HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-01-15, Page 8- - -- �Ml.r 73W, -
-- IV. -W1-1 . A
. 11
e.%Glt IMCUT , - - - --!-�
I , � Aw.A.M..~ -11 - - - �, 0 - .—.-- .. - - - � -- -- -- . - - -, ----- �- 0 . �
I . # - - It
, ,
� � =�
I - � �.. -- -
F - *"V*d Ulm aim" birty ro&
, � I .0 hww of Mr, juW Mm PhOP ".Ww'bugOm fw %1W Y04r.
,14,mujau *" UW *Leae at a .%A* - 00 X"~ Im um. 2khm'd X- Sam IC 000101111IM". On the W67 11a
--- - 1-1-1.1. I I -
mat, little. , Speech laoxwed tile uacmll�
I ,
bw W113t it was all About' Ana 5414
highly FiSjxokd by, all *lie kuew he ng opened With hymn ft A( $ WS$U-
L r, Pog",n,�A god Vicinity drove -to tuvU- I , . 3 Ir-
She U surmed by ono son sind two -'now on "Urdsy Aigiat and' availed: luom then led In prayo, followt(l by
, jUe"gy VVeieint of %A %#*� 119" 644444 6 10U9" SAd W" MA100d LA"41M.
that tha patty 144 brought ta4ens of
100 I
� A t*y ha4 1"I I)OC, 24th wcavw UW ;;: W OUR" hwpU4, wilorc st Ualk of NUN La" ar"Ay IF" a most
1tweia'39h anniveriarY of tWir maniswe!�Vrlunr� At is doing as Well No am be SM4 " U* bow of 9W Man W090L
1jaw 1'y wily of 4*1ftating the ovent4xpecO4 owh* to ber adva-swk 69c, Mr. Frod ftwiw. at Cb@Wy. wsa a
their frkrAis arjangeo a I AYWA*r of the OWN& Y00deat# Of thie 94"t On 60000 4 ON OWN* 4C J*
16wt .thirty '
FA, "
down ou williiiie panod away im Satw&Y aml- WenU, Mr. ow ftm Aim* powler. of
4urprao 1wrty %W-4 $wow -0 ilowa W
I io,
I � I -
thl!jr boqjUVe bww *be" &W U, the'," Mg JA tbo j*pon of Ure. Sniditr. Ashfielil,- He w440 ow trip br mow
� �t-vCX114. It W*4 a real lourpriiie, tbe,�ftog 02 yegrs axW three mwtba. De- Wat f"111 UW Uavelling r*Uwr 41111cult
l' -
I �
: .
Inle F"'Z14 44f F00---sawr
faray beft 0411t Completely off ceood Md bown Uyjf4 q1th juv agugh- ,owing to taQ � aipount of a**, 9a tbe
Evii. bUt ,W#X ycry 11appy atfair ta. Mrs. Utury McClItOwy, for a ouis- roadx,
! ,
I L-�..Cjoi�-acatrl�o B;;rton
, it OL
liat tP.0 *me. W. QW Urg, maernil-Iter of yests p"t. Her jtuWboud, It* Mr. Heary Powlero who hps bm W,
I 'Upe
It i,
_ _ , .d3 r *Uadalr
.1 _�r ,TLC
I Er
I _
- zeawd her 20 4m:i not lmriove ON WPIXY #A hW M%4Y
Aupt &dder, predez
kikew how to t*0 V441 an gffair'ilatip dikil
. ,
14114, 66 vultora wero mado bRalUtylyfars ago. SLe w.�s one ol tile early frieuds would vAb.
III -14 Vn,=,Q=3 S� Richmond �
wel-:.Djue� WlX'4 the , AT,A 41100; W ,' WOW, they lavjnw lived 04 the Sauble miss V*110444, of 00deri-il
� 1
� I,'
. 0 t":,�%,rm-,1 I
u;5 ..i-
-ut ill ,
- the furpturd couple iiiluno am Dryulale for a� ,nuwiXr of town,illipo *j* � e, wce,�,-eud with ber
I pa,,,,ca and A� & *1- i -All )ah. lks�' -4 'Ace. a '" 0 .#4-1
I ft"T.14"194 Ci
� CAU0, 001F 40Z Rutton .
Zcmmo TeT.W."d to their Ute, OW. W.
L _M�.2WAdeo ono of tho plotters, ju %
3ROP, W010 0 V .0" A---$ . . � I , �
Vaa a' gW4 mother, a kind uv*bbor aU4 A slelgh4ogd ,at yoil!ag People from
� " Tile V140of on. taliver Irty-
� I - Upr waua�p �
mat, little. , Speech laoxwed tile uacmll�
I ,
bw W113t it was all About' Ana 5414
highly FiSjxokd by, all *lie kuew he ng opened With hymn ft A( $ WS$U-
L r, Pog",n,�A god Vicinity drove -to tuvU- I , . 3 Ir-
She U surmed by ono son sind two -'now on "Urdsy Aigiat and' availed: luom then led In prayo, followt(l by
� i I . .
. The wima of Aamittwe ,
that tha patty 144 brought ta4ens of
-Wpathy of themselyco, of theop". unity,of -s praycr � jjymn 24
43U.Oltera, Wha, Dam the S� . skAting the Zma, In uuwm
�'! I -1 11140P Gibu
�t� calden ID3=.-Veter S Mae �
Termtebraum wherouven the groom ,of I
: twcnty yearw ago 'wAs presented vith a
040 CowAaunity. Tto StmerAl took place at t1writlk theire. 1 VO4 then simi. Wri 6atlavatory re-
04' Monday aft=oov, $e1Vlca,eon4uctc4 Uis. Atcharti - ww.humcy, president ortp were givea by the pxf3jout, treA.
1; �
� I . twa, ot tup V40a q -
ia .
Mtehen iclock, W, hito the bride ikas tile I
by the Ugv. r % of 100.
. t% by t.hp of UgltlRud Rraxbyterlal, atteuad a- &Wer. =dr9C%4JA9 Wrfwy
. w , , Qj%jo. anjs
, I
- I
. t- . I . �14*411. Ueaw'-.
. ,
� -ft'a nincty 0 -um,
11 rcd*nt , of - a pretty Chula breaw"t
,.N%V. Wj�MlitAu,WA7 profuse, In VX.
R0. Mr. VA10. - 10=Put Was made. 1A Mtetk* of the W,130YZe49l QXeCutWo. 14 A duet by Mrs.', Anderson and Mrs.
. . Wright ,was very mucli ezjoyed� Misa
.Uaygeld teractery. Wingham oil Tuesday of this week,
� . . . �o�� 11 ,
I ,.'.�!- ,"" -4 L1',-',';- , .-
.1 Will - W*5 -OWT
14 �
T ,uro, uAd appreclAtiono
veaslo.-4, 0! plem
aud lioped 014 the visilor's ioo-uld en -i
I . I I mr. autt riva, chap, unott, ana, ituie, r' 13tair"read L thl$ 0griptUrp lessoa' Lae
Dohigs at . I mn Henry were vuve3ts oa Weanepitay 213-1a, also � the 'devo"al leaflet,
"j?M*VQ troSWSSQS Up Va f9rgjv`L� I
.1 AD"10 v- them
I I - .
� .
. I tv 11 # "
joy the occa'slo" " 3AUqlA a% lio"tind 1*
. , diti.. vollowing a r,ou-plo, of uOurs
4fe. L
at the 110WO of )4r, F=QtVa MQ010" US LoUe
. Zjr4 ThosL ]4ijott ,of Iqlle.' . . 'tho" 'Who trespass against W.11 14W
I .
I . Magma lgd� ta. 'prayer. 0yum 305
, L 11
LL � tool, 1,4 store
,licilre the 0arty bad Itmeb utter
a C
I T6 W,�vgaosh district Orange 1040 WAIr thea
the ,w&% wnw. �Twa chapters. of the Study
I .
. .. . L .1 . -il
. I .
wilich they All daured till woo $Mail
I I ,beld It* annual wetting at Orange
. . I I Irw a low. in
Vainuel: allietwood juet.wlth - - BOOk, "Result$ Of Ob U MW
rather c� Hall, Dungannon, on Tue.siloy ,attoV L
, , z L . I .1 I �L
; __
. . -
hour. , . ,.,. ,,,
L W . .. ...... �, � �O ,, -,ow� L I
j -respgatively by 10"
ecdous * 4celdent , While operating - his*- noW, wheu.the following ottioers Were As,pgwr L were taken
, 1 1�� 7. =�,
j L , 1111� I; I , . _ M
.. - I � 14--�.�,
bay-prewr 4 the tam or Moxaider Cleated '. ' X), 'K" VelV1llQ"LCUlb�rt: 1). D.� is. Blair and Mrs, Woods. The closing
" � .
� L . 1411CULNOW �
. I Chisholm left for aarnia
11r. Ituah , . ,
HaAett of A014old. LWhe prom Is driven U., ON. Ptiltlano; chaplaill, 1�ev, C� hyinn, was sao. =,a, (Dr.) Mortimorc
by gmoilae. eagine. %%q bot 40%, off 0. x0no .. rev., vealy, Bow= Finnigan, c1med the meeting vatu Pjayor. ,
jA40[k&A for, last Wook)
Of Toy
�, ,
last wee); 11 . .
=3. Percy Stewart visited relaiVC3 14
-a �, . '. , , .
Ana Mr. Sherwood was Struck by It A . I
.. I
ud ARV40A xed'.V, wbt. Wilson; � treas'* . . ]DELrIAST . 1. -.1
� 110�3 krAtiftlao 1101W410101
Wu, Vilant�pjo %M*.pA(.t at bor home
, ,
Stratford $Or"oeveral wcoks.
ftlb� IS
rendered uncQuSCIOUL Being thrQW4 to jaa. ZMQtt; J&t L lecturer., Win. A; OrSer;
. I 2Ud lecturer,. Dj�vjd 01eqn, .m4robal,- Mr. D. X. Alton and song, Messrs.
the ground, =4, boWg Stunned, lle,wgs I
� I
; . . � ,
, I . . hero,� - I I
I.L . ,�s. 10110VAQ U10.1414"", pt, Teoswa
. I � Al
Ljoyd 11ort,bu, ot. Xiagora,
. . .
Vlsitluo� relativez *V0 at present. .
, ,
. I
Oicre tho.Lepilo Johnston. Three ledges mako,vk Roy .And :0 0 Go ri 31 on -
forced to lie on -tho,polmO \ . I . ert, mQt6ied t , do I c. �
be' t continued sttlking bim for oome the district. UaMOV N110P 0=9073011 Saturday Ofterawn' � ..
I I I � ut 4 90r; 0ya, VISIting,her ftera
I .1 t.. r,poz . . .
MISS 33CS610 Smith. Of kit, V010310,
vialting 4, the home, at ,1*& V60Y
I . .L .. .
time befora tho Machine Leonid' be 0,jQV.'aud Belfast. . I MISS Way returned1to ber,bome In'
. . here. � � .. ..
.� . I I L A-U�s w4wrAred �: I wudiaa I ,ftt%%o4 . to
. �
Stewart. - I �, .
fjt�. Wppon afte dio w k U her
PC.dL'by 'Some of 'those ISSIAtfill;. in' the The aMma Vestry m Ir'spen g'a bq� Wit
� _I � oetIng
, , a M, trio -d, Wt. $pence Irwi.n. �
work. lie 114.4. to be Carried. to .the, pool's Anglican church will b bald I ,ri *
I L .- . Wadoa aftet �40peudhkqt a few days At
� :
. .
. MISS V0#S � 4rontllsou, -of .
the *Q44.6no with her grandpar-
- remo I vo. sh hall ion Monday, 404.19th, Mr. and mrs. Allen Alton and family.
house U44 We$' 00411�.r able to bo, tho part. . I .
i .. li-er !home hae�-
� I I * .ar.L V',rk - -ifait).4iista. . ret uA W, to
. : I � ,
vint .
cuts, Mr. and Mrs. X cooli; � � . ..
w%i Xate 11untor return �d to, kitAh-
4Xth con. 4t ft to their home. in Toroatal
ad to, his OV,*A home. 61K the L'r . p.m. %%y6t of tile Wtor coagre;a-
. I U014L L OA af open4be � their
ce$dau� of.Ashflold. Zs shoulders an4 Wt, at )?or& Albert. Will bi ter. ,$ tWO Weeks with
L I Uoutteal'ust 'ket''Witu ,hin Sm, VA -1
, Winter there.
tt*s;, the
pnori 'having S�Vnt a Month lVith her
'41�dolacft tecolVed the viorst, of the. Tuesday, Janiwy 20th, in the ChUrCh"Uncle, And, aunt, w. and Ms. , John
, I I 11
� I I &%�,&i�lw.
. , , 1 451,4 jjW4,1jocUo��-togm played U�re
I I tl . %.4.
i ,
broijkr, Terence; UO'Ater. .. ,
Sevpt�-, af. tile 40ung people 0 up
is Verg 40� Mullin. � I . I
- that . .
bruises. and it *4 feared at tirst it: Port- Albert At, � P -M,
I ' P, OPS has, rotu=L,
,he might be Injored Werna.1t,ir. ,no is slru�le that 0, Wie r6prosontatlon of : Mim A,%V U ed to
. ... � 1.
.11 -
. �
I :
, tw's VVC41ILM rinckwigs Pk%o,jPUVj,. 0 I able to movo.about sowonow,� although parishioners 'Attend those meatlu'M - her Alome in ToronlM After spenwj�jw, . . . � I . I I - I . Rwl-, ., .1
� � I " ' r '1019 I to M McCabe% Ust Wednesday Xdght '0102� I ladloo � served - I;. I �.. 11 .. 1. ---; . 1. � . I .
. I in avog*, W A was'A good" . . I . I I �, ,
. ... 04 f Still Vol , . 111cloding the. ildela Cake; . All , I
Raim and, ewoy 11,6)�Vdl thi*A:.-,F I Moo 'S'L ZtAIAO PrV$bytOriall chUrob.,wk4ch w" Flarotion. .1 �� , . LIE— .. . . ..
� Mrs.
-; met4aughto SI)Aortan ohuroh.Wa� 1jeld AnnO for TuQzdjjy of a, week b The W.� X, 0. of Sackett's . I . � � j. -
00 of Mrs.' �. Varrlsh, MO, '4arel;ig, , , I I .. Vuitea:Wont home* V*Wng N �PINDER. I
00a they OZ elijoyed Q. -Injurics. , Tile AnnuskI -congregational Meeting 09 -three Weeks With her 4ster,. Mrs, Tho�, P - At Midnight * tb&
. The reguiat �,tjj* Of'thQ *, M , , , , , b
; I 7 Soto from: hls� I . lunch, ,
� �, , i W. COQUI ., , �-.
I All. $1. �6'11101 -the it fw,whe Pro ueCCd . thi , bs . 10 Pu,ad � 10H I , 4 I
? .
, t wletl4n 17-Saii0ol, .rq- bjr.. Archie HortQn, attentled- the ftmoral of, -Dougherty man of , mAr-; . I � I I I . I,
1 4 the, puthaqw., tontj ,, . . , I ,17 happy .;7�� L � . I . I . .
.. 1. - � all* �tho of tho.utovw Hort6i, at Niagara.,va*. at the home or Mrs. V. ad;;$, With the b�oA postponed Until Tue4duy, Jan. 20tb,- church. will meet at the home of Mrs. I , . . � .. � . � - . I . . . I
i , . . tumtd �to ]4udkAow after op , . I . .. I cou� Spende UvIn on Wb4neoday afternoon tied life.. . � ... I I I I � . r . I .. I . I . I . . I �
- ,
�i � , , ObApfulfts" lvlidayo ot hei homo W I"t'*104y, ' .1. Presideeto Mrs, Richard MeWhinnoy, In at 3 p.m. owing to the.tact that It, 00 ,,r,o 0, � ` FF- I . . �'� I �
, I I �very Iptprestin 1* 'with the mooting of, the v .. at 2.30 O'clock', Zvorybody welcome, . I — , � . . r . . I - I � - I .
i , . the ohalr� A , resby VOWN 1, . I .
�� . . r�eol d last Tuesday from, . ,,g ettp.r fllctcd� . I The 4 1 0DORICIR ,, M
I . I � . I IOMAS411101 ': r word ,*48 , Va I from Miss Olive nos$; matron' of the terial executive which met at Wilagham unual election'of of1loers of the Q PLUM NiGs . TING -
r . r I .. ,
, , ,
� I � . � .. Xr, I know,, ,Who Niagara Valls. bs, friends here that Miss , 'r � I I ople of Grace U11144 . . I . .. .
I . alla Mo. Ofilles, Luc . hospital At Fort McMurray -y, Albefta,,oA Tuesday., ' , ' Y.'rl. S. Was 4e14 In tho, church on The young - po � �
L. - - -7 . I I f.11,,,,:r church are giving Sn onte tahnnQ
I fto near-t.h6,7Ztatjon,�jW4l celebrate 'Q4 �%a,ao' UOAOW had l)a*4AWey.'frOm % DaodSon,' J6 %Vhich -ra - blio-�rFairmp, - ' I -tr4bling-'thursopy eVeuing, rosultlilg,asr . _ .r nt end I SINEET METAL WORK �
, r . , , - r , bja�oda-�Ajhg WhICU started froin a was read.,by Mr, a6aob,- nurso�ln- I . .1. , � . . . .. r.
r . .
1: . , , . ,this coming Iftursday tho 04th 4=11-r xoun-t, Was given Of the At Alomuac, Marine and General .Uos-, 'ft4coldelat, miss UyrUe JohAston; assisit, 4o-pja� this Priday evening. . I �
% � I I 11 1, � , very graphic al ,. . I . r i r . I
I r * 11 sort �:en, ,her face. ,$adto Y�Qsr the eldest , . . � "—�--A -'k a r township .
11 . r Vorstq�,r 6fr� their ln%�Tlago- Tho- Are on,,,Shq aj�lo�dld,work aceompWbed in that'llos..pItAl, Qoorleh� was a:gu'qt oje-ftnday pres's.; Ualph. Cameron, George Alton, Th cotmail held ,its ;arst, Phone 127 P. 0. Box 131 ,
. . r . . I I
I , I . .
. � r I . 4.A, A �. A t." ..UlArA ft+..: d%ught" of tho late ,D%v1d,SoVt I . . I -._- r i�.� " 'i� -.4- ; i4 'f , I'll. -1h, Veal. on � Monday I . . i , .
, : I i I-V OLONO- M � .
� 0. Wood. and�� we hope thQyriloth live 'to
, I l
Waa- born In lAteburn, tile. family Moving
The meeting closed, th prayer wita h0r Parents, WEr. MI 4VA,rs 9a VjrA-4X5a.4 0 4uQ . V,
. .
I treasurer, MIzA Matzlo, -0ackett;
tt U a 73 . � . . . . se,ore.
br the president, .fOUO*04 W the rePe ' 0 0 -
gu�� -5
even had , Several coAtentlovS,
g and I
� in
� - . . ' .
I .1 I -
. I 1. .. ! ''. ". .
. r.. b j .
� I xeowh their 66th" or jougat'r both are
, I . asr
� .� : . - 04tU.
J4 jvory goQa health 40 for' 00ill
to 1030ara X -1411s, when she was a child.
Much ,SyraPathy IS folt,'for the SorrbWin E;
, . r .
tion of tho Lord's prayer, In unison. .A : Mr. And Mrs,. Purton aoach and tary, Mos. Violet Twamley, . , .,:
. . L
r I -
dainty Miss were'Su The congregation of 'jacke't Voited I
Ublects to '40a� witjr, among theMthe
a � r
Loudon, draindge dispute, the mottO
. �
-"'" -wo�
- .�
r . r , '
. I ; - latlous oft slacer-oly. extended. �
� ... .11 . L.
. 11 �;box ,�vhlc -4
jamily r
. , r �'.. . I . . J .
r 'At
Several of the neighbors gathered.
4oste I n-
lunch was sarvoid.bi the r ss.. daughter, .
�ieir annual ineeting and
Ulm-, Ward, "St. ThQnia$,'Jt;-L4.,gUloot�dl�y'(;Ue5tS with Mr� phd ldrs, Johnston ph'held t
. I , r, chUr
, r � .
Mr.'W. Nliddletorils sqhoo1.,ia);, And ,the
t dY
L r . I I . I
', V, I �
� 0
. 6tlav and djuc,
I q . Me plo,
t . .
. I r was annoOnted, -for- last Thursday
, r
* ' Adt�
tV,a' homo Of � Mr. and Mrs, A. .H -AQ
� ,
I Lueltuo ca6rapAnled by election of olneers on -Tuesday after-
viltli,har aunt, mrsi xoiliq Stev; , . W, They . W0440 '
, r4r�
, - Mrs', Joan Willf6pis - Ott, n `10'10w� 'ef,rille
Mfssi�aaay a Wsa 13; = Qo,no resulting U'r? '� �
I X wton- ra ,
account presented' by Dr. 0
-are foj Mr, Jiro e '
for, Medical a. OP r. , ,
OEE . . r
. r . . I . 11 .. I
� I I �
� Of
I .1
I I ,night
.1,1� , , I �
. , � , '. . I %�L� porftp t
. . � onod titV this:.Thunday nigh
* :, 14st
too )ant Wednesday ovo�lng to celebrate
, jcrs,�ry Of thpirl,wed-
the .�Ortjctj-L anrnt
, Clog .Is nursing a rlQre . , � P4�ld r '99pt .
Itneel, 08' a re3alt, of an, � . . �- 44aft
. accident while. WbO WorA guests 'With the latte'Vil Omit , V L School, Ur� Roy Alton� assistant.
. r
" 'the 'Altom,
. meeting of, the. Men% -
� .
The Annual
0141WO Wit was hP14 on Tues- -
�' � .
stampea COWS - * r .11
. . I
, i . . oft AtCountL Of weak'belrkq, week -of-
I I , ,.r . . But the.;dAto has
� VM$dr in - LUCIMOVI.
.r . .
dftlg�r.Ur, Clutton, was rittsed: from
. , I . 11 secretary, Wssi,bfelda
.1 I � I slus, Misses L1111an and 04noej I&. Wt. .
. .
. I 14a0kett ;
. . 'Gauls *ho has been 'residing MeLeqn. ,�. � I � r I I . . Zane; Organist, I Miss X -awe
PtAnIc '
day evening, After regular business had
�. r. Vanq r .
I .r .y Worl; -
I . Sirthdayr Card$ L . . �.
, .
.r : .1 : �Mlln I bmix changed to . WednOsda:
Yng ttho6d, M Leeb0i% Slid Mts,�
. formo�iy MISS, Bessie ret'll.
,,, r
, _antSi Ur, and. Mrs, . he t e- o ,pomody, "Wh 'fea
,Wlth, hIS gr r --T lire a t, a, Voller- . - ,,hers,'Mr.r XrVing 'Ziunj Rev.' Mr.
-jajaoar I r
been tran4,iaod'and tlxo.11n,,ndi4l report
r� i ,
. " wedaing dift cards
. � . I
. � . . . , r alght, bla tho 10ocardlue hodkey team
". . . .
oringhare, r: Of V
Druftfield. The - e enjn�l
in the -
W119ain, Orcy� and who has been assjst� Xeeds. a 1kiend.*1 - %#11 be -give Tairguer, Mrs.,,MbOt Alton, MrS." 10con,.
. . -
� .
r . . , , , .
received eTieption. of Ofters. for 1931 took
. . .
. . � VAAOY.'�Goods . ,
� . r play tile Luoknow "Thur4d%y even-
I . �
was:� spent in gamos And ppeeah-A*kIng
,,, with the_: r' their ,Aru), On. Oba Mi .:0011516 Uyrtle4ohnstofte�, cradle, Toll,supt.,
- work on pilrish, hall, - Duii . on, , QA. �ndoy
,�laice, jesulfing In the T.e.cleetion of the'
, ,, - . ' * '
All Millinery ge4uced to One' �
I . for
. I Ing.' Let us all turn out and chair'
, I
I .
sjnjjng� �rhan 'the L wites served,
the 7th conee4io4 of West, WaLwanos ". . . oth �,-,;# 'O Pim. 'by- thi ,Mrs; $,. Mullin; trooz., Mt.,Albert. Alton,
h, evening, 'Jitn� I '
AF�ed with
retiring - President, .
'11, 0,
, . I
I . ' - 417 -
.,-. ' "I�r Doll - .
1, . .� .our oWn, boya Thursday evening, -
. I � " , � 1'� The, 1,1101141ow hockoy *00", played the
and . �
jueoll, and all r departod - for �their bo�;es
'Mr. . and� Urk -Chitto'ft. Many
Iles had a ratfi&.tr�lnk expe - fol� Young lio6ple, of Itfij4- '6nited oil, We . aie glad to report tbrit: DICk,Wed
I , rience abut 'Viur , , . ,r . I
Pro . 9� , - . I
lowing the "Oxtractlon,of a tooth by ofia Auburn, Under V46 40gpices. of ,the Dun- Is lit . . I I
I . r � .
.Ung n;$,
las. StAr Vice prCstout,
Cox. secret.ary; R. . jjArrjscft L treasurer.
r .,, r r, ,��
r -
I I . �,
. . MIS .r r
I I �
L - COVE.,
'S D.
I . � I 11,
. . *40tawboys-lAst fttoayl�iii#ht in %rho,
� . - d
,: - win-
'bagi. tw�qa. The 04mo,*46 broa ,
Inore Years . of happiness. �- � .
I . , ,
. I . , 0 ,
. bfuneh, � . �- I tr �— � .
Of the Luckudiv, dentists,. The %ooth jor gapjjdr� of the Women's Instj- rA)LB 1. � .1 I
10 .0. Xtra ,,, the. ,pp., tUtq. VolloWing�, Is .
& r QtOd "i .a molar , , the, cast -e 1'bm . , - PORT ERT - .
and.. Peter Young � planis And 1� _ ..
f V 6 U
chltnge'o �In 'the pdrsonAel . 0 � 's b,.
11 -
I . .
, .
-Nook Sidtr ,of Square � Goiter"
. I . ,
I I . .. .. CaSted, run WaS 84id
. . d , to- bo. the'"t game
r I 1. I
I . �
�� itatiori.,
. .i
. � .1 " �. : I �
�r ' �
. � ,
.1 - � "� 'DAYFI ! .
'r, -� Be iss 'H -end
JSW betIft"tho. wfsdbi,n tooth , Lnd the Denker, An artlat, garry Sturdy, .b M Jessio . 6y spent' the week
r . I .
� .
, r r
committees.L After -eleeticla 6; oic.&;, 11
re ents.'Were, served boy the. "Grub
. - � . I
� 11 -
I '
W - �i �1-
.L FL ",— .
LL ; I .
I .,� I
I y
� .0 Let; *00lostod from thav
� .r. .
-1 1 ftoh, 4A.oa ,.�;.. -f rl tsv;�" .0 wfy%oa
. : I . L
rootgl Of L the tWo' tooth. Seem to ljjV6 Mlls.� A maoMlne Writer, Oliver Aoftrw With her. AISte!.!,.Mrs,- Scl)±am, of
r I - their '1� _ , MISS. A h' . L I �
. 11 .. .
hoo J�ftf.jb�ba4 .h-i, ., -*u- A.I.. son; A, _ ,i,41h,q I . I.,
, %?S*#i
, I
Committee .404, , the, r reteeindir .of the
I . . � "., . . I 1!---1 " . . ., L L ,V00 1J=0 kte1q:,1S.-v1sUwg:,1X1v11 1. . '. 11 11V � - ��," . L r. . I L ", '", ' � .", .. � , -1; . L I I � � I � L . .
.. . 11sm' *�11604"-tbo"rotoru 94100 Wlll� UTAOh At'preW* ., Wig'. Mi i ' Xinj,' 4err ra4 K'liumbbi, * of-' b6ys� Teom - Stratford-. evening Until' nfld-onl6bt'.Silellt.,�W.games -,-�-,-, .1, .. --1 -'L' I .."
C , . I I tion Of the one tooth,,the. , L ,argaret, . y , Sm th, . just
I . �, 40oft bo' �P*M� L . I , - I I . Seri turned from 1�ovor .ihere,�, Wm., Craig .S
� I . I A great many" of Look the Vita doni tooth also came out, au, OUS' ,; speut- thO week -end S 0- 0 various kinds which All seemed tO�
L , , Mr. George . Wiston spe . , y'. L I .
i , I . - , ,d a at W. ea� c t 9 , -INSURANCID I. -
I . lit . d, I I I . - 6 . I L . I . I . 1, I , I . . L
. : : 13ow �Oung Oftle Went to-LW1hgl%ln Ito' ,trott, ,, hemorrhage starte . He remained in Liz. - t0s. �,Uoeselix atep��daugbter, Grace tage �hard. . '. L . eillby. , - , . I f . 'L 3 ZE, - AUTOM613. -, .1
" , , We* vlsltto5-frIoAds $n.Po L I I .P11 , . . IL191
i .
1, L . ..:�r' �. *0 this ,gaine, in �1.elkhs, cutters "and. *�.. Ift 'ploy L 9dwards IS v1sithig friends thl)� 6111ce: of .the 'dentist � from 6 Via. Jewell; . "Blrgl�, Dlcjr#ou� Liz*s,' Steady,. Mr.' Robert Hoy atit . Gordon I Joamw . 1%aads on .a. Stringp!! P, thrce'act'coux-, - .. , L=, AWIDMiT .
L . . ' .
. L I , I , one, 00 until :j L I . *� - . . . .1
I t - . �L I a.m..t Wagner" �V� b edj,. V44'bQ given bk., the* I
1. by rain. , I I I Tor64to At pr�ieut.. he following, day $0rad L L � L Dan)ter,: formws , � young people
. I . . . . , � . . Tom?s ston # of Goderich 'visited At. t e -churell on'. - 0 Sq'Arll I
L . . , . In wtofter AAi RNA 1-10 I W1,
I I I I L I , I .ge W.''MottL and Son Went beto Bprt Ma0j1*,,yAU0.j0n9,:-Tpm!,, I I . I . , ... ..
. 11 I'll" ,. .. ........ .. � . ...... , I 1. it the two Oeftf4ts who*ore.. woik-;' uno* ' . , 5:'LhOme here, loot 66k, , - of shm, a church at Sharon
� I 1. � L I 1. I � Ms. 0"T eL bleeding.� aunt, Iftd, WM, I
L . . , ' 641g. Elaine e, : Uss, Phyllis MtOreight spent ,S., few FrIdayi,4M, 23rd. at 8 o'clock, . The F W04 ) [AX
I I . to I _ . .
; - �, I 1 ,4 then Allowed. to, L' ' .
- .: � mdon 'bn Saud*j�! last tot' 0 ..two, Ing. over him could 94 'th Tlynn .
, . - � mi D nd L ' , . OM13
L �, . visit' With, her sIstots. ' .. .0c wag Ile MoVedA0 theAlloo, '1040' , I � - HAMjjr.1r0,1q wrktiam ,
I , I . �� . ' *141tt" with _mndparonts, . W. Mgt Of characters U ' Be lo� MIS a a
I . I . ��. 7" Phu*ett; day$ lx�r gi �
, Ueatto . - MM6ee, , , Cenotta 4U4, Mrs. � Arable johnit-6n. ,. - r
4�,� L . . , . _ '7� �L ' ' � w " aeks! I. . , - I zizziAieo Davis, Carol Pox, 4. U., Davis, I . . 1 'l?40N0 290 : L , . _ '
. . ,%* . LL M L $%* home -or his paren I , -, IL L
: .'-'L L . I . . , . ; of the _ d - Afige,ar Scott, Bobij . , L - .
. GW , "&,& ' L ' Y: Little; of Wtaft, r, is! VISIt- is who reside in Luck I I ': fattier, Maurice piamc, ,Zen- I I . 1. .1 L
. � '110 and L � I now; but.144till. confined' L to jjed� and is Jewell, The . play, 4a,' its * setti ' Mr. and �wft% Thos. nlo-'s I I L .
I .
� I.. .. 1. . . 1*8110re log,: Ut son - wife, . Mr. 404 Mrs.. L I I . Ang 'Uv Itovaid. who To- Zen ,; 0, rJeU udele, ." jjdW,aj . . . .. � , �,
� L , Oeorm lAttle, atlft*nt. '114116ftg �001aslftftbly` front Wegii.nea' as, N4W y6rk"City. S*IAT music .Wia,p� qc�tly moved to PortAlb-ort, have pur- jamin. Davis,, Zsq d I., . I I
I I , I � , L ' In I the villago, . . well, as� paill I . . .. , , rdthn, And Grlgg;.'Harc�ld zoom, a frlead,'0 Son- . . � I �� . I . . L
. I . Mrs..Stanl6y, oermis�L . L � . L
I . A ' ' 1eq L L , The M�Ual. njeoting'ot Baylield' cem-. I . . gjvon,Lbet'�.een ,aet'-� �;4dlnWou.' Adui4l chased the stoia ,it Sheppa
. � - I ... I . .
. 1� . . , 1� � - Sw . . etory 0%.Will. bo bold U% 'the t.oft hall, L Mr. and L . Uowjy� 35 Cents, etffloeu 0 ,46nts, An enjoy -,Are I : busy moving their furniture . to 1heir Pilef, 'John Grigg; Ab..Ph*10, a, would � I . I I I . . I . I I .. - -
. L - '
. . . - I .. B"flotok on Mooft� .next ,at 2 O'clock, Weds, WoreL'gUaos of honor at j roCQp' able evening IS jbt1je06tod;" � The' �11%y' 'a now llo=`60 a*K0VAlC Inteno to start f. .U.- , ", ' t L L . ' ��' "' _ I .
� .
� - . I . I I - -Will I 1.1� . hild1n; the , L L I . I I � . I t, ' Aifiiey, 'ert,- � imis. Jr � L I
r, , ety'L Qq T 0, �for, L to be, d tictiVe '.-dlib
� ': , :. I , , � � The 'ZoUr* jjtQVl0!S Seat Of L'St, -u I " d%d' them by, 16. slid ux4i : JAldaj:eVeu- ..Up In- business in the near 'future.: We Davls,.: Zermle'SL .mother.. Via .dilbtit v ',When You Want A thl, g -
. � : * I . . M being given, in 414b . . . I I
. . .M*cKA'Y HALL L I . . I.— . I .011 1. 1. . � . rL � . 1. I Ily 0 .in
. . I I Samuel Swim, at the avloultural � �Wjj in . I I Mr. � and:Mrs. lk6vajc':0very success Moil$ . Malletton, Bojmij�o SVicotheatt . I I . I
- Andmvzlp IlAt ,oh helil it Skating . 9. , . .1 . ,. wish . I , I . � L
� . ted chur I . � I . '
I I � � I . . . .1mbe - � ' U I- ..
� I �. ZAONOXV� 0% 19th, . on Fridiky evening. ,There was. a largo� MISS; Little keeO, J�l new. home, � . I I Dail: C�X; Jeanette. -Blue, Vnolo 'Bewla �,
I . patty. 64 the rl�er .011. *Wnesda$�, night. io, 'has,. becA 'in In'thoir
,. , � I I � at: 6.0.0 p,m. ., upper � . Mi . enjoyed 14 " I . I . or. upwardil of a year, lt now - Th : niece, , , I J61maton, Oleopatfo Oleo,*. Iff-or, I SEO - ..
. . Uem*r$ *$�o %ttend And L Any 8 4 Ll,a ba6,�i Of gatherbijr. of tile guaats� who oujoyed*Sti&tf6rd $ 6 annual ,meeting .of,:the, LAdies! . .
;� tiog � . the - �As they some thn - . Guild was held at, , the home of Mrs. margarine. Johnson . Mary.. PrIgg., Ad. � : I - - - - I I . .
! . I ., the church after, the Mselve. tripped. the, ,,light Spending' . e, it � the home of �h . Ission, z� ,and � I - - - - I 11� I I . I I
�; oult"'00 *ft weri%ted., f*ftt9stId',i Until the 'Wee OA&i.hd 'to -parints,'Mr, an4-im. .r. a Recii � - I win. post , Wednesda afternoon or In . 200. ..
- . ,
I '�' I 'O I . T4e 334y,014 AgdOUItUral SOO1otY 'he . stratas I Of � Urd 'onteriat t er 04 y . � * '! -orke yini
I , . ZO. 001iLID, Ples- I holds 14 anitus4" Meeting , MUSIC Supplied by '10041 - Me. and Mrs.; V.- ' I sting was opened, by Tho.� Ladidi , �Ald -of .
I t I I I . ,)Xoss med a. lals , week. Tho� -me I � �
I on Wednesday, sc At mldn ght refreshments. few .friends t . tt � � .. p . plont, scripture leglon 'W" chut , . t . r .. . . .
A. to , Uslolan the ,re .
I I st IA. the town hal�'�304614, � , . � ted f R ,
� * . . I The 'ch Fortir's 11111 bold, their meet
. .:r. r=, Sea. . In I thelt.-how on . Wodues
I Jan. 21 . I � . . Ing .081 ITU E
. . I . . � I . . . -t� .wow served. Mr.'and Mrs. M, Who � day - evening ' . '' .1 .� .1 I read by.Mrs, Wm. Wbomam .The ,oM- in'tbe bascilient ,of the, .cb*ci% Thuft- - - I . ! 1 .
I � 1, I � 11 )appoint �;;; ;; %n.d loWers 04 Iftnt, . I ,. ,. I I , I , , . , ,� . , . �
- . I I , * ,
I - -7--- .0-�-7���7, I., I.— - - - -- - an. :-a� I � I I or. 19307, 1 - .4AY"i .4th. The.omcoxslorlthovconx-�` , . . .
---- � - I . 11 I h%`vaftk0u up, their aboo . . � , . cors. werez re4eloototi" As follows. an � . ,
, � -�:�_;;Ae�-�14!12� , .1 � . . . . ." . 1, . . : . . I ,
. .1 I I �. - -1.1 � . . ....I . � I . � I -AVU - ', , President, -Mrs,' Thos; Mugheriy*, iec.- Ing year are as follows.; . President, . I p
I il'KA'. gifts. , . , �, ,:�.,:'. ,;, � .. . . -18 , I .
I nou weto, tho:.'reclpieA ,au.:. ,r - 131W trtouror, Miss
I I I -i "o -11.- - �, d., - .'ts of M%ny,be . I � I - - - George Proctor, honorary ptes � . 011 SIOV
11 - . - -- � . � . - I � . Z . lFolater.l. 'lloWer "fund, Mrs, i . 11 1.
I . I 1.11. I .. . : I � I . I 1, ! The dance in the,10orestoW..liall last Afts. Win. Oray� * committeeo'Mrs., - . -. �. . I . I
. � . I . . 'S '. I ' Thoinat Webster met, With 4UIte. 0, jois PrIdAy eVeliffig Was 4ulte A success. . ork :ftat. Mrs. Iforbert Pox; vic,e.,prosident. 9*11' firol. at . . d
I . reeentl� When he found ' J, Hoy, It Mrs. Leslie .Oox; . .
� : : 0 . * . , It' necesso, Wm. Vroolhala and Mrs, R. �
1111 . I . . �. . � V. to MM, Johnston. Of vArlow, is the guin�'t .. .., I �
, "I'll I '. ahoot � duable -driving Mi*.: Soine of her daughter, .*.j, (Drj Welt, Of wu decided to: hold, the � next meeting . oeorctary, Mr� , Victor I � . I I I "..
I ' .
i ... . 11 s . ; tWD iee*kzV4= It was k.li*ed by a Strange the Villigb. . I I at,, Mrs. Whi. Gray% The, meeting'ti" Elliott; treasUftt, Mrs. Will Cox,-. o*ah- I ."� .
, . 0ordifter;: buying ' I . I I : , I .
I, "Sq ertor t 6res hot" Abled over the weeig- , I I �d with ptiyer by ,tile lrodtoi, Itev., 4st, Mrs. Adelbert I , I .�� 1. �� I I . 1. I I
.. which W" A , he 6rich - c6lieglate CIO, , . I . .�
.. I.. . blt�'. zverjt�jpg Peg- God � pupils, from Mi. bibbs, of I ter.. vWc,h lunch. was setv.' committee,' Md. Gardiner, -, Miss Olim � .. � . I . . �
. .
�. . I., W I I . end In the Sams� stal , , the viff"ie Spent lbe., week -end with . x4rrlwn,� auditors, M . th., ltd�eeb- narindt.'. ., .
=== tible Was done for the MIM41i -but At �t here. �� �.. .. I rd by'the, hostess. . I f
i � � . I . � .
I I I � . � . . I � . � I I I 11 .. . VO thfilly jound neoessarir.'to destroy. their parenl I . Ther.mombers Of 0hrist chilichs' Port Mrs,, WitOn' Woods contiat captains, - a&stone s
i j , .�. . " o - OR t, WSS '� it. �. . I � .. �. I I .1 11, On VUncay iyihii*,�' Ahn, 180i. the Albert, `iiibt at tho.home of . Mr. aitd�Miss 'Tewe 13urke."Um V�rod Mott' . . . I � .
,.. . � WE SELL THE BEST F "Ea I I .. :91 v. V. vi -Will hold!, their uixt"In4ting �. There Was one new Member and one .- '
�. � 'L . 1. I I I I 11. I. 1. . !. , 1 I . . .. , While 44VWT South , , Mrs., George, Dougherty. last "iday � 4r"hure.-Exihanda
I . . . . 1 ...." ou� the county In the v4pust church at !,So P. #1 vialtot present. The Meeting then 114- . 01W.
- - - .1 � . I '. , '
"I . .1.1. -11.11.1 .1.1 � i6od leadit * evening to �isho* their ,r6�.Ooct tO the
. -- , - .. . 0 I I 1, . " . . � - I 1. '! . , , . . r *- hoM t,ticitnoW to Dungin. ZVeryb - _ is W j, . . I . I . . . .
I . ,� � . . 7 � . � s 7 �q ..2. '.. .. I . .� MO. one evening ftoent)j,'Mr, Jaq. W� _ody , b1come . 1, . young dbuple .who Were recently. -Mar. journed, all feeling they were oway� to a, , , ..
11 . , . . I �, I . W 1618on mil b""started, t6. build , 01% 111111' *bR0A1PVVAY.0X,t .
. . I . � , - I I . I . thent. With a UoauA ' ular'meot- L . � .1 . .
� . .., I I � .1 . Ald I , GoDutticu . I
. 11 - �d his new store. :00 Is zakh* use bf,tho t1folL table Md fem Stand. Rev* Mr. "' 0 th6 . I
IN , . . I . -� . *4WW" I . I �. � . whinney Might - ftSiW, h4ve Imagin � tied, aho to DroaUt good Start for 1931. The reg
z , .. ' . old1ouWation, the *alls being little the . will'be'lleld tho.seeond I
: :-%,, bimlielf in 14ortlift.Onwo. for there. Ll!'u.rs'day of 0! a1.!!!2!2., . : . .
. . . S :CLA 8* 9 C 04 U16.816,of the r64d'..,6 4bort..Otimoe vre�6nted tho' LWt and, V . 1. . I We fl-ohitively Save yott
. . I � RIC, ,3ti n; ' worsel ofthei Ore.. lfq-J�ait the pj#a . . I . " L .
PORK EAN 25 --1 -ou PlftSlhL . . . . � .
- - . , . 014W - g4l e � 0, , m6no .
I -1 . , A ,�� .., - addr0s$j "' the. -L�j " 13031mg . I I � I . � I I I
, -� j4 -B I 1. - front 111A dftl� ho 001001io, 41bem .w ... 01'10r�the lc*or*��:�,.�- - it . I Oldia" a I � . I , . I I I
� , , .oft.. , -. 'i�r - - � , - ''
� . ' I .01 ... W ..... I - --N-- 0"" thOy' flrgt "Me %"thbt his *WOU - he' 1*4� UW,, T". ,xdsms has, cleared, 61T, the it -1 41t. mg, P* . I . L "-� 1. - I , , , _ ,. , 'L '. '_ , ,- .. -
. . I I L L " . flftt X01y. I After V211*11 - the. , Of I . 11 I - - L
�' L . 1% $1 . - - , I .., � 1110v0d them to be I two Urge ,police dogsi ,$noW on 0, .pW otjho river and has o's a Jolly (1004 vellow.- . I L .-In � . 11 - . I I I . I . .
I I*Wi# 01[%jo . . . ' 0 L 3'fiW, 2SO 1 . L . . L * , the event 1-1 ". i -
. � . -it into 4 4-ittin - . , I � � .1 .1 .1. - 1-�
. I& . '"L . bUt, UDo&'jjear tjPprWjT,L and,, as they convortm . ng Was spent in, Music, Md' OX;1,
. . . I SM 9 rink. SM I , -11
. " .. I ., I �. � . . . � ---.-
I #400X�a 1440 *04*� vu .: I . . . .. cime wit-hin'direof =ge of 4he lights Urday, evening was ,the '&At trial and I . . . L L . L . . . . . - -.-- .. -
'', . 0k ... .L . I ' of his -ca, In brooling the r"11 beft" the young people-hadly kneW ,.when to . . . ., I , 1, .. . � I . 1. . I
. .
! . . . deer. Thly Are evidently residonts of , � ' GM STEWWAART . . .
I .. , , . I TALL T114S ' him, he plainly dls0rned that they were stoil. � .1 1� L .. I - RON% S OEL 0 E L FOR ,
I - I I .
. I *ftlm"�.'. . .. * 14 dr . . 104 �00 I IdesSrs, John Wit -44 and Witt M . arsh Wit .0 ST 8 I � .
. . ' '
I 1. ting 1. . 1� I I � .1 ' . : . . des
� - . M tho Stewart Awavoll, willob lies a tow, Kroi at Duftanklon this week audl L '. L . I . . . .L k Gracer .,, ,
I . . I
. ato*^60 "'. �- . .6 *ted* S$� . Pi SALMON1 5, C- rods from the � I � �� .
' . L I
I . . . , read. *nd cioue out, Under tho, West V$,Wa0o0h Insurance, 00, S?gC,a ,V :L. : PLORIST
6 -, " ; � . ,�U�M., .IN , I * I I
I � S&W, . I . I I . I tover of the dokhe�, In sewh of *omo- I ,, I I . I . . I . L
. . MaRmaw * V,Owlair 1. ... 11 � . 1. I .. - books., ur, Marsh Was Appointed to Jut . . .. I I . .
& §MJ6 I'Soo '*#� . I 00104 . . vit alad L I
V. . '00 Pr
I - _ " 1$.o ,:jSa L I . � .. . thing to ftt. They Wft but' 1� L 1;hort the-votanoy taused. W Mr. DonikId Mo. . " t . I ' L . . .1. I . . Ortio St. . '.1 . . 'Phone lork� I I . . - .
. . .
L I . I I . : . I I I distiott ttow , Mir. Jacob U04's barn,. Uan XohW to inorldt this winw. I . W fj, t, . ... I L-1 - . ., . .
.. 146110011i * %'. * + 4 W , At. 100 . . ! MCIAL .. and jftivd the fente Into hk field, , - (Proin =otho torrospondent) . "In er o wear . . . � - -.L, 1. .... Lvigetahlft L .
. 11 . . ,. I ... CLARK1, - ... .. - Nessm Roy -nWtbi%1*h Mil Alexan6r W, *Ud Mrs. P. I *UW*tb wro. In the I . I . . I . . . I . ��
. I
Tomato I I . . I Terry, Of 24eiton, 190*1 ,North vork - call on - �.
. covurt 4410- . wrih . vollko " Sunday_ - , . '0*ftshow for Men,. Womeh alld . New - � .
. I -
4 fA 4 * 4 , . ...,26W254 *Ore Week-eild guests ,-With W. Md , . 1. . FAW. HEADQUARTERS
I . 1. . 1 9co UrS. Charles Conp%m *of the 8th eon- Ulm M. UeOftchty. of ZUrift Vwt- 1 'Childrell . I � �.. � I L. I op L ,
. I b*W1610 ,To;i*t PAP0, 3 ;50 U00 I e"On Lot A"eld. Mr. Ajftj*0URb, ed ftlehils Uerd O%" the wetia"Id. moo Pak,*$ - . . . L � I CUM, PRICE & SON
. '' .. I �
. i? . . 1. 1.1.1 1L. . 110*11� who is Mr. 0ongiam's br01'hft--I:W%% Mr. Md um John lumming Ispent, , 1. .. 6� cor. North LSt. and SqUore
. . . �.. Is the eldef of pollee In, Xoth 'Vift,'Iteveral d"S Iftstattord on wwams �the i Nt &o6 for Men and Wonlan T9z COCN81TUTT OLOW 5 I
'! . .
�, � I . . , SPECIAL L, . I . � I - ,
1; . I A ft ChW for tUtl'tbt 1)f this Wok' . no of Favin Im .
t . . L I . .1 ., %lid WAS nodded k 11 *L Ul" J�Ud," Taylor 'Was home Itm 00C1014 Mlixfti;W 4"a vnoarsa ftpairg, Includ SPeC4146 TO ,*Ud CoNiet
. . STANDARD - iloor ot the,lato mustAble *Wul Ooder . Ith Collt*l%te lllstltUtO the POt Mk$,,Vy � . 116i-t-liii United au4 Allis Chid- rXOOd$ (IOUVOr6d 40n, 8110tt Aotlee
I Vrj% 11 L "" , 3 TINS feW 'WokS afoo Mt. Tot* Iii it bUUftg LWftk �inll under tile doetors coxe but IS - 1^0611 WOV It"M :00d, .. .
, fruip"tor. On their tetum they wft. I . I I . L 1"Vy 0 'L I Taor Tbietors, at . ,wj*n: "qUired,
I teompiinled 'by, Mr.,L.0h%rk% Contratil, bettet "oft. . 4. 45040ko, . . . . � I ' .
t isimaloEs LAkGE SIZPI . 2k . � . � Uuketll Mr. I . I... r I -Mi I
I . . lit Is rtporte(l thst our . . � $ODE L 8114dadift OtAtalateed.
. - I Whd W111,M1211111 tot A Short V1$1t. . I � . . � RICH 1�
. I . . - I . . . � .
. . Wtoi � *ill temovc, to Ayr Very Shortly. - . I , , .
. M 01 I MC3M. johIt AVali(si .444 Veto ]W%tah, Mr. 141te and� jiftily" h&ve, 'WL ' . -. L Singaton '$;f
� � 1.. .111, I I ... � I � . L 1 been here Tli�&: _ Phone W, . _ PHONE 248
4 1 1 ..� � . I � of Auburn, cotain L 43W 1, .. .1 - . -.1-1. 1 .
. I � . I . � I � ' MCIAL '', I. . . elaced tl* *"k OfAIM'shout seyen Mrt� , L Stiusto . HERN"'"e " I- I .
I , . 4 the WOt W ril It Mut 141 .. I L -
. L .. books 0 itwo " 11 Tim 01". "When a $161low x0ft A -.. . �1 I I I _ _ � WW^WAWK��L I � ... � I I � ,,, - �- �, � .�-
Zor. I . I.. -- -- , � ,. � - I -- —��
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I OARS IC Vany"I ofnet 1*� DOW4MIM' On Mon., "ters' 11alt ion r4ldss. AM 16th, by the I . I I �? � . I � � I
1 P,6.&:"(;*. SOAP r ' 10, . . 37 zr0`1�l%ur"`A" c'mpMy% "t the'com""t"'" %'ill be "'enud "'"he' - . I I
,� I L � L "'I'l 'I L jj'j- I � . 1. ', W-- fty. Mr. "I", Althouth $1, MI' younciolk of XftOX wita thlftb-
1. I I ., I' L . elghty-Oft sftr is still alft ond "P* #rhe Tilbraw li%rd, 0Xpetts to,:havt A, .
COj14 5 1b. *jr sMe at this %Uk, And hoe 104 *ep In,,, emety-t about .1". ISM. It ,will 1* in 0 1
: I* - '11%0 to W"t In the w0fare of the Compaty. ttle fe,tw 61 a emil"t betwftrx 14*1 tat. BEDDING It I You Want the Best'
VUWXU 1: 25C '""' 3 2'"'k
. Extratis tor SYR611 liss 04M me Is this year rAtking bl* foirty-wond rAt of *Oat and W04 w4*4nosh qman Wt$ Iia%& , t ,0104 :1 I I
I '. of tl* Ooiopiiny's bMIM, Mr. UUI*t WW Cto�OM*. � MAW ALL L ' I
" 0 . LL . . L I audit I WE H"E IT
1. -111. .
.L .. I ,P . MST* his h&n $"*J�W t4a fill the ,Me .W000W,%, 1WatUW will Meet In IN I .., I *060
ROW - 7 25- c , H&Nj j%k#j %o Rihav ,� ""Aty Cati"d �O,V tl* *'b@Mft 61 $&' the roMtfta! RAJIL Oft T""fty. 4M, .
Oat*` Lk. ��� , &UNS.'s 16, zX I 4 19C 06"Ild Mcl*(M, ""O WAS Ibb tft4Utly` 2ftbl at 2.15 � 0AW 8V ite Coal Mined from the Holibbrook Mims
I � 06W 61 "pointed auditor ot tht polki-hoWs", . p.ra. � fiubjftt�. "The NeW aaflITAIM, MATTRESS Anthrael GUANtifted nOSIate or Oinkers,,
L.L., -L .. I ., 11 11 � I., Yni", by Mrs. Mddell, AMI oll- I and dw popWw .
. � I I 11 bodotow"" but who Is %00terim, Lt �%Iwfida thm NOW Yt*.r r"0111"onk lfootmwes� alt.
. . hft 40 -ex. � . Metarws At*' yftr. 10 M John", Mm 1. Xcg*rt". Va. 0. i - - -A Patterson1*4 Pocohoptas Coal . I
, ZX SHRIMPS 25c mm-Tamr. *ftd mrs, stm-,3 p. init. uelsXvi, MM Al It. rM0111801N, leauty Relit" North star soh C001
,� asqwq Jan JAW, 4 for --- sins oom Mift 1AUM rowlerf. of Thor- r" set,j. of A0 , ShIM001, Lho. Ow .
4. ---'- ' .. . 0A "fty. Dec Ift., a kc Z* X"Ukr,nftth1,y in"ilft of tl* - Stock of " ilk tompide � . I . "'. .
I m � - � W I i 0MI S0100Y Nat Cok
: I Mr- Alld lift' AdAM TbWW"- tl*tt W. X 1%, Of Xn" UnItM thurth *M
11 uto QsAsr 2 4X.1 r4p,, Mr. rmklin The".,Itvom and M"- Md in %1* bojewimt or the ebureh on 3" ft for towzort aw U44. F4*,.%W&*dI"VY11ftdWft P"0W0&.VavA&%%,jV,
. . I W&AiNarh tr& f#r &%ft T*"wn, f~11f of WoWrn ftnadit, TVf*UV,. Jan, ta *jth the, pre4ftt, .. factifts . K "10111MMO the" ThWAAAW "d 960kie
-A cffiftft�- ' 2 le I X'Ac 45c 1 who ha" b"" xwo" with MM, "L- )6j. *oMr4tm, "%WA"- Mw tofti. viklow, oft as a bul I
t. - - Ww"MW IN 1-1-1-0 1.0, - 0 11- �-'---Il-lk'llllllllillililllklllllllllllllll~ g
M- , � - .� "r I -X i
�, .11 "61" Thm"M 10 010- 14K ftlmthl kft ', ,. I R. IMEMYR 111. A rk
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11 I CM I . *to" t", will in Nil" "*W-. 11 I sk"61W � 11 .%W " CHAae" Cis LIRE
'jL I r .knwwax J. C"VM � I M"W, awtWWVr, fty" nf%r "t runvmm Osamu ft pho"o— its AT ViS UAINOR I
If TAWIt". V"Pt"d "W", a *W0414% *two CA070RIA nwou" -o'llLift-jill j L I-- I - -11 -- - -.,--
. �. � --- - I 1 !%ho )"ope ?* W" *tfft in a twft I 1j. , -- I.---.-- I 00"0000MIN; I "L L I
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