HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-12-11, Page 31uaIbAY, DSC. lIfis. VIOL N rho4)d News Nuggets Picked From Our Ex Early Semeing at Sealeeik There was skating *t the Palace Rink, Seafort a on Tuesday eyfternoen of text week, which. creates a record for eitely three sone - Former [listen say* Myer et , f Mere Bey Were Athletic cep ielitelsewr 6 Owin texube, only son of Col, Ur. V, Jilorttmer Seam% of Kitcheu= sure Mrs. Legal* of Viinteei who is a err, a former Clinton* boy. was elected J student at Trinity Begs' College, Pott mayor of Kitchener on Vendee of last y' Nope, has won the Oxford Cup. the week, his =prey over his opponent, ! IU 'that award far athletics. oMr,Y3C•ombr Ald, 0. W Thompson, being 1879 votes, p Death of lase, George M. Fowlerwheelti never won twice by the sato *went, Word was received at Winb(<am on ; Engagement Miaow:wed Tuesday morning of last week of the sudden death of M. George M. Powler, a former • well-known Morrie township resident. Mr. Fowler died at le% home in Odium Mo., following a stroke of MUSIC W. el, ItOTHWl;1:L, t?rgentst Knee CJ.krele, Godeckle Mule leezeter htratford Normal School, Teacher of Piano, singing, Organ. :Preparatigns for all examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of erluele, Studio: Vor. West & Wellington Phone 633.. LEGAL CARi)B• ___.. Cil AARRQW: eeeee- eerrister, Snlleitor, Notary Pi,b)!lr, late. Successor to J. L. Killoran teohe 97. Mice. The i ore, Goderich. 'T+RNES1 At, LEE Barrister and Solici• tor b.°n. Life Bldg... Adelaide and Victoria Telephone: Elgin 5301.Toronto• 2. DUDLEY E. HOLMES Barrister, Wiener, Notary 1?ublio,. Conveyancer, Etc. PRONE 27 IIAMILAIN STREET. • SPECIALIST 1:01L F. J. IL VORSi'EIi, EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late Rouse Surgeon New 'York Orth- ehelmio end Aural lidsppitah, assistant at Moarefleldry Eye Hospital and hoiden -Square Throat Hospital. London; Eng. .a3 Waterloo St., S. Stratford. Tele- phono 2(7. Ili hotel Bedford, Doderlch, on the evening of the {thirdMonday el each m.onth'till the follcwing day. Tuceday, at . •i 'Y.r. ..._,. CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRA.CTOR ' AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GOIDERICH E q u i.pped with electro reagneti baths. Electronic electric treatment "end e'L,1ropraetic. Chronic, organic. and nervous diseases.. 'Lady in at- tendance. Office hours 2 to 6, and 7 A pan., exceptiing *' Monday .. and. Thursday and by appointment. A. N. ATIf INSON, residenee and since; corner of South street and Bri- tannia ,rood. Phone 3411.. AtrCTIQNI ERING THOMt15. (19tra313Y .ic ,SON. • Live, Stool and General Auctioneers; Iv rilnAte.; Goderteb: Sales madeedeeeywhere and ell .efforts nide to giro yoax satisfaction. • Partners' Sale Notes diseo rated: ' '• LEY W. FtstlEla A11C'TIONEEA. Will, conduct sales anywhere. id, terms are' reasonable and T' lit 'try and give satisfaction, ... Phone e.arlotiv 1314, or address 4. Go{lerielf, NOTARY PUBLIC," ETC. JM. BAILIE, NOTARY PUBLl,r General'Conveyancing done Good Companies Represented Phone No. 2.. Goderich, Ont. . INSURANCE tsKILLOP- 41UTtJAL 'IRE INSURK ANCE COMPANY. -:...'• FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP. ERTY INSURED, . e• Value of property insured up to Jane nary, 1910, $3.648.976.00. OFFICERS --James Connolly. Presit dent, Godorloh ; Jas. Evans, Vice-Pres1- Ient, Reeclativood; D. F. McGregor, ,Seo.- i'reas Seaforih. OIREt71'ORS--,Jas. Shouldice, 'Walton; Wm. Writ], Constance; George MaCart- trey, Seaforth Ftoht. Perris, Heriock: hri Bennewise. Broadhagen; John ep ir, 13ruoefieid; A• Broadtoot, :Sea or. .AGENTS--W..T Yeo, 11..R. 3, Clinton y. Kat. Watt. B:yth;,Ed.. flinohley, Sea.. forth; John Murray, Seaforth, Policyholders can pay .the/r assese menta at Gaivin Cutts store, Goderlch; A. J. Moorish's Clothing store, Clinton; mi. H. Reid's, Ba ifleid. FIRE INSURANCE agave It attended to I,y the WAWANOIN MUTUAL ARE INSURANCE Ergahlteteed 1878 Read °Meet Dungannon, Oct. Wm. Watson, Auburn, President; Chas. Hewitt, Vice President; Jas: Girvin, Eon. Director; Directors— - W. J. Thompson, Auburn;: Wm. Me - Quillen, St: Helens; W. P. Reed, R. R. No. 2, Lucknew; Harry L. Salkeld, Goderich; Alex. Nicholason, Lueknow; Tim Grit , R. R. No. 7, i ucknow s Ches. Hewitt, Kincardine; tobt. Dav- idson, Dungannon. Rate -42.00 per thousand. THOS. STOT.HEUS, Treaas, CEOII, TRELEAVEN, $ec'y. 6rEh6u BrOS GODERICH —tile LEADING— i'UN'ERAt flIRE(rrORS anal EMBALMERS AlileilreAleelg nutlet AT ,ALT, iltlllitil-2$Z0UI2 Olt DAV Seam: Tli P lay, , -' My 120 I. las Behr Funeral Dirt' an robaliner Goderich, Ontario AU wait promptly attended to day ar night Plow* Marro 311: Reno New unmoor. A.C:, November 110th, Ino Mary SIngletou. widow of the late Rob- ert /Comedy, We:whaee, One Sne liars, to mount her loss five daughters aur paralysis. • The Peer Married Men "A Poor Married Meuse" a three -act comedy, vats put on in, the• town ball, Clinton. on Thursday evening, Nov. 37th, under the atispleea of Murphy Lodge No. 71e.. the entertainment' being greeted with a full house, in spite of the 4toriny state of the weather, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Anderson, Kempt- sine, Ont., annoiueoe the engagettaent of their second daughter. Helen Ditswoodie to Mr. Pbrd Aitchleon, of Ottawa, awe of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Attchiaon, Lucknow, Ont. The marriage to take place en Toronto Dec. 19th, Exeter Halm, le a e:41xd r:efare woe On Wedne.ioay event.,g, Nov. yv., prior to les departure tee a trip .,alive laud in Scotland, Ur. ,.•:aw..., of Exeter, the Aaatriet .r.iepaty ,.,.e:, ..taster of Macoelc ,eotan f ' al, was- matte toe re<apt au. • Change In .Lneknow Dray Itnsiuese .•ome i odae and a numoer of Ilene nu. After having the draying business In .he Exeter Masonic Lodr`e, toe presen, cknow for five years, Black Bro* have eon being made by severer of 'vile o_ d out to Mr. Allan MacTavtsh, who eerie Tbet little, get .of knoll wui 4. took':.posseseion on Monday. M. Mcw »really appreciated by Mr. Veyde. 'ravish comes from Gerrie. Beetle of Former ROM • Resident DeathofMr. Iebn L. V*nstone Mr. aohn, L. lentstoue, a farmer ►e., Word was fiece1yed at lsiyth on Tues. .tent of Wingiraen, died aa, sus itotne day of last week of the death at Fee relagara .halts on sateirray, 1vov. snag, mofton, .Alberta, en Nov. 22nd, of John his ii4th year. Ile to survived ny x.. MccZnarrle, eldest son of the Iate Kugh Widow, one on Willem, at efeece. r and Sarah Mc uarrie, of Blyth. De- aJniverslty; one daugeter, a.Jorotay, eeased was born at Blyth and went to home; .and tine brother, ola-e Be vie 'Western Celia.duds many years ago, Aline or Toronto; The late Mr, niche, Engagement 4nnouneed eanstone of Whitaghatrt, was a brother. The engagement is announced of Miss Slaacklelan•Ryan Ethel M, Butler, A,T.C,M., only dough, ,A quiet butpretty wedding took plans ter of M. and Mrs. John, Butler. 01 at seven o'clock on Friday evening, Nov Hamilton, to ,Mn John .1. Bawden of 29th„ at the Presbyterian manse, a. Clinton, the lharriage to take place in etratford, when Rev. Duncan united •era Hamilton the latter part of December, marriage Su zan A, Ryan, of Kinloss, and Death of etre. George Greer Clarence D, Shackleton, y of Winghanz Mrs. 'Mary Greer„ widow of the late arty Saturday morning elle newly tear George Greer, sr; -of I,ucknoW, passed anted caauple left by motor for "Windsor away at the home of her brother-in-laW, cud'Detroit, Can their return they will Richard Carson, Gorrie, on Sunday reside a 47 Brsustticic St, Stratford. Morning, November 23rd, 'after an 121• Death. of Mr. George Windsor ness of a few weeks, The death took place at Meter on Moves to . Hensali Sunday, Nov. 30th, of Mr. George "Wind- - emeePeter Masson and Irene�[-me n s for —resident of r Exeter. years e ratUp3xadsar esteemed an was ley twp„' moved last week: --"4"nuuia_and was im- where .they --intend to reside Mr. Manson was 'born hi S has spent practically sell leis same Zarin. Be has been a farmer and he and Mrs. lVl been valued members of the Lucknow Garage 'Roof 0 The weight of wet snow of the Feed: garage at Lu one of the girders tO• break recently, letting. down a s wee, A number of, cars garage- escaped', damage, machine baying the•top b •Reath of Mrs. Robe T*0ro passed away, at t daughter, Mrs; Mary. Coo PHONE e Por Upholstering, A large range of.S PAis aM+I carr . : ZI Nelson S IT -PAYS TO IN CONVENI and .RE JOH GO Telephone INS Ass Hee CAMPAIGN A link total fneorseataas to thiet Oka - day Menem ilingeremendie may slot be amiaas. • Wimps she win oo she illuedy courseM ed ler she teachers or the a aaeshe rhe oomaaletse. tk* three emit papers an each grade sheared be gene to cher rosuvst toes! W. C. T. U. 4 Lleoembse 10t1e The following age Urs adi hawse ,at the Un- person a osparhntessaiaetutt to cuss at whom they *mud d be must Idol S. Arse Whigtiane sire. ft. L. Phillipe. Goderich, A[re, &Patau tThe ][ansa. Heivall Mrs. Was, hiller. Citnion, Mrs, D. Demos& &u**. Mrs. J. Richmond. Myth, or Mss J. 8. Jiurr*y. ?dieter. • The load W.. 0, T. U. will examine the papers sent to thews and then send the three best in each seeds to ibis Jean 8 Murrey, the County Superin- tendent of Teln:eratace in Beeeee Schools, on or before December 22nd, The County i8uperihte>tadeut will send the three beat in *Leh grsule to the Provin-. eel XG.xemintng Committee in _Janu*re. The Sunday School Superintendents are asked to fill in the Report Poems, which have been lent to tis Li dupll* care, from the camp tette in Mon- troal. One of these report* should be sent to Jars, T. T. °serge. whose ad- dress is given on the report, 'The other should be sent to Mies Jean S. Murray, Exeter. for the awarding of the shield to the Sunday School having the highest percentage of its enrolment between the ages of nine and seventeen inclusive, who have written Upset the ex*zninatton, Buttons can be had from Mrs. George roc these writing upon the examination in_ the .Yunlor fend Intermediate grade. The price is two dollars per hundred. The Santday School Superintendent* are Asked to gaud the number of pupils obtaintug fifty per cent or over to Dr. Frank X ngfor, 523 Wesley Building, Toronto 2, when i recognition certificate will be sent for each' pupil, . GODERICR 'TOWNSHIP • several 01 the farmers in chis district have coninuenced ploughing again; The reeent rams over tee week -end have helped the water supplyin ttets vicinity. Miss Margaret i entland spent the week -end whit her friend, miss Ilexel young, of Carlow, • Thee W. M, E. of Union United church will meet this Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs: J. 13; Orr= he Sunday school of Union church vrill hold their annual Christmas tree and coneert An Monday evening, Dec. 22nd. A goodprograna is being pre - Pared. The Young People's Society of UJnice, eh met last Friday evening in, the •a,,,, .-n 2ening exercises, iL GIFT S UG'GESTIONS wocompoom SMOKERS CARD TABLES PICTURES KITCHEN' CABINETS COUCHES BISSEL SWEEPERS CHESTERFIELD SUITES CEDAR CHESTS BEDROOM SUITES ELECTRIC WASHERS DOLL CARRIAGES BABY SLEIGHS TOY SETS ROCKING HORSES noit-ACKAtifirACI J. Rall WHEELER HAMILTON STREET MIRRORS PERT STANDS GATEL1G and LIVING ROOM TABLES .i LIVING ROOM SUITES WINDSOR CHAIRS LAMPS BOOKCASES ti 4 Lee. Zit 1 00 When Doing Hor Housework *OIL A Mad IAA elek *beat DOM'. Rainey MIL I him tato Aye tom sad so now feeling Me spin; pans is tay bid( sto Soh athd Iroise ay op* ha• Law Mt 6ti Nose XI Nolo al.bow weft dim* to • 3 1138. 410 10 .411” 39e -Aim $1.00 • „. i.be. 1 5 • le Cloy IL OC se Creamery No. 1 33. i0 Canada. NEW BULK cootrulo Currants .16, 15c cnoroE VAIENCIA NEW Brazil Nuts 25c Walnuts lb .23c clituirm Almonds .16. 49c NEW Mixed Nuts . .Ib. 25c mat Maple Syrupfirt, 69c AUNT DINAR FLICOUR 24411. *kb, Seek oadl vino of irralts, Nets see *Sextet Wive Kee cmusrmAs CANDIES trAlltrint rtsttrosoirltt Humbugs. 190 elly Beans .1b. 19e ntg b. 354 • • • • • XMAS PUDDINGS • • 1 M000 here' Oen iiiikere'eee GeedeGrade White CMOs Dorsi