HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-12-18, Page 2• Mil TWO THE GODERICII STAK winter resorts il comfortably reached via Comadian National and connections. Choice of Interesting routes. Coots are reasonable. Add, rest to the California trip by_going or returning the canadftst route via Vancouver and Victoria. 140 R 1 •Aelt /awl *Pato( Canadian National Railways . don, booklets mad reservations. eo CAttiN DIAN NATIONAL he Star's Summary of World News • OlitTINO NICC)TINIII •Ibeen awarded a contract.y Hong /Aden. Oerniatir. DeCeMber 10 (liPe- Iteng Ann of provlaion merchants tor 4141 to the etex).-0-A method of grow- the shipment of 80 boxes of butter per tobace0 ire that It U almost entirely nurath- Forthe past eight years ship - free of nicotine has been developed by [visite of B. C. butter balm been inittle the Poreitheirti TObaeco Research *nett. to Japan and it has sold at s premium tete in 13adeni CiermanY, 'rhe result is 1in the /markets of that country. obtained by towing the gents close ...---,. • together and resulating the watering. ram. GOVERNORS The PrOdnet dlifera from tointem from To set Apeeedteeep Which. the nicotine has been removed Ottawa, December letle (Special to with enendealii in thet it retains the tis titar).—Not only Will a, new Ocie - /sterol tote Ohl *roma. error Geneva be appointed to (Anode ByThip,Ato =sumo within the next twelve months, but also ,,, the terms at five of the Lieutenant, Ottawa, Canada, December 10 voRe" OovernOrs Ot Ovroula expire within. that del tO The Star1,--The herd Of 10,000 . • kedtalo in Weed 13UffeloPerk FeaeThe app ointment 01 Lieutenant Oov- Foal Smith, 11.1g.T, is made 110 or tbe ernors for the provinces is a -matter of 1'1° weed' httle-ht $ee -ehhch the re' eerie* censideretien.• The appoint - servo VAS orillinally set tUddel the 0,673 was are made at Ottawa by the reci" animals chipped _nerth, from /4111" ers1 imvemment and next year there will be aPPointinents made for ()aerie, wright, „Alberta, Mid tile liiereasii-triell thoseanhua1s, which are thriving eX" Nova Beetle, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and CeedhigAY, , jBritlsh Coltunbia.. ••• The. position calls for men who are above social and poll, tical reproach, *On of sUbStatice • and Of iuww4v44'" HONG "'“‘1. culture and business back ground. Not Victoria, Deeelliber 15' (Special to the only that but as the salary IS not lade- Star).—WOrld travellers have occasion quate for the needs of such an efilee. to stay .over at Hong Kong may be eery- the man chosen ,must have a Private ed tenter that •bas a entente flavorA purse with whiele_le meet the calls British, Columbia creamery •litts recently which are made on him, • • 11.11.011011.11.11111.1101111111 • sPEolat:-lirliSION ,TO • . RIOUSO111TATE ?AEU EMULSIFICATION • . LIFli OP 00101,1/QN? * Ottawa, Dee. le (Special to tile litavL UST 'is eittilsifiea ti f the... . _ Win there be two emergent gessioris hs? . $ the Canadian montparliament- witbinabri Oe was called last 'September with- in six weeks of the election of Premier/ BeMiett to deal with. -. unemployment-. At that time there was a year-old and butter -fat Tri'milk makes milk one of out mold easily digested foods, so emulsifican'on improves the taste and ditcstibility of the pure cod-liver *oil in scams EMULSION It' a the mason that millions of children and grownups Pre* it tts11116112er loans of cod-liver GI Bs sure the cottlitter oli web we is ontabsifisef—., That les Scoffs Ernalsios. scot se.3o*ne. Tomato. Ont. 30-3 .111111.111.11.1011111.01110111111.11111111 terious .but not acute problem of lawn depression. - Solution of it had been at- tempted . by the .weStern Prairie provin- . es. • • . . • The months Odell. have elapsed Since the September session of pat -lima have not. indicated that provincial et - forts Were: sUccessfat, conditions in the - Prairie Provinces are beyondlocal con- trol. They are due tolocal crop rever- ses and to world market conditions, • They are accentuated by conditions in other bra h' of Indust* whish 'the liriss, liriin le's Visit Aches and s.:1'0117::4:urieir:: waft'el PAI N S 0 tinkle the hose uwile a 'err skis father, * dear little mother who had to work .. very bud, four Whets and asters. it Whetilou take 0/Vcr AnPiliiii Yon wia cutijou,4 taw, bixt them ,14,na no *resort of two things. Itisonrerelief, money to buy gifts beaus the father and it. hitrulleite. Those tablets with e the Itayer cross tie not lust the heart, Take than whenever you suffer from Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia SoreThroat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache , day the dear mother had told them with tears in bar eyes, that not even * Vein of rice bad she to spire to inake Loney Me eels for their Chrletinits.", "We =It be thankful that we hoe potatoes tu eat:, she said. "&me day when. father gen well perhaps we shall have agreet Viiristmita like we Wed to When WV head ache,—from kw/ eause--hen 0 cold has settled in "But ;nether," said little Karl, "Kris your joints, or you. feel those deep* vii Kringle will surely vane., Heloves the down pains of Metimatieini sciatica. little Peer children as well as the rleh, or lumbago. take Bayer Aspirin and does he nett I. know he loves me, for 1 get real relief. If the package says, List year be lett .a Pair or loves in inY Bayer, it's genuine. And genuine shoe, besides -giving Me:sled. 1 payee Aspirin iii elle. put my shoe out, and X know old Kries will put something in it. 1 hope it wUl bet41,441rUSIC4WPit:ilt till next Year said the mother. "Krise has so many children Zi°0 41;7 9rhegitt Wanliel.gt in 'If 11:/te' can t t t are Patient till next 'ear, when the dear tether- shall be well, tinned will be dif- ferent." • • • • • But little Karl could not welt till the next year, and so be stole out In the enowy evening to leave ' his shoe near. the ndt.00rtze, hie mother. did .When he was All that night the snow came 'dawn, end covered the earth like & eoft white blanket; .little Karl thought to himself that old Krim *thighs would surely have a hard time traveling in the storm; but of course bis brave reindeer would bring him safely through.. And all through the night the Mee . BEWARE OF 1MITATI.ONS was out by the door, •protected by 'the little root over the: doorstep, dry and tate and ready for Krim Kringle's gift 1,u4' can. • - when lie should come 'throUgli:the storm 4, .1'1 knew he *GAO- Center oriel, Karl. The next morning Karl awake wben 1Oh, mother/ come qulck and ace.. he the sun .was trylng to peep through the calAed'' 8a • down mother came, and Karl put' bis band in the shoe:. to pull 457:rnaktise toes#zook*Iy1 ttisdawhete'shoe, he '4°•1*.• the cap out. And . What do Sere think Poor lIttIe memite.to, said his mother. Under his hand be .felt a little .beat softly. "Agit, 'Sophie. and Ciliiegoe:./..so.ibe74arot—haecps,ai at,.iasbievev, touched oec4atct tak, hedthefur, you may comfort iw shoe is, empty," • iing the , shoe be ran into the kitchen . se Sophie- end Margot ran down anCellt. Of the .800W, 10110Wett by the others. helped Karl open the door. .. I There, cuddled cosy and warm in the There was the little. shoe lust. ;where shoe, was .4 tiny rabbit, its little' heart tea' inside of it before' the ethers could. he had left the night before.-- ••• ;:aTartingmene4der.witylt.irEgenatfrii:it7hoot,sitr• iotkinobv.ilisitsarsur., andeophie was the .tallest, and she could His "WhY—why—whY--looki" She cried, ,eYeowere shining happily.." "Kettle, there 1 the fur cap you wanted ' anew Arise 1cringle wOuld come,"inside the simel Kris, Kringle has he' said. -• been hero* ' • ' • *k:ou were. right,? said his sisters„ Sure' .enough,- there • it was—a' brown 4.!aithough it is not a cap." • . : • . "It IS 'far- better. than a cap," said • Karl. 1 love the dear Krlss Kr. designed to' alleviate; ,but the Litre eon- 'butirty:4- • ' . Onions in many communities' could not- Mother only smiled and said; "it was be leresee,n in September 'and could not given. 'to you to take, tare of, and to be materially benefitted- hY .7 -the nation-keep-safelreffe'llanng-- - - then taken by the Oovenunent- ' I • - 'Premier Bennett, cabling froln Izathe, 311y little man, and oCeaA.•haa tedexed that tne, position of how would you like your hair cut?" .9•;Inic:tliatnthatured Canada is bis firat con- .1e8114:a11father youu PleaSe' just 0 edivated ne, has no - tinte ter ill ial mubole • , Aepirin s the trade-tuark of Sayer manufacture of MOnos.ceticacidester • Of salicylicackl. OODERICH IIONUNENTAL WORKS HAMILTON ST. Beat Motorist and Latest •Expert Workmanship Work Gnitrantemi Prkes ilertsonsible Your bushman will be • appreciated. R. A. SPOTTON Goderich Omi° P. O. Box 161. .1.11101110001011SNOWINOMOO- .••••* For Christmas Gifts of • All Kinds save money_by Purchasing • from. the ROBERT SIMPSON •Co, Ph0/40 333 for CatalOgue or see H. R. STOWE TiltIRSDAY. DSC. leth. 1/1/1 1101-74120011010,0110011110 Corner, Newriate and Albert Sts. 8'arte top where the head weleemes. What hie decision on anival comes through."—Witness and Canadlau will be is notclear but the ,impression,HoMesteed. In Ottawa is that lie Will call 'Parliri• merit together at least a Month. than be anticipated- in order that • the. agricultural situation may be dealt With. The backbone of 'Canadian •pureints-, Ing power 'is the new wcalth brought into being each year by the grain,fielda of Ornate -and -until -that power le he- hebilitated there. can be no let= of September •-meeting of .lesellament, wae national prosperity. - • • , . . • . • - . • .. • • . • MIBU HERBAL. OINTMENT at MEDICINAl. SOAP •Cuenptetc .tretitirient-for:ftztt-L-ctsrUkets, Ectemx, Poisoned $oies,Scslc,Trouttles etc. • 41,d ,p .15c ettnpavienitenstikmaiswsklbstorflosessitfl aggnigmgmagogimmummigglimmog, ourChristmas Shoppinj oderic' Corner' East Street and the Square Special Prices on California Oranges Reg. 40c size', Wit 18e,- 2 doz. for 35e Reg. 50e size, now 25e per dozen • Reg. 60e size, now 350 per dozen Reg. 75e size, now 40e per dozen Grape Fruit Marsh Seedless 4 for 25e We,also carry a fun stock of Vegetables Our Blue Water Brand Celery, all clean and crisp, is our specialty. MIXED NUTS at Reasonable Pries led Oysters • in every week We Wish you A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 0-• 1101icia,y MEATS CIERI5T1TAE3 appetites - and they're useeny quite hearts,' - can best be satisfied with AllisOn & Heitman SPECIALS West Side Of Square Goderleh logweisteetmetenteonverwcwesin,Tm. • GET REM }OK ' CRIVISTNICAS NT HAVING TODD . c/ArlitS-CILEANED AND PRESSED. Anyone not inthe habit of having clothes cleaned byanexpert will have a real surprise with the de-. livery of his first order from VROONIAN the Gatlerich French Dry Cleaning Works' Phone 122 • Went Street is les 5c up in Holiday 'loxes MECKWEAR sure to make 11 a "big hit' With a man. 'Handsome, rich (Moire) weaves in colorful stripe 'com- binations. Resiliently -rade for long,. satisfying wear. Also everything in Men's S mart Wear—GIFTS THAT MEN REALLY ENJOY, - 0 Your Choosing Early • ,• Phone 219 THE SQUARE GODERICH witStje4 ,Mat. ADVERTISE IN THE STAR Fee the past years • InAlitigAellingo, ONLY Int 11141E T. IMILSORK-CO, ',kilned Tstronto, Ont. • . • ' , • • 1 • Her Flusband. Had Bolls on Arms and, Logs Mrs. Russell Laird -454 )3agot Kingston, Ont., writes:—"About a year ago ray husband was ,terribly bothered with boilson his arms and lege, and conkin't get any thing to Clear them up for any length of time. He went to doctors, and the medicine they gave him would make them die - appear, but they would come back itt.A0 time..• One day I *as reading the newspaper and SAW where Burdock Blood- Bitters was advertised for thin %trouble, so decided to try it, and he hadn't taken much more than one bottle when his skin was all cleared up. We think 13. B. 13 is a Wonderful medicine." ' rentheg roes a"dlikyette" (lolksti4e4totieft).rdis New aegis at 7 Mr. Nisi', mks re MO pot. pot glee Moog Distance" sits mow Ike on seam—is *peek sfr the orrice. If yea aieWei &tete she elistent onatther, olafenteittb*" stilt fith it of, fir yam It was wonderful to be engaged but it wa.1 miser- able too because Dick was out on the road all week and letters were difficult when ire *Mind *round so mush. Then one night0 when he was specially be tekphoried her front hiszfootri in the hotel. It was the nicest present lie could have giros het and it cost less than the price of * movie, was so cAsy and it made them both am& Nippier that they artanged minder visits by tele*, phone every lutsday and Thursday everting .---- itioltntfitS Of affection to remember and look for to, The Ivedts seemed only half es long. Telephoning it the next best thing to bei0; together. out ottown calk ere simple, depend- able, inrs.rfft44 end tyilkcr r.-. before. a ••••••,*