HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-09-11, Page 6,W- __ - -74clk- — - , 'y_-___ __ IqA � -%� — - --,- , _ - - - __
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W-7-4UT, __ __ I 1-111 i — _ .,.-.-.- � - - _ �_T__ - Z M& M.-NOW7 _ - ___L___ -111 - I—— - ____---._""0#M0MM "I"I"I
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__ - . .�_ m�w_*� 400, � em . �-_ �- 1 1 - � — - �,_ -_ __ I I .,�..W�- "0- �
— "_,.---"I",-
I i-nTwa and sD ri-da bek�,;*A �_--_!�) a-) a :�' - �
w em ter of &ia House QV C`��=,,ou-i!t I I
and I*tQro us .� wo-u4rof tba HoUs" � Werkh 'a, 14tuter0ce of Plning � . * � .
cif C,owraow? prv�.3 gailerry, to IS,irk � ?w ,1.0 Filifts
. I
John A. 5%�Amazd, C�nalv,'a fim"i - I .
" " �,
I f"OE-ne Mmn,�,Ivr ;37,1 F'Itbor of 0;3-
. ,
9!c.il2tcat'�c�r,.-----,,.�--.....L-�-..� _ . ,- __ - _1�1�y�5-11��001.scrib!! Wh* Visit$ tho "Poettiest Town .ft �
11 T:4� lottei j3 One of a m,!�St trea. . ft. - I mom � 400"M 1 1 1 1 _
4 .-1 Al i.;- —1-1 ;,� �I—Anv,nA I c4nadit" En Route to Bruce peninsula
- � A_1110114* TO BRING SC�� Alp,. .9ul.,vIc.1,;.Vr-,f Wgr�W �' at Me Dominion Arzl,iWa� at Ottal= I . . I . ... - .43malft. 0 I �
. I U1401'AT #JV (101,0XIES - - CANAPA AN't), V;V5T ,L%J)JM along, with �ipndrcis. of ot!v'rq, slnr�o.. --a , , I^ 4% I )
. I __ � . . . A TAUP np vtjr , I . I
I I ,
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I.. I 11
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. 1.
%I CA 411330'a0co"101, AM S04100 04 greM. . I 1� I -
CLUSt;X10 VAN'awa, G.-tana, ,,,_�evt. Sth ft=10 to, The M&O R V A r1r, T A UW1 , I . I I I
utta'Aa, "".ept. Mh (SJX�Zpl to 140 se, m, most r�'Morzl- � � 4.
intorw. Quo of V, I 0
'Stw� #.�-,,A� ..ullint4inco an.—Atm votp0c,1144Lgat Of pwailr` 0 felturm of tilb collog*)n and � I—, . Oka Iftmos �� � iMa �WL& 1UL'a i
and un dcr- ,,.nta b,nrmcn Uktaada owd tho Wcat, 4i`14 , ---"-- %$A& � . �
1�z'arii-,'vg tetwcxn Canada jan4 �Now.11ndlco aq a dcfin�t.o sWp ZtArlard clowr, Of otbers Mt. it, is the vaslt amount � , A Graphic"bescriPtIon of a Picturesque I
TQJl1;'1,,jI,-4 .-f �w being w Cf Mall of the livea of dwzo Wer -1 .. I � Telp 11 I . . � 7"% 0
. W M wu,-bt, By zomfl,C1041 velations bc�tweoil tile two . . I - - -MA
�1'IWW* 94- M-0 d,,.0JfiiQwi ato not cuuntriati i3 urged by His B'Scel:owy, whlea in �Cuttwo tagea will ba nrc ot _-.1 -------- � -1 - ML . .. --
r'-, 4.3.01. AL is only 15 the moot fruitful Oourzea for No- T120 folloultio vc.�y grapi,4,- &-: , I . A04L ,a 9910 -4 .
� 1, ti n 0y. I ton of ntrip w),t1le'urtl2a pen -.J �,Libn,s Breath-To'k-l"�'4 M-arlz�. . I � I Ma%ow" IN .
.1 MUC3 from L. I,UW4. Z �It. J014 03 , C. G., 0 graphlea and other historia writingi. ceript 10 I
,,V�Iih -Igq:,%�,�, NOVA szow, tj 00T4 fx'n,�r Ot tib-,L�nward 1013.nd, who is . " Head is sppa-vwly tho laut - - n�
all Ba2face" Xvivfcutldlana�, yat tb4 Vl*%11VIr,, in cima4a-' flae, Mter is dated tho UVI of Afar, inw1a i5 front. The M-Magoe Reformer' c'utPO5it Of' CivilizN40Z biltoro. the I 44 I
�� tt� 1880" and says: , hie, A 4A)MO. --ka -*Z& , I
iGA la2t; %7001Z. ,Tile author of the arc 1. *
" j'te)P!0 flo w)� min&g. andtl,� not Johnoon 13aid that LIS vloft to 10119 trip 6 Tolierwory ON&
La�w ci;,,,4 cuter. On noithor ,M0 Caw4a butl 1con ftstiptcd -by tbroo "My dear $r. john. --I have spolwa, vi§ltcd 60deriell ta route aud lound , ,A little 1. *SIL ',�",11111116:16 I
ilshing village, Yet rotpjnj�,- th'a aV
- IV.1.141 it �0� vaid. with throo, other North NWA mem- tile town vely'LeautifI41 and has SOU13 pearsuce of bristli,ug setlAty .9itch - : 0
- that there Is an Intel- lmvortavt prublems. 0.0 wanted to bers i c6pretinst the ramor that Cbat:7- I complitne-MIXT thinap, to say a i��, A$ 0"cKkk 0* %r .
.11 ligent ce3ception of the other's V - promoto tiade hatween the Britiall. , 98,1411azterizes "ally lot Ito Sauthern On- - to% -
.ro though 'he ,fal to into tile rather com-1 -
I W held in Qutbee in, f3eptew,,Wr 4u4 Wecit tildlea and the Ildtish, Empire les IL Machint6sh Is la be the Lt. torlo brothers, it is end9wed with a -S._ % I . I
I 0 lat ko
- a� T.10 village is .,
Oeu. A-4 the first commontles which ou a larger r.cato than it is now. Ile Gov. of tho North-West Torritoiles. Of 6UPPOSlug that the i breath-ta.,king beauty. **"A$0 044f W 0 T114, AX 1 "
, exi, ,%tweeft the twa adjacent exinwsed 1XIM101i as' iory Interest(A - should 4,11 be :woll pleased with UIldi , a in the A.Qentral Park aro , well,ulgll Irresistible' in its liletures� � I 1. oowbiv� I
tas stttl W I Wc at uildints. Vie "write.'r 1,� � , *AN"* P J
'a aviation in tho B t! h W t . I Stretching far out of � . I .
Britt"411 V01 -01116"s. Is tli� regent putry, in C1 - il 0 es 11 tho ap"olirtment. Ris wife would Municip Ot aue grandeur.
Ot NkMAQUI01011d **U Member Of the Fudles A'Ad %;#s anxious to develop fust Suit au a lady paramount In I th - motor rumble article failed to, the ,joutl, XQ"Oss R,gres-blue bEiy are � . . I '
I .
. VIXIA Roaft Asso0ation, Due,to, this V I togire ilying. and asr,lst the eatob- that social atmosphere. She I$- ),Ind. reac o rhioray bUt h6pes to do, So mountainous cliffs, their w1vtone3s ill . . ,
, .. 11
a full mew -are ot eordiality ,will be flohment of regular air lines between ly and MaMntosh would take fare some day, by aeroplane. F41. thosa gligelling in the suuljghf� oi� thg� � .�� D ROtE, . .
catvr-ded to! NWOundlaiid at sill - tho Canaft' and the Byltish West Indies. "he was not too in ueh.on her dignit,V'. `wllo h4vO n0t Yet-Ill4`10 tile trip to afternoon, ,T,,,y�,6 tiny C af � . I ; .
t0tiventions thro NVe ,want a ,governor,s wife who the "TuIV 'we are reproducing the ,the bay. while . twspd, on I �.. I
ushout the years. - . for out io the, purple, ..
. Tho dovolopmftt of Antigua us a won't -think. beroelf 0ove overvbo4v, article with-ita ver,k�tlirjlliug, story of, haze rose e shores . R&I, �. . . . I
. .. . . r t .. a � ..� I TEh.. .� ... r
I I 0 Newfoundlond i6 a generous tuyer winter resort in order to bring tour- The e' a picturesque trip. I I th Of Northern- On . . . . . I e � I - t, I . I . .1
. children wQuld, also add to fli � . I . . 'I
: Canadian mereboindise. B�Oorts Is" to We. part of thevorld is -4 sub I I �tgrlu, To the hati)I)r Were , I I", . .,
11 Mch HIS 0=,,o of Government - I By. T. C., M, - 11 sailing boats of averyalre sine6v itilig . , . , I "O .
to the Island colony *rs'over $120,000,- ject In, % llency Is in Voclal ch3rae.tor . . I I tottil I. I - . i
. �Uouse.7: ut is signon oa.�V. Davin, lation,opolled on*Ml 'Great Ukkes, I . I 1. . " 05 - .. _ . . "
000 a Year. . Apart from tbolron ore ested. '111alill 11170'. now boon draval . , , Away up on the far lend- of'the 111� j 4
llotj . . I . . ." -
,a : r I tC . � ,
. a , , M. )VI . - 11 � , � Ma . . ;
I 1�1: �. . ;, mined by tha� Sritj�h F,k"'piro Steel I . lonted Bruce.Penlasula- Is a little dot'� mall dinglieys,, fish tup, Schooners . � .. I ,
.1 1. � , be, knovom as' The � � The Air k; on the walk -and barges; .all W. I ....... � ...... . . . . . . � � NEW
. e4mration *t ule, tole C0410da buys � tWel S 404. . - Mackintosh mentioned I -Tobarmory. Where the Otte, tb;ro 0 . the -, � � I . . I
� I to will lnolu4o !.It It �i � U _ I . . . I . � �
14*16 than * Inullon a Awo ks, - blue waters of Lake Huron ter$ Of the bay pound. I
. year from Nowo ai )to country Club, Alivo Way and has recently ,publish shoro, the wil 401AM 1 . .
. � I
. ..
. � foundlIt"d. 11ji Imports from 0-I tio , acili '68 und- all """ I" n -ed' 4 --book on the life- "of Sir John. with the green that is Geortion * Ing on their now-unsoundi hulLz�z - I "ftq"M1%$-- %1*UM**"W&%ft �,
17"iteft $tafies 0"ttlo other! co i -Although We, �Tackintosb has; slo . - .. . - r .� , � � . :;;;; 1: 1, � , , .-Mod, .1
I . . 11910000 year v0A.Unces, for -a resort df that kin . Co is a little, village--,Wberni 11 le Ifere wi decided to JuquIre. _ 4,RQW - __ .-�=:='_ ;,
. a , . I ' I
, . I I
� � I . I . . . . I . .
and from the ttlior 0 . . . Tossed *ways the children mentioned wbi and wherefore of ove If. the road to T61,%erinqry?,y
. I. I $6 000�w I 0� . Catty only I - �. I I . site ptomil.t6t which we h . we fir4,Q4 Iiortiqx grow hardy Vanadlan trei?s. "" I . . - - �
V: 1* . � 0111LURSN'S 0161188 citizens of Ottawa. been bard put to discover. I . f at, one old, 1gritz" nXt1V0- 191hen -- — at�."._Vt. h,V,14 vls� Unur I ft q M �
r . I . I I .
� . . w1res t4tivt on, Imptessivemonampat,to. r. . -- Aer 011001� his Ito 4, "TaVoamai?ktibN� Only i� #ny�,,,QhIPmUnk, scot- . I
. I Zovernm*,P O . 4XPA11D 114 MIST � At anyvate, last Vrida . . .
� I I .1 th * . .. . � viwcontrlbutQ liy his co Va. 1 V In glaw a . - ' r ' f
� . 0 .4,41 Ottawa. $opt. 4 $,th (Special to The tho Afreres of jug over a map of this fair province �-+e said "&'-fte north -about thIrt.y Aling f0i Coy 91 ' '
. I MIlot"Vo#Vontlo" J)t ,tbfl x#00014001) to, � . nect,$,g4llery, stja4u in a prom,r Of ours.we saw 0 I I . ,nd �ilorth, of U . . � � I !
4d'$'900d bUtAft"Mik-� A ' i "' � s on -the ot 1 -4) -,' IDW�1�0 '7" 7' '
I . I land t will atterA � , , i little Speck on i.�hefilnle. -(X04o .Ov� ,�ras_4kwq Ve, I �
-i ;,.-,.i Z u- -.:-_1 .: _. I I
. � . � bo'beld ill Q%Lbt,v, In $eptter4bgr and ftar)'.v�Vor& 114�':_-'keodlfed, "Oftsiwa 1�0�t place in, Beeebwoo'd Celite , id of a- F od 5 �
, .
1. . � I .. - .0itaw,%. . - .. . _ . , tkryl niap; a, very little speck to be sure, vaw, And a mite i.4ekey.11 Ife: thian torti., ata *0,8, apitherh1liger, bask�o - . - - ��-''C I I � 1. .1 ", � . . I
I .
. thoi the province -of Nov& cotii -is . . . . I 'andr by it was thew&d "Tobermory.11 surveved the. nicklo, on our -c.4� with. ;cte4 sunlight R blue, -. ' I
. . .1. . . ,. I , all f"Iture, eonvtttions. aud mottinga * ahead- rapidT ib boys! and 4 9, . I � * . I Ing In the refit . . , . .
. : . I - . . at 00 inter.provinelld vonfor#1111M jUmplity, ; . I � . The iiime in itself is somgwhAt In- an 3PPArOntlY 40roving .ev,o. 11 een Wafor was quir � " , � . � S.i � I ; �'.
. I ,
�., I . � . . : girls' fartii glu� *.Or; '. , There are,mw OwNSWIM 19 , � r�r�letreotlng, ,and, the � Oke igb"� . I n . 0 . .. I .
. . I AITOMV-Alv� Ancient � volov�, ba% ex , 14440ft of the Rues$ y0% in It in ty4t � air . . a
. � . ;ltnatt4ined do I , hi
. 1. 7 . . tended, to the association �An Jav more titan 2.00O.'moulbors ,in that I... ,� , =40101�A-41N6 vabig ii ,"MuOi move 60. 'Wh4t on , h� ventured, I � I . $t . tion.- , I . . . � .. ". 1. I - I I �
. . . 1W . . aco ' � earth, � I ' ' , _1
. s y6ar, working on var- I . . � . . - . . ,. 1 4 , �'.
. r'St. 10 It 14 *XV60f*d utiou in , rVoderloton, X$., Sept, oth, fto-t I ) I � � do . I A Tortuou-14 Trai . .1
I . , tion to bold the annual oanW provineo thl , ;Not DesiinW to Meet' - ''
: . i , -projects and tho a � r I � it '... �. . I .
. . . . I . or , r ? pparetitly . . I 1.11
. I � tar).-Wvo . than 700 r4nop we again and ,s&4, )Xbire )Vas Tobermory, here .
of clubs is 133. 1^4 year . th 0- roAssu - . i happy � . *6
. � � I � _bW#. _t111.4t the ious farm 416bo clal'to' The 8 miles xud 1. vvjth this ' In Out hearts --we: 1elt "both . I" I Avoid O,e, and .1"dilmati .13 - ,.'1111�� I 'I .- 1.
. . . . p . . new amooetation wbich, '1�% of territory. has b . It is gas forme& by fermenting . I �
I . � -will ,bo 006 or wero but.79. elub�, and the yoar ;Orr 8fluarb IM fle's f the i1daicat celitre of oivl- $ In a tu I
� e- em set opt ouv, our tillad . . " , .
I . . . tho ,hotxrowdw *;t NeWfoundland's * .asido' in ... New - Btuils�lcli as . r lization, the village, town or hamlet 6noil Qf We're Wer.9n4'W0,W,0r6 not destined to I I 4ter meals bloats yout .� ,
� I . . .. partifitpation I vl6lis 0 Out Only 25, iolubs. 4 � . I I � � ,awe SP0011latiOn Of What Uto. In tit food; that u I
I I _ - - ' . iS rOck- meott Ve retraced'om, tr -ness, llka�it-�` I
* ,
. . � , n the 4elliterationo O . - 0, 'Whoro. game 47, bound Country -would ))Q.11kc,� I A , �Ch, causing. � S041 1 I
. , . . 'o 42 girls',clubs for sew- � d 1-tir Thereup - I dUUMS,- uncomfortable fo I .
. . v , . , .f , There,ar snftctuarivz . had a pftullar fascination for os� ack over stOrAa I I -� ,
flits Cs"! R0048 AssOclotlow4fitboa , bearing Animals Olt. we decided to see Tdlb- B.ruvela st�ny Wildness. Lions 40ad huM, .
11. . , Kroater MAlluto -of 'imder6tand n, Ir, - viaj. �rced at , � � .. ".1 . I t vntb', ita- peac'eful quiet we - )assed tiess alq4 . . . .
* "
'.9, I% .r and ooking work witha, 1, Id In-' . - of us W*' West. TO; otir I- [ pains ofindlgitstlqn� Dt4a, ,
:, . . . ,, camil , ,aso,,In un ort , I be0ath-takink spo�taole' 01. t � stomacil - - �
_ . .. . . Ing to Ill .Ot 030. In6ilbbirs; Calf feeding Inbers so. as to roptock . ,Wary i . I h work I .
. ,
, -
. .1 Mill,gymWhy. Wi-voon. the two Bpi- ,tur6undint . b It'll nothing more,, -,.N1_'.bst%AtI41 - I then'Wiurton und leaving Bruce. well, , toulcvaiI4 sirtIf4cW:dige*o, . I
� .. . I I elub.4,nuolbor 36 with �03,momboro,, untink , grounds. , This ' of -a - bountiful 'Two Ile$ in thi re4i,, we reached Owen I
I . .. � , Sea I 4; in tonts, fail, to givi , Satigfactor,v i@iet - *
I . I .., 0#4 Oomlnion& �:� , . I is a result of the e9tiblialmient of the Owt, a,c4meka and a* ty'Oewritall 'we I north we;-tra., I 't"I'l4d, the: narrow road the jateway Of the bay. From Owen � ,tile stomagli, L
. . I � .1. - Garden clubs have 071 membdrs gittl � . . Sound" because - they 'hime, little *or' no ,effect
I I . , I , :Bantalor Game !Refug�� . set. out. Up - Mr. flenry$s. Sained. ringing. ,
, . . - I . .
� . I . . L . I �_, I . __=_.__� I ___ , 014 b e , 1: ' $.. � , and ,it .has X , * ,the w4ters of.Georgisn'Bity. olind to. . . I q on -
� poultry olubs 26.7 m I .. _ 'L,C011lTIXwoo4 ofto , t
. = . I , , , , S . acids Out havo Wea�s - ' .
- = _.�*" 111gliway'24,,'we went to Galt, Ttln agaili I .
.. I I . i 0. 0 M 1 I L il;.; -, I -11, I . tile endoreutionL of. tile New BrU1118 � --1 11� %V3,11Lt-:4' e wilderne a a gassy, ' ' L _
g�.�. .%",, -� .
� I L. L
I � . . , . :. * UW of ';)�IS.! e in r Insular south. . �
I � I i ., .1 - I I . I . . . . I . . ard We passed, through 5S �the ai$4114# -� by the re I 'caus of
.. �. . I . ... I .1 .Wick Fish and Game I�roteotiva . . . on ail Side �
I . w 1 , SIMVIORS MIKETERY I . . ITAtIV.L. L. Asso tui�aod wcstw . L beauty. A proved to be t �.
I I . clation'and Other. Colase Filter Mtobener,�� Stratford and. mountain,dlpping.d�vra to,the water St6ma.01IL'ind, practically all indigea-' .,:L L
- � ': _ L ' Ife L L .,
I . . I � . NVIM,SS MIDICATED' I J - . L rnateadL
. ,�, ITPALYS ' . , I . . . . . I Stg", .' L severttl ef Oka 11 had never 'encountered,, . -
1 . TO 'B�f the, Smaller .towns �lmtjl We flnZilly Solid r of
. � � I I I L G�N I I . '. . I I . u4SSeS Too CrOSS6 , tho r'ArS, itself a ,t". �
. � I , . Elt a - Xilr as the ( L
I . I I L: . : . '.., k 4 �' �i can, flon an� absohi,tely. ,p I
L Mi ' L I . . . m'09' Of ItL 'L - In the distalice'are'grithieleva- anti -."id or noUtralizing agont.qfi�Wd, ....
. . I : . I . I AT, evult 11 , :_ : reached Goderieh, the. begin A ,see., I .
. I , The -order SQttj4tC a�Art the terri- �, road. Te vai*dg we'wou 's;,% bile, . .
.� � - . P'014 Claire, Que, �� , , .14 travel, . tot y on "I be �s.ed after meals 't6 - teutra _'..
: ZE , w I . . ptemb Sth ' . .1 .11 ighway . the glistonioN. waters, d'ih the , liza, - �.L ,
. er I tale "Blue Water 9, on Lako then twen6,�Yards,of Agl�t and loft ,� Stomach"" " .,, ,. ,
I .
. L MODER . (Skoial� to The Star),r;-The- openi rth that lluo';Person. Alas Rur-On. 7 AttTa,.*d Ly -thls,.%Q1'VM We turns " *'t - largo, freighters. loaded with: produce �t� 4"gerous U'd 1 ..
"' .
'ory 8"' f ,
.. . . � , ulp I - . . � una widoubto dly Yiotb I
� I IL .. 0 e .
I I . 11 . . ke a clo.ger, . aequain, '0 upa 6 e P t n' . . I . .14 . .�
I . hunt or frap or to dh" decided to mal I �yard grade, the
. I of L thQ firfit'distine ly#av41 and inill- iho ri I ply U& ana tortli. ' ,'Ing c9o, - ,be, '
. I � I '
. ,. L . ) to , turb Kilt eto for. bearitip - bottom of the', ear scraping �On, tile I - , -
I I y�aj,, - �Vwv come vrt% in 4nada: Since CP'A'-' b . , li . .
. I . Irds.gam animA. ni tanceship with 'it, and atas,red- the moun ' Satthis, is not tho,land of Bruee. 4ttei or'sa
i . .. I . 11, I . I i � gun� , � . 4� as. *o L � . ferifor the purposd Min � .
. i * , 9, . 'L , I within the'Jimits 11f,filiq . , , I � : , commenced a sheer de,�. ,SonleWberc, far:to, our,'A is 'YOU 'Cax� I
I � , federation, w 11 take 0�14CO at P01100 1,ige, or, travel -UponL it witli inghl, , , * . skent'. Windin k, turning orth wh4g Ulrlu"tecl .'MxPeSia� - ('1111
. I I - I . : � L 7 I PhimWi3i Mire. -on Sunday, Sebtember ' 24 gains re g L at any. time." ' , I L . - g. twistitir . I - ',R0eiy0bI08.r gulls abound ., th 'ohWit from any good drug storo, irt 4
. � � . , : W. I .. A'Alssterpi�c'e of 'Plaanillg � clitugug, bounding, b ere. IS -,a
4 1 I I � 11 . , . ,. � ,. , Mid -A 'General Sir �.Artbur 0MI . . either. a gop or. -4.0 1 1 1. I .. . . , ouncing and ilo -tiny Vocl;��bound 'village' .. On the: end citlier.,;pb,i�dei,,Dr,.t4M�tg�.tkAd� in, most, . * ' '
. . I . , '
I 1� . � , * I . . , I : a4d , ; C M. G.,presidentlof t - . . . 1. . . I L I -st s0endly1g. Wees' to, -the rightL of Ojitarlo,j 3 _ � .
I I . ... I , , - - L � . : : Godericb, one, of Obtario's WSW � of " s, cpses a teaspoonful bf,the powder, or.
. I . . .he . ost, I I . abollt.. the troeS t_o� the'left lot U 'a, ton� 'finger: is Toberw �
. . ,,, ow ports oi Lake. -Hurof), Is , L S" Sol'I ,k ,be* MOM.' 'For u6- the Maine jVIII'LitSelf four tablets takeir,with 'a"littlO-water. ,.
.11, I .. - I .1, flealii F�nd,, will dedicate the new ri of WAAANS- STUDENTS or, - I I .. rol. . I ot romati6e;. of ,�� "e ,suffiolcht,Ao, in" - . I
. �. I . L.�. .. 1. , � 111, ' , i. i ,u ize. of. $ilnt-oe: Nestling back of -a I sid,,-6, bouldera . on eVeryL liand, five. -be syinboli� "Y_ after, mexh w . . �
I i I . . L . .. . S 'A ooked �ipad L b�'f(kj, tj L. - 'ki*Sed' 11 ill, b ..
� . � . . 11 I honor", set asIde, - y tile A0 post L ; , ��XMst'tr .COST , orful"intural and ,partially 4r�!. I feet', of gritilit I fL "a I
. . .. .. . . . . . � IRP"' I . e �r,aulte,�4j�ept�;,
.. � . . .. . , �: - . . . . . . . .1 I *bargbor it is vlpiied yeqrl � ' . . �. . _.r. . . , '. 'of - - .. .1 sttlntly "ne'utralIze excesavo- up , tditk I - .
I L Vie Y Lby'Ml - - ' . . orest� .
. I 1, � .Ottawa,� Sept. �, M (Speciul 'to' wo 11 . .11. wd I the stomach, sto-D and preventv
I . I I -Fund In the presence of Ill, . . LWa ra, O .. Of
. I
L 1, I 11 I t4ries or' both Pjot6Stant`A4ri oina`ft � fwlal 'I , , * 'and the"Vr.' L t. road ever p aced on . 0 -
. .� , . Star) .7Canad Ian, students plan ,d scorps,.of 'the. latior ilikal Cenjuries migb h . *nli
, I �
I L. .00ll es.and universities ftc'ibtLorS, and as a'rewlt is the upi , baek ,in thw�,e bQaJ.j that' J�e, L tj�vql .
. . �L'Catbolie churches, 4) eeTs Of ' Ile to'� study in, . ning score in , t. avo been turned .t 11 I L
I ,s ,. , highwi�y ,ma I ' id. fermentation O'f- thi, , ,
... . . JN 'CONVENIENCE, HEA . I f � ,111 --�,v �"- b,ok;ille unsiispeqt, 'Mre'$Our ng at
�.: - . - � _. w , I ,,LTK' �*Armyand 4 d ' 'L ;jLbTC � - L I �in . . 0 . I food and, Permit a 'nhkmhl� � puin " I I
: - I . L vy, an : state o cials. _tad tcurlits� - , ,, less I .
L11 L, L'
. I , . I " �. L I L , riot, of .t. - I I nof that L. at � . � 'i �sit , . . I .11
I � 1 , .'Thet new touleteryis U,bj laid out the bboilld, -Vel .' acquainted With log'dingplace for Wheat shipped 4own led the T�bormor.v road.' It was easy 0 ..
I I ,: Some - eaten. " , ,
.. _ _ : 7�Al Costs. Although statis- the. Great Lakes, IThe town. 'itself b �Iluag , any , Mordent, mory, . "
#04 MALE VA 119 ' * geter to I day we mdy':;e Tober- digestion, of whittcier.yoil have
I . . L . I . . in S&tIOAS', dedicated t6 0611 . illable oil the ex,pehas -IL . m4fJorpipeo of foresight. in �Vlan-"$hriehdng aborigIXICS .,Tj A. j&i0l_vlfiged Ibi, Try. this gimp e proscription and. b0. . .
I . . � — L _. ico are not uvi .1 I . . L I - rd' of. ther
. . 11 . I . , : Ifiight' elicjrcf� - I .. ' L
I 11 , the. VA-citesiant -and Roman Catholic LpUlly .V6hlelo. , r ' a1r:.Wo ,Sball.L.f thv L scof ightqd' , With .Your entire .'f
� . . . I . fulths wjth� . , oniallok. "Section 4ttachod to Study in �oteign il ' III the mety con e. it is ille � our � VeT�j ty , nat . vrestward _ 'del rQedom, , -
- I ing., tr .* 01 ito"' "I'd Ant. at the S fr * I . I . I
.. ..._ . I OW ug,., .�om Ind. gestion. � - � ' '. -
. 11 - I . . ' I for tidZIS Of- hithei loathing, studelootastittirlWe tov&. bull,, surrounded *b�vthe.�ma,L,,i. then 'W0,VObl .
; I , I L . L �
� 1 4 � . .
. I I . 4,vnter a cle:�riil, Una - naldsh xond bel
: I L . � L thoSe of other beliefs. wha Served bt Sometimes L L . . � I ., . I '. . I.' ��
L . . . . I JOHN PINDER , ' I enibai;rassed, because ox� .$tteet*la thgform,of a ,Whol.L. tight� 161' Some ambitior§ I' L Xt: , previous, guepipt. -', _ I _ L _�__ I, �, . , I , .1 �
.1. . . . I 1, .1 L the war. Tlierc will, be 4�006 groves, ' , . Willman. r was On- t 6, blue w4tors I _�,� ��_ - ., I I :1: p a 1, 1.
. I . . . . I _ I poilso'i ate hightr1han they conteni� other streets our - t Or tra gaged' in"llicklitt- his'llving.,jit tile . i�e .1 1"Of Lul�Ojffuro'lj' ,- . I .
� � . . . . . P . I . I I . L . .
, . -Mlimi f li, ;, A,� luto�:gi, It *e ith- L I I 1. I . . I ; I , - ,
I " N, , . . I I 0.001MICK-, �'_ * L in 6% h the Centel' * t1lo On' Plated,, 11011cc should be, wained. in this square, or rather,'Wrele. where -al I &�St;te" Qld S ' * itninials � ,were . . L. . e'groen that is (;6r- I L " . I I � I :, :. � -
I ., . . . .. I L tire proVerty NA)l rUd a 1199ad 'OfIRd- ,44vatice. - I . I I 1. I � .. the business zeietiis to be transaeted.-,91'4ziII9 and wiz , auteil .,b� I I � o shall olight-ut -Tober- I L . ! . I I ..
. 11 04b ns a I I I.,. I 1, �
I membrauco." At the southern, efid . r , X,41,1,- � I .
- . ? I . �. ,
I � . - 46P4 , 'L ' ' ' , there, �win, be a 10W U;loatu Boquuse� of thd';popularlty of tile 'Tho.� four principal streets of thel ed'111011ritful 'r4offi-in ,defiailc6 o .. r � I . , 11 I I I . , , . . .
..;�f I . I T . _ . . f .the 1. I ... , I . I i I 1, .
. 11 I �, .
�',. � , , I I 0** 127 , I _d'f6r Core 310dical S01101 of Bristol Universityj ;towU a;vd North, SOL oth, Ewlt oveatly'litinieiral fastness:. I . ' ,. 0 1 1 1 ... ..
I ,
.1 . I � . _-W __ nionfal g'Atherin$8 and on tho- eX- - . �111en .%eain *e would' , -c L n : Doug)asl Egyptian ti"nollt is, 11 . I .� I .1
4�._ . . . . . � . � . _ Bristol, England� the dean recently West, ekh running in the ditection ter. Lthe '. Yd_ I I LL . I � '. 1 11 I I .
L, .
� L L Itreme soitthera, border. of the �fie.ld issued a, pamphlet Stating, . .. that, lierve,vacking in I I , . I % . , ''. I
� I . P. 0--- 44X 131 11 11 'no placed a 'tall. 114 *1 . that in Which JWpame indicates. -Thus, we wood4k Akoitl- 1011V " ts Oick,,qfrect!V4� ao't'oll' L . . . . I . 1. . . . I
� L .
I I . ��' ' . L VI 110- Stir- Most lustinces Cdfl6dian studonti; are � I
. . I I . I . . I I . . . _ PLO I ont6red.�'hv E4k str�et, ."Spent Ltho I t1vistiliAt. - Clinlbing* turning, descon_� Pell instantly burns, sprolits, � . I I . i L I
! . . I . 1. I I I L : � I mounted'by a, light wbicb�. at .Iilght� 011AWar, - . tooth and neuralgia. �'I ble, L _ I I .. I I ..
I I .1 L .. . 11 be,Vl�lble for, ntanymijeg fttoU 6 Of'ttle fosts� He.dallcd-at� Wight on tho.tbifier 'of South street,rding. 'Once, a 'red, ,w4fidori I 4valua I .
� 1 .. 1, � , ,�. 'wi nd, �ietition. to. th � I �, I I
. L I I
I I . . 4 COW for sore throu Cro . ond, - . . � �
I '
:1 11 . 11 . . ., .. I- L' I I I - �. Only ono -third -of the prilperty bas ,there o Mat that total 'costs. *ent down West Striet Lt6 the harbor, Was 011cduntiVed on the narrow: road. , . I o — at, - -up quinsy. ,. L I .1, 'L I . �
I.. . � I . !!�' �, - --o; - - tm�!M� I L I I I mLa ;, including. tuition, 'apparatus, and lbit oil X4_th 'Street. There IS 1110VOW Was -koinix-rurw:)�%' buti,141-1 I I I " . ,iil * - I I I � � L .,� 11 I .
.. .. , , __� . - , � . , . yet been deve'loped, and it is. ostimut- terials and mWixten4tide -1-oiw on ,,.at Cold Conifort�The predietion I . . .1 .. i' ..
.. I I L I I amounts no .Such thing Qs%a trilffic problem in�intent, . ,%ro4tly , 01tiveying W: I � .
. . I 1, I I � I to ,)SOO pounds or jkt6tit. $00500 1 1 . on " I.: . L .
. � I . . . I ed � that the. total ,cost. of the undet� . I .
I . I .L .1 L . I I � . 't tot, this thriving town-thb.. ,thorough. was , atouba it 0 -ii, -wot� i- w4,� nade that � CI'ViliZati ' �wllj' COnt1rIUL_ I ' . I I .
. . 1. I . . . � . I ' 'uking Will 'be'L about 18.0,000'. Those the four L Year$, L . I . I:., .� . I. Yt Z6r 50,006. Years.. ,This is a I I . 1;; . ., 11 10 �
I . . I �Wo: fig'V46 6OU fOitUn- pl gibld. f r burial tboro will be a rage Leo . .. . .1 fares beini fully ,twice as I wide as I trYhM � to Coixtral t.6 deStinlea. . , reassur� , ; . I I . - I .
oj� L I "
n L L.
1. 4 n L I . I ,�
. . , "
I I—. . : L . , 30 sIs g u"- 'llie aVe st of inedieul odue - those in Simeoe and even with -Cars i rAr' which se4vie& intmit o�l .loaof 4 Ing thought, - to: hhVe with 'You I I * :
, � ,of
L fi 6.rs p ti ,
. I .., . I ., thow week-ghd puj�tjes, wh ,,, . i. .
L I . . Me M 6ing *Ppoitsted ' rill , i k � 1 4"11111 "alin tion In: Cingda..'Is about., 61). an-, pixked -On,. each 'sl&, four �vehldes'J`� drPr" mrM6`ftt it�J-ber into tile' ore � 4. WOW BANISMED `
.z . I . I ... , , Y. ran aft Ale Of BrItisit"IrV 1,010141 � y � or'. $4,000 -for the 10121 . I ' I I Seems td_-1)'a`hlI arer e.;tce -t tho� shout. 4 I I . L I
" � , , � . . , r. pi� � . I .. r Year would beable to drive, : , -' yawtitigt .Cr,W� . . P . I . �
, X,O,re;0S. .4
1 .
- s . . I- 100*1 tisersts to . . so " .1 , I abreast,iiround neare9t low clond ti, i 1-1 2. , ,:, . . , � .."Ll
I . " ,
I I . . : 1. . L I I . I I , L . . . L . I , 1. .. . 1, . colir - , . . I I t . I I the d4in,41ii-siom. 0 .. I . . 7co. 'So we follovtotl. OuA,ro,%, . ri4i 11!n 00. 1. .11, I � suffered yLeaM of agony
. . . I � -,*-----* . .. 1i '
! + L. � . I . L � L . I * , - i L 10 ]But L altiloUkh interested in . Qoder t�" inilej We 'led L . rL � .. I ` � I ' througli blind itchint pil
I A1411C.* ft ,O� I IN, Oftm NY . . tril 1� And-, then.. 4 . _e',%
. % ,. 'S . . . I 1. L ,
* _ �__�_� --"-== ... Ayt � Mrs. W ,4
. . �, 't" � L' , ArOalmr., OF , L rich, we wer6 on Our way to the no Eureka'! we ro4ohed a ellearing .0 r . �.�� - L -Hup
� , . L : I . . " "'"L�,Z-AQI"t , __ _ ,,,Ii A flu, ort I �� I � " :
I .. I , id a C , 1, I , , I ,,� 1.
1� I .1 . 't. . rai t _; th (Spo,t_��L �� . , I 1,
" . . I .. I � JL oloo�, Germuily _0 L Jk'�GXQUPL IN$VRAXCE , " L . d I . * Of "L . .
. . . I . *$;JL to 7 q -'Ili hoyl ' ' - -Bruce�pphiuiplu bou*�,.her,�res- agape Ot oltr� dar � + L . L, I 11 I - L
� I I .
. _ : tl %4 � _ _. tajid�ther-, lotig � 11 , , Ingi I L - ' ' 116cliewti -8t;, 14,60=_ 1. I . - 1.
, I .ta.r). "I ' ''
L 11 'TJ - I I L I I . Paini losw, of"Strod '14, - L - .
I . . I . . I L . . I
� . . . . I :. . - 117" "Wo,xvir'st 1)"KI.N as 4, "Suit L . ottawa; L Early Sunday litornitig we bft. e .. I � " e L �
. . I C0,710etc.
1. ,. I L : W , , �, �gened in a0malyly , of labor Septembir Sth (Special to I, E 1, 11 . 11
I , .1 . . .1 I . F ... 11, I L I �� I ng power,,, , : � : :, - fl'N FORCE IX ,C.M�-DA T�berniOVY` I - , , , � - - St6od .by to lelb Us _0t#$%. .' , ' ' .
, of tile ul4$Se$ IS belig gjj&t1k le$_ ' L . L . . I .1 . T,ot -mile - trAvell a, '- The. IL 11
I . - .. I � . . . S We 1144 NO RA N C . ''. -1 111ky "' L.
. � . ar, Wenced � to *#S r Z�O�� . misefy
, If, � W"
. , . coudittons, . avid, the !nuiA*r of re. The StAv)--011101liciallY ,compiled fig . lly had the, sun . Coal' NIVOO. - �inQre AeWe. ti — tg 1, , , .
. I , . t � Alik
I __ . - I ' throw Its, beat down on -Lake � Huron iws + biggek; : tbo - . turns Sharp ., I I . I , .. � .1 - . if. 16t L
, CA`* 1pile L . . . . Un calmft AMW .1 � I . L
I . r I -- tot U* ,dPm*%**t# " roo4 otivers of . unemployment . doles Ili ures indicate that groop insurattee to . r . .1 I . . . , I 11, � , ,
. L . I.. . . . r I I I I . than guin ,u," the -Blue Witillis 'steepet laild,the - 408c"ts xfioke� '_ 1. L �Flftk - . . Zaift.�Ruk. , I k"dW r , ,0,0 th*L ' . . , .
I � . - I % , . . I r . . I I I . I . r
, I . 'p*iat #�o y". - . . -ttiere is ji'� "ft'L
. "100(11000I$ now lit Water WgIrway. Far t ,veach . =other
t, bad'itiorens, 4 total,of,Ovor $5 way 0
. thot 06uixtty ort July is 't'te.*eo A_* r -
, . I . I � ed br 100-,por, coat over the number for .0 In . 1. o t9p west of 13reath-6tak4ig.. We , I . i Ile . ,r . - I .
. I L 4L - Catiada. I . . L .. , - . � ., " , I wnfr� - Ow , � �
, . . I � , h #11nit. heib
I I 1, . � I , . : , 'of X#(,ei L, . _ I us Wss a haze that was �Xlchigan;. cloltrin�, M the ,side of the vo:dr�ys ' . r _ , :
- cent T -is, half 1SWd � * S.. _ ,;
I . I r 'last. Year. , , , �Althou K a eomparativoly re . th I , . M(I't'lltij �'Ljf td tJ4Jl_AJ "
I L I . ., 1. � . 11 r . R . b, I .ough Xincavalu& and Soulhamp- n', bWtdIilg , , 4hii L , , � . � , At , '
. , I � . L I additloixto the 1161d . �. . . I 10. :' ' ' ,h I - Me
I . , '. .. . . 11 L . � I . , - - , so hAni W114 hewil-out of 11 I . . . 1. ,
; . . , � I 'L 1&tlon�, of Industrial re� 'toil we iixtent'uport It , ea or� lLto,e JttL.Wted. .
� .i I I . )PA810114ATIM LTNXS. I group' Insurance, 14 yearly be' . mestone. Set high Ong, -�qq- - t*ry, my
. . � Eventually Wj ,ridge, JIM stained L glasS- windaws te� ` , woesk Wiwi . .. .
I .� .o . Sing L theon In I . I
I * L . . , I$. CANADIAN WST-MY Coming of laeres volume and !in 0 11;ermory� frolli ae4s
. . . . i i
I . . ,
�, � HAROLD JUNSIONE , strIVInCL eftmple,. Of hoVr te%,llV reached Wihrton and Ceolgian Bay. flectilig� Oe late- afternoon sunlight Assura0c. COMP910Y : is t0- in Ake Zain-Sak ka"MI -
. I . ,, i � . - I . to "
I I - r Ill tUft
_.: . ' L . . L . I _ A. portanco� 411 'Canada tile valume L ost latilking of all bere is1he.al- with'a pArtiltIlly-linished.spire point� . I ''. 0 .. . trei,�L,, , � L wll�� .11 -1
. I 1. I %ism I 11 14 , . I . . 11 . . .
, -
; . '. ," t4 , . .. . . . . Clont blstOfy!� is lltUtd with thit *bOut, equally "divided botween Hill . it unb"ken ex0anso of .water �Jng uilward, it 160t an atmosphere , � f .'C"ida ". .. . I , : , A I . . . � . I I .
.� . . m-; viv, 11no OV - ; of ourL0wft*t1me$ Iff* letter from t r4m . of I . I .1111towil" iW ., . .. '', .. V . I
� , . . � AliwAlt . 'he ance paid for'entfi�ely by the t merging into.3tcep white bluffs. The oto - - were . I -
. . I .:Oit -, � � . , , I , ell theprenth; I riiiined widovor. Inside I . . I., M054's NO LIU, 0040, .1 . I
� L . . VIOLOL - _11( L litmoug Nicholas plood Davin; M. P.o er and -that for i0i a . . I I , I _1 If _. � , , . I. I I
I . . . . most,. foity - ,
, � . iz, qti .- .
, . . , - I'll L
I . .. t Yor . ot"Prog -WAYMa .. , r-777 ,'** �:: , .
. th# Witty IrlshnIlMr Who W4kg. §6 %VID11 divided betwe6u ho,',amptu bay w4s d6ttA4 with fishing-boatS' earpentei'S' tbola At the I ITOAD '. -.. WA ONT I I , I., 11 �
f, � � . .L . .. 'eniployee. . ... . . house. Set 4t thoL il - Pcoble could be giowded into its -pro- ... I � r 7- 0 I
. .. far to, our left wa� a lonely I �ht ,. I I . . � I ,
. I � � I i I . . .. ... I . , ,-.,- . """%"1)1"-"_"M"-0"'-!_'_-4 , aii.i0io,""w", 1. . . , -end of a lonw pier' teethIg shelter. . Yet# w , . 11. � . I :. , �. ` # I 11 1
� I , I li iil ,a wondered,
� ,L � . � -11 1. . I I I I . . . � 10 � I . �.Jvllile` the bulk Of sueh were thorn, 04 - 001M..Ag"I - ' L I i - , 0 .
. I . .1, 11 . r . I forty people, In, this . X �:,
L . .
. . . I L 8, oil the life of the employee, in' late , riglit via - a he�p of rllin� that be- Inall-for4aken wilderness? . I D., - 11 frl�., I -1 . * ; � .
. I '"Sirranec jutting into the'green viater, To our where I
- I , - I �
I .11, L L. r" &O" ff%* A*004060C,40, ,,I.W,. , - Years there * hia''iNto Considerable . . "Molm 24L � � , � -
. . ,
L � I '
I I I I I 11 . . I � . .1 - � . I I ;.. . . growth of exidowment and disabillt spoke st once-41hrivinz'trAft. L :. ' " , Amhj .. . I . . # ,1. . L I .. . . I
. . 1. . _y I tion Ilaulk-,?! I �
I � ". I � . . . ornln� In. N161ftit ST. . op,ot'.01cu. .0t,V. � _: . . . � - I � * .
: I ; I. . . . . . . . . . . .
; . - I I I I . . . I I I . I inaft4bce, on the group plan, which, It 'w�v 'late in -the In - We. had gotie bit t'W'alve'. miles 14 . . 1. 1. �� . - . I .
� . t " . ... . . r . . , . I..., . - . whila it eliminat,es physical exa,mina. quiry 11 eucited- -the Information tll%t nearly threv hours. 'Would wt, ever . I-- ,��, I ,, , '...M�===� � " 0-49,e . .1
� , , . . .... 1 I L . . ... . - � , ,��� .. ,,� 0
, I .. . .
. " �-.. . ,. . 1. . I ., '. . . . . I . ... . tioni.tendt"also wilinliftiall employ. e in 'ther Btuce lleuhmlu-� reach our, goal-Tobermory? Ahead L� . I! I .L I � .. � . . L
I , 1. , I I I � i wl�, i I 'L, I 1. � .
I 1. I ! . � . ment for older men... I Id 11 , t io Of M stretched .eighteen miles of- I n.�l ` " " L I
. , L . -have been in 4 foral L I ...... - I - I . - I.
r ,
11W , I ., . The, movoitent has 1wen tg,ken up C tr " so U( ,,It I . I— . I -
, - -h dwereat .wag every- .
. - I . I . . I I : .1 It J1 L I 0 . 'nnt'? , ',J�J�.Jn '.11%pponedi lVilen . _ I . . __ ., - . ''. A: _ .. I I .
L .. . I I . I . - 1. I I. I � -1 I I I
.. ;. . . . I : I JAY - eMPIVers logely bee4use they 4 t an, in Oft.Nftfolk- home. an filventod poemnatio - tires. he. did � :,.. , ..� I .1 . I .. .. . � I . I . . .1 : �
, . . � I not L .. � I . . . L; 1, L
. I I . I I belie" At tottlibu Bull ings .now long -outworn. iwaltea in intend them for use ou : . .1 . :.. . , I I .
� . I .. . I I " .1 . I . . . " . .� 11 tea, to the stsUlity boplitors � I ': 11 I I . .
� I .
. . . . �,L � I of the working forte it Wits Pointed , 1, storm that' Would tiumble --appar,4111tiv -not sit any rate. - We' I . . . ,' Don -Tone with its - 14-, rootS; leftveAr',-�
. � � 11 �, . 11 � . -the I groutid., 'Myor � . . I DO Y01VAN-01y - 1. .
11 I I . I .... . . Out- MAW Of then), adv4nze the ves- them ,to the YthIN-t heard a --whasaggs-, *"d, ,thoW,�,W,0' � barks, anil berries, makoa you Idel I . I
I ,
. � � � . . ,see -mod' to refiftl; sit" 0ft-of �dep%fted .
, ,
. . 1. . SOU th0t1t 118i their desire t6,demoa- r 040' Spare tire$ flagging- 3011. - With *Wyoutt vital or..,
. � I . pt:O%qfity� Thete we abandoned `6ur wondetful . L ..
�' ".. . � strati- their appreciation for 14.v*t I ='alid ,oightee" .muea obead-of, .TO gais ftmetioning -u xattfl*� III4 :
. ... This - - L a '03 of , �fl
. . . . L I I .10 ard faithful service. bkewlso,. they che abed Intention of bavlog lu,n6h- taltivel for which no, stutomobilel 0 ft ded they should. Ilon-Tone, I 1� L ...
I L . " � P * . . . often consider it advisable to protect 00 I*, T0b*rM9VY-' Marton wa.s was ever Intonde& NO further, e,*. I �, . 1, . : ton -
, � . L; . I . I doesn't give just tompOrary ati .
. I ' . , 11611� I
rAOStout Of the food,
. .. . I t1toir workors, as, wany, of the lafter, thusuift*Ittlasly honored by oat, Pre- cuse Was required. We Changed 06 .1"s, but hel x sto " , , s YOU eat
I I I b(TAU90 Of eslreltsslitmx, Inability to 8011M ' . I I . I I . tire, drove for ;Xnotlt4r -nine until V - . h get the I 1* -
� I i I 11! � . Ma Ha I I . � , _0' and 0 a 10 . m
, ,4
. , . . � out.' found a sltace� in, the road wide' wa ... I h th Vortaht organs function noitigUy tlifid in. -this. I . -
I . , . I . ly. PH : PAS% A physical eXamillaflaft 6r ex- At one edock 'fie axank set- Y bi and build .-ftrengtb. t�rleg: $i,23 6, :fOr $3,00).
. � I . I . . . � .
�, . � � I � . . . . I petste, do not carry insurance avid Mother slave, at. thor-tisp, showed enough for tur'nitig ;�nd Cast I our 1� I :1 I . I I . I . ' . . I � ..� (" �
� � L . I IML �* -16vd . . I . . . L .'. . I ,
. I ... . . I when, they die the company frequent. us 1hret 4outi� up the- ponjusul.% backs at--JUbormoty I 11 . I , - . . I . I I , ..
. . . 10themestcatOw I I 1 'L , 1001,�-TOX41i Pop S 11 6o 'its V I .
I ., . I . . � . . I I - y has to ssaist the family or a Col- Whith eventually narrowed down to X6t tintil"Wo had- reach6d out little � , ate At'A . 4 Druggi verywhoro. , , , ,
� . :, . I . I leption has to be taken, up to relitv* two and then to one. , Tobormom the church did W6 Sto). Then we stood , '' I . i . L . , � .
. 1. I istress# it Was stated. r4p solid, wits 55 mile te I . , ,Olt WliteTb, , . I . I
�I .. .1 I - V you W 41rectly or fndfrd0b� lavol* . the famllyla,di s north of near Jt and, look, I north, WOW, ug . I . ..'' . . 1. I I ,. . L ,. .
t ., , - I Employers" h6*6vor,sre. beg " wiartoo, a k"d- twofiouriil trip. En .spread �Xaturela oWn 'rock gardon.' I I . . . C. .. � I'� .
� I � I . 'u,"In .. . . I
. . . I . , I L to raise questions about group ,nsur! toUto Wt WouldL Stop at IM016 Read. Bett'veen boulders Of eftorittions Pro- W. A RICNE. Y Cat, .94 Academy St.,Xewark . M J � - -
� � I . - opt Roqwnsibifity L tw. , . afte in co"oe0oh With their olde;: 'Thus we doparted. . . -.11 ___._._.______Z_'_ . ., I . .
� . . ...J he Soifeo ' . woviten. The amount 6t the prtnt- . . I I . I o I � � I . I � IL . .
. �, J . I . . . . ium, depends partly, on the *Yeratte North, 'M Wff 4 . . . ... . .. I I : _ I.. . 1. 1-1 . . L . - . I L 1. .. . I .
''I . . The IW M "(1411tafloo " I . k I
I . . I effective septomw it 1"o, &wag owtothift's oars: 1 of Wiarton is &'hill; and at ; , LL I .. - 1. � I.. I 11 - ill I
., . � . I , Oise of the fov,,e and st group intur- the to: of that kill civilitation'seeti)a . . I . . . — - '.. L
, . . -1 -
P � �, - . . , . .. . I—. I I 11 I � 6 I I I.. "�, � ave policy, therefore gives .* corh- . . . 1, =;=��, �, I . . . . . I _-__ . . �
� , .. ,�, I . , 'It upon mile, of 41moz,t .t . . . I 11 I � L , . I
OK SONS$ r#0601* #4,4WL*,#J*M,4* #*ft to on . Xx � , Il.
I -1,
I .
4 1 f I
I i I
I I" 11
I I ,
I 1
?�=_14--s. 11
44:;_;.��: 4 I-
'. I
, .
.1 I I' - I
�, . . . . !r,ha�l � whkh . , im I., . . I" I . . . il_ �__,L_._
I , �� . , � . 4 workers and disehar,ge the Older ones. I __ - 1-1. ,--,- a '& * � I . .
� I . I . r"y an '"Cerit'" to hire Young" Virgin forest throoth- - tht. only I t ,
V . - -11 __ � - � I
. .
, . . I , , . . . � - - �. I . . M .1 ,� I I
I ; route ,01 tv"'apOrtation offfted was � � ������ 119 - I
.. I ..1. I L .. . , . "I to the sc;#�# 4 the 0004wi, . - cot ' '
. . I 1 7 . I . . . . L . .1 I FUMMMOM 'It is 0$0411,V the Older . . . . ,� _ . I � I ' I � '
� . � '... rA* Y60; M#*$L r$�JW Sa . man t4 whom the Wdraoe most ' thrft "Ads -the right, ctntfe silid I 11 ___ L ,, . . 1 601*� 1 1 1 , .
� 11 L p"0480 Mwa%"� ap`4 W Wdeelded upon the tentft I L . , I . I I . . I r.
� , .. � pealli, atid the -plsvk tons y0atly � , -_ � . tl pjoj�. L . I � . . I I
I . . . Y~ M"i 044 044wo a" a $#I i0l"i swo'. L. e road slid for toenty miles wit folloW. . A . ' 'I - ��, . L .1 . " . I .
I � . 000 � I wooliksee% to bave a istobiliVit ft- i ,*J I �
. . I 1""t,if re"osm4 .1 , I f"t 611 tho" erdoloy"s Who are us- ed it. I Through deep, rWitts hewn by ... . 'L� . �
, . ,. . . i a fortAL We trs'Vollf4�ii!)W � L I I I 1, . 1. I
I . 11 I - . 4 11ally , Lvettled *ad rho%t content to Man "It . . , �, '
I � ,,,j, mid then breaking t6rough ftitO. in . L I L 11 L .
I � . I . I I . 444 ,if $A* , 0W*04e $0 ., L Maintain' tholV P"loolitt; it *as . I � I . I I I I
I . &Novo opwook q .. I .
. . . 0 IV I I I � 11
I I OMAN*# 4-A #A, #" ft,imw&� adwMea 096W., � &$%"tod. U%jtil i0~11% .-*1i1:1;**&A,VAd1" ('Pe" ap"."Wher'o -4 1114i Smbl IOUs .. L - �� *t_"_�_'_ � � -do . �
� I I vr-- 1 W4— I
,� . , . I . be less Of ow
I I . I 2'.441 �/ V*L #W#.aJ Iftk $ftj & I *rnployets to
__"" . WAM of the
400*0 400 to tA* ,piw wis of IA ,
� . Q � P" 0 40
1 . I . .1 ANO MAIT NOr INSIMOCE #* ioi6wim* 040* am enbwnlel
. ., I . Wall 7" wo hwe,y~ &so". tionablk make
. ivii, folt them.
Z=0A . " . . I IM difthi
%t to : alu.vu wlaw alf"w"qp1ju 4 tv clear 'Elie
rov"gert t29
th a AXIMMI, *X- Ile road wsot' - ellent and,we
, b�'f disaMilty InAdor good time- On all. sides we ,
could w the white sides of roeks
will ,*4008- jutting forth In those "Spves where
mom attraeta there woft no tv"M. Maniveo allifty
uro, aiiv#ils b,)QW*" Wbk* Keethed-to, have been,
� . I I � � � . - & am Tue Intentionally by sUIvr-
. I I . . I StruoOly to tht'workir, it was, wa. humas, being. L . I
, I I L. I*Mplkkt #kPW"1ftS L the VMVWWS phiftw, 'bkAwlt it provkles - t%At it . I
1 . of tho MW MW I
. A . he Is totAlly AM 0#rWAv#fttT,y dis- 1__4_1__--.,. ...... ..
( . I I 0ft- be PrMured'olthout ebAM fmh Of* 64"t 04W obled befoyt he Is ,00 yoors 614, )* . I
I .i� . . corow a metaber of I I 4011 tw,fivc, the 0mollat of Ms in�
I . . � surafte to a lamp. x"M ,or In install-
, 11, I i� row_ ' . � moiti, or it ho ,di" Jwroi* tho iii- CASTORIA
. : IsfOlIt"is V" Mido the "Wal"or
i . L Ine Canadian Autont6we te paid hi* boftfotlaty. PW b"o Md CMMt"
. ' *i I
�.. *4 . � I — �� I i kkutererovW30YOM
I i tion i , t
Underwriters Associa . �t wormA fo+A 1400.11 Ow Vitality 0
. . . it rMlilfth 044 0"dal"r twr livoi. A #I*"* b"M e
! 1%imP1e*?AA*ffoe0Ve rem visMethorl ,00 ?_Z",�=
I _ , "
�v I ,
I .
a ;� "I., L ' - - - I . � - � - , � �
------- Grx"e Worm E-00wiftstor. ftlil tett
WA0P"MM0MM"M_.___ W, -, :
I .
I � I
---- - I � o."v I-, .... -, ., -
I '004'i 0 - - _ ___..A._ L 1-9_ : .'. , , I'll � I .. - I 11.1111.m _.i., . .�
Wr________ - ___ __ - . ... �.M �
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14 . - 1-%,*, AW . . I .