HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-11-13, Page 21 0 THE GODERICH STU TAVRWAY, Nov Jub, Im CT 8 typo foift's Amu bwww 4C bwow ISO waa* or =ow ­Tba Alrobw is ow Gas h S6=�� IK*u PO*W *0 a JAN A"" PJAW oar swmt of UW Oar aw ths WXFPWA 1# yw-hL rip obw ~Ui orlyawy aw 1044" Of the *441, he ww� owned two�IAW* akcrxu is a 04 Piano eaver Von*$ I � - whiell dt�tlow ne Men's Store Wyo-rth WA nAnONAL VO4i��i Hurts the HeW 1URAVING OPICIAT"S I HOMX "WATON 3"X= UKADWAy O#Awa� NOT09W loth (090clal, tQ 2404fi,440 #s t#;�; Wx0art row Are Tomato. 34C 1 Ith (OW -W to The The 00CWTIVIt WAO.-Aw a roult ot a Vous:j!y Moh-class Haberdashry and X= to * 44ftent mWe Xxt1w-wide; UWyeaunt ta talwome at w4wW by, 0. X M3944 , of the Ontario pe., Poultry graftw tIW wple of C#U%I& Awiment at Jw1culture aw well wow will tilt betttr pouloy ou V"r tlau -Id, umt. throughout 0*"(% 4s W44 t1w dirog'. Hand Tailoring ever taforC TlW gr"tow wairvotat Is a" w"sure 40M $our, Q� r4ax spwAored by it* egir QW mar , Awwb; js- vot Only nauseating Auditor Of woftews lostitut" In the pro., S&L. 1B k4l Wily unoinfodgwo t4i; Some day It VInce. ctnadlm amda Inv repwing im- 5tufreert:4 mg the Dep"U"t ot Agri. way Provo f4taV Wrted products In the svej#ge vViagel. the WkIlro And own I"- WINU Four XCAU are sauo%eil by NOW, JU Qatar1%) 8# a lesjlt of XUV4 411!W poultty in, a bk way liave sagod b;Qatine, a ROW Of SOWS$ Or Wes- veaf*utl deMP11:4140 ]JOIlle grOAM aud "AS, to pay wcqd�4* to wok. Surer Sj�%tao" of 4�rCSW, And P41M M4UufAeturr4, YrWUCts, can4d;l% potatry *r"ou ex I Cn BLACK tends around: me roughly frou *00" 1W to UW liew tile AIC14 C= maq be sm that vear During that tWe apWoxfm your stomacu � Is FOXXS FOR 01MMANY phoue:219 THE, SQUARE, GODER, CH. 4tely a GAa that IS Pushing UP- 0tt4W&,NQV- 11 (OW0141, to The Star), IUMM iCWCkens and older flowl will 1�rod"Ir` wards aula erowft$ your lleart. Uars. -The ex"t or 0=adlau, live foxes to, mrwketea ai'ma country ju'04ditiou ft re"On for tuo shortness. of breath, Germany -continues Its increase in Am-' to turkeys, 4uckv AUAI 99*0e. and 441T. b". P441W 1029 a total of "aa, valued All poultry will bo"divided Into two Whether young or old, tile. prfRuee-of at $259,652 were shipped from the wva. LUCKNOW ser*es were helil'on Wednesday, NOV. I loth. Zaterment; was Made In $30C&r., Main OrAdes' "W'"oWk and "A0Wt*d-*' 010140,011 $40 1# trWY serlow and ;hquld 14104 44 Compared Vltl% 370, Valued At zu. Peter Grant and Donalil Spent Ulu The Milk fed AM not AeCemarily led be ;,Von Vroropt and careful at, 1410,300, 14 thepro�dqux year. . . Star's Summary of World News with milk but Are, krate fed sod the vIth Ucknow Mends., selected afe rose 104. The two graft 10=1121"LM]Aa Apr spent the week- Dou Wtlaa Uniment Is recom. alas, F *111. be so ided Into oeverol CIO** ban1su gas, eleame, and "APANs I�Wjmoa end r-ther home here, bav Stomach, noutraltie the gun CARAOUN 1OWS, m. james x)Qhorty spent the we mended,fOr SON AC49. 94114., 41$tOmper, $44 the boyerk'will pay a difference of aelditF�notbing is better than the Vancouver, Nov. 11 (Spe;c ex- callous6s 00 Swim, Removes ryoud W tp ne end Vdth Lucknow friends xxpwr ST. IAWRM 'four cent$ a pound In favor. of the lift 04Y flesh and Root Rok $tops� blee4ixiv J4� CS Wt4"r# 4AWbu004 to 010 Water-Ifta class. With the present price of or I!" needeWl use of ordin w- Stor)_Ru Xmpeflat MAJo4ty. the =m. CAMAU PRWWV TO JJX .000 104 It Is f4imsted that � CrAte feeding 01jurated Mognesto. it glVq gimo# porarot A Ur, Obarlie MuQuillan,',of Atratford, wq# pr - 740 eaveroment Vill In is the Most recent larto spent the Week�cnd at home. STASTJW Wr=N UA%U 14411, ft two locks necessiry to,#$ -Use. WXW a profit c0tumOr f r1r4b, C614mbla, pure bred, Mr, =4 Mrs, 'd Pan -able pudertgkin lWxry Romell ott*wg. Nor, 10 4SPW4 to The Owe'. an - ADVM. TINK IX TOTSTAR %he r" *111 be, Asilable in 1033, AAY Sood ftwOot cau,supply. Blou, poultxy. His cbmuo for ten thOU"Ad Ily spent the wpek-pi4d at 30, Win, it!!t- X'eA aW)'_X4A*t* 40 -9Irt4%WW In whIdt V411 bO $00ne Tests before, the in. -,4'Muce I drink. plenty lwatvt, eat, 2 Yen' (44,600) has' been received by the. liornell's, XAueknow. lbe 'CAAW that lux will No deftite tonAU000 wum. 0 11 1 - Tg=na form, at very -muou costr-but be me R­0� P. cooperstivo Aik%661ailonof vai%4! 340 Mary Girl of 10 Gained 7 *#I* taken to ms"'* Muty of tho at. pleted. poobly be conx? MMW '"PA"IN(A You set IJZSIVHATZD, Magnesia-recom. cOuver for a voa4pment; ot 114maton, Of Stratford, WAWA, Xavtwber 10th, (special Ito '�jeU&4 visitea last week with her motho. Mrs. Pound,% In 27 Mys With, 'Awrence tWp W"ftMW frOri the MqWt&t$04 I'M Oat Mr. Bennett I Tim St r), ve 4 6f C t tj , ruggis by r0octort An4l P to stock. The Canadian, poultry . will be 0Mt lAk" to the Atlautk. loth b* a Wilson Bamilton, win strIve $Or the W)y - comm Used In the maUlnir of mon's and woM. tb" I$: years, Moro uwd on so Mr. AnO Mm. George Xa%ke, Miss 'oncement brougbQ0 the civilized v6rid for Urmo In tbeyor- of the Intenvolow section,$$ IOUs, 'Tapa oa 94 the fouu� X.Jotonce, icaake,4rid t4wq= MeAke,'An MCC Pte4ldent SAMW Is woolos' tbroush of I work 04 en's clotilins win be MV46 in C44g4a, . 1 1. 11 the UAW VAW* Uiqb* to c4ft" stvtn sup" by the 4010rattou lot Iron. datlon S ovef! for a noumptson zwouattma - will compare with Ule"MID0, of Torouto. visited. oover'tho- week -end, NJ A vhfoh 10 _V 4bortly And the pdqt% Afatignpr- 1"a -h - I nomw*ys *U4 9004. 44011 as al.reAdy very 'widely known $0 With W. And Mrs. J. MacMillm he hop" will, 304 to jwtuai worle On the canou, that, he bow to see o4molotlon by various Ing wor the rid of jts�..po .11 -YO. 1 -1 1 a� -CIANA now Imported will'be Made M4 and Mrs. P�roy Agar,. of Ung coa.l.uTor _jworzw*�, . Melsk­­: pUlsW unor4*114'r- pfoader Mono -t =X. IQVTM� NVIIA !*W_- , -_ L ' , " - I ­ k.40 -40d. "XMI � .1 -- ale 40loct t ­-, 6 -9 W-- X00op"On'-At" an pr uop, or, 40TAO ot4he lines. of. goods.. exhibits, at Berlin and other p1scok fn .1a=T To LT"M ins A011 I just finished taksu," , 2 WA ** be return$ from xq*40� ow tho. German Republic within the last North Vanconver, Nov It (Speciat to 044 She writes. --- M *AWT-14*�*M b# t4o. TW11 04 WOO* OAXADZW FLYRRS A3XW0ALV0 The ftr).�­Au outfit foT'the new prin.,'MM A -Agar.' boxes or VCCqYr,-T *01 10 yoar4 of S=" UUM' two years, =0 American tsao, to, Is MMt With tbO PrOVIAM Ot 44UOW 044 -tuck we I NATIONA& ..News was =,eXve.4 In, '.now of The age-beforo taking Ighod, $4 pounds -IM301. of tioeptiong 'jind no c"s; V110" name -they have chosen, lly high jt�ndfi)j- mAder $a the hand-profted Auora'ro(b. 'death, Of 10ahei. iCaroH4ffXeIs;dn,--.W4ow­ uov, loth, (404�w to, Tuo Toron'tor, Nov 4OW will be a Of the late augh Bell. of Apbluld, tovm- Mother, . U,'your little one A04, 7- as, fW, tho rospbetivo rights 61 montroo, 4.1 ember loth laipeow to *'pop4�* as ever, at the bttt weOl has been the work of the ne thW'Wovin*4 *44 the 0WIdUlOA 14 00WOU * Stor).-AdmiratioA -the idian w the 4 of 11P 11qr death ,w n in tlXQL more weigbt-Voro onitgy-rosy che The. ISUr).-SIx International AW of, COUSOUM- in the, OW Of thO kna XMporiAr order. ot-the paughters.:O% tlw sudde Method, with Which Canada is treating ACM!,tekWo Vill Ompete. at -the #eyal team. thojo will be the, additional, zest Bospit0k; SoVortj t$vw In Um past, tW �PPPIVO �011APtPr at. X I and good appetlte,, put Your xalth in 'Premier. XJJ* 411).� JW hgv� yor# 11!]WO 'w" I M-resSed by 061. . W; A. Wjntpr raij-'06M %OW to boboja at Of A "dark boxWle." or two., orth VAWOUVer, Was born and raised the XAke 0 r Ucj "V1304, Bishop' VX" who� has returned tq.Can-. T Tbo , - Is We evening attro.6_ who lAve applied for - the, chart 001A for go days-rif you There or ."Mo Road, later. movifig to Toronto. are the b"It ot suou ""ement, but oiwh Wj* after spending Oronto, NQVeMber 1pthJOL 21til� horse Shjqv of Prince$$ va�garet Rose, of york. not dolishted-MOWY ba0k-40 Uab- nvo-years abroA 4. WWbe; teams 40 United VO11 Al; the Royal Winter Fair, ong of in 4er-Afty-seqW1. year tjM0 last jnjnUto� dift%dtloa oxoso, from ntmggry, t] Tho; little outnt - hu lets- 00 cents at drUggisVi anywhere. - T140 TholAstme Ot "Billy Bishop" lo'knovM] dog 'the lgrgest annogi. Agricultural a bepi% completed %1foax4". Uo 411d '*4j, will eu States, I tho U1011, Woo � %at*, 0 akg� howe just ask 'Or nombilon's to *.11 OAUA(Uans, As tile aermany and 0 held In the; wQrjd� 4'010 )0' S#nnott-10 take Up wb4ro''he sro,%teSt War�'ftd: *&. L An4an :teimi, This erAWrr Spun U), Superfine tj%lity� of record. number 'for such a competition 4 tho The votk orqhe 00141nion'Qover I . vogoft rabbit hOnivipun the three pieces lot *0fr and It nor boexlww th% n.; I I I of the set ar YMP034019 MOut In the regard,'Ot neither gaft too, ;C a beautifully knitted, 14 to-013or*40A, Ot th Us, beern secured by an exceptionally In any horse hhow oh, this contipon Arm ITPAYSTO gew ftemler will t 0 ontarig.u4nistry. " tastnor too $16 peal,##ch. and Ard"lled With soft satin W wag highly cormnend- t 0 4wa; November loth (SpeOtAl to ribbons IiI 44, O's-4tor'- whito,whicIX har- 12-he 'Wi4le 40"004t UiiW'. Wlh*ied bv 0 Bis Ito , fortuai e, combination or events., ;V01 OL. hop. thought that t40.11ZL= with- the soft -fiatun Fuft�ilf long NOD The Godeoe#: j§A the Into 0 veq rng_ twir toop"tive, nAttOnai: Ors W111 -4941A compete An -0-OV0,109, oud:ln'-Qove�rnme tjonalL _tj#o St6ck. oraig andj�ay 'W, lasting d0liC4Ous_Aav9r and Mft Valuable work'li bviog done In ofacers. of h 64W i;;Iu( The "COMP1004 of 3rmies will coml She :the WeMirid -C nt. work. In Tho� Wool, Was, ERNIZE AzW IV owjg4 And Old that ',some. *0 Pato for the much. prit obtained from, a rabbit mado of pure chicle and'dtUr f the e4 Ini6rnational btaoors.. �roini dwzf which, Y411 bo beld'in Chicago 140,00m'� fatm -Ift, VIctoria, spu 1410-4116. u 1pto, yarn by a 4 fthts that YOU noter lxca� i�oqt made lenge Trophy.. , Vha forpign team$ Ord. her 20 'to" J*,' 6, Por s.eyq I , i 1. 1 . . I - 'four that Obw of Abie 1*03ect re.4 - years Ld * - ingredichti of the bighpst work 'llow, U44or, W'W by I the lk*uh� bY Canadian government 0 'CM no 'VIctoria Ix y and knitted by the, preoi- 0 yors Are wpr- coming to- Adla taimers liavo beet Attracted were en. C4 by, the Can won iorio. _#Xo� 34*04t'04 channel 14 Q461M ��O f0tMa0cea *n,reeord.*1 A . di%h A share of � the coveted a for the,31104 Xtitkh, UqUdii the Lachine, � recognl*ecl: tla�g. 00VOrMent, to, the 06vortntionts, of, thb. 61 'no, I twl* th%t.it is a, 'tho.eQuipotAlve. clfts�ez. for Mtd spring, tompleto thy of place Antftv. the b Ug per., eSt XW countries' inontiono by this world event InXtItUtq X 'Vi W.MGL Y Rapid$ At Montreal- U d6anection �Wttjt d., which- - Winner of wwoh 14.acclalnl� .2 e coMest6youln, 1ptrfe coft4ition. that, Canada breeds the best pilots, In Oh 4440 roost whoat, the P , ea cordlaIly Accepted. ef its power developmebt the sea'uharn 't , iworldlf be Said, 11tho older pilots are �rj ed 9A.the'vorld's wheat k*,. a1.,s DAyofflenty milar official Invitations' have ulso A, J06MIAQW. Will �Owpleto and turn over to now -Joined by the young,boya gtoWiLng boen:. e�tend6ck th1p. 1�uropean -tea I msj en its goc4tkoss is se4d tight WOU canal, 4OV;'Up. who Aro, Of course,. more,air.z ded: as well. as Canadian team,, , by thQ 'teerk years. - �T*, Provlaee of -S the goftn*eAt UAVJP ftin past u1no Water, Helps, Stoinaell, in the cl 10t, wlde And .27 foot, deep over A than those who gzmv Up a low - �e�is ewan. we askatch-. The dayo.work 119ALTH a the, I 904a pluch easier IN CONVENIENCE, Some' 14 miles', TIAs canal 0overnment. Of- -the 'United States for, crown -oa eleven occ*, rated Magnesis, -in rpo*der or' table't V" WRXGLLrVS to sustain an4 their partiap ears "the W%_ 4 &Y' AW ta a Adlerft and"fiE ALE.,VALUE, _121h 101� Inthe past three y wo cost OV0 $10,000,000 and Is the ution, in the hor6o Shows Sion's ocA meals d k t hen,� I've h;xd n trouble with Vol Awhoo '10 Zko pp�!Mktic 460ut' of VoW York and Bostou J040h hAS won iO of 010'00 priies OV now,0=4 t S my- stomach,, 0 -1 HAMY10r.. Iered'lfi the tht6mFitjonal c( 11-0 )e r !tbQ Competitors 0010 SUropo and the, on& I VO est. United Otates. arer the very pick of dap� for 'TaIn ast �year Ot '-fol�y PrIteg Unlike other medicIn 3. PACK$ awarded, i6rLgtAI00,. o, Adlorlka acts ing military ridem-Thoy boo. in &6h thlrty.tour came to, On 130TR upper and lower bowel Canada,, Te case been selected' on a 'competitive, moving, P0190T Osed JOHN PINDER �ous� waste which 04 STOMAVII: 9'UVV4RgM4rS$_ bas,1;5, Ali tWofticers will rl,40 In.ther Canada also SCOreS highest In the en. ps,Land -other otom%ch troqblLi'L Just DOLY�.fX have griping, -of their respective regI.Jtries for sh"p In tile.live�twX show. ONE SpOor)fulL relieves GODERICH _#jf�Wlog Pains smart =1for= 9". souf stomach to, yoirt, stomsieb. ftus.ogtinati a erve- ments addhiest0l another bright foat- Vor' seVerat Years the 01itarlo, breeders AudLSlckL,hbadache. Let Adlw*a, olve, 110 she Voners F BO T, 01*, to the, spells that leave you rAcking, colorful oc At. the Royal 4XV0 We)! About 45 ljer'toAt of the blue Your st;Oma�lx gnd.�owels a AVAL clean, WTVon ribbons for ih�ep, recent Years hd* good you feel! Cam�­ Telephone 127 0011"urn *hqfe the show 16'.UMU. a Ing And See �One Kii, aw CaUse of, the",trouble1­0 is InterhatIO041F militAvy"Jumpkig c6m- UuMber ofaw4rds for cAttIO and. horses b01118 Drug� 4tore, come*to Well-iMoWn that, M64 ot the In- PetitiO0 WIll W part of the'lloyal Horse . I-! '� I '. I . I . .1 "P�� 1; P, Bo $bow -program each: evening during the t0441 44046r$ are th4 MUlt ot­�qPflr. tL"ct4onin$r*orOA43-L-orgaw,.tbxt need, *'11%t4ral lid to".*ttj4gL thern 'back on the path of �Pr( )Ver fujjetjo�.� ROY41 Winter V*.' spocial ftitere4t, for 6U33j%W_ X P14ONS 330 Ing. in all Hk011hoo4- -thtY Ueolog uatjon4l REGULAR &j%"Tjq ged-up 'with- so � aftumuUtlozi 4 Alid other rcaon�l attaches to ftd. TeAft. 000-TW61 the uet6l and''A04,1konic, Is the -bAt1h%1 46khtOr Paid. the 7visit of the* te&mL from:. the ..Oft _�_�Mzuam BY AXR FOVL'Upholsterino, Ropainng f - U�#Al �;L . 1. 1 1 1 1 . 1 0 C., : 1.t" C 'A OvIve A ow JAM US . *44 m"g XT40 Wave, whIC1,34 With *4 canacuah -AQ1,01AL9,J4OV. �05peelal :TUO.fttry l . . 11tP0r__0;V- go Bril A lar le Of S4MPlo COVer y I V1011- up. $1.26 _A4. for 43.0.0)., team Vill. form -the quota -,of' the' -OrAnting of: subsidies to British � jntor� to As" in. the Establishment of njis Carrie pire. The ftedish, and Run. sts MR 'A'" d, -SON-TONS is sNor'sato m Am vooil Druggbts F A. ZIMMERMAN garlan teAW bave. Lit P regular � commorci air'soryic W -Writ# Tor r omemokwav-1 '0*4' _4546fifitffe-4, _7 ar-40stf Brltgfix-* t V411444 and 0 .94L Aca4pmy. St... Newa#_ X. Of V10*04, with favor �bj th- Pr4ducally %mkn6VM Ott iblgolde Ql*muer oVcomin6ce, 0e6rding�Ad a Ntlantio.: Th 0 Gormo$u ropr64en'., ie3olutton %Ccorded, by that bodyvat Its .00 ent meeting, At thel'Sanjo. Inee tinC.Ltha o I M.suilzWon, expressed the opltdft�ihz "0 U,, jr every, � eneWr6gemep givon, U.` the . t , be, e1v opment of, A, Oewl` 1IM090 rou. eonn ihon t the British ZMpIrj. 'era.... Your He OL A res�lutlon .,Vas Also passed' CoUra" jue 5V�ry wAy PMIW We e#tib. STL MEALS TOWN THE BE lisWiat And, MAWtontAtw of - idr ports ­ "d AN6 RICES RIGIff #&tj L aiMoromft at MWOI . pal �eWers th�oUahojut Van%da?#, Special' Attention' to the Twal trade and to,: `Sqj�WL AM $=VjM all hoing business to do 'In tile couliti. toWn Oftft, November I Ith (SP"141 to 61'Rates by,the tvoek oqthorlty� of the 11-otmoxtor Owerat, . 11ono - A. . sauve, M L*9' bet.W."A .-thif6,1,_ A Santc's to ticketo ric Inn, ft ads, year. piicz Alver. ine GO'& Alberta _Nodij, or n1a 0W.-th I in V -Li4l .,A -.Verji4&n fake� YOU fhrbUofi 10 6rder to OftMewOrAto - the us- W'j motf.ser.. ,vite, tht follow.lus '88ft*1 01kchewi will be �Ied OoSettoX ftht- Popo, 4U"ri �0�**"t*aco on Santa Fe rails "oil, Ril"r, the W E North, Vermilion; � C*ioaj�iz k�.Atv- . I �* ' f to vu Mw saugm -giver, 97�Ah an C� Chicago �'Ml , d er; *04 Votmillo, Peace Vermulqn� Peace, giver. �'Yov leave 10'j" iihe Santa. 4 F6 dhd arr1v,&..*.n­fh6 $a6f* OWN*, Nov. 11 (Special 'Stox) 10 -004d& Nuipktieil United at= As. an" exporter of ruwr * rotwes;r duvIng . tho Worm 401ft In! #h6 Thew vo. ar Wfiltat itewrta 'ftt Six m"th& Of 1930. A,departmetit Aosqft and along a aft qUjddVL aiftd 46itfoftably 01. commerce repott $howl the XJJUted, Sunny 11"Shors veadied via CatkadiatLNgtional 1944tes. export JoUL.from IT. th� ArAt, 4% Months Of 1920'to 4,- god connections. Choice of 02a.400 pMrX in the C0VrejPojjftg per. Al 'Alftiroftg radt�s# Costs are lod of 11)30. la" tessonable. Add zost to th.6 ada's-export fell less Oolf and horseback ria. otniaL Cadif trip by Sol"k or than that of "t other ""rungfouft' faturaing the C!atd arl route, Wei aboutfive per cenk,from 4,al0000 Ing keep'the pep up via to 4,0#6,00 Do&$ and thus tho Domin. and the pounds -,,,down. Vallcouver a a Victoria.' lort took �Sftolld; platle an the supplier of t0her $O(A*eav to tho world, Japan flow leMls in, this trade. A No greatly InereAsed jum'"a ptod ficirv6y, (11ning sor*6 thtm, from 3,280,000 In 1990 to 0,394.000 oaafh6r exclusive footura Ask 114# Atitut Of Cjnft&9nX,&tlonat jWVVjy$ in 1011; for *Ad 0011P , Im Sol Tjjfj8,),,f NW ­fto hAddred thow-nd - tons of new W, FIX lottawlt, Xov. It (Smtlal to The star) In , th trAl ft fteM- 11-M deVeTwd - --------------- Xlwltll�g mulke the %tlh� veat.,%% madt latt $p -Ong to the move. ow Was Troubled 'With., Z131t Ot Xtfrtlk and 1311W11: ColuMbIft Col. tast*xVil, *cc,)rdft to V. 0. 1;cA:jte, ON wretaty of the ommoloil rael Bond. INbIGESTI Very steam c"_1 miftek ht mtezt^ has After kver * my� Ift. NeAtei larltisli C,01. y Motif tmented'. ftbis. aptrators art L-,(Wted In ottoLwa In the near future for a, motermet on D. is tht medkint the WS"* of ind* stion't"iftO to put the Atomsell into Shape as I P1t1VN= AITIM-ANFA W r�%vhtes the bowehrivromotft ARITATI; MU-2-10VA dkeo", tones up the stomR."doi, Lmldon� sht-, Nov. 31thl, (Rotdat to KIDNEY ro@tOM j*rfett Wth t* the 1**tM- Tht Mar)-Tft hundred tfttl WnetLy. AV6 Ailrat0p owntd sirpla" Ill or"t Mrs. I D. 1ruge"N' oftwmq, Bak., Prlwa PILLS writes -Ill 'Wag troubled vn'th ,*** to 26� perm"s, Inv" *0 4 of whm" own, two mth, wM* o1je 40*ft - "fieft after ovwy meal, slid to2i fout T*"q-ft%* ot ttw- *"ft, 1*1" orw *a pm* It yaw hwrdly 0and IM 1win in my *my ov A, friend hdvkkd Bmdwk Wim -d Bittat tft wmva� vott Is A WW vorwy T)f 00 L*Sfte AMd after the An* bottle tgas u"Mo. "Iievm. 1 14" now Antar rr a" b", am T ft^ at my, ttvoi Hko sod P*jq my mft% without awii OAS OrR I A