HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-01-15, Page 414
MOS 101001%
The new town mum* looks sr if
wwingsere meant Isietnesse.
Lest year Conneillor liumbor looked
Won the gift of the market committee
him as a conunittee chairmen. Ws
year he gets the chairmanship ill the
Are committee,
The old mying was that there was
nothing so sure as death and taxes.
The new ithattniall at the town finance
omunittee big decreed that taxis *ha
ea lose their reputation. he hu el -
Pauly ;Oven warning *het taxer are
going to ho collected,
'° We ere glad to know that Mayor Lee
is not ProPosing to spend v. thoUland
dollars or more In second Audit of
towu:AcCOlints., which would simply
=omit to checking over for a second
'die payments With yodellers and that
sort of mechanical perferamuiceWhat
tile IOW* WOW to know is what tire ealt
atom warm at the mown Cam It
woe* he some milsfacticer to MOW WU-
SIM w factory hula*: is worth $1000.
WO or WA* and aa Up-to-date ap-
preleal would give the town *malign(
to week en as as bane of value in
Ing with propective Industries.
h. thhoggan Ode b Ooderich was
admittedly ill-conceivoi n *het the tiin-
her part of the Ode le considered dan-
geroisly steep and in that it would need
icing to be of um. A toboggan
would be a good thing. however, and
the last waws4 of a committee of the
Liont, Club appointed to desi with the
matter Kerns 0, good one, to donate the
timber in the slide to the towi and, let
the town take the timber structure down
end throw up earth sides los guides for
the tohoggaris. 'gins would • make work
end would give thus 'town valueble
form of amusement for the youngsters,
Over In Stratferd they have a toboggan
011ie concerning which the on -
naiad says;
IWhile Um Council proceedings have
bNa Portent to tax,payers. the oPeu.
01*0. big tobuggeh IOW at reit
Office Perk boa been the centre of in.
tersest• for the "tumors to hc" Litt
alkle was a revelation of what
good use could be made of the surplus
snow.' lide pier the Perk* Cosinnis-
Won IWO gone MOM than MO better
mid Skit Humber Making *Lich num-
bers et potential vote' as shoe* land
him in the Wives chair before another
decade pow I Way 0k -bodied
youngster in to *sod there *
table host of thein-votee the elide the
"beet ever," end the enthusiasm which
prevails among the "younger fry" -1*
goOd to behold. The biggest trouble
Oftenta to be a* to the safety of the beet
house on the other eide of Victor*
Lake Let un hope the winter may be
ohmtundoneti "steady" one, devoid
of ,open ivater on the leke, and that the
loboggiming fraternity may 1* %Unwed,
to make the most of their present splen-
did opportunities. . -
REVENUES, Sorrawiag for current es,proses is
nom WHERE ? promo winos vale not appeal to Peters's
When the King t3overnment went out
of rirePA: kat Awn& it way IsPPereht
that Canariti 11041 *mint atlaiiiit for a
deficit in national Amnon ler the cur-
rent year that Weald approximate
Nennett. Inermeed temaion nesse
such as them will AO aPPstel to the
Pub*. nor will it $lm*** inwineas.
Periwigs there ia anginie MUM. A
WA the Prewiler can he depended to
Place the burden 01any now taxation
brn 000PotZ5*ll to *armee upon the
=Ws moot a reverie' of *boulders of time best able to bear it
over 1100,000.000 from the $45.000.000
surplus of 102040., Gerfeetels TAM* Assist he Myth
titvi leverument-nor any power C4"1"ari
on earth -could stem the Mot tido of - Ar, twilight recital was held * the
world donation end old soveninient Ciaaan street United church, Mythby
ineflickucy in eight month* There sixteen pupae `Of MIs* 7ribiebeth gin*
were definite ineoina reduetione to be seileteti by miss Ruth Work. Gederteh.
expected from the *hutting off or liquor and Douglas Cainpbell, arsonist end
•exports, from %rile ebonies, froth hi- choirmaster of North. street United
come team for IOW. hi tea almost ehurrh• Ooderfelt Thom taking pint in
every source of federel revenue wad the PrOinaint were: . Whim° iteSit, Nor -
badly hit and depressed foreign trade *en NOY. Mei R. Wark. rreehmi Tan-
•accomPlillned the rest. neY. Marion Rogerson, Zile. Dexter.
Now, at a time when a surplus of Olive 11"3"' Clump/144 Pwaltrw 8(44"
funds is moo soremoo fo reud bison, ICvelYzi Wiehtmen, Roselle, Oen-
TRIJRAWAY, 15tri. fihn:
A safe keeling preparetion for the relief of Coughs *ail
A wonderful inhalant for **WY relieving th* dis-
comfort of hood colds end nasal catarrh. a
For the voice and throat -relieve
The Rexall Drug Store
• anudoewnietrhstriseyo.ittluworkstz, ftillividssitarmerelotwtivest. 13.1"earling0a.melifi*cau140umel.tlxtesbox,t4 181174rrel: rod
sl1otuai tizsceent 14cmplrYoritekdnutvino prenontenthto. given by Rev. 1L L. Anderson, pastor of eandY was VSA4VMs k.4 ar4e---**-------"""*"-Pr7t..bWroa Plprakn: X getiVna lirOayr:ix31107-ra00114:4,
the church, At the close of the program Mk Is to be congratulated. on the suction), but you will have to take your.
wn bath"-rliationol auardsroart.
of the to.)
01191MENCIESR---;-=-IJ0), (0=0==.0...
-.......-....na=0===a0=t or
',..Ladiei' Coatso 0
0 26 Coat* 0013', good ,cruality, fur trimm- • ici
2 •ecl, thea 15 to 42. January Clearing
u Price
0.. $3.95
015 Coats only, Beat Quality Broad, LI
cloth, fur 'tritnndrar of 90*Ittni and
French blue,
'size* 15 to 20. Reg. value
blue, size* 15 to 20: Regular value
$2, 5'to $35. January Clearing Price
- ' 95 $12
0 ' 0
II• • , '
12 Coats only Vella Bloom Broadcloth,
fur oimmhtg of badger, wolf, °Immo,
French beaver, slis of naVY and
black, sixes 1St* 20. Regular $26.50 0
to $32.50. January Clearing fries -
Misses' and Ladles' Dresses of satin -faced
Canton and canton Crepe, shades of black,
navy, brown„ green, blue. Sizes46 to 42
January Cleariag 95
Regular value $10.00 to $16.
• •
Stock of Silk; jerseyrwool crepe dresses, and
others. Various sizes and shades. .$2 95
January Clearing Price. .
•Dresses Just received in 1931 latest 'Styles,
Cantons and 'Oeorgettes, sittaeles, sizes 16
to 42, january gearing Price sq
„,* • • * • 6. 11* • • wir.1.0:4.it:*, 4* liPe
" Ladies' Hats of Felt and Velvet. An ,s.„
January Clearing Pride • . tiU
Ladies' Hats of Felt and Velvet. AO
January Clearing Price... US.
• LADIES' 110S1
Silk and wool and all -wool hose,
January,Sale Price, .0CS.
Silk and wool and all -wool hose. Regular
$1.50. January Clearing Price lit +
per pair.. *tl•••• ****64**** 4 al oar Sj
Ladies' silk hose. Rag. ""49 fts
pair. 'January Clearing Price.. - -*
Children's ,Stockings
Childrett's silk and woo1. stockings, regular
700, a , pair. January Cleating Ad .r.
Price, per pair. ... - - ... - -*NJ riibe
ILadies' Gloves I
Ladies' tAtainoisate Ciloves, various
qualities. January Clearing Piia
39e, a pair
1 1 Adies' 1:111014iiSMO tilE4VC., go(4,1
44tralit!. regular 71.7 a rair„"„innm,!,
Or Arnie, PliCC
59e a pair
• • •. .
• 4 , • • .
UR Sale this year Means that you get First.Class
Merchandise at Unprecedented Prices.
Buy Your 'Requirements New
Everything in the Store :Marked Down as we must
reduce ottr stock.
Chintz, 36 inches wide, good patterns, regu-
lar 28e a yard.. January Clearing 'I 4610.
Price, par yard.... ...... ‘' ‘1.°
Potter's Prints, fast colors, regular 45c a
yard. January Clearing Pilice, 9c .6.
per yard... . ‘6/04
,Fugi silk, all shades, fast colors, regular 75e
-a yard. January Clearing Price 45
per yard.- ........ . •.. •44"7
Factory cotton, extra heavy, 40 inches wide,
Clearing Price, per yard...4... 20 cts.
Flannelette, striped and.plain white, 36 ins.
18 cts
.Clearing Price, per yard •
Flannelette, white and striped, 27 inches
wide, regular 22c per yard. Janu- iA
ary Clearing Price, per yard.... 4.1• CIS°
Pure linen towelling, good quality, 16 inches
wide,. colored borders. January •
et s
CMarIng Price or yard.... S.
Pure linen towelling..blue, red and yellow
borders, 21 inches wide, regular 30c a yard.
January Clearing Price, per nnk
44 CtS.
yard.... • • • 4 • 4 • .... 6 •
.regular 28c a yard, January
wide, reg. 25e. a yard. January
°0° ahrwaw°1r•Croellnat gSecaled°30anattsnn'sejePE7treinil lining.
Ladies' Fiir-Coaisil
0 Price
Regular $150. - .lanuarY Clearing
09.50 11
0 One French Seal Coat, shawl collar of 0
11 grey squirrel. Regular $175.00. ,Janu- 0,
'ary Clearing Pric. e ., 0
II $13500
. One Persian Lamb Coat, collar and
cuffs of sable. Regular $300.00. Jan. _
0 Clearing Price - N
$175.00 "
One. Muskrat Coat, self -brimmed. Reg.,
$145, Jtonuary Cleaning Price '
* One grey Goatskin Coat. - Regular 0
$45.00. Januar Cletring Price
Ladies' Underwear, Moodie's, ladies' vests,
sleeveless, sizes 36 to 40, regulat An
75c. January Clearing Price.... "2 va S.
Ladies' extra heavy fleece bloomers, reg.,
85c. Josquary Clearing Price... A.
• 49 cts.
We.arediscontinning our line of plain silks
and canton crepes. Reig.-'$2.45'' antf.,.$2.85
a, yard, January Clearing price, no ait.
per yard.... ..•
Wool crepe, decked flannel
n •
nel, regular 95c to $.1.:50 a yard. An
January Clearing Price, per yard .744" as,
Men's Overcots of genuine Barryrnore
cloth. Regular $35. January
Clearing Price... ...
Men's Overcoats in tweeds, etc.,good qual-
ity. Regular $22.50 and $24. ta A ag
January Clearing Price....,..
Men's and young men's Sidts, in ari•assort-
ment of good quality_ and fit: A ti A ga
real buy. January Clearing Price. WA-Xfini
Another assortment of Suits that give best
value for the money. January $18 50
Clearing Price.... . . . .. ... •
BbyS' Overcoats inblitentelton, cloths, chin-
chillas and tweeds, Mies 28 to• 34. Regular
value $13.50, .January Clear- Ma tn
ing Price ... .'• "Vs"
Five men's sheepskin lined coats, strong
whipcord 'lop. Reg. value $13,50. tri cal
January Clearing Price ... . 4P • .uu
Men's fine sweater coats, in lumberjack
style. Regular $2.50 and $3.50 $1.75
January Clearing Price...
75c. January' Clearing Price 49 cts
per garment ...... ........ *
Call at Men's all -wool shirts and drawers., Regular
$1.65 per garment Jan. Clearing $1 25
Price, per gannent........ •
Stanfield's• "Red Label" Underwear. fReg.
p2.50 per garment. January'tl oat
Clearing Price, per garment- .. ga• u
Stanfield's "Blue Label" _Underwear.. Reg.
Clearing Price, per garment
3.00 per , garment. January $2.19
-10=0= 0 r
Overalls in snag -proof brand, all sizes,. blue,
black and striped. Regular $1-75 tl
January Clearing Price. .. Iv •
A .
Men's Work Shirts of dark. grey military
flannel. Regular $1.25. Jana- ala „4,„
ary Clearing Sale Price..., ; li4P•
Penman's all -wool socks, grey with white
heel and toe. Regular 500 per pair, Janu-
ary Clearing PHU, per pair.... 39 a,
CIS.. . .... • • • • • • • •' * • • * • * • • •
Penman's fleece -lined shirts and drawers.
Regular -95c, January clear -75' cts.
ing Price, per garment.. ..
Boys' fleece -lined shirts and drawers. Reg.
Many Other Goods not listed here at equally great reductions.
our store early and often during this stupendous sale.
Ladies'and .en's Wear
l'HONE 41$
West Side of Square, Goderich
CO k0=102:=101:20•4
Men's Fine Shirts
- Men's Vibe Shirts of good quality
broadclotk.attaclied and separ--
ate collars. Regular $1:75
to S2.50. January •
$1.29 0.
Clearing Price