HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-02-26, Page 1- � . . -1177-`- . , I lr — --- .,� . � . 0 . a leftLAL-- A - - . - 1, -- Lj � Tlkivw Sam 6 Ik a SW I 1611i to domak soms- =PZ= 4111 b= Tin I � a, law swools is - uwwa= : I . — . 4;�l . . . � . 1.14 . 4w, . �- iqqqlasw c (bot #crt - i : t ar, - 4- � ., � . I . . . ;�r� . - I 11 � — =—=Tt- 1-- — UMTY wMa yruta ­­ : # a 7W In cwmwl� GODERIC ONTAXOt CANADAt THURSDAY, FEDR)LT-ARY 26tb,, 1931 WA&Tft irA"U. W"W - . - IRA$ a year to V. 41� Points 14 I k, I � - - . - . I "M L �A -- " ' . I I ThOL 6141YPI, ;'Od co"INW, AsIllwall Takes �.& � MI Despondent 11wough Olness—Giderion Nom Wing ot. Opeat# Mims, Adge 4wis and His he ;: --- - � -k , --1 �........ � - 2t t. i2 , � -*m I ...­ 2, I I I I Z ,., � I I – — --- ­­ ­ ---------------.-- - - ­ ­­ — . - A PreW 1931 - I — T* aw Samoan" No" *1 8M Manor am a" go a %" VVW low Fier a im am Mo to a" " am i I sovc I* sor as$; mmotax-ftim, Mot, me . " 6 mo%maa. I I--­-­.,., � � - I I... - . ' . I I—- --- , -i I k*04b""M1MP61FW16� W - - A -0 ---Wo - 01. In, ldtolilw 10111 0003 34ft- i ".11 .­ ---- G. C. 1. PROGRAM 1 3ft �" 04" at thimsh w-vjm" a" #A. . -- . la . I �. � ­� - � IV -.At 'It Ir N I � FATUA AND SON PASS , 5 I/- * a- , fo Z!,= h% U 14 WAS EXCELLE T I I - - � ik'' , , L A881118968 PROD 0 - : the X""Xftl of' Q* Course. Tim - ­ MW $rmo U* Untie of vm� A"W". I � BULB, Life cum Bak - Wff HIN A FEW HOURS C'm * ' ' "' ' ' . . ,- - A 'Very , Itittroctlyo ]XV00i, - was , lvwt : , I I Xwood onwmd to ft' x0o"t Uo* L t . � I I.Isgtructor wwbe Mims Ild'"ho POKY# at * , . I . , . I . I . and SAW tim Chw"tuio"O of 00 fAtber, � . I I . *�:, � '' - I �"ft MM a open to tho Slow At the 0*%** calwAsto U*" res"Ud In the W4. a" Im, yw I , I . I .1 0 I T01101441 , . 1 plibilt 08 WO ON to rAtInttift Ot ttle Id- . TAwla Dies Early Monday MOrAW& VithOUt ' 1. 1930-4VOWEROVS MO P tut* oomummew*ut an ,rhurifty Z ath of INS &at, Norman *40* Mr. 341114 "Wo Judo. SAWIS visa, a t . . . i ROGRUSIVZ.—INO 1i s4tutc. Hhose Vlobh* to. Sttoo I - I mot m4a qatou4mt -*v U14 144ka ­ : � I I . . I . � ,4, 4AY m4ow "Offt". ro. lath s4d I;tb. 444 .114tving Heard of TrWe De 4 . stga %W witp tl* wrewy. Mira. . .1 . . I I . senicas , UM 4*44 . o � NOWAssurances d for in 1930 ........... $705 078j000 � Abell, artl come tvaPAW 40 tote notes. b0th eveau" tuo A"ay, SO'.` wum .1 I .1 lakw � - . Ur. .1 Pai s i *It tw llthrlul*. about 40mb as I . Total Assurance$ inforce Dec. 1930 ....... $2,863,701,000 The. rcaUla xaonthlY Mettl1w Will be the entertatument was Oven, WAS 4110.4 The tragedy, by 4�lclx xr. = Propoftu or to to air lu the InSubole, I I � � . 1 4 . � emom. $Wob. 411-, to Capacity., In bw rtmarks prWelpol ant. deatb.-.ot him, tx - - - � Total "for 103p...... .Z. held ox Thursfty Aft UIA14 W. hllt� We 00 411)449� moat bave reolied the ewt.w.00"ti �AerelY 6 tUAMP, ArA a .. . t Incorad . .'sliKo62,000 .11-- �" I cubOAL)SQAe toeru*6 bett*r. I - - - I a -,* t I I - �, - - -At tho CoAtlu'dw at tba-UW.4AU cl&,m �� . kull #i§ - fatliel", L&'An plosIO4 " tht!-yoqAq,Az#ft- 4ep. . � . 0 1 I;. ..'! � 0 . 4e, Judge V V44 . ,; '" vst* . L I Avlerage� rate " f 'bitaest ea,rned Invested Asset$., .44% � I nume gave, credit - whoe credit WAII d the Poo. W �h tile mohole covio. but in U P" TIW to :koft� � r " 14111k . � , I � I , I -1, . . ­ TO - ve SOWIvidaus, In in the Prep"Auft of 100 propun. 'Ums ,pie 6f , - r - And the V*Uons did not-tstoblish, 9W cattu ot cue= and, tthviuj=w�. the VOW4 . " , . 1871—DIAMOND JUMM YLAR-1031 ` ottaerleb . I - . i . ' 11 i CIO% a S . �- - I I Simpson, WON mponAke for Ott train. dealt foutroll I'm wedn"O", Afternoon the 1011100M . t 444 4% Ma4y towmppoplle oxibe 9 I . � 11 I I I 1. �. . . p -ill. 1,i, ,.,... I I ­� : 4 bylitW .hp been prepwO AIVIOU"t UV or the airli. in. the, Danl4h, OW A 41*44ed 'by 4 va� large. number - 11 don't x4ow, hpv� QW Ma ever jj . W � - , , rct*m WAA woux Accommodate Agended the Church - . , Re"Me so I . the Town of Goderiell Auto twelve 14-. Miss Cowl'a tor the proparggpo, of ft � Of %OWZWPc0V10- The' I*Wug Or 44096 Cooped Zo blowlit to, plow, fleciolra ,,,,,,4, And. 10t9tw%rda. tht. protaSIM 1, . Phone$ : H. R. LONG, Dist lixig, .SuWvIAOVA In place of tht UVori, goW 40100 X^" � � MAMMA , 1j)aX*0e ot ba c � t Over to , I I ,� , 0000116 . tict Agent 4. tha, a torol mueb comment XIMAD, WbA waa gwrouu- . I I � vhl�lv has. beeix the division for Z=Y M%$ Vowoll ter " . went out to Uoutud "Ottery, VlWM � i , I � ­­­- I -1 L- . -tuel , 0 1, . . � V�, . I f, Q* . ot the 1*0VIAge. �The U4 XAWIs 04410g -he wax a-protwble I . 1-.".---1 -W " -­­­-­--­­ "' "---- ----, To . A, ­ , 11 , . I J�ft OVOK for InstUce, UiAef. ton When the *XpW= act the thweb, wvle* a" uasat* VItAwt . .- -.M - -....-I I I . . � . 010doli of the town boa fat the �ayx t exerc, , . . -Wre& . I - 1-. -, ­­­­�­­ . 11 : were wried out, %Ad a U*w pmu uA. 4 . ­ ­-­�­;w� ton overdue for Name timo,owAxis to the . , I . - weratxq, "I bAd lelt wW cAU at the judepert- 1 7 � . � - . JAcrewd, number of v0totw In qertoin of " 4 . . 4 .. "Audw was -4ho Wt. dent allud near, tWWan atotiou door dor Comm" or q0gt,.UA* 'TAMM , � I - $1,000 or so stolen. The stoomed IV' thIs the 4e- =011im - '. a I .. 1 64e. 6t fired the q0tomur Noute "a Rowt, I � _ . .. . . -1 otlom. 00MYWOU'd 1103- 1, 2, $:Mr. A. V. V*e "fw , W r(�*U AVI= AWQVI `Celllllty� of V, mid was wAlking, tp,wNrA fty f$t. I .1 . I i I TOWN TOPICS - I case got .or. I . � , vz4 4, axo.tbe, divisions Into which St. "r b 4y.jjjA k$ "Ouddenly t1toot ym A, loud rtport U440 soualItd tb* I" VOIL . , 11 I . ,Cft0t& -*a him, tother.was out of t � � , _W. Xr.,QA$npW tot - . . I Vatat* doulao, quortet*. . Th . e Itho Mot" Of 314m, I JU40 11owls and tho, VAU: x VM "AWng VAN b4ti- A Very lap uumber at tvkVxvs cs, . Ion$v, Rol, R. 0, 7 and * rative of Ooderlth. I no gxrly ed ,to, ,.the 01jr.;%mod. 04 doud of blwok J!"Aw 1181'6xJPUW tP 046, XW 19V 40yftder Dr.. Hunter and Messrs., A. J, Ma.0w, dlv� Viewrithi ViNdou'w4ro. prco� On, 1 T111W . . - � whist T04r" DOVIWA WWFd Is' tO 130 divid0di, OXIb1iiiU' clioruses &,ad , a �4 lit 0iii be ampathy". were rectlyta by 44 . I - I I . . ill, Theft �, . . ­ I islons ,of at. PatrIck'S. wakrd, St; ' 'TO& matte", � . . and, mazy b0olkwul 40", 11:4404V . V.'X0. Cany And X. 0. Beacom were. In. , .1 Thursday eve -aft b�,,-�Xr,­,U,W k a 01*1 dust and smo)m. he j4d, jUmpcd t4- WbUtON froo the � t"A 0OWU9. UM � ­ I . ,A p.-usIty-af a tArM Ot from ZIX Uod - P06 ^#M004", t . A #* - well beimu=11% 141 X. la 1004, do. on looke(l. 4W it on. an Wid%y last tailne port in, a Georova Wato VAU consist of one UK ,. me,'WbIb I . I ..7,6q . , nowth.- to * , I at p""At, buto,31 be I . UtPPJK I - POUA bouft o0doils, the couaty ccm�, . �no year was Imposed Iti tilt aballenge tQurngmeut $or ,t,he.-'.'.,Qntado AubdIvislark 4AA ��QqW.'depottment to be fou ON4,W. Orength of, the Uberso ,party ovvid the flonit plom Ot coucrete, be. cY *: cup, a - WoNatocIc -quatotto boluir the ' At W, - .. , to, Ow 004sw6tIve Assoolotsoo. the �: �e I � m3glst�atc`l court for tha, theft of ak I ' , ibered d' last4d of .5 �ax hemtQror6, , tjj Molt - 4-1111140 I qadg� # -carled-North Auron for raust 1: saw, bin otem to too throush U64 4W I . . � '14, .49 ti� I ANOCUU94, the 0=� of . , Wer boxia. -the term to " Aome ztl'st; Andrews woo, VIll be A,Ab4ivld-! XPAP0000, X,X' 04 , . rVitilm, P##y , And In thre6 I � �. � 4 in cliallenavra. The X"don Hunt club I -, V161;1'*;nd1* -'o,,Beq�qPM ." tAe Air' Ht w" Sk taot or two *VA'4 Off , Vdftzsl: Assoclat.tou, MMU*A& . . . . I ^ ". : F-Ingston. I � .1 � � won the cup And Go4erich was *-, o1oft 0& Into ftge Instead of two,. to be num- pr . �� . -elections held the StAt OA- UOIn'tht POAt *0ft,UW Most occurred I 11 . I I . bo"d IQ, 11 4 .� �. � - , -" %V40JAc - I And li, All of this of iouroe The.jIst 0 ' * " � d, I .. � I - : acoad, 14 Addition �to Woodoticick $44 �j itft,wifters I � pe, UAW& tAl, his tment.1rom, POticit Ili 1017 61ad I thotht %* W WA blown out on WSO# V% $3, A., V. and & X, AIA . I . " ­ , . � � . ­ - . I . subject to Adpotion,, by the. Town go4ar, 00 Vvea. - I . RUCOA ChWAt'. 'So, 804 TL A. U. I I I ,. .11, A Rare Jly�Axiy OthOt NIL** .0004oh Ocft�, ,,wqre tbrop i�44041,00`110. � . , 4�4r� III thor �* of * ta Accept the, county judoefr4p Of Hur-� 0 the *A*4,�k , , I . L , . , WA, was , , , I � ,:,. . -we ft4vortautlyre. takinIr p4tt. 40 ell 11�1 '' . � , ". - . �: , � , , � -��L i4-poltftmmi who, W 3 IWAOV08 WhQ,Vei* hero for the ta; . , 4bout the x . - . I I I ­ �,',' i � I - ,� ��* . . . , . nicIdlei t r . �, 10111�1' . :1, ,.: � "X Wed . I In our last Issual _ 0 MA ph I � . . k4iAlklit"Ago'. , ;� , A . I � I I �. uto� 10 , 4,woim IL A10, .01144 1 '. ,I ferred`� to the blob, too, at ;at, 00404 , ­�`At 0ttAw& he wsaa polptilarind Va. st I otion ttti Misa, A. farAVII I . . , J1, I , .the Toronto Whist Cluvol tourtiameot. The ope V:, chgaw, " ; . 'an", iiii, 644 ,qir the 'Union at oil weft 4006 IAWW , ", � -. �,, � 0­��O,h � " ijvlu��, 91yeA. by the.yoadies� Will take Plaoo� When, thb,Ood�tleli Club 401z0bery Cas*,Cost th� Volunty �- glate,` is the ilevo, compolitt4a or. 4 t4er ploturMue figure. He had A 004- And r#A to #0 9 ,the ytsa, I Umd -been U. Uwlk 0 Torotit*,- Mrs. '- i - Ab�xit� $1,00 . ' . ,­ W43� L - - . - . , , I UV41 brother, J&, A� A0., abti*#� W. the � , � 11" Ald. W4 ve rcinlii4ed � tb^t the proper Will I , '4440 to defend their ",t, - .4 , lAdn$* " chant TOP ftmb* red tlos,- to*10 'X#%1�'()rftr continued. I I w , I SO, was wo., I . WW' A , ,, 11 . , , vlon PUPA, "a 4, � ,'�, . , Or . - Anti " i 04. em. i I ,� The 144% xo*ry,caioltrjqd��jt t 'famous, for the number of--prtvNt A Ire - % " 10 latter's man . and dAughter, Am . desIgnatton of V* Or98AJ*AtAO1% U: St. the, tVaphyi.tbey, a.) 1.4st, year ' ' I , , * b . 04 k � I 'W he with VIA-, iki Aw was t�e 40..�, d*VA . I � , JU4- ., * �,'Pwhort to be oelin. . pit utvy , I Q0orj14ri;0hurqbWoj4Ws Guild, ,� . � I I rl� I . Court'. 99 Use here- lasi;VO4, 0040 the 'Th , he'. A 9c " "go 104, ox 1 -mord. *dotily� I 4, allaw and MW A400, Maw; W. CWW , L" I I I I ;z%eoi* cited, 11R614 blown over . , . I . I . . V ',� I . I sel"ttag, "Thol-otart a( a,�W',*,"', " .0 m the way, of *111 private bll�, yef, � V. UWls. Uja 40phle xotw.im. so MO. , , "', 1VO Yors, In porilteutlarl . Q.0ilhty.,of guron noarly'*l#5W,.,vThef6 sly, ft we'll we � "le:WmAll, The pollcJcmon. and &-,xed . � , I 'Xions, 00, $t. pAtI`14% AuxitotAlument : r , ' DoxibU, lkxevcloo­were,�00 - I bildrer, of Judge IA*U* � ,:4: "*' ' ' of ' 0*0 Ito - 4t 'legbaglou: ;how. on'the OW ViA x ift V044 .,the comoi at Bay bia�io, I I , , . of, ,jfowj�k, were 21 Crown Witnesses. some , 4 r Mwtee, el ., L. - . I jo;tai,jjAji8m. zxxsilsh.� VWW jt6no by *,it.onip, of orla, . - * , I q411 L , , . . . The Godlericii UOAS' Club b43 Aji'ang-' received' pqjnont for, Ave �d 1* , 041 of, U0040; Ur. and un, . 7 .. T434 Who U49 b424 In �WS country only � � '!$',And 4rm,*thogq. t0--I",­,Pkr,t,.1bci#i:", I statute " , of.Cin:44% was initiated, and IOU I 1. . . ed for a%i entertainment, vAth. A suitable . , , "Of ri 11 .. - . MI 3 ; . d the man tybW in the whool, - Cornelius (10 VQrQ3k I of 0 1 1 �-,fow,veoiiz, vas �Selftn,: ThO`�'T&tVl ', � at4, bro. I so%04p0d oxi .%furdoi 801ne for I , pay to ti thet ramp where' We a 40011 JU0104 . , I t ther of 44 11orman xNew1w . � . � . I . .ean, Robertson; , by Juftj� TAVU."Re was -a *49mus , -ture anti A program "pikyo Wow , - ,, , , . ­- -- . *e to bd Oven in. idght. 47� His Ur&hlp'Mr. flo5ttee Me- wltaos Is. only. $1.50 04 day but nt4ti I L' - rlebk or ­ 111 ­ -of� thi sailors on the Great :tott t1%, I � . . oxid � bull . � . . , I ob%m�li;xi I ... . � .. I , . , oly,j ,, ;1 ok 'An;LatithotIty 'a - . . "W00; 'and other ftlotid$ )AclUod %W, I . . the p4pit4il'Thiatre On the eve4hia.,of. ��:ariatjjor L Cj%�j 0k,Ujtj,VL %%.& ' �' ' " uka And WA§ A rAoifte � "The poor fellow WRA curled up.110 A .� , . I , . . I uyw (Whilo ihe Jury Was out corxsldor� ts; I , � c .-Aboftt. 41 1 V.1; I 11 A* . �, arot Mr, 010krke "a um, cluke, U, �,ft .. Alarch..11th, %, Patrick's Day. Thp, I Its vordtict Ili the Wasolz�b=k:fobt 441 t4e outlay, for vlt�-�- os� r6 I . - I .law'. As a iesult he wo filoknaijica"At ball, He, .was brea, U* m 1" . 4,:. . . . . . Qo% Wq.- . , , r � eroi . e Lumby� � 1, . -1 . , bore* , th , - 0 1 1 � 1, . i, and CIPIA0 Green, W And Mo. X4$ywo 11 prooeeds will be. In'ald -of the I I I " "I the . . Jurora ,get:, $4 'a day p 411or" Xed."� A' title Of"Whie,1% be lodora li�t Wax. $tilt, on, 194 bead " Oqj , . . , . . I I bory-, mso to fivo, rs. In. X,tur,pton and 4 he all "fill", *,oz, in, , $ndtb, of L00,404,� and, xr, W.�M­. � l�d:,.,­ ". . 1, , �. 11 � . I . I . , . �­, *ow . . . b 4wo 4. 19:1111 01 `21 - 47 t I . � ,� �­ . --- . . fare funa I � I I , "p�ntia�-,$Qr "an offence A*Mnst th '... �� �Who I U;tuau�, im '04- this v , ed . ' W !,4tllrl,4M'Ild,04�mo)obel�b.,Wm 7tell'. aft��Whea,tuq order , UrAo I.., I . - Ujg I � . . I I � 0 the'zi -4ddition the I I I - - %- Plunbox , of, formations I . . c �­ .1 .A 1111ii . . I '. . X 0 . . toot, of r ­. . Brussab.LB:t Itabbefy IVAS Not, � -L � APVCil�year'-Old daughter of W.-'emplPyor, roVcI,V0,d about $5001V%n 1 polinstakhig Aftei , thi. luter. over, - �:� - L rotbuto, . 7 . . . � '. , I , , 11 1. . . �q not, 01yon last �0.0. 10 id4ch tkgj`jak4r� . , �. ., , .1 I I . : - . �Judv, UVIA W43 Practically a jj rt � . , , �, �'­ I .. . ''. . . Virst. i3i county, . . to Which he, had pleaded'guM I 410#y, -to ised. .Th ' * ' ' ,, . ­. .., 1, I., . I I I ­��- 11 , ­ ­­ - , . � .1 . ,y. within wero,� over,. other.:Potit bm'o 01n�- *o �. u ,i � �, . � . I . . � , �.p, PYralnid builders' show- --'"­.-­­::�, ! .1 I In. 00 b,vu. �xwranq be 13 to. . rood'Vo, Under W0A4*­'%VXbh Would aocDont1or O,b6at ed cleverness .., , I ,,,r ' ', -- , .. �, I.. . �. � . 1011V, relqde*� Or. cwertcl% To is ­b� . I .� .. nueatIon with-tbu trussela.tan% 0 d � - ' ,', - 1. I - � . . � b . Itar I � . I . . :3orl,. all A. obo ziukoigai eon � . , 6 L � .� - . . JiN he Itailed tho ortiti, tAkft nu I der . . - . . I '. . d"thei,trial last. week, o4e,of InedIcal, obsotvt $400, Tho'�p v66 " 4 ar , v(ore Harry.. . 4" 4. I I . I . I I . � Reo ation'� 4vo'-j;kshe'%; jij.,t�be Anothe� - �r PA14 ,'of tt0l. � 'The- �boj,s ,t ing �r b " , ,�, �: 0�^#-Afn, Varions"'04(t"bimself to* q1t , ... , I � � . � . oxt two moo rdx1aslies, in the ne�OcOtlrlsQ Only UP'tO ib'� time they, WeXC' Cook, Phil btsiet,� 33 . . � �, I I I I . ... q . . . . the roost �Xroquozxt,comments In the 0ally n , � t,hs, I . I J1111*40C -,r Herb '.:�,�. , ,. P"Aptalwa pa** aAd.bla early exp, , , . . � I , I . .erl , - 4 - - ' ,, - I . ; , , . -.,)Zra '4t, . tfiat, this Was the, � Arst, ban� two month-% seven. 1glie% and, 44, thojdlsohqragd� Then tb$iq was�.thd �gr I ��. . r . - , AA& Green, ,jroh , �,Z� :,­�': "'::', ; . , . I I I? , . gj."M�LeAh . . 4'' Down, . .... " . . : lowe O - lakor ovii him 140, Ailtorest . .r . . � " ,:.:; . I i . 'Our atte�iloxx Orxd Of'140 term 01V dep0ted. , �Ury, ',anotl'--r $186; And I , , , . �*','.., . , q'.." � : . A' tho � .1 . . I . roW=7, In the county. . con5tab es, sil pot pa;�p, Haixi�, 13abb" Stanley TAY104 .7 .4. 'I., ".i..l.'. I I � . � . . �� �� - L � * , , , , . , . � , L muine matt4as whlcu *As to, . I : I,a-, Leca. �raWo­ . I I . , ,. I I � , � 0;',i�jclh :At �1'��, a� (I , another $IU. 1. ,�.��';,t��:,�­::::.;, Z��,..-, I � Ir JDO.UW . . I . .. to the fact that. there Sootoh j)OUbte3 . , , I I ��­ , . . " , . Ititho.r . .6yalL ' ­ . I . .. 1, 1. L' ! �. ... I I 1. I I.., ­ I .. .. : 4, ., - '�Wter - , . ", :,.,::; ,.", , - ,. -,�, : ablq�-ln, WI- V%rU�mohtA*v1r0w, '04 . � � , W Philip,, Caxtoe",Max'M*4�r ano. ,,­. , � I . , - , Hunt I - - I I " '1� ­ . . .. �'. ",:�, ... .. . . ini 4 banic, rablkry and a- trIal mmo,,,, . L . i 1, W. ­W1,. S. Wort J)a :�.:-',-. , ,. ,­ .". I .. , - . . . I 1-1­14-011!i'o. wnd 0. 'Powra, w2re Q�j . I ,� Y: Of ,prayer , ", 1, � -. . . , , i , . I ­ I , I ... 1­� � .", ��,:"�:.'. , .. , .. ,. Y411119 U.Mistcr li� Wrot4 Lcv�jt - � 1. . I . � . I . I I I � , ".. I - I �� � � , � I 1 Uallual. ­ � .. , � I top Ill Monday, n1ghtla, 1500tthdou6jea. at . �z .., . . I � , . � P twenty,t*o ior twoniy-tbreo. scars pgo� Miss ev . I eixk�` ", I I I , ., The W, = S. World Day of ia ,��e W .,was very 'Poas. ", . � L'' I � 't Mar,140 L14W.' V�lfl I � , .1 , I � Prayer , 111. I I 11 � ob, IS am 14 .11101. . . when James MeTagoart's private. bari];. ­ . 14 in her iroqal, .solot� �With Mr., ci� :� I � .�:�',:::L ' . . I I . 1. . . I I I , .L. . the .1 WAI Bowline Alloys, - 14th i swre W04 Xiel.4 ,in , Victorlo, 1;;tyoe� ' VAl � . , mp-,� . ­ � , I I � . � I I $�)r,704rq W, was acting Ct"M,&t,terAeV- - , .. I . � .at Bl�th Was rbbb-id, and the sum of, , bea us adoompards , - , ��,,' ::: � ,:': ,. . I I I . I � ' . �: ,.: �- 0 11'for,tho thrt,eg&nos..'V.:1U3rtjh. rhuich on Friday last,,'Tj�ere` ... , t. � 11, 1, 'r � , . : ,:. 1.�, ,- I . I . . for� W$ � I . , Wd 'A , . � I .�­ I ­ - ­ ­ 11 " I I I , . . I I . . I - .1 .,­ ­­­­ - � 7'he folk dsaiWbF a, �.quinteu�& 'of �jtrls ­,:'. :. , :,� , . fathVI'i the- late: X%* Ze*iij *bQ . , -;- I 1� I good, attendaippe, 'all - the ;Nur es iu� 1, , 1, X�l I , . -1 . , . -i - : -:...- - , , . � I .. ­-­. — a7 V. Cro,*Wtoa came seoOnO, with, I ch Ili str*14�j obstaexe$, or' , I 11 L, *1 ,: 1 41" � .held. 0e� VWtIvn, Am W- � Ad I I . . t bb deqtlu Ift, � .. 111. . I I .'AVA�,N-tk," �' . ;'L �492. - R. 1310set'. end, W. Snazel, thltdi: town being - repreA4-nt6a.�- T416 1 president . . I td, equall�, strik. I :, . I � I : # -, - I - LIM ,and, ION , ' i ­ 1. . I., '. 1. �'L � F' , . - r ,�: � UO .*Ok )410)r , ofjbA: . I .,---~-,-1-.-1- -11-,---- - L IngW L mad&iiir fatft *as so Much 'on;. I I I I � -,. I I I . I . , . . . ­. -, 4.-W ,.,'jn(j­V;. ��MOA-,;tbar of Victoria. St. -W. ,X., S.. conogo - tho , � ,, , , , - foUrtbeei yftrg. , .. �. I 11 � " - , . I 1 . Town 91 0040rith, Vaj I . 1 14701 ,, Illialm, , ted Jokod that the gji,% liad! to 004� � ­�, �: � .. I .1 I . s. FJ4AT1TZR$. e ' L I - �1. . . I I . . I - Ave .70 .1 - ser*61.' w, .JiKhtea - . � ,,ll , i ... I . , � . I . � � I � !� . , ., I .. 1. . � . . �*, '� lour*l 1 144�. . T.- Prltchi�d and -C, 'A� . � program or h - �, '.. ... ,.. I . I I I . � be remonted thW14ding in the .*4 - : I . I , , mado � fft, . � I - An � latain.., Tw wiis, U 4ui�int� ',ii , " I . I" " � ''I I . � . -�. ,� � 'I a I rop A � -1006, ­V� $p�4ndors and 'P, responsive .tep,diggs-, being ,�u . . I .11.1 � I . :­." � . � Oral uowm, from lot t 0 , � , . � . - o5403 Iteld'Aft1l, . sed,. , ­ . I *.ber'Aud I . I � . ty, loll M .our agent* , I I 1 114 the,: 91ri tAkizig. I . ' . ­ . � .,!,�'., . . A io. , . �, - . 11 I - 'V 1i I. P -V -t Wore: Evol L ': - :1, ­ � I t ,. ., ,1. .. .1 , ivhp -led 14. jrajor.� I . � yn a0gt ­ �. �. L I ou bretA:01 thp War found , � , Veie , 4 1 : I � I I I ­ . card to - � I -�P %L ' ' , " . . � , V` . �0, , ' � B10.30j' 614th, 1257. .. i�1,44'..and �,-t;' 1�tn " - . � �, . him keen. L . . , . . , , . . . I ''I � .. . I— I . I -­�­ ' ,,, t- . I � . I . � 46 his bit god'sil Iota be *ent,to,lkang- . . . . ,i� ­ 4� I -1 - ­­ ­ ­ ,,, � - ;rch','Ib4- 'r ,and V �� , Jewell, And Dorothyn ReVderso�j 1. I ".., . I � I � 4 , - I � � . . - � �Memauuft i-07-cl bti RdbertM�, of �N VTO , Ddan,,'Atv .. Moperinot," se4ontij, 1,22m, T 4" Ryan 04"' , � , ­ 91%ret Mason, � . . e , , I . . I . . .--11 ­ . chi 11 or . I . I 1.� I . , I .. , A.'Milig I I 1P . The. double mea ,, Was. �,Kbod, � , , -1.111 I 11 � .. I "$ton. and toitik on � "llej ur*' 116 `L , � ` . . � i, , . VTU'aue xOTIOZ and U. MeNce, otgutb, 1�� , arv.jtt! ��, I L 4 . ; � - ' 0'-alid'V' Hunt 11 �, �� , eo � L , ' , . '�ijotj,,.'�Ijtjo.�.� .0 qu"tto rr - . I - I , , - the - 'Ar . ­ , - , I I . r0cmtted,tha �Aotb,hattaljori and *".Skt bf .9'4oau S.", � .4 � - : and )�. Uviofiai, I , ,;,zhurem." ,, 6i ;Atd thb'bo. . , � " �� I I . � .. . " thoWed WUt, thpy c;DW, - . I'll, I PatAWx%,A tohw,tho IN. . Will 21t � thete , . � ` , , ,, I and, *s., � ��JDO" I I ... do .UAdeJr'1`,'W�-,.,.--i: t:�W twu0n .� . , - 1), r , - .� - . I I . I * "hoing '00tstap 91c IWA. -, - , , 1� , I. c , .. ".14r, at th ­ "ot, egmj ou, " , ': x - "", ­ ­ � , .­. ­ I � I . I 1, - 11 � )�M;. I �'Tt I , P,Uell`,$� � I cit�� ,t�*** I- -" �. - , . I . . Amerieso -th*.­Gode,rjoh.�,U , . . I �, fiuch� q ;'l . ' . fast ,� I I . the. i coUnts agaltiat, � oc I .1 ­ - ,­ wei 'S � tautlne4t,� 044,*Ati, there - � ), `15 - . I . - . key .1 'I., 1;6� . ,� wift, Vetq� � litti #ftiow � � �� I I e. - , U6gardlet*: 4t- Orced­'the ­ . I . � 6 -,0*040c t -Z14 1, - � I I � Onto' sor4..'P&4 - I I -1 deal �;Ahii*a �;Ibf"� the o .. ; - 1, - . , , , iiii3O,00c I , People or . "I 11 � I I .: . wlien $he .,ftii I W, " the - , . . , - � - - I I - : : . � I � '' - - I ., ",, . I ", . �­, , ­ I - � Qg")WI-14 - - " , � , � *A4, j�mpmp � I � . ­ . - I I � -4. I � , - I a. 1301 , . .1 , , -� - � , , d'i"110, w111q1`Wj9t*`1 I - 4,,la wit: , , . , , �, , ; -- 7 , � I , . " .-- "I I— .11, �­ � , � . I I - � . ,� ­ ,:� " I . I , - rtoda, St.�,,,'.eji . ­ 11, I ill 1. - -V , I ,tow r!oit . ., -1. ` - �,#q r,6hd6xx,. A f - '1woy 0 - i- ' ;;, I � , , - Sept. leth to wbitisr, - � . � , e - i-1 am-AiW-ato.�, ---i 1.,.11 � 711 1 ��e 1, ,:,4�': 4)44 *w"11W no,; " : I . � �, �*q � . , � , - r ., " 110*1 ­ ­ � . . ,;vi qqqo,�j�A­ " M - 40i, �0­ 014 1094 �,Y j , 1 -44 -� , - . �, � qs- ftu­ "Oe'40 owbw*k .1 -1, � - , 040�,X -twip's , - , �'. L.- , , I -�Jg - ','- � OFAX i4ko*: " * -" . ­� I ` ou 1` - .W I . DR Zi -zi; 411621. 0 CU. ind"Ut � I f - .. I �, wolit D790W . .. ShWINO JI&A . mrit­ - .. . I � I lovj�� OHM:, repa*04- St4 �Vct,,,, chur* aadeilch', 4s' ' the '08tvati6o A�-M` - � Riv I Ikemidth ,J%iog,�r . I .� �� .. '100rip 'jidth "WQ . I I � -Iidh&� efs' .-A.414oxn, ��AJCIC�%� � �$Wd I . , " I . I . . ''L ,, 4� 1 Iterb Bridle; ..': 7 ' � , ,�,�., I � :1 :- ' I � 'a )�n K,'Its piesent. -parish p)dest I . I I . . rc. . I , � . I � E 6 L , � I �,i . xf: jigglat0d �- to',POrriet - Aww.,� t : I ]p , 3' A141) WS SOX� j0ANAW "IVI - . �, ;: battalion Ana1*0 -40=4: 1 . .Here 4 �x le�, -4 , -havin 900� N, -'reading, �Iifc!S Tbsk,)f i:nd,Mm,- .1 I I.- �.,. ... . ­ 1. 4, - ,�� 1. '. 1- �,. ­ - t � I I . . . 016-�Jlio - .-Y. � 4%:tid � sovor4i former- ones- takinj � hart . I I "Other q6u .:ILIZ��-'-'­­ by " he C44"4A 00ottineut , - I , .pl '14 � I . . . I - , 6 ,of Ablotic ­.. . I --------�� - �� �, I I - C' UUMbor And Mr8"' RObt. Wil;,*n ft tUm0jjngL:­ojcj6 , '. . .�.4­ � I = th6 trenches and , See � what ". .., , . ,:. r . �IEMWTMU, repaired, "remodelled 'and prombion'tly, in' 1ho funeral ceremonies du6t,:- "Speak,' mrd.1, � An, offe I 130 tind exeftises,o)d- ther ests - oi ,iiiq �� 0-on'tituerits, which ac-'[ One 4 - tile le tor.adtuAlj� too the altoUld'be done for, the di4i4xii'maj-' ' ­` . , , �, i , . �', " �. �-Upb�Ut,triO�,�-iincl"alt'Idt�ds'6f 6ah* 64' WdaJ.'" R " ' . � I I I ring V"s Parml.ftel­lia�ti,andl 8O1ne,,1d1eVer` �eorewq dotented seir his" ro�tlnual ;olcuua , 4 In 0, blast wi� Uo 04twj*xq� a 00red tap" who . I .. . :. - ex� - Vhthor. , towery, � is taken In aid Of the tx�era mission Work,' I diors,at tho.frqut, He,,nt*ue4 to C�04., 1, I � , I I , I � � '� Inet 11011c. 1'd.V�1McxA,5e#i*..r4t., bhaplxtft-to�the iltst',essittalit, ) were gone'thiough by Uerb GrA4#0arir. ridthg: WhICIT 1*4 tilwayl boop, r4ogardeA Was otooditig JA,frotit or ole won at;i- ad,% in r0ruaty, , , A "'' � � 11 I I I , � bubm M . . .1 I .. � , I � , . , � fs. (Rov, I Buit W,asatL the , ,. ' .. '1011# . 1000111w, � , rieks)ZPhone 367o , - - � : , , Aev ViOlor I'VeStj qZ- St,� Tij, ' d ' ' : . �. 11 1� �, PI�11o. , " � d". achn-mat V � I 4Wtj alld LOS ' L' " - " I I 1� . . ". . � am=, an . . I 1. 4 % ,� WP u . I _dlae #g,hting ground, -, tion. 110', 616fig -*Ith 'Cod0tablo Int- faar,.j*ttSjjOujL-jMd, : TO I . I ... ... . I'll ­ .1 I . 'IL . thil bjs�t. -. '. I I I I . tirlho '040, the 4 I"tty torp ­ , � I � . I . 1- . , Ich 10bo" 0 . R� �t, ,� StAnIeZ rector of. st, 'Irfteutations ,to x1st Wail - " : � -1-;'0640, , , " 'a-cititeati I diab % . I . YhAg , PP. . �OV. � 0-orthor'.1 r . ­ JOW4, -�, .1 ^ � I I n4rsh, ,q�as the orst to rcavii th d rs* Of WU"anFoal ; . I . 9SSMAXWO, And -GENERAL SEW- � , t , . WSW,$ Joan prim, maoArA . ,�. I .. I I . I . - . , I ., ; W0 * done.. .prompt - car. Peter a ra hedrAl, U%40n, are hon6riry. At the rciulAr. Indeting-of-1he'Misdon and :AlmA,'H6.w0f. jeje, I �the � el 1. OrAM.th i ,,wha, w0i aiwa)% totoresteA in the wol. tian. :, ,I .I 1, - . Oliel, . Buti'Mr his, %je - be � would have - - : , "I , ApWy � . , I I �'. 1�20. =0 pallboarei-6 ,,and ---nov., rathet- j, .N,. -01role -of-North iitreet�ijnftd I .. ever go fare and progress of his. native tolwa,1- I �'Tbero Was a big gash in tlia. air and 0crVod 4' thd ftont-� In 1917, hi'V114 . "I . . - - - eambr1w -zW. V4,�gar­ 0 �: .. , I rhurcbi c6nopanists tot '. : ,.. That .Yodge JAM . 4 tetrific.ioar," J= � . I 0, . , . � I PAMPeau, of 04tham, one of., I ' -o I I s oWas , ahead 61. 'bla I I , WO tb4it I � I I wenrng�it � iecond,� pqt .Of the: ;;6im -,C11 , 1:01 Th6, . podtIO4 up to tho time ,or )ON 44M . '' � � � ? I - BAKER. , ­ ­ � ! the active' Whick was held on, lruesdgy both evbhlip , I id'BlArbeau. , � ap,po.In - ­ . L ­'. -. ",- ­ ".. . I , , , ted ,county'judge. and i . I - -�.�— " P411�,boanofs. - . I I . I - � T�hei A 60. time ,is %I*' "comAeut, Toronto , �ITW marr was right lit the. middle - " . v- :. I �, � : the parsonager Miss' Miucgowen,,wbo, , , � �, "' " I � . I r I . ! " � . ': I , . 1. . . I 1s,­"VIngr, the beginnin#. of.��hev­ ' ­jj'aiotod Of,1110-PlAy,. he three.Aot Palo. .. out ,that -qn - his �,Wor� of, It. 'Xe woril .. . Mr" '"arm . an, UVIA JA bitt,ftrly YW8 1 Pon mm olvTo W1 I � 111ofit .I � . ting � up .With a. lot or'dirt, , I I I f � . I 11�1116 N116109 and First Aid, ` "44 ratherlo Gone Soutw, Vft�Th*jn,,, ,", a logislatof 'Sou , . , -�,, 1. .. . . " � I I � , - ,.e � � ,r��.-e- ­ IT '�hcr year lid' -�blt , iff, POM66,� 0161*1;. � . I . . ; . , yelkt And 4. of-paivemoot. T guesw he went WA$ in *i '1334"k.. 3foutieg at ouk". �.-"-� ol . s1hp ,of. a*74ir;', '­ tar., TrInI44d" td� tiWal po Ltlori,la . � I I , d ' The, Coderich I ie, soi�; bad the �-bs'ltftie to, Intl jsttvlog�: and, wM eight -air ten ,foet abbya tho- sidewalk aild. � tater, W4$*, %ppojot6d: jja� Ac. � t - 0"31 '900 , WQjhcals Institute, are missj&n� �6hool,-, � . cent,re,af tlia, M*e . rQ411co'. da';nglit, - I , . I 1. To RERT-�-� a ce� was A1640 the redipit&. b -j-k. X6 . " � 11 by jenof.V,r . I I . I . . . � - itousfritfo no , I on -the ZoAdway tbAt , I � bulldfi*� S4d-*eI1;", aving ls� t*0, W w,'fler .,a � .. running water, 1% I " a lowin. charte-14titt . I Lot 34,'COA...4, �Odderlcri Tvp,.'jtefit A IQCI of -4i travolilh* olock,ias a gift. $fbzri tiie, MIRs - 150r.� chaftett rabort. for Wo 0 �and: then landect I cOUfttAut 10; the,Varliagitntay libb 11 . Othk Mori Wis " I I . ffort . , irr. ".. .. . �.� il I I ' ' ' 1441`6 0-04$e .'iU '�4641.e , inli8ing ii6d first Circle arid,"of in'. oiOnight bo ' be:. 1 � . the ca , , ittenomphet to emulate Joshua in halting, the. courop . � r � rqaSonabl6l jj,OW3�JOn'.LAVrIV Ist, - Apply � , � , . -.— I I . g,�:". � t PAN* Irons,between. tho sidows,lk'%A4 the post but on Account of ids bea,itb be bod to - r ., IMS. 081W.'000NNER - ­ L— . -t- r r . � I ., I ght sivi . r -1 ­ . I I .. . gjyj Up . his poot'r ... Wss lA'..X)dWtr, . � ,, Ettilok n. R, 1, - gift of theN. It. S., the ,mombers Or W O bMmq iO abse.rbod'lim'thm, busla6sg of the.san.'. .New dayn hg la itli; zifiec; '­ . . , � * I � � � .. � I . - thit 49he feigot,-to pay A44ftjtIMr . . . ..1.. ... . AiThe �,coostable ivbo - w", staitiding 14 . Cot, from 1.610 to r 1094, . ­An4, for I ' - I . I r',':.--, . .. I I - ip I I . �,�$o her ,Most WdverW-. . , , ,. . I the jZj ' ­ . I - r _ . or SAM. �! �90 I �L `R.,�' 11 . 4111--ftanit6tign. being ItOd th,h6ld, a poroona - r a j ., . . . . I . . . I f, . Bayfield. . ­ , , . I . r � - I I ppearadio% xr,therLIA tion toAbc, to b , , �, 446�i ... .. .. � ­�.,.��­ .... r. I I-. �,:­­­ 1-1--11-- ... Jq1 ­1410014!;� Tdth'th,e.r._Qjjcje, and Also ._ r , ,Cro .4-PY4 14idr� be. tti.Mod, h1m; tttten fiont, of the station ran, domt with me : 14W. yetrs lie � J!04 � , , , , , I �­ ­­ I..".. ­ . . ; .. , -- I .... .. ­ _" r. r I . ­­ ...... . ..... ­ . � . 1. L . .the, I --td:-1wwA,t§V-y, AstefIr . ,. . - 'i .... ­ - � - r _ _IN_ _0 -"W-rowrl JU 0$1 1% '00crIth, ." ' 'd , ' . 1, ­.. - . , Mor* t _ wte wthat . of, . . --h ­ - . WaY4 ,U ­..q6-AA.,JbA-:boA4-..: . ....... ­ -11­11- � , I wvfflo r UR ei� � L �, ne, Aere ,aild . I Hato .. . . I , , ' r, ,� _ I I ft Jena � L' . I � . . .... � NOTICE 144 bass' .Son doesn't 6.r � tjo�e, .again c.b little ' . I :- . . . I ., of, a, $5 gold" plece fiom�* I A 4oug t a he"Juaw ,b,­Wk­1­--­­ - -, q . . I good, cot I - , , : . Ptoibytwal. The ftele"g,gift. *a . . I W, 44 trohage � bl4ilii� -UP. r. r . � r i 1. . X­god-. ze . I r" I thinks -1 I r d.,tl,,r . . I : 1. T,bjr OUMVO" � . T. r Beaeomt. WVo- Mift'U., , , I I . Irdly'. t the'time, woughl I . . I ces, town wia � %, Convenieft. , Y r Mi., . , a *0, much, us be. I he doemi art Uri. 41,100411 - uwlsf - - . . I r 4800 fruit,. good . r ' . ,601itod b ,, , pefsolw 41*4 r pt 1� Afterward r "ThO chip, -11 'haa ge�n,,Wa Ifiaghteill, UW *Cm`tl*fti1 a" Lk6 ' r - � ' ! '. .' 'CAU ' ' . � - . ,��yt,kcd",e:,rws` evallev, , , �, . , .r �. . &ft)# east her i q I r lake- view, 45ultable, jo , ..r ,, r r. VAlv9p.8 I I . Compbolf read An Address ind'ibe W, . ran" AS 1wa " 14010100. ; . - - I . . toWar4q the mahl%ole 11au'post -ina -like �Jklid M'48"Yidfai X). X,jwij, JjAfte U . I I I � , r.: ' - , r I I r . eS, Small ,,,, r r v1dokeni or V . ,-We , Your I 1 931- in � arkers, , M.r.6,.' gift, Wa* , ta� r6asiak?;j'�!afe' J)jj�­ " , fi.)�"r � j 0"'he i�as x*ed 4titf,'Itc -4100, MW;A. -U. tAwls. go'4 WS, . � . I . ma pAy0fent, "bal. , Y'aa. must li s Presented iiby� M$8 M4r.� hogr- 06dts��- wen . VUd9V ZeWW had Aerved b% c4UAtjj Ift- . � , . r . = rent. JAS.- LAVERTi � Eld6n, Sb, . � . � ;94fot, 110bortsm, Mrs. jAujes latimilteft b6th W, bO*' 7, son AM. the, co,pablo W01V His #14blid life' � beggil W, c � *41.. I I . I . I . I , hen, In ertAinly looteditiL T116*114em4n.004 Man Uw*.aAd to . : - A- ,� I 11 te.ft*%pho got Mse to t5elogaivp .. thm the qm . � . I I ,s m4k4 1003, he 1*4 elected 01 ' 'ot.,00derle4, X ,ro nd: t) ' And X Jumped ot their ," . I �#. Goderich, 0*, �- r . 11 traft,to dri4e, find qop,rat'all -1,50 I abytetiol � a In vIoU ,host's of 'friends ' r . - -,.-. .� * - : * , 'r P. e � 4tod. the g1ft from t'her Pr' r I 0010thlat.-wont .IO,,1nk6b,. r . . , Wor .%e carlier � is . . I — I . ­ .. .VtOp: signs, or prosicution rill There WAS a very,.jlnie attOldt 0 I After" -,i�d­iqoxitlnuetx - Wliert . cx=via . I . FOP, SALM­One cow lit r .r . I .1 � I ne At -the, r ,, I �. , West. U%tton box%-,. 46wij tbo paj�kbet ta',ftyeL' t1nioi The tjjcjr time of trial., � .7. r , - Or0d him 6r fourteen yeArs As IfA, topre, Jumn Wig g"Pino fat bresihiL . .. � : . Al fo . moearig-�. Miss .z. stleftfittil " Alooudet;- the , 6.1111co -boy; 'Xam� tile r. jent&jkV,o,,Jjj . , � I - �.. � rr ows - com . L . � lhiesiditg , , I I r W el , 11 ygaxs 6W. two C I- $allow, , . I , � r V by 'Aler ' ". _b .1 flijo L, - ,- 4 � - � , 0 �14 I 40 4 . -. � I rr .- . I - -a . ­­.... �- L, I . , ­ cleverly ,,rACW , , _ the _noaset_�f', --- . -- - , r 11 . .r . I . . ! OW - one tow - r- -0 ­­­ I . I .. ­ 1- � ­'­ � � .of,: the- -Cfr41:,, -occupied, -Aht -, -Andr I 11 I Commonso Prolicanin tu -over, ,. , KNOW " I "O - tb ­-iw. * , - ­ , " � . .Tae4 blin �. ."', � , � I I ­ 0 ier Acters , 1� . 1. , . . ,P,E0j?LE, Wg , , � o"s , � I, It, 3; tho pi&#Am Was I� charge of,i wft.well tikon - The late 'ritaga Le%*- .01 S'c r -'Ou-y , ChWj . , L r . �ears aid. N6 - �60W M . - - r4STLffHWA , Vhy 'Study toolt, WAX-,,,,, r roup I' ' eon O'BrIj ,"'MArgar 1 -wis'ioW6* ,ar� *UMerr eXpjO4_ . . . � . . 00 0 r I I - f It -W in t. qS1 I "It' SOUAded 1* . I 140. Hill, . , . . . I ­ . ­ , Ri 11 . ff "by W,#,. r I . . dot I I " . , AW di 14 a 169a, mmotphere�,, 4 0"attokaor(I at Mount NV"t, 10 VWth41 r' . , , . ­'­ - - ­ -0 --- .1 I � : I I .. , . I W, 60VAntich louder,"* decloed W. 0, Wthot Coj.­,�04r 1&, 1C jo.r � � � . 00a - -Vire ' ' ' , I '%Ioiald� -$is. V ij!q., �rown . , homi at , , . I Salkeld; �Iaxy 0 , I . �. � M U07 of, BeAcdo I I . I � . . ATA. - Oil ht*t _ . I . I : C�Iotof Poli ..7 - Thoei - V"ding'! - W.Uks. 84thOtlAndr And.403, ... _ r ', ­ &ttarne3r,ot ,Vjir0n,.,jor AbUjo tcoj%, Aich4rdov; owner 6VTON11161A taxt odb. r r FOR,: .8 .1 %Mo. 1 I" � . '' , r I 1. I Ca. Xershi%'V � -Nai . . . . . , . staud; who wAs I , ounloir . . I .� " . . � . ,� . . W&TM X-ATTSM, Bdt*tW" ...-I-r-'.. r .. I and Mrs" A. Ourry, juid 4 6 , 1. r - ­­_'' . I V` jIe. Minding 144, the north . . . . . . I . I r . . I � .. I Al. . I ,16 "'i.wi ww 'wio6,6i"v66pi�� by MI.W. Col�.orno,.witli Mrs. -tofter 0 Wtd'0 UWVdift' *. $140 �f Pro4t; -St. o the twe. I . I 1. I . ­ ". , . . � r L�lder 61'Toronte, vIsiteid . � I ., . . ­­­­ � a"Ofn AMONex THE aw, WarEs Ums' suc0"$rUUyr#ot4ht potliod;jItAo 11-1 therpast W;i With, his moor, Phone 2�� - I I � " fore. W10i. 46 - - I I 'r. � --,. =,;--ii�=,�.=-=.+�- . ­­ T-,., P110W. Amoog� the 'v tors �Wjs r -, r . . , , " . *Wt Iduriliv I 0 e3 And bull for sale,- I I r *hd�.hms chirge­6f, Jai 6 )inox cinifttj wilt ,,, 404t, A*'$ a mie Alf. ,,was bjA* 41110ko­ toj Mra. X. Rldelt, , A, r * . F R SAtr-,&-xar$ Mrs old, about ­ - � '. OVSTOR'.. WiTCSIN0, -, - Miss boss., , work 6ery � in honorti, holdlhg, the ,federal h, t I 11 _ :.: I ­ - . , . . ----- I a ,ye* --1 ------ . . ii "I 02d ' 0 .qoel]>IL P4- h4*e ''of ,the ftlAi0for.' OUblicbg of of 1903, loot j0d $go . I I brown, my a j . r now poo�xjf 0 old ilditig of auton East in the cj06tl6nS ,.", ­ �Javd foot aromd1be We, In the � - . ,� 1 1490 lbs.. I brftm,gol nX a old, .. ov, , CHICIK9 , �' I — 240" "" 04 of sembus, It A&I, "The socitt 0, In !", ' Mi% bArft . ,� . ) 11 � r ,, frethm= -�V,jre � = 4 ' 0 , bb sold ' I Tboro *ere two Or., wtbt 6 jStAntfqTA i L . *- about 1400 lbs;, I- . 'ItATCHMG. . . . the Proceedings' $0?Ved At th . 0,61 f aftt�jj 40 lot" "0!r1DpOjt$j �AO Tight after tho,other.-- - - On 83turd%Yl to Attend the tuoilat at ! � , Shorthorn bull It . I � 'iPAI mat. � Z .A. ffiark�r, Z, A, of . � : T-.�; —� . I I. I � 7 'V -m-, "The WAY Of UW" Sabb ' wim &!Ao- Interbsted in munic . months old, ZAO. cumnOLU11, A,,U, ' . ­ ­ . - I � . I .. I . . I . � . ' Mh tert;, The­mWent, as t116 �esulb of * er niece, No I on, $04061 s1nd'VJ6.10 0ames at, 3 the 0*4'as Inlyor,.Anding Volt lit, r . I . 3, Ooderich. - Vhoixt 2ar single comb Vblto Upham chidks. SWC -146 In A.4bilela . I � , SerVtOeS . o'clock, 80"Ing t city tftcwg Atoll. - . r -1 ­­!�'. -- � ­. . Palo, $,way$ to -tiiko Part in, afty,move. -V1004an uwlslost� his life, *"int Away . . . . . ======t---- .--�- 11TIces-Marelt. and April Ift'reitch. May 0 ,We . r At' 334PUSb r chorchi. Sim4ay, ment I . . .1 13&.� june JIC.r V"M pedigteed r .. . REAL ESTATS A10) 1111SURANCH A)ckerejX r A triglo,i6twoodurted , ,4 . � . . I Vhfch *0A. likely to advance, t, : a few midutts after 'Ile � was taken to tho : Mr. And Atm 0010 � And I&. and- -)00. dnes , he ftbort_ John" .Went r to Torolft 4 . � b ist. Nstot, WV. .W. 11. Punt: i0toreats. , . .. I Bjbk-,gcb,r I ., 9041161 strVICar 11131 .. , .%� Whose' damz" wer 200 to 27s, egg hobs, day ,AftOrn.00ft IftAlle towl.*hfir- of .4011- I t 1 of 00dodelf, 1, 116SPItAto occurred on 6"46V � 6enlng� on . � . 0 ,r ,4,!)Urlhg year# In . tho I I . L . ]RE" ESTATE .BARGAIN VMM. Eggs train gel"ted high pregludii.g., hem. llpld, .wlitlh Mi.'. Thos. A(elntM .. �,,,&U% ,� 100%4: And 'the SollowbW mornitig, some houts U000y. - Mr.. $obastor,ti is stonding . � � * 110ustom hAtching 4a lier ,egg. ' his life by shootitight"Okif *a took At it Axft,� 'The Dehl%Ofi-VDWR� house, Mr, Zewls wal, the tho, onto'do .,0004 � 04ads AMWAMIM I I .: .1. . ? I . h. A; 2g. se,I Aft, fi " 0 " The Lord'd SUM MOV ft­p6W6r after the boa'N dftth,r thlb imthor J)M$ed i convention, I . I . Llfd� Accident and AUto Atso noysil Brodder supplies. cilibta rlAo.' W moutyre bad --- been In' *Ili 1* adnitoUtered At the clom. sul 1iWV,, not haviiij beM lix6imcd of the I I , IngUrsnee , . WO Use 4hd,,r,060Wmend the . noya 'lloMth $bi . lot thi , 9gesting twful lcgislatlono 'nitto'.1 tragle' ft,th .of his toll. The b4osT Warden Beattl% Zagincer pattern" 11, � . . � �­. � ,. . : I treader Stoves. .1 . . pot Oe bef0ft 0h%-btm%$j n%Or"Wg aerwoo. Gospel Novice at I tive W" W%1-6 A� logo'-degroo, Althousli roug tq Cloderich, arriving on slid the I,41ra%ty 06M g6a& 00"imb. . . . I . 51neb Which WOO' tt member of tho. Conservative, appoil. . I . AW A Utto 4 Oanuaty WMwed pigs I be,had been poubned li,m,� Aiibjeit, 4The Reed, 04,14cAuffig t,an, the lAborat mi I . . , r ��� I Tery . WAt ono. jr4w Sale, $3,60 eaeb. W. � HUMx OLUTT0114, n n to the house most -of'. the tij�a %m0I or, the Atonement,to : A. he y- le rt. t ubttry of the day, was � I v ni t and weto taken to tholsion gre dittodlok tho, tonvoition. of � AtOrY house, floe condi. Ott " 0016 ao 0 0wopt ht$ ngg . . d thd' double Ituterwthor ontJ46 OCK4 ItooAs Aswiljitlwk in . t!014 NowgM06 Street. PtIce $1500,� 51 00derith. phcbo� Carlow 1413, : '.. , about A Week ago,, when he V,e.Uj jo to jlt,th6sftVl,o4� , � �. I C-4104 fot tho * Y. 0 r .. h Otingann-DA and `PW�bagdd 0, Afid, 404� 1, eamptftfy' 111ttallatJon of V�Irole�"s je4Uj,VQi r t�!S W2.114 0 ,AQiCi4Wi.4e�rzoOik. with Toronto thii woei, .. I . . I r . nk z. -V, V. Mills. W.43 ,W lNe 1, .. �:� . lot. PrIdo $120, . - --- - ---" --t- r . oft I* Wont ' far 8 Uondgy. evenia . . 1% storY house; toilet, bath, girstgo, == aqMir;��-Iwl-fA =�---� Wedaysday*. aftegn meab,� oil JAL'o J)OASeng6r. $t,�Qacrk, 411. r'�"100-rat 'the boast! tonduded by the ,,-.,-- ­ 1. � . I Good hou�pe; toilet. ligh 'I'llo AdminifteitrIX Of r tile * etiftte of walk,'Ond wben he ad nob roturri Mro. , L �� prekbing at the ter. VO4tor Of 100. Gtdr�o%.. eftchi gov, J. A few room lot,s- a, 4 -yard r,140 boavy to, small barn, . othog Ot Ills .1ne"uros 11VA to do with N. If. t4ill, . $Wet. the lAto, price $1000. . I menioidal ChUrob, PC7. )g, L, %,I" r � "W0-, fruit trees, ,On xegy Alul Zdwft1rd'0htLw wHITtell. b3 b in sear611 of hw but TAIVItt _ -otm Vow room aud takor 9- IsFse lo�. t Meltityre %ven V106 of Induction Of.tlIo,nt* iector Of eheekidg tho cae, of jArgotles, �ud -he q, .Ar4atj�d, ,y ,r former rector, thiolotow, ble IN/ public auetiqp� at, the prembes in the failed td ftd Ift. � 3ftit sij*. Ajelock hj I � _ able to havit Amexifteriter trade to, 807. A. 't. a. Claxke, of t,0440n. � JW P,ftantaVi of the ronaiant. VdCCj we arc . . I �c; bathtoo 43 V Vlau, 1A the nb�*ncd Of �Tr� Ma�js ­ � I . Good bou. 10, light$, small TOWWhiP tA 02116thty OU Wbdrl,0300 VIVO youft�or iont, ,�7bo had Well work. 14 tillk I �a �, follumd � by bio .Muowe =Vlee, 00"1115. ­ r . . r .- I . "OVi �&. dibbrt "of Dangt&nijon and port tho Jabal I'Vedo, in rca��Vd. to'ca V110 . . barn, garagO, heft 1101180, 109-0, lot, thl 4th AW of Uarch, A, 1). 1021. Ut a In- �, In t.11, b "!, , T&tii ed, and found Albeff, gwie the, tep,tare ill Itt4 Georgo,,,j *earms. I . r. . � r*li g V lrdsr carded. out by . . . �Flno lotation. price $Isoo, , oltlock, * � .. I I -1 I � I W I r .wbl,.h vas impre-tsi 01:01 W. 81411AVI'mo . TWOr fing brick ,%lid fffte bousel" _. 1, T� ,­ . r. . I � -1 I 01 Ills Way AIT on litzoacupita house mt for- � � . - At. wor. Zro, 11, 0, Dublop, IT11va %VO13 , - ---d. ..... .04�, . . �ar . t polighod liftrdWood floOtS, *,ell plan� - � at 3 vmt,t, of tak6 HoKd,� W#tt,,-M­ � Irom - � � I Vish halt, lamtrAted. �Jltll lautet;n - VWcaltnt - by which L a (;Call "t'irijout 'of 'tile JAUOnlo fre r tV. $ , ,0%t. � jItherf 4 f tt J . # :. bj� ml horMF lie PAVID3 Allot �0 A I father a an a 0 dalwo %Iwatra - i nad, newly decorated, full bathrootas -. DIVIdon; all(I Ut 0, 14ke $hero jjjm�oojj. tj�rojjglj ,tbo forche a. I catitled, ."114und tho World Witit Uon.)%L604 dot a tho, flsl�.Uy I ' 35roken flkont, westernAUVIalon" In doctor, 4 %ft d 0 r WHII " 4 tow, boura - Jo - Indeod s a 11 Tho. pall-Warew ue're " follawo: il C;I'Ving bmeft -palotlAarica Zastor - * eelldrg, 1191415- etc.. Price $IBM cach; . lWa 041101 but pton th I rt�. JW86 towli, jUd5o r1tilloran, ,of I&IOnday and TUC�q%V,,Aria oth amd iav, . thAl Towrftlp ct Colbofw� (JUXIOW Ufa tl,66 r rr,4t' �Cfl 00" Vi'lell �V" tlw Iltst Of 'Ilea b 406 to bcar.11 I O' ffor4, tj7ba WaS 4�Zdatt4 *Ith, . very -chcap. OltuAted near ftuttre. I e n '. _ IC3 of Aond�jj tVoWng ' I , tVonien'd 11%liftal 4,,W,,,. A num;;er rholre, brIek h , -dowil lan� Ma , foj* fho oustm for t;d&, Mtlar,k- Cdroner...'A.' C'!. 11an0j, jqAs 1. . ,yUdC(J VbW11 stiftefed a broW., 'y 1, �. TWr iwoperfy b dttwdd on tho )Blue notmed ruld he alid const lecturm, I I fall and had betu .in TovoUt.o ,#)Wl� In the judI4,131 fitnq�jon Jor`VjerL-'0 keel) t&je a"teSr in Aft4 &W . . er JI­'hjVj- I I tome of the best In town. . ', antl .tonW!i'nf too - able almdry t116 _ cr llighwa . .0011c5ral, U090 Z . ' . fk" � tt;a ,,.t,,,,, r ,,,,,,, ,11010 tha Auxill'Ity � YV atteAdlaw tho . . . 011es of, go _ � , I'll Wout out fifid Tit tho - past 1-c* ye�Aro tbo for trmtillont but seoral V001-03 4�011alwk wy.,401(b, W" 'Torut Galt, tboatr". t.AiLIA Choice of 4 lArgo ,number ,of bows -tw Idild, with ibout as U1440, lnv�gugatlon but I nit0z.ohl � North nt, tiatpttat alld . Vexth;' . I � . ­ L144 lots, many of them very low In Wee rcsj�t orcliftrd, 11 jouly well feacol, UPOA VIOW10 WO iMA1111. decid,64 an, 1) 601V lill SUner four Stan- P-90 to Waa. transfortc-d to a r,Ujtcj lit tho, . . " 1'� ond ,a,V r tedas for payment. I St cb$$ WOO AIM baUked bira, lnqttmt imineco-sary.'Mr. I rd eautat but this yen, fiming Allan (tarden Avotmenti., TAtte cou, Crotn' Athwavy - V. 11&41�a, Mr. Ouvon. ; I � r , Mk about AerntsTo V , -.1---1, .. I I , , - . - at'lon Central IW41 cmd .,�p ., lt tbem. � ,ell. art I Chian well ana Woo rutining to 61 Vm and, teh montits 101(l r Itna bitl ,1041 t t1161r OICP�0. t* Tender '901-1111% hdd lett la� father's b�&-Idc, on Jewrava, 02 oaderich, and �mjor . Thd -,beat 01ta. . "I MMOVed with building.many � - . el - aeorgo Xa-y* of ottatfor4f, and tar nor. Will, hold a twof honw-mado bduig on zarma I � tten baffeflus"fralfi n nitis *1,14 pyorr. the, 'bigg(ft VO*, -Tho Seven 1jut SuOday ovening to go to the, &tat.j�jj to inqu X&WISI Mtmrs % Tor� 'WWOV, Wreh, Ith, in ' , , Tilt proIxtty um be P'Ad oubjeft to Itts. Ire .Uv&l on vie 014 WIVIoLm Vol. Of "t," In 1AMItal 46ttIng by ,Pott a letter ,to big tvito, in Godaleli of them very low In fxIce tgjd easy - ­ " 1, W.' Itarry I terms for payramt--loa *er% Slid'o, a reserve bid, . . land farm. Ifto family oxe *it Very,fteltht great componr Dubois, Tigs -onto, V. 14 "11, I 0 WOO" 0.11 Sturdy'A r,tom, Corner Of 00%0190� 1154 . I W. . , " or Ix sM3 -T - ,r) Roug. Id tha S(rulre. I I . � , -109 ejemi. $2000; 85 strep, $2 - %Adolta dramAt. z a "hen lie ttepped oil a alanholo e6vertag J,Atw , . , . 200 aerts excellent r ,zx per cent of thn ". WOW said the synijpathy of an is, ex. C#Mt&t* Ot'ttOML it J)owtr sicar the '04rapet III front of ths.,unjon llttaw��1;0`3:0211604041 M6110a, rlay R*m; Ito I 1 ­­4�� r , '16 01110 Of MO 11316, 1111d tentled lik ", IrAglt occilfreuce. 404 rmwtes the arvicel Of moption. 0490ft just As an tXploslon ot g0j# toor � _� I C, - � �. � I pers eltaftd, '10 Wres timber. no wMto tit Vrl;i�7�i b t. Vie. I i� .- . . I r . , r. .1=,d, lia.lody locatim: Irk -e $Sft cash t b0onrct in thirty dgy�,, or ft cthp-r ­W--14-1----l"4�--*� OW talalted solollsts of. 411101 the djoir PlAft, *t4ch fIM4 Upr tfid PaVtiftent fo'r AmuPS lh-za noUctd .it tb!� ruge-ral, I I IWO , . VA y OrrsiftV4. be�ljteeil the ' WOM-10418 INATITVIrr, V,k?j i3 vready Uwlq,��-At Torono, ab Onftyl M. . I � $1500, Wdnce on good -term. Aftln mt x ar 'ber Sgant, lind (% � 0411tV4 Wr C09491119 - ft%101 Un fftt oil cleft, We of 06 ittortiole,, Vxt N111' (leorge flpott(ilio U, P., $04 221A 1931, Norman yAwis, ja Aft, ,Otft I I Ito acres to exett"" for xnaykr the "bomer . 00 ThUtSdAY. AfOrth, Prialiblent, sololsts. 81180fterl' the 40-11Y. VO4hol# *Wer, axid W, W- U Volffit, I I fara"A. M for go*, ,, ZW futtho pqrticulars -appi fth, at I V'I"', IfOrth 04 *001ted thurch servi6ts alt bUtUd Mr. Owil up 10A th-5 Sir an(I r - VC10. . I I . A y to 141A Ito U t *ill r,Wln the how the I)rot"Ibrit tqnt Y-,tWj&.At Vwmto, 0 Monday, ".� . mtral 6=11 rbkken to .YO 016 0641triCh WmneWg tit t ' , Wid IJAVO. "edcbr� ftboltom reyr the W14 x W. euchre and d4bee in th6� MWh Ist, *ill b6 M tollo". over 06 poralmt, dowla"f6 . . . � the C*b dflve* Ur the Church, *J*Z6 the ItApteUIVO W# 23rd, 10310 Jod" X tf. UVIS, 14 his !, X W. AxUVMxG. ftid AdministrAtflt iv to Thagol "un- oddiellowe IfIgI, LUcky,-dances., A4. WAY below- A &SWIC6 Of 20 4V 06 100C ' 1110, of the Attg0can, church wits tender. Ift Ffty. . . 1 rkm 310tate 11"'I", relloWsbip Clam, WjWon ralki, to 4�111 P�qlie 69Z Sok 00' 54"kh, fttl dfy-*W 91.w, AUctlojW"­ G~C-b, ant 01101011 50 tftts and 25 tettts­ Mews usib" topic, "Wh4t; Is -Cantidst!s . ft. M, %(. ef"AWf6rd, ehjeL� torft4 of td by the rector tud Xtv,. Mr. cjttke. - - ­��-O�� . I , �,_ ­ �, .:. - . I ­ - �- ­-�­-­_-.- V ­ ­ -,. - .. ­­ - I—- I - I ...... 'I lftV"tj#Ated t1lo ottident, *!Id IteV.. Jeinolir .. %,eid *0 ItstIon, - --- ­­— - , . -- ­ wrftter , in At"A"IAM . � r -- 7...-.. .; ---.- -� �-­ - I I - --- � ­­ ....... . . X"-4--ftw fellem q more, Totouto, W 4 � . . �—­ r r, -1- - ."WiFo.- amet Ill. .tt mmarb sbo*1116, Int PfInted k*14101OUVO 14"(seed by W 4, 39, ")MOUMM thit dft% W" taff-Neql by Tile hyft,A u" *etc ,,,R"r ?AV god WAMft.-In Mvl"g z,m" .tr i . I _ I � .. RAYM COMS, featuring the *M-Aijo I%Tnwell. it aim" atwonkly mmed hemorthA96 Of the bralft, due to a fro'. Nt Tbee." IlThe'strife, Is o'er, the :"Aftle 'OeOtge C'Stltft Wilktt", Oft 40t W. *ftil r , . �Pkttrrttt so ;nuxtft In demand, M so to 'retoWtift of MW us,"d, 1"t'lits tured skati. � OX -116 act mo, It, 0. ,ftatr, VM p6wd *W oft . 0 wotMIGIE C. ". Humes" Ident Vie" &Mo 'Mtle'" #114 "VeVe -Veflett 'retict*'" x-nd Fith, 23tth I"k In hb eighth YM. r 9 . i . J1tWJKLt.1tft �111� Wldf� from 410- to Oft per lard. imbinwAut to ther Mw1oft Atw lit Md S, ftlocated left, We rod fft r%ht the Xjaet)eth *M�* w" thinted. The " . ww"Vauv"000MV � I . I . i I .1 ;I. 11 . , ,:4wu -1� , tht 4, 'I " 11' I I I I , "" , �11 Was ro M 11 crown VAd . Ian " 4lud I I Ix into Is noW 1) baX 14$ P z==1--z7z-�= tl` -I--"- TAnwd, MI" Van"ned Y6111fts. for. 1�g w0s koken, ' their and otgtu�L&+, (Mr, J)hvies) ,%#ere, I*Ath but k*vhw W -Molle -t, W". W. W, RA . mut Wet no, D'I T10- SMALL 5'rORC ) 11 ninly of minwa, will give tbe sd&e" MA MV" ftke, Afty.- � ., M, it Chief fftmtr Ah* V144 014b the PreStftt to AM10 In thd Proper rtatleving mmorl" that *ill laorsys linger . I 11val Edate Ed fismum WITH lima W41 ator-M SAOX ! 14ox I Thh 0l be is mtvlce of vow& tu,n t�r- C-AW6 of the etpletion was a K"ll, I" 11 . IN- ?Am% Ileg#tv's, wirk dj"MjV k of th'�' Ntl'VlCe. ft% Mr. )&Ib gp*e Whae Uot�i thts ftm We #t^ " 11 � � I .. 11 L--. - . . r I 40% ihn , Ifit""t, ,3 r.fnr,, &Mft eth6oii 'It" #11 IllaintoAtIng W Mail" altmit. 11flefly. commmiting *a the LIM FA the X�ovingly zei"�Yio� by I I - -­ - I'll 40mr, Ina. 11"i 7 tylm� evenLIS r�"Ocel V4 &t (014, the VAnhojt, An4 tjwt, t1lb I jat�* jadso U""ils rn 110 know it., ,�*Itvaiy� I VATM an(V UOTXM I �, I . I I 1, . I r . I . ,I . � � . . I . I 1; � . ' - L'— -, I- - ­ I - -- L-,&- . - - ­-­...dd.h� . L #rN- - - if I - . . - - -W -- - . ­ A­A�l ­ I ., -* . . &&,,,,,�, , - - - .. I - — " z .. -- - ----- - . . - % � -4hr-., ­ , - --� 1, .j " 1. -