HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-02-05, Page 14
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r" WN T4ftr U a a Bud UW to tram
11111W � '111,11" ld . -, A � QW0411-
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A Pretty - IM Calendar
ft mor WAWWft" PWft ft "Mmew,
MI"" WW A" 04 a oswww vulle
th6 OVM UaW Pm a UW %ft 1U
044 MW bo ft" to "W Xubmalwo so
ftst. 14 ft #1 .". *OWN" I" ft"
so * "ft"". I
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"UNW-8000ND YIL%z . , 4W % 7W ft V. X 10010k GODER10% ONTAJUO, CANAVA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th,l 1981 WALTM VIA"M4. vw*abw
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I., Goderich Fair In 14193 I to De' Sgpt- 15th and 16tt"tow-Board of Trade Completes Oreanizad '
��=,; - ton
- -- -- ----- - - - -1 - - . . . � - r -1 . I I . - -- - I
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% 41 -1 � NOR - 641111MIRW - �--"-"--�x - - 0- , I I I 11 I III NININIMIA"ift UtWo bad 440 om 001*4 AWW h0rd fAU 4604*UVATIL WK 114 & 04" of 6 LIONS' ICE CARNIVAL GODMCR FAM . --
; I in 404VA011 tO 61 JNAMWO OPUt 000. 44004110, It bY*0kW* W I# JWW VbAW HAR10th MURRAY
.il-l" 11 I 1. 14 ft 411#4*41 or Ze 011 "M there ""I"L Tho 60164V *W *%"* a "- I � TUM AND WED , HELD UZ
I jl� �� . Sun Life Ammons Hompug of 0agedo WtM 40OAVICUP48. tritlutliou at Wd of ome *wt to the a" thilt 411:94; "4" XO= r4w. . SEPT. 15;6d I$ - �
� , school dwoft us* but it has na h"alos XAM- ,�
I i To -^"*ft comtr X"41 I � st"law-mr. saw"U" 06"to , � Uf"'034 UUMY, f0ftAttly Ot CM$ftjft
1� s � . i .30 I bm AftWC4 What "*W *11t �w Und I wift ft�w . I
. . I . I Zxseoftom UU2111 as yet, . � T. %,. Iv"k0*00 it Now fwwary- am of X 8, muroy. Was the iftwuw
. I � i � The report:*t Ow f4ance 'Com[nittee . I . � Tstosw�w, W. Ouk lWac Midi VlaUnl Of *U *bWUVW hold 40 1A Uft-
I . I I INEWMaram . I
Work frolfril 4 of the CQuaty OUJXIIP WW,CU Was o4apt, eftua not* *04 Smog Civil , I vaybooy Vill be out to W, the U00
t . . 404NUX sft�-Tft" "t liat* Alsturd" I*M or ftrly sula. -
. � 4 some of 'us work firom Choice-, most of us . old tootaMending that "I I . 0.� day mor , 7%; "WWAAS 4tory is
,4 apenditurto On oft"s Club icelvaralvAl 04 ftl4*y evening at Thm
I . ' necessity. We shall need -art incon-4 XV1344 we 4annot work just County reads. be kqt *aft I 7 -to mills, The annual 24"tft at ,C*AU*1 uome the rini� of course. aet rwy for a Mr. ,,A%** conligily 'will *gain guide from ftem of Uoudq.* �
I . �, as niucli as we need it now. Wbera will it come froju? � . would mean. a, saying ot 41081.30 aver and Soboa Club, *A lVolitAr aftmoon. he#11 of ft". . the QW00VIC)i YAWS deatinles for anoth. whr" WVW*94 ll"A* jr0owd down
I . An endowineut VoWy tuaturing at age sixty,or sixty-five the 1.1 --mill rate Usually levied. when the ,elootion of afters Uak owe A cwAolatlon Prbe IS doluAted by Mr. er -ye" *x PKtAclent, HO had 104 trAde WIMAC1100 TOO. made aU abortive #A� I
. � %Vill Illeet tbe. need. A slijall SUM Sairgd, 1114 4, W attsudaricf* 3wore, the outherl*nd or tile Capitol Tiltaue of % up hu alina to retwo but tue sojourued to hold All) the monsor, ot, * ''
I annualf roy, .
1�.,-- . y �*111 p . Id I o. I vbxx%Pq,w*e� . buslow VM trmwoetw thro delightful moth's pm to tile theatre, wl)lch lgae% WMIAI. Wedues3v %*xuool%.=Ioa store at tilt pow 4f ok M
I I 1.
'Ili : ,p0i a policy. Ask us regarding plans.,, - - . .. I he re 6unt UY' the little girls to the bolder of the just ticket droon WAS 10 = Uillit lie rMaln'M lhw V19v9V MW Y0AtW%,y morning, . Ixt. -
I . I . ., , , , ..� .- . ., .11. . .1. 1. I " . � . � 1. i . toot" of at. ototows oburoh on from %)* W4mW7 OOP60,meut Undir Ahe held by A,ragdmt of 094erlell after the Pwitton, of W11811tut thAt llo�vould not weie bl�Ac,4 1�'dltlr Afft* UY t4i . I
I . I I . lih JaAAw* 29th,,, vhea Wag direotloW of. U* XjWt. ,Tb#w Were :ft st Ave p Im of * WoMaii ftra a nmft
*�",` .. . � . . I � . r rim reawu4 ft aakiiia to
. lReddeAft 441 " , , A * t Z=191acV. 04ulkIlter of Mr. and followed, by three by the TAOUS Club I*ve "a drawn, The well relose. , = The 81maell. Wto tmlk. to tIt* . .
.. rbola(* Oinela 1A . H1. R. LONG, Distvict' se , V1411% to tjlalnk� Ur Sat1j. be relleycdolthe pWb WCro that' he felt
� a , . I
'. . . � I -- �- I :01ofts -of - Goderlob, ,became girif front W" =111th= which erlolud for tb14 fto Oft, . 1 U14 did not 00:01ough IWO3. on thle lob car 14% the VAT111111r, 20046 0114 Ithelt ,
- I .� 1111111 -- - I � I I .. the bride of germon, X!Clismaoyt On were tquagy pleasing.i Tho.,trejMWIt -Up, far tho. Broomball Same but th13 lotombOV4 telt, . lip, VPA the. - police hllestlx%� - .
�, .., I ,
,#,i . ; ------ 14- . I Tilt line I per. WSPO to the notth, ,
. , , -1 ,Fq!- �. -, of Mr. and )as. ROM, Challuilay. lot 4tattraeut ohowett the toul vectipu for as -Ioilovi. 1 03011ty to make UID fair P ancl MO not 004 WVA c4rXied On' yesterday, bob to . ,
. ., , .11 .1.1.11, � . . - b
, I . . . - I -UP men had bjs4
. i I .1 � Im . A 'T TopICS 00414brook, The ceremony was per ,be year of -*151,4q, 04, an expeUdItill" Bilauds-11., S, OrUt (Mm. Xat"n. Want him to try to do all the work, tract Of 010 4014o'
I I ,VAN , , _OWN or . , . Rev , . J. X. 11� uilb.* the V440,91 *200,40, logyj I , I 4 J, MiwKay (King. William Green. W04 re-elov" Arst yke $0m4---"-,--- , - � .
, .�- -A� - �� . to ..
. 'by V - Ir 4. 40,04a,wance on hand janifter), 4100ilie presItleat Silo W. ll� -h - � I
. being a tied , aot�cvts ii ClosInIt blAe 4
. � � U4 a ounl�� while,of.4it"I
I . F"i0m �.-U*v#�IOG� fz�#w bods -,-*,-"-.,*" , I I I boa tfth sulv4dilt ftsh).,--, fta book" A. L� Cole (Brativor Q WOA tore at i . o comer ot
� . . I . � UWr I I � . Ch. , brother Ot the, , of -wand
. � , a 1111134nuty lot V" Vl*tk lt*m 441404 Crawford), blot back.. Q., X,; Pasonit. , �
. , � cloot94 , and lifte tftd and -Paid, street, the
I W* ilat% 4%altary., *itivoots , 4,11110M Ilftkoy , � . I � wo prt4dent. ,The (ft- WhiLrAv
I I*ur ftt Is now In QQ1W*h- Pt" a . .. 11 groom, Was,, t . � .: � , S. p. Craft eators ajopoln;" were, a:j , taliqw4k M my" a Avis . .
� I � . to caugnu& It, 10*4 6* VOW, W Alige 0>10V MOM), draw'baclu ,.- 11104410, Ustold r V tteo
.. : , Md X,147, P. 0. , , I . . OA woftesdAy evenlas, the'resulta. of I I ,. ; . I I 1144 the StOW door When he I
. . 1, 'Z,:-1111;11. -;=- Vk4t c4pou In ther purobw of the lAntem,wlildh is (coot. ZAttenjar.4mor), backward. WOM . , Ntayar Leo, Just, l0ek*d
league hockey -sAmes were as kwonailts io . . . j V, tillo Town of Oaderjob I
I . I . - "A* -i - - - the town - Th well-IFAQW4 C411144,411 thq latest, A"UI4U0A to the 0qWpmetit Sotuifts, P. Z Wil (Mike and Ue) for. Zo. U - KqOX* Z16 P. Z400fty. J.: J, Moser, -Was ACCQ$tcdbY thtce,min WIM h4lad.
I volt ii lio iWT 161lows; ZMott 4. Uo6re 1, Newombe -e nAM100- at the school, twAs 2*111t reported that Words; V. X parrow (ImrAey 8. or gumitop.,04orp Aliftews" Win, kerclittfs'drowu over their faces. orwo
. �
IF, - . ---N� . %F4 opVtUllsootir 1;:VlAnO 4, Durosclies 2. OrIcs. Dr. And mra. pon$14 1"CrAull. the 'welta'ft vommittot bitd, 1pokso ofte� allorbstop; J, N. Ir�.0 Gave). 4 0. W. *I*ttvr , Of the 14en .W revolvollt. Ana vauoa ,
14., . , 14KW .SAIA-90.' Aftw* 43, UM I . I Way it: ShAilghd are ot present JA 144- - . UIS (Obio Suder)" Doak 1 Noble Toilult" J, - tliem up, ,and open the 49W,�* . .
� � WAt,TAR i;Arv�u 1114441" rd. 21110re fto*, V"Ver Imambilet hi 4934 .I I warin ,�Clouftv and ,other u000dtiei. first, 104; Dr. W. W. Martin (Maggio), a,' Reynolds -and Thos, laowler,. AU4 j, '*Aek �
� I . don, England, where tWme botU being , . � I
1. .
I . I i , Phalle 3W. I �... * ototIntica for4be. Town of ,treated for that.eastera, complain W votes ottbXnU w6ft tendered tb# prow 14410 Aid;. Dr� o. A. ctrghjun (Madam W. 'CrAtele. -0;044 Ooderlch' Towilihip, Alt thM tiluo, M", Iterbort 1, AICCOUbmy . .
� 11�.'-�,=,Tl, :�� - --- The I V141 , b, - 11
, .- - - ,4:",3pr .5
I *;W� - �: 01404t, 4114 tO -Rift Battle, Mrs. r4mns queen), pola,;hoss; A - Z laroves, OlIver XdwarO, % 1, Sat. who 11IM4 directly acrom the stiedt, .;�;;
- � oogtch'for ,the 7tat 1024 show 91 IQ , ucl.,i This, di, ease $3 now 40*011. or , . . (;. Xjays, (old 0 the three t . t .
.. . -.80VTORW SAW - .1 I iprewWthaiwproolstlon the.. club felt luttlo MOO $pare tko*, W. ,V, A, sgfte as the I
. � VX . - ol, keld, J044 0QWttbY and. Gorge TAith, tutu Cro" he atret
.��-,� -- ---- bwb, so, rowlages Ago 0,4estba., ThIA understood that they #Xpect� to,, be L WeA '10 ining � star). empt - 1. p, Us"t . �0 Towns h 'Atore went out and VAtch. �
AW - was ibirteert more birtra 4uqn, were re- onoui . .
';'' i�- - . tW spleadid'wolilk which the welfare -(sh gelloy, , - wAtte �P.rM Coll. nit 11141114 lot tile .. ��
, , hip� gug .
. Jv7N . 1 �. a&Lr. <)Fi .1 � " � . - - J. ooldtharj*, I . .
I , E"T0VTOI`S' � � . I 1. ]1 *0 Veturn to tb*lr Warl� VIA OVA' Committed' 14 doing. 10 was, Imnounced mall (Caspft � water boy; it. Q. Whate, 11111" 0. A� nobert4oll, A. I ed them .%% th*Y approached tho. Ilion.
� I , I ., - Corded in, 102C seven fewer matrialoes %4�, Ili 00 near future. and be Pr . I -1
'�m* Uoputors of fbe Xstxto of David few. that W. Sutherland 4 showing one edu- ly , (Uttle. Orphan Annie), Jaxiltort J. W. U� Uorrls aud'. Rovoyce 41arit. 110111OV-4tor. When. she believed tber Iatea4w .
I . , - jan4 . . iuore �*ft, , . - at the ppertirm Of tile graot, new build"' 0400hal 1110tUM At the thftttv� The MO& Qord Plushbott aq 41rectorm, Z A.*4-10. 4. R. ud� robl;vry sllla rushed. to., the door ang �
T Irriogwii, or,, Vill. soll. *07 public Auction I .U,V�, Ing,*4101% Will rovdjutiol#* the literary � , . . 0m)" Ingoector;
. .
I.. I 11 �. � . . � I , . 1, � �Alust 1114T�re"*44 .�� ivda�a I I . 01121on Olt Office" X"hitod as follows: 0, .0. pe'v0s . the 00 1wardt a. % Solkeld, % T. uumq and, 41outed for aid, ner. -.huanwd � tuft , .�
I (P I . I I (it the r , .
I .. . I . . I . I 1, � work 'llurob, Uy �Olco!ltrstj.nx It (rou 'sol timor" .r. I Summoned t1le Police. - I
'*UOS Of $ 1. � vq doAt". 1*s. CK U x§irs'Ons" ',first V100 S� 111bbort , (A Gump), reforee; W, I Lady directoro., MW. .
. so 94ch'Were impoft,tl by, ThQ% . oulaft, � ,
U I neld In joOU4 � at Wilegbam, Wright (U A y . � -
� SNTURDA'T, . MRVARY. 20th, 101,� ln'oue building. . I ',��i is. �Raln*; oemad vice- D. 02% a. C. Stewart, Um. is -I. 00noolly. iaw. I
, . . I � . .:�, � -, Ptedde4t, W Twtlirie molax4ppavently resuiilai .:
. , villa"Im of Dun, . , beau), $11040; .Jim . I 1.
I � � . I I '03 U � lo'll4wa VA (Uuto. - X -SwAnson, Mrs. Tremblay, Mrs. 4. 0. . A .
. , 0 Aivettl� Aotel In'the on C Ofha ' )lome brow with- ft, WhlWy A01n ProO&O `:`,� Prt*1044. 'Mrs, Y., third . ce- Campbell updertaker*. . Jack . �bxt their game was up, I;eab a bal, r �. . .
� . I . , , .
. ,. , . � 1,
plallon, I .. - I .
. . � I prtsldefit�' Mlss� ftarm ; recordin Be�tti retreat 'to
, , q �BOO,U MCXut% pextan gowde, TArs'. A., L; Noxwell. ura, W= thel� cur and starftj'�iil�e. , ,
. .. Out Z t - ... Z f t a,, QUO Of the . The . �anllual mottiq . "or C .*u . I an 9 , n
�, : . . .. � commencing at 2 o'clock , to a'", . -�Q, . motor 0 (I beeli shot 09,'ttipy
L 101 aorcs'Wgood. farai'land, kriown Ss partleil c6nee ed bel0m,s 0 WIngliam National garness," �Amsoowio* was secretary, Mlis -V. Bud=an; treasurer, noDerwid VqAole Wait), sky pilot,. Dr, Green, Mrs. W'..X)o,4k,, Miss. Noble, Mls - W111 It )Is ,
I . I . � 11 , . , , , 4 , h A I . � I , " I .; .
*6 West halt of!Ut 15, OdAcessl6il 6, and thO-OtheV to 9OWIck Towb8h1p. i1eld In, Toronto nr week -And.. -pt, X%s '1344.1, Correspoiidiiid aeoretal-Y, gall (014 Do wo,'u. Martin Wkwv Varrish" Mits M. u salwad, Mrs. Abilt, ape 0 1%, . . .
, , , I � I � I
.. I . � .6n,.which � . I � . I . I . Itely.alad Dr..4.�larkol-qWwch word, Mrs-14AXW911,4 �coliVenor of the weltome llco), 04bearers. . % , 1.� . . ftetk�'1110 t#'!MO, VW4 Pre Hatold i .
; . : Township of West WaWanosb, I Wlu I It I Vas deol4od to leave 'the tolection
., . jj - � I I L ponuixitte , MW that h6 ",
� � Usitusted a -good 1�,o% house, and b%AL SlicuessfOl rZabbit, 1.1init' Ili attendance, ]�,r-- WilIteii.*ag again - - O, 40W - 44HO" of the �ragram -DO16844-D- b, x0oacy t'rolul SI& of oovibil*w to 4� 4trudlic committee Murray Rot 46-40or do- ! -
, . r
� i ' , , r, ed barns, There Is also oa . the- . said,, Aixothor rmocessfol im e vjs� , . � .
r, . I . bbit 4.' zi v osou Pr . . t "of the � 4ssocution, the camU0.40e, 1 Urs..Raillok alla Mi� Mdry ver), oaua,4 A., Blackstone (Tim Blud� con"ftunq of W. R. nobertsoh, - Jaze, sOrlpflon- of* the loca" 110 said-, that at. ''. .
, . I ,�jd on Wedn, he to xj -� Robortsoink. onor qf � .. nd,though. lie 114d some lut oy of his. Own . . I I .
� . - form 5 Acres - of bush .land, ,and xu6nIM hQ . � Ve �� *t, cut I I
�psda 'aft inopn I social . commit. no), ftill�baok: Dan 011arlon (D40gorous 00r(13011A L, Xll,� lr.,noX, Z L. 041keld � OXI
, I y .o'', ,t w ' I
. �
; �� . sprtiq close - to' b I . a ilimous, ��O,Xoi , lia- � . �tot%V I
I . .
. I I
. I hUtters, retitrOlog to the :fteld of their- jej , , , halt 0, Fred Cralgio . I rer4on .
ZMAFAU P104111 . ;h do, Ms. CH%Vmv.i',� 4011vieltor'of Went- Pat% McGraw), . b ok; Wm- QT00ll,:wb14 Will X04,04 Ssttlr-a 04 1114 1 001011any"a. money � .
. aMicl completed, , . r I I . I , 1. It - , . . 130 I 1; aroitl; d tv, thO tact that t day. I I ., . . was 10 t-od. wit the buildlulf, The
1�1 .1 I - ' firt -� euddivors, in C o6to �'townsop," b6 borship committee, U00-0olborno, Coil. (00614mity Zato), draw back., Oeo�.'Prico I � ca .
I .. The Property will be sold'sub4q-� to a, 01b . � 4� d Circuit V4. b in Tor- I
' . . I � ;1 , . I P hold , , U44 80ared OV,tba bandita before. I
I'. . : ' a4or'o%Por1Qncea.wbiCh were not so: pro�, onto,tho. . Veli0i Of � Zu*Y, covlWttee, Mrs,' Talbot, (Grogan the'Cop), ba 'Nosday a,44. W0,41atM4 .
, moof,ne of,43,0K 'WWCU ma�lla,AJF- lazt,wook 1A July tilts year. A � , Joe Craig, , y� Se�t� 161til Outcry
; I I . . . I � dgctft 7of F'Ract, In 00P.40A, '10 �Imd. I ,to s0lo0qL. ai ...the 110 had thought. of "Oneativ.- tbA looKee . .
� . . . "L Omod by ,the, purchaser. ,, I . . I ,,'ToWnC410� prize list of $40,60.0 is ofterod and it Oro And W4 TlOhbOrkle Were JIck: Lauder <Uans and V%tz), fbre� =4 2,50" NY#, I . -afor : I . . 1 .
I . I . I .. ..
I si tlib 1,oast ,,, " 0Xpe �
.� I . � . TIMMS.-Ton p"t, cent cash FLU4 tho �q"4 .0 * , otodtli4re�'v�,iU'be-400�ilorse$.,t take APPOfllted a VISIU41 00906490, far tho tvard9l, "XibW' Oliver ..($park Plug), de,tM: �, . I � .... ? :400r. I . . . .. .
. .
.11 11 . IbAlquee of the aald puNhase mone . y I.- � - � taX part` in the eye t, � 4 ,.. Q10 I I d Month.., '.2 i. . . .", .1.. .. - . �1, . short stop$ Mike Ej , - Z%',Ir. Ullax �apoke in favor at I the throei . Mrs. b6coubrey, who vutcbeA t1w , - , . I
� . . CO1160taiL how tlj� tV,x, A VVb 6T'111�1 I '' . , Anderson 04poom .
. . , -VOW 3.0 daV� figni date of, sale. ' Ailfldu� ,. tho, I . . � � I . I . ..�,;".,.��� . men for Aonio. minutes, �t%tvd tha L I
7- - , 4 - tl 1. I � � . , �'. - � . UuMps), first Aid; Tooto -Videan (ijogs). 40T 1*1 -4nd"10Wmo3 that the aucwa I I . t, two .
'�-'- 3�or' further Paitoulsia UPP 7 * Q, , la;vcgrs, wl�m goni%g ,s, In,, , at . oo..- .- ., I A.M0 'F , ' S jadle.q,�, aid; r W,;, b Of tIllo. hold up mou word t3ii, the, btlier . . I .
I I - 11 . . r quse"th trout 9 4ieu. 1,10110- , . " 110 ast tor Wo rdo* Ili a ;moa- * .
� raos, ckm,wu�* ,�, the'notio , I- � I , . ,R Ro Im Andr w, Of I - yoarlo�
, 14tr042 Warrants We T ylor'and* Johnston, XoGu a . . I .No I TH .]a I . . .
. ,( , ,
I and SOM: � I I -- that � 41 I � . I P . � 6 , "" . � -C , . � C 0 of. mmallot, I bilK The car they W ,
. AiMen ' .' 1. ' I I . . *�Ser;ftps,ln, Xnox eburail',fa al Brown), -p6lq- hass; Phil %6arey- (Sadier SMN 440 to th6.trost of vlecesg with a, I
. �rrs I . � . large of I�Ijke)., sPare ,tire;, I .
� I . all, I I . .bo, Issued after .. we wet* , soo X406111104 � � � �hree-4ay -fair not Ilavink, -passed - V=o ,�WPA04� a. UttJ4, dUtAnce-up,2-the - ainet .
. I
� , Qiltarlo.. or . I t4at tile �swrlev � or- llnablu'ty � , ' a r to I . the lldnistor� 'Subjects;;,of sermft4v I I Harry, XcCreath � _ I '
, � - . . . . . , I � 1. At . 14onday nIghV.s. Scotch doubles, , 1prid A) , .. . . I
n&*ZS and S&yor Cinder ),, etaort,enoy; 2. C. .- I 11
I .0 some olalmeA t,�o succ,C4 N�al d�e to t'he train btr home� The maellind, v*A: 4 , ,
1. : , , , borrClWmone�, eVou to in L. A-W,� "The-Cliukoh'a rollowship;111 p-ro" Mwa , as et. tho . I
I I . I �. oiltristeri" ota, - . ar Ce ,� 3 tournanitnt 'at tho Royal Bowling Alloys !,Uvo and Grace.., h= (Toots). wato,r boy;. Goo, SIZhabXor fact that, farmers Could* value Iii with col*% but ChQ A�, Una to ,to g I ,�
I I � wetq.4evroOiflio to, pay thC3 . I SAbbuth, School and license
I � t - , , ,
-.1 . . � 04 w AlbeXt Taylor r .. I
. . 000rhih,, opt. - , , ,nd Robert Johnston, w4a Bible Class their-atoolt and got out R041A the Caine nuinber, .
. . � 04 at 3 O,c Ar , Obe �belloveA'A4� so :' , 1. . .1
1� . --, ' ' qoek., , .. ! ... ( Ockey - McGuire) , Jargtor,, Joe Mutch I
1. I ., Zrll- -1-1 .e rL '*; nderdj�lqoep Pout , , 1, � , , 0 dark brown over, .. ��
1. .. I . . . --:,� , XkQ%, '"A ;W ia" " , , rot the fIxot prize and 0. grQuire tsud It, ,=O.I�CjWi�, . �,Antda),. Inspector-,. Wes, . . day,'ha 'pointed to the toot that okbibl- the men were WeArlo � . I .,. I ��
� .. I 1*'ve been tliner;. _jjeotot Sayo ('Mju),.rQf 1, I . � .
; % � 0 ICE TO (J�61TORS, I I 14 $064-ry , , � � k0ermott second, with scores of 0U Which- *"... to. Litt "(Smitty), . . atoc�, coata 444 wore oapi� . - .., . I
. � I -- - - o------- *U ty. , ". , OW 40Wcame by.mot .
., � -, . � - , *it 0 1 1 ' LIM) Bud ,. � -, ,or With their - I . . . I
: . and -1358 - respcctltel� - -o;ft V lar' Von,� At6lidbacoji sturdy� (Rosle)', al I Sale, (Jolff�, ,from a sk"Posto, l4ndon and. Will. . . I L . , I � ;
6. ZTASW"*At0 - ApId rep�r:s that d .; , '' of .;i*6niO"jA I 9 I . I
I ; , =4 io � . , Y. b,ther seorl6s fbir given , onc , by. lerik; 140 ' h
.1 . I . . Wing tile three g6jaeg �Voje ML jatioWa" . ' J� ' .,fMvidson . dtr tht im,401-tsker, $�red Sturdy :(Tii1je . md, tbw distancea wore, Ad � . 0. 0i, L,Xlaw-s. , , , . : 1 ... . 11�
.1. � . . N --"� I 1, .�'.aouiva,ty just past, there � 0 � I � I 0 '�,; 1, . I . I . I . .
11 .. 11 the. mouth. � pf . . the I 0, li;w . .
. Von to all PerSd � . �; `AOw A . . :
NoWit is,hereby,gl "" 4*04� df 'lthe"Likymogla Assodfit,Vori of .Toiler) . tll 4 1 .. I
I AoAln:aild �b. irg4ttns)i"�1346*.�"U,:W$l�k:), I I 4- N d, I I
il ns OlkM ols� - �,ql�t: tliuler the 3�kuot 114ins j ,d % 1.06ofte"A Church, *Was po I mxwn; .a,: W.- Fraser- (00 lilo viltcf 004 to, ))Q ta Come rom. on V, peb, slio--!�06 � to - tw .4it*, I - . I., . .
,., . , iAkud claims -Aping t1w I ostate Of 1* 11 , .. tr W. SiiIzel,1332; W, B*ett , stPOA04 011 Joilla), sky ,pilot;' '0. , -Mr, � 0 Ale W�IlOS4qr 040 of tao te%0hQT4 in
I � � 1. . . Act In .0 - Ounty, I , I " 0; Luce (X04h , prmillly � 604 .
, , - .
� I 6%vWr grrIngban gr.� late of tfi� - ,, tirp* 'C Duiiug 11111 I . .. , e' L' eacOlU 91mer Beacom (A%nbrosd Potw'. . . PA . U . , . .;UX0 t , - ,� , � ,� of
. ,
� I . � P*m � 0 and V-Sa=ders, 1002;..U. UMyd aud,I, . " I � vould 4 t4 ##ee-dq fair,ing a.�vltjdow. open, -a, Wgtpr, pipe, bw,* - , �
11 19 1XIlganhon, �6 oe count the v ended, " -��, 40th last the -wag- . � -t I - O'. . .. 14, � �
- " 1. . , v .ru ;� pastor, bearers, "
y of - It . .. I - I . I., � � , � alld, 0� ServloosL: a 7, u . . : .� himself It 4V 'wort � poxib%, bilt It. was. flowling,%. the botichor's Xao�4 and th6 . �
. . -�.. iv '", , I- ; .1
4* t --- ��;;;�-"��epiog.sr..�,;X;;-,-.--",:" - - - - - 'W, T.13un ... ..."'."...'o � , I I
, �
. *Ure4 farmer, who died on, � , , I , . . I . 130wrA. 1221; 'z: giiat. Ano V. )ffeArthur, Rev. � � lt��' , , , I juc-, " ' � , not, accotabig,j400. T4rn00'v4A It IvAter seeped- down th tA 000 .
I ; . . 4A by at Dioc'embor, 4.3) , 1 . CZ.- �, �� 0 - AJ . 11 ,,, tough. 0 r Ad. I .1
. . - 030g. so . , "40 1401, 122C 'T.,ftltebard *bd:,H. VaNeb, 121s; a,111-, ,9 t�;- C6,A0 . .1 �AU*6't, T -O PLAY OFF w4o�on fligm the fali'h�a to depiud'iot to tlie,I)TWOW"it's .OrAco on
� in , " Up " �--0-4o- - --,� - -0-,,.-,,- � I
� 106 same. to ,the U0 ed,ow.or bL- , I" r" t,(Ttla I sad th& " I .
I . . I. V ., � 4 from,theft., , .
I . . I . . e the, l4th day of, M ,-A. D" , 1) I . =4ERAl40rkW1- Dr. Graham .And z. pisset, 1186'. , -1 ,� I . . I ." . 4 A t I ; , 17 oxki., � : - � WrM WATFORD exhibit$' and to 4 Urge, dtgrev� Tor, At* Into . the- ball. 240 great . dam%ge.4 � wo.'X,, ! ' . -
I I ,Z i . RzS$UAXrNQ ;4�4 0
1 � . A 1� 1440-41114.10"- � I . ! 'I- ;, ZKO�4010X 11 I tl -1 � 949i, and, 0. A. AeI44 1140. gosper 1. k ;. .� P*veils � - . . .
, AVM1'-- , t I teildtnft 110, , ruad met the
. J464 '04 . A Ay", I - . I �
. I .1; 6,Pjy Mt - r , 4- , . , I vand the r44,jjj tjjO �`tft�htw I , .
.. .. --11 'j. - -� �. �, ,� I - .�� 11 - - , , . :v . � . people of 464e be. . .
- tbs A*614-lests .1 " I �11 I - . *,��7 �`Z,�',, ". ,,�,.,�%.71.0t �0. , ", , . ..
r. � , . . . Bo* -iic�ii� I �' X" . I . .. . �
't. � .11 I .n . " , 1. I , , , -4v 0064 40.4 and 11 -PVMdPA`A .�Ma VO"Ivft� � � ,� ,
. I
, I . mkmqwrs at ,*I'll roceed, 04idbliia. 'xdd�,' I , � - TZ0, "i I , . . : , - I Ow, �toorltii . I e foiniql;'Tooft allIjbo I 1,
" ,� ''. - a ,�., "... naiurwat . (Or , I . ,,W�"u . , Irldayll . . . . "
nlikw A Imition f, ri- -1 1 I 41, . , .1: I , - - - , -North St" Ittil' . chooh, S#kVI0dj (304crIch at Watford I 00b. 4th,' thdtl the sentiment W#A.Very. Orougly, In a thorou,olli u,010.1111. 11441 ,� , . ,
I fl- I 11
, . ft ms lat I S . I 11 . L
1161*- - L � . .
- +%I � --- .......... 1�, T421,91i!r 4604,
*d -*w 4_ tor tuo 0 t .. ft*ft� sbau I &; of tile , Godefic); Slmdot' Feb-: ath� 10 j . b..Jdonday,,M, i6or of the Awo6day t4tv, Itugh -gill .4hewato rdo, S 7 . ..
I q " , I , . I .. iQ7 - - III ' "'. .
. ,
. � - . , � I , �. I AUXIMING MA MS' I. 1. Board of Health, for.,1031 ,wag held- on C I hip, Mission L., 13�tjd And I � I . PP�d ub xiid �chQ' flv� I
, , �.jnlj clam. for And,,, Wattoivq at badgitc , -
. .. bave notice Of'L , ' L ' �,. I . , . I 13
1. , .f. � ., --�,4�., "A uisv�n fdi�ws Sth, 'are the games scheduled. $4 the also Adlxd#04 d � ukp: tut � t1we. $=Od .at about L ,
. �'.,-4�- GoilaW'. %&, L 'd. ' � � k , . I I
'. DAut 4 at CW6 2 , 'of L , * Moncu'v! Att�rnoon.. pre*nt; D UV, ,ot 9,10." . . , 1 � I . . .1 I
- - 1� , I , . r. 1 '$ Sun rW ADIub; - topic , at, -Cl ,All Iff. he 11;�
., .� On , �Otr e O': Ae'fo�.' Oey-t* but'
ftus*i A, D., 193L AMASHIM . ar. for and A. D. Mcl6earl. W; ,fid r6U�ld �,4erme4141, ihatig tl,tbv two -4y f*. �:wiool b4au at- 1.16 and the a .*� - -
� PRIOW11 W. Schad , - ,r . .. . �.
404- from 110611 W" divided ljjto� hajt,�haur Pji�
, 11 . . tr(' right 0, 16 i6lia � . . 11
. I . : , . � I . _,#e
.� I . � � OAT$ sidd, XA�Vs, - I I . ... . . mbu. am ,Oqusl�Are they?" I� Muctd 000OWL '0040rldll Oftrlie.4 the - Would . bb inore accept b � I I I
I . *, �� , L . Write ,tow for ,sale o:lt�,,log McLeart wag: choSen: oti*man of the by t.%0 ry-Pulder. L3� P.: " I :
. . , 1. I Schl, On M offifth to go up 111to"thO second round by '4e- VIbItI1X9-T4UCkA0f and Wintgbom, fairs he SO'L that tile first Aterai'y meeting Ot r ;;
I I . . I , 00deriol.", ont, I
. 7 - ,--� , :04*rjdttr6,L tt'6';L showing Board again for I the, t�lsr " 11. 'and ublic 40109� Clinton last Vriday, 11% *Ls old% had Come. to. the conclusion tha lit begin pwly. - - - . . ..
. 1, I I amazing 220W.,16W Prices oil materials 031 F44 am� It P
' L "IcAom fOr thii ... Zxeoftm herein. *or alteratIon,'LOIate. eeting,1119110 011bg board . WOM sel.f.dt W , _ .. r: � . - I W I . .
. for iiew buildin in � 1, I 0,m.� foUght gailij.",L hiph , t good 1031 mis. . I 1,
I 1. " . L I'll . - - � I .... 111. g; . . I i 4ard _ Went. ton 1111W, exhibitS 'Of .stock would briaj'thoctowo� The, Meeting, preSioOd over by Aiijeft L� ' � I �.
-�--;;,�.-- - � I rooft, $2,75; njetsl 'Cojiinf�L'100 ft. $4'95-� thp.ft$& Mondayi'ln vach. 14'ont#L,Xt -4 serVA 'L , . 4 ' -11 'derich .04!� 1 . . .. . L 1,
- - . , .1
, . 10)". 4 Im - � _ . 821114t4on . AiW , ,�*,W OVOrtittlic t6forlll t L e'vlAnIlig "team � Go .
. A -bO0 -i than 4d,ft,,. srk� Wolock In. the afiiirrmn- :An ,application , . - $"it W4 a littla, 4040t An -401 WSS?l With A spCooii by" x1orbeo , ,
k .1; REAL US'kAft! AN . k 1hatilation 0'%ss Oft for f3und#:- ,,,,, decI4�4. U -�Owitfg,14, tbe, t,4�4 at special, 4b. dr , , o. s �d 0 0,
. . 0 , L . � , , Atr,JLJW.� L , . .
� , i .
. � I . - , Olreotor,y class* II. s4m, aolj;�, was. a -c
i L i66An9,' 0;00- !461ftbf4dtion doors $4.95L; WRAL . Tocolved � from: Lou'. Maskon , , . . 'lose �Oame and. cially . oeti it 00 h th captur6 tot . L
- , , , . . I bar� LL Ond . I I I .
,, SAIE`RGA40�= , 901" a ii6ss: ueottni; g . fought the $core when tbA h big subject �:
L'. I � fvzm Oak flooring 01�fiol sq.-fto-pinq doorS'L . !.. .. Ild, , L , ,,a ractiono and hd� belloved 1LIlat It we coxi. quebta' _ 14j, & , " ,
- -- - '., .., �� L dairy I Ifeense, which. was granted, silb�l I .. P -lin..' Sunday . I ( . and dealt wit
I _ __ - ' ' � ' L -70; L ,. O"ll" $Xl06: , galvanized �. - Yo 00�1v%44 L 10didg. A 1, cottage I M e , *68 Only- One, toot each. fted Ourselves to such attractiong'ss momier that showa g6 gre$t�deat-ar tol. I li
, . -16,4WOrit a-- `l&ut-b L. ' ia'arft" (28 - '. -.45 * M
.. 7 , � ' $2. born I J-eat�tq..Inppection. A-zepmT, from'00, . ?aa 4 big otb*d of fans tram both CQW4! be scour L I �
1. ,%t I od, "Wd, c6P*reb94r1n6.- $5 , . et ... will . led locally And devoted our ''L L
I . - . , - - -60 -1*1* I 109, �
, , - ' - �V.45 Institute 4k�jpuliluc lKe0jt1i,An:,-, " , ,Toft-dalyll *
,. .� '. I .1houta; I I 4 � , , - Purity Lpolot'. lfta� ��. , 11
I . , 041,1,� "'outstoo AGO" , Uabqtt, L ... - 004 'At I the hame,)-Z q t i, Ch-- And -01int6tv .4o - wjto%� -the- attention, to__ r a-. good show * for then tendered t selection Ott the, # , . .
. ! I I . L .- L", o I . . . ". I " 0, Lt Aakhig ii6d644-
L 7�` . , TAth"dWo $*5 "'abirigle'"A"'Ift'gay. harvested, by L Ablatk Ito - , Th� Clintoil, bo had, a little stock and ggrIcUltur - 5
� � , " , loo -being", I _ I Cut. golen' ZlaSet� and hilth.'Col"T'a L '
, gnq�
. . !I' ,", : , . , 91dewall, shingles,, .$$.98; brick l shol,�ed th' ... , Vietoria, St. � Pubifi, a L Ift- the I 178 . al , *oUd aravat Atoteon,-'wjnnjr-.of -the-.seiijar -- '- 1"
� d.1- . - 'he L t at , L QdL �
. I L l0k.- SOW PainZ e sample griAtied A Clow, . � It th the Arse perl pay better. - ' � . . I Of4torical c0iiites
. IL
I. . . Voy nea , one_otalry house 'fteL Condi. t� . d to, the,. " L, . and : I � L t, then 80oko on ,& PLO._ I .
t 0� _ 1-96 gal.,'- 614W. $4,00 100 sq, M-. -barn R� OTAbain Ww was granted pormisslon , 1. . I after �21 minute, had *el,*;d, ..
t U .
ant $L, #41S,,, $6W'kfk-'hardWOM':flOajjbg" to barvest'Ice from tile 140 w*ri"ft., . .wen. V. -go- � ,Gorge talthwatte wantdd'tIje'jAjr,a ZeWs Duty to, Uls C , . . .
. I tim, Newoote,Xtreet". .41600� ., Pt , t.; 6CO4, ,� .. 11111ted Churloll.14,416sing ther ed , , otintry, Iwo oert6j* . . .
I low 7M -o N10ft", wfl Ilbo L ar&. I"S than $0.1. . 1. I I I . north Str left Arst goal;' This goal week tOrthan the dates.�suggesto4 �mld 131 upheld hor.reputgtjon gs,a chg1pplow. , � .
.1 1% 'dtOrY 'Ii0U0e' ' I , best in missionary L14
f , Wtll, garage, . I I I .year etudr and sup- 6 scored on ,�
, - . . I I .., Frenob'doom vVith lglasi: $440. .. W. . I . ,�� .-, .1 , . . on individual effort, go- his araeadm6t Wlhla effect walT Aeoou- A014red Moltay anA Magaret G - . . .. ,
"' L lot PAbe .412a � rite . ,�:�, Part $1400 union. ,The *110tinent. of 1p"- Wen.' L cling the. God tmth
I for L 4310 - -c I . .., ... - , ,� I 000 'fa . r '. -1 .L
Good hdii$e� Lf I I I . . .L
p0jaet"Aght's"stilga barn, . I ats! .x1rA1AXDAy , rocanet4ohns4on. , :- I - tho'�"Ouary 1%"* Iftinteakned ' LL I . 0404 net skid d04 by Goorge Andrevm, but only the gave an excellent exhibition of 'ItaP;. . . . I I .
l . *W6 t"', lirge , ja, - ;�jj, r.j6A,V-, 4TC�ct, , - 100tod"'t, I I ..1. .the - rubber- In.. ,The initial mo.vir... and; Eftatk4er J . , I
, , . L I L I - . !�- LO.'sam" ", t. � A, Uiet but pretty vledairlg was��sol,.' 'rund was over-,qubscrlb#A�U3L, #01 'and pe dancing, that pMe4 to I* very oopiil%� . I .
price sidoo." , ,,,,, " ..�, L q V
. . , I . I I . I emWftd at 'Victoria St�' , plod elided Wit -Q.tgd,,;..fOr . Ma
I . q � I . pationage, chi th Ii 0114tan leading 1-0. atmendmo Ufflorld � L J�, ' ... I I
�� - ''Good'h6ftse-bitilrot , - . . TSNV lw�. . I . eself-denlavotter1bg f,4, meet the need - nt. W talthwatto Urge& thati. %Toltliel- �wjnner. of, the. jQjd* - , . .
. , % ftall �";,- -'-, . . - . I . I . 'Me seorld Period S%*. the play m0j* botterl exhibits 'Ce i cal. vontot, showed
. I . gV fttr119 , ;,�... 7---L,-.-- ,. ,-, . ", . Sattirday 'evvning, ,You. 328t, ReV'. �,0. ArPAag. out of. the preoing odono 6 oVbhly L Old be secured. tit the Oratorl
. -
. . bfiM age-' Aft- houlwi, - rge: lot, for L the, . nit divided, About ha a '44wity .9t ... .
�� . I . Zne location., Pdo�. itoo ,. NVA!. f W--Teadeta . %" Butt , omotatino, , wfieti P, rothy c6lacti L . It -way through later date, but against this, It Was Point. talent not often found amottg. the, jutL. I
I . � � . DositIon ,q Kiang ' In the � Prafrid FrOVInCe4 this Stanin the home 1
� . - . a '01, i 4ht 0j . . arts .were ed 64 thAt the date -would conflict. with lots In her t#U on ,,The Vsking I ��.
Two -fte btick 4M, f6mo".ho f . , _ teom14 eff .
. Use$, , :.,rstor for tho�'owitdhboard Aldabor.ollty diuk oriolt W. il A $00, =Oiltitg to $612,, mak14- & total for the rewaided 'When Don VcyCs - . Of que- . , .. . �
I Part polfthed.h4rdwoodIlloom wen ploln, on the CQ Orille Muidelplif L T01OPhafte ZrAOStJohnstolljO046rich toWlis*,L be4 $ear,ot $9,703 for iiiissionary . . i scored Ott sevor&I other faits. .. bet.,, ,the journal, given by aim Red- . I I
, ,
Md. newl � S"in" ot car and main- i.,. nice individual Play, thus tying up . A, vote, of thanio �Was tendered the ditt... I d.t t ". . 1. I. . .1 -,
Ly deooroled, full'�-bothtbams- low; about 116 Phollft come the-b4de of"Oeorge--Vioter Alex. tenalaca rk. The glftg& Of- 'the the soorel. The, - ended With -tho Wonle,Ws. Ustituto far their' astistance Poet In our school. Purloin XdCotth6 11
� � WO dIso dale he lot. that We h% a
. I
� , oetars, lights", ew." ptictl. wta each r Office hours April 'Isr to Decembet, 16to ander XWcoar, ylilulgor son of Mr. �and Wi X S,, Mkim cjrej� ovA Ussion scote 1.0,11. . IPCV104 . I LL . .
` � * L vay cheap; , Sttuat6a jAftr ftm2* $40,0,4% to 16�30 1).%,*�tfttmber Ist to um. 00 * pitconet, aiso of, Qweri6i� to. 33%nd aillounting to,$I,2W are, not. in. G,derle I . . I In on enteftalrullents. to Imptoo poet, Is the. -aqthot at, a ,humorous: "MI. .
- A 'jok hoUfies L f6j. a, , , . putting � � #,
i numbor cholbehi L salej April lot, .7 a,m... th 9.30 pim, Zut, a . --Goal - t1dell I 1 entitled,,, 1%neeshow.,1 jean ..
i � *Me ot the �bo* 14,-towil. � . . . COUIrteAt OPerstor' must be 04 .hand at ThOL bride looked obatmiog in "a dointy eluded is the ab"ej L , � . h - Z Doak, , Me, � H. the finance$ of the fair. I Prite tbeA I.
- . In . MurneY, Bud StUidY,* Centre, 0, car. ;n We 030130 Of DF. Clarke ;Mr, P1404 ft celettloh On the piano, on4 the.. . 11
� 11 . .01 o"'Iftro -of ho all Imes. *dohotisev With garden' � , gown' at blue arepo ,do qVne, and, water . Thet W� X S. of Victor% 8tt*pt church pontor; 'winis, R. Stodd%r-t,.,0,', McKay, Gould acted As� e
, . oumber uses � Ako"tendotj$ for'.Ltbe position ' I . I
I, = many,of L them Vfty,16W 14 rice Of line- 4 corsage bou4uet of r6jo st I SeqCtX7 to the M00t aft MOO11"S entertainment WAS 'brought �' � .
. t* nam oathis� ovatem. About 60 miles of ,The,.-br1de..4nd groom Were attended b� . . I zoll6ol MO% IQ* 134rhol4e, P. 114im, Good log, . �. , - . I I to a, close, by lk play enudeo" �'Xt Psy$ to . , �
, - wo. my tenio for jAyment I L 1) 124 lerilll- hold ,Its , weet. g. '14 the obtath 1. . . .
. about , I '. - .. . . I . L
I I thm. . , � . , , L L ., . � Pola Md , 210 � L Miles of single , , . Past, The pco*Wftt, Mrs. Alli�*nl' . . .. 11 '�,:.��!'�',.,' �,.,��-�, I 1� h6L .. .1 .
. , - . . . .1. . *:,A.�Aiqj01#9.Vf't ,,dITj!e 0h*r"tOt%Lifi' the oil$
,!Or$, AtterA4vort*.0 Tte
�, . Duties, maintenance '.afi4 Vire. All$$ -Marguerite ftdoner. 0�dedoh, MOW UA4 of the 4evottonal pei- - . L" , .. '# � . ��or$_,t%bW,01,jiottd, by. 0, .
W,- -W. VIVIS S&Ikeld as ,
. I
�� I I Varft JmPt6ved - with, building many Construction,, char" lounton-G621, ,George - Mott; tio* tl�e atinua. meeting adjour ... 1: , . . I
� . . d them Vety low�'Jtx, ptiod. gna., Tati(IM Will bd�, accepted for, these !is,. --F� 130#04� Of ChAbOthe- Iod.,'Mrs� Butt road the , devotional fOlksO. J., Rodiger, J. glliott-.- control, G. WolicaMbe W04 elft , - *
� 11,11, =24 weadjing s.- the young. short, story wtiter,
, easy Aftom dinner, was serv4d ttd SMOtary-tre I I L . .Jean Abell , ' . , , -
� I W= for 1AYMOnt-100 stred, #1400,; b0sItIO"k elthOk SOPArately Or combined. leAflet. After Uit ndnutt� ftd I)O6la goth; *11119.k V.� Meften, 1). -%effin-ody; surer R114 Dr. Olark, who has. retired As' bet frl6nd . V
!'I I lifte- . W. L 016,pplll *"Mo. frain' hb,PWtIon, W I , sad, ,lohn 96"ohaw.. so . I
I I g" , L Operitor dtatlag silary� for yd At tbo home Of the btjde$LPa"nt#, only rtk -.allld - adopted aud - th� t 40 0 ecte . I
. & � M Acres. $M. 86 alores, 000 , its b"OSS -for SUbSi J. 'L, WiWordf' d L I . . .11 . L � � .. �
, loam, 106 butles to L WOuth bid, been dis"o ,of Mrs, 0jitichey, . I I : , . . I
i ,
,�� otres, eXetlient &i man ,staftig wage perjIbur. Immediate -relative# bdat'pMeAt. 'Ur, tite., iio hon- the *V0110'emall. . I I i
� - OrArIv vtorotao-t"Utef. I . .
I f . clea"d, 70, atreb thow, no !ws;tj commence Z"y 15th" loot and Mrs. Valoonor Vill redde 'on coa. Goo, jUfthlbr, Mrs �-, . _. ___ to , LL , . -4-w-4- L � . I I . I
b%nft loft*ft. ja-ft ,41ja, L be - WirkedL 1;; . - M. *h1ft, xr$. 1'. Referee-walter '190winst, 'of Nj)w 1 11 - . ., Afore tbau 270,66,000 broi%ro pentifeg, ,
r d. * � 0 tath 'Tftdetg to oPerator - �r tea:nift 41 Oodotich towaship. . L . . L ;-�, - , I were 1. hted ift the L Vaite(I fjtlkt*
, o - on, � liftemon, I . . Seabrook, Mrs� V, Wortbr and Ws W. Hamburg. . ' ml
�, .1 Ell, balance Pod term,, � . for 'TO be 04660�d to '*th ,�5. #A'.
log. Acres tq� ex 6 awallor Undftftned,, ,atid *111, be received 0 #00;1 Of tfao�Xft($'La t ,$$%W4f6: . 1tI*jO.rA'*ive'rOadWP an labor 06ftdi'tions . .
I UP 't . �"L ";".- '',,� , "44 , .. M., ... .%O 1030, -
. .1 , , ,�' V., � - I -PLE: WE, KNOW I
d ft-- 0-- Veli;- 2% 101. 'Uttermceg 11 comlea , , . I I - . - I .
e&WIjyL accepted, 0 1. %
I . St.m. , I -� � ? , req .. . I 4. I.. ir i4a�. Afts, U. PhWpO gavie, regid. , , I Aw� �#
� several smW obickm.tow flat aste, lowoat tea%er not nec A meeting 61, the Oodorfoh '33olLrd, Of 98� on 0 atiala 51;004rdshilp. At- ,RRIEW TOWN TOPICS , . Ws. A,, Iluehumn his rettirried from OfIOAV' FuU Faslllfted Silk $Jose for . , I .
, . .. .
� .
., 1. L � I I g .of L the town 06 visit in Tor�into, I . . :
. I , � I . ST. .W. . - . � L U� 011 U001M. 11 en , 444e for the W, M. 0, The regillar r4t,040 L . . I .. . �
I . ; A A I Trade *%s ,held Ott Wedijalday, evening I - ... 31 , , Woes" With � the ne*' *elaoh twi, .
I .1 - P WMNO. L . . I L t
e 6 VION1 Mu". 80*4zOls- ' and oigawatton wig Completed by the , d. Yof,Oroyet whith Is to -W hei,j council WAS held Mile Thurs4ay,tVOAIng W. and Mrs. MMSOld wort In Tor-13peClal, $1.(W per pr. at jjt"Z*f0j.� A.
� . olderich, ftt.,, lt� .
I 09, ,, gox ", . L I L --* I
i I cbf�*4011. out, In. ,No, 4 $0 -Victoria St. 'UnIted church ft4-01 VidaY this Week on-'scoubt 0001011vergl ftYS thil we6.! I . j
, In# . I
I � ,% I, I I I � 1� - _ L_-, I eleett.wX of' a Council or executive Com- , I - . ., --wq*46 � ,*1tw.* . . I .
r, 4 ...... " M, �,. - 1. - .11 . - I - - , LL ailttft jot twelve memberk sw follows : on eb,Oth. Tho'meeting *b1oh was (if the big Mons, Club ear4tv,sl,- I Mics Vine Luxton, of Iliotrolt, la vwt-, bms. jAkit"'N's, WAXW - . . I
. .. , -- , . 0jair,
�, . - I - �- - I . :1 . I well attended and lot of ill Was wa Zoginder 'SY4003Y 00britton of. Ing at her homa on ;uays m - -1 The famou,- ,,#ft ,jotleyo, witb.ho I I �
� . , 1,.,4�L , I . ,.:. I . . -1 .. ', - - L . : T. 0. 009612, A.- X lotaOX&Y,10. X Mb- Oft"t, TP - I" I � .
ur,�CR I . I olosed� with prq4t by. MM ... autt-� , , Stratford, 1111h been In town thia wook Mr, Vr#*k',CWk ha5 votursed ljoine, trQUVO Of "Wax figaterl will be 4b M. I I
,At - � . bett, - oio,` Scill"fer " atorge, wiltiamst . - IAt6 many side �*41& iftttoya L in after joiting-4iq-��tej at U' 0 r I L
, ,
Two, , GIE , � . C. K 'Hu,mlaeft W. it, nobertion"'i . , 0. 'Eastman, A. L. The W. M. 13, Of North s1vtoat YjAitefl lodkink L . . v Ulsville" Ity, L Co ge 6 V30811, gall 0A Vell. 10th sild .
11 I I -L . JEW91.1L.0111 - Cole, - 0. M 190'Un , dollAtotion With the work done laq . I
. . I . I . , deft, aeoigo waQVIc,%r,' ch6r6h found their 31146tliig Oft Monday . . I U3* MO. a. 6. Study aiiii, throjo chfildrelt lith at 8,10 p.m. under t,ha aq3ljjcO� ot I
I , 1 THE SMALL STOIRS I I *w* Dannelly an4, J. W. Pro -ser, The WtOrbOO4 of m6re than, 4L%141, interest. oil- I . L have rdiitrued from a vlatt, of two Tlllcefti3 the � 13111143Y School, Adtill�don %3c.. - - I , .
, Re.9 Wead IwImhcei� * . wtrk YH9 81013'rocK Ilbard having beeil dotabot for some there Was, 1% large, attendance, lota now Thor clint011 at ClOdOtIth Xorthern With relAtived at Windsor. ' I 'The following Ilio Iffoludect in tio owte.. ,, . I
I � . I time intorinstIonr Or tile wheresboutg' of Members tore recolved, ftd the study Uague came which vla5 *Cchoduled tot - tje,� , - 801>t. . and IMM. It. Hunt, Dr. Grallaill, Mr, OA, U. ' � L
L f- 1. '':.. -"" . I .... L 1� I,, I I 1-1 l� ; I � L . ,, ^.It!; ocorac Daer I't-:V,.,, I -11Z L ttegett, Mo. 11. Tsylor.
[ L jl�o- I -� I i �A.* � W i I I I .. I the 011a,Ut aftil records Is not definite Of JaMllwfta begula from the now book, this FrldfLY IM, Wow potpolicia on it 1
4"" I .�!. i;iiiiiiiii�� � �i .�Ik ... W-- I—— . 1. it appeara the board had same Vruit$'Of 01111!1410n. 111561095 In Japan." Count of'the Lions, Club cArAlvil s& tc* tended tho funeral of their duat, lfrti. XrD. ConnallZ MIZ 0, Z%X�$, ?& , ZT, .Li
� he, SIM UO3ride, of Zutich, on Waday a k;,
I L f ate, r4r. If. Watcon, MIS 'I
I , . . T,ld at V"
�. . . .11 I . .1 . --- v�usble meta in the way of Chatra Mrs, jamos'ItamatoA has ellarp of the tiak. The 430aerich, at iseaforth tMe thl.q %VO�L-. I . 0 , it it I I
L . I . . . I .. I alld I A �bogtd- table thich havo dfmall. r 8YnOMW df1ho ppebiiig Ott TuMdAy rmVlted 4 to 2 In favor of Mr. L I L .
I - , I . . L ttudlim And he . . , rdr. P. Carqy,. Mr, G, n, 0avle-3, X U�.
. L I I
I I 1. 1, I I rested. Old records are. to be IAqWr0d C11411tel! VftS Utr Of ilat6re8t, - Current SoAtOrth. . I . and Ure, Chas, Thomaa and,0111f- D, Djct�ajj, t4o� ,nt�unaqnll Mr. ,0. Xft. . I L
Inb$101jary Work %Veto (We
About and a, letter 10 to be seat to Ot� events - In ,UZ04 The fto droo ara.,�Iditing'jn town, haVinM 'to. Uatt, fl,V, T, R. pat.tet$0U, tUcy Um%_ou, .
. .d eilettroL and dance in old of cently M-tUrned from Vancouver, Wwre ML%j, G. olan, ZIXO, %�, 41artin, Mr. IL : I
tawl� Inquitiog,the proper Procedure to bY 11ISS *ale ftollawn, the toriptuto the fundl of the fall.: h4r, 11old an rqt- they JX6�D jive4'for ft Pa4t teV 71 qrj�, 8turdy, �'fj� U. Oft -, ?,U= , . . .
. ftlhtt3te 0* Voard. as it regular ,eon. T7W road by Uri;. 0, W, -Hollertwo, a 0ay ld�6 at the.tWonja Hall ,,,r,,I, ,,, <, ;L cbtoij�,. . V4 .
. 0 - 'arleton W6rton
. I P.UBLIC." N TIC E . lot luade. rcad iT Imt; given b.v Mrs, o. T., 19011, fair bueom, other attradtlow ProventInG a - V4 Worml. an' _ aoill of Ur. an(i Mrall, n Wft�_a.G. t�hofo"Mt. r 'L . I
. I I ''I r1tituted, tood . . it) Iter, t1ra, H. 0, 'Itapp, 'ir", Mrs, �tuvl. � .
11. I , I ag�--WA4 � . . . aild an, JmVre$-,4jve ,responjve ., refilling 4 a rtudent at otrat. con, 'Ud gturdy* I .
,( . . I . . 1641culturat Sotlety I the largO Mtolldance p4tc(I Ns. . . � I
i ,* I Wo led b�� �ars. - 0. P. ClAthe', The eve4t, At tile fir�t ford: NoMial Cchool, hti"j been oloctitl W r4r. cattit", mro, risimet" ut'. W.
, f I � IL Tlww entert3himents 'aro being
. , - Vcerotir� rell, of tile 064M01-4 Rarti. pre�jdent, Mrij, V1, j. Afidro-,V, bad .put oil by bbe Wabilenoa Inst, of tht! 14terarp Ooclety of �tbo Oturdy, Mr. U. utirball, 'XII51 0. z,�,,W%
, I R , , " Ift hj$ phot* j -. , -�iiM --2ute. I 1� ..
'. ON AND AFTE i , '01094 Of t le, meotln� .... I . .. .
, . � . .1 I ", 11 "a "
, '. , oultorlil' aotilet$ h� "#0jj ce 411111 r tho prCeAt term, U14 Iratliteen curtan, r4r. J. xn�e. I
� , , .� . . : ". wl I . ..'..'.."... . * 11 I ��. . � 1. .
. � 4'SPI*k u4ndow a Photo of the flotfput Are �you taking a,4%jita1�0 6r the ,00. vioni .011�W4 NGVAM-AecoM.- Mr th"4 Mr. a. 0� whatelez Novi, awk L .
oppor. oliVer r'l, jolintan, 'Tarontall Con of �6%r. . . . . ,
� Into, tile Dominion My pkrotdc* lot VAt , 151"ten" or,110" x0lict, 01al Prices Offered during out, , Ifaloll ulaebtone, and ac-brao. rar;ou, , I
ttmjt$r Sao� 8WIl PrjW, gre$,to. $6V. oliver' 'tolnison. Goderieh; ., .L
. . I 1 !by the "etich Horticultural, Society, 11,00 YoUr twes exquil"O"d by our t"Iell., . fdrmerl,v of Dow� Mi" It, , . . .
I . I I*.
� '
. FEBRUARY� 14thf 4193 1 , ,tvatitiftilly bond c4or,ed LIU ftlatilbo jeol,4 IMOWn and palastafiang spee%Ntj Vr,4JD9A,' OPP6ftuMty dixys Onto% Was el"ted priaidelat at tile I � -Ip��� - . . .
,� , , , . . I % . . 11 I I I . ", . I Mo, fte WOY Intefidg, ptittinK a float jtU#jM,d, f4fraOrb, opaegj tixPorg for f ppkI I 0, OPtomettical Association of Ontario Ut . hirb . . . I
I tj" . I . " ': � . I 0 . ., , , 1, int) tho, Domwoft Imy jArado, -'assin I , #N= ---*-l1-1 W11-11810hit=r O(WHINOU"t.-In Oodcrl I .
, I .- ,-, .., 1-, I - - 1, L . I . I I Xclaft, Tot0te, And, UmtV Morqtt &I, I . tho "Ift'llial jupetful hold hi Torouto ust tb� ft I
- ' � 'i Mulf A&I � ttkit, 4 1�ftfty, Vtbt"* lat. 1031, jt(tt,Cr,C,qA.
I f * . this Year. At A, UV"t K It* ftWW .00" uoatfto. Irft tet ilie hent Or 0. V. 1'. coxm"C", P10 .1 . . . .
. I I wif - W"I be , for , at marity Za, UZAZAY pum , � �'L. '' I . nih4blift datattv ot " J*W,Ur� SW
I Difteft' ` ranta latted, over go 3few expe4jente, O!, �04 emu. � 0, th* --hC-Xt L UtaN. ' t&S' JUM fawrky bild ftbghttt�3, "it. WWI& 0WjijW0b4W, .
. . . � I . 1, r ''. , . 11 � I ,%,� for, tht Abtflct tonvent-fod to ;� held. " . 8.4tt the ditt- 'I'm . . I . . . . ..
. Aft 10 I hero noit summer *�mm dimussed 106' t6 66(fftft *Ad At V6V 016"fe 40 WId. ft&y. rew 10fi 'Ilutl Im, Ikoltu %nd ja3a. ',of ,windwrl, are msk. , � I . "I.
�, .1 : and ftd,, W6 ftmos oil tbc. late st9j" of Mr. log is fraftlw�,v 'Ida rymn"- : for I"* thew b,omo bt 00detlelf,whero,the , , , IN, %%monEw - I
I all I axes in Arrdav$ including -1 930. it was ZZ to wor $PftI%1 PTW" � of jillelaotgn8g, tbo belA t0iko of tho,�htEg, 111106 00AW'd-builftg and, tftbting elifidma Itto 96M9 to sthool. 91% 01%I"X=;bt lovin " 1.
. I '. 9 uteftice'm or �.
� . . I � � . $2, 0," #Z4 $1 ft 1140 bftt 4% f0ft VMM, and our pr[cfj are ffoiti, $jj" 'eXcrC-jSa;. the girls *In rn)W�iit Softe jkvrey is 4 dg,ughttt Of Mr. win. *%W May "I"A (111iffith. WIM of Chou,- 4 . . .
l . brmwht 14 by delewates. Thef Satiety IS up, uttro4ay and r Y.. ftjU*jj MW fo* &AM. WL Ninj*11 it pfe. and, findis her litAtli mu4i better here Or"", 'Who P"ged owsy one StO 40
� . . 1, I I � , I I
� � . , to* ""A "-v ,!hO* win 00 Ist'd at tilt' 12th and 1*1� oom!� "ori. a4mrs mriog ft ,ioutle, r6to *,quartetto tst twom. Min '14 W16,jsor, Z to"Y# Yth. 4, 4030. . , �
. he I - I - I I
� I thU6 of t tM"#t W 416A to doubt AUT 6T-0jtP,, , . WOO tofft% bf,-140 A MC0d dlfttis, sild � W6 MY01% N* k*s tit, one ruo lorft-
� . Jo' [is ROBERTSON, tk!"; SMI&I ptuml will bruls in some -- , .� I the thMt411A piay� "Xits 3p*thw,s MUO UL'I Z040, a ftslinWcor,"Here. Vol OW bmu alft Md 440. 11 . I I
. fte outow V00Aeo. Mrs. Nsnk : , 1KC-111 11161f.11EA ntaul the getlool"A rou.
�. � Wr glad to O!z U. ,v6a to eiloftft a suit" TO 11" tho mt we loved " dc3v, 1
. , aN cut South.*' Vill MO. 14
I W- I
, I
'. 1,
� . I I
1 U14
1 p ro told
k I I 11
podVI .
, - If I ulss L e
oir beal
! m
� r_ �
. 'I 11AW ;. .1
, I 'I I
I 'I I
I 'I I
, �
. I v" A X I 'fbtinO W" 41*fly ? Am ,AWAY.
. ,�l 04110W h"', btft Aunwif,04, to "left , 'u -ttlasafr to 6-ble R(rda-Vkx -flan parmt!6t, I r , r, W4 I" of voit, I
� , COLI, OR e. T*uw Md of rmov *ft* ftflon, (Or Iftflonto tol"ity. Tiekets #,�
I I _"EC lob* 11 � A* Inftbets for.016 Aomy. tial hjKA tja,l $MO-Velt are La kftplft .
I I . I I A.^ 'T PUMV thurch -sm hoft thtir lift WY 40C Aind �� , _ � %ith the ' t how Va dfc& I
ftfift WMIUMA 01 'be oL cholft of C,11 ,X�,IjUraft- � - ---#---- - - I** ,
. I , ,rL�tr,,, #tqw at volt"r ptlt*� IUw It es" not sw Itoeft-0 , ,
V,evnft. rAtftry "tit I - t
I r 101" tofthapho, 12 to*mot livolo", �-,�.*,+-- . roy,6 "i **-.hAlo, sut, Crepe ift the wembcr tho, do -tel, mallow W %W. ANom , d(k*a tw qm 1 L
w I --.- ... - .. " "" � - 1-1 rhmte 41"w 4 W*Xhstn mph!". Cwt Liver Oil Mr t*lfty 0-1#4 'ely-kIM-11V chfi&!�, f(T tmft. Now *41ing at 0y. V,tl>, 9111 ar'd Ift I , �y t b -V *
L I I - - I � I - - I f=#, 0 * W"w Oots., #" tAoitt 'CAWASWS MO STW. 14115 IXT 'K at ItMIOM118. '. I I I � � � ci. 'W. 0go", I", VCMAND 11 .0 'Cul wv�%=. - , - - - -, �
I .
I . I
,,� , " \1 11 . r . ,,, .
. . !
I - � � - . .
. I .
. I �,
I .
I I . -k- I � - � I t . I
- - - . -- -- - --�%, ..--,. -- - - - -