HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-28, Page 2r.
THICRSDA.Y, AVG. 20th. lax
Geteritaitentify Rita leroec of barley predate, weather ten- ZYZ.301100a WEEKS !_
e Medi Store Worth While*
Gordon, Minister "of lounigration amlidition$ arc favour:Ole
*xi* founi rs of suitable type . some *tomer* Wea held Mt lit. Ho-
,,tfolonizatioin, with the encepUon of .An tothureiestio eta* meetipg of t The sirthoot sou
take *re itt repieseien emuue lona levet en a'sitlatte Augilet tt, Uri Dna eye., mem misery and weak.
base duiVieavy eyes Nvith dark time High clas
oentative for rextk, County *dad 4110 rditiop. Aatientic girls and women' 8 ilaberd a El TY and
maintain theinsentes on fsortre.
nntiernea iThe bright eyed g4r
wapiti/ is always happy and well.
Itiere is one way to make tbe :eyes
bright -to bring the glow of health
means to inimedietely establith atid C. .Dt Graham. Aglicoltural Revue- nooa_os surto sign of a bloodiese ectn,
,Chatrinali. SA:
• or of the Cr -opo and mareets nrencb,
• Xeronte, etalinCa the expeximents and
• pointed out the restate that bed 'been
, otteinedl. IX It Steno, of the Hot-
; cussed genera prineipale in killing the body with new blood -rich, red,
weede. ansWer to enquiries withleealth.eiving btoodo Dr.
Geterterie Fly to New 'York Catioda and lion. Gideon Itobertsoll, -
OHM 'again LIU *Mater boo flown Moister of Labor, to consider plane -
acrosa th Atientie ()aeon from oast for toletion of the. unemployment
to weet, this Woe over a tome north- r problem, the Molotov of Labor atat.:
erly route titan has ovor been team ed that no one will be porinitteil' to
previonolye Wolfgang von Groneau, g4i hungry or cold in Conada during
German naral ,aviatot, and three t coining winter. F. for the St, loawrouce.St, George
coMpaniOnta Moored Off the coast of I Australie Hattori ,division of Montreal, who , becomes:
ainy Depattment, •• ne P pale eheeke-that is to Invigorate
.111 regard to Cher:deal Weed Milers* Dia Pink Pills do this and they do it well,
;Stone otitlincit 'vera'. exPerialleais Concerning them Mrit. Robert atevitte
I that 14141 WO conducted. Ile stitultliBrougham. Ont., says: "My dough-
Inned tin the resulta SaYidg thet ter became so ill and wiervous we bed .t.
Cheinizal Weed would an to toke her out of scheel. She was .rhono 419
limportant Part in Cnterio Orion'', pale and thin* her eyes were dull and
the !east et/ex:non uret her. 1 begat/ -C"T:77
tore. but iin to the present with eel*.
tbeasuceeeding crop. Mr. IL G. Bell to dotroy any $ ly expel worms from the system, but.
not 'know leer. She asthma in weigbt the trees
Hand Tailoring
tain weather conditions there 1/Plieatt giviog her Dr. Wi liana* Pink Ville ,_,„,,...___-_to-e---- - .
:C. Guelph outlinedethe use of fettiliz. 1011 induce healtbfut eandituma of the ,
WorMa kee a child
of the Chemistry Pep to t 0 A
ay " , . „. Randhesotirtehnr, h and is now the .pieture leaves underneath the trees.
er on furm crops and nointed ant how • '
e rm. i o o . to- - I.- btrDulr edWiciiiiiir mileeeierriankor Phiyilsiratyl° a(140 bilge dh by sr. 4r:: (III i di ir ul ei to 11 s I tiw*itnhne irn gt4 ss tai i
e mere aSs (.3,10au Id eCI C"tral 1:4' cents a 'box Own The Dr. Wirs
• jam 7 ir t byaio:mocie to ptoldue,e-ii
.. e e or e "dYdtddl Unddr 'which 'worm% OM 110 '
longer thrive, • P
in a gontinual State of reetlessnese
t , b / o e
* th 19.OS Re 1 Onentr es he
perintents have stopped to inspect Only a few Short days and the the eur-
• EXTENIVB • a • . more eitottve.
The orchard is loanage4 in eOnnee- "wdere" than willeh tile"' LI' nothing
tion with a mixed farming !tamest.
d - - • ' e
and half. sufferipg can be reproved, winch an
, - ,
all through the erowing season Pee& MORE ELABORATE ND, ------ -- - - n' be easily done by the use of the
Mr. Hyslop states that every day SIXTY-THIRD wEsTERN nut rtelintti olantadarrewi * Pa
keeti ahead of the 'weeds.
intexested.in the progress of the ex -
ed to be a toxic After effect with selte and irt los tins six months you would cab on the Miller's 'atom Powders will not one
Nova after ftore Ger" The Comnionwealth of Australia Secretary of 'State in the new .Fed.
iiyuig 11440Y bY WaY 1"1" Ana (iron- lute taken stock of it pOition and is 04=4 Clihtnet*
land. Tho 411glit wets not nonoztop diagnosis bits *en pronounced. d
- -hop as the Written veiled at theigraair ,Ottoolleitneyer,, ,./tima of the - • Canada In 'alternation* Trat o .
Ieleade Rerldavilt lienlandlo Iota Bonk of +England, Thu- dieirgilatirErW triute
Greenienat for eupoljes and vealS that Auetralia has to PO our etarole in fifth poaition Imports,
fuel. The fitting boat 'need for the eteotioo,000 of unfunded debt within- exports end aggregate trude, occotel-
JotirneY irthe ono in which the Late n year, and after that had a wespite big to a 4mdensed Drell:muter y re-
Rennhi Annindltetaf Nom/glen,: eic.1 oe two years to ptzt its house in or. port ger. the fiscal year ending Mareh
1025, I tatto statea, vim atta looter ebb than Eitatela of liner gy, Producers/
Motet . traVelletit Patti- :the ,Aoetie , • in taereollate. -credit of Australia,' Sir :11sto. 1030. • - "
Ratite -a-. 'SOW' Princess that of any other of the Doriiinione
Another deogliter hos been born, to not exeeptIng tlisturbente-tiallen, 1no At Vresent 'Canada ranks as ' as the
the DocileSs .of , .Yoric,' Wtoto,
Wife of ., the dia. , 'reaerat :Government hfut third largest producer of eleetrieal
second :son,: oft.Ilis .littiteety .Iting /leaded -to out 'expendittireit lir 1515tio energy' in the world, with the United
..000i* to a bulletin totem** 000.040 to Meet its dehts• ' - States and GeM*111 14416g. tket .and
.:. i. 04114, the, •. . - Second: piece 'respectively. ;The, tie.
1101110 at •": the Duchess. This new 'I ' ital°Q G4 New 4ff --"---"~sa''. : vestment in this. industry hi Canada
'terra *bee Onetime heiropreenona I A new 'aims" is being preptire4 new aniotints to -about one Itillionololt
tive to thieltritith thrOneets the first . for the -dirigible B.,100 whieh: matte leis. thwit in the- 'United Stete$ ta
Prineeotote• be born in Scotienaelk; tight otecentiy to Canada. eleveti billion . dollatoo.lhatt ler Goo
. be given to ,the'rhild in commeinora. 'for the .last three oeets. will be lion. dollars.
ess and the, beta* otwilleess 4V0;11.0,0., graitt,.$14 will take, several .wee . Smiling' Betty ainthill, the idol: a
. greseing fairotsbiy, . : ..: ' : a , Iti'; linatehahle tht4. On g*.1.°0 011 .Biitigh :,teenie enthusiasts. captured
. , be lev to Sy nitibi int IMMO eeitS • , ' ' . ' - ' feis .. '.- :-
Labor'. Minasietas Assurances ntoe- th-o i ----tb notblv.„ h. • the Hatted Sta ...stogies lawn, tennia
At, a Meeting'. itt• :Ottatv. between: - o to .a -eat .oheereatositt rien ehe defeated ttro.'
eri s tter chin e
of the chemicals this is Injurious to.
giving tam Vara erena quick start. ut Medicine Co. Brockville Ont. secured Ave prizes including -two alutValnl,"d", .111ere..„ealt tieuke 44411felt
the Sprilfg anti thereby enabling it to ' Co., ' - t 'floats two seconds and d a third. Ile f....__....„....„..,.:)rst2l:,Qcltleo.nIle ill the . e4la(i, e a- -
the field. Jain rings UP again en Wes -tern 'On' eFoerrtlinglea.vtosr lilStre,eviisild‘dvleerteoll!!ste' huter:'feaetle" ExIldlibbeitronilleB°ufildtifilgsC,anierklantiliollttpugnatt
'These experiments 10,..Vitepe'bergeancaofi theories greatest annual exhtbition, lug owl. scarcely be called a business -
ilea tot through the eo Western Fair for 1930. If yen&. any longer; so small, is the o'er&
the ,Crops, 40.eperation and Maelotts intone't made your plans already to and so uncertain the market. .Haby •
moseatative,at Perth, ana,tho nupart. iii att_efoainie, because, -according to booeetv:nviyItTo/ilellit"svafrearlesedbu't ayiseltdilelgetYre: '
Brat:who Toronto, the Agricultorals*. attain the "Pale you shouldn't lose -
ments. of SotatlY and Chensiotry.at the offteials, thia year will surpass any ly coder -c--0-rveturn, ,..,-br addition,. ar.
Oratirio Agricultural Gallego,. Guelph. . • kept,
300 yearst aid it is theUght that the Huodreds of•thousands -of feet of the allow 2.7 billion dollare, and that in
old Soothsh, tiente "alergaret" Wit OW 'fabric WO jhas beep In service Great Britain to one and, ene-lialf
tion of the oetasion. -Beth the Duch- eCraloPed. 'fbe re-covering of the British . Tennis Stier Wine Titles:
the Ern:moment sol!vian Council et le t or nd th s tun'iree itarok nt vratvieee nt veregt;
" e Gteat Manna gxhibiti011 OPOAS Hills, New York. Thie is the lit'st
froth IniEtt UM**
for yOnt *Pratt
- Afford.
fit ace° arta*
it is a
nod play
coot. calon-lt
*.t,c ,a0f*I
A glittering ianciply of 'Caned/ea 'time. 111" brtY,three yetwa that tin
greatness, resourees and emoniereiel Englieli girl lia$ taken the title across.
supremacy„ the fifty-sepond Canadien the r Atinntle, 'gnat her Victory was
National Exhibition woe *petted. loot vorroptipulait partoeted with
week by E. X. Beatty, E. Do Prow Palfrey of the United %tater;
dent of the Canadian :Patine Reil- oleo 'wen the 'Neniat'arAtsibles
way. Vtankly recognizing that the • New cimedlen, llighwey
world'e greatest . animal exposition An alloCtinadian route; from coast
: opened in the midot of widespread to coast, is praeticallto aoMPleteti, on'-
, busitiess depression and dieeourAge- ly one stretchr Western Ontario Xe!
Meet, offitinIS' greet It as ort oppote maining to be deka iup, tieeordeeo to.
'timity for the Exhibitiell.t.„0 :offitials Of 'the Canadian Automobile,
atrate ita faith in CriztaaCieroliglelt•---Atsoetatitiii. No one- now need e to
and ita oPtimisin fot thetinture. • .hesitate travel ofroin Manitoba,
Fierce Gale Whips verope, 'clear across, over the, oettie.s o Bra
The tail a a sotithivesteely gale Ush. CelurlWa' The '9111-tnnOgnInhe'
that beet tbe shores a Greet ikhein ilwas stelt-sliter to mottltt
la withfirs ss
.Witli Midtitinteg ilercenes$ whipped Loon s n„eo„W ereP -ftw t'teli
its yap atrOsS Europe but .2:411j Orgereng
yilgenco utas fete on tee low from curto arid turns ebonite; led
flock of 1e -bred OXfor ,
1,..gonbefore m Magnitude.
By-Betbara B. Weeks
This the time of year when fall
models' Appear in the windows of the
dregs shops. Skirts are longer* or
shorter; sleeves faller or tighter.;
neck lines even or uneven; hems,
regular or. irregular. There are al-
ways seine, Changes from the mode
of the previous season yet the
eletliett thenioelvee keep right on per.,
formink the . function which has been
then% from earliest tintese-that of
Protecting the ; body front heat or
old Exactly the Same model eeuld
adapt)* the -weight of material to seenhefore. 'August .220.
Variety, .tatetest and editeationel
leee than $$0,000 will lie spent
for attractions And prizes (tering the
Fair Week front September8t to
13th. The attractions are to 1
for instance, the wer14440110101.
and Cherry Shows on the
thee shows are undoubtedly the hes; Canada's ;permanent military e• a
on the TOM% aetborities Say', and f,,Ai• lishroentst. ..'llui Department of Alai -
Prise the SaMe Colorful 'prtgeonts teet tie Arid Defencei Ottawa, has granted
made elieve hit at the Canadian Na- SpeeiAl pernihnnOn for this unusual
tional Exhibition in Toronto,. •The attraction in view of the tett that
Programs before • the - grand. , stand this will be "All-Canoda Year," cap -
have been improved. -tee, end; in feet, tain 'Charles O'Neill; 22nd Regiment, 1
directors say, everything .posible has, guebeo :Citadel, is now rehearsing the;
he wet% Winter . and annaMer loY 'sa 11. as 'Western Ontario bas orievet the -two weeks commenciog Friday,
Ibirty bands will furnish contin- •
nOu4 concerts at the Conedian
tonaI Exhibition, including the Ail- .
taneda Permanent: Forte, Rood, an
$Peeittila recruited. organization of
tieventy-six bletramentalists from
been doze to make the entertainment band and will be its eonducter for
Gonall Ans leeditie te a LA.
roino7r Ads boodles• a SpOokillti
. degree?
.ffecieatiel Science of isiistiter
Scotland to ' Portugal- All $reall
ships were diiiien front the high
scan to shelter at the nearest porta t
• Cimimunient riareg In Olga
Tho torch of Corintattistn flaree
eigetri in Chino to -burn the town ef
tistiolo twenty -'Oven miles 'from the
lingete 'liver. A Bed band tihtiego
*AA% %rein. the bills about W00%
looted its :population of • OW and
tathleatit• deStrOYed the- ' town,
Vbilo' these bands! of .*:_bels, Sale,
rad robb-cra 'continuo to intros* •••the
eountrY the elvil -war has lagged,
hampered .hy torrential rains. *lova
hatve turned canals into rivers and
Converted battlefield* into- ilnagroires.--,-
• After three ,montlis of fighting, dur-
ing *Mob .bettle lines moved .southa '
then north, responding to tile drive
tho blorthetnexa and their velMlee
a by Goivertment arms, the issue to-
o omittins undecided.
Ciutadian'Oattle Ito -Hofer Britain
•Catiediant beef will, "ro"euter the
'British, market for the first time
ince 1028 with 'the shipment from ,
the tone:even:ire. But why not? , Be- -" ,
cause WOMMI crave • change and thia ' Tee Family kbysician-The good NAL itv
is perfectly natural. Nature. herself doctor as always worth bis fee. But
relieves the green of the hillside by it is not Always possible to get a dOC- 14 LI
dotting it witn Mary eolorea flowers, tor jest. when you Waflt Wm. .,-In sach
tints:or, pting through the full eol- of reliable henie -remedies, Alia 4,'. . tkitimr tx,orgtx ettNriAy
Antonin until, with an. eye for sharp •wonderfully effective ' in easing in -
16'44° .°it w4leh 13. teate Goderich '6,20
ors of Summer and tae vivid hues of Dr• ThOnlas ,Ze
white, , presence 44 this reriled*V 14' the tUtilit Arrive Stratford 7.45 'a.m. 8$5 Pma
Mid goers thoni with a mantle of scratches, bruises ond, sprains_ The ; ,, Seefotth '0.59 a.m. 3.03 pare
Clinton .0,44 sole 2.45 p.m.
9.07 Ano 5.44 Pan-
eontrast, she stripe the trees bare. flarnmatory. paitioiand heeling elite; ::
ine'lleatinteta hgt320^intIrizaeiTltees alfrPuniYait,;. 1114., .64i4L17„ eh:It, savPs ly.a...7 a' ..ee." ' ; 7, .:Giuittecei:oeehnile'r 7812410 Tan:: '. 3513108 P;nriti:
function . of. food is to nourish the • reatiffeeN APPLE Ofts.iiWER • ,,-
condition. for growthy and develop- : ReturnineeotLeave Toronto .7.50 tem.
Toronto, 10,25 'A.M. 7.40„p.m.
hodtreate keen *le warm., in perfect ouusEs ots REpRE., . a ,
Ilea th.. opl could dr up a -
. sEl`TA____TivE 6, ER. rcE. Pariol•PolPeandaranaloter551ernto' Toron-
ment, and •'to furnish the glow of
chart Showing -tie amounts of pro- raltOWs CAreral. 'Marketing :Greatly ",to on:morning 'trate, and T:orputo_ to
teino texhohydrate, fat, vitamins, and Inereasea Return-14;room , to .' Oedema on . 5,05 pan. train. Ni.
McIntosh ehange of cars betweeti-Goderich and
ancl 13Y terleatelY 'shading the pale eases, comnion eense suggests the use
minerals necessary for adequate
nutrition, decide on the foods which
will furnish them and then iteen on
eating these same foods day After
dote mouth .-after teitutli And yeAr
after Yeelo
What is tile limiter with such a
plant- It is unintereathig. „Mae want
a chooge/of fotatstyles for the same
(London Adeertism)
F.13. Middleton ,of Clinton, ie. ,Iltir»
on, who. last year shipped two' Car. • clione
loath; of :Northern Spy...apples, one of ' •
Baldwin and. oho Of the less popular '
'Wottie,': is "sold," on tae seevice :of
the overseas representative '
Ontario. Fruit Growers, Areirew
roes, that ire Meleentie new colors, tom
- . . Ful -
aide *at fettea he observe/1, 'ante I se -
to ,
Teton Passenger and
a Ticket ageitt
new abrk.% Mid original ctits for "The ''Solonie is not .4 very desk -
/here " Wide range of elwlee In cured a larget net *two from my
the fall foods. Teuits and vegetables one coo of No. Salome this past
are shown beetnifui colors and -in- Seapon. than was obtained by another
teresting texturea. They ' can he Huron groWer! from two carloads of
made up Very. SimPlY Or coo"' . better v arieties and of high& quality.
*MS v41401 1411 112171141' /1444-tetY ana• One of his eatioads tonsisted moStlY
interest.' • ' 1 Spys. while the other car-
asPirolgh astmathety.6e:rn$11441rndarb;etie!Fleord ullt)atientsvmwsenNt(**OvirsTlatftrib°u.t.BlistilepliiePS"
isuojog_or for wads peel the teem_ passed through'the regular channel's, aii-1 on day aud every
toes and chill thoroughly...' 'Tomath of trade, while my carlot vais billed .=„.,
add* greatly to the flavor; of many t� ,Atelrew Fulton. The apples were sistataylati,
SOOpS. SaaCeS and kaSMole ,41tOes• lauded on a beta market; and while litstt""bad oder. Ask Thee Dratiost-'-;
Ve tire giving here some teelpes for the two carloads of good fruit were ,ergaccary or General
cooked fresh tontatoe.s. . sacrificed, my car of No. Salome pro PACKET
Bakiea zeasues were held in_storage for short per-
FLYtesaana itatm.
iod by -Mr. Fulton, and placed on the
171n PAY .. mon?
' silleVemilfronith-e-thrtaor sSairrerthme"ceena. Itnt'hetniter it Ia Intitrirerntt enough , 'nu animal PLY PAD Ca. Helatt, Ort•
ters a the tomatoes and Season with , "Quito apparently,bi. ti t
r e es sup-
° Iiireaterner in Cabinet salt, pepper and initter. Lay a slice • • • . 1 t _
grad millevairleof._orrdioatiid,,titt,'Shneu.,oterthltdoesritiatned:t7tnia toll°, sieeeTplistymaitiemtli.M, Awrgeh.Yeirissiiihttbecent Plate in a, baking ilisheitcwihth Tv/moat. erior quality, an eifeetive system of _
marketing; IS Om essential in selling'
liontreal last week of 14 bostd of - ' a onion on top of
Minters of 1 ve stock believe that Minister of the Interior anti SuPer. deo, _ o ,
%Bake in the crop' to the best advantage." ,
Mr. Fulton however,. is taking
* firnioln suirt".0 gaL 41.1"44qa Ler* taken inte the Bennett Cabinet 14$ a inwerat4 even (go :ko) unto tem. ' Top W'orking
three tablespoons of water.
the British market, dead for the past intendentmenerai of /lutist A#01.,$. ,
• ' d future are popular, All Salome trees
eerned, -once more offers remarkable sow ap.pasrus teXpERIMENTS 1,4, cup salad. oil, 2 onions Olics )., 0, medium isize, lee being, topgrateo
oPPorttioltiee to Canadion *ceders.
• few yearn so far as COW* was eon. •--.0#................,. • . Tattoo Goulash steps to see that his varieties in the
• • ' litinilltatiOs ? wite Wash Itooleke 0...r.its , its a reault of 'experinients, with eorn, tent f.reta ae,o0Ls 13 ttOrnd" "11'. chard more in line with present-day 11: -
Give lrafereiltla8 Reolllli 2 ill"ell PePpers Salitedded). 3 e,a"., with MeIntosh tock, to bring the tit -
lab" t".D. r ' • British, Emisire. 11100 'been striving partment of Agriculture oa the SaVld OIL Add onion and ckuntgillit tell! ' *pro-' '•.-
., A six:yeslisAetlieal 14004),;400041 - Per * -Week the athletes 'of tilt Sow Thistle carried on by tbe De• m eighths), Mao pepper. • 4 It market demands, When this ,
grain ;ik ofteluded, Mr. Middletotea• .
• B.A., M..D. cow*? ; . .,____, for supremacy at Manton, Ontario, of W. EL trysiop; steettoees July plow- tate brown. Add 'peppers and corn orthard of • 12 *efts oWilleconsist of '
........4"1". n.e1.464.1.41,. 111M1/11"we.b.,,,,41 itna Saturday tow thetlinum ot ow bag and thorough subsequent cold- and cook live minutes,, Add toms- roughly one-third Spy, one-third idc.
•"""*-1 "" " "•-•'''' ""'" --- A t Itlipiti Broke games tree: held Nation :settee to be the mot aticeessful toes AMd seasoning And ook uri
Storm? - - e - tilL . latest' and one-third, Baldwin! •
fa 1
. ' in a --------miniods havel And 66°21011'041 -method of controlling soft, • ' ' ."The SPY anal MeIntoish ate the
Vt.,_'s have Junill fallen by the wayside and.the general Sow Thietle. attt &MR BatleY and Scalloped IstralaS00 • leading varieties of apples today," ho
ase yOUII5 50 5551(5 tenseneus of Opiniofl by the critics le a double •cron of Buckwheat are ,filSO
.114.40 frtat, 'tomatoeir, silt, pep.. stated, "being most potter with con -
that the semen have been Vest giving alttiatietorY reaulta*Whea the ,ptr bread crumbs or torn flake !Millers, and so with the trade. They
' 1* wing coons?
. -sac,.:c."tibe ft)144 Standh* " the 'WWI"' "SI" *killtabat• ' erelnha, butter- grated cheese. Peet help to sell the other varieties. There
a eradiate In Klakko emintrie$ Which wore represented at The experiments iltOre COOdUetea tweeted/ and cot into slices. Plaee is a saying that the man who plants
a stadvele nose, why not leit_a a aka Hanalltont, after hod taken field also so %idly infested with alternate layers of. tomatoes, ;meson- Spy weer goes returns for his work,
see ow a collate% in Public alealla? nine championships in the traelt Mal Sow Thistle thait-the 1929 trot of and crumb* in a easserole. Dot but 1 have had half dozen good
poru with postersdoste weldor* field events, were as follows la
Cover with trees of Spy. Moreover, started
a a deg" in Mt Snead chaurnensiiip3 1d5 froaskinekrageeageectsthlite" Yid itg (IT" :each latter with butter,
ate Mesters r 'attest and hake for SO minutes in with a run -out farm and first had to
build up iriy bold."
Caned* • • • "A V10 Piot L. VOA tarried Oct. 25, 1149, ..moderote, oven (875 14.).
Write to THE REGISTRAR coftemer South • 5 " nd in. to Barley •Inite 1st. 1030.
• 1*
IS* vow dttifes et +Pohl Neve Zealand 3
Australia 11* Or n
Seotleaut IO:11411• 11:
'This coal name *kalif vett, 'Mob' sold Toothache and neuralgia arc, in-
• gives evidence of 4 ,very hatiefactorY
straitly relieved with (Douglas' Egan-
, ,
melon iyuck. tiara Liniment. A quick, sure rem-
, Plot *with the late etly. Also recommended for burns,
Aceording to Mr. Middleton, any
tree can be grafted, providing one
goes high enough. However, he la
grafting only trees that can he kept •
British *Guiana% VA • comparatively low, using _the lower
Wales * • ... .• . • 1,1
liinbg• He aims. to keep hi trees as
o Vented in October, and was sown to sprains, sores and indaiyanatien.
Bermuda • . A • • V uckwbeat on Moo* Otto • Tide eton elese As. poosible In the ground,. to
• /reload 0 was plowed down the middle of aline
- povide oasier, and, no eheaper tnek.
Newfountil;ini and resowie-tot Buckwheat -the Met • elm to lessen thir effeeta the
Th B itish Empire Galilee in -Ittat week of June wind, The treee being 'made otter' -
. _
: will be held ins South Africa:
• Camila petrels; Immigrition
s cont *Inspect of ImMigration
from the teatinent of Europe is att.
edow as the peliev of the
Piot 3. was disked in August of
-hat t'etir, plowed in Oztober and.eiotri
to mixed grain and aeeded dewn 011
May Oth.
Piet 4. was plowed in 3ul.
„ oto, tootetteereieretati to dry out 3 weeke and Worked the re-
Boils on Facto
and N
mainder of the Fall. Mired graira was
sown on May 8th
Tromblod w
wilitea42elfle21..ttfi etlexiituPrtterth'eferrottitioileal
3 pounds tier *ere.
MSC h't8 •
• The fertilited areas Allowed a noel -
ed inerenoe in titand over unfertaited
areas. Fertilized plots wont1 appear
yieldfrom 5 to 10 bushels per acre ,
$4011 111. illlartiwookwarti rot to mom than the unfertilized Portionsa
wtiteetotair wss tree iel Pnw Thistle is 'till ptesont in ell
en, rofree sad ieselt dee
four plots but very little et it in plots
that -I tool hapare t
1 2 end 4 developed tufficiently
tom. idyl woorend Metre
ciao Allot lied as alfeet ea 611.• Plot 4 veal Nield a heavy cron t./ 44,
riaally a bleed reemeesestial irate Twit It, bittaels wter acre, wittivety
desk Blood litters, 'idea ohs lied tittle of the: 'Thistle eating 'dove the
I tor * Nimiler lakatilt,ab50. rain. Plot 3, yielded only e tALaroh
tiiktokir tits keels, ety blood rrort of pertains MN Wallets orc etre r
was easietetely mamma tio bolo With a roeeiderable amelent ef Sow
sem goo oiliest oe,w 'Plot 2 with the late S•ove 11-w 2.10
ma alit I bare er tee bee* .:Thlotle 'bloom.
areket be artoei count hoil the wend,
be ei M1114.46,..' .1._,,,,,P. "IL' i teat ewe ef 4te Tic -
ber, . , a• elite inset. per
tar 4 ',MOM r411...w I"' ,_ orpsere: vard of see of the four Mots.
• rut 1 SAivon late will yield
are about L'O yearo old. At the time
of Our visit, the grafted Sciens Were
making geed growth.
The groand on which the trolitted is f
planted, is . ts, day limn. with tile
where needed. In addition te. mach.
ing with manure, Mr. Middleton hat ,
teen using come nitrate of soda, :He
is planning to discontinue tho appli-
catkin of Manure, however, as be has i
hem getting too much wood growth..
The feet that he primee lightly every '
year gives him a definite cheek on
weeil growtht
While retent experimente fOlgge,t
tbst young ttees limy be oueoessfully,
IMMO in. sod, Mr. Middleton prae.
•-Gees dean cultivation in the young
orchard. Nor does he believe that
•, young trees will bear more quickly
iin sad. He producee ilia own tteet.
doing the melting fitst thing in thl"
Cseefial Spraying
Young treet are rarefolly fain/ratio'
as well SA those Diet are beatioga
One Neck of young McIntosh has
hest' sprayed three times. Beefing!,
trees are sprayed es often as vveath4
er roawlitions make wietestary. When"
apenower the firet sprsy of the sere '
iota he *Preys the groun4 aroordi jaK11.11
TRAVELkis no wily;
when one tray I,
Cie i ate* P.cIII
To Ulm( 0610*
DAYS I �I :phssur
lid .1101 :
--ciotitilet *Oa utt as
your tiste
• collide:Alp. of culti,
. teat* ieltnialr'"4,..00** 01110
. It sea-othen eurOpee-,
viler hot and, this
geol. Ob.OfaMorglii , and
The 'Pardee Ploy, pItrIm-
age of thoinmatis Of.
deer stadoeto
TOURIST 3rd. .adkOIN
$18540 •
and upwards -
. Maim/Oen from Year.
mentor *
. ,
• jea.MACKAY
" General Agent'.
" 6=401 'ftsifie. )31414.
4•DiltE LO
Maim. win
in T
Pyour sionriaa or tnteesthievsenaire:taisof..
• ean bel ttequwired by• seeing that ill
Yout' body organs' Ate functioning
" . . arranged your entire system suf.
fers because of the disetioe-form.
ing food refuse thatitecumuletes. Eliminate itoby ro natural means.
Bon -Tone, oonsisting of herbs and roots, is the ideal toneroiro and
demurer. Get a bottle toilet, anti see how your entire body picks OP.
Pelee $1.26 (3 for $3.00).
liON.TONE Is For Sale At AU Good Bruggisto Everywhere
' Or Write To
W.A. MONEY CO., 94 Accidetny Se.dVewark, NJ
BEYOND TO -MORROW what does it hold for `you? The
answer depends very largely on you-yout foresight now.
‘1_,CARN to -day So that you inay BARN to.morrow is sound
A BuSiliesS Training taken here will give you a sure foundation
for future success and will prepare you for one of the many.
,superior positions available to C. B. C. graduates.
Write Twisty fax Particulars
Central Busipess College
R. F. LUMSDEN, B.A., Principal