HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-03-05, Page 1-
Camter Cbeck Books
-nse etar bas isiads swid VnU""ffi*1nt*
W *UpVW MKojoaW or" 001AMW th"
to*- pri&Aod to thW WdW� " r"Ao9-
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-1-11.1 84bKd9"- $3 4 YOU 'a 00*4k
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otn.&Ttlof QKN".�" THURSDAY, MARCH 5tb;,MI
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Thas- R. Costek,vf Reufrew, Appointed Judge of Huron,
. "I
Artistic AmouneemenU
Trw aw " W"a"d to O" WCW at-
watwu to A ... 'as a" 0MUKAW WSW
%W bwmoows wowswoomt V"* ow
f0woft Vt 011 VKVIK
Tioy T" vow ftr -jerissifte tw fs""e
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*Ta,T= NArm ruwaw
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L--__ ship UMM CounlY41
Crown Attornffv Holm% Gets Judge " * Of
4F I " "A. I
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� I I I I - _ 11, I ,in *Wwa to thalk au,�Ute q� . me-, O" I Of UW eblef re- . it - ' ,,HOSPITAL RFAC*IVES NXW JUDGE . '000
I I � � _. - . Mo 'Club the thou"I � 00MI04" is ta be mm the dm Is 01 u"y BMMAY GIFTS APPOINTED FOR
I . . . . . . -0 00 I -1-11ow"M jk I yro"t. 1: .. . �IwAdowqd with a beoww boy fit barth, 4 � I HURON
. ,
I r4wou jimue At xsr�o Nie wwb" having children eloax1j" - XCL 304041 044*010yk - �,., I
11 8i Life I-188#181we DOMPHAR Of 004aft The annual at home 'a Huron Lodge. , ye". It is Ujapor"t I - ut wixtlh *Mug wrosday 'Yorty at I —_ .
n I - ftm 1. 11;1�141. I'll.. ZTU� 63, =mx1l., was. held on rAday"Z0411 not ,,`iveto, "'ON, The ,death took ylox# Qu Tutailar, Itt ,Aux""** 0"It AKW#r Im "out" ad$
. 1� I night, Nw. , tut cz * tz as chudrtw#�ba bmt on x"t Ar"t lktkr on 1110044 the 1*4004t I%Qwtol Of tilt AP004110" 0 *1 SUN"* - .
. ft They* * or of " a -vm* of Mrs. 4am" Otrongh. X"ItIO and GOWMI *"Iiai Association I
1. - .4th, with, a lar" AtWA. =
r* -I � . . anCe of wer*ert and their, tftiMill"- A* Me"I" =4 whooplat covell � C*6*610V I . �
. I '. , � o—"PROWEROUS AND rRWRW1VZ--1q3() - Site wrA % d*A*httr of the late Ur� *sid W0 btld 'On fttWftY;o I*- 214t, " 04 . ____ . � .
.1 . 1191 � ., . =oat the forel*vt 09 tbffi� evejoU4 WAS *rzu* Abe 1110tom x44 they 3hQM - Vait ok large! AttelldayiM of word ilk$ received In oododcl� Vm*
11 1. I I . . 1. ,.,- -1. . I I f4icen up, witsh, prwreutve euchre. *Act be protaCW from thtilt- School UUTW Mrs. James Kenneft and WO'born In usUg there .
. I .
I . SilranCeS plid for ill 1930 ......... * .$7407%006 the . vrlw winners at cards 'Were *3 t0l, lAv* played, an bapOlAot part In child 11"tillP c0unt� om April 2ut" UW lirr frltr�43 W�WPwwvmou- 4rtko Mw "446i wwaW6.0 UA Attsdaunt" of
I I NaW As I , .nome *Int. coulats" am &A. � , - stearvev,
I I.. � es in forcQ Dec. 1930 ........ $20863,70t,000 Iowa: lAdiew wat, Mo. 4 a., 04t , Welfare as they check 40 on"011 defects. maiden 411,003, the InIbIto An opportmft. to in. ThWAM u. 004tuo. X. V., a I
, 1. I � Total Assuraric I . . Si 86,662�000 9 -Mr. Will. D"t'i on* advap*M d0dVed from th* eIA- edy. She was vwrltd twice. .her, umt hospital and the WOMCIVO as coimtY 10** of llu"'_ 'A st"Osadol-t I I I
� - Tqta , 1`4910. Anit, !I-deXgoss Lo
� . , I'lacome, fo -..-b 1_._._-A.%,o�1t,_ 4 '�' 10 I ladlee, consolativao-Mr-T. R. QAT. geoitc,, Iage they'Uved - KQt th� . tk tht latit JWke Levill, and at the ame, .�
earfied i -a,-!��6 -- t - - -,7634U - . ,gentleolen' . ploysitent a a-atboot AW" Wore, Stressed husband btIrW, the late David Hi ,
. d, of, jnteiv�t - on, lnve$ e 1 $a S, ., . co.ppeMtiost, of aild After her == osi ,& nospitA . AIVftVY 001 h6stes's. to 1. MO - -_ *0 made at Vt* . ,
. . ,Average VIt . . . j4i� Mr. Almile. St. by p.41sa rett,y. and tt* time an�uxiicev*sxt
. .
I I . � . k I . �)o I , Maws cousolat . Attorney 1),
I I 1. . UBILM Y"R.4p3l While cards were, tile, 41110ement down- the parents with the tWhOrli Was tm- fim near Allt About foxty $to% Mo, inauy �WhQ vult tile witutlon.ext 0%t appolistmtsit ot (!rovm 11 . �
1871--MAMOND- J I � 1. �. tile - she Was 01040 to Mr. 0tr6oth. #Ad 1011t of , 1101mes., r. C., qt Qnderich, as 30004 -of
. W I � _i__ atafj�"upstxim, In the lodge room pbmiwd. The child s4ould be encoor day. Mrs, W. U uortopt pres
I I- 11.1 . . . .
� . . I 1. . � I . ebikiren had ok AAe time in Various Top"t,the teacher Wi to eft. MOV44 to cwerleu. where 'She lwd rt. %u Qu *oe county at alintm at'sanw. . � ;
I I .
1W I , .. I I � . 1. age Wa ther Wtest plate in the #1004 over allice.- Mr. Strough passed the W01fitu'S 110001W Aold"MI � Tboam X00" cooteno, the X�ewty
1, . . I . Residence 649 V,M the Pro- deavr'ot 'Qood � books 'coming tittli, at hand to receive %b I .
. H. R� LONG, Dievict Agent � . . es and with W100115, - For � oat *way Ave years ago the a guepts In tha walix AX)QkAW audp 0 the Ilutoo 0001Y
. . . phone$:.. I . . gram, tile oldest. Odilfellow in ooderich, class. develop the, mind latrough Was %, member'boll and she AAO 0513tcd by thAl 4UPer- e4urt, fts bom in 1083 i4t VnAmull,
I Office its" . 1111 I �; I;::;— . iw�___ -0. - � i I I __ - � Ur R. 01. Reynolds, presided, Unit the ;,u(t are #A incentlye,' T,he Speaker ate October. Mrs.
. or Victoria, 3tre'tt.'U"Ite "ehuxcii and inton,041t. Miss McC!orkindale, 004 Mrs, ont* ft son of Irish parentA, Be VOU
- ,
, , -4
- .
I I . 11 1. I . .=====�_� __ ---1- -1 __- Aumocra given Included Mouth argon advised religious 091:11ha 411 the early - A. V. atux4y, Up, tAUCAW at xrUdessell IRUW 60b001, , ,
4 . - ___ .1 1 4;-1---, V.*rs Ur the am boy$ and Will years. The JWe;1I4CuV,'_J�ft, 0. I tl%%-. IA It* Vork, eawlAw $#.the (00 NW1104 Mrs - 0. & apid, WV -,.
�, � . L . 4113 , Wq�MrWs, Uiulatiary Soclet,y sad %'hc� W., coulthurst, Z03. x"It" 00110014to *Ad Ottokwa wvtro4. � I - I
. * � . � I . WC4 . mrgtti�ely low yestra, The mdes of Thomson; a. couple of golos. by 00rot Sons, presided, Arrangements we e Annie Ucpan%ld and Miss VA $Wt$. ,
� I '. IT. .. Monday avenlog, 1114stratod ImImiQU9617Y Buch3toun H�Waaiau Music by X0$r6, for holding 4 We. Of home."Ade 0 IMW Aid Society. Oil* 'Was a member
, , � �0. , - and-11ards'. AAd'9kccQr4IQxxon8Atur4%y: va"J"We 4 . Col- 4w ot, the Rtbekoih .1,odp. And, by !0, toga Maexay Of Renfrew. ano It" a 4W
t I 0 Us, VO4 XeTV04 In ft 4400% V06A elty. :96 V". mwlt4 in 1114, to UNA
. ,
, 0 is being, given At St. penklAnd .
1 . . x � . lecturco which _ . with Ura, Sakti presldW4 0 the twt,
. 4s stle, was most . � ovirwul Int!."
. � , ., I .
, ,
� I ___,;��� Una Rod selection$, by h .s -or, 1416 bpitoe I oy . h to lact, circle ot Auto _4k 644 dowliw,- �, X4 Vw-VT
. � Ge ottrictive LWIth 41tA AQV14 �e -
. . � 10V03 jr. Garvie. Mu.IQ t hearty , o of : ,0j*Wft ot
I � I I I , Qrges, 13 vrovlxt� very in I . A ed 0, , tarty higisly esteemed for her kinOW nature . - .
. . .J�rsielm : . I � t,liss. rttty.s There 11 � , 0 tend* M11 he W" 00wift I
I 11aif Lead$ foi Ildorming, 4ancind ,which Woa xapt up to a Xto I . $44 generoug djapottion. Three tons, dafrodils and Its, fc=* at 40v" 004 etat ctectioj% of , dtftWd� L .116 .
I he4 to . . - Asited by the Drkyor and � YJ,dj4be#. Utt. 484W *sx assist, ro ex - ,
I The country. 4MMO ofacer..-VAS. hour w3a torn *ucel, I . � � . .11 . ,11 0% Wd" 044 WO
. Vic. 101110ti'a X"m ITIn'suc, Junior '' � rou*, Umurid and aeow vender4on, Vrett, . . 14 4 U00ki^ exth0o, jkn4 * vm%bv of .
I . 1, . Twoedlo orcile " - ' - ' b$o the followill - , I
.Otify truck owners that during the � . stras. � . vin 4*41as tea. Um the r
� rionths"ot N . I � lataxoo , .. � � . . . . - T - " A, H.L _& S-', LU proftwied her. She Is. %4xviveil W oil .1sight,'ot MQbiso. . I
.1 I . I wxch.god April they vill , be * Vio IM10414 junior IsQokoy team were $00tou'voubIts.'at tbe Royal . WICT � C , ]DR grandchild , Mo' Harold and Lawrence A. 0. U01.410. Mt& 00010-V04108, ur-11ftes Is so ja*Uve of wilootu'. -
. . . allowed -to carry QA1Y 1149 9t their ca' LL �� DA YL "' PARTY , ue4dersoo, of, Mtrolt,. 'who ar� here for . ooattle, una.:airl" itad XWS.
I i , . , wj;;�Zr; .of the junior . ,1r,wkcY, le4guet. ,a, Liny,4 ,andod. llowra were, the W* . being X #= Of the I%te� Dr. 1W. & U. 1.
I . � I . sad Mrs, 41, V. UWAU. � .
I I pacity, load. . . . I . he Scotch doubles . , � , -,. r'� . .11 ' the Isineial.- -Solomon, and M010 ne-n'.1HAY3 I county Uftwer. , .- . .
, . ,
: I . , I I �, .. . . Sponsored by the Lions Club, with 111`6 0ers;.otJ1t0t,0Az;�*t t , . . dont ' nt ftson. of. Le%m10Xt0jx*,'f"1* 0011doil k A birthdoy-V004 14044 91ttS $01.1tho Itob tQr 0
* . at 19:;0. 4==* .
, Agrkullu!at A*jkles � .. . " , - wing. and no lowo. Moore's - team vith towu4miza till$, wtex "at the RoW * There *rss� * large. �utt,_sl 't, � I lot n CFO" AWOMY .
. -
: . . . ' -Usihe$ A:104111- ti'Me win$, PAO loss and, 6'.10 Some not Ung Alloys an,a,�W. �Blsaet mod A: X>. I ps. Soil. of Toronto, r^i& Oeorge Headeraon.1hOsPit0t Was sbovtred by % Vallatao &U4 Clerk of the retes Since IM, wit., .
" .. . , The Star . this Week pub ow . - X114m,wo 044 wollos present oq_Thu. J o. mtt
. _' ,vW by
. .
, - played ogme,mcond. .qnd,S.0rInigeQiIr'$ East C4,4e Wend, Tu6 tcores�were who lived here wft 104 grandmother. Of donations vblah Wer getaft W. , S"Oer, X. C., on bw ".
. . 41- of ,�grlqjiltural. Ovocles..'Whioll,*ro, at Victorlik,'AcItool*when . Miss m.. Z Sol
, doy. Feb.. IAII, , �01d, repMenUot 00de- I
- _ ��] supplied, by - '"
111. . and V%utW4'Wy4 each 1%4 , rs. W. J. Uormv Is a sister. The Ion. WerAtAt. TbO tilt*)Y 40001404 '4440
. I I two,, V61M as = r �` - . slebra - U ,h _.
the Agriculturalr4ozileer And., oil% Home - 044, scii6pl club ,0 _t � Twilh AUXWW., MO. UArV1400, received big. -Wly. 04,404104 to tab -
- , , I
, . . , am It. � Ad. 106.330WI'4�46: 50i 037 " ninth'blitlift$ In the kin4erW- eftl Is belujo.hqIct, Vlts� Friday xttt th
tog. NeI440311b*30% � Lloya 'a I . . . , rao9a, president of Saitford %oxillary. - And , . , I
� ,,, reproduced trout the oinsol, farm, aula two losses, F I � ,j ........... 111.1 . 1-11-1-1 ed, iti, r .. A nr . . , . �
1�� sued this we ,,hessl team. falle t, 1090 a 1) - Service *� tlto Uous% cosiducte4 by .
��,,;,;!!IIPF'-- are 'k and- Desroc to- 96 Into Total ............. I-oolo of th sc#00,. ,A, . school$ 4 Siowlso.1ster *ttesiftio Ua� . I .
�� 1, J circular, Which U behigis. 4 - 11". . nod � I, D. I ten % '. 3190no . io.: with Mrs. 31. .1. 0408, q I el 1.
. , 4Am&lj_5W.:,
11; � .1 , . I � I tixe' winning col= -A. . a � . . W.� 3%s.set . grain of $011�.' 111114W a04 r0it.U01111 Rev. 0. SutV and Rev. 0. V. Clarke, . tow %A4 0oderj6h 114h ScIt"101 UP.
. �.. to fameto of,tue_ Founo I I . . L 490,� 410. Total ': ...... � .... �.� ....... �34$8 . The poill-litarm 41* Messr& Z 01morv, The, following donations *ere re4olved, per 00404 College too O"oode xw� :
I I I . :
4 % ,%, I I..", L Oratory- �0004 R424$ AOsowelation 10"t'lux . � , was piesentod 'and th0r64I4y,. eWoYedi aco, Stewart, pljoxj� and, Jardiniere; Mrs. : -
I �
, I Uodaxleh Old 4o'C0111110W In I , I.. 1,� Martin and ,U,.r 1$eftqU-00o,, 300, , Thig.betiog.th,� anuum meeting very. ex. Wm..Sallts.'Robert Phillips gad A',, J., , on grtduatlng� from Osgoodet SO 14 : ,
71 , �., , .. '%jaS Ju 'at- ,. L' ,� - .
., '��,'.��_ ..... �.i._'1460 - I I . .
�. coatest"at samis , - il "Mr, an�T. W4111st 2 jars Unit; M". 0. 14..'Vai%� 1891. r
, 1, I . Robert 4olzatml,,who 4g4.. Toto,l- ._.�*..,, "llent tepwt� g1vi4 comprehensive Cooper'. Mrs"Mcphall, bf Strath I & ast prooticed In 000erich,wIth, .
I � . . I cc o,t the nesz so .1, i4jiston-420 , .. �f ,the ,Club old friotid 0 file deceased, for ,$ , Mrs, 30, X). ate", 6 jite, Arm . .
�e - I � I The I be -W. 0. S� S. A. ora- tefitl= 1jQnq of the. Ontario A. Mca addA, W. 0 I . ,a 1:10. ons, $ doZ, 016%0, I I ot'Camoron".1191t 8; xpbv"�
� I �, ftala in t . . Summaries, of, -the - activities 0. . , Uri% 0. A. Add, Iti . �
, 1
. 11 � tory conte#ta,foi senior &ISL are taking Qood Roads AssociatIgn last. y,,�ek Ja 464 1. Tow, M, ... � .......... � ... � .... 1305 . I , I , ,., � the fur(trAL � . � . .1. � . I jam '0101deS said fruit, Was% member Of thii AmJqr�ftloew - .
I week and OrOXItO,, . I 06, read. . '. � � I . . 1,1,,ors pickles and fruit, a klo,ws'. on ftirs. and on "ve . I
i � -At .9atut - this. T this year e& Arst honor, T. ' � � '%Viltj�ln tieckle - r pairs, men's. alippers',, Ma. I
l � place 0, 412 Friday b000lix Prue a, oi,lxtokertsos�21 4ita Sauits, 2 dat � his connection be
I ' � 16 2" -- -- . ' A fte reyli,o,of, the yeaT's vork under, _ , I . , - .
The po;lVent!011 pelted � 490 -qztQLJ ....,___ ... ...... 13$6 � , I I , � Miss. A, practiced alone, for four . iftro, He .
MISS Aftrgaret McLean, the QQdericls Ory tOS10011t, � ., 44. the leadership of thii Presidents ,Mrs., After An illness w1i1qh co�rftod ) lin to Is. J, 0441ts. 20 babys' diapers., -
, . I ' I
.. I 'girl, champlon, IS ta,ld-ng Part. On Wednesday and at 4 011009 00 V;r. .Sonel and la.'XcNeb-496. 4t4o; - , went to WInglans. An 1002, ,*her
. I . ,,e he . . .,
I . �
' .
I . C0!,e01%t0_ I . I -day.the�re. was. a .reception at Govern- , � - . , ._133D,1 0. M. Robertson, wAs given by'the SeQ� Wd, for, tho. past two, years and a. halt., McDonald, I . jar pickles and .0,00; I �
.. . We WishMer Success. � 1 42�. q6tal s,.L ...... = ... 1-.". retar34 Mrs. 3�04W&�b, 'The tteasUV- Mr. W401am, Leckie passed. away. on Miss k I pressed ulea.t" ,at$, stayed Jor tWfttY-I1V0 YCal* .04 W
� I I I ment House. On Thursday evening the . I . , Mary %I e 4, 4 appoolittinvist to the Crown Attaruoyw,sk . .
. , , ,. , � I , R. 131s8et,o,nd1V' McPefinot,478, 401, er's'statement .t,ead by,",�Mlo 0, Sturdy ' . L. '40 0.000 In I .1
I Won club Bag -1 . annual. b"_oet was a great oVehtc- It 3684. Total. 1.41.411ul ... �.1.111307 , Saturday. morning last at the bomo. of not Broa.i $10; Mro. W norto 1921. be, moitit baik,:to dooderldi. I
I . For last week,s sale'in the Dominion was hold M the Royal York. hotel. -A gave the total redclp* for the, sexleral his son, Mr. Chas,'Leckle, Quebec St. Me. Fred Stilrdy, 100. t% bausi 0o4e. Mr.' jlqiju�3 was appebited It, 0. In - - - . * '
� . .
. - club ,bagg were, offered ddft 'Ulven V, livril md.P. ;Dlas4-4t7.-,5o1-, 081, hjud' as .$130'.3L 2q for the 04hty-tourth. yeoi o'Ad rich � WOMQWS ImUtute, $00 for sun , � taken ao''activer Pat at .. �
, .Stores prj�es *or number. -of A - .pipment - . . He Was In W* ., 1908. 110, has .
, . sses..were, Total . ............... �.�;,� ......... � .... � ...... 1001 . . chool 0,44 , the porohise -Of 4 'Untern evidently ha�d a ,premonition of his - Kp4 room � -1 I till I I
' W, � Litt -40 403 8 . . � various times Ia' muntelpol "dl .=tJW
� fund,, Cloderich.ToWanhip, RoSpt
for the 14rgezt percentage of turnover in ttI . I yo, . . . . McManus - Anc I - poilditords and proaclith e on o %uI4 y - for - Soil 'room fund; AfIrs. �
.: 14 1; the, r,646114, on rious S4100ts 6 V - . I '
0113 , , ' _ Total." -� ........ � .... .. _* .� , 11 " v I 1 matters, Ito nPiVed on the ,G kh . - I...
11 - . '$§ i a' .
- I ..�11. xre montioneA its the - ex .g nd for th a b
the'varl gr.oUps of Stores, Mr J, 0. connected, With the, Oood Wads move '40 . Sol alance of .10 is J* the bati)c� , The fore Wi' death he ,told bid s th t I
Robert;ion, mau�ierof the lQcal'Domin- ment;-71ils. woA"tUe.-'tWontY-W1WI' an -450,. 6n. % lie n, 0. Reynolds, 2 jar$ �Mlt,' Mrs. W.' J. 1 100 'he was tbe, un- ;
. . . ., .. 11 nm WIII141al and Y"4baundets celpft.of. $91.10, Would n9t,be here the ittkt Sunday and AnO�O,Ws, -* : town council. .14, , .
� Ion. Stoto � winner, in'llis group, nuil eting. bX,'tW.S,,Ass9qIa40A, . fare Pund showed "� , I jar pickles; Mrs W ftult I . metal � I
�, ' O#r I - ', 1a We
, �, I J I Successful coadt"to in . the V6*1
I . 1.4 the I , ,me , " 4 I 1 .439,-363� Total .��.7_;-�� ... � ....... � ... J202 W01 .$$Sjoo, )4no u. balAnoc.bf as it tome Whej;4er, 3 306 fruit,' Mrs" ChIN4. ,(3jrvJ ., I . ;
I . - comprlsih� fort"r - or fifty . storea, Cost- , , I . I OkAdItUtd$ I � � �. ... . d out, he was right. _rS I election, being, idcf.ftked oy rs—, W I
. � - '
, . I wA Clinton; -,Godarloh whif kl6hlii � ' '440, * * - ., . , . I a Wife and fruit', Airs. Gavin Green, I jar 'fruit, He .
, ., � , � .. I - � Ljyj� tch .. 1. �
1. gTutulatlono.. . . I . I.. , ju,s s'unda�y in St, Peoirge*s Chu .4 �or, not It Was bibeiUs both his
. I " � . .
I I � � . . , , sa$Aetbail - Schedule I . . I I I I . I � , I margin by th4 lateLM. 0, �dam�iou.
I . .. . .1 � ,� Noxt SUnday . The work, .of the .Welfare coximlittee his Son, Joseph, who died to 10i§ dur-,M�S. Walter 11aftel, 1. lb. tea� and 8
I 't .the Em � I . I � . . I I. took. 44: Active Dart to military matters' �
I I Daaght�rs, o . plre Celeb6thit or .from: , under -the, convgnorship .ot. bW.* 1) I '1he 114 epidemic, Is , . �
. , .A:jIujnb the 00*4411 Colic- Xirch,jltht tile third 1%unday.la Lent,' . aer slug aii,passed g*a$o�cakeS lValmQ11ve soap. --Mrs.. CoUltluirs�, f the
I ' _ , 11 t one time. being 9, rethtil jxWor 0 , � .
, . I 2111ifli;tlz Ansilver0ty , ,.� glate institute: were4u, P.IftitQn. last b �iiftg iftien mr to the laymen, In St. outstaiiOng. Slity-thirea now artIclis, on .q, Satu - ' e'l 3 a I . 11010" hAo . .- .
, � . I . , rdayi Thiity�thlrd Regilutrit. Mr. I
� ,jus
� ..t a, .Week .apart,, ,w - 6� pineapple; Mrs. Geotgii Price . .�
� The Ahmce% Chapter -of � ibe',64ugh,!-,.;�hursday evening witnessing the, ba.s- , ftteloy, 17jar
I � I 1. ' . Georgo?s church, when the rkrvices Vill veremade hicluding-underwear,, oesi * es, cannot MY biAt 'lie 0proised the hopaljars Jelly*. W.. hA4 Mrs. V � . . � , . .
. . , pile� daUshteiAA4 Our tons. ,
,., ters of. the Empire 'Are. celPlbiating the ketball game betWeen London. Teehultall be Of Such a nature us .to lay e ly 75 axticles w �, I Ab, coffeM, Mrs. (04V4 UODgro,.' . .1 I'll . . . .
' mphasto, ote., while hear . ere xe�- that. he Would ,last till Saturdo.-atid. he fruit -11-1 . 4 , . I .1 . .
, .
I . thIrtleth. 4nniveimiy 'bf: their receiving, and ClInion, In the W. 0. 8. 8, A, Tile . woric of '-the laymin - in - the paired. P ''autograph (joiit It" ieodl* had, this wish -jointed, - zar. Lookie wilro.4" 2 jari4 fruit; U143- 130114 x"Vic4r, WO � XANKS - jX*A9b. SIr AC01- . I ;
, ' I I
. I their charter on.,Friday: thin week aud teams 'were% . evenly balanced but the : upoll tho�,� .00, �ar- ed to 4 . ate about $43,:,'A%u1dleS- 'Of be remembered by m6tty, " jat fruit, 1 pleklop; 4 . ,NTAI,. 018011"at OF 01M �
J . . I . I church. An ruted Men of � the p who knew him I � .
, �11 I _ 0. Umplotoll� , :, I nE
I I .ate having- 4fi,�address, from the VatiOn:- Undon Techi4cal had, the best of jhe� fsh'itre us%ed tO',b4 at a Qqrporate jpom� obtistmiq .olliwr were ,.Pbo sent out. as jo� ,very MAW koutier"OuAq ty,.l cream,-4nd �i wh1iti. -
. I , al Regent, I I .1 _ 'Ibert 'Taylor I . � d.by tho I jar trust., Mrs. Moon I . As 1. the result, of,4pin.4colow , I .1
. . of r MO;, A 're*d this report, mvivin laV oventag MI , . I .
I Wxr� turden, Vdftnto, at I score,' I2'to'8_Th% yd4jr faster-, Vankot-. mouton Service at'UO a -M. when qPe- ,g members. of his family he will sugar,-, Mrs. thioaa Wornooki 1 jar ft'llit, *
, - I � occurred oli 1�114, 1. 10 I uAry I
_ .
I .. ck,at;7 a.1undheoll at 96td Bedfprd, .'g ipiled by MM Doer, �wl*4. ,coo � I �f, *� . I
, O'clo 11 ,bill than ever Is bel� ',.played, lightning � . clod- be remembered as a loving and thoqht� 'V, �ipi , � - jar frilt, I . I
� . cW ptayers Will be offered on behalf of. con. . - 4 I , I,,! J7!lnIlIA. ZuoU , " f000k.. daughter aW . � . I
. . I � I . I Mrs, otome, .
, tipopilej Work 'Pt iti, wher. lid -WA to, A. J. yfleld OOOA
all suemjnm Wthe,Order. -I,Wle: fast.. An -In ,4 'N in _"M -_ , �Iodoxich - -
1! to which ,oit schedule 4W tNs work, At the likl) 'a,m. service 0 'Wltlj� on appr0i4tio'n of the ember 'of - the jar jolly; ' Cook, of the tuAcId. Resod,
,. . . d ' " ay, Orange$ .
I I I . . . ' ' - . I �Iso 6ajoao,"� -1 .Jar
'. Uf$
.1 . been .Invited, . ' �, . I , � .been. Argwu .Iqr with: doderich,.Clinton, there- will .be d mate choir'. under the the menibeft ;at th6,,j;0mm1*0.1, � Masonic .order. and he was a , stwunch , .. � J. Mo Field, to�r�p, Ni�v, taken to ClIntotti 90*1141. : - - 11
., . . pOrto . I . . I I I ". , , � ��
, " ,
� - conServative, *1 , ber of St. fruit: Mrft, W :0WbhXo-'1 Jar fruW W6 . tiom. .0. kn"� i4i ... �..% ...
I and segorth� as. thp t0aw, tawpg� - ,, itinci,14 . Or.
. Monday Xveubw 1.1epten 1.0ectur", � , ' ,, direcOon of - the orgaiiist�''Air- 'a. 'A. .,�he �P4044� committees report -was 0 -WAS It them shatt e4 11
, as toi&n�Wji� Mareisjrd�, God,01011, at I ' � . C e L 4,i. 'Iticksollo, 0; Mrs. WW`04,11-00', Mr& R. Orimbold I . -
I . . � . . I I 3$rovv# will cou� rold.,by, *&.00mir.' Splendid sMies George'S, 6loircil, and on Sunday v n. i ly of Woburn Is Wwlot . .
ttavlea. Air, X.VouglW � , 1 . . I .
"The'Or0*1i"of & p1w0000!, was tile M40041t*7�04 Al . OUn- � .� . , , I I ..
'44-441 adde ch at I � - Ralnetj va ,lit I I . )y Urs., gOrlson, , $1,001, Mrs, (00 Huhtdr, home. )AW 00k., .
I - � lee, W ses bad been yth d0#_g tho, year 6y 101;, A. service wAshqld'at the house.) . . I
� .
-1 r � . I -
.14 1. " - thtlo V.- i
I sabject, of - 4 jee�. _ , a "d ' 'Whojiw -,66�� 1 .04 - - .1
og4ayo evenh.WAL J'otnt04 duct' the S.rV . , 1wey, � gi� _ intocol treatment jxt..
- , . I
- , .h - � I toft; March - ,�, Clint ,At. Mitchell,
I . . �- I - . . xea411thW�i1istAQSsono"az,A Mi, , , Ms. M.ackft.. � 4 ., N. H. Mills thid 4 . 3.11,4. eo'nte. MO. Alberti UY10r, � I Jot *hd�wgx vidtivi her sister I
. I .. � ,.. Mr
i '. 1, X" #W*0.;, #1,01)" L ' . 0. Jowbh � .
" I - I ii - , 11,
. ture 14,.St � rge!i, lJor , ci Match Utfi, . CHnt6n4t-0dd�rIchM 'h, PF , - , - el�,?' 3 " .. �, � � � W, C _ �; %4a., Qrtkn*"4#, ,% , *ji jtljeyo� Wn0jsrn,._ ''o" of *.?1k.9,
- oii�o] . .10 hall,' TUcU,ajch 13tbo ,� Ult,piieIt - at� Cioderich; #�� WO
Rev. mr.;fflusi. 4 , ii , 0, ., th - � pro , *41__�qa* .,4C,JW_04'-. fto.1-� ��, .�� ft � .0011 t#
.� . rector, 11 -11 _ e !e4ur . v oV - t'he"Itepp , , .., �- . .i keft. to. Low I 0 f0* . 1 ;40ft - 1. .
, , . I I ostrated .h or The.11g.-tor: will, �proach %. special sermon of Clill 'P.I., I ...... ...... .... "I'll, � oft Ing &O Winotor jiu4. the � t6eiAl fruit, $I.00-, Mrs Odorge., Williams,.. Z Mug to si I 10 1110 0 41114, - - I "
. -,v , . � � .. I I r "" party -j , , �604 P- "6 I'm
which vi" wit "lanterzi ,audpi.. -loth, xwh��l at: clintom �. , . . "Ma . 44ilow to I k t'her! hela'st, Logaii% undtr� jars. marmalade; 34r. 00.9roe .Williams, I _
if*,��d tii4s,'th%t,of_ S"'k- ., . . . . � . .. I . . . hom,Q 'Of Ur W :
. I � - -V I � 6'meh. o, -i WrIn of - the Lord Jesus-. A, ..... service I -was � . rig"Jot'sa, Sutrty - 0, . % ..
The di5nifie e ...... i
.:1 rxto6.
I , 1.1 � Geb 'ourage, . -oo, I
. / - 9 0 0 9-fil4W7 I clill- t0ing,pirlors, The, sei,.vlee�.w4s con..$a, * bass Joan Mordi, cruzzilt tray , Ph*
, kn_& thi 0$0tix h ' ' � ,Voniirrtople� so sky lu�'St C. 4', At the evening ' sorvtcq at undy; 94", ! A .
. . os, § owed tbe , . I .ud 't X*fj��Ot* fr6m, them vliii4ic V
I - Atchewm I � rank - '.
- I I . proirenS. ' -iq . . I .. ' , -, � -! . . . . . I . . ducted �y Aoyt ]%qb B. 1$agej rVok lur- .1 _ ..
.tb4t"bsi-'b0a �ni�txe -,,�,;�. thoroh. . I I 50 p.m: thed-vdi �Ii6bc �i malcch&r� ikest, f . or,of,ktth# o.ry, birthda cake; Mm,
I . - . I __ -, .1� . 13W,Aaj� last I ' �4 -as* a .. .Co .. . . I :. I I .." , If 1. . - . W". _ �,. %�j;'hq I 1,11pd, Wbq b%4 OM Amt. . . . ,� ,
. . Ut I. -vqg, conduct the� ' vesd.,k 't t: ' " " I -'-I -:-u1JooepJx" --, I— J - fru%, I p cwt�,, 64, 4 - -, Abe ijsw��Oji, - W VAW - � .
". . _*. StWdy � itt, .... Cloorge's. ch'X . .-)� 11 .
, __ _ __Vp.,o . undoL _ W& R040 of � � �ur . .Lojtdon__West� c0aunj or I
- - __:.�_ :kopie's, sund , - - 14 --in ehiach , apples; bfts. lo, ,L, . Xnqx,� 2 jors his. gon lit the sleigh 01% out,'Aa. the I
. ; t_, ., -WANTE-li-11- . � chool %AdF'ko�i L� . 'ni an ' 1104 COU!"Utl9il- he 'Which . the deceased's father 1.
,_�_--��.v . I'll
, 1. , '. Sy .In ei �cc,WtAeMr.'C.' Groves.ahil-Mr,.A. 116i�c` d so .
11 I (, .,�� 1. : � .. 1. Shore vlll'yead the lesons.'AU �Iuan: Urouto. Mro Campitell and his pupfl* heW. to build. Mr. 84ge'situried tholfro$t, �1,00; Rev, I .. I t
.. --- -----0--- .3t, deorge's chorth. An ,objective of . . � � . and Mr#, J. No Z stats", ft". that -the xeitts *04M. be �
L I -11, W_ _-Hi5 . . I . i : � . . .
, . . As� , ; ,-.-junior -, stqhographer,,, de- - �sked - tq' give A. demonstration d bopt4zed
J ,
. . I . * * 200 In attendance. at the Subday School Of St ,' GeorgW4 'church axe ',q � bf 'the work they eotitsed,. . 1116' obltdren �ud'Mfils,, 46,00,. Mrs. .(M.). Martin, 10 jots , to -
L - t!?,R. �� P., � 94-�, Bqx,:_Wr,- � - I L crowded he decided 40move tbe ow ..
I Z"�.�.Vo . . waa net' aft&Lthia tj#49, 0�ejcded by 27, come out.,to`6s.mAny 0:606e-isenicme were ,accomplishing, :.The refreshment married 'the "; - our townsman, *,.Iftult; Mrs, James Clarke, 0 bread�!jkrol and in doingon, tj�e ftmajor- mw* bAy.o
: YEATHMS--1%ve . . I L -1 i ke being *89 *, the prIm%rYj 81 in the as Possible; , I � , , �. .. , . comMittee report was: given. by, . . 10"o, ucwp, 11:14 now builed the,littittek plates", Miss Winnified 130. 3 �
ydoV., fe0fitr " loctis �' hq. . . I . ... . -_ �., ,� . . come Irk coutut with 40100" *"'.# , - �
: I . I . .. I . I - , -
. I , - - -a not en; a f4tli6r, gAd at the funeral servi 'Isi ed�s
i de' ,,' nto - jaknIWV� - inattre In salloot and, 51 In th-� Dible Oiaw- Xtss Mai! I 1, w4thy- lie year its, 6 . � C(� . an4 NaUqOq; Q911 *I4 9", 'Plln' the � test �ith W u1i th - It Ali; '
10111A I �. Mos nI1 Paiso#s 44sists 0k. I �m �4 - .
� - i
I 10 .
I . I
.1 (
. � f
( bakin
140 Mr*
too thAnkf
i W tat$ at
I i
I— I
I � -- , r.
'Our a in, _-,�e hti6tioUs one for this - j but at* bpdko very feelingly of thi ivorth of the lop, 3. hot iv�ter be es . .
. ent. to -Uo*. 411% 0.6deftch. I*p w k,r,pp�ial.,)toqu$,.Ve"1014.Lg�ryl'Oe Was R0S;W1ijiX1on?of.Q . . itl ; N011 UACTCO, chargeO, and 6 Dart of tho'Lclsarge of
g .:. I , .., , I, . ,Irl Drownint, ,. . _0n.fttiV0.deee&sQd Snd,the f0MJiy.L , ,
card to .box _ , . I I A .swal, gathering$ it
Vt T I. .01 � I- � , ield .In .the -eveu1n9An*Woh,:meWbefs Swimin - , - . on active The - pan� i can. honey, 2 j4wo oliveaj I a Jn4rm4. Ili t 104ged in - thO Udy's. k , Mrs, - �'
. - , ,. 14 uhii� . � I . ,j r .. .W .
- � .. I I I I . . . : . nay. - -Igde; . 9 . . .
I I � 0 . #otAbly, on Field Zsy, %, Miss MeNaught6u,', $5.00;
- . :rtwuc NoTiox; , . :. ��' -the SIinday Acliool took part, Mr. - The follo*hi�, , dispatch tek and bearers were'six nephews, Chas,'Leikid, . Miss' Odualooldy w*#'not so dirtct4y- 1;;, line 0 . . � I
. __ .- - . � . . .. � 'John Xii6eshaw ,took the . choral se ' I f'014 �: 16" Salo OU-110'aid, 4akifig' li*d�: kj, -Iii1d. John Leckle, trist Ryorl,'Rob-Ort Mar.,VAthe,r Rome, $2.00; Nor"' Alo . 00' Aret. abd. "cetVo4i oW . .
� __ I Thomas ill - of interest lodally its, )4* The, ,jollowin � � .1 I Mo . y Aftor 11A
4_4;�� � rVice lorogra m. TO" ow, ' , , � jUrW6 I
. . . I Uaty Pamons mentioned Is a 06detich durisig th 9 pr I 0 . shall 'N' 64 1,uroholl -and - Joseph rs; for stories, oltdog room,-. Mo W34 Cook. W43 rushed to tl,* .hosit",
VURNM)AE*3%pAIft0 remodelled and Mr. Fred Bo*x n4d the st'te prayiprs, .. - - A � "t noWe, ,
�A . � pto .
. .atid �114,luds'.,61! cab -'Mr. W44i Hunt read -thcF At -it. I ' 01 evening, the pr-estant Of London. 'Interment telf-Chapter..i.O.D.X, flowers for 14 n. as speedily. as the r"M AU4 Uff Valatut . I .�. �
esson, � R. i Mrs Marshall, - all I
. . girl, being on the. staff 64 Alinalpolle ' Aobettson,. pr,,sjd1,g-. Now iket 'Made
. V I . �.
. -.40'. , 'St.' Pat- vid'.W4 I _0 bIrAftl " A . , Joek Was I -in Mount Pleasant cemettry.1ing roons; Miiao �-Ohambera and M I .
Jnet work done. i -V. x6ttsy, ' I Harold Turner read -the second St. Thomas, March I.-Tenistot-4d. . * of" condition Would permit and her wounds
ticks St., , Voilorl4i;M. :'�. - � - , - ', lesson, *, And 11tere .Was a, Ane. attend- - __'_�:, __ Cott and - Harold Young! iveltation, Mr., Leckie was born, Ia vviix !Igit-."�nol"=-d�_mts,,_.ar4vt4:- 14- ve,f,nlq�irii-,-,nTowiL%I-'tVoaL+,nvAvit,-Ilr,-tto".-*k-----" -- --- ---
I I __ ____,___t.�. -th6_404- .�- ,. , . AW1�_MV!.1"M4__h 4 . .?Aouit"-Aomrmw�-,�tiw_�-11.1,Wl.c. -... 16U.151 -1
L- .. . ....... I—. ___,___ - — . aAtidrrpr4Seht.--__ . � � I IQ -40 '. a ne e iai% - R114 kiii Phas. Uckle, tlinen; Mrsi E.* Beattle, I jar* fruit; mrs,
- . -_ ... -in4e,-(#44e--.c,oiioe . '". --".rr.n , .. "the Murray. � Short . I , I uwfn � , .
- , Fok � WW�_To I . � Swimming class, , was overco . 0 * . - Mi Stock- who ,cattle from lrelaud,� He married ,Gamble,' $10,00. Mrs. . .M". Baker, $0". ,
I RI$NT �j 0 8 a.m. communion service T.193 .. address:: W, .
01 1� e7day
T P d by A .. . toj�y stono., a meluber of th& VOW school Mary Ann Marshall and theY'lived on a -Mrs, A. 0. McLa , 2 jars fruit; Mrs.
Me . large, Tumbe . 1, of "Itull afternaou; -and.. sank -to -th6 b0ttem- board-, Instrumental, ".Atb& Aaek.6on-, tarot. in McOillivray. r
_�_ - - att Alluo, C lege Swimming , .
I .order . Sedan,. I - .
Fop- SALE"Mode" people. - I - : . . . townshlo.. Later 4. *, fruit; urs, Uwe I
A4 - condition.: IM% NCIWAN I . Miss Vivisit, Wblse�, physical director of sword. tboce, Men% anct Lucy Mrrisn,jt. he Was In the employ of the Dominion $1,001, miss HAYS,
LEWIS. `060' b6'Seen :on JWLIXIIISOCI At librine Soclat 16ob 11old Sociat the 'AL. 'U_�*. le . 1$1.00; �i�,s
. Hamilton St. ., . � I . d 0ance I I � � .1 . ,Y. W. Q &#. gotect. the girl sub- After the games, Or wet Vxpreo C6M.D&ny.--.X1fieteeh ye4rir ago $1,00; Saltford Hoopftl AUXIlig6ly, 19
. �., � - I :.- . . .. . mersed,beneath the -water and thought 664vo& A dolidlolis and deoor* he slid hit Vife came to live In 06do- jaxa, fruit, 1. jar pickles, I pall honey,
fro ItEmz--Good firm, 40 acres, good , .The Goderfoh Mirlae Social Club hold at first that -she was seeing be* loult atc,1 . h y c th .
. bitt do, oke wl U xh*� lighted rich. Ito IS, .the- lost' of 'a, family or apples, I � cake Jor .,uuvsw,, Mrs. n. j4
buildings and WOU, runfitiW Nvater, A Social and :;Ianice in their dub -room She could hold her. breath. Alarmed candies was brought
� . , , � In, anct J10jr. Re6 eifght,' and -is. sUrviged JoY� two Aons,iAchoson, 2 Ilona tray cloths; Mrs. 1Ou4-
. Lot on. is, � oderle . Beat. on North atreit on iho. evoontlig -of Toes- suddenly, -she dove after the'y�Oug girl, ditto thi fast . I
., 1. president ot 9w Club, was Charles Marshall 'teckloo of . Goderich, 16y Holmes, $2.00. �nd,Mrx, (Dr.) Moore
re n - 10. I. . lou", I . St.� Apply &Y, March gid. The firit' couple of and, brought her to the side of the,pool, asked, to out it, 11 . . I I .1 'and Frederick, of 'Londofi.` Mt. - Leckie lKelly, :$2,00; MI.& O., W. Slackl, bog;
Rffw� � , .. I � I � It'houra of the evening was spent4n play; Assisted by MISS .Mary 'ftrx6no, 'artift, . After I a hearty votb 'ot thanko 'was one O"t the gtotip of.oetogens,rions W6 HaZel , HaftWQ9,.$l.o#; Mr& Oliver,,
or 6 W ..# I � I 0 : was , And .while ,obiq to .do.,Ro W-44
, . . :# . I Oat respiration., Wai applied, , ituA th" eXtended to.the: Club W.Ift�. ataneholjq_�, , a 331400 pow" W, J. J. Mor -Wen, 2 14090
Baylle ., - . . ,.. . . � lo. Jnuvrogtek4lve, euchre, for wkith thqrik� . I of Oodorlc4
. -
I, 'k � I I .. were fourteen tfib*t "f,irU6ig ;ib lli7 Aft �#trl: I�Woft ,,regained -,consclousueo. Tile 904 Rev. .Mr,, BUtt, another. Iftbi even; k4ys` D'reseiit 'a� th'c' ga!�fierliigs dt St. biscuits, -110thion ,& A111"no 12-10, rogst
. .SAM -.'Oil heater, $3, - MRS. union$. Six ladies for 'grit pr6 and , Mrs; child had Swallowed cobsiftroblo water, Ing b,.thL. social lee .1 ' , . I I , �
. , I , �.
FOR � I ot victaiii mine 11atrickla park.' . I . I 61 beef; MW Clara I)ark� $1.00. 1
Wowm NAnxii I bxli4tW%,. Vd, ,,T,,, Cook Avon out and the con4olation 64t; And School. Club was brought to a cloge' The Wolnen's . Hodpital Auxiliary
. , I I -had taken none ftitxi her lungx it . I . _�=z . wlzll
Phone 280. - 1. , . : iweht to urs. S, Walker. Among, the 4 thought that she wits taken 91 while, . _.�_ . � � — . -x4xG tro ;; *i ME � � i * 'RiED .
__ � . .. � _. .1 '. � . . I I to �thajok
. 'igentl6men there were three, with thaln the water. The: little pattesit'.Ay" . .. I I , all �who, by their,74tteudanco
, .116rox *06 'bull for sftle� .� The following was t en, a , hula. an Colt It , . e . . .
. FOR S � same high score and on the tot Colin taken to the college infirmaryi Wbbtb AMONG TIM ' I
I. brown Ift, 'S yet" old"About 4he W2.1' suffering from *14wetz on the communion,. ber of Norman TAwls' clients, . whom birthday Party Much a Atlect�s, - I
- : . . ��
. %it -1",i400- W., I- bt 4 old, MUVT4Y i�U� th6 Winner. - The eoj*14- shock. Aftor. ok , -, table At
� , L ina IdI14 .Years Ion went few"howso r"to the fto jkrin!tted t60to'Q*orge-$ church were 0104041. he was as dear as a son or brother, and :
-, , '�'17�- about 1400 'lb6 0 1 � thorthorn bull 13 It to Thorl6w U606itald, , The � I . I therie Whose. 110311ft wore made issopy by bw , STAR . SPARKLES
I... - -1 . I .
, , .1 , months old. JxS. 0"1xqp*;_ a. It, Pike$ were tile Vt of Mrs. John Mur.; OP to her 1101116, . I t, . in memory of tli6 tatii wittlain, 1AA. visits: . . . . . . I .
, � . I . . .� . ..
" 3, "r�Ach- Phoab�so f.t Dungannon ^'y* At 11 o'clook Steward 'S 6"ttr Horton by his widow, Mrs. Her- -1 . . .
I ,�—_ . I .� i 0110y ft"$*� of 11111ritu 1 , .� 1. too. . : � . .... . Seldom does It fill to our lot, to re- do far� We are getting *long pretty
., served lunch to a houdred gueAts and . . . I
� IWAL SEE &!7W1X1) �IXOVUANCi Tho Presbytety Of Huron; . . coid, anything w sudden or tragic, as well with that sis weeks of lood'We4ther
. . ftiftberir, after Which everything *as. eliumh, in t -Pre**rl%n North St. IYAlted church. strvico on the � desi , It 'Of :Out beloved 01tWO, -Mr-1which is supposed to follow a $mightily
I I-- e In Clinton , on , truesdiy!,
'STATZ a " WZ]==1, 1"'Oh Feb. 24th.. RdVi,% 11. Rbodo of txetcr .
. RF4L. L :
t battened down. tot the' dinde, Sunday, March Sth, I* ,
I � . ... . "What cau,wo, di) to stein . ,. 14
I ted kill 2:15 alb. On behalf of the Club; topic, 6-m" Men'l Norman Lewis' Re Was cossiltor'tt-ively Candlemas pay, No, we are.not aft
_-_�_ , ,.. I . . W" choten moderator for . A youno Mail, not yet having readlied � .
- .... ... .. I - � I the ensuing thfr-rishigAido of protaultyl", 14trotitioed the age, of fortio, 1 of bears any nsore., I I .
. I Life, Atettleut and Auto �. 1. .. - Yeft. Notice Was re�efvcd of three, ap. but verily, "in * 010 .
.. . I I L I .
� , � . bligrat" � 11 � ., . 110 . I ' -presb. 10inh- ters. , bY W. Win, Armstrong.' OtijLV services ljoidSt of life, 'We, are In, dfttli,Pv and the '
. I plic4tious by ex vtorlan
. L" . � ,. ... . ' as Usual. . . L. � . . Words of,L the L ftrI0turc3 Come *to Us, 'abo J,Jr. L 0. - A. nobortton is domandlog
. I to �bo received back from the 10,hited ' ,I
I . ' � For, SA10 L . I NOTICE -.1 I church. The amount tilsed dudn(,# the ' OW109 to the MOSS of ROV it. 0, ye alr4 ready, for Iti,slieh an hour Ps ye. snore woviucial grants for tile 13niver-
Very neat one.3tory holist, fine eo�t&L � L . . I . . I . I '
i . I I . . I I L poses on Sunday evening, ill; $or; know tot, behold, the �on of man .... tons -i ity ot Western Ontaflo. - The LOU400
. . -
; tion, NOWBAte street, ptleo $1600, , . I year for toxigregational put WAS .
1. . Pei., Stoll hoUSo.L tollet, both, gaf;jge, $310221; for the bodget $5,802, tit, in. 003 In Xfiox church were tak�n by Mr. I etb,lf I I Adverti4a is allthosity for the d3tel=&
11 io#. Price $1200. ITO CAU ]DRIVEW clre.ve of $400 ovor the- .previous yea.r- A. & Macka7 alid Mr. H. 1 A. Alab- Mr, lJortudlis, UWla wa-1 born dnd that sop far the Ont3do Goversimml; has
Good hoUzel. tollet, lights,, small barn, . �you mijbt hqVooycur IDS1 Mhrll Inevelotim, $1,401., Dy � the - Womerva' P-wats, a. ,reimon, by tho late Rev. Dr. brought Up In ,our . midst, and had bien dealt, fals,15r �,jltlj tho V
I.: .eta, be . islVertit! of wep. �
� mie� fruit treclo W9d lot. 'ADA Irely street. Ul.Zftarso Society � $3.7,97, being. in Ia. Meldrtsm� being read. Py Mr. .Macgwaxl. cstabllshed.Ad the bond busincts..,11pre tern' Ontafla. 'the chag f
. Price $1000; , P . Pdrmits . to drive. a0d. stop at all � OZ,04W over last yeox of. $401. &Lmojn� 'Zond .
I .. . for 00410 ft.0'. Ito twas known ovdry-
. . ity servlcea at, :�allvatfolt. Army , alt b16 L name front wc�tarll valverott$1 to tho
"!� - Good holIso; bo,tVroom lightlo, V=H stop t4ana, or proxcut,9031 . will. Wrallilp of 1,033 wa3 reported .0it the 10 a.m;, offectory Cla,4. it a.m., . Itell-, where to be hanio-'t. and kindly in os br On at idea
barn, 9Aft8d, 110A hO;68 large lot. follow. 1� School ; doallogr4 an4 Ids'wonderful eltaruter VAIVOMIt 9 W t 4 � t 10 IA lt-�
I - church r011s, WhI10 tile 011046Y 80110613, A" Meeting; 2 p; ,, bbot � '_
Fine 10PAU01I.- Price $t600. , . I . . tol � ' in 04 h Y o -entra ot
Two fto brick and itanief homes. ... I . report. 830 telsolarS oil the I$. L Ar.� I lt� rA., Salvation' ulc�tlng. A wtta$o And kindly; loving d1spo5ttlon, havo tvon reco8ujt1on,.aa th� univerrity. t '
the Sysiod, J�ray,�k niteting L, 11014 TUC . aild no
part pollshcA liardwoM noo14"Vext I I C. POONA . I .ranlelil�ntn Were ma4e. for . tVill W ,gday, for Wilt, everlasting triondd, Ito -w= th(I countleli uf.Wa;tt:A 011600
. I F
I ned, nelvAr decoftted, full both mS I . I *111011 Is t0sileCt 10 06d0rich lit the tod1h%rth loth, at the holuo of Mr. and I tlh�00, VeldY to 11010 thWo Ili trouble, d0b&. 'tI13 Pf011nelat. 0overomont VIIII
� call3l's. lights, e " det 1550, I eath - . Chief of Police ot., APM and bq�lnaing of May, Rev, r,lrg. MeW, -1k1aedo=Td Sk, at 9- oldio*. be Was never khown to ray a haroh t- y a .
I * ,;0 t1lat it tontlst,�C,5 to be fi3irl tie t�d�
. verk cheap. , � I e n r, re'L , I I I r. D. n. Mummond, of St., rals1% Tho publl' rd siboat tinyone, And Ila viati a kind , .
�. rho, � r1fielke h , 0 'are cmd1ally Jn*64 W at. WV . , , ,
. 9 .
I , . � A number rhol " for c4f 1 L_�. �� churcil, lumilto%gfts simidnated for tend. all . and loving butband. , I 95th %irban aUld rUral cotansurdtlea
__ . , _� Wodclrator of tbo..'(3eneral ,",*embly, - Ing -
1, tome of ther bett town. ' . . __1 �___ , , i , tlW'60 t(TVIC03, � I I rekt.,ftem the burden ,Vt
, I - 1� choice of. 6 ltrge number of houtell ____1 _1111-1` The No3h, st, 'choir hava 4rianged. Out heattl so out to , his, torrow , , aro t�,ddnq ...
I - 4 attl lots, 1141W,01! them VtrY low Id MSTOM VAtCHT.N0 1. - - Willob xacets In tChox churph, toronto,,vith their vh1ting sololods to hold their wlfal In this hotm ot Itt-r amfet�oll, And 11�11�,;� t,onsittup,tiou, costi,,- The . un-
� nsid'ea09 tenuS for D3Ym0A.t* Wsk JgUcol]3AUT CHIGUG AND 0 � . 0 in 3(int. , CojjmW3,-I0fi,Ar8 ApbAbw toloantat& tld!� .yt4r on 4 bi V1110 t2list. that dle Vill look 9(,r 1101P to 'atilro J0 that Wa eannof,Llave
them isididisil,mony L " the. Assembly ar6 Itov. T. W., Gomwill, ftssloss Wo4nesdo,9 , Him who Is too wlss� to. crr. t . fortUnate ft ,
AP "TORIN0. Week r0ur thki nod Friday.; I , I I
,. ", - V(14 �Impr(tvod with � . I . blytb, tind Mr. 0. tj. Mullett, Sfofoft.ii. oil thig ftte thoy hope to avold con- � highuyi; � wituatit . having to Vir for
,af them very low IA price Atid easy 0111SIO COMI) WhItO tAA-gh0fn'-ChIPk8. Rev. Peter, it-tith Wag lft0ftIlU*&4or thent . 1.
'tenits for poyment-loo is, fuctft With the numerous $Dedat set- PEOPLE WE KNOW , #- -
w-1ft, $1400 ; pill 160 each. Y .oderat& Of Synod JttIdL 3teV. C
goo g4to JAY " LF. . I IL Z, elf �A_ 0�
A!, $2000; S& acres, $250. 111deft-MArch and A viee* lit tile othurdW tisually held 69, e1c; b, Pisa mexinnoll *nnoantes that
" , rf3m 1*41gr,Vd e0ekerels mug= WOM appolute-A it memittr. of. ttj6 ook Uft. Ano. A. edi'dolor'll. of vrtf!�*
200 n�itS ItVil%Mt ditY 1011IM; 130 13t, Jjm! 11c. r Vr;dil,54 601090 "it 1* W6 If6ill WS, John 0.'Oturdy. � � 314d'-3
"' % d&MS WeTt 203 to 215 tW lions, $Yrodla, 1colliallItto on buh U6 will do milliam 4"A 201mi
. 4 Licres 01cared,46 soms timber. ria wbt�e *116 and over. 1,0 doft. .lt'ng ,;,t
Milo ban", 16catlow. PKIC4 . . " Itpine on T-rals'lgo'r �St.' I
. .. 0 S4 - Thomas and Strafford VL 14 311,D=
L V. t. *5W . . I ul" �,ftf$ , Clarke was Imo fcom I L
, ." 0 C-�& " from setetm w9h Itoduting litus, ttjxt!ii .. "100. I
11 . 4115001 tsishoo all good tftw� , � cmtft bothirse 46 Wtgg.. . elitirch-% M am" thot ehoir In ftsiftins T&#Ato, *line she is engigel, ft saeloa � � ---
160 , acres $a_ tlxebj�W for ssnjiller Alto Noral Brooder suppet. I U]" retty A"tt4teg ethirAl nox" � , .-The Seven Usti woroof Christ." I W 0 the %tex-fild, -
. darliz. � I I � � 11 1. We Xft and rer,cmmesid the R,3yol "A Seh" Ciol* ft*" At 04Dtfst church oa Sunday � rar IrInIttlog afght"o Nlffmb�,!r robes,
. cgveral ftnall t1dekoti farms f6v smle� zrMatr Stw*%� . I IXU ItMe and ftool QubL,of C'en. not-, 13IN4 school at .10 S" Mrk 0. 15turdly 1*"at� Winob*, bIJ1119 tte,, w %uxcdo *00, 4 -ply, eome3 'M
. Als* a utt#!r of '11mijoity fafro
. I 11 19"'. IM, called tbithet by 016 I t-01we baus� llpftlst" 2
I [ J. W. AAMOMX0. � $11% *64 10,01 trio Sthoot eftittim"d Ili mftb"# of *rvkt at 11 *in., to b6 " K" i0itest"40 an njs,deo .%
I _04e,x W. Huhm OLMOM, A. R� I ds 'IIE�r, Afto ft,01. I afts for 26e, 0100. W. W,11tAIM.
11 Real N"*, , r he womews Ingthote to, a dainty Aft". I*tun*d su-'stionary'r V. W. z st^ ho grand jill ,
, I efleb, plifte �Varlow 1413. �' __�__. ; " -
k.nhe 502. fts 00. Udftich, Oat. ;t= _�� won tft to XWX&y Via od Toft&y *4 %Ili givo on *4drem bettlog anh the Mr. W. *. RdlY, dt LM(1011 to .
I _,�__., ------- __ =�:!� : , '=-__,
.� ----- I - - - - - - 1- �!__!_ __
, .
I . I 1. L' - .. I - __ - . - , I or AM .
- MWWon. it was thef tegolor ajeetlsig wotk of the missionary IA 8ftM AMer- elected ON Of 016 VICA 1*14A&Ats of tile "lit 1099% I
. ,
I -1 I . L. I *Mpel. #erWe a J�eji#tjift At their *nittial I "Thatl 14 So llj,($O� to gllft MIA 6-11 US
I I'(9 the clah. 0-44 I" Petty. it"hisilymt ka; . 't, I rZt. **h tJW ftforib Motor
. � �dftWArat;r and k�ctjsm. who U tois. pastor *ill sttlsk on the 9AJftt,, 4"W Mteft In Tocoftt() 108t wftt. I ,bftthd*S�& 1116 b" eveod"If." thought
J, wo CWGIE . C, H. NUMBER, dijktlog cloomts lit, bow jriwsint unft gompol thon "er of 0od.0 A hearty 14=�._1.,W.,4 RWAI "rethst" beld Ilke $611110111109
L i1twirLLItit i I the ampk-ft of the wMiews 1"Oftilt* weltwM ou W11461, tvtfilng an fl- A 0 -lit y4eeft of tht Wca%ews diffiettat tW , _+
wr�_4tntthlnx I SIM6
; TI It SMALL SrORC , a ndid, ontl tl*t* A4" briustioto-o iddtm W", W glift In'tbe miig," Tftpft*AeVb V016a an4 the ftft gir'01 Aftd she Wftt tO thO ttle*
I I RWE"emahmm I WAIN 'THIt 1114t,41CICK 1. to ild .. , L SW so** et way* Ini,thotth by )&. Sto" M the IM6 " *qxl T""i*" of Ittim*ts **ill beheld ,qfiotte� Uft V*6 dvtv I011t JMIMce
A I 111116-&W . I
I L �� 1111110 Ith ph _41titn"a M" 1* deV0W41*ft%- ft. fouth ft_*TICS, All 00"ft Ift AWSA.V $Nlt (ft To"JOY, t1tening, W" tM rv)�t eurXI*C4 ttottmbranCce
I __1 I I I L..". - �4' I z b dots bt t*a%ts to *"*"�%A " iiii---iL volth 10ft -0 * Vclmk� ttt c6tild se-nd! 11
I L'
I �L� I 1. I I � .
. .
0 .
ireatitli danger of infection. 4t was - .
,und that In addition to laceration ci , ' L 0 .:
Ia A03h, some of the shot bad ,1Vnetftt_ . .
I the boot the force, of.tht ebatite at . ,
ich clote i'�n"; Wing great. It *oWd ' - L.
. g L
Imost seem t4 Ito provideUtI& that ' �, . . L
lore serious '"moge.-Wo ,lot e, A . � I .. ...
,in disch"gius! lit the midst or a group I I L .
r people might, easily I b%va Ism Itatal , , , ,. .
�Atdts. At. last ttp* the sufrew was . I
attlng . comfiortibly aid It. Is hoped that ' ,
. I
o-sor1oUs,0nsequ0tWes,wW rettilt, W. . 1::1 ..
3ley had t-hought the shells *,tit "-. . ,�
L .
loved from the vliv, and Is � 4,06 triet - ... I 1` . . .
1, . L '
,rl*enL oil 'A"Ajjnt'of'thjf_k4"t' . ' 'S' I
10�.-*4-F� I I .
Ur..41ithertood of the. Capital "iftitte - ': . '
I . . '
Josjday and L Tot y, A 11, Oth 04 IM ' '
or the Women's J pitat I
,letto Ittep theft, datts In n*A1 wW, .
101PL the AUxiliftY b3t stttn� the - .
I�Atre. . . . -�' . ' L . . I .
- . .
. . I -
41"Air 11"ft"R oto 40"10 . . .
. . , . I .
. T)le . Artho oficle Of ICUOX ehjgeit .
rtsents "W"t 11"Oppeam to, seq,*� -a I I .
omody JU.thfft "too in tbfl ' teetts" SOM . .
it Thumday and. .ftlday, Moth I,Uh
nd 23th, at 4.16 1xin, Cast of OaW- .. .. �
nw. �36ne3,, *ho travels for & bMn- .
06U holz6--ur. V. barrow; zwbezzr - -
loodly, a Proftmor of Anatomy -Mr. J. ,/)
lho=ou; Ant -o -V Goodly. D. D., Yllshop I .��,� ��
I Ralllrat-40, $1. , Welt; UlchZrd �.,� I
r0tharly efi=0 to xr,rJ0Wl!)Ur. P. __ L . I �
latru... i�,=" 11011mr, a rblic ati- _ -_ -1 I
dr. A. PoTtor; Villbut'litsbee, 4A In. 'r""�, ct,
uto of tho 0301twinw, W. 0, Croft. - - .4. .
lenry twxr. superlittondont of 4att-
Oritlya, Mr. A. V107,tC-s'; J&,J. *"y. .
, .
34=5zerlp Win, Uri).. 11, a." nmftb;14
lizz, M, =ezor*a,, ward, ?*a. V. %=-
. - �
lont Ualzim"Ic, ond 91norva, Muezer`b I . .
1=34teraj��ra. Vt. 13. gathwell, and L
41= 111.1.15mervilto; 'Alvin% 0taught., . .
drCt,.(;LosdJY,t5, a�S*4t�.;__:,�
. ,47s, X. IkVeU;- .
1elm3 V*cdlsts, usvant�-NW-n U. Wit- i
Z. 14miodda 80 teuti, Chft&vn ua- . i
[or %21 35 OM0. . 11 I L I .
I -
1. . CA" or TRA1.11"
- ?&, and Afts, Marles tiftklwt AM Mr. - .
4ed Z�eldo - wM to tb** - all *W .
riends am Aelgh"s if* th& expret. . . .
lorA bf ""$*thy and WIP at the tifto . .
it their recent b"ftlitinent in MO lo%3 ' - I
IN M"0141.4 IV' I I .
In io*# lnen,tocy of JMw"d
"#Am *",Y two yftl* so; .
� 1"Pol I I
vowd I Ova V1 tu* soul�
Wd We just 0 W: , I
N oak� Ynt welcome VOU00 "
s W NA*h to lv� . .
� I �
� I I ,
I I - I — - ___ - .- I ___ .. _-� I __ — __I_"._ ,1w_ __ __ , - - �_,_ _� � 7- . -,,-q-_"- . .114- .1 - " F . lr�-; -
-It- -, 1-w-
, �
. ,