HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-09-25, Page 1�� - - I � R ....v _.--,_ - ,W- ---------- . - �11 - _. " � WI' , . -1 ­­ F I _-.4044mr-AP1101101"'No ­_W� VWFPWW- - -I- A IN , " � 11 11 I . . I . . I I I . � . . I I I I . ADMISING THAT PAYS I Alkk.-...j I I * . - I Win lot is mft . I 11 � I - I . -4Ah- A, , "I , )W*w YOUR- U" ftw I � .4 % 1 4 i . kill trlmt rpulfrobt& ­.. ., Aijve.*.";�`� �a T.'�g- fi�Qv-.2.111 S'ar __ or .0 - � i I ,!wo,v , "t . = if, . 11 � � , -s ,,,,,*j� g; -.go into 0o 11,3:17. k: �J 'X fae pcoplt) that � - I I I v, Ai�,=� at Wm4ftto C the Lay'ki Go,.,er;C1jA-n1t* i-.,�,�o t!"o POA- I �, - I - I Cow . , ar - -city salesman and o� ­ r, ju I Ne ]k I . . cxv,, 1'17_­� te Var_-r r1.-_Q',­',Q1i�* - 11 . ­ 1. - I- - - . � - I 1_1-1_ - _. I ­ . call Up "The Star," Phone 71 _ .- I., � . - - I I I . , I : ... � .. I I �, ____ - . -11 .1. . I - -.- ----- -----_.__._4- �� , - i—I t!=_1.-_, _.___..._--_...o_ � ---,-,-. ____ ������ - . — ;9 ­­ _.__� __ ----- — __ - .____1___w.- __-.___._1______ -, - ______� ___ � � __ ��, ==�� -.,--.-..,. 11 � ­­ ".. - A, . . $U'VE%'T'V-FIU,S'r YEAU , , 811,6scription: $2 a 3rear In Causda, GODERICIT., ONTAR10t CANADAtTRU RSDAY3, SEPT.2)5tbj� 19,30 1 1 WALTER NA"06 tow"W. � _. I . 42.50 ayear to U. S.-Poiltits'. . . , :1 , , , , -.---- _­__ ­ ­ —_ * - I _ I— -...-,.�.,�--...�i.,-,�-t--.-------,-----.--,- - —.--,-; ­_ I ­ ­-­ --womw _.,___­,. _-_____,_____,_.__.__N__1 11__._1.1________.1__ ­­­ .1 __..11___1___ _______-______-__._1_._-.. - ­ �. -_ - . � -------'- - _____ . ' � 0 " 1.1 ,� . . 10 , Ba'deld, Myth and Lucknow Fairs this wiveek,pend-49derich Tug00%war Team and Champion Pole Vaulter Performing at Lucknow ' day 11 IXIY I ,,,,, . =- _., '­ I - _ I I I.... .....= M I . . - .1 ,.,________ __.. - I -_ ­ -- �.__­�­­.__­ ,� � . I . .. ­ - . t at 11 � -J.-1=-,---- %- — �, _iopi 101 m 1, 11 11 I 'I pill", I .I I �i __-_-_9- ... To Pull and'Vaul ucknow Fair 51R. AND MRS. BLACK 110-NOUED 4JM0N(11t tXR1F4 CHURCHF48 . OBITUAd Y, . . years sod under. Jean. File .; - ' - . Tile -Godeileb. . tug-of-war' team, 1__._-___V1 k 9ervic I WILSON pioneer Vesiftlit Of Clark; over 12 yeaft, Jean Mmltle! 11 � ... , . . OR � boldera Of MO. it. Q. 11. trophy, are P f1ttv;-eo,V1t4 Wib, AO o:r!04,1 Boiling � es at Baptist churelf, pastor. siilw. ]Rmbroldery��guest towebi - 1141, It by � - Biblo school at 16 West W41VAINOVII. ill ,Jhty! I . after fresh laulcis and are to com- 'I N ,a Club r1lev. AV. T. Bout. tilo person of 12 nara and under, HOW Clark; ovor .111, I. I ,Sun Uh.bouroloo. Dompapp,ed 0 oda � gost 22 'Nears, Wall, McAdam, Mary AcW � I . I I _�, I 11 -4 .el Service at it ajil" sub. oaviii Wition paskiid peajvelutly *Away petQ at a tournaultilt At Lucknow tair , " " I, -nine of$ellt. 14th, Mb � , . � I ,, I 11 The members of the Goderich jeet. "A 'lorlous Outl000k," and at 7 an the mot Embroidery. tes, towel" ym I .. I oil FXiday tor the Vaster Notynt �1110 Pam ect, "Bit6ourligtificat lit tile veased w*4 Urn In Toronto Dec- ft -N son* .1 �, I . 9 1 1 1 I I trophy. l'be other competing te4ma Fighty-year-Old Cm .appreciate l4ra, stilij, . and under, 14tty Johnston.. 12 Yom" .� I . I I what "Dick" Black and " A hearty 1%elcome. . Iv,gi. As a Wy Ito remembered Play- .. I T11110 CMILROE POLICY aro JKmloas, town5bip, A,q4tield town- , fad under, MadgeTurner, Joart Flick* 1-1 , � . I ., . "'P, have, dout for them in . a 0 O... . I I � I X � Valli A collf0eace of the wcat Section ing among tne stumps whei 'A 11 w a . ship and Lucknow, eight Mon to a of Huron Presbyterial of the W.TAT.S. yong� street. When tight years old Ruby Clark; over 12 Yeats, Jow ��,l , The College Polley of ,tlia Sun -Life, Assurance Co. of Cauda team. lierc,s s000 luck, to the Oode, getting up many events for their en. # Whitesides. Dweena Wilff4n. Em - I rovides the solution of;% PrOblem whieh has I a , parents' will be 'held In, Port Albert United be with brother's und sistera canto '. �,�v � . =T exe * Mang . rich eight. Bob Stoddart is to, give tertiffiliment and on Wednesday after. broldery, vkrons-O�e* 121 years. Nit- 9' ,. . . i gy mAlking certain th, , I physical . I lot time at the �oma of chiareli on Wedliesdgy, October loth, with, 14th,.,r alld Mother to Uodcrleh� I I at-tbe child'shall *have t at mentol an. some ,exhibition pple vaulting. and on. nOOD, at a SGC, . morning and afternoon, Xiss gar. thcn�o to what is now known as the d" Costello, Madeloins Proctor. , � 19 training which is more ano., more becoming a0liftion.. of success in . " . deavot ,to � beat his record. Bob, per- Mr. $411'es 1110AVICAr, they were pre- vett,L Mission, ,fry _ Pillowallp:i-12 years and, under, Jo" , . �. . Ufa. bull, 'information In- regard to-. the, slinfle formalities involved to, AJ.4,l-.u,. will .be Leddy Jarmi Oth. �oacession �Yjest W4 "w , . formed at Ilwalltort � Olympic a0b's sented,with a boauti I reading, lamp . Flick; over 12 years, Forn Cralistong . ,,, e oontvaot will W glaidly. supplied uport np- : , by the mombers of fA the speaker. . "%iifiosh. At that time it was oil bush I , in se4pring this admiraill � . . , . . meet at Hamilt9n on Saturday la5t. e Club xceout- I Madeltive Proctor. Rurwtva� dros"r I .. �, I I . . . .0% . . I � . I . ... . Ponied by inaddressof apgreclition I On SuAd.#:� morning at 1Q.30 the out in that Area. "Froul theta later - �. I . Ducat: . . . .. , scarfs -12 years. and under, Xotholl, -1 . . . . . I -� Is to, ,he MeXurraN 1i 11 . I . . . . . -. Mr. Ford. Sunday schoolwill )lave charge of tiff, David-Zatil. to walk OuL Ave mile 4, , mad- �.. .. � I' I . , NY. C. T. U. Activities, which was .read by Rev .,O� -over 17. yqars '. - . � 1. I - - - . 9 . I � I : . � ... � . . . . . . � At - the annual meeting of tho Mr. Win. Campbell. the oldest'luem- imornlitj� -worslilp, The theme will flio'Aubiro Methodist ,chur& of ".. 11 I I I 1. , . .I -oys. a IaitWul mem- eleine Proctor. Luncheort-cloths,'tirsy .... . .. Tice Its - , be, *'Th6 11culity of Holiness " -This clotb, table ends-111.1ye%ra and under, . � � Of � . which be. was 61w ,. ... ,,- Phonem , H, R. LONG, Dis W- -C, T. ',U. t110 10110wMe 040173, Ifer of tile Club, Acted 4%' chitirmaii . ,,, �� 11 I Z� . If. Residence'. 60 , I ttiOt Agetkf were oteatedz Atesident. lWas M, for this Part of t'ha "eedli �d is ,. �Chlldre olork, Ruth Doti% Mawing, . 1, . . 9 1 � _.W...fto9.j110iW00.-9q.0ffi0" .- I I . lg$ an , the annual Sunday rally ,n beri,always. ill his p1skee on the Sob- Ruby e '.. 11 I 11 �. �.. I lots of ,and.parents are ospected. The pas- bath Day until III � bealth forba& him flo,wers, years and under, Laura ___ ­ :�,_­4_­_---_--_­-­ ­ I Builie; ]at vice pres., Mrs., R. Phil- each of the.score or so metill , 0 1 _9 ' . _. ,. ­ . I.. I.. . I � � zveas., Mrs. - fiern; ree.. see'Y1 the Club, who were,Msqnt added Ills tOl"s,aubJQ0 In . ning ill be � doing so" Later 110 M0v0d't0 tile Wambold, Marjorie -Hender - . � _� __,_____1 1�� . ­":�� * th .avo lN . iton, Noth . . ­­: : - - � . I _ . I . I . � � I .1 . I . I Lips, "An Vrg6frt,C,1lI." present homestead on the Boundary leen . . 1, . I 1� . USIC ­ . . .1 1� ' Xra, .huutek; por. soel�e, Mrs. 0. Jolm� own words of Approolition-'and made I Road lbotwten West Wilwollosh and �Cqraon; Ia years, and umkrs . .. " . - I . L � ?d To WX N TOPICS � - �= ; �L- Y. IT_ Mrs. AG, Johnston; Bottle remixiiscont: - remarks. Mr. � oil Sunday "morullic at 10.80 tile Joan tuflaby, 43ok Williams, warloo . . : �. - . � .- � I � . I I __ I . prosidents" Xrs.'.Colborue gild Black ras,da.x fitting.reply .sind said Smiddy xzliool will igyo.,charge o Colborne, In due vourae, of Unit, he WX&y; over 12 Years, John Huckl* I . I 0 � , * . . - �. I �. - . on. ­ _b­vvelro­1114�. , � � � 1 j6n,..W . ­ .. - ,��,_­­­­ !­­.� . na L �_ 1 ,V`�~V Xvs, - Davids Alto _ftst--Togulo the- Big. - v , d Clu thot, Morning avried, Miss Mary Hilder. ,them gtonj �Ksjtblo , dt . . I . llmeir.�_,v IT14- Ronald Ponalp . . on Cursov. -, � Eff - � 'Itifit- R9Q*'TInijih04 . . . kv'orablf"' at Churc%'­'The'' ' born' one, , k'' � ., , . . � � meetill, iseur � a club or lodo In, in- theme will be - "The Beauty. of Hot!" 'WAs ­m�Qvor 19 years . , W, of the Aew, year wa,t bola Ili Rasied Y a Drawing, birds � ...:� _. � ,IVI. NOW MI." 7 The r0lit room at the town water. Mao Ifull 'Sept. 1,8tb,- ,T e4avo- lgence, . ll� I 11 I ' YQarA­ 'No' "' eleine froctor, Joan Thompson, %lob* , e 0 ,, i, Mad- � � I . , I liess.11 This. is the annual Sunday, deceased him foul .. i , . �;Tallp C,114dron and parents are ex. are a Orgarlifit'Knox Chukh -a - building is, finish , � . wife predeceased him thirty-soven: � . work N Rackins.- Drawins, fruits -91 Years I 11 , � k"'. � , .. . . I ed. or' vary tionski ialf hour wa3 condOotod .by MR. A . I 7je go. -Sisters, and � 11 � 11 Goderiph ` , nearly firdabod. The plumbing fix. Mrs. - Hunfor.� . Reading of scripture , wo mRS. R0T#1W9LL , He had three I . . . � . peoted� The paitor's sulfJot in the I under -Mary Tithbornoi, Dolma . I . . turos have been in'stalled and all that, lesson wss.follow*4 � 'I - - . ,., HONORED gVenina will bio "An Urg6t i(jall," I . o,iv deceased-, throe all, "I ye *11114 " � I 11 I str*60 Noisisil , by prayerb. Xr& , I I . I , I , . ifl* brothom #11 'A � BruesVisher; IL � *rs - . I 11. masio w4tor $ � I I remains. to 'Complete tbe,worlc is tho ]KOv411. , Xra, Hunter r I . I ,�� ... I o h4s lfllders� ROLVIOilf, 4:XAY,' OVOr 12 X401M . . � . . I , . ead a very . . grandchildrva. Viols, (now.Mrs# Wm, Worthy I I - ! , � - , . , . � , I . s400k I , . I . -finishing of tile-, ,woodwork. � . . I belpful. paper' Olit Personal Prayer. $04004 xotffifal stalf ftes.tut Them Service,$ In Knox. chorth irk Charge Cswter), JMwIn (Married), Wit Ida, Xorgap. Lima Wambold, btArY . i . I I � I , �, ,,,� , '. - . � Toaclxer'44 : '. . '. ., 11 . I., r._. ... ': :, � '... . Miss Buille, the ne"liv presl;lent� briefly With 141061411 811V�V'Telk fuy4lie - of 'tbla� .minister. S41%,ets Of, $Or- bi*noartylar on the f0m;N and RUA , modellf"v* �, � - � . *C L ' . 'riw, � ,$iie � : jKlentor- . � I ,� . . . . . I � ... 1L. Xoelleupe of Mae.. Mr.�,Wjl$orf, AS the oldest JIV. Evelyn Mcuan., clay ; � I I � . .- , I , , PtIll I . , I .1 I - .urging Vie . ', ,,� - � . .0111_1'-." , . . w I I "', ; .1 .� . . - . 04 I ;addressed r the meeting. ,,, Charity;" 7: P -M-, 'j"W13d.0TA to - PlAstloine, putty, Plaster Paris& Vem- , - ,�� � I " I , 09 - in � . - stmWied" iiLiper has Con' It , Dorialol 11 � 11 I . � I I . The 'Goderlph Blovators are full to inembets, to earriest efto this , ,* noi4ay's _ g mefnbok� of the former Methodist : �, . �, .,., .. � � � I . trive!'-f4th In Series On Great Words tb � 'And . under, �", , 0_ . I Preparation f *or 4--000117144tr I the To6fs, with 9A00j00Q 4bushels of � greattemporanci�'work. -Mra. T. Hunv* the following ago Unt of. At dinnet and pf the New Tealiment. I . urch. - He� was of a retiving (110- ent-9 years lAolit 22 11 . !.. - � , tally Day in Position, a go a-.604.Stonebouse, 'Paulifte Jobi I ,�. I � I io- Ile of'Ahe�� Tor*4td Conserv- ` 11 . 'The, steamer W- C. Frariz;' ter'Save her report'of the' County Con- I preffentatioA to Z. W� Ia. Rothwelb the Sabbath School atthree olicloik. odl ,father and years , an4. under. Billy Thompson; . .. , , , � 11. � I I . . . . . . kox ... ich arrived on Monday ,U only velition. lield-An- BtAoseli in Jul�,'to OrgailiSt ,of., Hullox, chupch,','Goderich, nelghbok. krunel-at sorvico was, held 12 yearst 4ea I � ' , " . .:.. � W , I . ,. I ­ � y. of "Music ,N I - .. ovev, a 1110411son. 13* - � . . � �� ­_ I � . ; - of writing whietv she * -w: -. . aid Mr -4. Ito I .1 I I � North S�. United � �hiiicb* Sufldv, 0 t. e house Sept, loth, g6lifiuctedby ift * .. , . " * cor. *4t gW4;tg,go spftce� for. *4 .1504lice, bf splendid vopoit'has already beoh 1p - Ali A6veitt o,l �rj2� thall-lioual inter. Sept. 28th�, lfth&Y 'id]1001 AUIAIVOr- , N . . ortlmor4, D.D.i Pastor, , r%,L�', " ", I . . I stwilp, 4WANA"l, #h6lig #i - .,.Pa,,tljt unloaded; � 4 time as ii , delej4te, this I Ili . NovIm Boliquet of garden. . , �­, I I � . I I � s, ­ . I I.. I �� . � . . . 11 , W** � I" '. .­ , � . ,a lib . ... - Strat- sit . and' R#Ilk Day. S L -or more varieties, best arroj � . ,4 . , -,-, I , ;� 11 - .. . � or C . $I . � , I � . I - 'lisheft. Ark interesting btisjrleSs� sea. -est was- the ter held. IA 0 , � � ry Services. . , , er. ev. r. allies, Of. -Walton, 1% 2 - Years And under" HQ)on Ille I I i , . , , . :- . . I . � � Z rman, B.A., sod; Into ment 9 I . , � L . � I I ., � ­ .1 Ole by Rev. Dan No . �?q --:,ft oi.rl ifiel * . � . I I CA I bqjq,.w.aj aou,�' f,btd NorrM4 ellool at six,et Ook last MOT'S . , ativo * of I, Q dtcoi r. - Ruth . . I I � . I -16W.T, ' , - ­ '-, 1 ou"' Boom ReAeAcorited. ' � � Sion., then followefl� , 7 I "Pon, - It -is expocted that . I . I - . . � , . . . ... . .... ..... '. . vaing when t e, m9m era "of, the D,D,, of , 10, P. tory ."..'. Betty letow , XcNeo; ' - C ! 1� ­ I — I _____­ _,.;;. __,��— , . siderabIc. ?discussion as to,the. best OV , h ' ' b . � 41110, c I -I.- - . . . I itra and - undor. � Kat)110 U r- �, . I � , . $T. -Un SuAd4Y. SM.t.'14th A'palr,� '.The court roolnui t14 county buj�d� methods. -of interesting. tho. ,mernbers staff 'and their, Wives aiweVed: to do man'will addre'ss,,the Meres .. 12 ye set.* over " ..� 11 . , . I . .� V) L L .. D11 � 10 a -M, Th , ,G00KRIC111FAIR OATE - - j : . . of S�ejqta I laige b1aek'(i,v,_;ji, in � ings. has been xedetorat�d by Mr. X , - hortor. "to Mr'. 4114, Xii, , MbNalltr ' i4y, Noro6n SProul, It4th, P t ,,' ' � ' .,Cleo I!, ,tber work, also to jncrm;o� the at , V�.,B, uoth�. - ci ere will. be � no " .. I - . , .­ St 'Georg�jls 0 v dons in a tlnix�glarjce nt,, the, meetings.,+ $onio well, W-110'.WbrO"M W, ,school s� Vice 14 the after- : , : - . - �r ' : ... � , , I � . . , ,orch. or,fbrx Nebsoa'$t. Se4brooke.' The walls at Were: L g1V I I led durI09 the. Sunday � %1_ ­ . � . I ­ I ­ , . I I t017.02 12 y0ars-'MarY Evelyn '�'eLqan' NY" il . I -ose to jsarnb� 08NIA - leave at Ilght,_'� --,tk collir 'Sp oummAer v04tiOn.ond to, Welcome to, noon. . � .. ': 'i� V_ . . hur Fell,,, Jean McAdanl� !69' '4111- - .1 - -- . , - "' . - ,01 a' rd�, P4easc � I . liff unfl . 'o .J� L in `A,�hjte ' # . jentlia - juggestion$l "Olt - . , � . . . . . " I i � I - ., , . , �voAvronW,,�:cxpress oMoo, ., . . 14 . . . , w,A-,-bftsi ij;PAI, T .venoy IiPpoint� . Th*.follow�g ;tiie�ting's.tif the W. droh, of 3rd �clash ,or over. bii4t tsultv ' ... , , . .1 .. I and the, woodw, , Ovarl), v�hlch �vllj no. doubt bQ carried out. tho�.achool V. M1.116r,.T4 The recolpts, for guto and grand y ': -_ � � I . I . I - .11 , I oil 4fM - Bobby." not ex(teedIVIC �& I 11. . . I .1 .. - b ch ighed. 'Wo understand AQW oldlim Thc nexfm-astl�g:iolll be held -at the ed totho stliff"aftd, M Godorich lair this yeav vo�da­izruest FlabOr . Ili., Tromlil* , . i . I � . '01 ;, � t le to be,la oo: ,the floor inside th5 hom,, 0 -the con I I I i; -� I 4U Terri6r;, n �r% Miller.. At M, W of the. United,church for Huron � Stand at i the, : � Y. � L0S1'--1`o§t0ll' id., , f Mrs. 4�6166rne, St, P;utrip'k . clustorl of the'dinnoi , j, .Dr. S. County. ard abliounced: South See- were- $1017-02, mado up of �,$73-11) the. Prize$ given, by Ca;adl,.% � D p Vt- %� �,N, . . IvItil, Alaite Oct 400,0'les .. � . ­ . - ' Friday, Vt o A I I at fui ILI, -- , raifin­ . . � � - . � hira to Mr., Rothwell -011 I I'll, I : Alr,.A%�. feet V0,111Q�, .ears h,rve, ". . '' I si., iml-Oct. lftli, when the -report of 91100 Co, tula d � tidnal meoting in Colitialla, first oy4ninl�.' !%40.47 admissigna to 0, 'ot , I , I ; _ �� * ' . . . . 0 tot dog'. , ,Le4ve I ; I � , 4 . . thtt rre,�iAcja) Cony atua- fro* the, xazik of . liqW day, 41,ld,.$10U.2�, ment Stores f6r. greatest nuA � I � . . , -tore retutp of (1,0,9�'-,l,(!4V0. r A q Vlrdaijod' �� , , " . I . entl6n will be gix- a'anging ,,his A Sept, ftb; Nvest sectional i . lik in, irouf,ds tho, second . :s obtained in chl)Aren�s'sooilofa- �, . STAR,�,01,0�16V.. : . " , I . I . I - 4 bofl�'diet, � saying 'Port Albert, Oct, 15tlu nbrth,sectign- Dig a . , I 1� . . , . � . . � . : � .. ppeal, -en ''by tile county, prosident,­Vi& boch0bi. to thrit: . ,7 the FaIi;'r6vd#i halt of, tao. gKand pjadtplef�ner Proctor and joii' Flick , , , . - , . I . Two'appeals Illg',-4P' before' .14 meeting ill salem bia the Wroic. . .. � . , I . . C= Bis Lloyd, -of Winihilh,-, Other ,progrant K ,,( stand -receipts. ,. N,-- -, * ` . . . -% I . . I . 1. - I that he'admireit his tholee very, muc ' tied for � as d videdt I � , `114, � . -r's 60V Honor Judg ­Sbed Mr�- Bothwell every, hap. . oter ef th; coutre Sec.' . CatintrI110'MAIX � ' I I ;1 I . Crom 181r�, Mille . 6,L-ewls this Week wbre is, *Ging preliaved.�., Tea Will be serv� iavgO, Oct�'. 17 Htimber wa's thQ Whitler at prlzb, 01th w I � . I 15�-- Q 0 ell 1 , and Wt .Mrs. Q_R.. , ,rily tvird, . I � .0 -by oidstake, 1, . , � conte. .I I I '' Iffess.1h her life in (�Qdericb,,wberO tiOnal meeting ,Ili Wri-Vukif near Sen. jqr j.��j, XCL�,Wen,$ special prize I 1. I 11 - . L6 tt tile Goderivi Vd1r,, ,w9purried, � Tbe� apPeal 6f Mr. % Ldp- e& - � Visytoks-.,wel . I pi of Swanson, Miss :AWO- . . I . — . 't.t" � . ",Ojai) , Pu Lrd In the`King�4a. Leppard Ohe it- , i . . IO'Cated,'-*. ,"_ . � �� 'a, ''Blai'k Rose, . Ilet, ""' "" Pt ., _� � I- I I th4y aro, now' -$Wq forth 'on or�about Octi-3.1st, .1 , . _,Tudge­­Mr%. . . IMbpIn � �, I lyl ob . � , I Z of it 4isli.:fov 'the best j)i�,' Tvlrs�- N. , � I 000 - I r . r - k, "MP"'P 1 4%AW ..r� J I , ,�t I ",E 0 .0 4 4"67�_�' , L I � A I i 1� I I 11 I . , I I , F, — , "' Itty-Y. b r, - *nd ;t_dli� I' , , , I thwo . t, M, X , - ., din , 0 h I � I I I . 41�(Ma rat6,14115 ilotifoel I I � I (1011 I - . . � , , � I "�JTU? laged, offence, being t4lAing liquot- �t * Ir new �St)rleg" Jintle eXpre$SjA% the hdpe. that, AoWe- ' Tile semi-annual,coirivilition- of tile L., Carter won - Mr, - klri4 'hunt's'pritw ' i �hlkeld wa . 9'� he witillOV of, 1), � .. � , , . o , 'Velvet:�Diesses,% a "I t I . 14 .. I . � enl4tgo'd- to' teparate � sleoves. bUkek "and thing mikht turn � up fo brink theta deanery of Huron Will take. p a po,ko�614 I 'J' LWi q 't I . - � . We 113 of , Ino, fea'vo Pal � Alt,' 'chtir , .0!006'6'�ured . ha , � . � � deft1t,with-, 4COMIbi;fy. �". 0� I ; an' inmate�- in, ia0 was ImIrs, ill �or the t*at, r , , L WAITA. pip 61eb.' ( � 4 a a . Sopt;r ''3'0 btOwn. - Slj�os 10) eavi $i).0 both 'back -to Strutfordl'�_. ft .behalf of Trinity,' i forthe bast. I - TuosdAy, I th", at 10130 a.m. to '20 Y ., I I ell; F ordwich, � off. Tues� collection Qtr Pi0kI08,­1Vh%'U, Stoob.. . �'.. � ,� ... . I � I 'peal �ath. -' � . I . '. .� the'st0f, Miss Agnes J I , ' $4:L I of. cratewfed thickens and of A111300 . . - � FOR'SALE OWTO BENT and -the ap; - of Xr; mixtier"Alt, the . vhnston pre- day, Oct, � 146� ," Addresses bi Rev, F. ge: roll-4or -1 �� ­, I'll ... I A I house woh.-Air.,Arthur Currys P best tat � - - I _ � ,& Heitmall""otta '* �, � . . . I , ., I ry e;xTeriences gold piece for -dozen and a hall . bl. bleLeall 3, e,��a- I r Ill r r - t, "'. f Xing V�, XiXter was oulfil.*ged.4o, .0d. 1.� -1 GF,O. W,:SCHAVFER. sented Mi. and Mrs. Bothwell with x� H. Gibbs on "Missibila _' I � . I I . aleal 1, . our I - - ,$ID 4#V. .. I , r.: � - ' ­!� ' I . . . I , t beat PekinL duck. W � ',,I . - P0 . 0, a i 22nd at 10- ' . . . . � r I L - balidsome, ini0tilled ailv.#r tba %el*vl(:ck 'among the BsRimo at Port - Arrison," ton bigeuits. Mrs. llufnl:�r !.had th.4 ell. :L r � . IF. �, , hardwo I r I . 'It ,ina ! a Y. �. . "' "Do'! .dC gultable replk.Aild rot 'IThe 'at ca 0 ' - 1, .. . ,iia', r, , , TOPICS'.%- "� , Mobil It . Ingtit te"' -by- -best layer " pens Went to Thoso � � . _tF1 . awl, S( (I'll a r e." * - . . �r'. ,, URTUP TOWWr vfv� Roth,V�'? . . r $ ii , C I , . � tb, W U 61ce Arid -wDn 1�1k, Cleve -4 c'415'0' h busbol a whe �r . hot. watO heral I to Your Drivtes, Mc6usp �au�d stated at r -be know. now Why the, - Rev. B. W.. StiolV13.A.s - n. 1,agd,* � $5 - piece. ' And � thd beat VV90109, I � I ". . ly �\ 'S PQ , V1111alw1rap I .%,ith Toll � ' ' . I - ' r ",. ,-' �' ' " -,''Ill, GOdericli Twp.' H6SjiitaI1;'Au%. . ­ r I � ,vill be, give I goI4 o Nowo � t� titl' , �A.N ., Mis- 'Wwlei, for heavy birds unit t � . .-AM) . r I , I �#i r I r 'Aln 0hor ­meirgbor4� -of the staff trarfipe&. Rev'. ,Z. 0; Gallagh IVLA, , B.D. of rfu� 1�161 . . IV . iiNii ni.�,4�A�pt. �_, .. r . :1� _" r i,j.,_ _,,,,,,r,, FOR N'T. ra ,and severOl i � acres �ofrrlaail �Sditk'.'��)'C�.�04'.gli"('(")-� ing, on Atilt lloud.' A­�#,Jly 11F,(3.`T%%1,, , Oodcrielf. , I I . ";,. � ,. . I I ­ Q''A 1 Ile i ENT�­Ouaji!Qrtable, ef)AY(MICTIt. 110 wo . oil I sli 1�ttil,dc 'St, 'Al�jply 1()NV'Q,U',,., '.I �_: , _ , � , ,N . �. ', tr tl:, -i_ . . r , ­ ��, . - "' . r r . . ()B &%E'_.;_8,at1que Wal,jut eljaji�S, ­ _. ' F- I... Br ­ , I I , 11�. _' 1? G 1`11*g �V�-) xt..;-.grey '�Bruff' ftilk .1fr4AvA v06w 'Poiftle Urass. b`6d; Toldih,X' bed co r 0&4,tlj�oil Steve gild , * . *;Von; Coal . ratlge� V, spyx*'E, St.. � Gedr46!j4'Qre00eiit,, Plione 613. ' ' . � I- I " r � rl IM,081 1403 .-Al,t�'. " ,hi., �,�,,sr of , I..rlel tilid prjo(Ifiettv,d�1j)* �. goo(I , .IA, gin. ,,,,I,,t,, r, r I . . � 1)ICtu r reoj�lflo�' Iufatloa,: lfarnl� gNoiq t%.",o Mlles,fr&m, Clinton oil Basc-�, . Illyei ]BUll(lir , ,V ,$ L &P 11, giStr 0 � f'.116 . NVI�r�� shing4, led:uous,0_11114e. hilerloc _. bjr---7wIl10e-M!1 Ileen .retently reft0Vt4ICd. There is a. largo, lygra, fitso �vIliftilt iiAdvon�iderd 10 fjut�l). - It. lookwy for a good ,put-- , a �',01)6�r LK%,"f, ' 'r, *22 South '", ""I", I ftoineo, IllellIgait.-PuPther malu Sir 41e 1;1' r,,\ftt. I-IINGLAND, 13 r tor, , lnranljjtleoo� ' I I � r, 4 ris � �.Iintoll. - , : ­_ -1 I �. -1 . J. . �CRRI)ITORS - � ,,'I ....... ��._­�.­� . . 'ATOT�" TO OnpWous, . .. 1. . . , . _ . WNR I �11'. �1' ;,! I" aumc IN TUE - AWNVIT-Eit �OF IT 0; . ,J.&LE,S Aor'AN'D IN THE AlATTER . :- op T11n. .SALE uj;� 1kH9-0QI&J3W1t ' INN A',XV THE Cjv.�TRNTS TiMAEOP -Flt(L\1 �]�LVA. BA10M � TO, (AIN--4,T.Li'FL .',�4l,',4-, .,,: +. , , I + . 11 . �' . . - . � r ; I . � NO . Tl(*4 19, ilEwi-W Givr."N thatAha, , . ,nedr F 010ve n,a .IV1g Baker -has �sold 1ho . (X,bd(;rI0�'l1)n_ A , 11 'a ft , toulcats-thofe6f !I 't th'C'Under'sigif- to ()holep Lee 1- "A .ed bas.Peen gropolked Trustee undbr the pl*vjj�,�onqr. at..t�le ybov� meAtIone . d Att" , - .,.,. . I �. Alt cl-edlt-dv.4 41wajilg elaimit -ag ns tffij) JWdr r'll-4 'galto�.-A.f,e'r6(toifi!il'+:t'o tile lue tame �%N,?Xb '�llcwtruqtce; duly verilled by'Alffidivit; on ot IlWtOre th0 10th (11Y of oct6Vpl, Ift 415tel-'WItch, d9t0,1110, ,Trustee ik,.11T-1~��4,-il.,to, dlstrlbute� the , preceeds df,Uie sale Mon the eredl- j6ps of -w&:10,el"110's, 4le str1i hav , 6, had notlee, ,and thA tile. Trustee %vilt not be Ul�olefoj (f1`0 Pr"ot'e('f1s Of'rSuell' thle or *inty.MtAh(ftOf to 6i-persoa R #ec_L , � +, olafal nottoe shall pof , tong of ,%Nlroop , ____ - _` " 0 tile thfie I -'-,--" - I'a - "�'� rece'""", 'In' __�e h dI5t �b 11 sopteinbeg, o' "tll� V 11 On , Auted the 15"t lay ., 19�6. I , , 1) . 11m;St"t. DANdly. . . � . I . r � .. r r . . I I Tritstec., , . . , I � ­ - .. 1- . I I REAL IRSTATE AND JX$U9A*44CX,1 r 1.11eZ, ACOMENT.&NMAUTO VNS11R- � AN'G& . � . , Ar Xtabet, ol"vorr he, 'hown -for data, muoh lesq� fha'n' '0'aprt be butt, Juit 0 few of them: - - . . qlause, lot., sm,,All ,b3rn, eonwillent JO square,; #A;. Wick. Illowe, well de - ,, po�atedy liloderil., i4f,'ZOG; vfry 1100 bouge, lat.'swall barn, %M: 'good ' thi,*,k 1(fuses frol& ftAM UP. Xtunber grld e(gtal . e1i trom A%,7j00--up,,,'numbC1r o �: good I 'propbivtfe�6 Wh011eM 061111 � ftr3W Uri, ,'*tally thia. farmu Y& about voeit of I PoNV01,01ts. - I 100"kavonit 4vell A"ravfil flne am. ' ., lotqtibn, 84�WD, 40t.soNlIll dWW PW� for -lit ,,required, I . 264 Ure farm. ,well iml)JAOT10#1 10 a-orc­l ti.,11111r, #3,30or . .. L . I I I Alag� oth(%kd, A,.qk al)ollt ,them. . 3N. W. AIWSTRONVi . I . Aeal VO(Alp, Ilene 09,�'. 'Dot go. Godfirleb. Old. ­­- , __ � --- - � — ---T-' - ' I i - — -­ I I , I I , I , . I r . J."K.1- . .ICRAIGIE. . � . I,; I . . 11."A bdukta"aboaft I ­­­_ - � I ,�_ N4� . �... . �... - ­­ ­_ 1. C. H. NUMBER lj Jawet.t.404 - . , THE $MALL STORE 11L WITH INS OtIS STOCK I . � . . , ,,,,,,. r . � illary w tivul, at, the iome o , $S, . I ' y � I 0 en , p,y , 11 � . k i X ourig for. ligav WNW. , R * "s . . ;Car, Who ,,,4W: Ith such , $�,worth of�l . I � . - of Minnio 'Culwefi�.Hu-ron Rd., v4i Wed" about the corfid-olis-wi 'a merry Will gJV`VeL - �4' � I ,.A.,.nuiriber. rs I . L.Aacknow, . . devotional ,,ad-. pound box of choeoltifo Xor 04 bost bert's prize of morchan- - - tr�jad.- Dil.'Silcok exiiiessed his plea- � dreq,;, an v 'on -indyt'_4180 for the gr not btovc tliew-license wlth_th�mt -were nesda�t,--,O�t6ber-lst,-,-ut 2.301p,ni-­--- . -- , ad fin iM'a"Alt, be "given collet -ti of * , h6uld-mada c. eate4 mi'mber.-Of VDIM4 tepoited"to the m4gistratolf: offleii. ..; meeting of the SaItford V­ailg ,14i.4m,iller. to 7the by Ven. Archdeaegn Fotheringham. - obtalnedAn, sovca - (114*303 - has -nit . I ,, 'rhe. innuil ... &+ sure In we ow, � __ Millie - 4246t -had the host si% " Mali- � , n I I,:- ' Those *ho: wore - able fo .. pr641tce 1V�sPftaI1AiixIIiary'*W bc- bet at:th �Stjff uncl'both he and,�jira. Miller to I ,"The opening,meetlog-of the Young .1, golds 0d.liou i400.'0*oC,Wr% gi(-041 boon jligurclt, up 4nd'00- Win j;.,r. of , the , 4jeenge . . .. ,,the homo life of- the �Aty. Replying , Plb'S S lety -ree `� - " I . ­ wqgA, ,, tot - pr6cdow jivAlp, 0� Mrs.. � Oarry - Jenkins, on , DO -of North st t Unit- of a 24-11b., bag Goo, Seliaoter's',irizo of alfMch 00th, .1 ' 1 I cp, - thAtAe'iPpretiated. F ltii� of - t 'd�oburCh 'O.'s %of beat C04,100 . n r , � . tgoinst )u ',v,00."r'kts�iy,ero1ssucd f9r, !J'blifadayg � QCtoborL -2nd,- at 2:30 pan., .Mk- Miller gt0i6d was' held. On mon4oky."'vot* Barker Avon, tiA0,.Wb!-, Ronnie C ,IUM4.Wo bW,o : , __ - ',V,Iia - . , fieti Y.Aiovdii -, - .. M.. <)1ajko AV6 L I m6i� prlza,ok.ja 14-se6di, I&nt8 or b',Olb:;, � . �, . . those , . Other ,neglocted, ..or Aq -Wth#,�W&A-�. , rt 144'%.,_'t bud' boon I ig. '� R g a I' * -ascertained, � . - � I � . . , �p ote, ov': r, ­ � � IM, k . . 6 t6 pro uce-'a I%Ceu',,';'&. �Tif,� law i to iii .fri��tfrk I , I -, , 'd 1 ra . , � IT -114f 3117011lill1_We6tiW �trqtii' and k'about'his tr$ to the for the best colle,Won Of Nwetj��1.03 not 'S� -Hospital Auxillitry will W'beld Xtend0d �` . ­ '.Interesting t:.;l 1. �Qlfeltelv- ,�. - _ , .- . Owing to_t*o,_o4)IbItor0) . veoulre .. 1, driver t;'carr� ' ' er' . �be, Might pinve,0.61.0v of Maritting.. Pr6viliecs the past - �W&' griowni -from 'ItCanio's seedi find -1,.- . I Cror via% - � . I Ir his 'Ueoft'd in - the pliblic.L lij�rflry .1joard, -iiwm on hoped thut 'the saffte entry 1111WbOr . .. H, LG4.X en prIZO list L + with 'him wheil operatink a I Qttr, � ml ., -XQnday,'.Sbpt. 29th,-�.At 4.100,rp.1n_. .A the Oidly *01cloinle. ali�lug' Mir; - illusttilted by ; lantern slides Flick Won a alinilar prize for'flie1est possibility of error In the . � . I . .. . � * 11 �, ­_ ,�_,�­"��­­:,=­�.,­, �:,�. I . � and � Lio: ii,, HdInfiA -each '. 44ded, � &,. few . , � I I -11- � ,,, ­ -, :., I I ­ fidl attendance iil� Te -quested., ­ I i leaned 'by the 0. P'. A. Sole0tions eollectlin, of. field roots'arovM 1*01111 that' i'h one insta.*X�o - , .. I � .. , I lk` ­ ­.. stulailon and­wvlfOAl0, from the WOrk9 U -Miss Carmun and Renn � iols soads, � . ! �. . � flu�l We noilee . . '_dp� Wor . .0 id. prize. for gabbase). . *Q'R',SAI,`E , . . � 9 The r6glitat�raiideiig of tlig"Vo , d` Of cOnlkr , -p � -.'�_,.�: � "...., � ­­­.­,� Aftct'whigh Dr. Silcox extended' tht fjo . Longfellowis _,EVgng,CUn . Oreli's (th 60cor . rich Women's Institute 1vill be held in . m 0 were 1rhe prize Winners for' chil . the name+ of J. 13. millit � ... . UTO l?(,)4R SALE.-�kLaugiffln ,Bulcli, Of � the. other niembefa of the read 6y,'Miss .,A . _ . ,. . � Ave -have ivoll I .. I 'A � '*uagrl ') I lAlacKay Hall T.htrSday* . October 2nd, I -lien an"d Mla� Cheor�, woth Were: us., folloWs". . ­ . ... . A - A o 6, -of this Issue and - this . I � . L, at -9 .p.in,_- Roll tall *w1W­be,, axi�weted *1VTO M, Everson, A.; and a`piin-6'�Solo,by- Bliss, Aln*.How�' : __ . __ �� . e,- Same - - , , . Sli. , -na"ouger 6xich, in s the M19ses'E. 9 -1 41 be I " , go o (I e AD a 01 Q n-.- -,,%,I I ff Wt f i - now- I I i; e-libl- - - , . I . Solinston fitidlg� M. Cottle for ��pre- 'Clummr..'08 JV,0BX-- - ::= -- -All: I ..'stonehOU& � , - - I . . 'i I I . . � .Ill. ._.: I pet ' roverbs. . ITbis, is giand- 1, astr �,,& 'ell afid- a voc6l solo by Mrs. R... Ran- ' ' ' I I � numbota Wer n6t.ekorod oti the , . �. I i C, , � 'to the , Dird houpe� .nsmed�4 years and � r��� - - - , . .: '-'-. . J. W� CRAI aring tho 4itellent rep deraor� were much enjoyed. The, prL-: WbAv ..Prize$ NVOM I - � - o 9 ­_­ . '.�Wierz' flayxand 4 the piogritm Wil I . . . I � Mlgsos�'Catherlhii'xepllay and. Phyllis sideAti Mr'. qo . Ouch a a in .tinder, Motley bloomfleld; it, yeorb judges'-, books . , , � WANTED , , ; put�:on. by the.grandao,ther�,, � � 0 . anan, wa,, , V Ad; awarded.. For, In6tanoo - Mrs. Staft- , . 1. I -�_­­­­ I I � � 1. � Cletn0nde;, atudents. in the sdatiot:46Y, the ch.jij, I I . And undello.lan Gray , Larl .91toomflL I., , 0 winnerr'6f StCond tot, . ,. I , . , - ­_ . I .. 1. K. . ­ inv� I . � -12 _L,]Bh - W a.: I I . � � - " r_ .. 11 tT -ettirl, ; � lissist �qg -.90tv . I __ . - U've., - Vfereou� opgori holls67 NVAS. , , iud ,-- . , , I , . I I I - � .L034A, 1 g if ast :7 - , '. �01,� .A .1-- --- --- --- . "" � � ; _ - � .1 .. - � 1: ­� . , , , ­ , , _Ycatff)� - � _N . ­ "' 4 To-- its -,-,-, , I I I . ­ ­ I _ . �1�1 I. -1 - � I I + - - EV - � Y- salsify an .- . d. I � � . '. M I � .� _ , . 00 S - - I " (W war& ar - , ,�'Ivx,rv,ff"_�:tl u )0� . " . - ­ " z . ,lit , . , _ a on r scatoonil I _ � 1, `tn,trIoq­-;pA�e1% � oal IDIle 617, , 4G�60V � OpLumn �KN - - �Iyii_hqp, - Gus, Worthy. Ta , g not n6t6d It our llst , 1. —` , ­ , I I . . . ,Joan vr6ttor, �, . , may -the u od"Jeb,' , , � � . Sixteen , orl , fN - t -4 ' All of . ,. 4-1 , �:. � is . -a par y' T L JE mliy Munday - - . . gallons of t eer Or - " '11HATI iss'Loola Veim -� jj(�,�Iy 2 * I tifider 'Delma t0ken1r.9 th, � ­ I .­ 1 . . . .., - � -101-TOWET. . :Mi ." - o�;$11)iC000 spolit a judges' books. ­ . - - I I I I " I of twenty-one. wasn't very r X�., � A, 'years 013( ., I �. . . . . I .Aueh,ac-, I Mt4W ,with her pAreitts Aere� ��q;r Tadge� Turner; ,Which goes to phow tho.cllaftft there 1, �. ! I . I I EM-.4norgotic $alm� rdino to, some of _thi4 Melliberg of v '�t Vh'V�0110`013ftg ig the ftsult of tbe',th0'V4 , tit.y. Pearl Itoope, b 11 � - ftleb I() laahage 4 little co _ I golf motchj,�Listowol at 00efiell,. I Alt$, jv.m. Christian.,. of B,': -Blary, Ev61 p. Lee, -for ,error in a prize list; and that _ OP '175 .1111 party, -whibh -took placeItt 4 sum-, . VA I �. Mr. Aid . oVel, 12 Your , are � . Itouseholil roiluoti iiii, the 'IDWIl Of . 3apt. .18th. , , . � 114 . I � - . . I Detroit,, spent. the .week -end at theit J�an Ififiley, Bobby Williams. AC.ah-e the errors are Obt always oil the PAtt '. . O0qr1,0l;- . I tier cottage at Grand Bondi kilowitl 1Thm`$dRY- I ch Cott -age, , . . .� . . ub 434� one.y.lilaklog. 11 I a . 1istowel " -' Goderl -�-o years+ 4nd under, Ehilly'Wilsoft; Of tile 110*APaPbr P lish'14 the � , . � . - r LID To 4 'f'jolf'" " is the 1) troit Ciub!' on. the .6ight of . . n - Ilt,Mftn.'',1.)(,taIl9 firtrish. -Afr& MeArten and daughter, -Joso- a � ed w 14 1�i 11 11 I", � tr � I Itton. THE , il. 9'. Atig'u4t 40-31. AppqrcutlY� tho, Party 1, A-.,Sch'mbe!A O'Victor Elliott.-. A � 12 Yours 4n4 under, + RdbeW� John. (Perhalis 1116t u ually).. _'. I �N. . I I'll, , Kltl;i I . rogressing,,pretty well -for Com. 1M.R,,Hay.,.. '& Ri L, 14oyO� .: I Phille; Of Winnipeg, are Visiting with .stou, Jean Vilpic, Thelma Bell; over . I ICIR GAME ,�, I . � Xf � INY Dept, �% 140. was pi . ­ ­ ' T11 -B % � 0 . 1� . Avoot t1frintre'al, Que. I . . plaints of -'the ` noisiness of the puitY B, V.. Richards:6 A. D. Dickie. . I - Mr. and Xts._ W. 0. MadEwan. ' 12 ears, .Doria Williarnsi Robtra, . � � . . ,- . L. We kot. Stifty , . -it T Have you - � . -of a; Have you Soon. :. . - -.".111, I.....". _ -.. Xviliched .')?,r�vino1sI­0fflccr Whitegides 'W- - A� Xibllot, - 0 0'- I ::,il Mrso.14eggett. alid. son,. Donald, 1, Biodults-9 Ye6is and Un- 1. . 'i law 7 11 the, Dr. T*Yldk�;i..04. G. MCDetmid. 1, Hathilt-op, afe spending the.week wIth IN , orthy; 12 yeas and tin- 1) .Vye(k it'! It. h . I : $ - 1COVAIT Orlw� and be. Paid 6'�Vlait to tbe'flUe'i ' I der, Zlvtk� L., . 0 Made It& $PP#%r*' , � ' �."­;�o_­ - . � - — .� Aup Wra. Clawke.'Ali E, Field.,_ ...... i,4_ . Xv, and Mrs. -James Dblialdlsou. der, Doris. Williams, , Rlulne Trout. Once At some of � the falref lit tho, I . .. OTI(;1-1, 'fji ------ ro�A. IliVIS1(J1N__ early hours of Sunday,,. morning', I , d Mrs. NowArd $� county,, so we are, told,., Thoso who . . . I I X �qy amlOR 3f�i, and found. what, he found, in, X C., Ami4s i - - 0.4ep. -Jermor . - - - I' 5 1, On POOzerA,Of blayi Marlon MacKay; Over 12 Years, ed, ,with a P -Addle - . � . )NV�N,jgllp '(,)I, . : i Chicago, arq_vlsitlng at the home,of 13 play tire, -furnish , ,d(140oRN*,,, : , _ , 10, %, Thomson. MudlIns-9 yeilra . — . � ., , . . eluding the two quarter kegs ,6f beer PronV Toro. . 4 0 W. X Saunideks - - ar 3rl I to tht , i ., and. lunderi Mary Tichbortie,. Ruth ' BY OWEN thd a . .amounting to' 16, gallons � and- a pollee J. G. 33ilk"...0 Chas. X004 I. - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clark, ,an I ivith .a number corteXPOAdIft . - NOTICE, 15 11000 ' ' ' G. bIC04 . - 1'. I Mrs, A. J- Ruggle and soni,Pr ,k, number on o'bolo IA the UArd, Wt court Case, .which. occupied a V,helo G. Grahain�,.,'.O.G. rav . Itobtetsoft; 12 years and under, Doris. � C,Gdrt:�-M be bt1W,-4kur.4uon1t-to Tha . Linda ., - , 0 41 Flortidale, *ere 'Week -end guests which is played. ,Soveral . I dity �cn Tuesday In the boariffigi, re- M. ay.,- Charlo XC,Akins I willi,ams, Katharine MoMurray; over . the "same" I I r, . Owlorlo 'Voters' LISts AeGby Aills, flottor pJ. 11oOt_..%.Grtl"t,%emkins'..'0 With Mr. and Mrs; Gee. Ma�vicari 12 Ye4ra,j utivalfte BloomfioK - 'Pids live mice. are deposited oft tho WU4' � . Ithe Aulge of the Counly Court of the sulted. :Among the, witnesses 4ere 9- " I AJISS LoonfaL Wabiter has r d6vm whigh .9 rAQW0 * 06firj!'y,6f Iffiron, ot4he'ToWhahip-11all, ,gev&rai of . tfiosv wba Were- at 1he C-� 11'. asckinsv'A'. Z ., ft�'. apva eturh94, , J1 , V - go 1,0jo,.Anderoon afid the hole he "Wift- I , '. ,,, ., , It -t�,f � � .4-updqf, _ _, ­ . I ., ag . � - ' ' ' I - 0 , �x­ 1,111W ­.. 101Z - determints t 11. : I I . . partY Tho:6V9iji laid wpie ill 116, uiiajjifi�.&fwy­4��vwv *1twule W;. 1- -*,1,,'0 firot-dirAiPpL . Colboififi. on Nrolillay, the 13111 (lay, of . -, ainst J. F. Varldrick-, 0 �obi'� 0ailt. I..". JsQvhi 6 orkilky;' dats all' un- tlel;bber; '1036, at -2 fo 'to lwar and Ono 4as. G. Murraj, of Windsor, who S, k Maddondidif Di. D. Dtoonc�r'.*. I � elltq, - 141" and Mrs. Win. Welister. - der, KAthal 'Jurray, . r4rl fier.: And the MOUAQ -must totally , . � �- . � . . d(I'mmincr. 03'elplilats: Zt.,urroM and was chiried;wIth having- liquor 1w.a. I I . . �*. I � I I '. I ... ­ �­ - , Mr. and. Mrs,. N; Dietrich, of Flora* Oloomflold, Elatile Tremblay, over 12 disappeat, which odds to the *Xcital- I cialh.,40118 in the voterw 11sis of the place other than lils� private residence -' - . .� 0. 1/1 � '. ' .. . . 12 %, dale. gpexit iho week -end with, their *Aaftisp, Doris Williams. Tartq-P ineut, us very ofton�inoumkerforpta ft� . � I � '' pull: in his fikil after, bim ov rasybe, "lunletmilltv ,0 the Townvlap ot Wt- and W�Itb- � . ,,, �. . I � — � daughter, Xro. 006. 2*14'aVloar'.4nd .years and tinder, Jose Ino Bradley; I . . . keeping it foraitle in u -sura, , . :�,� �,� SOWLIXV . Mr. Xaevjga rl. -- -. - , . L ),lit of 66. hole after StArtift. I . I I bocoo for 4030 ot, cottage known ­418 ther "Detroit ,��,'� . , 12 years and under -Votharlhe Me- backs I � ted tber 23�1 da�, pf..S6P,tembcr,- IA. M; . Mrs. -Ada-Walters Aud'her We I - The� Proprietor$ Of �., <_0 NVA P awl"'PITTI, - I rals I - . * ' ", Uurrays Th 'the gatoe'elfilmed it was Olt V**t At - � . �. .. Club." It. was on, Murro,s,'s'permlt I At4kincitrdine on Viriday last JA a I Onto- Vell# Blaine Trent. ,down all . right. I : I it. 410. MORRIS, . + . that. Agured - in this Jitney � toukhatnent It. McNee, C&tahinee�. uro visiting .friends in blay,-. over 19 yeafis, Lollftlito Blffom.� . ' , � . I .1 �7clerk df tbA:N4Ilin1eIP1I1tyj' that. the liquor and 3'40� Brantford, ,. I .. I I �. I . . � no of 'the fairs where' Peoiifuta - , 1 . . . *as pfotured� and his permit Bisseti of Goderich, were among the, field. Dead work -9 Years and .un- 01 ­­.­. �-- . %Avasulp of. Colborne: 'Party putchuses 6f 6rislaerable, Prize winnalls. '. � I I Col. And Mrs. Alexander .Cowah,, of der gVelyn Us, .10011&tloli of Woods Constable WhItoides Was looki" the I I . � __ =_ -_ — ___�_ hows - ­ _4- Is . �artofis games over, but the 06"r I � . , ' %�. loctll* tournarout Dift Mon�, n ss BlAigaret Dale, of _J'i years and. undegf­Nora Juelt, . . . . . , V+OTZRW LIST ' , uniolfritai onough'to Jead the. Crown At j I I simply asked,tho questiorl whotlisr. IL . - -.1 ...... ,". 1. .. - I ­­ � . ...... J."'a ........ , ; _ so, to I doy: P. liltrtill-aild Dr. Gra Kitchener, were guests at the home, of over 12'years, X Trothblay Simple I ONVIN11,5111p OF ASHVIELD.-NeIrlull. Attorney, who prosecuted the u - ham won James matVicar'. .. ., woodwork (spec1fy)­MarIx�t.Gib3oni was a gnmo of chande and intimated T - � .claim that tW Magistrate bad 4 fight Ifitat 04d, I CbM.'!Hlack and Goo. Mae- 'it oarg� It's i;hown. wb*rt ths - or knistr Pu�=,su up - (yr. , fl� Victr s000nd. . ' ' ; � -A,,V!%ia, d Xro;V; -Thos. Johnstoji and &,olyn Wilson, jack Cutt; 12 y i readiness to be VoTriays, LIST ,voll f I to presume sale. 'A i man , bame 4 that, the efiker I** I �� 1, I ... �30, I ., .1 urg, a distant rellation of the On TuesdAy tivo. triples, ftoul, GO& I Miffs. John Bell spent the and , under, Madge Turner, Eart skill came In, At � I I . - . ­ Lindeb week,end with friends itt Hamllfbn warks,he would 110oner tolm a eb A X(A10Vi IS 1181AIRMY' 0lV'P.N 1114 1 famous flyer, wet ,understand, figures ,rich. took Put in a tournaitent at ,I Bloomfield, Sstber 140,' over .12-YrA,, = � have , congplie(I %'Iril �Scetjoll I of tile in the Case as the advance Agent so Ludttiovi but did not.Avin any of the Horlittgtorvand Milton. Gua Worthy, Stewart Griff,.-Tovesa oll playing such A 0me' than Olk 60 ' ' I - 1,19i Nbt, and that I Jiqvo pqted to. spe4k who oderldt glayets 'weve Mr. and Mr.& Cecil Gairley and -12 yra, of ifia sli ed d games of skill that. .. ,Voters' Made the preAiminary 'Prizes, , The G . ftechler. Diffloult woodwork� ' ge �!JAC . up In my ohlee ell the 9th (by rif Sep- arrangements by Which Murray TCAt- 1. D. B astman, Itobt. J'o naton and J. ,baby, � of 'London, are visitors at tile and under Gordon Yule; over .12 yij-, .40 QPe , -_ � I teknber� A, 1). 1030i the 'INE ol' f0I Per- ed the Cottage, $50 fOr a week,, but, - It. Wheeler; and Jas. and Peter Bisset : home of Mrs. Garley's parents, Mr. Stewart drifi. Dressed doll -D years loersian 1301fit-tho, Ono toilet to. i"1114. -ell,11M.41. to vote.1111the said Multi- on advice of contact, Linddliurg did and V. Toole. ' . . .1 . . and Mrs. Win. GrinArod. West St. ' and undel* rsmll� Munday. Eva Me- I idt.. the dainty worasn. De.� . .1 cipality at. munlei,pal elections, and, not. dopour at'the trial. Magjstratp 011. -Tuesday evening the.lady'llowl- I Miss Catharive, mCratvfbrd nnd Ws. Ivor, Phyllis McDonald; 12 years and ills to � es, na stickiness. . . . I lightful to use. May 1. tl"'lt oddllj 11st -rentallis t1lere 'or '"Pec' Reld took 1be, view that Lindeburs, L era put on. a mixed tournament 'at Webster and Bert MeMatitis have to- under, V sther - Lee, Allen - Volland, ftiftly absorbed by tits thisues. I tion. And I hereby tall upon all votprs was the real man behind tile Wholel doubles, but partnerd were thanked' turned to L6fidon to, attend Western Margaret Morgan; over 12 yrs., Tlieda W talre Immediate o0jweedings tor bave University, . . I licately tragrallt, Imparts I% vel � ,error. omjlsslow� atfAIV and that Murray Wits siti%PIY' Aft6l' each gitme. Of thd ladleg Alva. LuMby, Joan Lee, Doris Williamo. lovelineso to the complexion. " any 4 or veorrected ae- I Mr. '%Y. V. Saunders, of the Book Kii , eordfrog to lmv, Tile last day for Made his tool, and, ill the 080ico of Murray won first prize, Mrs, W. Gla-- Itting"19 yeara and under, lip tile n1da. $oothei* And lit i�s . I V hejfl-,!� the dIrst. of, Octoller, �8'.ghl: any.positive evidence of sale declin- %ter spoolid. Mrs. ff, Edwards third, of Montreal,'with Mrs. Saunders and Helen Tbontan. Bed Sproad"O years I .� ,tie, I , Ia all unpleasaut ,roughtless or eltafing 30, I � � I ­ ed to convict 'MU04Y on thAt count Urs. A. J-0olath000. f6urtif and Mrs; UVO Children, have returned from."a and under, Betty Johnston; ov'er camed by wind And other weather . WIN 4111s 001. day of. &ptembel', but iftosed 4 filf6 Of $100 on tho ,0. GIXIII fifth.. Irbe, gontlettion prize three wcioks, visit with the gotmeea, years, Madeline -Procto). Broctor 46nditiona. Make's hands soft arA . A.. Ili 1030 , , - -, �� . . parents at North Sydney, N. S. . construction vibric-9 years and tin- white. - Creates so elulive� essential- . I . . chitrge � of haVint ill It 111106 -Other Willneri -worb Dr. Bull first- T- GIA-, Mifla, Jean Cowall", of the Goderleh t, Tay. I , (". m.-me-Doxialf, . - . than his Private residenee, and Costs zler�jejocoild. F, Hunt third,* 0. Griffith. der, Gch, Parsons, 1209 'Cut I i '(;I(,r1C 4:11it Tossihsillp ot Astift(M. , 'Collegiate . Institute. staft, ivas, it% 19 years - and I .IY femi"Ino ch,pM. persion-130th-je , � made It *8.50 Moie, ,or in dethult'i fouvW.And 3 I-X04vicav fiftli. Saturday , - Mond Ilirltor; mder, jlfdiSpkh%1)ld to Women of vefiffferatlit. , I I.. ­­­ ­­ I - ­ , _4 httelldin6v the 'to . oqbjes Barrie oil . , - _. " �. A�Iftibx iii,98—­1 1, � _ IwWdiftg of bliss Margaret Ross to - - " 'roll. - "The:, m3sioit. Rind of North �,stt*fvt I —,;,- "-16r_1=_- TA io . , term in Jill. A, hurried trlp- to Otand � OA Weftoi' ki afterdoon .0 _,h�Graj, Laura WoMbold,ga 7 unit., - . . _ �­ . ,lend d batic, --lrbile thij siteumd irs. bot-Aifig touthaintirt.'wao held oli.+tlltk rarallton WhinwrishC in &.,,,An: day,, over 12 Yeal's, Wl 11. -9 Valted church is holding % t#a In tbt ' ff� "" � Tinker . I . �.�Z�mw,. ov, �Pilvm �sig(5,-, ftahl4d In. tourt, prevented default God6rich grons, with .20 pairs of .11 toy , co4struction ' work AUG""J. ' - ., nd the $103-50 WAK paid in uriltod bO*ILNr8 -in, the. coMpatitiori, �. three , Androw'q (Jiurch. � . � % I . ­­. I I . a I Miai Mary Howell. of Toronto, Is ,oara r,nd under, Harold Mobrift, church on Satarday, ftt. 27th, ff*" At tile red, barn, one -alkle eagt or states 16oncy., :Crown -Attorney puir,4 front- win� iii, thrpe front Wh-. ' Harold Daer, Jack Cott; 12 veari and s,ao u4tII,,i._P.M.,, N , 4, , ­-, ­ ,. A . 11 . Unde I Nell"'On- " I I . Hol,files progectited and P. X. HolMes, Cardillo, two 1kout Walkerton, one SIPOAdillg 'tt 96UPIO 'of weeka at -hot' .under, Harold Holman. 'dtrdboard + 11 I At the egelf froM-�Hafnover, Hewall, Luck- homo'�,Jlpro. Miss Howell 13 to be, congtruction. work"Jean - Lomby, Fall SPtTi8j1-11tavY:. Satin Foe* ' * lated in having gocured the SATVIIOAI� fX"T0ImIt:,1tl1 � Jr., -deted for the defebee. Stratford, Blyth and Clinton, _n - �,I.qthc,r Me. Cream eandr-9 years Ceepe In black, Uvy. "Illipine browu . v(0,1fifelfaill 4tj.30pjm.�061,ollowing: conclusioft of the case the Magistrate 6 �146 I '14 I I ,now G6detich. The _00.41tion of litiVartAh of thd Cal)3di011 aid id On I . handed out iiiinte advice for the con- 1� alle iliteen fiom, under, Edrietitt Jobilaton; Eva and Avon green, 36 ineh#* wi.e. , , . _ 11orsel . � 11A ,& o fy"UAA Off&*A& bI#AWA 14AVA. -� ..&. �,a. .# #U. �nhta A*iA �whtvji School.of, Art In, Toronto. Mervort 12. veara and under, Mar- special Price, 41-45 . I*r y& . . Vt (, 11 Ose Irorse. Zj ylmrg 014t - tArl V .4A. . . . . . - r IlorSp ' ltkg to CKA104 AS to WhItt WAS 110t 141- vAtietY 4 R01(si"Al If .. $�'yfsapq old. lle,kvy - re, 4; (�'Jra 0111.1 - dpjvin�,* inarp, lowtil bY Our laws,and momep of thojio3 lollbwst 10"�eafs old. 41c y horaf Q Y&iva old; present Said in that case, thty iould maii, 41, .. it river. . � �­. have % better tinte in the States ando plu� of ,1 I ;. ­ file I in fset, thit t1ley bed better Ii4ttor G; lt�" filp vww 'J (��i old ano, in Xoi-.; Over.th,,pre. In,thot prolli6ition COUVI. 6-64 * pI � Mark Cott, ­.�p X i1orinsing'. 1101. try*, They 'resented ­ the ides, that Crs,*Mri ' 2eill vmv 3 'Ve . t , , swPosed. to Ile they *ere flolar Ott the hitht of the and A pli P�.A 2. ,A_p�j In Nit% Ayrsiii . g 9 Aupposed to Ile - 0 r� .. . , 1, maid thty wert not ag noisy sides all alf. laf* farl - I a vearling heIV Ili P� - . � Party aul fra; 13 (alvos'. . *8 lots Of, jothers, and that Others throe wI I NN"I1Xfie6w4 Wert earrfing 01% I*ft* than, thor ,am J. P � piw, brett two twiliti1q,* w0tv ot were, to whieb 66 angwer *at thit -ond 4 pli tlioleo Lay: qmnWy ot p)ot twi woon- verhaff,pome of the oth"s would 1* 4. Nts L _ wal'Alty gee ryt; OW06, to be "iJ in troitble soorfe or later. itirld It i on. f ros(P. , . ". " ­1..*.*0"-0o.*.oW," it will , to Ord upoler, ftth,. -elot to towwooll with V* offiftlas of sky- be rffi;n1h# oft , %:M tAnIjAble POW, 4 olt r RetAy-to-Weitr Dertment ralit W" avr Petit. mIrA,, it a*.Avm for imtlt. Mwaitairg wo'sftt IlRoAnot foe om MINF-'M PAVV%WM)� ,IA. 41WN,, *eelc only, d" -pa" at $5.05, $7.96 IA d Aad �. 1 9 P"flefors, $9,95, Alt shod" aM_ Ai%#*, " I 04101 - i , , - ""' ­ I I � - - - ­.. ­­ �... . "t. kvlf �117461 M M"A' AUM104ters. GEM W. SCRAtJMR. e7e. �" . I I � I . I � I I I .1 I I I � . i, I . " - -.- . . - . . . - - - � 1. - ­ - _-1 . - ­ '­.- ____ ______A.___C_U_1t 11"w_ � . em we . rt.,Won its, �� Mr. and Mr& 1. W. saxter and *arot Taylor, LiTCY Rarrisonj Mabel - ,� - �, I q�:,_O- - ,. , � SCHAEVER. . . lark *ad Chap- �,fiqq Margaret Rxxter, of Wyandotte, ganders', ,over 12 years Edward Wlol- I . ilit ivins and * mijoh., Mr. J. W. narneq. of Wili4sor, and, Wvelylff U�t Barbara Thomoon. CAUD 01P THANKS I - I And Mr. and, Nfrm. J., X HendorSon, Mounted C611j!CtIon of OdUeationjil T4_) tile 10311Y 'WhO '%Vf're'ffriVMt§ Or Z. I I � F. Hunt. and 0. A - � 0 jjj� e nor I . J mrich, four, winq Sarnia, W6MI, V151tors nt Xorth streot pleturps-19 yetra and tinder. Blaine Al", 411` - T54"t %1:0 'tvislk I i--� , I I , - . i4 by Miller and United par�orAge this week. I wettiMay'. Jack Lorentson; over 12 lqw�l slavere 1713"W for , k1a,lo"a I . I . 'bram. U I - Pe Wo M- aftit for lilml. F Mrs. Arthur nuchallafil - with ker . . I ,,IWoWA dvjriht4� It', ­ _4� t,, iant, three -wivis 'Vetts, Robins, & UVA no 4:, ,nd Ryfllvatf* to tier, bereivei I . a6n;George and djaughter Mtr.v, find l3loomfield', Doroth,v N, yole, . lain ,an,, � . .4 rth by A. White. ; . y - . in, of Goderieb, bor brother, 'Mr. Geo, Mdllwsdn� left oelving. oft I eatton 8 in, ,,square, -flom. . 1lTJSfkA-1%1I�0kntI 4111mlIFS., i , ", 14 of It', fifth, ft� by motor on Saturday even ­ Med, allowing patch, buttfinholo, and . . --4-1.1i', - q 11, I I - 1,1� 6rith�, tbw will%. ftfaws. whow thoy will visit ra. button -12 yearg find under, Jean M� ARAM L -N" I L . Me,, in, Flick, Ruth Daer, Esther U-0., over WnST13A WIVOCLUIJE�_--At (jWWJ#rW* Il, F. Martift and Ruebonstn"6brotho, Mr. $. Mell r *C �:. fich, thVee 'r *"J. 0%. 0 ,,, , . win!r ind his fain, Ig yeirs, ftbillit Solfram. Louvaine on 03-tur 'y" .,,- vV%W, . ,, nly. __.�#. .11 e. Chil. liev. C, F. W"4110, f.10,1hor INIft1w 1- I HLYTHPAIR Stlq- 23-24 daughtep of 51r. ariAt stro, ,1.41; .Nk, * fifth and sixth, I � Blountloold, Dorothy U. Yal , oere fle-I' tuid it dreft'a AProng-1,03 �AtArm Afld ulldert . , �1' Clow. 460 V'�Irl GrorAi. AV ltorf.,k we W " 11 6 rAlative otfind. Thp imAual PsIllrxhibitlon of Plyth M * rJorie Emtman, EmbfOldt'ry, of Nfin (11101 Mrs, #;e,4rg0 %V,(4eA*ffr0*,i. , .�.,, a. - , AgrIcultural Society will be held Ott colored,centrepiece $nit etishlolf top-- I I , , " Dhe . . 'Tfiq�&dsy MO Friday, 1%vt, 25-20. 9 pars And under, Mary Tiellborno; bilto � I ,_A,�,.;; �� . . Ito th6 ffilt1mv. on ,tile ev'Aning of vrfflsy the joy,� It y ClArk. 3pon llfllftllj.%�-At RAIIIJ ,-Io, 'Molq , - ,,, , � ,a yea,ra %,Ad under, Rob *Iulj�f�_Iy. I.. ,� '], I 404zoivi ProdaC- eageraof Toronto will prentht 4 pro- � over Y., sra*V8, Mary st3pletoti. jfa Ti 14,pt- *--.4i, "I"y . , I � , 1VAAJ Lift bfj�,Mof'Aol 11011. 111'1�1 idot:v L46t 844 Vanity eoto— beri4. 10C.U.tt.-A 1,10o (69 11, .!"_!" J. Ile � - I 1�rob;; � , . Q ., � . .1 I '. I" " I . I � , 11 ,po .1 I . . I I � . - . . . _.1ji*ANft�0__ — - ­- -, -A - _ � _L _,"�_A - -1 - - -