HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-28, Page 5:41 TRUSADAY. AUG. CAMPBELL S DRUG STORE EOR ALL Public and High Silool Supplies AND Public School Text Books - School Opening gxt.ra Special 2404age black ''cover, ruled exercise 1111 me% book Regular 2$c, A real Special_ Oa's- .-Supply, and Reeyeis, -Paintsand raions, Scribblers, Pens and Pencils, Rulers, In. passes; rMathenlatiCal Sets and ALL School Supplies , • School Bags, Loose . Leaf Rooks, Corn- Nr. .90 . gen PlaYed soother ,girt friend. • Reliable Goods at ReasonablO. Price s. tor e who, tiresseduis kide and groom, en* • 1 he Utah eat, was two girl friends* the bride TBE- OODJKJCU STAR ifITan.M- ar▪ aampador. .9.711111ra• 44. 11 COUPOILIgig )L Mies Clisas Itelisrason ia taking school **sr Parkhill. tiosia Hardy ha* setered 014 B dN un the Exhibition itt Toronto title week, Miss Potts Compbali. of Besforth,t -.is viiitiag iter waited. Sr.* Cooll Noz-!. Miss Helen Davison, of Minitel), • a ews was the goest of her friend, MissSchoot Eunice Long. last week. Miss Ada Jean Sheardown. of' GOdit. rich, is spending her holidays with her uncle. Mr. 1. Treble. 'Miss Erie Baster, of London, ie visiting her grandparents,' Mr. enfl Mrs. Geo. Bastei. Miaa,Mildred Anderson, of Dungen. non. is visiting her cOWitillg Mare matt' this week. Miss Josephine Weiro4 Auburn. ill-, , Epending a few daya with he r cousin,' IMiss lionothy Robertson. Mr. Jack Barris. of Walkerville,, visited •hb cousin, Mrs. K t k M. Heavy Pettmen and friend. Miss Gibson. of Owen Sound, spent few dos with the forriler's brother, Mr. Walter Pttmmi. 4, Middies at Special Prices Children's and Msseial Middies, made of heavy white midd3 twill with blue flannel detachable collars and cuffs. Our prices 6 to 10 yrs. 125 each 12 to 20 yrs. $1•50each .114isses and Children's. Silk vizs E. n,. G. Dolan, of near Ilion- Rayon Lingerie • iitatli VMS renewing old acktiaintela- • ees ill Benutiller last week. . Special Prices for School Re -opening school near Exeter. :sibetsa:057gteo:lixtetelt:acwithi:t bi:elr 10:::ine i vzsrs_o to -at' /0 years 49 its BLOOMERS -6 t010 Yri.59efir home for not/ay two ymirs on *coolant 0. Mrs. Alden Allen and son Donald. - . 'with Mrs, Samuel Allen, of Goderich, - ' ott . , ' tichfetyouipendesdaapvenfringtheaW,fosutpreithroet leESrs -12 to 16 years 59 ets BLOOMERS --12 to 16 yrs.1)Ve pr months. _ r - Mr. j. Albert Vanstone, of Chieago.1 Men's . • Fancy Check Lisle Hose sa:Lirne*de:nr:41)14:,,int‘lh.ditiliir:t*enbr:'41781:'17:Ptut14-.1- -ia fawn shades, a'spl endicl stocking for fall wear Regular 69e 'T'Abits. norento voterson ho. re- , and 75c pair. Clearing at per pair., -;-:----;.-------;----4- turned to her home in Toronto after Stlanding BOUM time with her , Misses DorotilY and Christine new En dish g ish Prints • On-Votnia.V. evening last the YOung _ ,,, . ,. . ' ladies' class of Benmiller :United in small floral patterns and guaranteed fast' co ors. Regi 490 to liltr, ,ehUrell. gave a kitchen, showet at the . 4n home a mee., Will Long in honor of t,17C per 'yard; Our Sale Price per. yard -.7-;-...-;-------L-, hjisis Hazel Geod., a bride -elect Of tide ,,, . . • • - week. •One of the• eVening. much to the amusement pr9S., . ; tored the. drawing room to the strain _ . st • of the Wedding March :from Lobo- ore - tba bride.toobe was taken . . •• •'., Illasb..400011.4004***0100401.010101exin0fllNessea.. loaded wit -h. -useful artieteS, Shifrivin't ' . :- : • • ourPrise A. basket was brought in -... • . '-'ilia. . , r • ...._÷.„---..77....11...i....-.=„. ),thIle esteem niriads$Imetiebolings towards. tindr miniicioal Council of. the Corporation 'ivied for the purpose of of the ToWn of Goderieh to :grout 4t. tors , belonging te The Western Can, . . LANES . furtho aid .by wait, of: Axed: assess- ada Flour Illills Corenany, Limited, :., ' -Merit of $70,009.00, ineluding.business, ,, shall be for, a period ; of ten. Years • (intended for tast.-we 10 ' asaesainent upon:, that portion of its .eonineneing . With . the first day of 'Born -'To . , Mr. and 4rs. Thos. lands, buildings; ,plant and machinery January,; A. D. 1934 subject to 4 1Tookett,en Friday, Aug. loth, a girl used for manuftiettiring purPoses and fixed assessment for oll purposes reati. and. boy., Congratulatteusl . d Mr tions thereto for it period et ten oars lamas, of .$1.00 ineloding businese. Bowles, ' Of London- cliTie ' Pneent • jrdisv No. 'la or., inso OF• - TUE CORPORATION' OF TRE 'TOWN 'Or GODERIC/i. . • . ; • TO. GRANT - AID TO: TUE WESTERN • Q:AVADA. FLOUR Ittt,LS."'COliiPANY WILTED BY. WAY OF Paw ASSESSIONT. WHEREAS -by, By-law No. *fi of 1910, of. the Town of -Goderich, it was. prerided that the .Solit iThe Western Canada flair Coginami.v Unfit. ed; should pay in lieu of all MUnicipal, taxes a `fiiied annual ''.'paionent of $1300.90 npon and in respect' of that portion of its tenae,, betiding., plant and machinery used- for inaitufactur-; •in purposes -for netted, 0, :Pte°4 02" and . a like Pfised annual 'pay- ment of $1200.00' in respect, of its bode, buildings, plant zit'1401at.#04.rY. Used fon".4114. Purpose', of,,,1 grain elOater.:fer'1WPeried ertitentyletirs,' lead' of 'said.,periOds-td be •Coeipated' frOM the first of the, Year 1911, and Dy -law NO, 44 011020 of the Town 04Goderielg' it was 'prrovided that the said The Western Canada FlourCriniPitny; Limited, should have a .010 aaffetPVZOilt of 479,000:00,. in- elading bagginess .assessinent',uPon thaf.pettien of its lands, buildings, plant and machinery used for 0iiiann«, • fauturingi purposes and any improve- ments thereon or additions thereto , f0r. a period of ten yowl from the Brat day of ...Tannery, A. D. 1921. .A.ANI)WIIERIViS the periods un- der .-the two Ay -laws will expire On the first dog of January next, and the said the Weston Canada .Flour Milis Company .Iintited, hire requested the any imprOvements thereon or addi- eget school taxes and :beg improve, llorn-To Mr.: an su Alvin 'frora the, first day of January; A. D. assessment for other than school Ilaaett)-, daughter, sAng. 9th, 1931. and 'also a..fixed assessment of purposes. • • -0 Congratulations! - $1.00 on all lands. buildings, 'plant I The aid herein provided -for Mr.• and ldr,-.8Pan'e• irwIn armit and machinery used for the purpose granted upon: the conditiOn that if Sunday' 'afternoon with the •latter's of grainelevatorsfor fielded Of ton the number .of bands •Permanootly oarentst Mr. and Mrs. Robertsore', of Vara. commeneing from the first as employed ,hy the said Company at of janbavY, Ito A it ' the Town of 'Ooderich in connection - AND WHEREAS the muSicipoi with im said manufaituring plant Mt ICH TON%7 Town of Ooderich has deemed it ex- hundred for a period of six successive go. Dave Davidson- left for the the morning (11 naii.) and at Victoria provisionally' .paas' and eubmit this :ed clown and not In actual o eratioto pedient to grant the saki aid and to months, or if the plant slum dos- Vet en Turneinadaryideifeilmiite'tpowsitthwrleyke.ry TStii.eerlirurceachheirn'ftohraCenclianf AllIONG,TUE CRUIZCITES Services in Knox ehurch Sunday 33. a.m. and. '1 par. tonductati by the Minister. Sabbath scho61 - io ServiceS. at Baptist ehurch on Sun- day next:- Bible school at 10 a M.. gospel service at 11 11'111. And at -p.m. conducted y Rev. Harold G. Garner, liosbae;•;_ ..BuNeets Mormox, "The dwelling and Infil- .of the Rely Spirit;" evening* "Moral Cowards. end Moral Heroes." Pastor Bunt will ronduet servEceSat A la NorthSt. and Victoria St. United eon(regations will worship together Council Ow, Corner:allow, of the 41141, fall below the ingather of one G D next -Sunday at North St. church in B' -law to the ratePayefs of the Cer.. or in opfration' intergittentir pairirfuts9arecklent wilt& required so- ' -poration of the Town ef Goderith. on for a period of -eight sueeesiiive.. the terms. and Conditions hereinafter mooth s, th e in either of, such eventS ting the. threshing maehine: spt, forth. • the (kekoco, of the COrPcoraliOni "tbv-• Mr. and Mrs:, W. Bininson Mgt, ilowr ottittkirtil, Town,of Gatlerich may past nDy-laV41: Issal:turgitiX MOtOrsei, nguttreci 'era 'stitches, itiet..Pritley While .oper- . withopc suhMitting it t6tiza rAtennY, u IV go a.klit. h h DOI Coiniell of the Corporatien thel Stott, . of Plesherton, ,Victoria choir will have eharge of the service of song.. s . SolvatiOn Arlon Coptoin P. 1311.,; hogs. who has canimanded the local S. A. Corps, has returned fromC. 'vacatien anent, at Kingston. 13reek. • and. eastern COP* toil). will be renmining in the town for a while. . Coy, who ha$ been #11 and having physical at. tention, a little impreved. The S. A. Property is Malting good head- way. The, officers are moving into their apartments this week. Ibe, OPeriing will be held at linearly date. Next well have golf couries that can be folded -up, and carried in -the !I Photie 6 • • • ' los •- _ 1:eoisiteeitntofinotwocic.shoorlelefrytaztoPnix:tioes.74:1411,0 A°ItilgunstleTisatti.°9*,3:DAtr. nglte 811111titli4 t * GEO. STEVVAItT •GortEmcit Bruce St. Ph fie 104. • chiidren • roadster:f C Ala S 17.0 Ft I A FOR -FLETCHER% I:0 •II.441Winommororarteiliibianwrir Inwn of Goderich, enacts follewsl dfirrastvriellatihinegaitqeltreltb-ylavri‘a4ded,Wiiitit „Afrmts„eti,magoistas early: - ,• ; 1. Those portions of the lands. tueteafteo on ligataolis • otheriVise b ndi a we WS hojiarty Suid The Western Canada 18 lour ' T. p hundiage, plant and, ina,chinto7 pf the e topou the litrunwpoi coror*.,-. thee. bsurn/loPa of Tee pareents, Mr. Milis-ComPura Linnted. at the Towo tinne tion b Mrs. -Geo. 'Paleorier• of 'Ooderichi 4ont tified.for iiiimulac- elided fer shall cease it being uncter;:tOtilsotipteTS eiltrtttivg tfe!wf:rer remits. thereon or:additions thereto provisions are not to apply in vote.. end -,viith her frien , Miss • lauds. shall be for:,avoeried. of ten fire„ accident, or. _other 1*0 difficulty yeirs eonunencing.from,the first any over widen said corn/nail 'MK have 4-gi 1ft *.relie)1"anxiberfl-en."•;•Gvlatiseitriill taring purposes, and, rely'. luove- stood however that -the foregoing Made or erected 01' placed upon said the plant is •SO closed down ow g. and urs. Currie. 0 errs to porter. drMarion ehave aifi joarkurmitypos4,A. 1031, assessed for OP' 44ntt9.11 in `which event the eitht re a lv` eXeont .school taxes, at 'Company shall use ail eiepeditren to left on -their return P. 1301nac!-,ma the sum of 47.0,000.001 including bald- overeome arid rectify the ea . by Sunday bMr and Mrs John Blair. - esaesamentfor ether than school ty and to'resume ff CO at thI - be ilifficul.• Ilat V. • wilt purposes. . earliest possible monient" /f the • held ,Ilosiullidsau,!1:onb„Uoinle°tn, 2e11:,.mrth. aitte‘r3.. 2. Those liortioths of its !ands and Company fairs to use dee- diligencein,- thezoosbiti cou !iya oharou. sit -buildings,' plant hod mathinery the renioval of -the VaUSO of the 10$ . ° • . • • • • i•e'`'‘... -•• l• • p fug down of the' pot the Council ox. UltL1 f - . .• 8c11001: Days are Just Around the ,Corner iOur. stock :.o Pleated SkirtsMiddi jerseys :and: Stocking is complete . ' CirPi Pleated Skirt*, button' on separate 'cotton • , top, fine all wool Botany $Srge,, sizes 10,12, $9.50 and 14 years. Eich. • sr ,r44Iri, • 4 " • • • , •.'• . MONEY 00ES , fARTHER.BUT STAYS -, HOME! : *. • ' , 0 Your money. goes *Jong way but it never leaves.home when -you buy front Superiorltoroa. a e 4 You.will find a Superior Store near. you, operated' and owned by your neighbor, nieating toiti..2 petive prices with high quality goods and giving'anhonest weight and *fleapit*. 0 Et,e.."0 ''• with .the **ange and black frank' where courteous, ',Relent seryiee infinitili00. - - f• - - ' -' . • WE.SELL THE BEST F94" LESS----------.. - . FRY'S PURE ; . . . 1 -- . IVIA;ir IMO ORS ' - F T said to withdraw the aid hereby motei,s, ijst fur such value. s 19c 3 ' • i.;;;•wriaimi•-imik the Corporation s in its distretion giaration of quolificationt..otherwhe BR K AS the Tight in the mintier afore:4 tbe-r names grented.: The CerepanY sixall also;ANii reRtitER0 TrAJ NoTICE I from tithe to tinfe request, fur nish the Atrunic.i,psalupon Council wit1a that the vote e the -electors of the statutory declaration ov decieratioust said Municipalitsr of the Town of , made by its local manager or book- Goderielr will take place in tio seve Peentith lntp,n1Ilenroof hand4 "44 Polling sulklivisiona of the ktheeen,r;sh and°wfolnrg thtbere prior iittUraCiPalitY between the ,hours of thereto:employed by said Company:i nine o'clock in the morning and five and giving any other:information re: o'clock in the afternoon on Monday, , this (mired to enable, the Connell to .dotir; the eighth day of September A. D. mane e er the conditionsof 1930, and at the following places by the following Deputy -Returning coin. cen end Pen Clerks: Polling subelivislon No. garage at corner of Victoria *rect. and Elgin Ave.- Deputy -re. turning oirieer, Thos. IL Wallis. Poll clerk, James: MeeVicar. eulndivision No, I -At Me. Lean% buteithf • shop, test St. De- puty -returning *Meer, D. D. Mooney. Poll clerk, P. G. Weir. , Polling subdivision No. -3-At the Town Ilailo 1)optity-returning officer, way of boons; 10414 fixed ,aseessmelit Z, C. Belcher, Poll? clerk, Geo. Bet, or otherwise, by the Corporation of Ponta* sub -division No. 4 -:4 -At the Tesvil of Goderielt to any indusfil Blethers' Waggon Shop, Victoria St, in any ease in which the cement ef. Deputy -returning officer, Buren A, the said 0041411Y would tit might bn Tortoni. Poll elerk, WiIliain !Mei. By-law are being fifirilled and Anti also allow inspection of its ithoke for the Sante purpose at any resannable time upon request. 1. 4. The said The Witten' CiAtiPilit,' flour Miils Company, Limited, shall!. under its ,eorperate seal enter in* an 'agreement with the Corperation.of the Town of Goderieli ivior to the, finat passing of this BY -low, whereby the said Company Shell undertake and agree to give its eonsent at AV timeUpOil, request during the currency .of -I this By -low to the granting aid by Okra PleatedSkirts, same style, nice qualitY, 44 ali required, and mach' agreement shall ell. • wool ixt/4 Serge, ses 6• o yeart.;„ -Urt../1 $ er provide that tile expense potting subelivision No. 5 --At connection' with the submission to wattotios Store, West street. De. - the ratepayers with; this Dy-litw shalt ,puto.eettirning oineer, Baroid Black • Hfi&Xes, Ihesavy quality white jean, -4!qllar and braid, aur best RatIVliday. Site 14, IC, IS, ua cuffs of navy flannel, trimmed three- rows $ Art and 20 polars. h. 44“. 44# •*.• 41 4 d hany.ehorite and Paid by the said 'Corn' p\stone. Nu clerk, Charles Sliepbaril. This. 'HY-Inw 001 take olfoot A'rtPliatillrin'sg ereebt*rialevitlis•letriles°''kePettfeleAt:' the day of the final passing -thereof. Deputy -returning 'Willer, Ir. 1,. Witt. READ a first aridsecond. 11i 311 gon. pa clerk, DalYl vid arwick. Oen council. and pravisionally PU.: • polling sithadiviSion No. G. sed this let day of August,- A. D. Shillelagh' raidderice, corner of WU- 1°311. IL- J. A. MiteFAVAN, litt000, il.reattrnia:g1,01a117 'IP8,t,r/eEAt.* RDlit6gPlittg L. L. KNOX, Clerk« Poll clerk, Robt.' MacKay., - Gifts MicicHeis tnesifinn goat, whit* Sans' "Ine 49 TAKE NOTICE that the above gill e On Saturday, the, Otli day of Sep* THURSDAY • Pieta will not ppear On tne COCOA. Purity Quick Oafs with Coupon. .27c Ne* Pak $ea King Lobster, 14 's •23C. • k*.• 4.44 iik.a•• I; a a*W3.6'°S 35e, Ingersoll,Cream or .Pimento • Cheese. ,2'• ....2ac Kara Coffee, "The *Secret Blend", 341s; 31c wrhtrob.# oaoriowoor I.*" 4.110 a•Wgi• Sitirriff's True Vanilla or Lemon, each 23c Carnation Milk, Large, 2 tins., .25c RED COHOE SALM() 14 *-s 29c TOILET SOAP 4 cakes 2$o , .' • . • • • 4 *el` • SwanSdown Cake Flour, per pkg. - Pep, Bran Flakes, Muffets, Shredded Wbe pkgS;... ,Choice Quality Peaches, '2'S. ; Good Size Prunes, 2 Ib. pkg... •A. 4 H. Sal Soda, each .10e, 3 pkgs,..... Campfire Marsinnellows, 8 az; tins.... AYLMER PINEAPPLE ShceJ, Tid Bits or Cruoissi 2's squat 23 Welch's Grape Juice, pints ....Um Gold Soap, 4 .oakes; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;25.0 Nugget or 3 in 1 Shoe ,Polish, each': McLarents Queen Olives,: '19 oz — .25e Wire Hy Swatters, 104 Rubber 15c mcLarengs Stuffed Olives • 8V oz.; ..4250 Heavy Zinc Rings, per doz.. - High .Grade Vinegars and Pure Spices for *Kest' Quality Rubber Rings, 3 doz... .25c your pickling wants Crown Jars, Small 99c doz; Medium $1.09 TODDY OXY 1)01, "ser,..ifut or Cele kans -Eveivihintek - 8 ozo tins 33e, 16 oz. tins, $,3c Pay ste tatra and got a 364 "Tan &tabor Large Package 19c wow I I I Crucifies:et Reduced' Price. *PRI, & SAT. Aug. 28111 nth style ocabove, Sisor 14 to 20 yeast. ZIA . . tember, 1930, the MayOr tbe said ' ' $ tea' blerhalf:!tift:PhYattillitoPtirfgat:it'deottlyieogrovw TOWII Win attend at the • Commit Chambers of the said, Town ,at ten . Ikili, 44114 lthkh W 111 1" 4nalir 4)4'"d o',elock in the forenoon, to appoint uwl siotts,tolotilavy by the Courieil of the Municipality riprsoo6 to ottani at the various frit. fiat Mu. evettt of the Assent of the . PHONE YOURPRDER TO - vase illt 410Cli .. ,V11••••••••••• e•••••cli , :t11:16 $2,95' Zme)b:cistniitt 4.t.t 'fit-stt Is er,2 iiliFtiliiii4i11 otez lift tlitiOrk of a ropy thereof In'The If.....,, and promoting er, °pinning the pee. '''' Inigantenis asa** 14, 16, ,Ifintil 20 . rot _a_._,. rich Atar neekp_iper, the tbite of 1„:‘,.....1.00.00vereloweeieee-2-n=rweeer-nv- which publication wets the 14th daY, stopellItit*vietyllf "Id P/1"$"1 BY -jaw' , . ,of August. 1030. ivrtlitiv The Clerk of the Council of the f i thrallfl Fi..."1"1_,..48delt,sTirrAKLAia-un-le-r isitgdonTotev: In tloodetrioewnh wirliotteantateatit , Value ith' '''''o'ilt""lortI3ruit ant,G,P11301141PLI A41,,,et, o'clock in the forenoon, on Ttiesd*Y. 1 . ' it '-'''' ' -----' ------- ---. -- the Pth day of September. 2930. to ,.. "votireu74 niii3m1);oatEadawitita"lytt beera"1.704.14ittliteoor:diort:44Zt. illierttainUlt*t ti.Ithiczta:iiNbeptorieroftTetnegyfierwo.asni tj PhOlit$ 56 4. .9 Your tore 4 „-, . . • „ Netwen, Goderielt Cult, Welch PHONE 46 •PHONE 116 • WE DELIVER