HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 7•
iircr.nAl„ ALV', ST eTtto le:ig
.. .. _ ... __
ee. . e„....,_....„„ ..... .„. .., - ,
a 4,041asoia**
to IlaitiltiElti
itaiititAwiliif cois,Ititistafie4SAMiitillitinisti•7.
440 0
.Sunday Afternoon 1
ureivaiwaggiFiv**0-4**.**WEsiat ileksmani
Made of pure mter.
enlit fectoriee 01.
U itt mode
Wie-43ats VS* tt,t444$4, saifiNts-*** ,
• * .
No expense spared to have it
S. S. LEO; Mee WGt lrh. 193e s' cicanowhu14/l"""ladfullaawrea*
-1,CMIr* 1 roloo,Sene •
-sec o otesaae-1 Samuel 9:15 -le
• 45-lN:4i.1.lu*O-11
the entre:peel iate the water., 'Sale splash
d d alerl to keep it as Letere the daeer ef Io diatotto 'Lae tent two :ewe ta the timid heres.. =et they mote to a
retool:oh in lite, the latter two7to Wvait LI'S is hound to be the best • !3
can snake. . ennt lobtee cent*); world of oeya.
that men ond machines mid money • • . tell. clop in their flight.
ehoiehe„ These ered:ted to AereIhaa ; One tier oki IOW= omono them
• ie sin; ' - rjch.
riztery reM Irceee yau reemottoilh.r7:
Vieht- irtrattely enward; dare; hae„
wee, euedue;
Lea ever t3 Hy win corley
y;..? tierevo
• To hhe. *bee e'er:or:tette (heel efieoth a
erase •
teapi iarth we jholt coniine
tbougli seen (net teoen ;
ie the :Ole -lour Mir 434X0.1gn,
will renew ; .
lorek eve, to esethe liewJ1 cetech
ohneeete aud retest Merciful
• Father. forgive everythiera ia oer
A lives that liee been owtoreg, dergiee
. may everything. of staile aj ae:opt
- rely minieay we havo eought te Too,
der to. Thee. Grant u's day by deer te
• dwel in the teeret plam of the Moei;
that thus. ore. upy Wilde ureter
- • Shadow Of • the Almighto.
• dheough _Jeer.% Cheist, tear Lore. •
, ....hhooreeeeeeeoweeoreeereoweire~te
antitifSe LiI18.11
▪ flack Stables Et
Montreal S t reset
• 111,4 oft tt•r Sqwqr
Iiikfrq.f Ail I rwit,
• - •' reeeeeneerheonte • •
• • eeeeenee...,..4;te0 let 40 .II
psrt•ft 'the to WO fin.• et
- tp.o.nriot q C •
• • tte.$:. •
• horehe 1-4i.
• •
Atelier el Tire Sento& et 4`eittooe hetio-e°
Golden Cor. eute2. -
tia the?e• 1W' ¼° zre 2OUr harper- w-ra.o, rile an '"
ten: evortte in the lb -c • gemianSwhen.itleaves the fActoryt ble /old to EerVe. -FOra0 of the an- tr76:40 fou `ale brcatita•
ent The &helms peppermlat
ethe teraelitph nation had deemed- ahooi. freshens thereon'''.
te, hoe, "le ledge to: lige Oil the. eudeidsdieestione
va.zetre:•„.W..ez l3tU..•I•1Gint tee
nretter hefore the, Lord, the Lerd sell
to lem, -rioarlani t•..t the veied a the
Loop% in all teat they say ono) thew
ler they have- net • loach.el thee, hut
they heee. rejected me, that. I Should
itoZ MILL n\--c-g.Lheln."
000. had hie 'already cliosettto bo
the first king of Israel. Ilia• name .
was Sauleand be of all.tee•
men of
.11uf nearest .he people's 'ideal
• 4 kitu,;. • •
•-• It waS a trivial ineiden; 0114 lead
to the Meeting:. et Samuel and Saul,
and rt this trifling incident, whieli
thvetiteolietrarac!!iGeneaTilltr.c:tts 'arllivicitel*,trltIll!"°0 :leiVacrdiii4;II:o1(1W1:°art11:11iot4es°'el7iCOtt.1.tatrit?:
A I are, more toed: nod teartul .stille -
eareovee the most intvreeting. -
- It hes beep, a roateer oleo:roam ob- Why Cleo should lac tea, to die ? .
• FerViltioll. ;tor COUllile33 •gaierAtiOns Let us roller make .the hest (*Vette
''• , thee'. huniartirelega seem to derive a. lat. auch as- it is."
was. the first link in c..chain of trif-
ling incidents, led to a momentous
and 'unexpected result. A herd of
very .finc she asses; act-or:lino to
.losephuit, which were very dear
their owner, had wandered out of the
• eeeture and were 'lost. Kieh, the
vne,Sent his son Saul with a ser-
vant in search of the strayed animals.
titer searching over a zonsiderable
• territory' without success, Saul sug-
' .ested -tbe adviselbility of returning
tome. 'bele servant suggested the
consulting of u man of G d I
;),,( t....i-es) and fit.,:ic 'avrvict
,*11 tound uo-to-date
rt. "if
alb.* gib
•• 11'400110 tinakite
1• s.,43
re• lee her tree! Street
o ng n
City near at halite: Saul , agreed
Ma AS he and his servant were. going
:thc h:11 iiii, which the cite was
built, they net a heed of yOung maid-
ens Zorning Put to draw Water: and
:they said to them, "Ieeilie seer here?'
Ind they reellee, is behold, he
.7 Lel:ore 010: make air
et% :s come. to -day 'into the city:. for
ale people- have a seerifiee today on
• the h;gh place." And ho. Saul ahtl
servant bastened up the !hill and.
es toter were entering in by the gate; Samuel Nervelh Dr. Scudder asked
eer mismonaries, teordont Ball- and
hey met, Sairitel wing _Out" to go DennleSion- 'to 'take' tile leatiet hetes
ap tr., the piate on the s it heith h
lot of comfort void teetisfactien froutoe --Moral: "Thew ulv;'aya sou -ohne
161,e -idea that other human binge are woree ote than yOtirioata
in a wore plight. We find this Ile- One noon, ovhy a lees fertellae
ENJOI/L13 n-' 11119trated 'in the fable- of the hares parson iS source of encouragement
MILLIONS and the frogs as follows: 'Tito hares is that WO take credit for our ova
knee took serious •eottnsel among state tool are therefore complimented
thenwelvee whether death. would not -and elated.
• 4) dition. "What sad state is ours," that- the attuation•pilght be wore% • ,
te'preterable to their miserable eon. Wie also find comfort in elle though:
they sad. "Never to eat in comfort, hence we zubtraet the difference be-
I to sleep ever in fear, to be startled by tWeen What eve. have ,and what the
h a t lees fortunate fellow. has mid we feel •
young man of the brightest promis• e A Sbldour,•and ily with beat tig r
rum sorest
becoming a total wreck in ehararter
and eareer. This downfall began, at the euetlini of the jeteires_. Better r ch.
death by far.' And off
to dr
'own themselves in a' both fortune and Misfortune are relit -
they event Tile most Important point- is. that "AL
when he began to make the 'will of raeeordingt, •
God subordinate to is own.
• Condensed from Saul. I Some score •of frogs Who were mo or OnfOrtonatar ameding to a by Thomas Thomas Kirk. ; joYing the moonlight on' the bank Parison with our own option of 'what
we should have anti be. •
, scared at the approach of the hares,
hboring lake. tive.•We are rich or poor, fortunate
wo4tzt MISS1ONE •
mrs. James Biaaie • tne • requiremente of the foregoing-11)ot didclent by ently Of it thud sed
The Value or Missionary Literature .
that waseent luationg new becuz he
I grades.
•A • yeeng hem Yorie physician Was Definition of •Wins atxl. Speclfica- had ben a' wearing those kind of u• n- ,
visiting a patient. liniment pro- tions for contuiners will be supplied der wear for A No. of yrs.
spehts were 'peter° him- klis' prae-
cice and income Were growing rap-
mly. His fame - was greVing also,.
and his host of triereas were loreeast-
ing that John Spudder would.. soon
co one of Amy toremost.phy-
this day as be waited in the home
oi paciente, he picked up a leaflet
entitled, "'Tire Conversion of the
%Todd,- oee the Claims of Six Hundred _
Millions," written by those two pion-,
on request by the Fruit Connelsenno Seundayo.-1. -walked home re e
er, Department of Agriculture, Ot- day eltool with Jane this a.m. and
taw-• e she sed she was lissening•to me sing-
. •
ins 4n Sunday sitool. Titen 1 up an
11 1!1I meeting. So here we have an Phis- hundred • millions wit ut the
heel teyealecl unte Semuel this • very six ho
tea ion oi, the Divine, Being regulat. Gospel" and without medical care took
• ' ng the movements :of men,, ire the hola upon hie heart, ge fell on his
., e I; ere of moral free -lam, with as 4wilherteteeribell °trbaeu4heaLvePrte ae4okitlnor?;214°B1:eal
moth preeision as He does the move- : cause or the tall which came to him
iments of the' heavenly Wipe an the theorgh that leaflet Dr. John Scudder
J ' . .. went to India as the first medical
-eohee- --ore' ---e'e°--"'e ohehe, e tion tnat °Samuel hod received' from ee blazed 'the. way his nine children
amat , lin, There he read it over and
We read •in Verses 15-17 thht (od over again until the elairris of these
*sphere of natural law.
0 10 71111. -
missionary from ,Aanerzea. Because
S E.
• 1111dE0 Ele
• God• led to his malt • ing this Sacrificial and at fifteen of his grandchil-
Ctksik thectricity •
-Wash• by aectrkit7
iron by Ejeeb-icity
Cheaper thantried or W.00d
An electric Vacuum Mane.;
centors the du§t, a Indon,0
just moves the:
We guninntee all Hydro
Lamps.for i,SoQ hours.
Walk in and see display at
andto inviting to about deen have followed in his. train and
rty ot the chief citizens. On ace eiveri thole lives to miesiotiary sere
count of the divine communication vice. Thousands of lives have been
.ne day before, he would he:on the saved; hospitals have been opened,.
• outlook for. the expected ' geeste and tens of thousands of souls ,have
And when :the two strangers dame been' led to our Saviour becaus%
Within rang.' of his. Vision, he would- hundred yeere ego woman 'laid a.
naterally fix his gaze on the tall and 'missionary leaflet On her table.
• handsome form- ox Saul. As he was The Illiesionary Monthly..
eurprise, ;he Lard saideto him, Be- GUARD BABrs HEALTH
noel the num ' et whom spoke .to • IN THE summit
• looking with questioning wonder and
thee! this, man shall have .
•evee'my people" • The sinnaier moliths are the most
his', seeiant *eke guests of lii:Anor, plaints of that season, which are.
&gime' totes Saul to his -own house, cholera iniantum, colic, diarrhoea and
and communed with him On the roof. dysentery, come on so quickly that
Tlfe 'obscure tarreer's son had sudden: often a little one is beyond aid before
ly• become' the honored guest -01 .the mother ,realizes he is ill. The
isitail's great prophet and judge,and mother must be on her guard toepre-
was 'on the eve of beernideig the fleet, vent these troubles, or if they do
anointed monarch of the chosen peo- come on suddenly to banish „them,
hle. Seeking • after asses, he had No other •Medicine is of euth"ahl to
litilddoeo• _ • mother e during the hot weather as
Tee Anointhig of. :26, 27 ;. 10 Baby's Ohm Tr -Wets. They regulate
• . "Some omit be great. Great of- the ettenaeli and bowels and are
• fices will have great .talents ; and solutely eate. Sold. by niedicipe deal -
God gives to every.man the virtue, ere or by mail at, 25 ceatt a hot frout: •
temper) understanding, 'taste, that The Dr.:. • wimpali
ns ehes;iiehie co.,
fall just •in the niche .he hens ere
' • eainee to fill."
•- Cowper,
• s :w c u an •dangerous to children.. The eon.
ast her evinte load .of o. ;tome dol. I.
have and she replyed. and sed it was
a sort of a Mixed kens' voice she
Mundt-ter—Meet wets a "keen Zate
, * down. at the school yd. Unite and I
. seen. Jane and weehad a little Ohat
and she taorkecl very corjally to me.
I was all dreee up and I felt oflly
r funny bocuz when I get all drest up
1 feel so attracktive most genrelly.
If you got what 1 omen.
Teusday—I gese .pg, is threw ;kith
seckend handed Ottomobeela by this
tine. lie goe enjen trubble out in
' the country this after noon. Ile aed
.... ' • a sekepd handed Mashene is like te
the shirt. They aro vory rdee ta
' have around- home but he hates to
get ea out on the retie iii: 1 et theme
. Wenedaye-I bot inc a ice cream
Friday -Mrs. Gritz was at -aro
• . cone today and when 1 got eat on the
house ; ovning for s pper ands'St. I met Pug Stevens .and he sed he
inteetaned us very har.tilly telling us ing it VIM his hands he bet he cul eat my cone thout tuteh-
,dbout her xperieocee and eat. - She and I bet him
seri she had ben disappointed in love three cents he euddent. Ile tuk it in
a hupiha times and in marryage ,eue,,h his hand and I told him he, lose so
She wed that when she got Marryed he payed me three cts but .1 gat to
after ebbed hen marryed to'him'
Was only fiftering And the cone 'otested me
as. einif ways. Looks like all h get
to her husband she thot thee.
1 lean in the hole Wirld like him and five cts. I win the bet but I lose to
a is gTeef -whatever I do or dont.
wile she new it, . . , 1
• l'hirsday—Get a letter today that
Saterdaer--They was a sales Ingo we was a going to have ets: over the
here to see pa this pan. and tryect to ideeak end; Ma sed 1 caddent* do to
sell- him .sutn buttehlese under ware mach far these fokes. And / dont
•• '•
fts him into life, and 1ts him Brockville, Ont. • , • ,
Saul's Deelibe and ' Fail- 19941 ;
31:1-4,-; • . •
Saul's mad jealousy of David
continued to grow and at length pos-
seesed him to suet; 'a degree that he
tiled to kill' him on different oeca-
ylas hunted foe ey saw. ere e;deitiletl? iyeer becomes more
. .
(Issued hy the ,Director of Public -
IV, Dominion Department of Agri-
:rue:tire, Ottawa).
In view or the public demand for
uniform, graded, sound, niattire pro -
Wens. At lengt David fledinto ex; e in standard •
attraotive contain
n n yt avid WTI the arna IntS PPa and ri ‘tY1.w cf the erleeePt3
the Philis Ines wb ad array a•ttained from las year's exper en '
Israel. At the battle- of Gilboa Sant .Oepartmnt of Agrieulture have re-
StMeel. as recommended grades for
met his death. '
• Cabbage and Cauliflower the speeifi-
eelf against Saul and thearmy of the. Orbit. Branch of .the Vominion
Saul -is 'notable I f
exarnn e cations in force last -season.
During the season 103041 :Where
The Hydro Sore -
• •
,ales are made of No. 1 and No: 2
* quality the standards listed below
will apply, and upon request by ship-
pers or receivers official inepeetion
will be made on this basis:
e Cabbage: No. 1 . shall consiet. of
4willte•ontorommitoasiths. valtrivon. vible:itialidOin at. atm; 1.0sylti.i. heads*of cabbage which are ofeimilar
tion, lautbanisllas 'lam like ingiade type, reasonably firm and well trim-
..7nitt.441•4". x•onstiPath" ikk " ' rried; not withered or • burst; free
' 0,14"er.ellpithteseeisesif"TheoneIsh*"..eolrcii=eioandliterePatal from soft rot and seed sterile, and
eat*. Get ettoetalleor is= Awitlat &AIM'• free from damage caused by diseol-
. oration, freezing, disease insects or
mechanical or other =eons.
, ----`""":". No. 2 ehall consist of cabbage
'CANADIAN NA IIONAL ;Nithizefoorrg;litimgeet See. requirements
neatly trimmed compact heads of
Icav4'doderieh 6'20 a'121` 115' P.M. free from damage caused by diet or
seClintonaiorth 66'.46,4 2.45303 p.m.pTo'odtishtear4feog rynclogitchatUnaiettairlobr
luPth°08; inteaente3.'
- " efitcheli • 7.21 A.M. 3.30 P.m'Attached, leavo than be -fresh and
Arrive Stratford lie a.m. 3,58 pan.
Cauliflower: No I shall contlet ef
• " Kitehener g. 0 am. 6.18 pen. green, . .
Guelph 0.07 a.m. No, 2 shell consist of heads Of emit.
erei Parlor Cafe Car tiodericie teiT6roto • ter, hruieee, diseases. ipeecte or me-
io en morning train, and Toronto to elmonleal or Other Mean&
3oderich 5.ss p.m. train to No AN& Shan Consist of homs of
change of enre between Goeeriee mid caulillowee which do not meet with
. ...,,,,,....... a e Toronto 10.25 ax4 hhe pore glower which are free frem fierlOU3
....Ak ,.....;:::::'..gt Returning—Leave Toronto 7.50 a.m. datnage CaUqed by ovennaturity,• die.
. 12.55 33.m._atiiii5.55 mai. coloration, dirt, or other foreign mat.
lobo Ills a bolt
J. A. LAWRENCE.- • •
Town Paseenger ari
bone Tido! Anent
, Tired and Nervous
. After Day's Work .
., lb% Murry O. Chapman, Poriteoditfo,1133, %ohm,
----f; •
at the mother of alt thileten, _sad teem to
gat astound and do Itty Own work. My hest vr45
v.ti Wellek-41*41.1 4In a nervous Oedititou Mr
Soso time. / bon s hoz of Milburne; Read 0,4a
mono Pills and onnel they were a great help to
WIC Ellpeeially whoa I lied one. through a day of
*tile,* sea wrath bo tired a*4 nete0t$ et night
I *ma tike IL 4114110 ef tlie PIM taid. Ould met
eeeirertelly all daring tit. nfOlit,” •
-6,141 At 01 ireir 44 gtherol, stores, or welled
rcerrorpottt Intel, 11' TM T. moult* Ce,
mom Mumma
pens Friday, Aug. 22
"LES VOYAGEURS"--eltilliantotandstandseectaele"LesVoyegtere" depicting,
the glorious romance of Canadian development, Scots 2eher.AIO, Boxes $1.10.
MUSIC -Thirty •bands headed by the AleCanada Permanent Foto Bend spetiellyee -
recruited troln1 Canada's permanent military establishnients seeetat Perolissim
Department of Militia and Defence). •
2000 VOICE EXHIBITION .C1 -401111S, trained and 4lite‘ted by 1)4 IL A
leripckt.e2r:aModiat069.1Snear°4725eZn:at's40$141.A0013.g' 23 Tint1S.' u* 28;' Tues
AGRICULTURFin all its breeches-
SPORT—Marathoe Swims tworkes profess:it:oat dennolooships) Fri., *flag.
(women); 'Wed, Aug. 27 kopen). Ioternational spore competitions afloat erei
ashore. Canada's ereatest adttehe next. Troaino end Pactur; 13CeS including
$5,009 huturities. ' •
for,Thebibit'on aeries mom and •
&Newels,. vinebeiseg otrePtea
Grageirteetid Pagentri, per.
' ,;. fir elf:amts. - Send ehiree or woo
• oder.
"e' . •
;intend to neather. I. will Objently 1Viarriage, mstkis, is man different
obey my mother on the maturnee eke; at'tiret but bo Soon grows indifferent
l'of are faintly. • • . • • ' • :
. too kind to say no*
' 17, WATERS, •
The most ehaeitable explanation 1.4 •
that the boss at the radio **tattoo, is • • FOR, FLMHER'S
LO VELPRICED .tire -than'
.. any other tire of equal qu4lity.
Tough, rugged tread—Supertwist
cord body.' Full Good
this will eind a tel
year lifettnte guarantee 7,
. _
• . service on the Wad's
—and a low price. Gredtot Mei* arnl
Tubes. '
-th.41 e ht. -
14;1' • •