HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-03-12, Page 2TEE MYD CE 8T flosaat quality fun weight packed in bright aluminum LIMN' TEA. Vresh' 'oIN the seedless WRONG. E. odeiiing Enlarging and Modernizing of Bank Montreal Premises in Goder:7ich,Coinntrleted a # AGER n J[H.cvtTELE' INVITES PUBLIC TO INSPECT Ski* a1St<rl�i+ 1 Sketch of.Goderich Branch and of the Bank of Montreal as an Institution - Alferattiono to the' *Slee and the erecplace of •the old hot alr furnace. The: initit• ct' len 'e tension which Imre been In banking room . wsa enlarged by 'the re- l durlri$ the #act few months at moval oe .the stairway et the bac k, Mut tlief its brnwclt of the Bank of Mom- the addition of this space to the bank- sn. rll ern coraapleted. and the mange ins remit him henlarged. it srontiderably,. link. i 0. Whatetey, extends, +s cordial making it much. amore convenient end in cite ion to the • public to vthtt the commodiotte for the nubile. The .fin- **eh' and inspect the, unproved and tern Were extended about Trine teet'end matoe rootoothoue quote* the deskswere all recleaned stud poilsh- ".khe titlterations-at the Oink have been ed` and a corutderable atpount of new ,gyito a xtenahteM A new root (a 20-yewt furniture wee 'added, thio' part et nitt4Aesl roof) wu put on as oue of the work being done by the Canada Office of rho Work, A new Trot fund School 'Furniture Co.. of Preston: A new coupon room .tor the conveniebce t .orad aha Maritime Ingenue,. Their population N14 Isar than �•. . that oc Xfoatrssi, the chief trading centre, lest then ao.eo0, The .develop- nieaat of -trade and agriculture toss hampered by:lacZ of funniest for ex- chatrgt. Ths conuntry was too poet to afford the tuxury rat a nnat*liic circWat* lug medium, and not only-Artterice% British. and French, but also Portuguese and . Spanish coins were legal tender,.' and the rano,' of exchange into �l money of aeeount were subject to fre- quent: variations, .its a consequence. dornetstic trade was carried on; m�ind- pallX by barter, and .inter*ational trade vms en: a very uncertain basis. . Such were the conditions when the, Bank of Montreal began business on Noverrber.Ilth, 1817, In modest rented premisee, with a paid-up capital of stitution became the focal point :of the business of the colony. It provided. a medium of exchange sueh as had kith- t erto beers lacking, nursed along the early cnte'zprisee of the 'country, mad straightened out the Olincu1ttes: of in- ter-urbant interprovincial; and'. interna-• banal . trading, N • Everywhere as conditions beam* ripe 'the Sank has planted Ito branches for faeilitatpng the agricuutural development the popnlatnon grew rapidly until it of the country, itis, manufacturing in - reached' over ti,00o. When, however, ,.'dttatries, and its general commerce. salt deposits were •discovered in bdiohigen Today the Sauk hes over $x hundred shortly tatter, the United States plow branches distributed throughout Canada s, duty s>n patradlshxt malt .and, as a con- and Newfoundland, while iia pond'-uP a nen.ce, - the local industry 'almost oapttal nand reserver represent a total In oeuted f t.Rte sxteaa Of ;74,000.000. And its users e , harbor Wes , INTEgtIOR: or NEW r000 NQ ?Q m g holds*" 'J oWatdla Entrance. - ssf` eustomere hsving safety , deposit boxes a, new telephone booth, two wash nein, A new arrangenent of the "vault Bind the addition of a storage valalt to the ba*entent, are Some of the conven- lathes And accomrnodatibna prodded in the ennedehled ban pro:Meea new entrante (door and vestibule) and a new .screen for the montages a office are included in the changes. The windows have 'been modernised. the walls: have been nicely papered in * light ebade, the old lath and plaster' ceiling hear given place to plaster on ateei Ian' and the floor hu been covered with new battle- ship linoleum, .and the wbole expect of the interior is ane of br'ightnee$ and the roominess, And the: new lighting ltx- :tures 'And to thlu• effect.. The lrpstair�a nets all'. been redecorated, and the and - tion of _a nag -pole sets off:the building. with thelempire:color's AYlng on •holiday occasions. H. W. 78a1dwln. of Toronto,' was the .contractor for the work. y'. McArthur supplied the' electrical inxturea for the upstairs and W. McDonald did the rewiring of the building. 0.. 0: Lee had the. Plumbing contract and a good many 'local Workers were engaged on. various parts of the work. The 'history of the Bann of Montreal in Godetich dates'. back, to ..September 18th, 1883. When the tnetitution estab- lisped an agency here. The Office was in a small two-storey' frame structure,. situated on . the''. north-east corner of West and `Wellingtola streets; In 1880 the Agency received • the status of a braneh,' and about thla '.lime - tlte' oilsice was moved .fro�n'the, .origlnal premises to a trio -storey red brick building com- bining dace and residence, about yards west of the present onice. ".. At the time the atrency was establish - .ed -the:; town hod, a, population of "2900, There Were ne railway connections with the town: '.but. the•. small natural: ;harbor was quite busy and Cloderich Was then, as it is now, the county' tov/n of Huron. • In 188$ tie Buffalo And Lake Huron. Railway.later purchased by the Granii Trunk~ Railway,.` reached Gpderleb; . and, as a result, the town grew to 'some exp tent. iia10: Was- .diacovered.,in the ;vicinity vlrrteNa t!f'..IhNlw6r #nssNa L+rY1Wr.l7ap1 about 1870, and with"the boom Cr+eeited. ee eilnec twining : system was inatelied' ill star or (women. MANCH, OANX OF .114O151TTHEAi, Lett to eight: It. .,1, Oebosrne, E. P. Sale. J, ta, , Black, W. D, lSaundeXs, Wei eldcdys Ohne, It C.., Wbeteley (manager), This *hire was taken in- sides the betaking room looilnk to erg. the rear. Tintrant .�Y. MARCO Ot ice, teal e Well Dressed;.. a ° of 1?res s has a lit to do with the psychology s scht long lengths feeling right. We still have a left at $24, made to a our measure. pianos,, Also©orders taken here for arennish1ng A f}frnnitre, et '. "'"' LACK HAND TAILORING wad ISS SMART WEAR ` u �p�R11�i1F � THE SQUARE, GODERICH 21 � • . cannectials it is essentially a .Bank of he people, a Bank where email accounts are welcoPle, a Bank to widen, n tne lasses. ora amount to over $800,004.000. The value Ira, ;ao'X:tire Ganttdi*n Tariff* l iii_ J : of the Eiank: to the .Country however Is Can come with. confldenCe n ity of deposits entrusted to its �C. and with the assurance that ,every *ac :be Goneistent with sound :ba banking services, e extended. to those vino ee . .AAEI Cry _ {{.,, ci Tells IikS Mecca flee inert The o' gra not to be measured so . meat by. the dually deepened acrd eked. and to- amount of iia capital, or by the she of day it a tccogamodattee the Isrgest grain dividends. • as by the security: it boss boats, `Che. Ooderich iElevattorl and given to those who have trusted it, the Transit Company, which buena an elevator faetiltiee it has furnisihed. for the en- tail of 3,004,000 ' bushels. and the fthe 'Western Canada Flour Mills oharnaa .incl the increase of commode. Co#pini o W ties; And the assistance it has contribute. t, 0, d x With pan output sit 3600 bar» ed to the development of the country: tela a day, ate toter irttportatnt factom.irr : The, brancbes' of thea Bank of Von - Thelife of the. town.treel are situated alike in the large bust- 'Tule first agent was .T. Mercer .Tones, h was" folloyfe successively by Henry nese .centres and. In residential districts, ardson, J.' U. Findlay and C. It, Duns- ion- colon*erywh Cantina ford. During his tenure. Mr. FindlaX a factor in the life of the comb -minty. oleo served as mayor of the town for a tittle. When the *genes" Was meted to N o• in agricultural comntunities acid In ain- } cCutghe"kn, 1'. ,W. Thomas,. W. -Rich ere in it Is What to Eat . Stnlct diets are often unnecessary in stomach trouble. While, conte foods do produce excessive acidity And mann stomacbe ..do generate "'too" much and canning gas, sourrres5, bloating after -eating pains, the trouble m. d y rattly band quickly corrected by the use of A go9d sikalinse. Blsurated Magnesia -Powder . or tablets --is ideal for rids Just a<,s tie after meals new- purpose, . ail tht _ ., es acid,' 'precepts tranliae$ 'i�, souring, breaks up gas and ends indiges- tion. .Pavorlte foods no longer upset. stomach end digestion is easy and Pain- less. less. It will do all this for you Money: back, • lJruggists eye .here sell nisurated ryW R . CARI'_S DISCOVERY . STOPS GAS CO�1S`C�AOR Ise his. .prlva m Ctiee, 'I7r.. Cott WeschCke first perfected the siaaple mixture now knovrn as Adierika. Ura - like most remedies, Adlerika a0*a on ROTA upper and lower bowel .and re« moves old poisons you "would news be- lieve were in your system, Stops teras bloating in . 10 minutes! Relieves Ailed C cgive alio stomach nd6 bowels a BEA. give cleaning and see how good you teenIt cleanisu oui Campbell's teen It v411 stu'prise Y Drug Store. THE BEST GIT r MiUY recalled that it was he churn blcthday. "'It's hard to' be., original about birthdays," she .sighed. If I on - What she wanted!" Then. she reknew. what ed she. herself would 't- scourer Bend's voice. • :►Y, hes friend, or it tel„ iia LE that's easy. ,Ill telco to her die,. Distance earned Mils g ft tart chtrin.. , fr,_,,. IN THE STAR ti ADVIwRTI Today, .tnntwntlistandlnsg : its irliiustitlal xleanesie with this guarantee. the status of ;a'. branch in" 1880, Mr, L unsford continued in - charge, !nine succeeded ,by "the following managers: 1", B Blass, G:ebrge Drtunmond, I3. Lockwood. W. Xi; . Knott, , ,A. W. ''Strick- land, end E.. V. Lesslte.. In 1905, the office Vas Moved to itar present 'premises, which had been erect- ed especially for the Bank by ` the late George Acheson. on the 23rd of .lune 1817. nine crier-: chants of .Montreal,. ensued. Articles oi° Aesoeietiou forsthe establishment of tine "Montreal Bank." 'rine action Marked the fortndation or -the :wank of- Mont. ureal, which totiay.holds ;the' distinction of being by -tai' the oldest hntitutlon:of its. kind 1n. British North America, and `sine of the largest financial inatitutions n the ;}3ritfsh Empires', It also estab- 11 ed 'the 'beginnings of the Canxadlat iiartk`itig system. To realize the conditions which Pre- vailed, when therBank first brought. or- ganized financing to the relief: of .that. early generation of, Canadian business men. it le necessary to.'delve •deeply into the history of .the country. ' The only organized portion of what 1s now the Dominion of Canada were the Is Your Child's Weight Correct 1 your child's weight is not likely to be correct if he suffers from distur- bances of 'digestion. Remember, mother, it is. your duty alone to see that your child's habits are regular: Guard against the simple illnesses that lead to serious trouble. 'Baby's Own Tablets area mild yet thorough laxative --a wise safe- guard against, and rem-' cdy for colds,, simple fever, indigestion, etc:: (7.`` They make. - teething easier. • . Don't ever be without there! 2$ cents bei at any' dtonfe t's. t+4 ',SANK OPM.Voimtv EXTERROK 'VIEW OF riODERICH BRANCH, BANK. OF MONTREAL Car.' West 31.; ma square . . C.:.0. :��.' `t'.:Q�: �:• THE BANK OF MONTREAL announces that the alterations to its office in'- Court House Square are now completed, and,` it cordially invites you to!call .rovee►�ts tih ►ave: been carried out for ars inspect ��e 'exre�s���� ar�c� � • its � to meet the ro�r�� needs -off this � cc�- theconvenience o icustomers andg ►ni t ANK OF MONTREAL GODERICH BRANCH R. C. WHATELEY Manager "A Bank Where Small Accounts are Welcome". 4