HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-12-04, Page 12Happy Faces ... 1 Press against our • store window telil what a avotith,, watering variety of 4. Christmas Candies. F a acy Packages, Chilciren's Candies Fresh Salted Nuts -Ete. We have 1 -Logan's confectimery 11. -.razdonomeic,rncipamtno..).A. "raatititiM=SICW=VISPISCV*40( Holida.y MEATS OritatirratittE" appetites - -" mid they* itsassir quite. hearty can beat tie anthicied with- • Ailisou SPECIALS.: Ebla at Stave • Godaribir' lwposipossmaresproppispositlpingettY TEMPTATIOIIS nrARour item 0;0.0.144o, you raumitithbut iettat or tlern, Idnd thei table. Delicious variety bete.. Zow-PiriOntc to!ce Oranges *Ili,* dew, Also tam* &WOW See to 15c, Fitacy Oilltarobs Gigots, ItWs for. Watch Itr tetir Ortettiel Blue Water Ciliary and Celery ileacV..trwabt and edsp.. GODERICH FRUIT MARKET 47e 1 40 dam atigistmas HOUGH you trace Chris. tianity to Us. •cradle in Bethlehem, you are net tracing Christ to Hit ori- gin. Ile did riot begin to tiilathilecrethiachTiMeNwrur He was not, but it was there in that cradle that Be commenced to be man - nested in that particular aspect. The anniiremary of Christmas Day is its rit own sermon. It is like irandalwoori, z.rs fragrant with inextinguishable nim_ pries of pathos, tenderness and love. GI C4 Ki fl• Reason and bliservatten and inference and probability have in every age led spiritually minded thinkers to expect a 'manifestation of Godin human form on •Parth. The consciousness of right and wrong within them, what :they themselves posaessed of tender mercy led them whether they were Hindus, Zoroastrians, or Jnw 0.14 certain that the autberof,titet law Of right and wrong, the Source of that tender mercy, would not leave man in weakness and darkness to. stumble alone, but in tender Mercy he would visit them from en .high. And Cbriatmas Day is the agreed upon anniversary of the particular moment in human history when these aspirations were abundantly fulfflled Carats at diliriattatta iiN the matter of Christmas carols Mr. T. 0. Crippen,_ an English authority on th s fascinating subject, in lobo O'London," points out the often - forgotten distinction between a hymn and a carol. A hymn is devotional; a carol is a popular. playful and generally festive •'treatment of a religiou$ subject, though, actuallyo carol need not be religious at all. Mr, Crippeh pointe out that the„earliest Eng- lish. Christmas carol, written in the Anglo-Norman dialect of the twelfth century, is "Lord.. lings, Christmas loves , good ' drinking," which has no,religious bearing. Many Many carols have .• been written. .for other seasons than Christmas, but 'these are neglected, Italy was the birth - plate of the true carol, and Mr Crippen holds that the actual originators were St Francis of Assisi and his followers, who dig* • covered that bright and homely songs went farther with the. tom. mort people than serrhons. Mr. Crippen says that the Oldest English re,ligiouit' carol dates from about 1410, but we - — - have-only-thirfraginent.— .1 saw a sweet, a seemly sight: • A blihisful, bird, a -blossom I bright, That mourning made and , . mirth among; A maiden Mother meek and • In cradle kept 4.41cnave child, 'That softly slept; : she sat and sung, lulla below`, , My lx_drri,_sle04) oftly now." 00 Here, • of 'our*, "knave child" means male child. There can be no doubt that during.a ' long period the carol conveyed to the poor and ignorant a great deal more than the Bible. tt brought the ptbie ito .them ' 'ithrcMgh the ears, andln their own simple speech. Thus the following carolja purely strip. ' tunil,. but it is also as easily assimilated as any popular song: "To Bethlehem city in Jewry it was i "ThatlosePli and Mary together did pass, • All for to be taxed with many- oneeno', "Great Caesar commanded the same sholild • . The etereat reality underlying the humanaYmbol of that Babe in its cradle does not lend itself to mathematical demonstration, •or to • verbal definition, But so far as we can express it in the poverty of human language, it is God aslouriva out of the infinite silence that -31e io• the everlasting friend of men, though we some. times doubt It. It is God in tender mercy reliev- ing our minds of the awful pressure of such` unthinkable words as Immensity, Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Boundlessness and the like, per.. witting ua to think of Him as a Mang, to,love Han as a Friend, to trust Him as a Father. Thio unspeakably blessed revel4tion first touched the world on the firs i Christmas Day, and thus • made the discovery of God appear possible to man, If the Incarnation were an immense and exceptional delusion vi;e shoeld have no concemwitir t1 but simply to marvel that it should so have gripped the imagination of this Weary world that for twenty centuries the delusion had added dignity to humanity, and -illuminated iM tlarknes* with kindliness and friendship. if it be, as we believe It is, an intense • XI Unalterable, a tranacendant truth, itbecomea us to acknowledge, to appropriate, and to proclaim the boundless love and tender mercy that has been • manifested. is* Practical Gifts that list SLEIGHS c"s$7.19,'$173P; adr°"nd $mai.59$14ft • See our hockey outfits, • Shoes with C. C. M. Skates r i v e t t ed on. Priced fawn $6.00 to $9.50. C. C. M. Skates from $1.90 to, $5.001 • We put skates on • correctly; no .buckling. • Self.tornIng :roasters S3,00 Pyrex Ware, • ever popular. Priced from 51.25 to 12.50 Stainless Carting, Sets, 51.00 to $7.00. • Pocket Mayes, 25e to $2.00. • A Gillette Razor free with every tell blades. • ,An Autostrap Razor free with every liVe blades, ...„...) • " _.....e Flashlights, all prices and sizes. Children's ratite, Fork and SPoon, Stainless • 850 See the nein Japanese Metal Ware. Coes not tarnish, •Comprising Salt and. Peppers. Candlesticks,' Flower Vases, and other novelties. tos Reasonably priced. GiVe your boy a Swiss Watch, Special value at 51.00 Tapanese Art Vase* 51.25 C a. Act, .roycycies or Tricycles, trona Sue to *1.2 i5 Electric irons,. $2.75 to 88,75. , • Rays' Rubber.tired Wagons, various prices, " We invite your inspection. as. EAST SIbi SQUARE Phone • Phoni;.i01-363 .cousioctiocv*ovvegvecti*VitelVettoctocietwommxtztitiVervatzto..4 • iftwoLiusehielawatwoomeaaaaaadoweow000006... "The Sweetest :.Cift" C Ar4Di ES SHOW "good taste" in 'Choosing "Her .Cift"—young man. Delight her with a box of "SMILES and CHUCKLES" Chocolates—Crearns—Bon-Bons—F Ind Nut Centre• s, - • Popular Pr60c er ib. up ices' •bnso.•• . . taalltatio ' . But when • they , had entered the city So fart A number of people so mighty were.there,'4. That Joseph and Mary Whose substance small, - . • .4. qao tiCene pectiliar to Canada at Christmas and throughout the winter. The two sturdy young vet Ouuttliatis are defending the MOW fort Outlined behind them front the attacking enemy. They are well provided With ammunition,'"of which there is Mao an abundance all around them. With two such determined -faced heroes • 'clui,,anyone doubt as tOs the outcome of the engagement?—Taken from life. • it easy to till. •'Chrisnitas • have so • artistic. „ Xmas Ottirbratitto Myristmag •° HIZISTMAS was first celebrated in the year 98, but it was 40 years later before it was Officially adopted as a Christian festival; nor was it until about the fifth century that the day a its celebration became permanently f=ed on the 26th of December.. Up to that time it had been Irregularly observed at various times of the year—t December, in April and in May, but most frequently in January. Could find in the inn there no laying ato114 Thus they were "constraitted in •a stable to lie, • Where oxen and atiea they used to tier Thus laying so simple they held in no scorn, „ And against the next morning our Saviour was born." ••„ • Another old carot quoted by Mr. CrilsPan thus deseribes the.watehlag shepherds:4- "About the field • they piped full right Even about the midst tit the night; They saw tome down from heaven a light; Title, time, so merrily the shepherds began • to blow. • Of angels Caine a t raptly,' . With merry songs and melody; 'The Shepherds anon 'go them espy, • 'ltirle, title, so merrily the shepherds began to ° • blow." Iltst of Alt tilt 011ittr "Ws great to be happy when everyone is, • "It's great just to smile with the rest "But the red loy.in the living. Is the joy in the giving - Of s much.ntednd lumdclisithst's beat,” 4 . . NangQtattr ellirtoro Whom NSEPAMBLE in thought irethe Yule. tide and the red -berried holly that fioda.. so conspicuous a place in the decoration of church and 'home; which tumbles out of great boxes at the entrance to the fruiterer's, and which adds the perfect touch 'to tbe Christmas plum. pudding. Holly, whieh carries with it a speelal oighificanee of good- WaS known in ancient legends as "Christ's thorn" to both the people of Den. mark and Germany, while the Italians knew it as the."holy thorn," • Pagan Borne used holly in the great festival, of Saturnalia, a noway which pre- • ceded the present celebratiiiii of Christmas. Barbarous tribes of Europe, whose only bond in common was their allegiance to the Roman Empire, exchanged branches of holly as good.wtll. offerings. flolly, which. grows in many parts of the world,is said to be fowl in.200 Varieties. The holly which in the earliest years was used to twine around the doors and posts of the homes of Morrie England was tailed the holly tree. • Ther'o is none more lovely than the Can- adian lastly, which grows in 'the wood? ot Ontario, 'and which, during •the past feiii yeavirliaielitenintroduced intiaaotrie ot.the floriet shoo of Toronto, A thoice gift for the Yuletide is a. Canadiarowoven basket • filled with the Canadian holly, 'finlike the hilt from the South, the holly branch found in the Canadian wood* tarries few leaves: A big bow of scarlet ribbon tied to the 'handle' of the *basket adds a real Chtistmasey touch to the isa;liset. • Crich'S 'Confectionery stataistamdriatiotasa000000,900WwilatinWataiVoir 41:110) 40112114:011*Or 40=0 Gift Hints Foi Christmas fascinating Slippers to look at, lovely to wear • and comfortable all the year, • HOUSE SLIPPERS attractive colors in Felt, Lather, Crepe.de. *chine and Satin forthe ladies, Men and children are here at the most moderate prices. • W. invite you to iiopett ovr stock andfie con iinted that the ituatad values ate oiterea° **UM • • 81414 GEO. MaciTICAR Staare .ption to The Gift Card will h Star wilt be a reminder nt from this officeadvising• your friend fifty-tvvo times a year of your thoughtfulne friend of the Gift you are sending