HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-11-06, Page 6Special Values in Ladies' and Men's Wearing Apparel for Thanksgiving All the Newest Styles' Moderately Priced f TBZ GODERICR BTAg THE NEW COATS Have a new coat for Thanksgiving, Now. is the time to choose your coat and get it at special Thanksgiving price, These new coats have ador- able new flat furs, lavish collars and new euffo ef. teeter. They coxae in striking styles -fur• de* tails--%ne materials and new shades.„ DRESSES. , New i)resses,psuitable for party or Glance. Fashion's -latest with bead, embroidery, chiffon tops, jackets and Roman styles, Evening 'Cows: of Grecian style, )made of satin faced canton in black and eolors. Three-piece . jersey suits in colors of green, brown and navy. Sizes a,4 to 20, Special at $8.50•and $7.95 SPECIALS IN HOSIERY Monarch Debuntante full fashioned' Rose, all shades and sizes, regular $1.25 per pair. Thanks. giving special at $1.00 per pair Fleur de lig full cl,;,.>q„a T* - - all si5 at Ladies' double eight Chao Per pair, Thanksgiving special, a 69c or' Thanksgivingselling we p Young : Men's winter . veeats. O the men Of discriminating taste. T. gin. materials. Coale In and try th EST_ i'.WHERi: Y 'dal r. M kkolm of i Oltli enahi2 Rev Mieutonte.' iiev. . ,td;. ,Literary Butt, Ooderieb. The siisth Seminal convention of the'' an*' continued u tl Toting ` inPeople's Soda* of Unmet Pr ei- .1970, whe_u *nun Met in Redgrave Ventted ink:* The Blyth Yon an Friday, October 24th. 'Ones lumcfred noel tete afternoo • eland sistteOh regietereel . tion ' aXter which .The warning session „opened, with de• . to their. div rrotfons, conducted by Brume*Youngtsnr this si dtecut k'caplaa' Sldety �� 'thIs three nCe"lido ee on the o; the fours catnimIttees t^trontect den netts . Mei work. The ye** Pon t 1010e4a X ev _' . anilthrilled e in. singing "Rte.eue 'the , lend' k > t! t '. the uouvrtttlon them dhlded lata fount tleldA diacuarton grbup.e,. under the 1040111101icytoltior **Aim* leaders: Christian .Pew ,3. y. MA OI', %WouldItch si Wort was a li "here in we nix a utiles retie( tea 1111 thtdii era de, ttaatrt turf RAM* Of itirena. MM. As. A. Ceti%% R et yeellt ~Seen ttaubles dei seaemei Mt my hash. itelt Sitti bura sio at itleAst restosislisereeerk Wile a 1 tried dui engin ohinite n avrii. 'rkti lag yt w;Nt ad ederrch Inn r (3) We eseaw.s•n that an innts POO10•0same aseriamisase trees Yaws purslane after eeeeber $ x ergot i�roung Manful of unessailabie sem fade:. to us. as N udists death ..Qmuolttea upon antra who Puh&V. or privately. rain at - sttahrenee ems Moats peohibition. ab t4) We reeomrmnd bort as et young people's weenies we from xsakini *At of paeaaons Mk" tto the eon el tie peer. 71b leaves a s- osidnd t,,N.psrence, toarrisie, end fly slain ter earnesgrewe, Ned .t olieer aesritdrss thinpt tri lite. end the Newsman seseeheg se toe seat Ay We suggest hernial eChrnt aa'; bold on hiestiay mains Oda wek a the ideal dtiaen before ow young( per' number of aeeownes wire psieasMn Pt.- whish will ent into that emu* gale•• (e) We reeouun.end that all ourrstantiour. young people be serneetly concerned in 9 The new teacher. Wes i:orisy akerted the greet effort* being expended toward b'oo her sugssement this Week and the World Pecs. We suggest that they fel- contract of her engenemaet was nesty low the deliberation of the aastembly, of ed and pieced on file at the meeting ea the League of Nations and endeavor to Monday, familierise themselves with. its oiler:Pi The xrtporks tat the peiocii>els showed maim and functiorta. 340 geoid on the voile at Victoria (1) We recommend that we promote isrboot average 14sodonos *114 or /4.6 peace by living the peaceful lite our- iper cent. Penny Bank deposits, for the selves --giving offence to none. That' ranonth of oetaber, " $1t4.!# ist Tsai do. we continue to pray for warless world posits. Enrolled at Central school 216. and a *turned civilisation within our 93.9 per cent. Penny Bank depaMts own generation $22 .22 in 364 deposing. iia P. At a d, TRUBIEWIE, SOP erh. leen 4.el.r. nitwit INT. .1.0 erg • gsreet L r.eP eDAes sight NM M. 1101ar'e eider runic acl000rutarr The Osnueed Pea shaven hea* will hews to anewMo 1rr nems minor. Mg two swath et Os lase ler, ad ems ,/ Ivey tee while Wool imessem ems 421.14, $21.311.74 ansedy ape*. 14iR ell.. however. relsMr the rand* Let aisapply youriktig: Store Needs Phone No.1 for Prompt delivery H. C. DUNLOP THE RE.t. DRUG STORE BotWor41 Block Goderitie Sunday evening at Taylor's Corners church, which is supplied by Pular W. T. *trout of the Gadsrich Baptist good attendance; ape - daily church, the rather untenable weather. A solo was nicely rendered by Liters end- Recreation committee : supplied 22 deys for Ries Nitration end Rias Bunt and the sermon *a given (1) "'We hope'to triake tine church the Mrs. Redditt one day for Wes Barnwell: 1 by Rev. R. C. McDonald, who spoke on best place in town for good tame." at Victorfa school. end }gm RR.ddittl"oiling Our Bat," taking the story of 'With this quotation in mind we believe supplied one day for we. Wilson at jf the anointing of our earriour with the end therefore urge our young people to CCentral. 1precious ointment as the scripture" re- d . l ferenoe. #tr. Mcnermid brought autthe. honestly endeavor to make the church a Place for a r0Uy "good time." • (2) We recommend that a soft ball ANNIVERSARY AT schedule be drawn upby the Literati and Recreation department of the pres. tritery and Oust ample be(3) Or*torrical scheduleamsVen iout �iiust come to hand, we regret that *ancient time hu not been given for preparation tor. November 3. We reconunend that more time be given and the' schedules' be sent to both pesters and presidents. ,l (4) 'To, promote fellowship we re. ,commend • Pirating and. sleigh -riding parties between different groups follow- ed by program and social evening. (5) We urge that great care be, used iin the type or reading end reareatian of our young people. That • only books 'of Worthwhile nature be read by them, I Avert of llestio sunudal► ached -oast 'tumor in *.!ocieiy secure meter interert sant sour. •Pterin for tut teriuien work for tale ores. bliger. vert ep4etsl es m iPared en which wI* **ow mum d *0selialowelies for which Wi are re- (3 > Seism ooeud tint tl* present yiktokotoloosqfire y «i .. it *0 awl*. --'dives 'bilk teed 'WIN Meet poria* epeeist els- and inks at set, owelortr concontinR the bliedeldelliel, •'t41 We reenaMe d all. the +lounge Wit to titre an int MiteMrnarr Iter• I:wi n i ng been, timeele. Path- hword. ate. (iti armyyaeet+ty *emit endeavor vobaNMtr 'tnming this winter a lqs- rirtii Mad/ arenp liewootfrrott� . phone at hem seer r Sin, walk. ro- ase- -cant amulet e, t l t W. W elleralieet � taf sal - +lAt Ivo eider r fmlAMolre *0 a*1s eve ;MAI cram* sweiao 4604 Atttntitili te"i' 'MO flititirilde 24,6 tit hhVilat fulness to ,do in the cainty town S stall' 1takIi► ,tlriri a 5P lagoon A rw ee �r 11%! 4 Olt CitOCIMUCB. ViteRCAtt[,Rli, *WA IIRA't>IX, • 1.Atetl„ FLOUR, rte. »itArrooiu t cR dim rtionniokyloplii io t X a Rrer"ybS r erekliitest. *anti' Tho Worm of lotiplOedoo. Pluore 141. We Deliver in To*. thought that our bat was the only fit 1 offering to Christ. When the farmer TAYLOR'S CORNERS sowwedd hn fields he wed the :beet train Anniversary service* ! be could get. The onlooker might ask were held on the question, "Tc what porpoPe was this waste?'" just At the dk when the precious ointment was used h anointing the 8avieur. but the best. given to Christ was the only Sit offerlog. CASTOR IA For Taboo and Children In Us! ForOver3OYiitarf Aiwaysarbe alveolus of .Go to: BAECH COMPARE OUR FRIG AND NOTE THE SAVINGS OFFERED EACH WEEK STRICTLY CASH or the two w tint !er ...:..........leges savor wiamter Per a,... 11 Ri 'rIt Or: Dalton's Pc.eiih Cramp ; :.1 ncb Drip Coffeet DATE Choice Choice Haliowii DATES, 2 Ibt. 9c Y otome emir 2 for hKe 4 tag gee BANANAS age sso llsri Seedless x lbs. for 2*0 CELERY 4 *Wm 12 litaostiSe AMMES $L40. $1.35 per big ......$I.330 per bag ISMS 23c mt DOZEN A large lar -of Panty Stuffed Olivee,...41e Plain "Olives 39c swEE' . POTATOEs ;► lbs: for 3Se. No. o. 1. Cooking Onions lbs, for 1,•• 220 Csiese ab Bleckweti'a .Catsup , Per bottle • 2re cormin • Per Dili".. . '14o We can lap* lam with Choice. sprayed liall Aland Pick- ed from /5a to $1.25 a hushes., 1111.01111111.1apr CABBAGE it. err g for *$e •Ifs WAl zor .xtte n5i tircr s it unlet ice zine j less - 3 banes fee - the akek f.,i!ne tuateeivii T011arif 3 fbr . ...9fkt 11 ter ...... ere 0411,