HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-01-29, Page 2, body and delicate as Irl.. Its flavour IP *Fresh from the Wien.' Whit nee." the step nditistee so ledge, totalling .4140.1114 100 the Urge mnotint of mu& earl lowers parelisesd ler mew hers through the ilecleth the abets sc- townie; for WS of the total expreees. and one of ths isiernintrit Present, Mr. J. lieort, eddied thit lf the people gen. W wallys se d that seimibleir her% the eMPllee at whho privilege pr h,of obtaining use more then half the ordinal retell PAWN the membership ,could be doubled sgairi, The ;seed" and flowers purchased ere all from the best derriere. Tho Society spent lest year In civic improvement spatfront whet the members t it ownow�3 the �, of improvement tbe sum of agt,M. The Society planted? the plot neer litre, Hallidele.the ef. t plot Soldiers': monuineat plot in the et the intersection of hfo*t, ewl . street _ .--- and ',Merlon street, and Moo year i to Come to ooderieh this year, having planted 9OO tulip bulbs in a4 bed atMac- lstxict Meeting A k been accepted Ineidentslly the seere Key Hadi paid planted skein; beilde the tory, Mr J. T. Fell, told the anti al steps, so that this public building should meeting of the 'Goderich Horticultural haves very beeutitull premises this sung Society an Monday, $an, liitl►, that the mer.: The condition .of the Centra'; Ooderich Society had the largest even- park, known es the . Square, and the ditures of any, society in the district sod dsmsge done to flower plotsand ger- the second airiest list of members, and dens by dogs are'things that worry the the president. Mr. Gould, pointed out SocietY and it was decided et the an - that the Membership tad doubled in the Duel meeting Monday night to write a last four years. letter to the town council arming the THE GODERICH STAR improvement of the Squire slid risking if something mama be dasisw to *SAM-, ate elle dea+slie 400e to yorehoe1 dam. Horticultural Societies In Godericli in 1931 The. 1031 district convention of llor tkuttural Societies of Oro, Bruce and 'Huron Counties will be held in tlode- rkh, the invitation of the president and secretary, who attended the district convention in Walkerton last year, George oauhl was .re-elected prat- dent at the 0.clety. lase iwaaeld' utas elected Irak viae president; itrs. J. C. Stewart, was re-elected woof d vice pre,* silent, and ;der..1 T. Pell :cornets*. tre curer. the secretary* honorarium to be 00. Ws swum we* telt very 'rode - quite for the aawunt of work late Pali dam in view of the Urge duties ittYRlV* ed In the dietribstting of the seed" and. Sowers purchased by ambers through ;aim, hi *delttlo* to his regular work. The .seaeter/ Mae appointed ss the delegate of the: society to the Ontsrlo Horticultural OanventiOn in Toronto. yebruary 130. and he $ht hie desire CO ro this year was 1tl connection "with. the prosrata of the district convention.. which would be partly drawn' up among the :delegate* ;,tont this distrint who would attend the convention en Tema - to. leaving the finishing of the arrange- ments to the Goderich Society through its directors. At. Walkerton last year the delegates were entertained to a baa• OA*, given adrive about' the town to point out the beauty spots of the town. rete, and no doubt Goderlch 'will want to do u well this year, Mr. Bowden wax appointed alternate delegate.. reePPointed on litoadeyr Silent tar the years 1181 acid ISMwe es gallows: Pit's. f. Wens. W. i Mum $ otcwr 1!., 0. Paid 1n 4. W. Mm end the lbZla * tors who wee* appointed s yaw eye for two yam are the other members of the .� board; W�Georg„e�u♦ luck Thq. sir. Border. 1f. T. Zdw*r& Y, Nuck and Georgie 1'satthwalte. Roy Storishoues. end A. J. Atecirolt veers re -appointed *Witco. Their re• port for the 1*10 account* was approved sad it wax through their suggestion that the Menem hr the awcretary-tree.. surer'* recompense' was brought up. Memberabip in the Ontario Horticul-, tural Society wee decided on nein.. a<t waive through the persistent efforts of this body that . the provincial +tlovern. meat wits induced lest yearto double the amount set asked for grants. 'ta`nor. %culture d Societies. which Is paid,oAe* third. hused on the number of members ill Society hes and two-thirds-<o[r- the *mount spent, for horticultural pUrp. This explains the large increase in the legislative grant the Qoderich Society received for 19311,, which wits $290as souse *102 the year before, for Burstein Bertb. a Toes hamlet, is ening move five 'mile* to be nearer the rr't,- road-,Cincinnati Enquirer. *NE MX Mitli$11$INIC*1141f1101301161*361311NEINNENEISinilt*tot1st IiiiMENNWHISM ltS0a. jii t 29th. 3$31 Chas. Black Offers for This Month 25 SUIT LENGTHS 4.aor Made t4 yourrriQaswh G Fit and Workm. ! Goomatifea before they are Get into one of these Sown CHAS. BLACK HAND TAILORING .and MEN'S SMART WEAR TI4 GORE SQUARE, RIGOR 1 'Phone219 ..�..r,, ye_. the handy Tray.' casein. quisite for every w ------ Persian like it Persian Salm there is nothing lovely for creating and preserving it Bachelor Baby othlexioa, Cooling; heels of Eat, acrid and forty --three, Wooleott- eh04esoothes and dispels all rauconditions. was borax in Phalan;, New Jersey.-. chats. causes; by weather Delicately fragrant, it adds: exquisite New Rork Telegram charm to the most finished appearance, Keep your stock 'free from blemish Balmy ii,velvetyvitsnm choose i n, t with Douglas`• Egyptian /Anima.td relieves make. !b se eat lotion, shoves infammatios1, q Y aea]ce8 tale. Stria rose -lam. ie texture. , sns,w, contraction or Recommended also to soften and whiten .cords,bruisessti!nesstraiofsjointsellingsand nsusclee. 1nEstomummtvzo kt J peerless toilet NVI ■� W i♦ . wt♦srwwwtsw• sol iso araco)t <0. t0=0 <0=20 011:110>• OM) 01:20101:20 o�fo �olCiQ c s 71=".....11.11111."rell'IS cliigens Pnce DoesduCount low! Price. Profits Forgotten t o1=cor-----Rorxoir-----Ro=or----torzar----"tolocoo=0) (or=c T OVERCOATS � �Thousands of dollars worth of High-grade Men's' 18 �, oo� ami Overcoats m t ' oats ' in styles, a11. sizes in lot;: Regular'. ;cables up to $20.00. $17 95 Men's genuine Barr y m o r e Overcoats in all *luules, all sizes in . ;tot. Extra • Special Midwinter Sale, Midwinter •...•.21.50 26 Overcoats in popular cel-, ors. Reg. value up to $27.00. Midwinter Sale.. sla 75 EXTRA SPECIAL 9 Men.'s Leather Lined ° Coats, fur collar. • Regular $28.50. Clearing... .... $11.95 {1'.M ii uA;. ''. •'•. n iuuuaauua v 11 an oys Clothing,n : ents urn shings, Work Goods, Shoes -and Rubbers Rubber Footwear. Tremendously Sacrificed: Prices o ' GROUP NO 1• 0 Correct tyles in many: shades. Reg. up to $18.50. Q 11Kid s;rixter $ale.. too. - - orsooriopz r' Men's and `Young Men's SUITS Look them over • CROUP NO. 2 Blue Serge, fine Tweed, loot cut.. RMdwinterSale. $13.7• STARTSJAN. Follow the, crowd to 6s 1:4.sale ,and you .won't 4010110.111110.1.1111.1.11.111111111111111.111010.1100111.100111111114 0=0). . 01:103===t0 10> 4.0=31o=lio=to> t Police Braces, Extra Special • ,u° Lot of Ladies' fur trimmed Coats, all sizes and styles .in lot. Reg. value, up to $25. Clearing 'the balance $2.95 and $3.95 Lot Ladies': Dresses ' Silk and Serge, all sizes and styles in lot. Regular up to $19.5o. Balance to clear • $2.95 and $3.95 Work Sweaters Dirk shades only, all. sixes. Midwinter .Sale $1.39 and $x.69 Fleece -lined Shirts and Drawers, 69c Men's Odd Vests NEMade ir► fancy worsted and heavy over- coming, all sizes $1.95 11 0 11 Assorted colorns in breathed wool: Clear- ing at y go wrong. Olyo�..oaOalarf otho1i; __0¢01 ietio mo 0l�O 0 0A01 ti GROUP NO. 3 Very fine grey and a worsted, with hairline striper, sixes 35 to. 44. Reg, valueup to '$32:50.. - Midwiuiter $1:x35 Remember space does not; permit to• 4et40s.-4f;,m9n7 speel*ls' Men's 'Windbreakers Fancy checks. Clearing $L95. Mena Mufflers 49c ° Mens. Combinations In blue or khaki, all sizes 2.35 Men's Fleece -lined -+ ombinations all sizes $1.19 and $1.49 o. 11 0 Law a iMens 'horse-hd e Faced q o jj; o ' With striped body To clear �.- and fancy borders Mitts, 59e�� 3 for 25e .. ..' Shirts ..a •r . T Men's .rte Gloves' ress Work Shirts, Blue an& . khaki, all sizes - 79c 0 o y� Men's tib 'O 'erafls Blue and black. Regular $1.75. Mid- 11' winter Sale Work. Socks All wool 23c 0 Handkerchiefs II 0 Via' Leather -lined Mitts °Gold label and green label. Sale • ' � Clearing . $1.49, 29c toys Aviation Caps 0 Men's Work oes In solid leather and leatherette, all : sizes 0 30 Pair Men's Work Shoes, Panco soles in lot 89e $2.95 Drawers a Extra .Special 0 '.4d Pair' of Men's Fait Shoes, all . sizes 1* ; ,, o sot. Regi up to 54.00.... 'Clearing $1.25 r n $L19 0 Men's Mackinaw Coats g All sizes in rot. Midwinter Sale $�.$3.75 and$4,95 a Men's Leather Coats r p m Wool lined sheepskin collar. Regular a 1t5$15.00. Mid�vinte_ry Sale _9.45. o. Women! Look'; 48 pairs of Women's Overshoes 'in black Maty. Clearing at $L19 You'll have to burry Big Shirt Special ' v kroadcloth Shirts,:. separate or attached collar,llar, in shades, sizes 14 ' to 17. Mid* winter Salo 98c Work Pants Sizes 3 to 4. Midwinter.,Sate " $1.19 Fancy Socks Your last chance.. 5 pair for I $i100 - Get your supply. orsebide 'Gloves Game earl ► while there is a collection to choose from Special 69c and 89c Extra Sp eclat GClirls'earinangdM • Boyd" Rubbers, all sizesx:in lot- - - 49c and 59c Men's Rubber Boots Boys' Leather ndbreakers all sizes - $3.95 and $4.95 u Men's Leather - Caps Allsizes and styles. 'Clearing 0 $L25 With leather tops, 12 1114 15 inches 0 $2.95 Bre 5 and 6 eyelets, ionly. Work Rubbers11 Flannel PPyjamasas 11 in d '. Clearing _pIl. ks Men's aril w4, ii'heavy Socks; J',- e fi-- 1 °. Lined, $L39 Men's Cottonade Pante all sizes $139 Men's Winter Caps Clearing $1.00 „,fi ioys' . Overcoats' Clearing $x:.95. Men's Khaki Shirts `Fleece -lined " 95e Boys' Sweater Coats ° 1 Lot Mei's Fine Shifitt While they last • fixes 14 and I44 only Reg 75c 2 for 89c Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers 89c Men's aur -lined Gloves In mocha, kid and suede. Reg. $4.00. $2.29 0li t0i Men's Fancy Check' Socks • Silk - and wool All sixes, reg. $1.75. 39c 95e Men.'s Astrachan Driving Gloves. • SPECIAL $L29' Men's- Broadcloth .p Pyjamas Regular $2.50 $L39 Men's Molten Pants Regular $4.00 $2.45 jts,-aIisi9 . �o'rwia lc 01010>~ 01100 010 Wool Gloves ' With dome fastener. Special 49e Men's wool Rib Combinations All sizes. Clearing • $2.49 two i0 0060i 01=0 01:24) M. ROBIN Agent for Tip.T'op Tailors Watch our window .. Lfar Extra Specials • 1031000:011011001===t0eitOveso NE