The Goderich Star, 1931-02-12, Page 1Bess Stationery
The New Yore el • $ Rood Uaee to clock
over yauc ruDp►y of leetertwwa ove-
r, billhaadr. eir. Teiephcwo '['U
thatt71) )toe your needs in aPtinticat
k E ??N�`N
Margaret McLean of G C.
Wins Oratory
A Pretty 1931 Calendar
To Wear wherselesee perms is einem
Ilkiart are sad oat a takaidar walk
the supply leas. Per a Islet We 71..
Me ilia be soot 10 new eseweeinese
Owe IA tor $1,14. tattecriere Oar and
est orloodiar
ampioaship StratfordimisSukide at_Clinton Thursday.
.8114 Cif& Ihisutanos llampaRg. of :Otto*,
Setue a us work from choice; most/ of us work front
necessiV. We shall need an income when we cannot work just
as,much as we 'wait now. -Where will it come from?
An endowment policy maturing at age sixty or sixty-five
will meet the need. A small MI SaVed annually will provide
48%11 a policy. Ask us regarding plans.
Residence 040
'<Hike 115
ti R.. LONG, District Awn
EVATHERS.--110Are 700 feather beds
Made into sanitary.- mattressee
houeekeeperip poaition, or any
otner light, demotic work, Clean and
reliable. Address replies ,t0 Box 10,
the 4tn daY March' awaie a" 2 turning to VMS EUNICE LONG.. tee -
3 west of Lake Road, Western -
Division, and Lot 3,- Lake Shore EXECIal'ORS' SALE
AvAurat NAFTIOG, Britannia, .114.
Pnone ,200.
FOR SALRee-llorses -and bull sale:
1 brown Oily 5 years old, aaout
about 1400 lbso 1 Shorthorn Mee 11
menthe old. JAS. CHISHOLM, R. R.
Ootlerich Phone 20 5, Dionlannon.
sTon, reos.r.--A lady's yellow gold
Broken Front, Western Divttioe,
the Townehip or Colbente.
"-The ProPertY situeted on the Blue
Water knanway, and cOnaiSts or 160
.sores ot good earm land, With ebout six
ecres of orebard, Is fairly well leveed,
etas lira class • large size nookod barn,
.gooti artesian well and weeer running
The property 'will be sold subject to
a reserve bid. .
'rElemS,-Ven per cent of Me pur-
obese price at the time ot the Bale. and Tawnship West; Waivettosa, on which
the balance it thirty atom, or oli °titer siteated a good betel: heese and bank -
terms •as meg be arranged between the ed barns, There is elm on the said
stud Administratrix or her, Kent, and .farm eeees. ee bon, land, aee rukoints
tite purchaser. • string close to barn. Fall ploUghina
For further particulars apply to mita completed.
.and HAYS, Ooderich, Solicitors for the The property will be sold'eubject to a
said Admieistratrae or •to Thomas ,Gun- Mortgage of $3,000, widen may be is. -
dry and Son, Auctioneers, ooderica, cute bh h
NOTICE TO' CREDii"Oltaa balance of the ealti purchase enonee
witalie 30 dee% front date et Sale, •
T110s, CRINDRY and SON,
tglerieb, Ont.
ExEctrkorm. SAI4E.010 FARM LAND.
Tim fectimitorit Or the Eetate or David
Ferhigten, Sr, will eel* by public auction
at Rivetta Hotel in tae ot Dun-
gannon, ,
commencing at 2 o'clock
ioe acres of good farm laina. hnOwn as
tile west belt of Lot 15, CoaceSsion 6,
tinder 'novices or
St. Georges CieertireeMeitai Guild
in the l'ARIS11 RAM*
Tuesday, February 17
Tea eerved from 5.30
'Ciendet Tattle
Tee tickets 500
alea-fg“nrce-atir 'Wednesday's junior
bookoY games were as follows; Plante
6, Ned/combo 1; Duroches 4, Vio
Mott 5; ScrimgeoUr 2. Moore 3.
4110 •.8tar's mailing list has been cor.
rected tlas week up tte Yen. 10th and
„ea date an your adareas• label ehould
thow the date to which. yolir eabeorine
eien is paid, In anY Case Of error com-
municate witia The star °nice at once
So that the metier May ae loelted Intel
toad tile intlostMeae made,
A Fine Helfer •
Colautha Heitette Inert, 'and owned
use finienesi a yearly r000re in the 305 -
Jay divieiou of the R. O. P. with a Pro-
etiction totalling 12,073 lbs. intik con -
Maine -578, lba„ better, givind. her An
everege test of 850% tat.
Spirit ot St. Louie. sztd the Sear hes
several times had reference to her eue- ANNIJAILI
we emanettilete her en ber letky and.
Mts. Ahrens the meoposer of The
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having -claims °ataxia" the estate of
David Erre:100n, Stalate of the Village
ef Bungaraion, in the County of. Huron,
ietired farmer, wao died tin, aboot the
1st day of December, It.D. 1030, to sena
lag same to the undereigned on or be -
(931, as on and after 'that date the
Voutore of Ore tend .eetitee will peoceed
lemeee dietriblitiorelliereoa 'twine eai
d Only to the °MIMS they then eller
Dated at raoderieh Ms 28th day of
Barristers, ete.,
t. Solicitors for the PeceetaOrs' herein.
Very neat °mastery noose, firte.condi-
:don, Newgate street.' Prite $100.
ile story totem; toilet, bath, garage,
Good house; toilet, lights, anal; barn,
fruit trees, large lot, "On .1reay street.
Price $1000. eta '
Good house; bathrbota, lights, emelt
tarn, garage,. Alen ,b.ouse, large lot.
eine lecateere peke Item. WANTED. --'renders for the podition
Two fine brick and frame nbused, " of operator for the switchboard
Part polished haesivibeil floorsatvela Matta on ethe Colborne Municipal. Telephone
ned, newly decalitecl, full bathiments ; SYstem, Carlow; about 175 phones.
mars, wits, dee piece else° each ; Office toUrs APtil Lst to Decetnber lst,
very cheap. intuatedinear iSqtiare, „ 5.30 tem. to 10,30 pea.; December 1st to
A number choice beak houses for side,. APril let. am.. to 9.30 Pan* But a
game of the bestain town, e Conn/eta:it operator tuust be on Wad at Bell, proprietor of The Starter Sun
choice of a large number ot louses all times, Free house, with garden. , comee the announcement that Eric
and lots, planer of thou Ye* foet in, miee Also, tenders for the position of line- tyllson, principal of the ICineardhae pub,.
and easy tellies far epayrtient; ask about {Man orl this qvstem. About GO emiles school„..bass.tegdereci resignation,
t° tio• Ire. to Wee • effeet April end, when he is to
item. •• • pales and' 210, nes of sine *
Farms., improved__ ieltb hoeing, many _Duties, rnaletetm ce and construe ..
es theta. VerY lOw in ,Price and easy - Tenders 11 be acceptee for etheeet 80tokene"i4eYear e8rta(303mdersrfr .'norran'
Wilma for Peantent-100 Ores, $1400 ; Positions' eith r separately or combin
Operator stating salary for year; line. former Member " the "'public achael
man stating wage per hour. Duties to staff here and we congratulate him on
commence May lath, 1931. his entry into journeliene In succession
for lineman. To be addressed to the to „his father-in-law.' 4.P.
Tendem to be merked for operator; or
undersigned, and tvill be received up till
Feb. 20th, 1901. Referencee required;
Several. sheep ehleken • tor Ole. loWest tender tot necessarily wee
Radio reationto Be Bresanted to
A petitiOn is being ciroulated about were given. A. 'W. 'Marsh, the
town prayina the town -council to. pass men
a bylaw to govern the Matter of local Allihorstburg is the new presi-
eadio • interference, The, petition by dent.' of the ootaxio-Quebee .diteslon- and
Aredhcaday night had,a0' signatUres arid 'tho 1932 meeting -Will he an liferttreal. leamilten and London, The statist,.
.he objective is 400: "'ate petition win ....)-7-,„..e.eere, cal report 01 the session showed 70e
oe at the }Frigidaire store on Seturdey PEOPLE Yrra It•INI1JW :netribers 'en the toll at- the end or leat
night "and ahy wisa to sign inaY mre leormao leteliowele ot Westfield 7ear. 18 wore added durine the year ay
so then. visited with .friends 'Cioderich over profession and 22 by oertiticate• arid
The evIltor et The Star Wu in Toone
to lest Pridey attending the annual
meeting or the Ontario-Quebee division
of the Canadian Weekly Neaspapere
Aeeociation. At noon tinw the Wall,
paper men were the gusts of the mee.
44ean Publtshing Coe being shown over
;erved and a short *tithes* was given
ey Col. B. McLean reeleoluied to bY
Malcolm lefeeneth, president of the
a W. A, In the evening a banquet
was tendered the leaner inert bY •tno UltY
of Toronto in the Royal Ye* hotel,
Napier Moore, editor of afacleeetee
efitgazineree—eethe chiet speaker, les
Take Stock,' Owing to thea tweeted -
able absence of UMW SteWert
IWO Was taken by Ald, Wadsworth and
.lames Sirapeon. George Legge,. or
E, Roy Salm of laenteeVa easeutger
and the euesM ;Cie oPPOrtunity
tree ,eartoonist ot The Tonga° Stare et
hie art Ins COlhie sketches Were very
amusing to the audience, /Silly Arnett
"The TalketIve Trixeter." and Charlie
Froman, piano soloist, else %tortoni -
ed, and Waiter' It. Lege, of Crania?
Que., conducted a shig sone. At the
mernine session Hon, NV, G. IMAM
rnhnster of public work% officiating for
Hon. G. 0, Hem% the ProvIricial Pre -
oder, gAve an address of welcome, end
et the buehter,s eessIons In the morning
,and afternoon a number oe ,Papers
A. Grout Total at Income for 11311 it
OBITUARY nominated for the Wishing% but ea sr -
count or ill -health Solt he mild not do
extra work. Re lila rotundas Mc*
Timms Um* Morris for Korth &num in the recent drooled
MP. A. Davidson, Colborne tt4...liat and performed Ills duties satisfactorily
Teethed wOrd bY letter ef the dektn " te bOth parte". kir. Dill was End -
her last brother. Therae% James Mer• tisu alto sown and pot mow a*
mesa Repotted, et Witkit AIM« Os, in Cleveland, Ohio. l'uordoY, Nathm. /4404 Lop No, 160„ A, 3p.
'Was fer Lusa CoartwItattenal rare
The anneal congregetion meeting of
Knox church. Cloderlett. Iteld on
Wednesday %vetting of title Week. Wall
a large attendance, A, MeLcan.
ChairlUan 01 the Board of Menaives,
wee chosen to preside and 11. J. A. Iliac.
awart Wee seeretery of the meeting, An
9rd. Sir. Morris was nearing Ilie With and A. ht, The funersd, one ot, this
birthday. The ftilleral was held ett largest Vier held in Stoner. took place
day. Feb. 501, and was 'Conducted .b.3' from the Vatted thumb, conduete4
brother Wens. with into -Aleut ..111 tile the pastor, Rea: D. Roy Orley, insisted
Mesolde eenietery. Word wag also. roe by Rey. Robert,Pogire, Teronto. who
edited by Pr. Eaulletgoll• was a lifeelong filend of the deceased.
esil,u'eattotill4stubn7Senneit, lEs.°radteblitulh enot li:gn widow, two ditughteri. Mts. IL IL Volt- -
son. of Peterboro. anti Mrs. E. sr. wo.
:lie leaves. besideS his num friend* We
„ item is from The Tortudo Olobet Ben., of Leda Ohio.
4urrcat eXpenses Reid, the budget allo" after on Illness or obout two weeks to IF
encourening year ani3 reFotted Vit" 444 this rierning (Feb 511.11 Robert MacKay
ot $2,000 peed he full, new choir mees mery Zinicombe, at her borne cOorplehlt aaa"eicinPleasaOt Lesakirjiree. ocOnuat!
eovms purchased at a cot of $928, $100
paid on note, leaving Only 4600 •of
.41ity on note. Total receipts by all er-
eanteations in the congregation amount,
ed tO 412,909. of wIlieh 41,154 was for
The. tepott er the session was pr'esent-
Cannel, and It. commented on the *Mt
aomihation generally. as being suste,Meel
,eined were collimated on, along With
eiesenerous spirit or coeoperation' as ale
.inmense akcet lit the balminess and
Access ot the congregatiOn. Attendance
at commtmion has shown an increase,
..omment was Made on the good work
)1 various organizatione and -the Ladles*
Aid are planning' and gathering funds
;lo maim suitable Changes in the struc- Higley/ay, When Ma .Wambold entered and he tad visited many parte or IsIorta
tura-of the baseraeot to make it com- the dairy btoinese be summoned Ins and SOUth Arnerica in the search or
e?rtable anti convenient for the many cuetontere tO les Waeon, where lie ladled bettnit. Cloatoreia, Paname,
ectivitiee of' the congreaation, xnox out the milk from ais twee can into.Peratuda, eta. Ile came bite% to Clede.
_,eueee ,teea year tor mu put tnne in lugs.. He was the Bret local dairemattirleat in. 1922 after beim in a. health re-
. to eel' bottled mint. Be carried on the' Sert at Eintira. Rare arid .eirtee then
Its 'llictoT1',. 1011 have the distinOtien °t business eer thirty-six years, eetirlag lived in Goderich. Blindittes came no
lotting the mutual Meeting th° 0711°4 some years ago. Tile' funeral was held another affliction but he maintained a
Saturday; • /teen interest in public affairs and the
tts obituary -natio/ a tile late D. the' aand, etc., 'were objecte of hie benee
0. Ball editor und, proprlotoi or The licence. HIS antstariding beneficence to
Stapler Suti, in he litre Rio. hie old honie town was elm eift of the
Mr Bell WaS a pain* epirited few years ego. He had thee° brothers.
number of 110106110ms ovsn. ,,,40 taking Ins fell there of revonst. witty to and a eister. all of Whorl predeceased
aa. • emeier yeate Ile ivete tour yeera him. lib oIder brother, dolin, died
on Colborne etreet. Born In Plymouth, last rridoi, itabert mow palatal
England, Jan- la, 1657* elle eatnO to maw et Ina home ootritertleoroieon:reeaunt won,
Caned& at an earht age. SW latrviVed Tondo manias
bEcynime oesnehooe, byirti:urtobleans::"boctrertiewisPitihettetWseeholo:4:41111004 roen:Cultnotoapos°10:elojeolxoty70,TP"aur:e namaeStztdeelcaybenen.Yee:oetriss:
tlist chinch, later the United there'll,' born in oedeeka moth 30t4„4, 240.
and tor years tonight - Sunday School
here." The funeral was held on sun. I lose_ ,
day, Feb, litli. , and the IMO . Mrs. MaclOsy, whore
now a former county constable.
Tow iv. womb,* — • 'maiden naMe via* deselet Buchanan .
Kitchener% first. deiryrasin died in Mt ateeKtiall father died hi 1000, WA
that -city on Wedneeday or last week, in his Mother died when. he wee at the ale
the person of Tants W; Werabeld, ine of tive years. Mr. litteatey left elode-
hie 90th year. Eerie near Hespeler ipericb, at the lige or nineteen years, Pine
1841, he Was the tether of eleeen chile ;to Chicaget Mut the time *between then
(Irene seven of whom ere living. Tim 1 and the year 1914 was epent in °Meese.
Alberta; asatellit (Mrs, Joieph Shallan. agent, In Now 'root Mr. MacKay w
BreslaU; Ida (MM. Wisraer), karma. 'with tte Fideliais and 0sieuttitY Co.,
burg; zootoo A., Cledericle; MeV elVtes. being in charge of all the Corapaura
Anon Woolner), city; Cartio (Mrs. IL investments. It was in 1914 that. lie
Schaefee) city. Tittle - Peeston took, sick with rheumatorid arthritis.
the week -end. :hero were 54 reaMvale °(11 by death, 13
Suicide at Clinton
. Clinton had a tragedy this. Tbersday Judge Onia0W.. Termite; wee lei towel 3y. certificate. and 30 .0therwir,e), • Tile
afternoon. when Lea CantelOn, 'Pruden- on. -Thursday, atteteeing tlie futierel of
nis (biS second Wife) and.a. font' retUrned home after spending a *week
sion Of the ereatiaent 'the -children Were Caley aed7datiehter bait
receiving. at • the hands ef their Step returagd to Port -Thiver • entet a -Visa
. mother, leetlela was bold* the previoue• oath ,me. and ace& mai mes, me.
..evening, are skid, to' be 'back of 'Mr. say • - • . •
Canteiort's .act. miss Hazel: Steep . ePeat levi da}a
talie management et the. Huron, Cate Pi tile.Beenteld made wee:with uor No -
of the ,preirdses,..which now" present 4- Among the --graduates who. attended
.very pleasing, apoearance,. ,with• the ..,11e tainual homennd banquet ef the
.1fght oak panelling, clerk mahogitay- eltratford .Norntal School. we* Misses,
shadedearetivatas, arid tinted, roe AC Johnstone Cenetta Jewell, Mien
and biuel Wane, buil' ceilings and cioie 'Alaechler, Laura Johnston . and, Anna
Write new ,fer eild a catalog , Showing lace -curtained windoWe. bordered „with pone. .
de.eis rose snade drapes. the, Manage. Mrs, Joseph Elliott sailed Teesday
for. neve-building* eitetettai. Slate went es to be oetigratylated, ou.the spot- -
teem New york 'on .the $.13..ttrovideticei,
Insulation board ants that 4c. tt.; mica lessly .cleao aepeettanCe-attained and 'on for a abort. cruise on the Mediterranean.
mem*, $2,75; metal ceiling:100 fte s4.05;
ItEl siniet • of progress. M ratlike to the she is easo spending a few weeks ,en.the
rooting • $1.88e combiaation deers $4.95; .
$.2•16; butt sltS14. $1*°5; • #41Vanizett /Willard McLean won. senlor 0irts' .
Rtwity • paint,' $3.45. gale 'outside. doors ane P, . • _e .
With. glaate$4,50; shIrigle stair(' 70c gal.; At the " Weetern Ontario Seco
didewall , shellacs, $3.98; • brick Paint, Pahoole Atteociation °eatery' cont.*. in the'Past 'three T Wake Visit:bag' relatives
ee Stiatford On'Thersdaa one Of the coded and friends in Goderieb, an* also lier
Paint 3"lallse .96;23; nardvrnOd flecnang, i'lch students, was ttwardaa''W ebanipiolie Im6le, Mr' gt‘°rge .°•• StItttr•V` c't (2°4°1
French doers , with glass $4.50, Write sine Margaret McLean winning out le .rica - tat, and 'her. Cousins, Moo Wren.
Shearciown of team and Mrs.: •George
7 la c sq: ft.; wallboard less than Sc ate- e
f or sale catalog. :HALLIDAY COM- the sont0a °girls.- class' l‘targetY Pivuse Fowler, eof a Sanford: Ehe . wilt epend a.
PANY. Limited, Boa 36, Itamilton, • Ont. and Herbert Oreene, in the junior elate.
''TENDERS 'WANTED ses, were not so successtul. And Wm. Zia dreatyusininingChlinomteen and Seieforth be -
Sutherland, in the senior boys' class, did
not enter the contest. The. 'omits were .
oaptisms .13, marriages 14, coeirsittnion
attendance as .followe; Jan, 098;
-The re.poet of. the. Sabbath. Scaoof
Presented iy Harvey peat,' the Seem-
inge, 'average. attendance 3,15k, lOwest. at -
',cadence Aug; .10 With -90, .and Idghest
. The , followlog pupils will receive
'diploma*. or seals for' faithful attend-
liarold later, Jain Schaefer, Mary Relee
Schaefer, Bill 'Duet:worth,. Rebett 'Bis-
set, Keith altourig, Robert McMartin,
Neilson 'Carrick, Naomi, 'Webster, Oritce
Whitteta, .atuth Shepherd, 'Myrtle Lee,
Third "Year Settla-Clmnt Johnston,
-Betty arohnstoite-Grame-Morganv -Kettle
leen lafacEwan, Jack Cat Erie. 'John.
sten, Margaret Taylor, Helen MacEwan,
Hazel ciaaley, Mildred 1Viartvick, Done
Pourtle.Eear Stake -Dwain Meta Bee-.
guerite Morgan,. Dorothy Muir..
Fifth Year Saalrealaill Bisset, Jean
Morgan, Ramona TretheiveY, Mary Me-
EaY, Wilfred Greenwood, Geraldine.
Saunders, Keith Cutt, Kenneth' Cutt,
Sixth Year anti -Keith Smuttier/.
Seventh 'Fier afecVicar,
Donald 'Wiggins, Donna • •
Mr, Weir Meete every Sendoet afternoon.
Mae ee, ele MacDonald is president and
Ars, W. •it. Peak -secretary-treasurer.
Much- interest has been shown in
al'raerganimtions *urine, the -
year, . In March two groups 'were rotat-
Cowan, nod the "Cheerio" group of ine
terniedietes under the leaderstip 01
Mrs, "Alex. Sraith. These tWo groin*
carried en until Septembere.when the
formatioe of two junior groOpe, the
eEfa-Afe" group tinder the leaderehip
of afro. W,11: Rothwell and the "S., Es.
wog Mary Mackay. The total meenbela
ship le forty-eleht and the financial tea
port <Move/ $70,01 on hand, The report
was presented by Mice alyttleaLee, Seem-
tos;,,.,zryrtio Lee taw reported *for the
Girls' Bible (nese, whieh was reorganized
in. October, many of the old membeta
being Mho into the 0 0. Ie ge ebbe
and - now members coming in. The
number on the roll before organization
tea 44, eloce that time 34, with an avere
irle Wilson Win Go Into -
Newspaper Work
Fonowirig the aeath •br -14r. Ge tile lee.. carnival rat-7t1dIty'-oven1rts
arranged by' the' Oodericli Liens Club
resultmf the event 5650 adeed,eto
their 'Welfare arid Crippled ,,Children
Feed.' Never, perhaps; wee there fk
brilliant One a* ladies and ,gentlemen,
bars and gielo In the costumes of 'many
lands and Many charactera glided about
the ice. the judges were atm. Ed-
wards, Mies Cowan, tor. PIM; Dr. Ma-
bee end R yeah. enci their *mune were
as. totems; Ladies' fattest tostume, _Miss
Wurtele; gentleinena fancy, George
How ladles'. comic, Ivies., Mira Martin;
boys* fancy, Stanley Taylor; girth.' fancY,
200 acres itecellets elly lout; 130
es cletnad, 10 ac tirabet, he waste
fend, bandy 16eation; Pelee 1155M, Mill
160 acres to eitchaage sr smaller
Real Estate tad Image 1
wirei THE WO tilTOCK
From Subscribers
41#0 greatIY aPPreciate the Meal news
antteeonatiend the work of lour locil
eorrespondents," writes a Star subscrib-
er in A Western Ontario. city tills •week
renewing bis subsoliFtion to th"--- Miss Buehler; hope comic, ale
Star -"Lots of fine Weather but not )5ten; eirbe comb, morjorte .tkor,„
Western stibscriber a few days ego in The broom ball game betWall the
litiezards and the Bolognies• was the
sending In his renewal. The Star atilt cause of a barrel of run. me net of
has tome beautiful 1931 eilentiats. Alla
are Invited to do sti note Antl
Yet renewed tbm'e talliti part wee epublished 15 last
zubeeribers who haft not =awe weekt Ster..,„The line -tip web introduce
one of our 'calendars while the supply etl telim ttev. ft, a MeDeritid, Case
Wiliam were the game and re -
Bible Claes Year BOO* at one stage tvhen doetor ed.
In last Sunday'o bulletin in eMirtee- led • for •Doe. Clark appeared with his
non with the Vole Bible Class of' 'Tory oPerating taw, to the ,anumentent of all,
Mita, eendeeted bY Mr. Denton letaerty, G. Pareone, Lione' chief this term,
Ooderich boy, o son of Mr.
>formerly of Me town: eqnst 00140
we were thrilledto hear Mr. matey an-
imater that our fellow effacer and mein.
her, Fraser Newell, ,had attended the
firet terviee of the data, 208 services
ago. and had net sideeed a single Hun.
day einee, During the tierviee this
mayor ot*the town, He Was Metrumen. Inane years tiete Dan passed away about
tal ia having the Iledre Inetelled in the tea years toe end another heather. ,
towo awl framed the by-letve for the Angus; died in infancy,* Ono sister.
endowment Mote tie the cernetery, of Maggie, cage at UM age et eixteen yeara.
which the town is justly pegeld, He wee Mr. lefacKay was a mernber ot Ramie
also elder, choir leader end Suoday &web mai the 100041 serviee on
the. Presbyterian eintreid•-and clerk of ducted by the minister, liev. R. C. Mc. ,
the' jession for 2/ years, At the time his late home. Nelson Street.
of union lie entertia the muted thurco Tito paliebearers. were Mews,
and still eentintted in the office Ot elder Roberteeti, R. „Stoneacene, Matti Vece
to the able of his dwelt, lie was a life- Donald Rad Achoset,, or town: Dr,
lone Liberal and- 20 aelne ago was twice Alex:, Moir. of Hemet, Mid' Tait Vierk,,
ago attendance 35, leutiog the y,oar one of four brothers Warms, Anglo,
the literature sesketary eent be* Of Robert and Dan) Whe were at One time
capense of bale* shiPped to Biala Man., ness In Oederiela Where the DoIrdnioli
mid Vegreville, Alta„ was $166.29; TwO Stbres 1°°1 brniteh Pi no* 10e4t440 and
Distress 'warrants will be issued for
all Taxes in Arrears including 1930,
felon le. R Hibbeit was referee ot the
game and when the genie vain awarded age attendance en Sunday afterrioone of
the first Mentioned, asanee.-Mactray,•was
0 the menibere, Mrs, Hood and Mrs,
llre Metaberehltia and 3341:01 was Sent 'A ' , Of Rmbro, an old gentleittan of .'
to the Presbaterfal treasurer. Liming 97 or OS years, is surviving; end there
the year four •ineinbees of long standing are a ntunber of comb*, ..Mrs. .rohn
*re ' celled aWay, Mrs. Strang, /Yirs.. Clark, Loyal; Dr. Moir, of Hansen; UM.
Dittilera Meg epreeee end Mite Simons., (Rea) Jae, Wilson. of Toronto; Mrs.
Mrs. Reddita one of ti1e earrieat Weak-, Mune' 'tnaalit* nt Inrellioa-"OneAdsnise ---
el stable Coltimbia; Mrs. Lizzie Rod -
Provincial' Board as acetate*
1110 line *Ranee Clerk la
A. O. word peel/anted with rwelikted W3/1
men Interests sad Misseeltizel MaeBon.
ald has accepted a position at Fame
Coupe itt the Peace River district to
help in the mission fleld there.
Misa Margaret Wilson, treaeurer, pre-
sented the report of the Arthur Circle.
This oreanization raised 5359.90 from
their annual concert and $398.60 tram
their bazaar and tient $1;000 to the
Preebyterial treasurer. The Metribership
is 70 With an average atteridence of, 45,
Miseee" and Ladle Silk and 'Wool
Jertley and Ray Knit Dresses, all
Sale price 44.95 each, Children's sire
10 14 Years, 52.19 %telt
0E0. W, 8011AIVER.-
The annual Congregational meeting 'of •
North street United ehurch.will be held
next •Wednesday evening, rob. 18th.
The regular meeting Of the W.C.Tel.
The Wlae04111vraY 145°1011 /3aild hes a will be Wide et Ourtenie et Mrs...1, 11.
membersbip Mae!, 'with an average at- Colborne, ob. Patrick -street, on the 'OM-
tendaime of ,28. •The banal Chrlstituid log of Thursday, Feb. 19th, at 1.30
cake and other Ohristnuts cheer was o'eleele Visitors welcome. -
sent et the Preobyteriart Home in Tor-
onto end $175 was tient to the Presby-
in no Imeertalit. lenauage and even tlursenioi and junior grattim of the M.
strung the -referee up and lett lOin Audrey/a- Clab under the eplendhl tPaCik-
daneling in mid air Ler a few irriinuteS. ing Of hfr., 000. Gel -Mercy and Mr.
atom= praser tido ba rwented vim botollworeosvier Hoye tinder 15, Joe Priddle;
16, William Moore. D. L 11111 of the cenior group willeh has a nleni-
the first copy of the Peer Mee, suite was m3rter. bereldp of 24, and the jiellor group ro-
Intly dedicated and autographed. Our port was taken as read. The member.
Hill. Mr. Schaefer preteented the report
MM. .1. Alex. Steelton, treastuar,-ra-
ported for the atidies* Aid. The Aid
has 51113.41 on hind. Proceeds front
the high tea were 5232.70; garden par-
ty, 5154.13; anniversary tea, 5141.11.
One mettiber, Moe Swettleld, was re-
moved by death.
Rev. et. CI. leteleentild repotted ter
the Westminster Ouild, Whieh had a ; Also Chine for Christian rellowohip artd,
Men are invited to hear thia discussion.
Hopes are entertained that this oreanieta.- - " l.'s / ("hiP °6 11 °an' an"
Former Cledierleh 0Irl rinds Airfares fri all could be aitted 'comfortably. Tee Tile Widget emnitittee reported. the
pesters She Was Pala &reuse She Philo Baby Grand Radio was won b7 full allocation of 52,500 forwarded to
Rad AI Tilethaelle Mr. Playlet:. Teroilto; ecoteleuel etale, the church tecaSurce in Toronto, The
A recent brie of a IXtrolt paper pulp Peter Rutledge, Ooderieln chesterfield
photegraph of sk former Xiodee table, 0. Xityo, =oftener; Matra. Mrs,
51f1 Who had a Mar find not, long Detroit, (Watch; Andreae/0i, DU/atm,
ago. The twitter beloW the What says: (Allied end Coo In0n111.9 041
r4 "Mrs. Harry Atreus, $533 egroten evee tie Caplan Theatre*. affee M. MeDenald.
Her husband told ter oysters were easy werel given as Pam ta the lecke Mee
to take. Net resatt-the eft fruit pen- gt the wheel of folZulle. a 0.
lied Ewen', Degas to the pint. one of Me FleYfitir. tke vadltr cf tto ratr-0, resneelele the W. M. 8. 1" 6 Dr
It them a blaelt, Mote voldeble then the hae limited lite Wee trek to MO EX& AGES MaeUeaald,
ethets." Otte of tate Oettlas arta Alirens 'Cale ee.seLttere. Neteata Ca tile Tall Ca, Mae-
repert Was presented by Mr, W. Insect,
treaeurer. The committees for 1981 eon. A. D.
elle Of It, Morricon, chairman; 13, D. P. Ss
}lactate. A. Teeter, Gordon Voting and
Services in Knox ehureb will be
cap," eiabbatii Scheel and laiblia.010--
ees et 3 o'clock.
North St United Church of Cenada.
Servieen on Sunday, Feb. 15th, will be
Club, topic, "What is the cure, for wate"
introduced ' by mi. w, Itoberteete
zatich -will soon again -be as- energetic 11 The -regular reeetina ot. Arthur
as ever. Ca.osh on hand e21.65, ',Circle will be held 111 the lecture room
Miss Somerville presented the report of • Knox preebyterian chinch on Nron...
Of the ehoir stowing an %increase in dale February 16th, at '8 pm. MiSe
cere for 1031 are the same as for 1030; ititendent vall be rod by rnro. Tebbutt
lor; Vice pane la Miller; see., alas raticg
Salvation Army: Sunday tervicee:-
al pane Eelvation Meeting. Monday.
Mree McLeod.
was read by the reeretary. Frani; glaun- '
Homey, Nevmate ?ono art in -
dere. Mention NNW made. of the need
of alteratIone to the, lecture room. A v1tea tt) eUtull the "Ile'
new floor wae needed and If poesible Inver Iteee in Coal aervice, seee
room for leellea' intnetetiotitieen watvottiludt lo)irliamdeoa duarlying
ari? repalro had Leen nude to the CARD Or TRAINEE;
church windows e little over 5103. tad ber /Notate and neighbore, oleo the
Covalq ter the choir 5327. The nurcee at Alexentlea Marino and Oen-
followine Members 01 the board evlicee etal ItOeniteb for theft' Itidduces to Iter
tonne molted were re.oteacd foe ert- and ter !Iowa's eent qto her, duilne the
other ehree-e-eint tam: 3. Craigie ti/Me 413 was illtierit. h1:-.°"1*
Mean, flehaefer, and V. rionN
the ime nicht. te roper at a leter meet.' Tyv,,,,_Itt Toronto nn;.1),
The OLUT6 tetasneer, A. Neter, reed DIED