HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-02-05, Page 5. . Tnz GODFinm STAu PAGO FM , �
I ��
Tx==�&T. rm ak WIL 1. - __ - __ _ - -_ 1�,� — ____ - - - - . --
- - me"" "Wom" in UW fthaaw UW* Of ve"I WAg a by a "W U is VAS 040~1 a" ptopmed that,
. � - ____ %"a 6 Ma "WWOMg qj W4 W a& Wd *sbhl�ftw. ft a*& novi aduwK ak Main xwi�ft 4WWA %* I
� . ftwow a* somow" low no far %" " man"" V" Swan go %" nb" " 010 MWIN 4W 10 ade 1 � 1 ;: W —U:i .!I, =!
I I 1" Y"" " b" ii
1, 0 �� . ww" .1"r. U to W, omme of an- "W O"t ft .,%m um "d & how No" Im so"" ~
ater" *Ua*% W "O a" " ft mawl" 14i aue V""" so" "W A " =%=" wwwow"411�, NAmv" Pr ints
A"*. " UW &cum M wu*xmmt U" *woal on. "W "3" at " 1z""M W= witbin ~ "M �, 4—W ITT
� I A 10~ #A U14 P440ft 00VAWj WMt*A it YW Wait UAUX "k '&�
Vale%nttnes UM ftes,ft QW A WW 4U MM %U Is bd06 ��
um"" b" been larlety 4" W t1w wome iwAw- W" the m4us WA am #00 by Dausit kt VW bo loom W
&M%*Ws *I peow, pAAW admIU4d $W &ft bftg ebWOowL This w4at is 4K- 1404bWwY UW Uw 00"t? wW wx tA;
W. UW* be'M 411 S�Wh ooiursw t# uw psyn"t at a iockutiv* PAY"** out Q( It. mopt Mol-aw ,ft
QW ftst UW .11 New Patterns .
pupilo *dw1wd in 1W. somk%, ow -half UK " beft ddmyqd supply UW v0#1 and **Ad QW Uw $d � . I
from I C to 25C 7U so" ,a tlacherg h" b"a **- Up to % MqdaWA V%A d IN #A WAl- VUW Of P"U* OW %4,W & 7W tO 0 .
*a* #z4 tru4a bollt& Mvt OW-IrOW" VWQ W119" 0muUtom who 1*WQ4 thw abor. .
� � 1 1�41 senced na aftuny in WWW am %=. ft oft aftul" "" act"s. " lu a"& of 4111001i" 0" own 0 "
. I - clea, It -b" fleft no" bwaqw. %kwt oovueaft * "r.4 au* **4 *W. WM we a" vjAm Is *M# vwwt�l A New Pr,A,&.'.*es L
0 . I . we surplus of u"I"" wb" tusw , *A a" Iin 84VAmbor tb" al"ft some c4a%lacwt 6 chiso" i
I =1W1e`W0** b" as 'Well b0ift ear- to Mko a bir pcoat. a& W *now. VA .:� 'Ar I
tm yean ap, has bass about entirely tied On JA U0 XX44r - *C Vhkb we Tt U0 2040*4 *W �,�, fv� ".
ulit =
Camp6W3. Drug Stei�` " %bamtedj uA all Rogna &t4018 rt "41 00"Ch "%� 't 0 0
I p"t 0^reassd, earomont4 tot the WW lie N1100110 for "" Years a" 0~d hishwal an purvopw on -1 30 -Inch * PWn
0,-. W. 0, CAUT to the 1*40ats by aftag them 4 �
� I Y. I " I � PHONE 90 � eat year. Undoubtedly, It will be in. results are, b*w *ebkftd lu tub ex . 0 Qv W. tQ
A I . I ,X#0 se400l fairs continue tuito -.0 In. I guy reaft t trgve.l er. 14 live t
, I . - - -_ — to wuri tApabie . 114 ast color. Our now price,
- I . - and f
, I -1 ___ cre"Ingly cumult I .
� tegehers and trustee boards would, be ter"tins fiatum to the pupw in the Ontrutora jow. 1 19C
� � - .
11 , . __ 11-- -�_, ?- Of rd...,-.---.-. "
- _ . I TI* ray look landfuli t1a &OIne but tv _..-_�,__.-.,., .
I I �_ � — . -_ -_ __��� welli advised to WAft the serVIC0,0t rural 80001A durI49 06 9xTly part -orkable and per ya , I . I
I - — %, % .
, . � &utuam tkAiw I
. I.. their vrestat statt, vufte satbfutory tht I , .. sow ten ftirs wem U�s it looU, practical anA ,%. I .
I . . . . worle Is being done. The faetor laply Wd 14 tl* i"30C.Wixte I&Jt yt;kr 41LUCI if tho QoVeMMent I$ cousultizo in the
. . M . � ___ rtspOnOblo Or the 0410194W shortogo the ellIfte of the exhibits shown. the matter they rhould CIVO WOr COASent 30 -Inch Cottage Print$, many new do-
- ' - so Con ra 6% ve, et. It would .
. . . . . 13 the oecoad'year wl*h Is zlow xftulred Iutemt 0111014 and the *ttMd0AC6'WM U* t �, r I . I
. I . IN WTV. * -11o'lxUBIR KNOW at 'Notmal schooL After a ma4mum, Were all a obtlutt Improvement overm common seme and Owl bvAwss tQ I Aini in lijrhfiand dark colors'for spring. I
� . : . I . . I I . I'� �* . . I perlott 01 four years, all teachers must $eara. 'X would urge up= *11 provide 4cilapleyment tor our Own WOP16 I :
t � r I - = rarld 41�UWJS. thl� V*hle Of W- I Wltij 14ZX And r,hQVel 4 Old '0101-tOrrOW . .e Guqanteed fast color.' Our new i
. . -dy ' DecHne for Years School Enro#men aderO a riecond year of training- Thb, ,Wy Q 'me peo- W . , I ,
_ ,tu ,
. . Afte ateg fitartlog with next year. Mll, WAtbarAvi ticIpatiou, In this =vC=At, Inmi vb�tlil r4tha th'an to Ix , ut tuo EA � I , .
I ,,--- . r,r . cach year uuWy teachers from, servleo� the Pupils derive Martyr b0nelits. ple's. carillatih It divy exa get tkn�r. to 11 ,_ 4 -'.11 25C "
� , _ . I lhorewm in 1930.. Due Largely to . In spite of t I . I pril per ,yd _--7. 1
� -). I 't . .
� ;, 14% alwed and in addition haa caused many pro: _he eeontm4c (JeprmIon, rieu co4tractura and,ftelp helt '. 1, , � , . . . . I
I -, ,*w ,*0 q,v; . . I .
r .� . N* 4 ar-y NPHO I '. ..- spective candidates gar; tho teaching liro, existlug at the present time, the d6potti , Si^,mttod,ynmy�la!�,"I$eotU*AUO.erenco - I
��, , ".. , , .41t New 1him I .1 -3 1
� I . '' . '. I I . I . ____ . . 11 . I . of in the penny Bank by the pup1b of the Ja vost,10 What of -that? We would b .
. .,* I . ---."z ''.. flessioAto take UP Ome Other line I -32-Inch Peter Pan Prints,v, about 60'.pat- .
.. . . .� . .. , 1� CONWG - . work. U s%I&df4 in out whocis are To. fteter and 0oftich schools continues exivn0ing. our own Okonq and giving It . . I :
� TEACHER SlaoltTAGR � Ouced, asl -seem probably in some cases, t9. 44OW 94 Ilacrew, The PkII)IIS In to 4DUr OWA MOPIO and paying no =Oro terns to choose from and absolute. Q,.
" 1. . I ,. . - - I - In � .
� ) - - � :. " -1-111 I . 11 I I I the. *ttraottve textures, which �have cUar- these ScI1001 lm�e Qu dopxit at the than the 444.00. which we now pay �
. an one sum to go. outside Ot the county- . Ice . I
�. ' I I I ' I 4%F%O
,. vl� #?, � a I ed the -Profession for the lot fewi PreStAt time $009. WWOU reWe4cut3 ly, fast color� our special Pr 6 e
I fteen Rural Schoob - As W,ellr � Goderich and Exeter, acterli
� .. n 9 � years. will have largely disappeared, and 10CMaSO Of $500- over: 1929. 1 have r4- The RO Avrow-o"Iety, of the United. . . . . . . .
I Vocal, Xusic_�-Peuny,] this valuable system States to rxidng $10,000,000 for relief I . . . I t . I I .
I I Now Teaching � , Unk DePoSits the period,, of the predictol -shortage 091AMPU40 that � - . . � I
� I 'Noted , - will, be U tradaced Intoa,11 4chcols,Where the work. Ali Ve*. good. but t1le 4 t ,,, .
- "
I � I "Me . celerated. � be In - men ow 29 -Inch Soatted- Silk. Fagg in. all oho(14.
. . 1$hQW rease-4io,proved ACOOMMOW10110, . Texcherw MlAhes for, t . enoo of A. prgrich of ,4 rh4rfertd, want .4*4 sod t0lef,, they. Want Work . �
. .. . I I . I . . . � he year 1030 PrO19 ake this . * I
I � I I I - . I I . . -parity with the preVQus.b#A* In the vicinity would .= a and the privilege of earaIng 0, living
.- I 1. I . rtmQuedoxx a . � Thisis a biautiful materiatfor ladies " �
v. ' ,
, . . ' . Following 13' the report �01 TzsWtOr first , , , ifit4tell, =0 91 wltb yea,, #.00 a -prevailing tessible, U b to be �-boDed that other Wste, antl We Make. b9ld tA Agy, that 4, . I . . I
. till belp#., the
. I I I . Apennd.,: I I tificAtes. - The fact that salary plua In rural, IWIVOU. The'total Wheels Will begin t,Ue work in the near scheint such w outlined above, or some.
Maij , --and children's"Dresses. Reg. 79c
' '
. . � 334*oja pieWed aince' the - moetb_* of SeCOAA Of L #r%a . � I
I I.. . 104 w6ek' , xespom I ts provide* tot IL as the babita of thrift that are thing Similar, would not only Meet, the
. . the cou�aty' 60uncn. " Ili e Q-14 .1e .- I _ Was *,4 A#1#0'C", Pala all teechgraL Waa 4137404� future, Jot. .. L ,:. , 11
, .. of I beh, the, teacher Or sn. average of Alghtly'over $L090 for Instilled by regular S Od' '.S �cr* I value,'per y4rd � . I
. , � . , aving of, 06a omall approval bf both 06Ver=ents.`,j-%t L . - yar pec a . -
. d L I , . I per * . 59C 1.
. to. the wish expressed that '0011 W report � I - .
I .
. I . In I L first clasw certificate '941U0 AO the 136' teachers re V employed,.: amounta, f*"�,'b"n1ound to promote tswaan(l Toronto, but wouldc no doubti L � ;
pre"0041 ' fullr� eehor %iia Adultlifi. ,�- - ; . receive tangible isUpport. , 'Me work, of . .
Godoich,,, 0= 3- - . try Paid A67' t , ==;q__1 L ...., I
be Word, Willi The, bithest sol e b 4nilar, babit,
, I :, L ,. �' ,1, Oth,1931, . Is a 04 = int4rim, , ,
, '. I L L . . I . . . . I I I
. .
: I , I the - I L lead to an Increase $4 06 the'pUilic, NhOols # $1700, there being Who. Teachers' Institute Met Ja Oodc- piepatIng ,these roads. for highwls$ omu-
. J?o The Warden =4 MemberaL of the , L bb , L ' "
L , counott , number, o . teachers holding the blohor two teacheft. in re�41pt of tbIg wtaouot,: rich, on.0
., - . otobor 11th.and l2th vith 10 Ometioa Woul1just be advonced a. year L
. I , ' *
Hu"a County r I � � . r . : all, and the road. bed . L . - . i,
I I . . L . . 4
. � (Rat , .i,_ �. ''., � . 1 t;' ' - pertlfleote._ '' . , . � . I Xn,onlr one, inlitonce. ow an teacher teachers in htt0Ad&)i0e-' The OutstRAd- Or 'twO, that L .. i : L I . .1 - I 11
� _Appo� - 'I'' '. With "$c�V L, tWherS pgceive le - � of. 0 * at the Ing value of -the Teachers' Xastitute Is thuO providd Would be ,all the better for L . L I 1. . I
. Iza ipco,ww *6� th,o ,,�eoiie *Vres- � . . . . exceptions, 'the . ssl than a salary tayo, . . L F to,� Hi ort , * I I �
, . I ,he iegeaj. j�$slca of ih - I . . -for so 9, yearla ftttlino, We ba�e been taxing * . ... . �
� � :��, . sed at t . o Button have" perf In L tl�Oc duties. during the present timb. I . L. I.,. I the Opportunity that Is * afforded , no, . . .. . . L I .
. . I . I
1, I , . Lat�r 00 . Anoll. X beg to su,VmIt the tot- ymk, in =tal)le manner, and' the ., The year has "en marly , improve, exo , We, of Ideas and � viewpoints amono our county for highways to the tone of . L I . L 'L' I
, I
� . . Coll I , 'OOOL 0; the tQUrI& -100, .. THE (!"H STORE
, I -rcss In k6eping ei thplfmchqrs This `4w" -ensured V*- $t4 �var, just .'for . , t, ttaf. . I . C
I . ag anjug rejWt - o1i'the � condition pupII4 kAve mado prow . . moats ,being evAed out In the charaote , . . . . I
� .
� . lo;wi I been of .,,school r by arranging to have as many tea, fic, f4lklagi People Out Of the. county to, I � - I ___L. I - . . I � . . I
I .. L dt the. public 06hpols compr4trig ,the Tn. with tholi,,gjAlIties., Eftrta have the accommodations., One. Yea papers . 0 1 " 11 � . I L
I I " � --1--l- . I L .. - . - .
I increase the efflelency of the new School 'was' built d4ring the year.In 013ors, as possible River short I= .,I.- , _ � I ?!, -
I I . 'to tear , Made to , a Stratford and leondon. If some of this I __'_____�_=' ;'=_� W�'_.=�"=;t�i__",14 __ t ' L .
I . L. .L :
� 'Spec' mtq of West "'forl.-the'l . . I I
. . r
�t rWo'
. . . . I 1%03�m` 1, - S is 4, ipleri4id topic's of Interest, and by enoo 9 -b = 4
1 ; - I . . ,� � . teachers In terltldO by directing MO' at . $_No. 1, E;Ltephen. and . . uragin were spent to ring, traffla.Into�tho cZ lt� CL;O;t A (1, sea. : for .480,000 In' tll�j Xr. tka(I nrs, J. Fc4an, orNI14 **�, .
I .
� .
j1936'. ' . methods which 'have e iample of , the Modern type of rura general discussion, A practice ha been ty, via the Blue water Highway for In- I t 4 . . . . L
, .
'a 'a
1. tqrgte, to, tenttOn � to now I .. Unite 4.0%. . s. ,St, 'Q,v VaI19 '
L . . .
L . I ... I ,Q'.0g &chQoIS JnLtbe'P� 'Isewbere., .. . . Iaside joUbts * . I I e , - W Mr. =4 "Un in. I - mia L
. rural ana 0, urbaalproved ;5uboosful'o , school, . are provided, an W446 of referiing particulariy to meth- stauoe,'We .would be, helping our Own, ... Th story ol.tho two Catlaa1ans was t4 eun(lay. 'L I I -
v � the number 60, 10(f I .The, teaeberlIL ' Shown Mp* in the back townships to L a, mar' _ , I t1joy: I I . , . . . . . I . �
� I , Oommond* Inside, SuPOV Odsi and devices in a oertainsubject each I ' the el VA.1101rV L L ' �
. L I fe beea Open-'thro, vlolkt- .410 year, � . , U�ve . , .of, hard and solt water . . Cot that, ,
. � , , I hai . . I intricd"Iteing . I . . L .. . f year. This y�4t:Larithalet4o I . . . iad been hired U wa. 0. * 0. I Walter and. &00 , L_ - .
In the rurar. schools *A2 teacbgro aroL able 8kill in these met,bods blectr1c, ,11ghting � hall been installed,, now w;w char*n, lzet road. . . I to ha�idle paC%6go- 0016ht -
. . . . L . the . p L ast all di�oks and blackboards have been pro � - were 'Rokod -to There'Are, I � . firemen %lu Idt04 With Ur, aliq mvp. D. 'QuZZ � . ,.
I L?".L. , 1. ,res urban Into their elm rooms.'In a eon her& mariy things oralnary.worl�o-. at,tho Marine Billiard. ljoly in Goderleh v , I . I . . . I
,;. vided"'and the pupils hA _ 'L L
I : , I , and in .the* _ P�'U, the, 0 and Outs'and'ag teac , ch. �ecured %Qle .1
. L of Mum .. (41 trontuy", -
, ul"Ir employed, OUU. the mean.; by wbi they nen - with plek, shovel - AA4 .Wbeel.bamw ,b � .
N . lalunilber of too fr�40dntly;, teachers have be,e Ire . Ve on. , I LIJ ,41 toot�: a 4)ft.. . .
q � school$, �4 tea�j*$ The., - ' . the bod, results the several araaeS. Can 'do In L .by A stranger whoze� uAma they do ilot. Na. ,rqajl� n t1tellt . . . ..
� , . _ . . 6 same Methods vonfenevs, in lovelllnZ 'widening, -ditching, yet k4ovr, It'was not.until the boat lOaj '
� I era shows a:.slJ . . of 00 .N�PW3. PCQr-I0 to oaderl* of:j . � , I
� I . I male teach I ar,Ltbe.ght hxcr&a$ei Pat to follow th found In, ouy.,iurbah . school Thus the convention becorads-tho Means, Moving fences, trees. And other obstrue. i4gdeil tjl4t Uicy VOard- T y evv�ftg, to valoy 4 zlmte " Vit - , - : �
.Over the-VMVIOUS Ye Autaberbelag year to year'and not to keep abrcast,:0, Another q L , wao: coniplettly I I uesdA I .
7 .1�: L L ' .phool; 140, UP Goderich, was I I tiong which would leAVe very little ua ' . ' : _L, . s 11
ILL �, . , . , 18 P'S eompared W�V L16, odern educational, 4evelopments. T&. c6mpletelf remoldetod. and What was of Making known the methods th have , .L L the r
.1 * 74r; '�'Tj. .1. ' J:,�
� ate
for - the , year In - I 1, 1tj they'ai.qintainid Iriak. - Atter 4 . � - I 11 .
� bAq been DOmd*�Q�t fro��a aC. 'd oth moxvvlaime;l .. 1:
�. . crovAd Interest fahv.M" b the teachers formerly a, poorly4ighted Interior, '-Wl( . I - done of the - prellminary work In builliv, � L 't Ltiloy had bee�a't�', epteftrftca. thc, younm� 1,peo* to
' L
, , tual LeXpelPienlpe In .the,, cl= room, � � bJgJJWlJy5 L We C B 1
, , V. successfully
� I � p6a0gol i - ,
� �Ll -'. 192.9,1 *0 grade � of the Uddhew cer, ,�at ,�e,,de, JOS L. has tha 11 'il . I ;�
. I .1 I Modern no been converted liat bright Ing . ommand this QGL a lot r,tranftll In the bed' .,by We captain , �' . :. .
1 - -prat ,#t,: 'All rVilge, a jolly Zosd t,IWJ�.. . L L !
I . ,11ficates. remains Ucall� the'4amo as ' en reflecW in the Increased. officienq dla�qroom many ,O a attractiv� cc of'the former even- scheme Intended, to -help - unemployment' h,ga e 00tj who 1144 I'Vot uwa� In 4 41 i' � .� . � .11 .
�. L srh6ols have been fil, To tAkd, ibe pl� , . I . A.,
. . I ,, - r, t4er� being, 0 tea.cjLers, With L - 'Ing .meetlag. � I .1 I ,� . I . 1. L
i . . .. . Idst �� --,-'--_-L 'L wwlth wilich, the schools have Won con- terJor-decbfatQd during the p 'Which changed 4:01ditioxw in our own county, and &po�&tho s4uoo I . L A . I ..,
.. I . _. . � I ' ast two L . spa -d . launch. . . L, . . . .. I wq%o -a ritexuAIN MWIft . I I . . . .
I , h L *eat.L
.1 . � of the tea- have Made Inadvisible-v - The . government aL-b � mtt,do 'P.L � .L .. ..
. . -� - r L ducted.. Another* feature , i . years; In addition ti) - the �o r'.1418 I . n -account Of to provide for our own 'people, ��boidea I _ ' , .. ,�Th L at n) I au wan T in -to L I ,."L
. - , Inc eased Her Weig t � o4ers' Interest In ,their work, L.b= been thus improvid in J-929, some -15 mj)to the :small attendance, a luncheon -was. It* -thht, 0 er- 20 Pdr. deal?of the ch.�rge that'. barwl0t, and . I I
� L '., 'L ' . I . . I t * 0 . lend 116m � .
' "Whiel . L '36, yva lmow. ar4sxz_- : �
. . . " . . , Pro.ving a tu,,rU0.ra'dsff v . . L I .
- �
, .19 Pounds In - - .ged -� eat. in th,7 , �ocl amo monty--t L .
. � f eW Months taie number who �Aro endeavoring to fill schools were 66orated last midsummer. arrila . 96r this�nat, a was at L �. eMatdod. Will go 17111iavis, the LtWo CaJJV014us, did Tiot . .
I . . L . I I L I .1. ", L '' , ft,ase their (ftlelifiC L ' a L , AI)Oub him?" ' ' ' - L' .L - . 1,1 .
. . . I . I . atfon� grtli to'bibtala 14 4 nUr. b" f, - tended by All tho.,.t&�,cbors. A special much . further, th4 a -at, L
I 1. I u.1 er o. casei, a complete tram n At present over give their. . _r1ght ame' ' at" t1' .
I . . I ,. C,0 Y, . 1-Tovislonlo this bad formation has been effected in the In.4 speaker was secure and tl6 prqlred L, - "Wlkv, X lWow hiul as well. 43 1 IMW * . . ,
. . %, I . sei higher, certifI ates.'. . d One' ahort five or Isix,mile6 of roads .already m 90 wll.&�n , . I
_ I aW. L *tmetit of Eduig.UM tolor'with mpst.�enefirlal results $n't . anerted that they wero'.Geor .X"4:_ . .
. . I you, . Don.!t le4lf hIn% wb=,,�qld
1. I .� - : Z -by theDepar .be of the -most ' attract4ve features of fhf,, good �nopgh fo,r,Orft4rY travel,. * � und Albert . Japk4 '. � NIC Our$.'. 1
. I ., . L� ls�.Mado oblitlle$,� Land. year b. - . ... . I � , . .1 11 L , . or4 _ . L I L h .. -1^4S '. r . . . , ' . L" .. I . . � .
� MC . . through summer Y appearance, and lighting of the cj,sl�_ convention' program. - " I .1 . — I The defence AMUodl that t ese Well . . I � I . �
.. 11 . L e6te�. uUMberli, the tosbhors room.. xew wells were sunk An pkox-7� 1 Udc . , - " �- I .�
� . year W ., . . . I
.1. . . I .1 . I : �j . .gr , T,hp new* iystem of, lek V,NT*f - . . were r4mply laalscogt., del d liail=4 - . -, I ".4' 4 1 .
I . - 'Ity,to ljoVen llchdoli du�jthe ye#, whicUL becomes . eff c ti L e, in, 19 I; is as - , . , � .., , jb . ' *
I . . . 11 I " ,�Ver It k L :'are,aValllng themooltes'of thes6"oppor_ '4n "'AtIve grant's THF, Co I' L' . L
. '
. . I . to I I I .. , e tv :- .3 - b UCTION who h�ia tl�.dn'kepb 14 q der r, by'. a �AtIhIVIL, 1) VIC-Ar 00 Alosvii-0-, I .
L .1 . I . . 1% , wtec, . . .1 i
. : , eat 1930. ftaIaR $yealCito. C4Ujinel L t, .t. I �
I �� � I . '
I � I .1 ThIs'X believe, 1.4 in IUd104tiOn new.�IaqXbo.l 1. I . ea. on *the . SALARY'REI) clover tum,ru , , dili allstaho ,a. � *64tim r� I .
. Arp -W a numbot of codes, statistics tor the y
1 1 . : . — I .. I I I I . I . , I ,
"y . , i bt' the -efrorts - being made by 't�baches now � 010 The Majority of tho'. schools. of- this .
. �.. L' .. .. A sets wOe built In four 'instances. . '_ I 1. I .L
. L
I 'O 'ur tablets 0 . Inoieas04 - L . . for thlf defenee scored the cUstolng W60 (IStlimpi to wev away 0y''itsolt 10%9t; L'. - -.� ,!, - ,
. , . , I fiave,hot nly i 4 an In: addition. - two ' : two, rotm Will receive considerably' less, AlleRod, Jay L , - , , , ..
. . �U ftlAilit4ft our scllocls:() h -a" I ty . We believe we a ulna: that fo .ity OEM - Waitln� tile diliai,;o ja omtov, I . .
11 . Jobt 15 pounds 'in, ft� 'few, mqaths 0, erollyi t4 .- , , so oolsj one raraerit L aSsistaV &, than f0rmdrjy,.L Wheii, the I re right, IA. 0 r in .Allowing thI3 stolen * "' , . . ...
I ,.. . .1 ... my We ap Me- -photrtul . anI. ,effickeilt basis, and ta-Iteep: abreast of. roomed . islihool iat. Bonmiller, IftsWled Rove I a . be - - L '6,'n t h . I I 'L , � -31M L .", . I .r I I
. I sod. More . . I L I I � although *bAnL tent*$ like I c6unty council passed the at to,,opotafc: to long without cbecko erino z stronget, footh*14 �ttA , �
I.. .. . . . but ma tan- the times.' . I . I chemical closets of a typ as gIV " deder _�lf motion: to M�ake i:,r . I . . . live Aanoi of stronger and. yvft*�ils� - . ...:
I tted " - so writes' 0, protessional, ot Le that. b n Ic ) pc . cent. redup . L L
a , mt ' ' t , , - swtW4 c WhVri, . � . : ar . r ,t4oa na up its opprations,and discovering its in . . I .
'L. .
. : � , Ut. Wh� clow by si�hR-9MY , . As pointed out a year ago"'t116,mattei. on I id Wirigham, which-f6rMerbr received ln:sa #oz- tbgy th bey were. In- past, record. .. - . . 11 I I . . . I . ger attacks-_ Dr.4. D. x0lam's Asoftx� . .1. .
. ' ' 'in._thb schoolS.Ill L" I _. I .q�4on.. _,se � . *ill b6heilt-to a up . - - , �W . ,. gugltt t I.. .0 .1 � 1. . I .
.. , � ""l'8 .Of atWilknee - now to- ".- Ia iiarly'areps in this county ,61ectr4a V�11 TUO bt�sjo % L their QwA'p#-. certainly a num. - aemeft''taxen early, via, ip'n;;4i MO-, -
. .:1 1: 41111c . .. . . . . . a . tabl , I are I I , 1) 7 onlan grinf's", n, C'u . I , . , ,,
. Not, L . I I
; 1. . I � I I bo;l I . PIL Ceralkiall omjn� 4*N*Jft" L I .
.. . . 0, Now -you wow. he , , celving Increa4ed attention, It' Is Tell- llowO,Ilhes pi6q. In 416se proximitr to .,reelable , extent, I . on which I t.hern. did;*,boWbVer the :Wording. ._ ' Ity - - - ;_frqw',Vft . L ... I I ;i
. , - 036,_ 1. . * s: dewit . I __ VIWI Ile& .. L J*. � . . ,
. , '4� "
W , , lf�ed that the -School,- tan, oril$��eich -Its " 11 . I � Arw.�mp � , of,. L,tho resolUtlqA o4i._.�ho __ tell. . ." 1, � 4114, rives Douri, L
. . ..OBITUA - ,
1 .
_� . I L; �� L-,
. I �66.415m_ ". ' _
. . : UUMIMMUM f 00 ,- . �W, , . � �ro , Ajff�d
. I ea of usefulne6 to thil' ' ' '' _' L I ,12. , t the reft n a&i1q I I Of I alliful r !
W"', M .. - Sch , $ I . .
I L 1�, "!;9t, � I U ". L, Of L all k,6fti 7�_: .: " ' I . . . .
- ; I --Ovthe � . etior I . . � 1.
I..: .. .� � ;1 " deg.r commuAl A . I -fro 11 , uro v'r . '' "in I - . 11 . I .. I L . .
. �, I 44d tbe� pase 11 I _ - . �1. �L:., 004 be, made 1:a the iallilDis I ,, L I .1 ,,t�!��T_�,, ,
. f 09u- . . , I away .,!!,!����L ., ..
- I
. I
. . I
. WdWsl, " .: L . ,� . _Wlfiff1`*bC_1WW UtWA&�WA�4 il ection. he rather, exq, ve ,power. � . 11 of the. county. .,hie Mi . . I . I . . I
.1 . : Y�,� �
SIP*- AXW44- r, I � . . . . . , , _
r *P$.O* . I '' , 0: . . co Of pub , � a I . cors e4d officlais . sq Hester Canniagbam passedL � � I � . . I
.1 . ! . L , " , " '' _, .". -;;. of .pupils Mesim.'W"te c I 'has . I Eat] IA. Qdtober L fi0j' m6ini�ag at her L .1 L . L I I .- . . 1.
1. �, .1 - . I - 1. .- karity.. Abt.enoo- P. caused other boar(* th It, A41r- J. MGM county b9iincifibra are oincers; or of�. early on aunday - � holto � I . 11 .. . . : , V i .
. LL L .. .a.d _efrort.Loil the� part of the hl�ll ate A�j6lj,V'Ca O'd I ljoiaia so .. a4vaneed jige of L I
I . . I this. IlAw former inspect , . . . I .
of - tune a) . - f . Or of for with, their $5 on, Albeit Atreetr at the I -4 . I .
1. I Schools they Went home . . IN, 1110,NVIP,
. . 11 i L ,1:- - .. ... .1 . teacher and the other pupils; and,. con- provement. .A resolution ha$ gond tor. JTWOftlnt� Huron, )PWw*d iWAY vq-y,aUddenly a as; (reckoned U& six days for four. 84 years. 'Miss Culaninba,m. had been In 'L . . I I . I
. I I , 11% =, , AUTOU01= ,. .
. I I I .
. r . I . � M, I seq�aent after an . Winew of Only a, few hours . . . I . .
. . " I . the gffeettVeAes-'� ward during the Put twoy, ears; from , days' work) as. .usual, an'd -th4e who, good health untIV Tuesday of last week* LIVE. A00IMNW. , . ' .1
�-,,. Wc i , I I of the Instriletion* given." Tiiehers ate � Xr, Tom'61filled - ihe p ice lmd I � , I . . . . .
... . Iff : HEADQUART olm"'U0,111 01 the !reachoiW Institute asking .that there tor, .ositLion of.,Impec- were members of the Good noads-Com-. WhOri'5& ,was taken ill.and six . . - 1 . . .
I , L .. I I ,ed to. lAquire Int4 ell'al)OnOes be.a lower fixed 6h4rg4i for . ' 0 L r $6 for a m been P I onflned to bed, �he wad,born , 141", L 111111r, . . L I .
. , . 1. . with ability and �.-%,i.,Ll'�4_"'11116
.., � . . . I . . - now requir olectzic en--� ,energy for a -period miltsion, ..jot anoth eetilas I.. .4 ,,�i,�—, . � . . L
I ()N
to il" ' !L, , , . , ,
. I 1. . __7 . '. ap , I a soon as they occur and'to.�Meke every energy -as supplied to -rural !schools. of more thafi..43 years, and.the schools of the Good, Roads Commission, Clorki near grigh 0, tb6L, daughter Of tho late � 1". 'W ()() 1,1 c,oM1183 ,
. . . . . . I I . . to, have 1 the a . I . L . ' I , . . * 114 - I . I
�, . . 1. I I I effort jb6entee rettIrli to Suoh concessi Under his -dirQ046n, Maintained 4 TOW' 001MW thinksf ..that the. janitor of t4c, Mr. and:Mrs. Williara. Cunningham, who I - XIANP f .'rA *$`*.f L W." I't J�Jir't' ' . .
. I ., THg I�OCXAHVIT'MbW � CO3', a. I ,on might Welk be made: tlttton for L effiejoaCY And thoroughness an for marly I I . I"014P4 206 L: I I .
. � . I . I " . as ,"ible. ' e telich- e,Hydro CommlWon In the inter. county bu -is, not an oftleer or yqtk`rs'lJv0d on a.*fzrM-.0n the � -
. . , ildiz,gs' '.
' i Iiiiii ot Fatra Im, erg �ls Olucc ests. of tb4 children ei'the rural dIS- . . I
. school ag 600ti - � " ,,_' Th br th
. I . and -tertersl' , 6 Must 'report - to the, attend that compared. favorably with any other 0111cial, hence that the 'reduction will Sth concession of . 061borno tovmship, i ' L _..�� -
. ,
I L � I . . I plements and ,iXOp4i , ublie86 tr L ', .
. r0; il�dldd, officer. .And the Inipecter L ali t�o .lots. * 1. . . im"etkate, In Ahe proviqm �, Even After: where Abb attended "Sabo -. ) .L. I . , !N,I,-. .�_ . .
, . I . . . I I me . I I . � _ . . . I . . lot, Ulm Cun , . __ i . , - I .
I .. Ing thi United slu;f'Allls. Chal� bases at 'the 'elld of each month, � These I I , . I his ritirement, bill -JuQeae, in the ichoolif to . eft all' - n .of $1100 1. -Win Iled of bilighaln had .been a fesIdeat of: 004e- �_, , -_ __ L . . I
. �''. I . - tb,�4 Altld � I . . I . -
.1.1 .I.-- -.--,- - -,:, r Irluktors; ,41t_; __ , - __.�_ 097 J*OMPUY-itavesti - usuallyi� Vith. Ocupol ILQ044- aTk._conttnuIqg_1t01:., r6 4 fiL- J00_Xise aba a- JVa4..%, .. - _t_.i ID, Elk UAW I _. . . . � -- ---- — I-
.L� 1. . Ifto . gated, - 1111646athi10-6� teen and- is- le Zets. rich -Tor.neajlj�.L61�ty -yearl; all Itv $0 0 t16 .1, , . L . .
; . � the result that the . co-operation of the . the ii6portahco bf the ach6of matter of ,personal -re .L as probably th2jr the - member Of. Victoria .St. United c1lurch, I , . .1 I L 11 . . I . "..
I I . ..: . I :: � ,00b - tO the - POOPIO Would amount, to and carlitiot be.. tO g-ard- 41 '10 . . L .. .1 L' � .
.: . L 1. � . G.ODERICH I . parents is sccu;*d in having tale child library, and -stress has been'laid on Vie in All - parts Ofille county, 1. . .. ;�.�. . ed P & rmlAry-exactly, and the . Jailer, David Cunningham, of 'Sriw9elti, 114 a kolhILIOU14. iff 1141, 100 0'0110 . �*
I . . � L 'JOSton' of L Suitable * $Upp'leMeotak . Respectful submitted, I and. . at oilet". part linle pay -wwlft . ..". 1 ,- . �� I
. * Xslork. at veturn' to- school at op�e. Xn.ohly �Ono Pro LVIP .. matron turnkey 00 not -county",ap- brother. Ars, Wyatt, of ,Auburn, and � t"111141", for Lliviatioll Alechani"4 .
Phone 598. - � . . teading material, for the' . I
* , I
. .. L . I , I
, ,. . i X= L . ., . .
L' . . . . . ease during the year bw It been nee":-. , . junior . grade . . E, 0. BEACOM, PolAtmeotiL. The cuto that wilYbe made another Sister In Detroit, also survive. (;nraok� %%Yopi, oph-loo, 11atices" . ..
. .
I - I i .. '�' 4 1 .1 s4v tO,IntlMate that court action would Particularly. Unl6s ,pupils .develop A - ,. � I L. 'r on adopte- ilr�b laid'to re8t. in F,ILe'e`.(rIe MOV010 weldled, L.
. I ,� . I , - . under the rose utl . Miss ctuir am wtia" I I i
L . L - be taken., and this extreme course -was lov4r for reading du;Q L their Public A. 'P' L ' L , *t . 4 by the on . T�e,jda� ': after.f 110,18(k %Vlt,111, I �,k , L
. I - 1. - I I . days, ,in All vroboblut.y they .are - -, roposi ion to, )JelPL V'n' county' touaCll�j-jook- like Warden; $5,, Mattlan& cemetery L .1, nd1lqfJ,JbI I? v* . ... . �
I � . . .. ._ -..!I- I L .1 , L at, 'her late I
L . . I I - ' ' evtntually not neepisaM The pupils in We"i , L -: ' eaoj�eej, noofi, the serVide r re-lidence trlt,ft', it40kI11I4t, 1140MA06.0. I � �
. . . . I I .1 I . .. - *d 49 per cent. of. the 90019 .1 to do, little readi�g in later. life. ,.,. e: in Lthe clOrk, $00; tr6murerj. I ��qo, . ;, -botb* . .
. I . L.: . aU SehoelS attende I . . 080, - Wl phy-sloian; ft tnaftag6r. 69 -the being conducted by,nev, 0. W, t :of; . illf0lin, Ant ,
,. I
. . . * What such ped.014 miss, Is Only realized , 1. 1. . I iehfire But pie-dephto. 1)
. I I L" IM time, with in than. half the absonoes '' Couky of ` ifilron, . Hougo of neruge und'Matron, $70. in., ylototlla street .h. L . : . i und flalrdres'.0 wl. Act qolel" I0 . .
. ore I
. . JOHN' P1NDJrU-4JXN% : due to IlIziess.' Approximately 5L 'Pei. by. those who have Made Abemselves . , - . I - . . �. . . - , � �.$j, . . . . . . I
. __ I . .. . 1, . . . . I I H. 11,11.1 $16; Physician n. of 4, � L . . . 11 I
I . th"duar, .L I. . spector . , your AI)pIleRtloll 10 110W. WrLAU
� . ..4 ': cent 'of thb, abseactas* were duO. to unlaiw- VAtb the great Masterpieces of 01�rlr G. WHdIMaa . , $10, Ohn-Plikin, $10, matron of the Chil - ... UENMILIX R , � I or eall f0f 10fOrI11110431. L I . .
.. I . I.. I i �! '.' , , , . . L English llieratuie.' During ,the year By County - - .. - 00'AnX.16.1i T11140FI, 41100LCI . L I I
. �. . IL ... L .. I �, L.' . ful causes and rePteseAt, owes where the 1030, some 2 Vollrries'Weje placed.la Ths-4olloW[bg h " us ag a droa!o, Bbelter, $36; .High . I - rt. Mrs. Ray . , M . I I .. 1 . .1 I. '.. . I 4
I - , -at school but � 6#0 � ' ' � as been Oven CoMtXbIc dlad to repo oorl� is im., - I Lill). , . : ')
.. I Pupils dould have 'bequ the schbols at a cost of, $14161, 'If a, lsin-4- Suggestion fyom county Clerk HoUnin $101, ,auditors,. $5.' TiUs-,woWd . .: . jilt, ,
I I PLUMNINC-0 WATING L e to Work, oi, on at- t6t4t proving �slowly. I . . '11�lprV, -
. ntL at hom , , to help. the people of..Iluron .eoftnty In $07, 6�iil We do not-knowthit all:theze I . 8*a,qtPrl) IV�ad &9 QJ), A'tj I ' L- ' . .
L L . I I I L . were ke , . lar.,eXpeadit4roL Were made, froift year to MIrA B. Cunainallam.spent k4o,vvee�-.' I we"'t, Toroutil.., . I I 1�
I . count V, , the Indifference or L neglect of' , 'excelleat the, tittuAtIon 4allsed by jia�d times and will be reckoned as cduhO ?1olficers. and ona. with 'her - � -.1111110. .vilet.40aq ist I . . . I I
. .1 swaT WmL wow .. t e ents. If these Parents realized Year Ubr�ries would. obon be .. . . parents at 0olgmvc,,rt1%%�i I" 'L I . V � I , 11ent 't . .
. . .. Im I 3�ill*'.,;., P., '. I . .. the t 644605 44140.0f rewar atten built Up In *4'm saboolil. - ' L Uhe*PlOYmont_- - . I 0910116," Anyway the reduction will be Mr. .Staalby Vanutoftti and- ron V( 44)ogf. I L L' �, . I
. ' ' . ..d. . I . I ' ' 6nly In the neighborhood of ssoo and - _.!!N_0P4! M � - - : .
. . � 0- 8�it 131 anee, .AUCI1 L Absences would L be largely The attendanoe In the Wth, lelagws . A*. tl�e doverZmeat not, to go On W11I.Meem i.saving'to the tax -payer 'with are. under it ,e doetorla care at' pl;klzon -- -_ 'L, �. _.�. ,I —, , . . 1. .
. . L . I � .6en we)l ,Xaalat4,a�d dur t �.- _-".�___ f.. - - � - � � ..
I I I I � I . . has.L lj� - piece Of rAgbWj%y south. of L . . .
I . .. � I . . I . 1. .With that . .. __ . � I .
L . L- - . -L ' . I "LL . .. .. I min I d. . . ., � - . 1. . Ing. the i an average farm of - �4,500 'equalized; . . . I , . -_.: � . .
, .. . I
I � _ . I 1110 '! .. . . . .
________ 6,11.1 ... ;�- -111- - 1F. � I . Durlog,the year- there, has bd�o aax lh�� year; - the eptoba, eht . for the . DOW= tgeter (S. mllej) this. �yeit,, lwd let the &#essinent of about $.- centa. ftaller 0 1,1 . I I : I 10 10111W;1i I ,, '' =0 . I *=6=====f. .. . . I . .
. I I . . . I I I . .
. * ' 1� I - � f, 'L, , .1
. �. ' � �_%' �;�`,�, '4 _._.
, t exorlomefits in . . ., , I I .. _. I .
. . .- terra being COUnW sPend the W6'm)I1',i.'or.$44,000, I I " L �: 1� t ','-�'-' � "'! � . .." . I 1� .
I I I . I . .. . — In excess of last* year. ,,This I I . , . , .i. I'-, ,� . . �
. I 'ej:�, ".'� �
. . . L I , . . , � ,� .
. L 1� . . , . L . - � I . - -which io@d ':fib required- tp l,p4y the 'k , pkoportioll, likewisli L - .1 L : . L . 7,:1
_. - II.L. � ; _ , . . 0 - ... . ... I _.� 11 31.11 I - L I
I .
I . . . � - R -Ow" b"&.d1W*. �;osd^1*0., j,1&"A*..WA" t*W . I ; I . . way construction, . It made,- 04 , ibo county poor taxpayer. I I .1 . . . � I 11 . . I. .., I . ..
. L I . . . I .I .1. . . . I I established, due. W the fact that many I tioil,04 either Blyth or HcnsW1 from the ' 'L . . .. . . . 1. .
I 1. I I , , (.1., ' . 1: . UVOO-�O,tb r0n0to Rom. a secondary road$,- under the rupervisloo �' . . . �. L . . .
� , , . . . I r ' at, t4le,.CoU - �jhq . I . . . I . . . I
� : 0 , . : . . � t o " han $4, and .. . I . . I . .
�� - � " �_.____.__.___ ----� ,.. � � _ 1. J�gpegtorate_ is -outsta � � _ mIT" __---_____1___ , 64100 but will not be =orb t %10 . . .
I i 1 ==tt!t"I!,� . I - th L - sh�re'i)f?t46 Aigh,. lareer. certainly no much iolief for, the . .1 11. :11. t#NL
. WANOW L .- " ber of, l?IftIt Clwscs. th have 1*0ri 'S,20 per "nt. I . I 'rho reduction in taxa-, ,
!� �
, . and'hispec- HAEFE
. � . . . . 0 S 94hool. There are eight Vifth clarzes In tI0A Of h ' _ � �, , .nty for the .16. of. I OWICIC'. t 43 . .
I * I , . . . . . I
: t 10 ,. , ' , .6 . . r h township' . . �. I . . . . .
two an!l .three A a to. ""'-`o�l .V;4 1 nualso6lon, . . I .
the pret.� -,-,-; asw=Went � , .. . 'I, , L '
tal enybunent of 61 pupils 4 the, lbzal mtm-1�6 ph'a ieovos an , , * 0� . hft .
: , b
. "
L I " 11 - 40'O*ns"'p will 'be, Miller .440, and the avino.to , ' * I
I . I .I.r I 0 , - tea(, ouporinfOadent8l'. ,'The c0tfoty todco Goderiell ,will u0t, be -much more' ihaxi . . . � ,
. � � . I 'S, I I -room.. schools, V.4 MU� - Ono with the laraUt-6jualized i . .
� .. . . . U : e ..r res. eat time, one Vchool, baving 15 and an R11F.",1 ,
V. I I in attendance, The bn w1deh that $44,000 would be spent. to halt t . t a t, . PO I , ,
. ,. I _L . - 11 � I - - ow_ 1'601slatl" Grant received by 'these be seleetodL by �tho GoVertftent and . our . ^�__ ;.-� I � I I
I. . . . . . . . . I I . other.lg pupils 004 goads Comblftioni'and County ba, InOull . I . .. . . rtun t � , .a e .
. - �IphodU In - December vau $929.97. the G I . . .
. , , . . -
. .
I ... . . SPECIAL' ' . I AYLMER ' "91"'CIOUS county grant,Ja double�.thla ;ftgure, so Engineer, It Is bugge00 .that. the tol. GODERICH MEN I . . po �., I . I , . ...� . . . I � I I.. . .1 . ....,:
. I APPLE JELLY, . thak tho - trustee boards coacernod to- lowing toads Which Will no doUbt, lathe PREEW01? RMRUN. �'o - . L _,L.. , . , ,- .
Crown Rrand'� S�oUp$.,, Try one ' CeIVO LVZiy material "I ttance in Main, near futUrw become, Z8.0 mahwayz be . N . I . .1 . I
. � . I � 'Very sa 1118! IN FUJIUL SWING. .
. , . . .
. � . ,.... I - .. I.., . 410._0,!'f- js�r_ 33e faluitia, thect clanres. selected as the. roads to he Improved: � ING CONSPIRACY 0 . " . . I
. . I L . . . .
. '- - - - - I *-rls'tq' ' _lIM__d '1-- L . I . i. - -
Corn Sii4ti . 0 . Ty ....... L or 4 1 U tisfattory - (1),-, Tho � road from - Gbilerieh. to-, � - I -'jj-'0 . I I I - 1. i., __ . . L_ . _111-1 .1 . .
n . R. accomp e n th66 . ^ - __ - - ' ' L' � � �� ---- " - ' . - -
� I Olve. . I . - . I � �
, . L I ept chicken _ . * L . ... 11 . .1 .
f . . ., . . . . I - . . 11 96106113,, and they are pmrormint: a val- Myth, including outtingtho big hill be- A Uilwaulwa dfAp*,h dated IF& Srd - . . I I
� , . . . I . . I . a , L I . 2 TI . �� adble rervico to tho cdnw,umItIe,_ in tween Godorldh and 04100M 4ud the Istatcl that 3 Wrdlct of '#not guilty" was . . L I I I L . \ , 0
L 2 1b. . 19C Na. 2 Pa. Which they Oro located. The fact,. that Auburn bill, ' . . . . I returned by the federal court Jury t6 . I 0 ' ,
; I I C ' Tins Size, Peal tho poolla In attenaoce dre able,to be joy The .Blue -Water Highway from . Special price . epar 110
I I Tin 13 TJgXSL I 5e I i Judge V. Oeiger ab.1olving the two Can. I . s in alt D I tMebts I
, I I I 1.11 at home fdr A tWO-Vat period, Wbdll Grand Bend to Amberley.. Including the I adia*5, Bertram Barwick and Albert . . . . -
I _ . __i�p .. - L . they otherwise would have to attCU4 a blp� tut At Port Albert. I .i WMmd, of 'boderleh,' Ont,, of any 9
' PACK I cmdodary school at tome anet, is not L (3) 00 Ofediton road, .from the,blaMe on a ,charge of Attempting to Lower 'Price., . Greater. Saving$.
A I SPECIAL iftt . I U � I
i I .., " . LUX 'RLAMPS SALE � L 11 2 AM- I 910 the leat"t. Invortatit,4413tOr in their Me- Undon , Xing'A Highway begiminu, at , V11113961e: cOnth_Ab0zd ale or beer Into the I .. � . I . : !
I - ___ L 11. . I 1. L L 06-_*_1-0� : Afte". � . Deian and running westward through wUalt'04 Statt-a., TPO men were 0aptured .... I . . . . . I .
J . 0, , __ . . I I . I . L i J I . � . I I
. .
uso, ,allaides the otbovo sehoolsl� Instruction Crediton to -Grand Bend, 1by Y - 0. federal ,cout pards on uay � I " .L. . I I I .
L . M LAREN'$' Large only, - ., VIfth Cl em- *6rk.ls bel" te . 11 . � L I . � .,
. . . ��
�_ . OLIVES ,qu,EEN - Mot., . I , 91VOm In 17 ' (4) The TAte Road we"t, or Exeter,"I 14th let, on the r am tog Mo. is of . I
, I . I --_1.-____ n*Al selloo[S I *itjj,� a total or the bout Amber6thure, Which 'Waa eaf*lng 4 10,4d . I .
I . � , I ! __.'�'!,.., � . I �, . 11 one -roomed , 1"tY betW#60 ISCODII(A an& . . . . .
- . ' 4ttendance Of 31 pu�ii;. 'no nohools Hay -f.w0shift to 010 Blue Water Of 8,000 ca:0 -of 00adflU 40110110 bOV- . .. .
I � . -on tay, WI$ttll"In. %#it . .
. who'ee $Uell Ift$t . ed4al , - nn- un
I S LARGIZ ,, EXTRA -tuttift IS givfU VW Mgll*ay,, ., erO96 n ft -x clic . Is * , A an , cment . I I .
. �
. rl� "106 from S'ear t ,C�st-f - I ,,� P. . . . . I 11 I .
, L hx�Wr,. '' I
I . ,," � TOMATOM. SIZE TIN VALU, , _ _0 year, $Jecorfte to 10041 (6) The road rolft 'or I the two, Goderich men claimed In I . . .: "I . . .1 .. . *I . �
, - - L — ,. __ ;� 4 0oadJtIQn!§, ,n%t Vy,1UJtb!q Work IS king t.110 TI)AMC.S goad, 0, Continuatl6lf ef Me eouib that thcl.v lied been inveigled on * � I . I W, ML , If.' r -
i . . I I . I . board Atid hud )art Itnown vft,tt the .
d6ne In tlike schools can be Jfldgtd Lake 000. : . ,� Corsetiere, 0
- '�" - I IAREN'S front tue, fact that t" puplislirdoi these ( , oj gen 'cargo w6a when they helped 103d it 'at Mis's Barron trai�ed
. . FANCY Me I 0) The-zuricil road.wetl, � _ ,. . foonda., :
eChdoiS P"Sed in So of the O'l papers r3li to, tho I)JUe Water'HIGhWly. . . �
14 . N .
. I .7 , .. SWANSDOW. G, J,bn Ngtilowi, ' L I 01oderich otore of the cam v= that d(monstr 0 -FLEX , I I
I 01 , ."'O"61d road I Another fea ate NINN .
I CAY Am"11- (7y Uo Broce"b'd We.,, HAS "g, No. 18, front AWherstburg, bad 0
AE, FLOUR � L JA1y POWDEfts , WrIttc-A (�t tile Mwev school ey
. 1. .. � I L tions Ift Jane. lot. Tile resulting per- from 11tuetUdd West to 011C Illue. . I
. I M'shiray. . � becWftmetly captmrcd by tlaltetl Watw -t I I
DATES - r , -tore,, Monday
tL 14 . ctnt!1go of p, -,Mrs VA"tra, I 90.9i com. "OttUard% mid le - tion garments. in ou S �
was tto n from.,vaited I .
- I
. L'�' ISPECIAL ' L168 I I V mos. 25C rtirm #;cry rAvorow witlithe litt avitil- - (6), The WIII Itead Nist of 13-4600,14 rr__ 8th and 9th* W� . . I
i�i, VALUE 'toe L ! 4 , 21 of tho Statm otifiod-V U, 1020, T1113 fact the .
.# 11 I . 1 X , � 4901W � 'r . 010 provincial 11"re 6t $0.3 ,1*2 cellttn to fkatorth, 0. confluutatio 19M VaWlbW aka 'PlalmCd thty did and Toe ay,' Feb# . I I
f ,�, ....... __A;4#_�,g'1 1'. As , . .. . ' 0 YOU 'L L", Sle
I . 1, ,,,, 1� . . . 1-1 1.11.1,1111.1 _�-�I-I__- - In no tftto proviovist to 0 year, lisisl.taWld Xftd. . fio+ k",W. L I , Isi. , �
. . Post,$ DroAk "Ak'M 2L 10r- ...... �". 256 . t1le' nee M-ar.V (!f1JJl�=C_nt L ktn I)YOVIAC4 (9), The .rftd aorth"td frotit Imx- I jally ke �this d' ,
*Mcbmiteirs ca"Ma, P*00 16c" f6fth to, l3twn13 prid,'ett4tuding 11,40- T"Itto Vjaltca staki e9tizez, V110rol CO. coid I ift to I . I .
. chatftu Chew. V�*,_ 1111.1-1 ....... _190 Ubiby�,s SPIAIth, 2`S---.-------1$8 1,11n, Ord-tv that thcz mtlopl,� of OnIg one dtfendellitil WIth tilt% fW6 C 1
lilt$ Pild for wam tPttVC-Cn Groy (II)d unifft to %low- &&To 4rirAta Cla loftigh ta(_n, ; , L
. , P"AUUM Teft, I i)b;.,: ... .... � ......... 96 ()*6' 0,ordl%t '$ M-,"'. '. _.,"O . Thty I , , tk. JWW f3p , .
rwin, fW7.�shafo In U14 tm � .Att'r P191ye .
I . TAW" Sw&-t allvcd Viddes. itaft ftlad Dre909,_ .. ...... ..... 2,16 3"ith 100-"tes. It 12" Ile+. oewd %L%�-Iok,+ L r ro . got UPW-1 0316 PAWIA ftlsoh� of Vdrc4f, Ano*,ha I I L
� ,+ ':-447o . , t6 t",k end, Oat. tuch equip4ient bOl ' <10); Ans7 o9w *Wrlt .. �
ralmollve ft,_4p. 3 C-ftket�,_ . % " &,U* ncd. titizer vi dec-olint of tlxe�,euch Arark C,OU14 ht, duffie in Me nfittii- def�'ndauk AL 'dormati, vVixg wo � �, MONDAY,and T VESDAY ' I
I I " tw� bot. _ . , ._., ,: ...... :.:� _ 2% Wilitt 13"11Z, a IbS ............. 1, � . . I � L
I 11 ftke Irm . .. Choice - w1ca restphen .... . � .... Ile attol 4!0, 6? t1tv, Uneertgnty of;C3*t a 7 I g VAItnist"", Jamptd, 41S Iloud . . . . ..
I L Mau ,trn toWW1U1c of . te , I W bar7 Vie ldeuli,*7 of the Mat j�)�j &snked ��=!, 11 _tw� __!, _"_-'_ __L ___ __._..,_____.__
I'mrily Zk%d Colke, 1b. .."".." Ile, swttsi _ . ........ � _ .. _ _ ............... Me . ! thl) IMCIr4JIUCIle$� 0'� fill -I ", CIMU. - rAtt tkad 11owlek. , e=�� -_ . I I.
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pood %rl_00, 2 im: ... , �, ., ... m � i =41prelletadve. 11,143 Me Ce_tr,1(Mra,1 madt thtir Cap. I Ll' 00 F
. vtway q&j, oht5 ---r, � huftarin, 4owrevcv, tho ImArds of thret Now tills b a vcfy C. a EJ
-... . :0 oattl to tUre. OVCr J;J0L 11ta,
..0 0
A. & Lt. ftl soft , _3 00, M � . . rzch rdloo!s lifive b"n Indtictd to W1-1r�hnns of 1)*110 %'atk-1. Z -13C11 C. ,f JJ0, It 4W&S
! � - - I . . I I L. I I I'll 11.1-1_1 - -4 dt:tlko tlle prvilslon of tht, netC:_'-_T-91-1nV4 for tl:�, rllcXt two, VCxm, 0 bO v9d an64,LCT sonzq)!ate, r-'r-o'nol, C1 CA*,t Your V � a ot- , , I
! SPECIAL VALUE-5for THUIR'S., III. in&&XT. ��,-itflq)mtW es It tc,mc� i*obtbb, that "'but ot tilt *44,050� Inj "te-111111 lu-v. And thc r, "arifIVt t;eo goue. . stom GE We', SCHAE E R 6'
) ,11 1r4JJV44 C".0 wj� 6 W - ' In A c1py C -f thm- ?"'Aniten IN"Allcm, by I .
� - , � _:ses %NJ 1, ,r4r_q1t feiturt,',_WU is p"14ed f6q, Iftily to twy our .11 - �
I e3 . rO R, ; 1"C"R 0* " STORES T_,� t 0 " rarnC11,41 It lwas thTIVU tizat Moil ... pbot*, so
, I � In tIx"ol C._ez 1 �23, pt? ccnt., mr,viftit the oovc t1cut 44- OZ. I . 1, L .
i ,�1,1 2 I L "L ,Me to tlo!4 up tht4 _t.5 to ,A tv MA thn Me I 1. .
.f, CC, 6
,4&at ,y C'A,�- lan � ; ve c,f ttte be -
; L J. J. ?AcEwlen J. coilvincut . llrmcl-,!� Las bten wMe dalkItg t1W IS 1; , 2% ,, I 0=0t==::�m=01=0
. t'�ao $�#,033, L 1� �.;a3 C'_,WDU!tJ tIA' tIt1,3'
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