HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-11-06, Page 5OCT. 111111s. ION
../.•••••AIM. mnars.
Sunday c4fternoon
ISABEL 1101111.1LTUN. G34, -c11,
• •••••••••■••••111•041/MMOS0111 •••01P ar .00 •1•0.mm.••• .e•Now,
Woad Meow! ilse -111erhe d Ile
A alesheary has* use allot Is
have eh hiring* end as mans dwelt
Ustaulth he Mew Msne. ma a
matoade Week We hisesises. NOM
thersiry to mats, the tia~ at Om -
sands in West Omuta Abash This lit
1===011M11011111=1=2.11:101==h07101110=4111111,.,, a aa -'y ot Mother speeds :
"Our teethes* an twin. us for their
X sat we worthy, holy terd, to Loudon, all alai san.i: cst the inetre- country, wo remmo swag is she
That Thou sbouidst row %a hos ; ladh. woii.i.ate with tieliant and ex` csaustry The, 410 eare7ball In"- Wit
Speak but thet word; an. rsci"4" we" 1*" -44°" "4 ilS4-4‘' IC "fle Um" "" reosida .with Prue *set That seed is she
Oen set the atm* taw. ie wort to visit Cie city, ad persons oreagad, Au at your boom think wiem
X am not sorth.Y; cold sold bare LIC-:-.;citisi in athletics would. be in- tha. soipai mem oor Lobe. we
The ledifial1 of aiY 0040: stant,,,5? fated w:th dee to see tho welt oer this conotomoo. Au ere
Now cinst Thou deign to enter there? Peaozhlaucet 'Wien Jesr,,t. uelit Into weu *wed, Ned the repel not toms'
re me w
1,0ro, spook, ano ou*hole. tou ix% the r.1 --.:X. pectiee, a ' the bris-
kvie weal hoe bop 'wing assoeshoes '
w. maw. i
ea-lie.rActi and elp athe we
it". nd ary oerwe
\ Mit a thrill of expectatiour kis. We we serried on o
on and hoPe, mother*, mom tied with esune. No one)
?KAY= anti they were ablest; iste.tFred hy the
Jen" Low awl* souls, 110p us to _ . . - thought or any other way. Now parents
throw wide the door a our beats to let ttst„rus_com, koa*. how to um* up cuttureo, cid
Thee- come in. Illou hasi, waited 104, "'I:4 "4-21 "" r1.1`"''74411 for we had huts at one room. Puente,
awhile, I co..:413 applaud tho wrobat for
art, aaitiog still. Forgive 011r Want of Children land chicken* lived tegetbee.1
Oath artti 14ve he* 43 te Thu is moment ,or two, but I would IOW to we filept on the $loort. New we hive
the VaaP V".7.0 Wald Welt My afflictions,
-back the "life vie or:e that in Thine houses et adobe„ three or four rOOMS:
coon deaths it a flow may riehea'fullerj ""*. my in each, Fo,e the parents a room, fOr
le,.: g ".:04,10 lelliat me, the the boys a, zum,14 tor the side a room,
he," Mae%
S. S. LIMON roe NOV. littb, 1 sis
-9— •; day lf4 P.1.- Q:.?;at, trkt l'. taa110;', die while, for the tensity te dine together a room
' the 11:1,%"14 of thine e.yt,--, 15. in tile house; At, the hack * kitchen.
X4esson Tosic—The Relieving Centur. a.um rx...
'"111170 09419' Ilut6 ''441/ * cent*TM14 1 PrOm"Wliceourneseelvesclun, ore fromthe thrrVi°ordsvellrcItIt
L.*" ra*"4")144416" 4:5'41. L' -'111r" 111'm aml 41" Imrd MY as, from tile Words, You y a
Ogden Text. --Lake 131.9. „ fervent lioth et home tick of the palsy
'from the Words.'
' The "following la eolltiellaa4,. IT,...10' it grievously tormented. That la not a,„ 'So %e mad thanks for the help the
discourse 021 "Tll3 Eultaall 'a"YmPl°24.k* 0'; prayer; it is a mere piece ot Intelligence. words hare beep to our 'bodies,
Outfit"' by Dr. Joseph Parker. tHe is a Psalm this imports t rki --rk
'"And when Jesus was entezed Into man =der authority
Wh(r4ill'WOrrWat$. "But not only this. There is some-
thing better Our hearts were full at
tturion. beseeching Woes "It'lvla are 1 beyond. him. It s. wise man who trembled at , the thought , or .dar......,
If Some faimous musician were to come who lays it down, at the right
and begins to pray where he cease
rule. 'X'lais is the true law •of '
There was nothing 01 prayer in
'words the centurion uttered but 1
was • in,- hia ,sitanner-z-ed- opposed). ,,,,,, .,, -, - - -. - - - ., -
, canto beseeehing. There was Kaye
eye, there Was agony in his 1
there wa.s supplication in his ton
• voice, And Jesus met the man in
on spirit. Without hearing Mac
quest, lie, rays, -`"I will corder and
himbis .ftl'OeTtPinee.PebeaP:Usewitee 11
as t one having, antliority ; they 1.
astounded at his treatment of . (Ilse
He • toilettes • a leper and says, "Ise t
•!clean," and to tile man in today's
' • gall, 116 saYs. "X Will come and heal 131
NVIlatever your complaint is, , of mi
' body, or -estate, you make take' it
• Jesus Christ. , , - s
-,-- Tlie centurion on , hearing the .re
or esu, said,.:‘Lord, I am, not wor
that thou shouldst'eproe under -MY r
but speak the word only, and MY s
vent cliall be • healed." On hearing
' -• words of .the ceoturion; Jeatis,,Mary
led. He who, was the wegber ' of
saes, looked 'sport a ndreculous tht
Mid rnarvellecl—the "ndre,dle of uncles
tioning trUst. ' "verily 1 say unto ,
1 haste not found se great faith,no,
in Israel," A great wave of emoti
swelled bis heart: .forecestint,, the. ag
he:SaW the eroWn already 'rounding.
,. _s..., _.,.., ., , , to 'Shane that was to sit Upon Ills 0
- , : . . .0,7----,--- 'head,- and though the dross lay betwe
.-. • 'issoisto him and ' that ' trottait; he 'endured t
' ,.. • • cross- and deSpised the Shaine. -.11
.. ' pleased he always Was with faith!
a man looked trustfully at tan, he s
• 141,,i ' , whom, humanly speaking, he had nev
fifeerg be Was a son or,' Abraham; a tvom
-.• before -Seen, se called daughter win
' 'She touched 'the .hern, of his Orin
tut' when we looleop to :hint and Sa
. "Lord. -I believe," it fins his very so
- with joy. 7He keeps back nothing fro
faith, he says if we had 'faith as a gra
of ' mustard seed, the mountains wo
be 'at ear bidding .41/4::'piw,t0.1,th won
be... onr slave.
1 .
WOR .*xssxoNs
18 'vas the 'twit...meeting of the Com
muniorx series- at tondi, Por three day
. the native_pliristians usd_iseen-togeth
R ' ser la .conferenee, ' dealing- %Otis, °`t11121
of the WOrds"740 Use their . JAM
New catechumens lutd- beep ‘adrititte
to the training 'classes, nevi , 611lIre
members had been baptized and ha
partakesi *Of their, first. comoriuden, an
, new: resolVes. kin died' hi illaa7 hearts
tjaperneuns, there came unto him a; ten' law yet he has met 1:4., situation that Is tears. We followed witchcraft. We
knaws the length. of his sceptre, anti•-
•ditterently excited by different visitors.
r •
0E/ TitsgE
rikk ano
• in sisi
will be found up-to-date
In every respect
ma.. gas
Year Patronage Solicited
1111 SW ARTS
Phone 107 Mo j Street
llydrot tric
Lydia E. Pinichiarn's
Vegetahle cornisound
Cahoon's 'Ontatio—"Yeare ago when
1 had a skit father and a mullet baby'
10 care for, 1 sot
a run down and
1 took Lydia E.
Pinta:409es ?Aregm
table CompoUnd
to get *tying& th •
tilY Ivo& .ant. •
Other :Aline st
Cbasso of IA. I
bad mime beid«
Wag aadfelltikisi '
Atha tios.2116ik
She vegatabia'
C.spo*d midi* Is a raw tramem.
resonunsed it to any Avowal Sibe fp
s4 Woe ego Air
°OWL c?, ' • •
Wal by Electricity
lien by Electricity
Climegoor lham Coal or Wood.
An electric Vattatni Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom
• just Ill two :the 4ust
We guarantee all Hydro
Lamps for 000 hours.
Walk in rad Ito AispiAty at
West -Street
Electrical Shoir •
We carry a- graocl stock of
Electrical Appliance• s,
Fixtures, etc.
We Speciaitze.sn
Wiring of All Kinds
•Estimates given ou
eppligistjon •
• All Work Cuoyarttemd
Frank McArthur
Ph000 82 WestStawit
miLBuRN II Oared No Amu MK book
Mu, anty, pennon. Ost<, *Mag.,
• "I suffered tertibty, for yet, fro*
east itation and sty bowels would hob
MOM fit two or Throe Air at *tin*, II
kinia vary hart for me to do My work sor
I week gst sorb terribie_tieirn tette/
my oneasse, _Moe tryiasilifferent wee&
• time 1&tided to take fadhunti
Lime Nis, and I r' vomited Mkt ilk
a ray shod tiror° 4
Tor We et all drug and general stores,
ak, mailed inset afk /ttoipt ef prier by
T. 1. Miim L44 , Tomo.% 00-
Priis as a Oat
Kamm twain la 7 1 eller nessill spell the ellen. A Wiled
Isasnlirt, or nemesa's
As elensee 'imp with a dohs et ONO(
Days or Mosey Bock nest everything awes harisessise it pat-
, hot eareeternen kb se akatavd.
Seensitiel Sem ors tat mara
llineeshe Ainiragele Poolerth- tent than mew mimosa ellablv, hours
idolo Moho *M ening sonnies snot highs osherwies Se
hy Ile The awn hells end veis7 attractive spistior . Taloa sena,
/Uninesse That Sheehargo a hardwood Sow shah swi oalt le net w-
ine QuiLdny_ lssMd
en cracks in which or germs hey
lisieutlitil Out easittert It contains
Now that tees of thousands know t,etue,
Oast Ifoloses Shionsid 0U helps to re- uy otu meelte oft out ouch nooro are
Owl %1st,. dealorotet "istke0aa Venl, used in your new home, or it you ere
went thud to kw that ;bit not foitunate enough w loom st
fully effective oleo& win dry JP WM& home. 60e that they are placed your
la a tow &A and cause this out um. oltk worm, umy hkid over
susses to drop off and dieePPeste. the presalt floor with as good results
it seta the muse trey with slaty akil as may be obtained by teasing out the
dhow, such sa hectors' itch, rolt 01,1 rico; and placing a IOW One in its
rheum. refiner and 1nearornatorY skin place.
Once this floor has been installed, the
tiveloubl"po. wistful and Penefratilit Is pawessor old hod it sins% easier to
Mousses gtmersild Oil that abscesses, iggep mega than the ordinary n.
bails, ulcers and opsit Eva are ; Water. oil, kerokkene, turpentine, soap or
in a few akkYs. Memel **amid 011 other alkaline substances should never
not. patent medicine. but b 1:2 used as cleansing agents. The floor
itsiaVs prescription that for years has has of course been wed, varnished or
boo•essouutetr R. 'Male, If. shenskeed, plow day to day it Can be
C Dunlop and ell bradiag drileeisia Ws" gone over with a VACUUM dower or a
Pease Moone's Amadei 011. brorturoe venroured willthwaranudtorkitlikknowneutct be
In 'It" accent first unable,. and never brushed with weighted brush or pol.
kaidon-a14-11. fisher about once a month. Kxcept In
Halfpenny. Preferred prontinciation,:leleelasesreoLunxingusualonlywettabor,utthone efleoora „won!
is hey -penny.
• ltshan. Pronounce the first 1 as In Even this re -waxing is simple. Apply
"it." not as in "light," LIA,thin.-'1Iron_ Oa.
NMI Coadiso Poetess, whom tusittil mom
appears ick month itt the Blue 13e11, the Bell Telephone,
CompanY of Csaadt's Employee& root seine, weedy pit
risk to lack Missy st %Di bird sanctuary seer langwrille.
These two pm*, khoked spirit*, greatly enjoyed an hour's
eeliNfOtla about the birds and the wild life of Canada's great
out-of.doors, A3 Mies Bevarimild:
"vary good Canadian has heard of Jack Miresee Bird
fitoctumy sod the unique work he is performing in protect*
the Wild life M our country. Ili* guiding prlociOe KWh* to he
Lose—lose of the out-otdoors with its teeming Hie-- love of
children sod their frank trust lore of home and of the homely
sirtues, and, above all, love of God!"
A Silent Partner
PrAKE a silent partaker
A into your business.
One able and willing so
stand by you and yours when
necessity arises.
One that will give you a c51.
tains u4 sum * specified
time --or bring you a regular
income, when you ars no
longer able to irerlir-hr pro.
vide for those yo love when
you are no longer with them.
Life Assurance will do oil
this for you. -and more.
Get details from yaw worts, SIP Life Represestotive.
471-0/4") 8.NY OF CANADA
s needed, to
passed, on
• e *Me as
agan, see,
it. the Reeve
in rennet
KylaW Car -
seconded by
eguba coon.
4,• Dee. 12th,
isignation of
• keelr was re-
• Councillors
• accepted as
tititual audit
• - ;cared by Ur.
itbiado, and
ae cleric ad-
dle appoint.
lode at the
12th at two
• Clerk,
to Hatt! 'these Signs Warns Alt Past 40
If you are troubled with Ugh** tett*
tattens, Kidney or illitdcler
opinty eliminatton, frequent aMielearfora
day and flight; swollen feet or "skaillook
and Pains In the beet,• sower sulawasec
or down through grOhis--701.1 sballbe kyr
the amazing wine of Dr. 1501.11,teseiriWis
"thatabs." and see whet a standoff*
differenee they maket -If this gromel
Old formula, brings you the swift coal-
ft:tort it has brought to °there, you
will be tbaultful and very wen
18 11 does not satistY. the *UMW UM*
supplkdyou is authorised to retort.
Your monty on the first box purabarred.
At all good drug stores.
• djournment. pAitx WECP.PP SUNDAY
in.esvoic, on
%We Reeve Leave Godericit 5.20 ant. 2,13 pato
tr after his . ,, Clinton • 0.44 tatn, • 2.41i P,Ill.
Provinco. " SeafOrth 0.50 it.m, 3,03 psi
tir. 'Powell " Mitchell 121`h.rn. 1430 pie.
• xi his oil*. Arrive Steattord 1.45 eon. 3.68 phi.
Ore his us - " . Kitchener aota stn. ' li.Ill Pa.
41s. Bylaw •" •Ottelpla . 9,01 *SA, 0.4e pal.
. . fro::::ngThoef . , 5T. Ossr.:. 10.25 si.M. 135 p.m.
Kiva Bank Returning—Leave yoronto Oa CM. sot
tle'lacpart- Parlor Cate Car 00derleh f.ci TffrOls1o0
1 readand 013 thinooyi rnisnlain
txpairi,. and03nloosnif
T.oronctedlo Oott .
unts were ti
OarS bettv'een Oodetich and Tus4*itGr.
" deoSgto4rs. tals3 • ',Town 11Wisengter WA"
X', A. Lameness,
pay you- • ' Tittot kit**
i Ph a
• then adth
IsTor. 16,
nig of the
iv. 21,
- Cleric.
on irt ts
. agonies.
hied, but
• 01
• remedy is
• depended
to get a
ally snot,
With his
1 to en-
hen his
al, why
• ad in a
to her.;
Y eali
, .01
. .
•--Com num, Contagious,
Poultry Dsi
st mouth mad a
closed vie, but
Inc censer oohs..
Trestaviestx—lree Pratts
accordigto direess.
SAVE THE Floritt
Bold by IR Dodoes
• Writ• e for Pal** firstri Poratrar
Pratt rood • of Cosies Ltd.
4125 010,00 keno %wens
1 -L
• and general line of Oro.):
plementa and Repairp, Includ-
ing the United amt Allis Choi-
• mer Tractors, at
Phone M. • ingetos Bt.
F01/1) HOlt
• • 750 POOMS WITH MTh
• RANO IN Waif POW .
rs/1nie4n* sire..
PorthestorStauts woo
toWn woo
ors s_ssieltuoftesuk.uk
, w.4,73..wrts414.„gr4t
Veaturinq &own),