The Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 8rAct port TRE GODLRICIT STAR VSIIMIemplote•Foll. LEEMAN DUNGANNO4 - - Steek.threshing ake bait 'of th.I OW Anderson v•isiteal seise' _ Hee Yee lee* Rigel •! Ruth Shaw fig holidaYinc, et, Robert 'tethers was a weekeeml, - &w Elva tie jr ngSware bliss Lizzie liorWn vieited 'bro. catherinea, teeee.,-eteieelein thee,. ilentY . Horton,. hisr. week..; Mu. Girvia, of Gederich, - &slouchy All ele , See thla lovely. .epete- eta& . ..Miee Elia lierton was in eiederieh• wee a recent. %left". ereee eelatieee ipmsaiiit. 0-0.311. • f' k k" " th Chautau. day at present. tives in lerknow on Thursday. her -home beim ot patient. holidaY gekeet-wirrronit St. -cod ji had* 7 Phinerware, n't Coalpert. Do.° p enemy ground, -with a floral qua. •Mr. M. Lock, of Toronto. spent the vaigo, , • •, weekend et the home of Ur. iind Mrs. Alex. Horton, et•1 ther Chisholm spent several 11•00 tort Is with his parents, Mr. and rrii,3. ei Joon Chisholm. _se J., Miss LantenBiayer spew). her vaation wit h hew mother :avw.c4miair. AreliW lierton. Aire. Roy Mason and two- sone et Dungeneion• ,' Weireet5c 'gt hltaa Nobles. Mrs. Robert Treleaven bee; teen en.t e. eoeing a visit -with raembers oe her i , reittOrzia. Keillt in **Pk family in Toronto." 3148 bl; 1 "lb is 4 guest 1441: t4ISS $ NOBLE I1biother, Mte W. 3. Hebb, *ilia eon.; ceseion West Wirwanoeh. ' BRITISH EXCHANGE BLOCK. liew Misses Donelde and :Bertha'. - visit with rulativea iu /One3 haVe returned from Wise Agnes Finnigan has nerebae. 0 mile east of Auburn, wee the ed the home in which she bus been purchailer, the prio lend being - 1,evIlimaii,,k:,!t401,tvaetroolfatlAtets "lee ' ITeronto, are visiting at toe home ot reekline teem tbe miler, Mre, Prod eleile. On the lam is a lore.) redt b,11,001, itaa. Dar. beohoe.11111,.1.bitiaustotnot Parents. Mr. and Mra, RosS. • • pied theepelpit in Milo lureeeleedan, mise, Greece Marton came up from sevnerenesflolitttal‘eleedi-Aposiusoilnefulut aelll'uallaret et.rmsalluidTreadii gaDati4.ireveacTAcalle altslinYd'u:o(1043 - brick how end huge tarn and. the = 1\l'e• it#,S1114),.4vidlenea-ile!'ee7.70,-ee Terente, en Sundity. ger tuanY ault of eolith* in coetact With pal,' farm at that price. here, e,,,e ii, ,„,,„„ at improving after six weeks in thebaie e The Huron Co. highwety between wiMthrli. his fitte)41;elpliet4riikell'av°04 etiniiiPcilaegj t)pott " 14-'0'.013'4 1.- - --•,- - triode are pleeeed to know she je son ivy. , ' - Alms Men Davidson re, x b."- pital with diphtheria. . eontessione 7 and 0, Ashfield and the work intim interior -of Mr. Robt. Toiler,: of 'fthe Sumer Scheel' to Sue. , Miss Mere Horton returned to 'Tor- West Nirewenosh, is being widened,Davideotes stave. The completed . rine -Scheel net SundaY. i 'onto nri Atondsiy, haying spent two' which will improve it Very much. ebb presents a very pleasing appear - gr. srad Mrs.Brmk 0u d ali weeks at the itolne of her parents, Mre. Walter Hawthorne and three mice. New 'Cement stalls with water to, motored up and. iwo visitiug , Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Horton, her *lee ehildien, Doris Robbre and Franklin, trolighs in front of the cattle„ look , the3iiir-,faanrind eArlis.emweisothecieren..ou and 003,4•,ter, Xiss.i,,,_va,„...g.............oing backzith her. were week•end guests with relatives very substantia), and in the: horse SToronto, motored here awl ne seiingerinen, 'eerie remained for a tit*Ne theeceinent etalks have, steel tut, of WESTFIELD long et visit. treeting on top and in front. Thleis are visiting at the former'e home I Miss Irene Carter 'visited friends Mr. and MrS, G. M. McKenzie, alai thee Stet 1440 of cement to hie in. here. vebieb blamed Taranto, /imp, and much favorable eanonene is beard emu west.Wwwanestle Mary J. Robb, answered by o. verso trent eieCenadieee To safeg,uard the. chile. from dam. Um spOoling a fortiiight at the home from Philedelphia and Tentieesee lust toor. of Mre. Jas. lloss. week. - '• THURSDAY; TAT Tti tele AUGUSi SALE OF BLANKETS - AM EINE PURE WOOL OVERCHECK BLANKETS.,, Combination colors, .plaids and check conibination, blues, green, mauve, • gold and sand Blankets„ whipped and tinisited singly, size 6;1 4 8.1. S12.00 per Size 7.2.‘x 86. Regular Si 4:03,, per ,.......$9.95 MAT CREPE, $1.49 Our Si.9,5 pure silk quality in an esr, • cant .showing of shades and color* :alsO black, 38 inches wide; Yd $I.49 MEN'S UNDER' WEAR Pentuan's Balibriggan, in ebmbinations or. twO-plece, size 34 to 42 Regular • MEN'S OVERALLS in blue or black, best . oz, cottonacia. Best standard• 1411101-1 .made. Reg. $2.25. • GREY. ELA1111CSTS• . Pup all :trot With blue "borders and 'whipped 'sing/. Size about 64 x 84. • Valta S7.Q0 for • *cps •.sat sTOCKINcs • Service weight and foe fashioned with french heels, atmosphere, evertglow, suntan, honey, beige,. French nude. •• Sizes to to. Pair......0,51.25. DRESS MRS Great choice and variety of patterns, dots, sprays and figures,. °Values up. to per yard. r or • • * • 6,90 N SON • Mi. and Um, Wm. Stewart and two at Tohermoeay hest week, eon. Meleoine retarned on XondaY stalled in the vicinity of Dungannon ondrea of varaida .010talvd up nod Mrs. Win. Meleittio. had visifote evennig from a twooveeks' taMPles and it is attracting much attention Mts. Bielian and fir. Robot Bich. Misses Morrish, of MOrojito, urei • The pulpit et Erskine rresbyterlito The jegUtat. Meeting of the Dun, %.;r constant eompanione"Mre, F'orence Paterson, sang a duet, "in Worm Powder, the me'dicine per exe sten, Montreal and Ottawa. from those Nolo bove see* it. ' Nyho.resided with her mother and n'as Poet. JosePhine Weir Aubucne and age tbat. worms, cause • use Miller's the Garden," very 'sweetly. 'Several. ollenee for thildren: These. pe.wdera, **, ei VIO*Ianti, . metered flue and visiting their aunt, Mrs, Hold. henry, e„hilrell was 'Veil aceePtably filled on gamma beaten Of ahe Women's 'Asti- ilner of. London, end Mm '11., Hut the with friends here over the and other friends, -- ^ • . ?Online' by Rev. Mr. McNamara, of tate was held nt the home of Mee. eldas, of Weit, Wawanosh> whe wore business matters 'were, discussed and will dear the eetstene entirebee eee, spoke: Toronto, who Is holidaying at Bruce timed oievalfriterettneiwirs.theie,vesciocratt : paroersatenottrefriorplsepaicefuntehrealiavillaTostralfu! . gitiat;ttrta,6dsapRisilaSsaf.M4tertarbgeott el:lett:64/0i zermo6give will. tiregerila46,,knacootetizertuyo Week -end. _ , 3.,..Master Kenneth camPhell Me. and Mrs. Thos. 'lois and two. Met week with his cousin, Mester Od. Beach. Rev. Afr. *which, U. S. A., ThurSdaY children, of Peterhoro, utetated tete la Crozier. of Crewe, ww preach fleet eabinith. " tendanCe. .The. Ptie'retor*. reed the Petber Or •%rwtols and a , telegram or Study , Bo011 and Dorothy" Robertson the. eaerneee meek -wile, encourage sYmPathY- Wits received Arm the sis- read ate erticie elesling with-Canadien healthful operation, of the digestive awl were guests on Semis,' et tlie The ditehing. mechinie lute been Mr, and Mrs • . David Mole, Mr. and minutes or•the last meeting and cal. I hi 4 net Cewen Wingbara guests on hiondsY With Me. and Mrs.. bean oossing .contest was won by resided in DOnftalmou uPoterds of $0' Mr. end Mrs. lleadersen Young and " - . • ' ,... • rget ides. ieueseu ewe and rdelewee new, lad the tali etbiak.elas, wasweeed ey eter who was not present for the .1"un- women, artists. •Nise ,Tosephine Weir processes. As a vermefogolt' carinOty Jas. reels. ' three weeks, : all Of. ErOehester, No* :Iror14 Wort. reeepes-for salads.- The prize foe a oral* The late Mrs. Roble' who had 'Sang* asee sPenial reglieSt. • be surpassed, effeetevenese. bone of the former's neither, Wire, boy' in this' leeelity for the. ICINTAIL visited het week with her 'brother willinm Mole. loxth eOnCeSaton Ot lare. chea, Alton. The institute is *ears wee one of the Pioneers of daughter Olive, and Miss Oleaverdele . Jog -Cowan. West Worom°011, ' " making- a 'dentition or fruit; to the 'West WaWanosh and. knew many of of Toronto, visited the former's eue. the -early ter, Airs!: lent Claele, oeier :the Week-, A. pretty wedding' we's' sPleximised lifisS 1Winole Vanstone; of TerentO, Mr. And Mrs.'Tred 'Ross 0:141, sik Gederiell hespitatagainAltis year and the vicissitudes a life in — is visiting at the home of her uncle, . Donald, left on Friday merning on e mendiers; are asked U,'leave dortal.., ; and bard working wanton, a good ' . ,!..;..... - — • •L,. - days, She was always An industrious end. ' ' : - -, ' • on 'Saturday, Aug. .2nd, whop Slime - both daughter of Mrs. and. the awe. Nen, /Um ...Armstrong. • motor. trite. to Peterborough and tions with the. s'ecretar4.4,' Ms. Burton and had keen and shrewd Morelecii-C. MackOrilio, *as united in •Mise: Muriel La Monte motored up &hits 'elong ,the 'wey. , They • wer-i' lloa'ch; The Institote, Is offering for rleighhee4 Air. Walker Murray; iustalled a new rtiRw •At,BERT . =mein, te Rev. eloseph Ilereard freer' Tovonto with friend e or Seiner- aceompanieck by their . brother -he -Uwe teee ..uoieee %ening and larene. which himineso Atilt' yr, Shit WS* aiwaArs up -.1 bave been Aland cat tia,,stree. ligieeee tight in Weller dealings and was a gas pelage reeeneese, Rhodes, son of Rev, and mra. r Her day and ie visiting lier tousiee-Mes.. NI:. Jaen Medd, of Auburn, beet iih„odes, of Torento. ' The care- \weer rook. . . . A. B. MaeFie, teller in the Dira. eeoeteeees„for the day Were Ws. Fe goo d nneighbor. and citizeen She was well thought of in the eiommenity in M. it. Ro3r spent the week -end Inorri' inis conducted by Rev. likilliara „ Rov„ 118!! My. Mitt, lEerner Taylor and gantion, branch of .the •Cantidian Benk. in Godeeleit with her daught.er, Mrs: Ross; Nes. Pe Flunigan and 144rs, R. of fern.'" Me. and. Mrs; Won...Tailor eneffere-. - Rev, F. Holier t • abodes. The brido lost Thetrsdhat the home' of ' the and, eivie beliday at the home of Iiia field at the .hoine ;Of the. Peesident. Wethe large assenthi• Machintordr, of London,' assisted hST ehildrete. of Ethel, were the guests of ''Comineree, sPent the 'a eel Davidson. The next, meeting' wili• he wid'eh she ilved' which "s evinced Weal echram. " wore a gown of ivory satin and tulle tomer% brother, Mr, lied Taylor, Parents, Itltr. and Ms. % lidtieFie$: Vie- Miss Elliott, when the hOstesSes will neigl*bera and friends Present at her ho:re ilYmarr.e ansPeriedminrs.g Elfewewrc,Tekslatsthaemidr With emtireidered tulle veil and Atr, and Bere.wene, mereeeen and terra street, Goderich. - bite. se000re. mks, G. G.. 06104 She was raithfui in 'her ot- summer bone bare. Another 4)f Dungannon's, resPeeted Treleaven ',nod Airs. Burton Bench. tendance oPen the serviees orange- 1/103Sems. The ..Wtdding Mr. NOrmen McDowell were Toronto Mareh was Piall'ed MisS :vieiters over the Week -end, Me. Mc., avid during the signing of the Dowell es,reiniiining in Toronto for •regieter-Xre-e-Wre. MachintosiLsang...'„Vounte,.of'*eck4.,.. ".o Perfeet Love." ',After 4 'dainty Rot, 44d A. R. Jones, e • beffet. hotelmen, the happy couple left eeer-vester gild hie wife; of elinAlib. for ri motor trip to Toronto, Muskoka, 'ma circuit. visited at the home of Montreal' and ,pointe east. litcluded Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. -Campbell on among the guests were relatives their ntek Kineatiline where they from Beigrave. !Lee*, eilaeltet000 -are. spending :their vacation. and Toronto. • . Visitors at the lime° of Mr.: and • ghingannori United. viinech of which • T . citizens in the person. of Mr, Samuel Mite meeting- elOsed .fillth the singing she bad, been a „theniber dtaing bet lake here far ae iewevve:ekirsina e Pentland; •PanseCa..-waY- at. his home of the Natiooil Anthem..as residence of tile Past. 30 „Yeare Mise Thelma Johnston a been -firite-tatieral irbeing held on PridaY Fed in the Anglican eiturcn. _eee"y , .120 in Dungannon on Wednesday night. A !Met but pretty wedding. eve ner, epanore7r..ezai co viviiscicrtinegoortviltutorteiri csoi4v,of weeekusru afternoon. Particulars will be given rex-knew, oe „Thersday evening, duiv • • • , , . . , F. WOOLLCOlkr3 Fing AND' AtiOAX011.relt ileglifteletne nAsrtrit..o* twrusrory Poo*. 206 , ...hfrs..N, F. Campbell' beet 'eveelee,vere. •: Mr; lelesePheeter Clarke.' 'Of ,:r4aa' taiagt 4101141 .AftacilterCoinit*. and son •- or X..os. Angeles, and: • llettalut,Wiglitinalt'and Nikko of Tim' utirtSt. Mrs.. ife lieoreretif.-Blyehe Mee. t eteeeeeeeeetil.filete ••,7 - 'THE QUALITY BAKERY Ia. • b Keine, who. ,epoice very feellnkly to Mr. and Mrs. Heaton and Miss Tb next week.' '. ''' . • , 3,1st, -when -*Pia': -Mar* Iiii the. bereaved faradY. The.--iima!--ifeaton, of Toronto,-erilled on Mr. aud a"d.. rem . the expert, leeking maiviarag'aroitth,theoehopultilemlbenoenn,'bareatomegh„. mitfoollee?„,lperiel-4,tlaerwh.patert..,,Owf a. NvI.arit.:•073.11.;...::.n.1.11d .:wofir.,,,,..r.Golle.ni:t..helrottinir ..t-ool,JieeSeNs..0.. reeorssiet.D.oanrr,ey,..dolfaiwasiiitnivseakTi .r.ss R.. ,, 2,_..,.33,0:tis.isic.doeetr.e..y:erryeo,o.ogds,:th.,e.T.. .r.43:kTot,797:1,g..z....,, _ .dzineri,msgpentbte absOnce of Q. AL' McKee- earn Gmee, Son of ritide.,,Mrs. mut funeral of her husband, the late Chas. of ethe 'Canadian Bank of Commerce, 'etre. -Mel% beeeine the hrlde •GIAYvl More," the 'Same' as ItTra sung at the ' ',Mrs, Vee,e-ter floy,'Of 'Oeliawa, spent He- left . on ' Tueedey, eifternoon..'fer Ite‘t. .10. 'Gallagher,. the week -end at Hamilton. uel ;Cook. 'else '"tif West' yetkivanetlla itceili, interment Was MO in Dun. ,:'nd,PaaaPtlas4ptradatk:n.'Wainthi.wifrir ht; iheaer;; :',TBrieetd"Coeneherea';1134,OOyso.a,Ide.,11sseillanye° ... • Sebringville, Where be, well relieve in eeareb,.., -*domed ' the. 'pereleam3., i'Aillg;',: two ' brothers, ...Eli .. arid. Issue' week.. ° • ' .. ,' e ... '' • , . veetor .•of . .•. . . . kannon „cemetery,' the -',pallbearers hag for hOnle:.the. littter :part ef teei . ... . . the absence Of the manager there. , The bride Wore A becoming. gown 0 , Alarevoole and - four brothers-in,:la*, . ... ... - . - - . . • -.• ....,,.... - r , John. Hewitt and Miss Jessie Wal-' tiVo.tono' sand georgotte vrith. 'C 11T. Wm. Roll), Huron' twp.r 'George Robb, . lefarriege makesee 'man. different at L.. 1.1.,-...,CLE'ELA v. Phone 114 ' WeSt St. . • purity of the ingredients leo, having disposed of their farm leneung shede. Her Mounl Forest; Win. Fitzgerald, Of Arst but he Soon grows • t stock Mr a noP Mon s le aue." kid shoes, -hose au r Kincardine; and *Mo. Walmsleyi 'of en FrE'etrkel•dT'atildhlWrillianbnati Melvild"rean tion, h°ve marerl their h°u-seh°41 a* the goine simdes., She also wote a ttleevele. P'riends froin disterice fects, to the Yaw* bouse on thefarra coat elf blue:grey:with darker zrev 1114 F Temblem, of Londestore. ' Present at the funera1. cente from • ..- Y h I: or Amin hr titer r ...Mount Forest. Toronto. Kineardine. 'ID THE .41.earokg OF NORTH HURON:. ; wish to extend my sincerest thanks, to all ,who in ahy way aided my re-election as your. representative, -in the ' }louse Of Commons. As every part of every-quonicipaIlty • tbrou0out the entire constituencv made such marked im« ore live retired. Th.3 farm. has boon •,q the leride, and bers, Herb MeClulle moistein„ liolyrood, Lochaiele Luck - taken over by William Elliott. • lie, sister --Of thee'bridegroone were , Mr. MA hers. Cecil. Orser, teeeoru- witnesses. VolloWineelo c're"mrr 111474 t'411:141 Btrunenvale."'°14 13elgrav'e' emnied by Mr. Orser's mothere were the bridal Part:44010yd to the home rnoc an visitors tecently at Golden Vallee', ef the bride's permits, where a wed - CARLOW For • Northern Ontario, having made ti ding, dinner was served.. A 'short , trip iv Motor. 'On theli retitrn they Irnertnoon wsts speet•Ars,t- potat hfr. and Mes. A, Stoll *ad, Art. awl pi/0/er, GleGarteEs, :of Temente, and Miss Alma Drivee; bridegroon4i lam' on the "eerner • of Wood friends over the week -end. • .' FRUITS. provement, -I' cannot tnake particular mention of anY ti•ts•- and mrs. ,onns. w. Alton iind eeseion of' West .14rawartosh. , brook, is apericling the vreek with Miss ' tvan say is am greatly docoura:ged to go pn told . I two children spent.* pleaSent 'week. Old friendships ;were renewed ono irate' Youna and taking in thS, chat'. LARD, Fie011.R. ;RTC, , were aveonmanied by Mrs. Jack OroI set Mee and lefre. Cook Will vesicle on the Mrs. •David Bean visited with callow VEGETABLES. -- Golden Valley. - the gravel road sod.' the 'eighth ecen. efiss Margaret Jefferson, of Bonny- ' •BUTTER. EGGS, MEA'.0, • soft all as best I can. . Runtsvine and othor northern tOivris. as hands cleaned hand end friend Mr; Alex:MacLean, oe Lothian, aud SfixEitevee01) ;ICE'Cittieb1 end lueiday 'by motoring to Barelee formee hapnv school deys reviewed rinema in. ' ederieh. •", GEORGE . obedient.servauf, • Theyworeaceomminied from Paisley greeted friend at vert pleaeant,Mise Sara McLean* Mrs. (De.) John t SPOTTO ROM OUR FRIENDS .v00:flat, stranger, drive right its and make .yourself at hein re. ow, the service tbst we give, the beet wbere'er you roam. Our waters free, our. air is, teericome in ard stay awhile. till yon« leek With the' fuel andaped you with * Troleture A heady witetene *waits the eourist here. Free *ie. free watt:, iree crankcase mervice-and highest grade Erie FenneYlVeinia Motor oil and Erie gas. We will eupply you with* snappy eerviee that *ill mike your stey here a pleeeent tooniery. Giveaes a trite]. ERIE OIL SERVICE STATION F. 0. SUCLUSEET, Manager Mrs. Alton's, Metheri MPS, CartiP- eetinion of old wee, end glrle of U. efeLean ea:finial!' and Mr. Gordon Frigidaire egetuiptieet :Vtir Your' belle renisieed :for visit .with S. S. NO. 1.- Nite3t WaWan0S13.: AahOeld Grant, Chicago, called en , . preeeteme her .cousin, Mrs. Brown. - • , and Colborne* Vehleit Via, held on , YoUng .on ii Phi- •.• • „ efi, Ituralrer tarriters in- this ens- dale efterneeneiredeetbet „peek, God- . orrse.,,e eruly ineetingefe in end_ _satisfy; _ youre.ale, mid eepoet a. good '.eamole of wheat._ able titiie Was spente in inter- °thy, Robertson on Thureelay Everybedy • frit have threshed their fall wheat rich. A Most interetting and enjoy. group was held, at the home of Dor- • . _ • • and a good Yield., everaging about 40 eourse and exchange of reminiSeen^ noon. with Seven merebeirS buehels. to the acre. The oat harvest cee :of bops, spent 10 .the eisitorsepresent..the preeklerit;ehlisa -18 now on and most of the tatting of school. In a Maitre* .of einiteehee. Hazel Young, -peesidinge -"My Pure; oriefe will be completed thia week. Inepeotot Tom, otleederich, who Was Pete was sung as the opening hymn The dry weather continue and there citeirmen, tailed, , upon M. Cloedon. and *It Tepeetect -the Lord's prayer. is greet need .of'Young, tOturty:•treasurer, Mr, Wm. Miss Irene Stoll was. appointed eeeree Mr. R. E. Willis, who with Mrs...Lyon. reendeara. Mrs. lietheeing- tary for •tho cilay. The roll gall was Hamilton Street-- Ceiderich 'WRVS and daughter. Miss Beth Wile etan, Miss Mahal Billie,' and other;. lie, Aws. at theft cottage at Pori; Al- A eOrntnittett was appointed to l'Oaa Phone 146. We Deliver in Town tmcratand he is somewhat improved. Wm. liethetitigtoit, Miss Bailie, Mr's.' bor.:, has been on the sick list We tor next /ear's reenion, tonsistirig 'of] d - bike Evelya'Reid, of 'relent% who Treble, 'Mts. Wm: Watson, Messrs. ' ie was a week -end guest at the home ore- Gordon eYoung mid Charles; Elliott. 1 her tether in Goderich, called upon eliwo pioneers whn had reached four - friends in Butilimmoit on Monday.' score years vatic preeent and aeere Card If Theakee.-Ilie family of the deeply Anterestecl•in the proceedings. ; lite MTS. Charlotte Robb wish to con. :They were •MrseeTiuiteas Elliott of vey their 'sincere gratitude to the Kilt,who is ilh enners, and Mrs. Ifuel kitict frithas and neighbors for their 1, Girvin, of Lueetomy, aged $0 year. trieny expressions of sympathy: and FourgereeretiOns, of some families kindness shown at the time of theft- attended the pie*. Tee wos served Spare ' The idterie of Satiefaetinto er Groceries Fruit and Vegetables WI en recent mid beteevement through the in the eiweilione..A.mmig. those retie , GEO. FiRldE &SON Co. North §t, and Siusis Seitchik in' Te* and Coffee loss of * very deo and nffeetionate ent were Mrs. Hetherington and Mis3 l•triother. BiIie, of Godetiedie P. L. Mr. arid Mrs. JaMes M, Wileon, of Creighton and three children, ot De. Elora, accompanied by Miss Kathleen tuft; Mr. and Mrs. Norman* :Kirke, Reed, spent the week -end and -elide of -Fort Wayne, Ind.; Mrs, Fre!! An- )ioh'lsy with Mr. awl Mr1. a. I3avj,l. &MO, tdicknOw' Mr.- and Slra. $ter- so ),‘ n. „, Willson and Mies' K...Reed Varna; r. 'Ind Mrs. Quits , Coeds delivered on short notice returned on Monday. 'to their herr*, Elliott, Dintgart*Ott; Mr. and", Mrs. when revived. lhileMeVetunrSielfurarWilliam r°61tndetb°"•• Satisfaction GuimiteetetendedtoldywirelltiVeehere - funeral of Char- - awl "st Ondeticb. wherie.she winenjoy lotte Hebb. whom tragic death at her X AIM PLEASE. TO ANNOUNCE TE AIPIPOINTMMT MA. PHILLIPS; Auburn, Ont. •na dialers In tits territory for C44. FERT1UZERS •1 CANADIAN INDUSTRIES warns ittitmizait imams .PHONE 24$ 19houtauquir being held therethie home was sueb 'X shock to the dents of Dungioniori and surrounding fine ion.sere term belonging country, was held front her late rest - 'to Ernest Girvin, situated *bout one- deriee in 1)U*S*111%011 on Sunday and half mile from the gravel road on the 'was ver* lergelY attendedby vele- second C010701011 of Aiddleid, W*3 tiV03, neighbors and friends who earne recently sold by public aileron to ehow loving sympathy to the fava. Hold Lockhart, of at Wawenosle ilY :Who Wera1 Snell deep oorrow• • - Born in East lorlawanosh nearly 74 vtr 411'ree 11111in, wing Perdillimml The Wining Treat—, •spier.virit iireet rolls *eh eoffee-eleet an dainty aa their name. •flegsr.ewited, avant. ear iurrwty SUNS are at wleasesona. *ad • **Alm **any Irma telt Make tentorrew'n brimkfaet tad lwatiumm * real treat *kit * boa fresh from Curry:::Qsality Inikery years ago the deceased woman was the eldest of * family of tight sons and daughters 4t the late Mr. nna Mr!. John Maywood, 'of Rest Wawa. nosh. The surviving- brothers and - sisters are Levi Marwood and Miss Elie* Maywood, East Wawanosh; hem* **mood, Mullett; Mrs. Wm. nlinferaldi Klatardme: 111"4.,, Ir.; GEO. STEWART MA, naeuel CODEIRICH Chimney. Donnybrook, atal Mts. Alice Robb. of Lochalsh, *11 et whom Bruce St. Phone 101 were present at the funeral eicept the latter, Mrs. Robb. who is at pres. . Pat in th; West. One mewl three daughteu At% *Mit% W F., 17"1" We bane hien fOrtnn- ate in -being appointed local agents for - Aukraft Paint 'TEM iVosoutt Let u diamonstrakta this good • !. to yoik. • HARoill BEACKSTONE ott von BROADWAY OP • „60tnelt1c1r Lawn arid Verandah Weddings gown and be sure that it is perfect, FURNITURE. The bride can prepare Ito wedding but the brides -bouquet is something iat which wily * ilorist who is an artist and the -grate of, •tlie 'beide. .AII this - *HEELtieS tan arrange teecording hercostenne tan be done by • etridture Peale .• rinteral Wetter 110101101moo PST, ARRIVED • A fresh • shipmeat of Metes • Putty Son and Wise Fall Fashioned *0.1 Roolote at reeked piteeei comma immix CO Pg. XAST XT. GeltiltiKIR SPECIAL • Clearing aide of Women', who., Ina ass White Camas Footwear wIth leather mem. at W• kis J1 Siete T PAYS TO ODERNIZE IN OONVENtEIKE.. KAM. an REStLE VALUE - JOHN PINDER copERKH,. T.Teleplunte i21 P. 0; B.*131 `IP Lel :rot— Aak—eNcylliuSrold SAVE_MONEY clothes like new'. Why spend a lot of money tor new elothes when, for a dollar" or two we can dry elean your ' old clothes and make them lOolc just like new. J. H. VROOIVIAN .The Weida hoick Dry Phone esta rtrirtir West Biro* Clearing Sale of SUMMER MILLINERY at' 2price ! 'Smart new Straws, featuring wide j�p dose fitting crowns _ with tong backs and many otiteritew awes. weaves lay be had in an the seasonable;‘ colors to match your summer outfit. Oakes's Pats at Si AI MISS 111 ItniliscVICAR KINGSTON ST.