HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-11-13, Page 5TKUPAVAY, NOV 186k 100
.i' " 11��7
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I lims- - _ . _ = 1"0________ I _ tb* moanuaw DWAY ow6im Crowe To no" Xwr*Wy 0, U&4W*WftW � -
JUST PJMVZD A LARGE 3HVSWXr 0jF OW04. WjW UK mww UW coumy a., YAW 110d - _. � -1-1 .... .. . ,"..'' -1111-1 ... I I �
www"M it *4 a* Wt yr#v" to Uad" dA%# ot cvt. wax UW town I
: I 11
, Alay f 11 ,cWft wrwA W W, J. & 1010, wr#Aa,w 0 W" '
Yadle,y s Christmas Toiletries I ' "" __ of UW U000010ya"t R"t ftid, T"_ -
: . "
� To 0" uw '"Yor repliod " " W#Q, a* follaws, X m ume,
"uCtel to Pu te Wool Yarns tor Every Purpose
IN AETS AND INDWIDUALS ITEMS 1 , cor,adl bad MI& a r*V"900�1 At advin you that the unt;oploym-.ut con- . 0% j
'110AW W I go
,11 *-.d no oawr M JuW eyfr bow,ditww in UW toWn of 00detleh. are I
. . � 1-adjes', and Misses' sets and Men'ssets ........ 85c to $10.00 ' I 744 0
�151*4"tcd, and with ille CQ=tY t&kU* aCute and soiU tb4n UsrAl a n 1,
I I .� ,,the pror*rty there volild be no wl" doutt "I renwin so dwing the wlntc� � ,* WEAR - - I
�aTdI6'-'s ToiletrieS inCludC Fae,e Powders, Grearns, C-40111, kouceted on It, �13115 1, 'A for CHILDRENIS .
S The town 1% calculatl4w 0. I
. .- pact$, shampoos. Bath Salts, ShaYing bowlS, Shaving %4!ks, �! -, TO tile �Qz6ut tilst the town h3d wornk,!; lLat will give eml*ymeat� slid " I
. s 1 usevQral odors_—Lavender,jas I -1111 . .
1. . I � _wlnl�. 0,E) - 1W M taxel on UW property. 1Qr *k 9wa expect to a* 0'r 410*5 of thti fund. . I
I . soaps, Perfurue . _�,v
. . ( Innis & L.ightfoots wa-�ly ycar6 *ad that it did not l0ok as ftiticulars ,will be 6u P14 20 Ct Angora Wool Ili Oita only, a
. - )n, Bond St. Also orders WCeived in St. DL If sayone wax,rtady to M taU4 Oil 1C jawr, � , jQmjt.tcd to
. falley pac�kated Dath Salts .................... M t16 $1.50, , Nowth Dave 4 -ply Woul'. Ill 8 Peautiful wool for infant's
11. I . I � the uo��Qr repue'l QAt Mr. Kalbaellwh - A, letter WA41 r(1:e1VCj ta reillw, from I . . aLo, for Mi,wsl, I
bad been looking 4 tile prol-*AY. I all Ehades, per balt ... .... . 1 114 . war, and .
xfr� XIW,-fl-%inw Tiwsday. Nov. QU, sit 4 . . I Talus, etc. Per lXill ...... 35 cis# .
� A irefereace to the minutes of tile wclock,kor IL coutcre-Ice awl wrote* _1
. I I L council mettloa* 0owed that it was ,,:i0-a!j hkl� to llsve o Statement fa de. I . 1.
I I PHONE 90 11 the� ' .6th of Augillst when Mr. V#it4ZzoA tap,,r.jjqWIp- the natwe of U�jo werk.3 Nonvelt Down 4-nly woolp 49% Scuteh FWtrinr Yarrilit Plack, r� A - I
"I I I . . I ft;4t SUS06ted "t the UQUATY' might YOL,r co�w_irdeaircs to Carry 01. uft qu gfev, white, veil anit, beathcr I
I ,, . . OF coadder Purchasing the Plant and tile Ziumato of tile Cost -of same , 1) $I 4,W
____ and 2 -ounce all: ait colors,
.1 � . . . - �. - Please cts,w ,,ftAes, per Ill .... i ...... . .
. matter T,w refcrre(l 0 - um per ball. . . - 03U �
, 11�� I _ ------ — -..1__---___ ... __ — , the oPecial Com, let toe know vilat tit tho vricscut n - I V ...... I*.. . . � .
I c, fullowlilit FridaY ter of tile unemployed. in boderieli and � . I * :4.
slid the special emailittee'reepulluelld I Iko%ve Scatch Fingering Y - .1
: I 'tT ad"tce to report ul .1 .
I THE TOWN COUNC01" I -.wi!e", yo,4 cojl�jder the praspc�ts for ft,le . � . ' I
. ed that certain members of the coultell neNt rov. moutus. I AMWOSIMA Woo" 4 -ply, one . 3 and 4 -ply, Ili black, i . -��, . I
. : � . I . vMwZ30-cts. .
carry. ou negotiations Ylth Mr. Patter- I As the date set vas too early $or tile olking 11�411. hi white, pink and blue and pink,, per oz. skein I �,,,
� . .
, Makes Offer to SeD ftget Plak to County Road Wn. - t0V1'U to I'AVC reA)rC40UtAtIVQ3 Sent to 1. blue "41a&s, a -splendid . - I
� X);*?.ty Rem Qrsialon I . LL �� �
. r � S Uel%Wller W m, a. coarse, strong �.
. , commiskrion . 15.,jf,Z;,:42A, the; Toronjo to, meet Mr. PIN a szemad up- yarn for Infant's wear, per , . pt 1
. I I terms as ouany loutuaca It ub iilo�vloa wintmeat vas, made for ,T Q, Nov. � , a .1
. � � - I 1". I W's 30 le't 0 1 ire wool yarn, silit,, big forvirm a - *."Irr.
. . I .. I ..1.1 � US the WMS at Making an offer to 010 1,1th, alld at tho,inCeting of the toW# . bill.. ......M. %�*�.,. boys' and L menlo vmai. , Pqr �1.1 ..
. TO A 01ft; No Offer at All. Say Some Cox . I , . . ....
gVEF,IAT, OIL 00. AfFSAXWO mty. council lut rriday lUght the Mayor 4na . .1 . . - . I lb4..k*'i. .44-0. *I..**. 13 Us* I.. I �. ,
COVNTX. Uwalt 40AU46T . . -Xv,4 utt�nly impossible to give an on- councillor Humber - said It It meant the Town Tnasurer. were, APPolateft to I . , �.
.1� , . ... � -
- - - I., I I air any help that was go. to Toronto to. meet Mr. Rut% The. - lexe SM ond W I I 11 A. I
.;�-- - _'� � - �.- 1,_ - . . . �. I'. ,&s$Xfi5.WX10L � : swer by the 10th," was Qouncolov mum, tha emplomQut Sea, Bre 00 Oki" - Also a e'aroplete �Somtul�lkt of . . , 11 'i
. 1. . - ", I
I ..*...*- . ber's, first, comment. "This matter has 3 COMIderatiou but the ProVe.-tY Was a VusirmAn at- tile water and Itubteoul. yarst In light colors,' per � IL..� I I ". 1:
. . !R"Vo 'rom.r sun worqlas Allout got to $:,a to a committee.11, . . vionderful buy for anybo1w. aul�sloa also Was to go�, .. ball.... ... . .0.. 1.fV.%.*4;) d8o 40*6 In smilt. skeins , f6v 5 'etso , �11
. I . I �,
'. � . . wela."Ston, $t. stot** 1, � . And Councillor Mohr imid the offer would so NO TAM I " On councillor :44190 mage3tion. the . . Ir I I . nl,ending, purposes, per skein.. I I." . � I .., .
. . I , � . I . . . I ... . . . I .
, ,� �
L 1�
I � - � r I �� MeVo . 1 W45 "Ao offer at 4. Tile tQWh waswt councillor , MeLcali dillected tl,*At pullitc. works anc,l sPeclol Committees I � . . 100'' 'I -i_ . � � - . :: ,
. �Vcd JW _� Craigis, bankrupt," . I there would to no taxes 'collectable from I were -appointed a committee tq deal with . I I . I :`:. �
. � MI _ Deputy I . I . I I . . � .. -
. cecci,ded by Councillor Humber, tbat 'ITW's a gift," 'Was 0011110illbr 111114- the c6unty. There iverc r,tA)rekeepem,'Lr.tmplo�-ymi�nt, Ile was very anxious I I � , . I � ..; "!
� affer .the county the, Paget -11140t, berla next comment. A O t , ,
I . I , , .Zd ouncilloir employing as many men 4s the county,t1a IDvery 111421 649uld got a days pay
.. We . Drop in any time and see 'the Christmas Ne1r'Chand4"s011"_____1 . �",
- �buwllng 44 lot on Which It, Is stand- Moser pointe,d out. -that the colluts proposed to engage on -winter work on for v. 45y's work. ,110 thought this cozo- I L 60 .1; I . . , .
. I jgj, with beating *X4, AlAtt,119 and wanted tile oth6rlot thrown W, I their road, machinery. sod the town Mitt" could work; QUt 4 gellema, to deal I . I . . : � I � . I .
. . I t a mitter., ' . . we are s wine, �. , I � f
. cranes for $7,60, At 1094 $0,000 Cash doun011lor Baffle, Laid that the, coxil. might as well offer free taxes to every- W41% h . . . . I . , . .� . I . ". 1
_--1--- � ..�'gAo�51!.'�'.-WC*X%tL,O%k--tb%,]*IfMCO- _1- Ot UP, -c6U'4. I 4Qre, .. ,.--,.--._-4 - I . . . . - .
jAj#Waj -vle t6litioa- Md -yjev& ljad-u body�, and-, then tbenr was �Vrol*rty', to, -Air.th0,M0Mb04 , ' t -I WM ,.-.,�,,�".."...�"��.,,.-�:.-,z�.,)-,� . ... ...... � 11, i.. . 1-1 .,;�; 1�� .'' '_ �,:;. 1, -1 �, � 11 � ., . . I ... ...._4
. . I alutlon 'Which WAS In.tbeir-mind tMt tha Other lot WAS to, be. given Away hi, tblx deW present at tl* mtetft Wt F44ay night I I i , . 1'. . i... 1. , - - W. - . 1. I . . I;Z�� .� r -.1--I".. I 11
I �. TWO was�.tbe re4 . . . I - :
� I � ly adopted -b$. the town c0uilcil At be Included. , I i : Mayor Moogwan volotod out that tho I Tile tAX . 011teWrt ptitement, . allowed I � . . . . . ,� � I I . . . . �,
� 91141 �9 . , ,
. . . last oridAy X 411tr . 14 $ . "J"b, S&Y'r Ilft" town had Wd for tile p4rk hoW. VIQ03,report.. and a total at $ 9 . . 'H - 4m4pov , . " 11, � .. �
I , . . .. IL ' , � ; .co.untra baor wat, ant *4 moth. as t1w VQAQ0, collected 41 U04 sInQ0 the Drp, 4""
m . regular meeting Va Xot %Wjtt.n 4S : , 1, Vft ro C" I _� -�
tQ of k , 93A2 D of The" Cash,
time had , , I pho, "6,86 J. If
I., offer the , unty , Iteeve, Tllroer 'pointed opt. that U this Which WaS $.4,Q9,&n4,,$202Q9 more to taxes eollected In 1930, T , a � "',
- I fmm; ' . his Wa. te- , 0 . .r. Z% '.
. I Z Z . bich. was' M e In offer was'16 be sent to's c repair It, And -, ioired to the finance. counnItteQ. store. I . F , . ! . jWul ....A A , � � ,%
� -a"d commission vg. ommtttee 1* 118044�'that Invien, . . .r. I . . . � ,
. - M 'following letter to Ived fr614 the thero would be a t*o-weeksl 401W. The,tory prices og w at th wAnteo I . . I � � I .
. I ,,". r ,, . . I I b. . e qounty The request (?t W: chief at poito for .1 . . . I : .0oliable Goods at, Roasonable Prices . . . �. ... 11 � I
� I- � - I- county engineer I . . tovn laa beft'.160" tot All Industry, amounted to arolind $18,009. 'Tho prd- �n overcoat -for--himsel.f.-and 04q-. (or, � I _, __ - : 1. I . I I I . . . I I . I I . I
. . I I I., , . .- .----.-.. - , . � - � . I � . � .. .
. .1 I 1. .I Tho COU - � I and talklng,. about untmPloymont. "I perty had apant: U . tho � : . .. . . I I .., . .. . �. . , I 1. . I ''I .. . . �
, . been rented.0 th . I . I 11 . I'll, ��� ... . . .
. I � . e Pede4tton 8 .oss, vval tcferr6ci to tho sp�. ,
. nt;es offer . . , I . � —_ 4
1 , . . � '. " .Certainly think We should deal With t114,101ax Co. 'at $126, a. month, or $1,500 a cha 90111141tt" " I ,, . __ - ___ - _____1_- . - , I
. .
. j�,� tile, Mayor and :ColmQA count,V sod look upon - lad, bort, 4h posses4on of 'Xho QoftrA04 PoO ot't6 Canadlea I I . . , � � I I � . 11 11
, I . �. � &, this as an offer I i and It I . � � I , _.., , . _ _ . . � , r � , , , � .. , � .114.1 11
a , . . . Town of, "erleb�' ,and not am h'j0kt,1- * Mao, , .1 the� town , 024, " . . I Legion, woo given. pormisSion. to conduct 7-, . . ..... .....
I 0��tj�mcjjr_j.'ajo autildr)t0d t,or offer . I stock. ' , �. I -.1 11, 1. � �. I 1. . 1. . I I , � . I —
,�01) im !,% the, cout . p 1, , the. OrOCeeft . . I I I . �
� .
, � cji� pl*.0
. . - , . W a 7
to Vou, 09 behalf ,of � the county'Ro4d The May0t,-cditunented.that'V7 ed 4t to- 06, Popp. selling earAlp-Ign r.tatjtA . .
. I the ttj�m bf '$laylaent offered by SM. �OjWt?lr dSkQd.#;e �, I to be used. for the relief a , Were- %;W � sturdy, Nhn.. West I ZlDermld�* - Th� 4 work 1. NV48 out OW Very In 0a ph of these playa she has Abo Sob*
I - maTor. - I I T ilec4q veter;- tc ' An I fidee . _ " on, tile' loading, ,Part, with r. INOW I
I Coxiuftiall tj* Surn of- $7,500 for 'In' Patterson Was. not as muc; -0,000 rm hot, for oub,,, tat x see exactly j uns of Ooderleh.'. Tt.to 01139- Powell, "TacR Griffl: V - we ' �ad *. Tboft %" 0
. . , ,, .1 '
- I .h as, . Legion Invited 'bl!601c�
AW7. . K. After the Work,% the lodge room - 47%jd'.,.,tco;u ptqIn . all ,, it , �
. g ow 0 .
. '
.1 1. m0fAte P03WAOQU Of ,the PsRet Plaa cash. W. cent.' of the .pilichato what 'the county *Ofild - � . - I I .
. I - .be getting,,, said the council 'to %ttimd the ,service at the 0irter, jack B%vton, Bruce BloolA1,10
. , I
ot the 'kTatjouaj,,Sb1pbu11ft3 cftpaXW, 001114 . Come back, 10 'the eftnty- Councillor, MpLe&o,. :,.a,Ad 7 Couhejliq� war memorial -6a Sunday afteeriloon, MOVIGY - Bloomfield, �co, journment vds - made ,10 :iho�. banquet tidented aacj�
Mack McKay, C . , . highly experitucea AM*
� ": . t�nd tho lot to*, tb(y -hqdfi� 'mylLble, wlth-� Price I I I . �, John 6n,' M.arlin 'hall an the prihelple roleS Ill *Vb*'
.. . . a ,after the repa4t W. Bro. (). M. V;jll,*,t4o
. .r� , � from tl;6�'Pkovince. ,Who prict),.oftered Moser expressed the.-soj�aer view. �-, wwall, the council V.ecepted,'aud It was Brown, r . McLep
�, liaterest, as follows. $1,000 e�Al . , � . ,,�atlefte, w . - nyoui Robertsou'took cliargo,�o.r,tfie proceed- Qypsy 46 je., In ood , I
out - . � .ghbtd be cash and, not- strot0hed out Councillor Humber 3hen: moved .'the, decided. thqt a. wreath was .to be. put-* 011)GOn, It0s 11 . althy' . V�e 1. I '.. erlell 1104 wak. 1 .
� .
' ' � , J -yo an . . I . � . - . �"���____
� . sud, $1,000 annually for SIX YOUTSiAlla IDVtW 4�� 111�4-%,#W years, *rA n offe .�, 10411SQ4, ,com medbler, H. Schram, Carl Bloom� . n. - d culled' oil the pastmaGters who . . . I . ..O
I � .. I , .. . to,VIAQP�,94 ft m-goulmut, � , � � . I . I '
. .
I . .,_ _ _. k ,uddip; 4 X be mado.that, night.. and.,CoUn. . . � I . jack Black. and had 140n -tho wal*� tot aodrcp!� j,nd � . 'SCHOOL 19POUTS . �
- --a: -r .41�, tl' . and I - - - Applications for OulAfts, Permits - ' . I also on -the. now Nvi M.
. - in vaymett-ot A, AcId, Bill BVa;11e7r a
0001 0114- Vel-It'latek, Ili t4e.,otbtr-lot wag's� heleit cilldr 0aille kcoxid0d' Its t tar- 'a , ,i
-of tht- lath . . - � . � elect, -Ur .� . I
I possession � es ,and mscUlnel dwlj(�iabea teldro, , '. , ried . ... . I . 11PIrold Wilson, I � jtL L . �
I I in the 'back Shoo to WinAtil 'With tfib � . . I ' ' Th6 folldlwlng - applications for �ulld- - to - and 1: . .
.., I . . , The prUes other.than the ftst Iri'010 Remlillsoences. Were Ifidulgod, . &S No. 3. AAftrla
. I . . eqWpiweaiv br,. p0ts Make the comity a "Propoiltion, I I Town Treasurer Xnox inieiJ00ted 140 Ing peimits were, referred- -to' thi Are I waa 'the -silver tro- was recalled that lt.wap tho year 10M 'th�. followlng , Is the,' report of K AL .
. but. any oth6r . .. . . iemark that s go 01coinwitt,pe With power to -act In urgent pny were either sitates or show slid the fli-A, 'y No.- 3, Ashlleldo� for septerAbot *"
� I town ,top , , ad"Iteal In the t,owW* main 'bvel% : Which .ehr the lodge o6cupled� their ...
I � . W;go *ith. thiv r �orty. 1n brder tabo Councillor -Baille urged "'why sh;ul� overdraft was. made up. at what' they. egses:')?,r0h1 j �s 4a 1 ? I Qr . . . -1 �..
queatton? hoped to got out 4 this. fadtoky and jroot.And side$ .of ,t O'� d Ing: houses gle, S os � erectod Uasouto Vempl6, building, that .1 �
- of uny value to thID 'county 'Oft, 104t, not the coun,611 deal wlt� the am A ow to COVO-' Wcre. prdented to the uinnero in C�al- present quarter& Ili the� then. newly- '�00,tob . Sr.,:. lv."Vthel� )6 , ObW4 0
�L ' W well - "
. . this property, must be 06cupiO4� within and a motion was Introduied to refer selft'g. It for the price oitered Was -hall on the South Side. of Brija , r .1 after the raceS. - � u, 00; Donald )AW
. , .
&CIA1 4011*111466 to repc9et 'On 9ding 6 reduce the ov , erdf�ft . " _; � . . UhteX, WaSL the MuSter of
. , b I W. Bro. � )Dr.. U
I. S Short time, depeniling Upoft `th�-, --Welaww, tW to Sri . nt�' 'road L � ,..��5 - , . � Gregor. 64." . Sr. 11I.-Maurleo ,ZovAw.
� . ' . Very touch. Vith.patent rro&4aeed' shioales� at
. so that Ibis alter cuix'be' 'file ble. thp Idea 6, toe quoting somd figure fr , .
. IhOr, dQue -r- us, soon -as possi, . befii' I .1 am six InVen. an HO . - the Lodge, maocl.`W, Bro. Ifuuter added 70, .Billy 'Pollinson, 0i; nobtrt 011*!W46 .
I � I I � . . estimated cost of $50 each; from Jerry . NORING , two orthrim daya after the 114111 63.. Jr. IM. -Bobby MacOrelior, ,-",.
,� . ta 1withah*n, it no. hecept4tice 'is rell have it .meeting. -on �Zaturday of t1ii tory made sqi�e yesrs� 490 4Y Mr, Reid) Heal� to c 'on . I . I . . , TSONJtba' , .
. , enlarge kitdhen of ,ftielling . - . . was ready the funeral of Sm. ,John - But
. . ;.tol"4 - on Vr -betoro Vonday, 700, TUIL committee. Whether, the, comalitteq, . -IUron road shd reAde1be whole bq0 -, ,% . � I ,. M!!��_WA . � I Silly Drennaii, 52. '
� I I .. I tfie Mayor 11jured: that . the % prpp!�Ay I S .d , . 0ordoo. maoursew.
� I 'A, With . (.10dej,joh, Public !erwus held from the building. ,
. .. I I, -49uVS truly, , . 1. was to te the. otaiiding. SiJecial .commit- was worfbi-hbout $20,000 and the town 'Ing with- PStentr;�'�rocic-faced Shingles, 061" connoctl , . I � , , — - 43, ,11. -Archie. M4diltYrio, $04-:0ZOSK ,
I . . . , , 'T. *ROY P&TTIM.S01% I , . . - 1,-;�44
. 1. I - b, opliidt- I 1. . , . . islo
I . . . . tee of A e council or a special' c . was bein letidafty .only, a, ' choob Exten&4 Over Halt ' . Ipsob, 05� jol(i 46blutoo, jak
tte,'WIth third 0 , .
. . . . ." . . Coilfit�y7 lAngluter. , '*e Vhidh %had'hundl6d (he'ma , , offerec3. pri - . � � . estimated cost $00; from SapmelMoVskil, IS . . . A -coutU . ry, : .1 . . The, remarkable feat or directinu four Orennaii, Vrim0Xcmieth!,7Vx4VA**
. . 'h 'NOV- '5th, "1030. I , - the county so tar, was discussed, but'th of tb4t,'and lie , claimed tluxl� go e. at rear'of lot on " , �. plays In six weekS' has just heon made I MMUON M WIDDIXI)M . .
I 00adtic , . I ex I Street, esuniiiecl Cost $76; 60m, . . . . _. ,�
. .. - . I far the council bad got withiri 96 R" tis .1 . � . I
. � . 1. I., I . I I - I � I � . claht. "of invintory - prices for. what, it R. W. Tdfford Ao re-rbof dwelllng -on - At 'the --last :regular meetink'of the � by coral Wimilfred. Brown ln� S66tfci�! I. I .. . . ... .. I . I � TtkebW. , � .
I I . .. I I -1 _ - . .
... - ,� . had sold train the Plant- - ' , north.side of Newgatet,street with cedar C,aderiah PublI6 school to�rd It Wilt. - � � i. . .. 11 I . I . I . _kV"L,00ft!-§k W"*
II a - C ... . � . � I I
. I � � ., _... . � I - . . I . . � : . I . I , I _____
. I
I � I
I . . .. : . ,� ''I . � . I . � . �.. - I . . � .. I . v. ,06uncillot Aumbor.baid that lots had sblngles,� and, m%Xq other minor repatrai decided to have or%. ilium - inated address . . . . I I
. . . . . I �. � . � . I I . been sold less than that.' and the "or I pared and �Tese t, . . I t��
. . I . � . nted WMW4 M Vat- . 0
� I � . . � estimated cost $15, froin. Jds� McAdam, Pre . %
m r . , - .
- . '... . , , * r � . � I . .
I : , I � . I . I . : - . . . U 10x90 - present 901 - - , , 17 I..
. I i * - . ,. I . .1 1 . 1. . .. - � I . .. mine bi* with the suggestion that if to r=z;e , i, whose reslonatlah fr4m'th0 staff . S, UN� -1 ,r, i . I .
I "I I 1. 1. �c , . . :t S
- . .11 . . � . , addition .. to , . . SOUND SYSTEM, - , - . . "
. . I% : ... I . .. . . . . .. ' . 6 _w - Sam time ago"..and. a, cq�*- � , . . I , .. 1, 1. - . I ;
� I I 11 _. � I � � the value 6f the in ,. :__ I S)%M
� ... I achine y were to - a stable. on_ We$t. ikoe I . I . _ . � . � 1�. � 4. W . I
. 1. . I . I ..� . � -V W, - I-. � . . .r',, of , C&ln&6n . aa.reogived .. Q. I . . , I ..
. . .. . �. .. . 1. � �, z I . -. � . . . 1,_- � .. . ... I . 11 � he'coun y of . I . I I i , - I ,. . .. I .� .1 . .: I . I
, I ,� . . . � , , I I street, to ,be occ%ded' as barn, 'estl� Wttec was sopolated to have the ad . ... I .". . I .
, � � ,:.. . , d, " i : I I . . . deducted from the pricq t � .. I 11 I . . .. � . � i �,
. , � � , .1 1. .� - _. I , � . .1 I . . . .11 I . I . �
I I � % . . I I . for . ternoon. lost the Staff � I - ' I . I. f �
�.. 11 . I I ", I "k), � . I I � , . dIdson, to oWng a ,dwelling on BaAeld ( , I I I
I . . I .1 - . ,; . I . - . . .. On ]DO,puty Reeve bratglc�g W00011 to road slid xopair verandohi estimated 014CI-PuPils Of Victoria School a6SOMbled . .1. I .. �
. I .
I 11 I 11� I I I '. I I � � I .. I I iLke. the. cbivity an offer, At $7,AQO al cost� $150; from V. , Knight � to ere I ct - to puy.honor . � . � A L . �1, I ,.1
'�___�,� � � , .. . W.' 'T EATRE
. I , . � , A � ,. , . I I I I :* . .. fered, it. would leave, f only about 0 000 hi4ted '.!cost $00 ,'.,from Wilfrdcl P dre6s prepared � and Pogrowd-, . - . . I .
. I I � I .
, . I . . . 1111k. I I . . I the btillding. , , � . . I #�_ on, I >h ThuiSdOY at .
I � to I , In'the landergarten room Pl""A I R 11
. w,,, � I 1� -1, 1, , - . ,�2, ,� ,;'. '. � olven"gboite, the vote wa� as hous �d r4 long- been a-zember � , I � . . ... .. 1. . I . . . . . I . - ,41ii
. � ,,�, ., .." �-, I , : , ilows � h lien e ; *3 OW,*'64. �Wthblhorth to 040' W,46'rg ' � . � . . I . I . I . .
I V,
. .I
1 1 . .
I - i .
-� -
I 1,
' I I I
'_ 7Z
' .1
. r4ob I
� I
kn .1 I I C
., 1. 'I CWerloh publid ." ,: . . . I 'I
I LL �. ". . , W, �. ,. � yo,�- .
�. � -, .. , . . ''I . -th�`Rdeve the P . I -side of Tic�tajg , P 'K..Otbna .., L ! ':
. .1 " � I I'll, , I , , eputy'Reeve and x A_r ted cost Of the staft of the YrST, SnkEzT. 00DERICH . �' I 11
� - .
. � ; ... - �, , I ,. � ... , I t .1 . . � illors. draft, Baille, '911)nw � and at $150,_buifft , I schools,' for.,years as one of the Ward , . : I . PHIONE 47 , ' -1 I I I . . . � I
, . ... . I M. .. " 1, I . =1 , g ulwout,of ma- I �
.. I....... . . ; , . I ., . ce thp, etion I . I
� . .
. ... . .. -%'. --coluicillori Md$& KUq 0,nd FAU . I I i All: tolkMg, progrdl:ns� for'. your e'atoitm"nMent. ., - .11
1, . -
. . ,,� , . . , .... 1114 , - I Nay , 11 0419 terial from,buildiiigeknown as the omm ere , ,
. . . 01 teachers
- .. . . . I _'. -_ 11'' . McLean. I . . . . . I . I . 6f the� -Victoria Itehool. as one of the . - . . I I . .
1, .. 7 . I .1 li I 11 4 .. ..... . I I -, . � 1, . .. I .I . i ,of the Go4erteh�fthlng MIU ovoued.by I . _@W*"*4 I I �
... � � * - '
. � _ . I .1 � i . . . I � . . . dotineilfqr riteteall Questions'11141it of-Buohanan.and 864 eir plant" teachers there., A� , expressing ' . 1017 X!Wl"g1-s*M , ., I .
I . � I I I I 11 I . . . W�en ill . A .4ddroS , 111011" and tVo.z ciret* �� .
. ... : '' :! . ... . . I I - . gr a Ulm Wstson,s TesIgilation'4nd - . 1, . ..., . 11 -.--. I . . �. .. � � 0�0 i. g"i I
. . �. . . I .1 � . . -: � ' AteVe and-, JDe#Ut)r 1WVe to 'v#j�e. - Was -oil Trafslga� �and Ahol6tea street; re et', t . I . I I I I . ,� . .. . . I � . .� I
I .1 . . . . - . . , in ,her fut-' � . .
I . . I .. I ,. 11 .1 1. 5`1.1.'-10...f.� .1 . �. 1. . . I Councillor McLean -as4ed if the Iteave from John Jeffrey to in ishffig her much happiness _ , '' , " ' . I .
I , . I K."K..1'ANM';.1-� I . ove . present w. � . I
. I __ , .. I I , -AvelIf#,,.wAs__VAd by-MIsS 1101AL-M - , -__-� MON MONO- � .--- - _� '
: I 11 WaTren 11 . [DAY, '.
.1 .... . I - - - - Reeve bad; the right 'to buildbig- �on the - east -sidg--of . llt� _ - ,= ____ �, - __ �11 � ` - ___
- :_ - __ . ,bad the. ]Deputy -..- . . � In � -
L . .. I � 1A .-#-.A % _ . I - . . T 10 �
.. I .� --..- . I
" . ,'.-.�`*� �
.1 I .., I .. ........i
I W . " . I � � ...1.11 ". 0 � .
. I � 11 ., . , I.., . I :, I . I., . 11
. I
.. �... I � . .
. � . . 1. .
I :� - � - , " : .... j I � 1. � . .
I .1 . . .-. I ... , ,.. �
. ., I - . .. , .
I . : I � ! ., " ... : . . , I . . . . . .. .
. . - � . I I I 1, ....... - ..... , , , % .
. I . . .. . , , - A— - :, . -
. � � I . . � —.- .. ... A .. .... ...
. . I .. .. . . . :
� � . . � . .. ,,-, --,.'- , '. ... .
. . I ..... ..... 11 .... . .
. . I � . I I . ..... ..... .... I . . . .
. �. . . I I .. . . . .
. . . : . ': . I .
. it � . . . . . I . . . . ., .
. 11: - .. -! . : . . I ,j � .. . . . I I I
1. . . � . . . . I
I I . � � � 1. 1. I .
. I I.. . I I I . - I .. � :
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I I . � .. . . .. 4 � . I I.
.. . . � ... 1. �. I , . I I � . I . . : . .
I � . � .
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I � � .1 .. ,� , , ,.. ... .. I... ,.-.'. , � .1. .
I .
I . ,. I I I I . .
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. I . ..
.. 1.
I le
. �
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. . I � I .� T � . . . . . I .
. .. . . I �
I . � � . �:; .. � I � � , .1 1: I.., 1 . . . . I I � � I , " I � . I . I . . � �
. � - I
�.".. I I..�. .. 1.�, � Lite t 'A � I ..
. a ... 1.
� .. . . , ', . , .... I FA , - I .
� �
. � ..., _ . a-- . I
. . .
1. . I .1 . ... I ir"WI-the Littli Lis's" . .
I 11 I , , I I
I 1
7 I .. I �.. - �, I
. I
.1 � I , , I , cut� �Fiddu* of silkand wool
,Y%4 applique, I trimmed,
0-woot .ctQths, fur trimmed I.0"e-Y, ,
� 11 I .# wears well and, servicealle,
so ""'I 11''.. , ue'ghfachilla,, " P48000_
.. 1, , , -, . a- A " . ".
'. ,. -sizo I __ � � ... �C.
* ,
. 14 .4 4- iiir-sl, "66, :� �, , '' , *6,t � Yeit$
� , 4 .� "I , :::
I , I . . I . � 0 I O� . ,i � awy priced IW,m I ... . :
. - - 0, to. $14,95 :�.. ���'.. , ..
#4.5, I . I � � $1M
. .. . I . I Q I
. I �
I . . . ;1 � .
. . , I .11 . . I . I
. . � I .11 I . I
,. . . I . . I . � ..
�. I . � I . � � I .. , I
. � . I . I . � . . . �
. � . .
. . I
': , . ", � P,.., 11 � I �
. � , r, I �.. .1.1 . . aerets in, felt, , vr.lvat and ,
.. . . 1. 1. I ' - .11 � �
. ,, ". I ' i I .
,.� .111 , WOO. it tho, fal
* 11 - brusho I I
. . I . . . . .
'.1 1� � . I . shad6s, ftom , : I .
� . : . . - ". -
. . 11. _� ....... � . � � � 1. 11 .., 1 I. I 1. . . "
I . I
I . .
I I I.,
I A . . 49c to $11600,iack,
I . I . 1. . I .. 1. � .. I .
.. - . I � �
cl. I k . ... . . I . - .
. . I
,.�'i . I . . I i , ... I.. . . . .
I . I . . I . . 1,
. � I � I � .. . ; .
. - . . u 1, I
. . . :N
vfue Twa wadi" - With I � , 1. I I .
� . . I �� I .. I 1; I
dotaebotble, flanneltoltar atid . .. . I z_ I I � j t 'I... .
�. I . I . o I . I
I .
. I
C004 eizes 6 -to 20, years .. I I
I . I . -1
I .
I .
$1,25 to,$1;95 Och. "
. , . I . . - .
,. I , ,� I . . ... ". . I ''. ..
. . .
. � I ,
� . 1 , .
I . I
I... I . - . ..: 4., , . . ., ...
I . 1. . I
. .
. I . I I
I.. . I
. I I
. Slh�-m $�, �4a delight- � .0mikkW4 Stock�� 1 all-
. - -
- ful st . riped Illod'elsi all wooli .. - . wool ashmeore, a0A slit Od
all sizes, froill � 11 ,%vool cashmere anksilk aud
� - $1 1. I I . sand and heatUr, made for
I 109% Il warnith'aud, hard wear, all
toy e9tc I " , . sizes. -
I I - . .. , I
. . I " . 1. k , . I
. � . . � .—, .. . . .
. , i .
" ' ' Wj�oj Kob, mideof tit -
1114 .pk *� ... 1"" 'of I : 1. , shades, white,
button �, �vool yartil
till:7 3t, V, �_erge` to ; , cardinal -and" sMidi, good
61, r';;At1t10_%1V1t1t100 sizes 6 . . I
years . I I . Value, at . . � .
. *
$1.59 to '150 each 1 29c, per pair -
. � I .
. I .
11 1. I I .1 I I., I 1-..._-__._
. I I
Store ' C EFE `
Your GEO. We ,S HA R
Phone W
. . �= the� *067b6th bi.Wers and sei� otreet� --back froin.` the, dtfe6t, line 'four Uno, Muce: .Us 4104e k,. .. .
it Was, painted but thAt,14o, mo. or 'five feet,, place. oil 6ement . founds- With - P, - gold wrist, watch on bellUlt Of
I .
- #ou Would carry 'Without their vote. , 400 gild, Shingle the roof with eedar the ,Staff and Pupils and MISS Margaret I. �
1. ,Tho,.-MAyor admitted -thero raii'llt ba shingles; from Fred Love . to xnalcp a Taylor presented, 0, beAlltitIll bouquet 6f .
� s itftestion wh@ther th Shouid be A -944 - ad tion to., __OppseAt. buti4jgM 00 . yeltow ioblyssuMemumo, Miss .. Wutsoa �. _.
_ '0� 14" AP�Wprwe .
. , iw 0 _ P 4 her ' ' tb4liks .
. lowed 4, vote "u 11fially ,declared the the west 41do of Williant street, .to be ex MW .
I � . no .
motion. carried, though'his 1* com lb-cmupted as a dw�Mng,.'est.lmated, 6ost wOrds,ond theschool joined1n, dr*l'
ment:Vas� that he hinis6if did 4ot,,thit); $75,'front 4ohn,: A. Chisholm to take Slices a Jolly CW4. Ee�_111 - . I .,
I � , ,
. thb.price, wAs'worth a.button, �, down ahtd'sttsclied. to..v6ar of' Present. , ' ,- ' . - -
�. ProvineW Should Contribute 'to.W I nte . n. I dwelling and creet" * garage- 12x17 at tHE GIVS)t UOVE1911 .
... I ,,The, Oypiy Ubver" Is 11% three nats
ance oftlramm" of Persons Im- the� �reaf of liouj!�,._ftara6 with cedor 7and. fa� bull�, arouild tfie, chataAer * '
. .1 . . It . shingles' ;am H. W. Baldwin, cinxtrb&t-
.1 Ols-oitod fiw Arwh ,6f 1, 0. . s It. .
1. - A. Rob,.later known as Sit Gilbert 110WO,
, . . ,c - :, �roia or for the Bank of M�Qhtreal,'tO makO 'of E IS stolen twheh
An important auggea4om ,omes �oglish nobility. Bob
alterations to, present oMcb building, an infant, by W tuirse, Meg, Who- later .
I the toVu of Carleton, Place and the foi- instal new � hcatln'g� - And. 'plumbing, v4r- becomes the wife af. MUt6j. 9 'gypsy- -
. l lowing - leitet from tho clerk � was r�efcr. Ing, basement; vault, alter four- windows, Rob grow&. to moubbod amongst the
recV. to the � spectilcominittde, ". . . I put to how Plaster ceiii�g' on wire lath' gypsies, believing. Meg and" Marto to bre �
I I At the last regular meeting of tho in banking room and put -oil. new built- . .1. , _. - I
I mu4icip4l e0fincil, Of the T6*n ,of �Car- up root. estimated Llbst 44,500.. . his pwats. I I
leton Place the following 'resolution ww , 4 yequest;from MT, I RUWI 11 . it 6ppens one day, whI16 rldtho'w4h
patio -d* : , . I 1� . - Wtalt 0yeQ Was h6r '11an,ce0', Urd 'CV00% 'IAdY Coil.
I "Whereas .*lien for peradislon t6 -two gasollhe' Stance ?4artendale becomes lost in the
& pe"an IS cohV"'te' pumps on )$oA street. Ili front of the 'to
for. Mi lowngempat-of the L.%Uat can. property lately. ocedpied by, J. McManus woods. They wander the gyspy '
,.,trQl Act lipon Information lim by a .. datop where 06nat4oct and V44. meet
Provine.141 officer, tho. .line lmp�.dscjd po. & Sollo, In which Ife VropiZed to carry 14nd fall' In loVe at' IWAt tight. Craven .
. V,tV '- , , -r .
1h�:; *6ijn6* jAd, 01 6Vh6ts'-W�NOWSINUItude, 'btlt-Al- !Q-00 '
�%i truft Wthe bi6cllf"�f�. .P�,� t405 14"O PW,,�"Qk'_,4,m##PP. _1900prOK :�
I :.. tunn 6% dy Scene I MXft0 .6 4 '
. not* t"he benefit- of the murdOlpallty 4 letter.,from. tha ,town solicit -or enJ y e *th n
In which thO Derton convicted Is resi-1-closed the originalior4gr of,the.pupftmo Sinto, he Is -mado .to. tell Sir Marge,
dent. ., � i 1 4 �. who later comes tit search. of Constance,
' . � -ttftg the Wiglo, vg. Town of that V In got
: . .'AndwhOrtas when. 4.perifon, is too Catirt So 'ab ji,A charilling gelloW,
' 060edch suit, reversing the decision of t .
:� victed foraft Infringement at., the Liquor the county juag�, and . iuowing. the well- *a Itob .goes to, tbo home -of Cowtanc6 .
. , , Controt Act,. oad as' a- result at liability , ... .,. -4 and serehades her, They Wall to 01000 -
. to-voy * fte Imposed Is Imprimaed, It (001atiMed 0. pige q) but.are overbeardl.,by Craven. who In
is Incumbent upon the limak,iW4ty In . 1 __4�_� - . -and plane are oisde -
.0 forms Sir George,
I I . ?Which tho con*kd ptrbon Is 1`00144, I Ifts I . to, c Rob. This Is succesotuuy-aol ,
I In many, cow,,to ftport the family 40X 4111 " � 4y � 1, ..., . .'ari,paps"tril ... Rob, Is thrown into prk- 'i
.. . d . .. . I I
the, conviow 0"Wil -for the p�lod of son, but lkter escape$. Two years elapso ,
time be, Is In J41, - I 1 " . I . . . . . . 4 00hy. and Rob v,has come' into. his 0 , states, US
11 . . . .. -1. . " ` ��:, , " ' "' ' - Identity. having lj�cen -proven by Meg,
"Ze it. re"V64.4h*t the counca of . . .,�� � �, . -
the *U01011*11ty of ths, to" of carie, Ithird WIn Ke.11eibmes So becomes .a ,successful 61130000", .8 :
. ton Place itet that the Pravinew 0ov. "10ht=ter'4LA'fbeat 1101d,W of This; CuP, friend of the PrUlde, slid SWW 11011.
. OMMetit dl%ft tontribift toWords tho � . . 4� . 1 . Coustm.ce hag remained, trutrjo her ,
I uAintousuce- or umuleo wbo. 'bewioe , On ThawagivIlig W411flng Much in. love.10i hob $04, dA.hjS rftUr1r-to,Zn9.
� Charges UPM -4 MUIllelpallty byl-re4soo. terest was, taken 'in the vlons, Club "ad land, Ile woes and Wine her tot hIS'wite.
of the head 16f the .family bob* iih. rates.. The Square was. raised off 'for AS " gays, 41The good falrlis�havc led
, �rlsoned as & result of It breach of the the events. There lveftonlY three call- me to the beautiful � country after, all,
Vqllot.Cootrol Act, and that a topy of tftttnt-% in thc-main event, the , ,� 1. -.I!tA% ConstIL
moreh iii,VA,_tgL�gad ill
.- _ �_
this resalutibu be forwarded,to 0% At- thou over a mum approximatoy four e ivail. "They iW4 1ADAily
tomor-0enerat'ji depArtAnent, *lid tb*j gild A halt A1110 -id length, Starting at ever after.,, . I
,the ishunfelpalitles of Ontario be eircu. MaitleS corner, o0ee around the There are also pretty lovo affairs be -
I larJmd with is ,view t6 AnbUining their 1�4u*r6 to South itreet, to Bennett street tween Nina, the ,sister of Constanek, sod
. . Opinions 00L tuls Importoalt matter,#0 (t0VtW L0116). to ltorOn Voed,110 3ftple Capt. Jerome, and. ,%art, the beauty Of
. jurbalt xankipsuaft Want x#W jr6m street $04 around Witland road to PASt the Gym camp, and Sinfo, 60 rhany -
� . Aoibumetit for, fthwAys, . a' street, to Coinkfit'road; td,,010110stef coraddy Wiles by 0111(b and NOW.
. ... 18auti*0 *Lwilty i" 0, Twace, to - victols, and namiltoll P____10� '
etreets to the Squaro, . . MASONIC iMECTIOW.
Atibth�r importgut'. letter was from '. ,all M&Ay, who On two former ' I I
oem- I .
-mayor Bowrley'Rown, of adelpil, 0 'Sions b" hedt " t4o W)MA0. .. 09, the cup, xatwA ullta, !tot& rAstmisters, night .
follows, . I I � I I � 11 -
. '4MIX ludw "f&eAft to. t1w I .got 'tht third Mine time tit first, And , ,Also Tots4xy. 9ventor . 1*
49011, hM now been otw4rded the cup as the -. . ---;.. I i -
Joed deputotion, 101ch will. wedt U14011 perioluent ,owner. .111$ t1m6 tvas -23 . Tuesday night was an Ithpoftant night
, the Ontario 0overnmeht In c0untetiOn minutes, lt*rt oroves came second, 27 for Maitland Lodge, No. aS, A., V. flad
with relief 4rm Aw"ment 'Of Pr6via. winut4m, , affd John UdLean tlgtd.' A. M., for two reAzOns, It was OW Afght .4
01*1 Mgh*ay# A" suburbou eowty twenty-eight AdAuW6. This race wo of election of ofAcem tot 1991 and It
roAft may I keep You Posted " to the ol*n to 4-h6 coulity,omd was for boyd up was also Patt MoAttrW tight, I
��'dcveiomtftt In two ftatte 004 to state to eighteen years of Sod. - Tito election of- ofacors resulted .wi
'A that,$i #0011 OA the Prewer Of (jotoxic, I Vor boys tlxtotti to� 09liken rears the follows-., W. M., Sim Jor. Hall*, 11, W.,
,,, reUMM twin Valilomd, and arrange. CM80 wtZ Ulm times rotiad , tho Br6, J. A. oreuA., I.W., Bra. IP. wefr�
mcntt for the re--eptift jDf tllfs deputg-loquare, .Appromimately one mild, Tito obsplan" W. Bro, It. 0. Wwrillid;
'�t!oil can be completed, rilu ,Kat,im *d-:V)l%iters ,Were, Wiftal tlarro%% tecoild trftsuror, 73ro, it. 0. Itcynolds, seere-
I v,Wd nt, as c&Tly a d9e. gs� "Ible, wlth Wislkr GrIgg,'third TWi WMSY, ftobrrt tar , .U; ty �
the 111I)c that, your depufation *M be Grovc y, W. L"ro. Cleo. Mioic 6, nro" I
� _� Come fourtij, T110 1190 of 6011 ,A. XAIttlag. ." . :
,"-I tmll emoulmd *ad as Ime ox rM.,was &C'll as 't.1ghteen, wrcars, - I .11 . The degrco,vork of Ou 11
61blo. V41totials h%ve 1jeen rftr,jV,e4 ror b* 4outted� 9mrsAto &Wcen tho put on by,W. Bra. Dr. A. 0. 11untel, and
from tile, leading j�-Ipers of 016 %krovitice r! I
11r=eUt "O� wa-1 tvAC-0 twound the square. a ttaff of P,_'qW6_,Atra. W. 11ro, Itunk-rl
.. InIN bft 2418 MAtter far6rably, tTOMC3 J01111tton" talent, ,
*nt p
��Omd It Is begevcl 1,111tt th6 0overntuL 0 cravilord, and. wdc n-'41k,tel Wlw, Ism. 8. D� 010% gild
,OV, r, witilac of sUa%� A. S. Ohrpztal of MMt1ftftd Udoe, NO.,
.,TInCon Vego I
�Cwlii`t ftff6M tO 9-'-110M fh� rePresftlt*� second 4 1 4 rowk= raveralvely. 23, �_nd W, 11�0, 21u,011 11411 0: 1,10"11filai"
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10rel)!ffi isold M6 elfforial attitude ex. 'ra4_01�,F� Tolaw trw cgtiwe %-ja-, provid. .ti&etl w) ollor's, S. W., W. Dro, It. D,t
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ltl%t Y6"v 109nlCJP*L1tY will MAP " 1086 nt-3 C2:4'rft Won 1)rnt vl-lze, MWIn T. �.� V., W.- gZa" $. 11, vral=u; If
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I , .7tops �qay, comedy
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BROWN ;�;- 11 . .
. . . , : you've ever sebil; In �, . . j
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Thuiisday Land . ]Friday '1_s "r." r � I �
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. . y_Pjeaented on the.eetr
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Douglas Campbell and tretned chorus, assisied by." jag -41. cat, A tj,.)0jMS
. comedy romance of life among, tha gyp�jea. - ,r . . ..r .
� . r . .. . .; ---as an added fo#uro�, .� - I - . . , . . r
I � 1, _.. . r I I I I
. . � . . . . . Cyril Maude,in.."Ormpy," ;.... ,. . r . . .
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. I . . his . world tamoue,00rhedy s1loot- � I . I �'.. . , � , r: .
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r. .. . I 7RI)ecial prices will pr�vaII.both-j2fght%_,1. . .� I , - �
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Saturday Afteinobn -and. Night. , - : . . I -
..r � � I I . ';� "r �. j�**. � _I. �'."�J`
�_ W,� I—- �, . .11 I
. ..."GRUMPY" -"I .. I I rj 1:. I ...
With a, I&I program of muskal featlirettes,'will, vdjorci your jt%t, 4 llx;;W* -
, ,
Olt, .
to sewthe lebrated Cyril Maude In'llis kroa.test ts*jog pictlijo, : - - ,
. . .. . . .. L- 11.1 . mob -, ,
I..., I 11 ..� M&O"" W4, xhd Sat� at 3.0 Vmcr ', , - I . ., r .. r
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I. D.E�-A L E ' - *S
. . ... .- 1 _111
tosell the leading kitchen stove . ...
off burner-4ro "Silent Glow ' 09 4 .. "I
� 11 -1 I
CIO'" economical ,and safe. - ,
-Ever; bome using coal or I . .
wood Is a -Prospect, as well as. . I
hundreds of Sfor,C$" $1)1,%Il f ' ' r
. � - 'at_ , . . � L, .. I .
aga, etc, 90,000 now gNing " , ;;.%.". -
. ��; %,V;
satisfaction, Selling fast every . I � I ,:"4:.
day. - 5.)(ear Guaranfee In
=with- .,every - burner,. , _____._
by &'Sio,000r-bank do'. � I .
posit h) trust .. 1.1 , : . I
* ,r ,, � . � ;1" ..'�;,Fa ... . . .. �,,, .
A.live selling.organigation Is back of you with supervision "A
Iraining oil installations, and a comprehensive luarko anaty*
that will convince.you. if you Ure interossted ill bijur prolb
.wflWto 01TO JOHANK Wimieter, Ont., , .
1. . .
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