HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1931-01-01, Page 1mUREIDAY,
All the standard advertised
Tonics to build the System.
Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil,
Waterbury, Gallagher and innumerable
Campbell's Drug Store
*Colborne Township Does Without An Election Contest,
Old Council By Acclamation
People Favor Use of Teams and Keeping Money In
the Township
Colborne Township will have the same
reeve and council as last year, namely
A. J. Goldthorpe, reeve, and Messrs.
Th.in, Tyndall, Feagan and Pitble.do.
'nue e were lots of nominations made at
LI • meeting in the township hall on
Monday afternoon and the hall was
pa,•ked right up to after 6 o'clock, show-
ing the interest taken in the township
The nominations were as follows;
For Reeve
William IL Thom. by Thos. II. Wilson
and Elmer Robertson.
Albert Goldthorpe, by James Adams
and Wm. Vrooraan.
Wm. Young, by Edwin Ilolzhausen
an,' Melvin Tyndall.
John H, Graham, by Edwin Holz-
ret,isen and Aaron C. Fisher.
I all Hill, by E. Mitchell and Amos
Albert Goldthorpe, by A. Adams and
11. R. Baer.
Hugh Hill, by Ross Fisher and J. 11.
ra ham.
For Councillors
1,A,in Thom, by W. L. Young and
ale 1.. n 'I'yndall, by Amos Stoll and
L Young,
Wm Vrooman. by George Ashton and
H.: t,ttci Cousins.
..o C. Feagan, by Wm. Vroommi
and lt,chard Cousins.
Wm, L. Young, by Wm. J. Clark and
it S. Raymond,
Warner Walter, by Amos Stoll and E.
Sin 'hell.
Nelson McI,arty, by W. J. Hamilton
and Elmer Robertson,
John Pitblado, Jr., by Aaron C. Fisher
and Edwin Holzhausen,
Wm. Monk, by Elmer H. Robertson
and Thos. H. Wilson.
George C. Feagan, by A. Allin and H.
R. Baer
Atilikaatailem,py Elms r Robertson
and os.
Leonard Kent, by Thos. H. Wilson
and Fran' lin McIlwain.
C. A. 1 nbiegtson, M. L. A., was chosen
chairman for the speechifying which
followed the official nominations.
Mr. Goldthorpe, the present 1Qeve,
was called on first, He said he hoped
the audience did not expect a speech as
this was not one of his fortes. First he
would give an account of his steward-
ship at the county council, where • e
was chairman of county property com-
mittee and a member of the executive
committee, and he was going to tell the
people what they had never been told
before, exactly how much they owed in
the county. Frotn his first meeting of
the county council he went home the
most disgusted man you ever saw. The
council showered grants and salary in-
creases and everything practically
Several of the grants looked large but
Mr. Goldthorpe defended the increased
grant to the Salvation Arrmy ressue
home at London from $150 to $250 as
good business. for the home took care
of eight of the county's fallen girls, who
would have cost $50 or $60 a piece any-
where else, and found homes for their
children, and the experience of the
Army was that 90 per cent. of these
girls taken care of in the Home go
right afterwards. Then some of the
council were for raising the clerk's
and the treasurer's salaries. He was not
a party to this but had to give in and
the cleri and treasurer got $100 more
but as they lost sessional pay and for
t4111',,In aelAn1-744*Inr tb; Tow n% innunl ktn.10- COlogtt '0.44 40‘17
. ,
vial stateinsat for saw 1 ,va,ok Sill#30014 PreVikAlt Valirg blik
to And that, 04 Pecentber Ilitia Ulern audited IllirP141 144teellkentil Tribb WA
Wore, 452,110. In We* ontatandlilif. 49 01 WIWI 1 IWO YOU below the erilenttit
W014 $104,661. coffeeted. an ortWeao , dota :
at nearly inie-tbird of tbe tax roll..
Year Total Messment Taxes Paid Unpaid arrvecentum
arase tl averaWe.
ge 5
005 61,604,092. $35,078. 34445. 11i5
,., a
7 11:493863..466041..
PAM 4,360, 11 1-6
7.468. 15 1-2
7,028, 15 1-3
6 34,682.
oas. le1-4 ..
10 2,012,290. 43,391. ,v
7,697. 15 13 1-3% .
11 7,221. 13 1-2
12 221°,2440,34Z 57,332. 12,541. 16
Note: For convenience cents have been
omitted, Tax rate is struck on the
assessment of year previous. Rolls for
1913-14-15 were not immediately avail-
For quick comparison you will ob-
serve the average increase in five year
periods, from an arrearage of 11,, in
1905 1.0 25,S% in 1930. It is evident
that in some years it was possible to
reduce the percentage and between 1910
astd 1920 the average was well main-
tained. Assessment has increased over
'13 per cent since 1905, largely attribut-
able to establishment and extension of
flour and grain industry at the harbor,
and other factories. However the in-
creased revenue therefrom has not
tended to reduce the rate to the public.
Our towo is no larger than it was
twenty-five years ago, nor has the po-
pulation increased.
We nave, of course, improved our
streets, fire fighting equipment, schools,
Ieater, electric light, and sewer service,
but the requisite funds for that has
been assessed through taxation. Where
the difficulty lies 13 in not properly en-
' forcing collection. If the legal means
wi e resorted to we would avoid exces-
.v e interest charges paid saintia.ly to
to...alas for money borrowed and LIU'S
leave more revenue for the improve-
ment of the town as also to lighten the
fax burden of those who do pay.
C.:ILls.!3 and ts, ails elsewhere do not per-
mit arrearage to go on indefinitely.
One of the first acts the incoming
20 1-2
22 3-4
22 7-8
17 .1-2
23 7-8
19 2-3's,
83,693. 27 1-2
32,960. 24 1-2
34,225. 24 1-2
24,852. 19
29,204. 22
28,926. 21 3-4
31,980. 23 1-2
33,970. 23 1-4
42,849. 29
48,352. 30 25 1-2Se
occupied industries going, as well as to
reach out for new factories now being
establLshed in Canada, should promote
a healthier condition in our commun-
I/ excessive charges for hydro power
are a deterrent, why not start a move
ment to equahze power charges in cer
tain zones radiating from the powei
source and development? Years ago a
Citizens' Committee, comprising a fel:,
aggressives, was quite active in promot•
ing industrial and civic affairs and ac
complislaed substantial result, Why
would we not, now, form a similar or
ganization open to membership foi
every ratepayer who wished to join, a,
a nominal fee of $1 or even 50 cents
they to discuss affairs of importanct
and assist the Town Council in bring
Ing them into shape.
There are many able men in tows
who do not wish to be tied dean n
council activIties but who are v.
to act in an advisory capacity. Thei
financial and other experience would be
of valued assistance in tackling tax ar-
rearage, industrial expansion, park ant
metery impinssement, and the h it o
other mattel 1.0community t •' ter
ment. Their opinion submitted t
Council would at old a lot of tints
ate criticism to which councillors art
frequently submitted,
0)044 the
11401t *HP
*044;ffl, 10141.,
Watt to 04Thit
ItatME,:,(404 fan
now. VIO ,r.14 011,
0.0140Y *Ad
CountViattitelif VOA*
ewer till M. 04tIttlitifP6'1,
the antalint,
lug to he tor., -
,state hOW'
ing,Und be *Olt
and showed' , IWO11.000,
county had Made. ftei VIP* ',0110'.
indehtedneas, Whieb. 15,101", ,
much of a 'ffabffity foi tb 01i)54,, in
19 1-2ce tgct lees proportienateli than the Win -
ship's ow tt 110111(v,.. '
e , ,
23 1-2'S
Nov, that we have taken stock fo.
the Old Yea!, id are startina on an
other di cede, let's make a cleterminek
effort to work with renewed energy, an,
In harmony, to make Huron's Golder
council should apply itself 1.0 15 tm-- Gate not only the prettiest Town in
study and devise ways and means of 1Canada buta place of real prosperity.
reducing these tax arrearagcs. This Respectfully,
a determined effort to act our un-
committees the county was ahead.
Then the council gave Mr. Young an-
other $50 but Mr. Goldthorpe said he
Icould not help that. Ttie county coon -
salary was $5 a day or 530 for the
! week of sessions, Mr. Goldthorpe at,
first refused to accept more than 520
bus. was told he was foolish not to take
what was coming to him, so had spent
! the extra $10 on charity the first time.
i'he second $10 he gave to the school teams were more expensive than trucks.
he suggested that if and where truck.
were shown to be the cheaper the me
driving teams should be willing to take
G. L. P,
^ ^
Dr. P. L. Tye -Retiree front.' '
Milverton Heeveship
Dr. P. L. Tye has retired Vara the
reeveship of Milverban after dervIrte in
that position for many year3 end is
succeeded by Mr. Gee. (Ettlenther, a
member of last year% council,
Farewell Banquet to RM. G. Howard
Ferguson and Mrs. Ferguson
The Western Ontario Conservative
Association is tendering a farewell baa1-
-met to Hon. G. Howard Fergusori,
K.C., and Mrs. Ferguson on Wedilee-
day, Jan. 7th, at 7 o'olook in the Win,
ter Gardens, London.
Christmas at the Hosmittal
The nurses at the hospital had a. good
time Ctuesttnas Eve, the superintendent.
Miss MeCorkindale, and her staff enter-
taining a few friends, and during the
evening Santa Claus (in the person of
Frank Clark) appeared and distributed
the gifts from a well -laden tree.
Is Proud of the Old Home Paper
"I like to get the old home news,"
writes one of the subscribers in the
:anadian West to the editor tido
week." "I sure an proud to show your ,
Christmas paper to let folks see the I
Ind of men who run our home paner.
t is very fine and I surely prize it."
Nhat Shall Nee Name the Baby?
Early last year The Star commenced
reries af artieles underVthis heading
, only a few ot the series were pub -
0 11 aecount of other features
l(` Il.,1111 at the time. This week
ai)' rreoniminv.ing the series, which
al! he casried 00 more or less regularly •
is space pa' snits Article No. 3 will be Classes and a Welcome for all that
have it and need it. Ile quoted ttu.
terms of the settlement of Auburn vil-
lage with the Town of Goderich for th,.
use of their apparatus at the recent fire
Mr. Young spoke of several matters
There was the question of the use u
trucks or teams in road work, which
was a live question in Many municipal]
ties. He stood foursquare for the ust
of teams but to meet the argument tha,
fair and the third he had yet. So he
I was not taking any of the people's
1 money.
, The Warden, Mr. Baeker, had preach- , a little less for their work in order to
• Id economy and Mr. Goldthorpe showed I meet the competition since the rate -
how economy had been practised. Payers had a right to the best value for
House of Refuge expenses in 1929 were their money. But if teams could han-
5272. reduced to 5194,20 in 1930 ; Old 1 dle the work as cheaply or nearly a.
cheaply he was in favor of the Lenin
every time.
Ile had the Reeve ouote the saying on
the commission took a trip "round the Piece a road 111 front of ins place by
world" at that: county property $172 in trucking, from $150 to 580.
1929, 531.80 in 1930: Children's Shelter Another matter Mr, Young?, spoke
$330.50 In 29, $195 in 30. Mr. Gold- about was the matter of unemployment
thorpe then gave his summary of the relief for the township. lie had writ•
county's debt, $118,000 to the Provincial ten to Mr. Spotton and found him
Government for Provincial Highway, ready to do anything to assist in get -
5105,000 on Good Roads, and $53,000 on Ling an apportionment for Colborne to
general account, or $276,000 in all. bin the township had to ask for the
Mr. Goldthorpe then referred to the 1flone1' and say it had unemployment
appointment of a committee of three al before anything could be done. Mr,
the June session to investigate the pay Young urged that this be done.
sheets of the county. He was a mem- Mr Goldthorpe slated, however, that
ber of the committee but the others did they had had the Government engineer
not attend and the matter was left here looking into the situation and there
with the executive and they were to was no work that could be undertaken
meet on the second day of the council now.
but they did not have a ehairman of Still another matter Mr Young spoke
oaysheets or anything. Messrs. Tre- of was that of fire priteetion. He was,
wartha and Beattie were at the bottom in favor of making an arrangement
of the movement and they were going .•to with the Town of Goderieh for nre
protection and either the indAvichlets
1-y again and the paysheets will be in -
1 needing the services of the brigade pay
‘,estigated, he said, and repayment In -
ins all or the township rontributing say
sisted on. He was told to slip over
everything he could but he was not l a quarter of the cost, and the
hullt that way and he was going to let dual the rest. The township would no
doubt get reduced Insurance rates if
his people know what lie knew and had
nothing to hide l they had proper protection If there
W8.$ no use made of the protection it.
Another matter Mr Goldthorpe spoke
would cost the township nothing nor
about was the patients being admitted •
Age Pension Board $2940.20 in 1929,
$1376.85 in 1930; Good Roads commit-
tee $1518 in 1929, 51074.05 in 1930, and
eter Pan to,
ti* new pattermilfOr Mits,001
Our siri4a
30 inch Brocaded RaY0
In all colors, also plain OHO,
navy blue,
our new price
36 inch Satin Crepe
In black, navy and golden brown, regA
$1..501. yard,
clearing at
Ladies' Vests
Ladies' all wool and silk and wool Vet,y
short sleeves and comfy cut,, regular $1,4,
$1,50 and $1.7 5, -
clearing at 95c.*acli
Phone 86
F. E. Hibbert
'send on another page.
Prom Dr. T. Hsieh
Among mans holiday greeting rards
'loch ha., be-sn received by The Star
1 :me from Dr. T, Hsieh, of the Chin -
se Trade Bureau of Boston, Dr, T.
'Path was one of the. Chautauqua lee-
urars who spoke in Goderich two or
hree years ago. and we are very much
leased to receive his card of "Kind
houghts 0: the poet and bright hopes
'or the future."
Report of Hog Shipments for
Vionth Ending. Nov. 30. 1930
Cloderich-Total hogs, 37; select ha-
-ion, 12; bacon, 15; butchers, 5; heavies,
3; lights and feeders, 1. McGaw -To-
tal hogs. 228; select bacon, 84; bacon.
155: butchers, 22; heavies, 3. Auburn
-Total hogs, 129: select bacon, 40; ba-
ron, 63; butchers, 24; lights and feed-
ers 1. Huron Co. locals -Total hogs,
1755; select, bacon, 508; bacon, 1010 ;
Aehers, 144: heavies, 34; extra heavies,
We have SeleCted lc coals front our reetilar stock, sinait
styles, rich Broadcloths, nicels fur trimmed, in the sea
son's selling colors, sizes 11X to 1,1, also snme half sizes
If you are in the \Market for a coal, this is yOur oppor-
Witftstise an early selection, as thi..e e‘.ats are 3 v....on,ter-
Cul buy at
We positively save you money.
Phone 56
to the hospitals as indigent patients and
bills of 54000 had come in ?or these
oatients There were forms whirh the
Reeve of n municipality was supposed
to sign bsfore a patient, was admitted
the individual and this would be less
expensive than the township trying to
own and operate an equipmnet of Its
Mr Hugh Hill went into a number of
matters contrastine t he business of the
as an indigent but there was only one
township bud. year v. hen he was Reeve
eard signed last year and that was by
himself and this when Mr Goldthorpe was reeve
and pointed out differencea in the two
years and claimed that Mr Goldthorpe's later in the evening Jack McDermici
Someone in the audience s•le.gested
that an expenditure of 8384 50 for new '
linoleum for the court room did not showing was not so good as he made played one of hiss delightful waltzes
out and he criticised Mr. Golcithor e's I
come. 7 p.m, evening service. subject, ,
Evetaasting 'Arms." Special ser- 1
vice of song. During the week com-
m. acing January 6th, union services
will be held with Victoria United
church, Special young people's rally on
Monday evening. Members of Y. F'. S.
will assist in the service.
The Goderich Women's Inetitute will
hold its regular meeting in MacKay
Hall on Thursday, January 8th. Roll
call will be answered by "Diets for In-
valids," and a paper on current events
will be given by Mrs. Oeo, $31111b.
The Central Home and School Club
will hold its first meeting for 1931 on
Wednesday, January 7th, at 4:15 p.m.
Instead of on the evening of Tuesday.
Mrs. J. N. H. Mills will give it paper
and Dr. J. A. Graham will speak on
"Care of the Teeth."
1; lights and feeders, 26, Huron Co.- Mr, Richard Gliddon left on Tuesday
Total hogs, 4142; select bacon, 1185 ; to visit friends in Detroit.
fterin, 2330; butchers, 426; heavies, 85;
extra heavies, 2; lights and feeders, 52.
".entral Relief Committee Appointed
A Central Relief Committee for the
'own was organized recently. at which
Mr. S. D. Croft was elected as presi-
dent, Mrs. Redditt secretary and Mr
;1 T. Edwards treasurer and the ap-
pointment of an executive will be com-
pleted at the next meeting which will
he held some day next week. The first
contribution to be received is 525 from
Mayor MacEwan, who made this con-
tribution in place of holding the usual
Mayor's dinner for the town council
The treasurer says anyone wishing to
contribute In the funds of the organi-
zation Is asked to send his or her CM-
tributton to him,
Miss Kate Hunter Ls visiting at the
home of her brother, Terence Hunter.
Miss Grace Horton came up ' from
wL,ston and spent the holidaY at, home.
Canoe Cluh's Christmas At Home
The assembly room or' the Masonic
l'emple boilding was decked in festive
saws; of red and green for the annual
Christmas at. home, which was held on
Tuesday es'ening, and there was an ex-
tra large attendance, many of the mem- 1
aers having friends visiting them for
Ow holiday season The first part of
the evening was spent in playing Five
Hundred. First prize for the ladies wan
won by NUM Hume and Mr. P. F. Carey I
gentlemen. The onsoln I ion prize for
wns winner of first prize among the
gentlemen went to D. 1) Mooney and
for the ladies to a visitor For the
dance after lunch there was a variety ,
of music An orchestra, consisting of I
(1 Ds % les. piano. A Traverse, j
net. Palmer, saxophone, (.1 James,
traps. occupied the platform for most I
of the evening Jack Shine, the (11(1 '
time fiddler, appeared during the even -
trig and played for an old time quasi-
rille and another dance or two Then
Miss Ruth 154r, Of Toronto,
spending her holideye at her hon.. „
Mr, and Miss oral% of 119911.6,.
Bed their slider, fienetin
last week. " ' '
Mr. Richard CffltidoO 'Oettt ,;54." .
mas with his daughter, Ittre.,Heyfftt.,
Mr. Lock, of Toronto, Wati
mas visitor at the ilterie of 14 *nd
Alex. liortou.
Miss Jessie Linklater, of Otto •
ited her sister, Mrs. Htinter, Air atrefal-,.
days 1114 week.
I 1411ss Chlsholin, of Cloderielt.15- v14.: y
ing at the home of her brothel',
James Chisholm.
' Miss Lillian Lautenslayer, Tore sa.
spent the Christraes vigh
Inothcr, Mrs. Archie liorto+..
IMiss Flora Horton, or Tordtkit-
the Christmas holidays, at Ihe hOlhe1411
her parents, Mr. and' 5i18. Ist
Cough and Cold Remetlitle,
favorite at Campbell's Di
Phone 90.
Ct A S -171
talking about and mr. Goidt.horry, mid move in the county council to have I
look like the economy the Reeve WM 13,
he did not want that and was not to Saltford Hill turn fixed and paid for
blame; the Warden had ordered it.
by the county, as it was in the Town 08MT. Goldthorpe next went into town- Goderieh. also he consisiered the pros -
ship nriances and nhowed the reductions
that had been made in 1930 in expen-
ditures as eompared with 19211 Roade
and bridges were down from 57898 18
ts) 58071 70, and as much work done,
salaries down from 51075 64 to $899.06,
stationery and printing from 8178 90 to
5177.46; law eo.sts from 8141 60 to nil.
Board of Health from 5.81 40 to 546.90.
Total payments 545,501.88 reduced to
541.836.84. a saving of 53,815 04. and not
a complaint of the condition of the
roads all fall Mr. Goldthorpe also
claimed that he started off the year
ent legislation by which cities and urban
municipalities pay for part of the cost
of roads leading In to them Walt fair
and was opposed to the move for the
relief of urban municipalities which was
being made Detroit. Toronto and
Hamilton paid millions for roads lead-
ing into these cities and this was es it
iihould be And he elesimed that while
the Province was assuming some ex-
penses such as sehool inspectors' sal-
aries the local municipalities were los,,
ing oontrol of things by the proceFts and
they should be represented at educe -
Morsel meetings and make their mire
with debts rontraeted by the old coun-
cil to pay and that debts were much heard
better paid up this year. Mr John H Graham did not believe
Mr Goldthorpe also went into the in flaking men a Ith teams to take less
matter of the Allen drain at consider- than 56 a day and he did not believe
able length and quite a dincussion took
place between himself and Mr Allen in
the matter
Mr. Wm. Thom said he would stand
fo reeve if he was crowded out of the truck proposal he had been told by a
council' if there was going to be an garage man in Goderich that ha- could
election. Last year Mr., young No fit up a pump on a. Chevrolet truck re
raised the question of are nroteethin and 'tar that wOuld pwnp all the water
it was possible ter one minsicipality to available In the township at a cost of
(Mange for rav nrotection With ancith- only *bout POO.
er and it was far better to IleVe the A triotion was mede during the Meet-
prote5tion and not need it than not to ling Ii31' W. W. Waitern arid Leonard tCen
there were many places In the township
which were not sufficiently elme to a
gravel pit to make team hauling as
cheap as truck haulage. As to the fire
The annual vestry meeting of St. .
George'R church will be held on Mon- I
day evening, Jan 19th in the parish
The annual r'rovinrial Women's Day
of Prayer will be observed on January 1
fith at 3 p m In the lesture rx)m of
Knox ehurrh
At the ChTlitMall season MT13 ./0:111 -
than Miller preeented Ftt George's
church with a new bible for the lectern,'
which waa first tined on Sunday Nat I
Raptiat church. paator, Rev W T
Bunt Bible School at 10 0015 Gospel
ger vire at 11 ti m , subject, "The New
Year's Motto a Three -fold Inspiring
Truth ' The Lord's supper and reeep-
1.10.1 of members at the morning service.
Gospel aervice at 7 p.m subject, "The
lintrodden Path"
Services In Knox church will be con-
ducted by the minister 11 a m , Com- ,
munlon will be dispensed . 7 p.m., "Thel
Problem of Temptation"--eeventh In the
'series on the Lord's Prayer. Sabbath I
School and Bible Claesen at 8 reelock.
Preparatory service, on Friday evening
at 8 o'clock
•1 Services at North $t. United church
, on famtlast. January 4th: 10 a.M.,
tient Club, Miseloli Dann, and Mewl
for Christian 'reSt1111011Y., 11 i).111.. Pub'
Iie worship; cabled, "13elle1d 1stela at
t au" am:" al p.si.40htlteli ficheoli
Class "A" attractions for your entertainment.
in a laugh making -love making riot of fun.
A new and suerefisful hit wherever shown
Aiming nt your heart and funny bone
"The Flirting Widow"
a spicy smart and amusing comedy of a pretty girl's attempt to avoid
marring,. featuring
and Basil Rathbone
Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3.00 p.m.
Coming -Two special attractions ln one week -Al Masan fn
"Big Bov" and Jeanette McDonald in "Monte Carle
Two shows each night at 7.30 said 0.15 p.m.
You Want the Bes
Anthracite Coal Mined from ,the Haziebto,* Mne
guaranteed no Slate or Clinkers.
Patterson's Pocohontas Coal
North Star Soft Coal
For Shelf and Heavy Hardwaret Paint* and ggiti,
Pluulbing, Heating, Tinamithing and,thgtr
Wiring., give US trill-
PhOree-flotbusere 1218
A? rti A