. Margaret L
Vourl"t cu; I . . .
. I 11 - conshtlo of Messrs, mvilts, %,Vital of =Ott 011vto, mitcuell, wera prc-$4 1 Clard. Infant daugliter of Mi� and Us% I . .
, �, t0"A 9 . , S'" stflitsm
* I . tM *04 nkluie'rotZ othe Attiolft And Rfttmft rohth7e standing in, the league. aium.n - 'r'n-WAV' Marell '27th-Auetlon sale VctOr Vbher, Jr. , I
. *odefleb, 601 r It : do V10110; Tr0tr3a, Cornet; e4t, and after tile work.of,the deftee boyt Are at tildt top 3 *Iw to no lost"t-st I
4 . some Own, . .
.. " Chutoft 00 r1ir . TX"[SL._Ten 'd6iiiM . I of farm 0WIC and 191pletatuts at lot '15. C4)X,�8u4AtWy, On Mareh Oth, 1031, .
. . Cash, bvtr tlat lim6unt seVen IfiontW . Alttk* In -oil their L'x0nent, Nvork ond Him tour . wins mind tio lo��, 'Goderich coU.? 7, MUVAO tp,w 0oMM0WM9 at I at W late remdenet, Waftlls, Nottil . 1. .
and under. Wovided the Music. Tht toboll !� P013 0 if tile," win twift "Wiell will holve
Pafter, t"Ophone, and J*Mt1' 'dtukkW' "It? 'COMPlinklehted the' i* b Vtflac-' nd
. .
. . itredit Will be SIVerk on furnubing ap. tborso Of 016'evelat Ile" me"", V,6bm tinklitti, OU 16 splendidly o a Th6mas Ison mv, belo ed ,
btau noutt $0. 1. (Medell. �, . . Appointed boyi; conic ftcond with fto Mas and Ole"" sbatli' 'GEO' W' MOA14' Mk t I WI , v .
, pr6ved Joint notts. with llitittest at flite Johnston, " Patttmon *04 Z, ftle. ,billpler room. L A vote of tliswks, was two lo!.c Propritto?. T. OUNDAV & SON, IlWbslld Of UtO PAMC,r, and fifth Sou .
" . $, ati(, Mitelwil third w1th sio, Catherine, Cox,
. I . � Of file late 0301901 And
. I
. nesidence, V61totes =, ; ,of SIX per 0lit I*r anumn. 'tl* Zkk*r At hothe Of the club Will bb ptitsed to the past prinellmls And Right, ga=cs� _ won, unle!" they, Sho d will Auttionoevs. 00derlek I
t.)GUSIMM & "', Auttlollmal, 11M OW-Ttlelldly Of r0ter Vtek, Aprit Ift, Comps. Dunlop and Ghtlow ropba4- L Mt.qDAV. Arra Oth-Auetfon ftle .
i I .. � � ' L ' .L. L I 11 %; Oft W. rZAGAN, PtWleWl , Ith. with Clinton, but that 13 likely. TH �s Xt"45=-At 1=0 an TUtVUy, Mar. .
— 00derich A. it, - ed. Comp. P.. 0. Motmt6fld aho spoke t1wee wins. and tio lows and #410 chance of hQW0 And two lot$' at tile pralk%L.' , 11t1l . 96trt,ok black, ztdaW of the late
, . . I -� 1�� �7�-�' ---, - 11�111. raeftiet xlwk�hlft tol 81119 sloptoptlAtely. Aftolvarft in the bin- 01101kix girls alt'a are tit the t I V;Itll COMOV, Xftys'13L OA14 'R"lart St-, C'Oth' Tho;)113 "llott-1 14 her "th year.
_1__:--- -- - - - - -- -
.. ----.,.-" � - - -—
I' . I M. I WA.dAV . �� . We �wtre Neasett to ft4 this clipping Ott hall lunch was Ettv(d. with, St. of Milking ft four *Ikras it beat menelog at 1.30, o'clock. M!1 W. It.
.1, .
�1 I I
1: .1., I
F M11t), I I
k I
I r
4�1 I av �
I *Iio��
I �
.1 .1 11 I
i A MU I I
0 11"to
. plow
4 ighs. I
of fig 6
1 ; I rdrd
I.-Owww -- on I
"��- 01),
" . 11! Ift tlw X,bj%donkkV-tet �M&A -hl pro" of Mtritk's D4Y deraxations In liftor of they VOCht, L Im W-moltIAM -
� �tof
. I Mitchell, Mitchell girls come liti 1111EV"IAV, Pf ". T. OUN-
� Mr. Jm" Z"y)&, sol6itt at tLht Uetro. kite day and Ex. 06rup. A. J. Maefts, Mth two %los 4nd one 10" W tot int't b1tv & SON, AuttlouttM 111UT11-M. X�U lovInt rkitmoty of
- W11 I M113 X R
, I
I J. W. CRAIGIE C. H. HUM93EN I preddtd m tomtnmit(Ir. AddfeWs Writ 0110 SkMe to pity. A04 . MONDAY, Arill fth---0k^&0ri,9 mXt Mali u"C'. wr's P -4s. -td- ttwv
Ift . -
I I "UtAll ,thure% towm. W. Itemyrt it the 00del-Ith f1l) ,h 2w. too, i
. I itWIELLItit t0 MM the 911"t SOWA With the Notth givell by the tWO CWIIJIdAt" Of tht ettrl' girl!I hilled to win Any of the gafte& bi C4 l"bla tam 1"Petty, ewk
I 11k SMALL STC69 11N. choir on AprA Ist at the rife0enit. " b�l X* Comp. ROOI*, the Mestnt ,Clinton C 'C�a'd" o"jp�'�i'nt, 0 � .
t4t '09"Itt L4)vlag IM4 t"htlul &I%-skys, '�
011 tlp,%lf 0 lAgket bda ttawl _t the JUM (ItIdstrtst). che(tria r*bt to tile eNd; I
: 0" of le &'Ve'll Ust, WOT48 164� bg 9% Comp, ftl*% Atid botll gltl$ slid W�A 0TO litro, ft? Vt. Gaak�kh U, ta-ftmtkidat at 12:�,O 'A real dftt 91ter al*%Irs.
RW10A1eWW6Mft WIT04 'T"a ionks SIOCK, , bf
I 716iw :6 .1 ,� *
L . -11-'-- L- - - --L "' L- L' ,. � 1. t. . . $:X. pomps. craft. (h"cw, Jrkk#11 tillm gjitaes on Molidzy t),1glit, Uslp.M� It. X. PMML� rraMlefor. T. And to &U wh-o atjoti bcv a toend. -
. .- I I—— , -111 . L .." . , 1,11 11 11W. m6dlyll .,
i - i I has tite diltIA096111111111 anti Dardov, Tile 0*tllellng Cam. , OO&Aeb 1w" ftost won btit Jo -1 I OUNKAW & PcTq- Atxtlehe-�, b f3lstev "NO, -
. I . 0 " I 1. 0 . ;I
I , I?
. I �