HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-28, Page 8t; • • .• - r THE CObERICTI STAR wow.. ........ ,.... . ....we ,,..................,0111,00.141.1*MOONOWOM. .., ...0. ..000 .....t`. .ereaehing winter by eecuting e. ear lineetn tet wee the peogiiteere.....ehel , t ,. re, coal lastreveek. 'the efurdreri of the cominirra4. After . Mr. and iii,ib Walter Moore and the busineor part. of tile meeting tile their deughter, Nellie, of vabal, *re following pregrara was given in viaiting_ehe latteres father, Mr, Jos- splendid style: Opening chorus, "Teo *ph Laitieon, in the village. Maple loaf.," instrinecntal, Keith A son end deuahter of the Rev. W. Arthur: recitation, Billy Paitebe; le 'Goodwill who weve *pending their B01010 'Vivian Straugben; trio. Helen, The Simplicity, All in Owet hotelier,* with their father here, re- e'ergoson.' Heels Carter, Mareeret Pattern is the Economical Next Sunday there vs ill be annivere g delt ePtetteen"ditneg1424iiiiitrYereAllsegruiritiberVilis3Z;-' WisY"'"45s at Miss 141°Isles. turned to Toronto en Tuesegy. eery servicesin the Baptiet Arnett.- incitation, Billy Hill; eels), Margaret Tee Rev. Mr.' Bunt, of esederich, will Ferguson; recitation, Hamel, Ilib. ;weskit in the a/tamers and evening. bert; solo, Garth Rice; recitation, Florence tine Ilaxel Lawlor, young. liferjory Arthur; trio, F'rntnTs. Ullo it tignSbterS of Me, iind Mrs. $imd.. zebeth. end Glodye Good: ' Reding, ford Lawlor, spent the week-ena with. °Annie Straugban; trio, ! Helm Fete their Sister, eters. Jones, of London, guson, !leen eater, Margaret King; Lest liVedneadey ores et those recitation. George Straughaei trio. --,------- event% in wilieli the community takes Freezee, elizabeth and Glades ,Geltli /goo ebter, Bln3. Harry Shackleton., National Anthem. Thie leesgram The el I visit dingier Fark anu y Wk a SO r ,brought * very enjoyable electing, eo * ,eleee. eoliowee by eenheeoe eceed sdirther wplistesnottyme of,in liuntver9ciesetr.ihtf..lii.e '..chil. hem'• 'The Ineeting w** 3erl;':°' liu°' ProfeSserelobn Reenoes with PIT& cora that the ladies' thiste. of 'makirte (From *tether correspolident), it 'ma **mat aff*le. RiteadYttrelar e$oilis4inwiat,1)111e.ljennItt"MrseletY.'llv.11.. Mr. mia Mrs, leeriest Patterson . AsfirtET,D. Durnin, -They left this week for ... . spent the Week -end with friends in __ ''. ' e Guelph, where they will visit the O- r Detroit. 3Nr. emerleo MeGregoe iO spending A. 0. and will afterwardo .proceed ta Mr.sand Mrs. Wm. Plunket spent his vA.tAtiOn At 1341101ns liere. 'visit the ,Canadian National Exhibi. the put week in Toronto with their Mrs. Aladerson, of Reniilton, is tion. Following this they will vieit Ison, Milt,on. - ' the guest of mos nom hoteDetudd. some universities in 11,,S.A.eltrafestor M. 0: E. Evratt spent the week. Mr. J. K. MacDonald, ot Ifuttere, ie. Reynor heing on a tour of inspection end with her silister, Miss IC Jenkins, the geed of hie aunt, Mrs. 9. universities and college*. i .. • t - le , at, fiWoodlariciet Clinton. beellan* ' 0 Miss Flax Durnin retineted from A AIJBU'Itt§I loot Week for Englehert with •tlreir is seending hiti 1424Ation at his home Cheater Darren and Mrs. Durnin of Mr. and Mrs. Wire Thompson left lir. hteleoim McLennan, of .Fielfal A very pleasant_ visit with her brother. h. .reek, peek, af Boythoo, ivii4, viotting eettetoleet, Mr. C. Mitten. beet, - . .„,.. . . , pittebarg, et.y. she reit otter tbe, . Mrs. T. Storughen es seendirig a rare and Mrs'. Arthur Murdoch and motor foe Owen Science where she few sleee tbio Week at the home of 'lleiso 'Catharine Murdock, .of Detroit, teek pasaagn, by boat for Manitoulin • In thii neighborhood etaet week. .- ite!rtiinit,ir 1,10031111ki blifills 1.11/VIN,013t3 hetnephew, efr. Gen Cowan. ._ _ are the gueste of their aunt, .elre. Island, where she Will be ,,engiged in aixe. mist May Eerlen11011 and Miss mai- Catboat. .e... _' ' ' ' school fair work. I I ie Ur. Harold 'Catit,e're. of Kisser* riltosurel: 0V'ef 1414,11„geon1,14sehters'e.ieoitiong,134rth*telhe, to' iMser.leanr,a, ja'olief's'al'Aree'icirtogee' CvliasttkedlAnadt cwoaaestilinng cLaisimsettsr ' e9u1115'' directinV Falb*, vented in this lorAlity lest sir, deeeore. • the borne of Mrs, et- de Maceenzie - --ete .1. •E case mid efts s f A. Themes Adams, i* boo paint. lac lahnotott it Son. sire busy un. last week. _ e - " e Torolito-,.eviih -their son, Ren.soenaCea:e. • Vie& tor Mr. Ryan at Dungannon *4 lotilirse good tide week bowing re- • Rev. Dr.- D. T. L. meKerroell, OA et, the ittsuronce n000rtmoot or the , ptesent,. . „.eeived ebipmenta of both furnace and Vietetisi Presbyterian churcht'A°r"" T. Eaton COMpany, were guests With ' hetnut I. ' to, Cce0Pied the PulPit of Ash*" Mrs. Cases beother, Adrian P. Risher Mr" *lid Mr"' rr*Ilk $te'llY vieiteti i' Mts. T. Brown . and, daughters, Vise theta ole_Seeeteer„e;_e_ ' and Mrs. Didier. For upwards of 45 week. . Mildred Brown, of Toronto, 'were years Dr. Case' was the family PhYsi, home in Dun- Mr.er* the former pait of tbie ' McBee, of 'New Zealend, was egueete*t!eenet X"' It' D. %nue° early • 1CIIMIGANNON - clan in, neerle every the eueet of Mr. D. E. Munro lest --- ee'-' _ Mr. X.Orne Melterizie Is le, visitor at; ..annin6onfif,taenetin vivicoltitths.y. agoowingOlewiftn,therioe,. *tele Isfv, Frank Washington arrived „.str„ 404 los. Ernest, patersaar 4101 home eeetareay „flew, * holiday trip thittC. le, .., Toronto, this week. . 'lee:. , , faulayiere viiiiting erientle in Detroit 'oliewed. Whererhe visited Several Sur- , le andevirsk reed rowler• 'Che8- pass'ralulyst ihs.‘eilailits-61141-Vie Ind': iihei:OVtitte':! A At Present. oar. Mid. tette. G. L. Stevie and sou,Pteased tO note that he continues' to an. countries. ', -,----- ' - • • , tie' °visitors with role- -. Opt. • liednereley of this week St, Mark's vary , , here.- ' - ' lo fairly &nod health, '' • - Situate *then' held 'their annual Pie" Sunds& into°vtiorrtdettctth-eVii4oQrnt°oefklail". thele,141441et;itect48-n:.lere-4:::(11Plf:g. -ettneeikuYernak.'IrtlWIsCil "11w1VI'lr41.Z7:11,re. ' tie at rotenone _ e, Wm. Conwsiy. - *termuronne eee,eee t Tr aid asi°,,„,* „i• inter e nuntnier. honl.e., ° ° ng ' tioltecti onrTheidsting n'ty ritirinceehetertyinveinsiel)., visiatitianee,E14Whaesrilinbgrototune,ews,hoztlire.solie, ell, sh.ecIliaracintean7vaeatited--atrhoe--ludiii-meostee .tlie IVialthind at Godench, were Pro - Mies Fame** lieLeetY is taking in eeearieb. early pita week. evening' ' Y h i'r 'W' P Me E:!t Mainland, 104 Sir aynnedi je Afe iF, - ttt,I., ier Wa0 allneentedeelerks. ° Washington, returned to her borne in me mrs, . R. o , e W R St tliers n Sunday - the Tereete Eihibition thiss week and mew- eameeen, of Brussels, is, at 'Mr. Norman Treteaven retureettati! tehe,.. eo Haiifaz Neva seetia, where at Guelph laid week 'visiting the Bev, y Miss L. Harrison having mt%te:r, irt:,/litohbet'f4 Treleaven,, .4.,. prof 6.tiheess,..ournivmearfortlyam'sasitsatei,00f graduate of At Mr. II. E. his hOme in Toronto on Saturday., visit with his ,. tenet ' s Dr. Mainland. ?fill become a, member visiting sktiustireaneet there, resent employed ' • , err, and Ere. George Sturdy were ity,st.. f 0anied mxiis4 frerosniket posf prtonrkhmerst.b , 11,:f4ttithf07:443'netarilirseh:atenievelt104ecsi bwaillidahe- l'Y heel ler, -end etre. Jamee R, re"ii_gl.r.i.se siyelionetooretsete eideinie,eTreeslarieette,e4oisrke.pemeterst., nexthuveh ,S Ad ' Itave been guests of 3,/rS,. On weve. the guests of Mr and Mrs.. Wit. Aug elec. at 3 , one le30 0,emee; parents, Mr: and Mrs. Henry Fowler limn Robertson of the oillege lest The' k 1 .. the d . , . Mainland who 'is a daughter 'of Rev. awe er ot e a . i _ . , , John .Bowering and Mrs Iloweringof y win be Bee and other "relatlyes bere and in Ches. week, ,, 0 . 1 $ i Ley . . , . . • wninrneg, is , a granddaughter . of Ur. Eugene Dolilit lett here hist 1" W. runt. of edetee 1, Pee a in2-. iyorti E d f *Ronk 1 as =isle will be , temlered . by talent' iss e c Y. 0 1 Mrs: William, Iteed,Hwhose guests they rotnIvne eodf illgr bartotttie' rv, 171tgr 4tetd11;, iveek ler Von), where he has secured eroto,-Tetento, , _. WAra for dinner. Owing to' the long etheet fll)'41n 4Acitib.0"0 ie.! teacher in the eentin* ille.Teguler elimithle meetingal:agile atai wit,s. ve,$$„„ , . , .enoetgnoseayvtllyreisibdorot. them, this visit was ' 31r. and Mr*. William -I. ThoMesen FWercrnesetne'is.st InItsatill,t140eti IvTuasesdley, oirimmeee e Mee A. eeellitieVie, eeller of tbe Members ond descendents of the :"vcat• tors 1141)•'t0 Ilea' Ontario leot ieth With 1111f attoodaree of 125. M. ,emegeeeou °branch of the Cangdian Reid .eatnlie gathered.' at Victoria' *b*ent * Lareen' presided. and the ineetiree iattailt of Countimee. is' enio-Yleg a• Park, Galt, to the number of about • week. They expect , to ,be . -4. • Mr. earnest /Winston io making ;wet ed by repeatiog the Lore's prayer in Ode, follow. fortnight's ea -cation. Ernest, Koehler is ve patient in. brute a .,happy a_ "... fifty,' on StiturdaY afternoon to eelo- d y together. . The ' opened with singing the. Alexandra Marine and General Hoe. afternoon was pleasantly spent in Vital, Goderkle owing!' to' big baying games ana'etierts arid in -social inter - on tittacli ,. of tonsilitis. ' • Course*. folloivete in the ' evening"b'hi MisS IVIeClure. nurse -in -training' 'at School Opening Are Yes bay for Mori Sesleadier We epeeikee in Sehool seppliee anti all text heir Public Sehools and the Coll- egiate institute. Baekkilett, Sapplie* p1qAg. Mb Nave Yoe Rem NoWles1 of a New Fruit bo HO Coot of Pam? Patterns Kept in Stock. MISS S. NOBLE eRmst-t ExoilAtici; MGM perticular interest occurred NVIon Mr. Wilbert Thom took unto himself * life oartner in the paean of Mhos Hexel Good. We join in wishing the young copple * lone and happy life, • . • • Cole's Book Store THURSDAY, AFC,. eer.e, ioee 4.444,--*[,,44144t404.Ogno HOSIERY BARGAINS MEN% SOCKS Several hundred pairs of Men'S double warp silk socks with 4.ply toes and heels, great variety of neat patterns and weaves, best value we have evei. had at regular 7Se per pair, all sizes. on sale at 30c. Two par.......7Se CUSKONS •Size aN)ut i$ x 18 ins. chintz and sateen c(kvered cushions, in large choice of designs, well filled with "Kapok" batting. Buy them at this sale,price for -your car, .ouch or 'verandah , chairs ., • • liCEY zzate ,* 3 tor *1.06 All wool silver grey, soft and billy, with blue borders, whipped and sold singly. Size; about 62 x 80. Price each , 4 0 * * • 42448 111100., GLOVES Chamois pull -ons, 4 button length, sty. fish saddle stitch, sands, ivory and greys, at per pair. - '' ... ..95e ILK STOCKINGS to desirable shades and colors, in our pure silk full fashioned hose for women. Every pair guaranteed. Reg. $1.50. Sizes tly4 to to. Pair. $L29 PLAID BLANKETS coiots rose,„blue, hello, gold, float al! eacli blanket whipped singly, Site'60 x 80, Pair; p$11,50-. • Siza ,$945 RIMS ON SALE • ; Tapestry Floor Rugs (seandess), Size 6,yt x 9. *EaCb $14.0O "SARRYMORE WILTON" RUGS 9 1,2 feet •'.. , a 4 * 4f39.00 Mr. Henry rettMart and ?else Gib- loser's. ,peuner Kilpatrick andsy. . we are glad to report'tbat both. kien, of Owen Sound, visited the tor- Word Agnew, Misses Olive and Jean are now on the lead to retoveree leer's !brother, Mr. Walter Pettman, Anderson, MASS Jessie "Audrew, Mr. eletea Anderson, Misses Mere linot week. and Melt. Thos. Blake and Misses and Grace and Messrs, Hathaway and " Wenoing liens have been ringing Grace and Olive Blake were Londori Dickson, of .1...0114011; visited V41114443 •• loudly in Benmiller recently. Hazel visitorduring the week. here Sunday. Tom Andersson. who Good WAS Inerried Wilbert Thom Mr. Palma Mise ,Cslive had, spent the suillmer at Mr. John last Wednesday at noon, They are Kilpatrick" sold Miss Grace Blake at- Helm's, aecompenied them 'home to Nee:de:Mem_ aehuediril:antinalodeaytmciAotn,i;line itToomroentoo; tended the re -union of their respect- Loudon - Mr. and Mrs. Win. I.Otig the Young and Friday of. la9:11:recea..7 *bleb 16°k -7-4----"--""'***ggle rev, eg • , Last Monday" NsteeN9rergil 1/4,411d, on Wednesday Children Ory' * ladies' ease et Demure, ler ehnreh gave Congratutattona tree due Elmer _s ie_ete eeieee.oits.-Ree, a miscellaneous shower in remor of Johnston who sUCCestSfolly posed bis ir 0 -pc.. I AA- rioss Kane! Good. Man RIM were ppm' -schgel examinations, also to " preeent and epent enjoyable even- ing, Tom Henry. and Richard Kilpatrick who were equally successful in their Middle School exiiiiiinations. Mr, UM, hOtt been under the doctor's' re for a week with blood The eempet work on the south e'ilet liolsolipe It hi: irn. Watt was is proceeding well and will xnake A 'quite alse 1. an att qUin- good solid pier .when finished. , Mi+, and Mrs.. Orval Weston and tato sons, having spent the summer in the left on Titesclay.fot their honie in Detroit • Mr. and Mrs Hugh XeLoren .and two children, of ,,Port Elgin, are guests of Mrs. Madmen's sister.' Mies Josephine Sterling, this week, in the village. , Me: and Mrs. Win. Tippet eaying spent a month -with his parents. Me, and Mrs. John Tippet*, in the village, left for their bome m Montana one Monday by motor. Miss Attie Stinson, having spent month with here parents, Mr. and Mre Wm. Stinson left on ViondaY* New York; where she has a position as rairseln one of the large" hospitals rarker Morris Switzer left on Tuesday to motor for Saskatchewan, where they will epend a month on business, all having pro- perty in the 'Wist. The holiday season 14 at an ad this week end all who hairs, children are leaving for their homes as the schools reopen on Tuesday. The vil- lage has been with sumeeee Visi- tors, and ell enjoyed the outing and are sorry the time was to street. Rev. Clete. Mustard, of Toronto, eccupled the pulpit in St. Ahdrews United; ellutch on Suoday, morning hurt and delivered an able serouna. Mr. Mustard, wife and faintly hove spent the holidays in the village and return to Toronto this week, - The date of Bayfield fail fair le Sept. 24th and 25th and the directors. are anxious to Inake this fair sir- nasS all -previous fairs, te we , are among the leaders of Huron Counte in agricultural exhibits, both in the inside department, also the etock. Prize' listi. will' be -sent out by the serretary at once it requested. ,earation for the starts, Of the ele Meson. The •snecial fe.aturn Of the , .!_..„....,,--ANNOUNCEMENT- .,9314161ENCINCt AUGUST 29th POR TWO DAYS THERE WILL litE A • Spelitli Represeutativeli Take Your Measure for MADETO-IVIEASURE MEN'S. CLOTHING $22.50 $30.00 $40.00 in Ow Eaton Order Office Gorierich Coli and ease him regarding your next Suit or Overcoat, or phone 580 for an appointment in your home.. t „ 004T. EATON CSHITED • st• 0611194.,....41..µ4.. • , Poctor's Antiseptic, NompersOro ROOTS ,q.nd OXFORDS. FOR MEN 4. Tim flooh aid Oaletit title with Goollyeat Wok Saistare heel, Death Sass Ire* tee kol oti they so Luther Lioteil. A woolof el hot for Gotwill We. ettlites at HEIM'S Shoe Store • . Avid for Cooderieh' 31600441 mapi.tat st Th01040, wos imptieer,vriensennrehmii apilunpgaaritnicoinpateansid, a revolt terinsient guest with s her vicinity were: ,Mrs.. Reid, parents. Mr.,and,..4rS. Yvette meCtuee• Gordon, '",,,,lanieweeatidet ces Reid. Mies Loretta McClure will leave on maw_ Raw xr„.; and Mrs. Richard DOeStlay of next week for Toronto, polo, stad„ mes maitiano 'where 'sbe will, tilhe liaritt As aln,eultbher .McAlfister and leen liobert, and Me. household science iu ging, eenwe Ththoriginit Reed family consisted. of ef a girls' team 4 UM in e and. ts, izahtimaid,,,ei ,,ca,t Eitla. • at the O. N. E.. • ' ' Ito re , thintis !and: Jane, Asheeld, 1 Vite 0414 Nes° 'Cho** °Irvine --;)hia.* tornehite MrsseOhas. Durnini of St. 'Ionia. ateelitaanied• by Mr3". kilig" -041005 Mat W41•17440Sh t4tp:) and Girltin. Aehitelth vaned. open telativee gm 00•14. owicaroo ‘,and sem ,itnitenu•.trnipt•ablar nino Ler anitlI74 the 4*.valni. I" q a, oReid.tvIt.. sitlIvee vilit.iwiiitdeceased, Pralines Guelph, most iilisMid*.toteR.iLto.r;Rei‘eidisofEvGeolydneficoili, eitntt,de, ni!,.cioementklaipiede‘fotrteiee•nirg‘pyriiiNitsmikt.:nind 1 Eglingten branch of the RoYalereue the Collodion eTetionai, Exhibition, ' of Canada, Toronto, Who is meieeeng Toronto. • ., lie& " . • ' ' ' . ' - : Tha trIadiagYlityPSItit'ameart-i°eniV' MV [1. rtn8a°vne t,litt loefIThe"firdifaarY rweh'ilenoi°all wig:. Iidiom - . ' • . me.mbees gathered at the . home. of ' ssinsistnetr, telhares.uR,Illuij°.1*: leyrntini°,11ADItnotb,htlrv ree‘d!utiniedarriY.OiliVrer!seere'llts. Itt'weivirla.; oiRliVeLd*, . Mise Grace Crawford,. who., ha ,their father, R. L. Rood, at Goderiele relatives in Ashfield, left on Thuesslae the lettere(' brethete 'William Lobe morning on lierereturn to .•Calgorte, oe Goder;e14 Itffr. Reed's dquU•liters. Ili's. Erie eitirleurn and little (laugh - 'tee, Mary tone of Detreit; Mae eIvelyn Reed, Tomato: Miss Kathleen Reed. Elorte. abd•ThiS two sone. Wil, tiam IL Reed, Detroit. And R. Alian Reed of Dungannonealao Miss Movne McGill, Detroit, and Mr. and illre obert , Davidson. benzines:in, The Avhere slie re engaged m term mg , school. • • i Mr. aud etre. G. Hewes and delve- ' ter, of Toronto, have returnedto their honie after a pleasant visit evitli their ieollaili, Mrs. ArtInIr ElliOtt; being OC - i ronarmultd by Mrs. Elliott and her Moth -eve -Mrs. David 'Sproul,' i ay, and Mrs. George Irwin ear ems pineantir apent in eoeiei Monday by motor itn week s /led tritercourse -mid. a tooting (linnet with eeletiveg at 1.41$143? and 11°5.1.!.- was served .es . all getherest around erten, being aecompanied by their the. hospitable heard. ' '..trrandcianghter, Melba Fowler, and her. anib ,mrs, )..„d Itata and 1,400. INIE. and Mrs. Aso Edwards. ' ter Douala Roos lett on Stiturday be • Ws end' Nee' RI "T' Wigging have motor for Leemington, where they I returned from delightful meter will be guests for a few days with' ' trip through Wester% Canada. W - tut° Mrs, Ilogst inothete Ernest Erna one there they were guests with Mr, Ives. Dui?. Tety were ' ticeompanied Wiggins.' aunt, Mrs. Time Campbeli, be efe rose brother, etetierice to end Mr. Ceintibell, of OalthirrneMtin ot theeeehneld-Itnron, boundary. and also with °thee relatives, Stanley Dennis lies beer, oft tette etr. Elmer Beery, with his ts,v0 as driver of Otte 'OCR. t'edy's bread Ors and hie rho; liter, of Moue°, N.Y., tailed upon their coutans, Mrs IL J. Crewtord, Mrs. Jet.. Girviri and Mrs. It Pentland, on Wednesdar. They were accompanied by Mrs. Ride Sold'ors, of Exeter, Whose guest they luul 11,40 jiens1y. :'aster Thornton and Miss Lucille * home of her parents, Mr. and Me, veiyrhien:antettur iitivolako531e4itttewrith Thos. Stothers, 'left on Thureday for acorn. Toronto where she will ugain be a telativee at Stratford, being printed by their cousin. Miss Niekle, member of the teaching otter of that a strewed, is remeining for a city at the o ning of adhere. The Ornpitthy of this community Mrs. Geo. eIlwain is guest at is extended ' to Mrs. Tho. Thoke in - Miss Margaret Oth eon. the home of her on, Calvin McIntyre. the loge of her beleved mother', tire West Wawanoeh. enterteined about Mr. and Mre. R. A. MeXerizie, ae. late Mrs. Jas. Web ;tet, of near ftwersteetries of her friends ae her eorneanied be Mr. and Mrs. O. II. LuchnoW• home on Meaty evening in honor of Penn and babe, and MiS9 E. Elliott, ----- tier friend, Miss. Edith et.. Ili. -k. of of Dungannon were guests en Btams,cine, who had been visiting nesdey at tliti'heree of Mrs. ,hteKen- eet.. New Fall Samples Just Arrived MILES AHEAD IN SIIILE\-1 AND VALUES You look better,feel hatter and are better dressed in clothes tailored for you alone by Tip Top, the world's largest one *ice tailors. ANY STYLE ANY FARRIC ANY COLOR AM ONE PIKE $24 Fkll Fabrics Now On Display M ROBINS /**** 384 rip *praises ‘.1 delivery truckle! as he re suithring from an infection hi One of his ear, which le cenaine him notch diseono (Intended for last week) Mist Jean Stothere who has Mee apending the holiday season at the agora. AeVeatheraton, Chart? MAPEEING Mr. Cecil Johnston spent ' 'the week -end with friends near Loneon. Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Kilpatrick and *fruity speht 4 day recently at Grand BOW. • •• Mr. 'George Glee, of Detroit, is sp.ending o• week's vacation with filen& here, • , Mr, Ward Agnew. of 047411 Sound, ia the legku,estittwgwehokis. friend, Palmer ICiltrhlissee Birdie teed, of Lanes. and Muriel Blake, are visiting Mrs.' R. Solreston this week, • Mr. Jaele.Ourran has entered on, his duties 45 elerk in Mr. Itfeleine drtia store, Lucknow. • ' - Miss Jean Anderson Spent. tt• days lOSt week with her Mend, Miss Bland*. elebougal, of„ Mr. mid Mrs. It. Johnston kunst El- mer Johnston visited Me and ma. Wm. loluiston sit Egeter last week. elise .'Mary Anderson, of London, who spent part of last week with leucknow and Ashileld, friends, re. turned home Sudsy. Mr. and Mire S: X,ilgatrich,, Missl Olive and Maumee Kilpatrick, eeturn. ea home Midday. from a five days' visit with relativee Eget Tawas, With. FOR Groceries Fruit and - Vegetables call on , GEO. PRICE At S• ON Car; North St. and Square , Specials in Tea and Coffee Goods delivered- ea -short n�tze . when required. • ' esitisfactioe Guaranteda. • puotig 248 DI I ..,......j.•••••••••••••••••14.4.,..roon...010,...11.1............., I , ‘, PHONE 330 I For LlitharioT;r1MPOilring 1 • •• Rafiniiiiian A biros riknee"of Sample Corer - , into carried- v. A. ZIIVIMERIVIAN. I , Nelson Stelt•Lre , woOtcr-seolvii3' E11111 AND Eit.PROU01.31.1it INSVRAXCU srettp.E.r flION% SOS her dune! the past week. Miss lilek , returned on laresdey to her home at BCRIIISVille. • Inviter the vacetion of Rev. C. C. zie's brother, ?gr. Wm. Plinikete lett twp. Muer.- when The rititra-- Cher& • ef : Mr. Itestell,Pfrimmer is attending •Dunitannen is beine re -decorated the the Toronto Exhibition this week. Miss Dolan, 'of Hamilton, visited •eld arquaintawees in this neighbor. hoodlist-wetk., , We *re glad to tepett that Mi. Harold Allen ie improving after her. severe Metes& ' • Miss Helen Detest -ion,. of Mitchell. ',omit last week with her fricieL Ituritee Lone. • Mestere Wiltour and Hilly Fell at home. • • • - t*nerelinga few days at the Wee of' Mr& Jake•tpin teCOVerinX 'Weemr, end mro, Wm, Lore, je from her: indivositien following'. Mrs!, Aldirs Allen and Porno left • the ehefh resultant from it motor eet lett Tuesday to visit her earente ael • ' "dent,-a1nnit est' in ethk'h she wiclotis.r ?Attires at %moo& FaA, vitlise rya into tb.e ditch upon Meat. Nee perry waiters see need levee os itone i001t revel. Fetturiately, toorooft to litojr flootp, !Invite a0ent..1. rar riot upset and est farther: tto. motrotor titk Mt Otraitt Tt(tqqP, rilwAArt, l'441% stone 14441" * Wi01ifoie4t IKt44.!‘ot1 and Enokrq ,,,helg..;nff On ft", it eremPlot", 1(. trim tittentiott Hs% $tri.ttford Neemel;: "11W"'.Me Wiektv14 ww14ellnot rountioa Jost reek at teeirat reesile, of Tormitewere fis.,044 re,-,s,m, • emstly AO. Hu*, pareet4,1 Moo Crttrado f,1jktll Omi hori, No, pitti mr*„ Alletx O.4.4&Mt", peMla. boh of Tprnitto., r.ti•w t•N hkortilItt 011 ttin ft) We!follOskre whinier 10,. -tArntot'sk !trolle it% etin*bi *bore they ,s.i11 ovavolkor, Sundry school of the United thureh is holding joint geitiona with the Sunder lachool of St, Paul's Anglican churchitt the perish hale Mts. Nellie Shackleton, rho has tom nutting a' broken leg, left on Tuesiday for a visit with Mr4 and elm Matthew Shackleton of Crewe. Mrs. Menary her SiStei, n•lso was in at- ten...tame upon her, /OS returned to itt leesie THE QUALITY BAKERY tfhe putity et the ingredients uted, This the expert belting ovii.ure.t NiCA1 the Best Quality Hab.rry Food!, Ty ear Cake*. 1044kit,5. 13a,. ems .aad Itreest epee mot eoielt always Isade he,te• U. CLEVELAND rb,roe 114 Wt • •:W:* ry a ev)n:Ip'.ete line of , • PUBLIC " SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS With every pireehase of er, over we will give a 50 Scribbler fre.e. J. CALAIIN .CIJIT • Kirigitoie*Street. The Morning Treat.; 41er-rieh vweet voile with eofree---just as dainty to' their name. Sugar-coated, eerrant- fined, our e BUTTERFLY pup's' - • are aa wholesoine and nntritiong a SOY' bread . roll. 3tek e tom ot.ror;08.- breakfast and luncheon 'tt real treat with a box fresh from Curry's Quality Bakery: phone 461 NEW HEADQUARTERS - op TbJE 'ciiacKsuurr ilsout, co, . and general line of,r Arm Ini- pienients and 'Repairs, inclucl- ing the United and Allis Chat - Mer TrOetOrs, at , GODER101 Phone 598. Kingston , imamiliormir•4 M.**, Lawn and Verandah FURNITURE • o WHEELER'S ignitor, Dealer Poore Direeter cnotcp GRocEltitg,; • • Fir*, VEGETABLES, spitkit; EGGA. IVIDATS. ,LARI PLOIIR, ETC, SILVERWOOfi S 'ICE CREAM Pr1 41:66e Pr4routelPitiPt:1:" V:°u- r OM hi and ..satisfy yourself. reerYhade vette:tie.. . • ...,qoarr's-trocery The Store at Satisfaetiam pellaotenteiliton 42 .8Wtt'othett:"-live6rWine.;,joctn `...4‘,N\k WW1' iteitatiO • CLEANERS SAVE litioNEY Let us make your old clothe& like new why gpend a lot of money for new clothes who, for it dollar oz two we an try eletin 'your old clothes and make.. jem leek just like now. 1 J: H., VROOIVIAN Goilerich Freud Dry Oessiog Werke Pikette 122 West Street , .• „... „,, . ,„ , ECTRICAL WORK BELL WORK • HOUSE WIRING MOTORS AND OTHER ELECTRItAL APPARATUS WE INSTALL AND REPAIR ALL KINDS 't* ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT R PRICES ARE RIGHT OUR WORK GUARANTEED 1,0 to sive you an estimate aft yew week TALBOT 84 CORNISH rhea* Week Stoma • . •C)