HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 5a THURSDAY. AUGV 7tt, /9* Dog Ser — Fine Taik't kicks lam' CAMPBELL'S FRAGRANT Toiletries, .� natant* PRESCBIP-11QNS-SPPPORT�s and Creams TRE GODERICO STAR: 11 'seonided by •t'ouncider Humber, tilt 'week visiting Mitt Elite Blair- . paabile vioriiii Committee in htiaiaW f bars, IEA*, *Au Ito* lin the *nett li , ' sands • tie matter hs, N:es tautho::staid of lairs.'worn its the tallage, went to deal with it Immediately. -•• G to Sirathrey to a week tor4a short Mi-. J. 1:3. Reynolds who is sponwov visit, lair the boxing bouts to heeteited in , Mr. fEail Raithby started �:hi'e:pini; ad ' GuCerich Aug. $btb• ha iew t 'LA week lit the tarn of Mr. Smut/. quests to xnea►e, one was for p. anis- Johns°on, TM* wheat turne�I ung FORzioa to use the Agricultural gr•�unds ! ell, t1R said , ser the tient, and others 1a seine ` rine Auburn jars band was a . enrint;tirg to to done an tilt tra k,liStra::iroy this �aisci` assisting in in}!I- permission to erect adsiitaonaI stand=,'teitainin a reunion ,at' old s.h:lai'a , on the track, -police ter the tvert.ianid..sisaemyleci there.,. to use timber tram the prezent rat' Mrs. Midi one and fatally—of Raw- t : -- form The council agreed to meet manville, vino have been visiting Ms. Mt. Reynolds in these matters, and Melly ene'at parents, re;nirned to their. no parNs end public works commit» home last week. tees were •lappointed to see to these . Dir. Alexander Young, of Carlow. 'things. - and his • sisters,. 11111.A. uchatsten and Deputy Reeve. Craigie urged arise hire. Henderson, were guests. of Ms lmore eitective wary of indicating the : (Dr.) 'weir hist week. fetation of the rest roam at Ataebay Mr. William J. Thompson was ct tiaa, and, in via ;v of the crowd ex- Dungannon Gan 1 ucuday attending tts' pecteaa in town for tho Civic Holiday repelar monthly meeting of the West, race meet, it was derided to get out Wawanoslh Inottranco Company. some card" for temporary use. I Dr. Weir and family, are at Strath The Mayor mentioned that the Blue - roy this went. The doctor is: epe:ad- , Water Highway Association was ini; a reunion with companions of ' pressing for payment of the town'sformer years. w. C; F M. Bylaw to Continue Fixed Assessment to Be Voted assessment for its abate of assoeia-, Messrs. Clayton Ladd and Harry on September $tit tion publicity.. and tate matter'tvas ice- Beadle, who were spending holidays; frned td D trait i `.A1FAPREL at.'S DRtX ►SfipRE .PHONE N. .. _. d`i u....... THE TOWWCOUNCI terred to the special committee to with traends here, roto have collections among the merchants the beginning of last week. SEWER TO BE BUILT ON PICTON STREET completed. Mr. George Dawson and his son, The ma. `taro appointing e f a inti 'ticket Rainier, are holidaying this •weoli. Harbor Rest 1R0010:hist a 'at No O 'Looking p£#ee sellers for the grand stand for . the Mr.. George Howatt and. M. Anes races, which liad been left to cam- Andrews are carrying the :mail. Gia.cotzuna# a Agrees to Accept Responsibility mittee of the whole was now referred . The united services. of the Presby -1 •Fhin� • ` - -_�^ . ,' • • _ • -to the chairman of the 'slsecial •cam- replan and i3apthst congregations will. mittee. Councillors ltlis`e`r "and Croft be. held in the Presbyterian church fat dsh'11 Becuiur:e A special meeting of the town up into the. kitchen sink, causing ' a council was held on Friday . evening great . deal Of annoyance as well "as ° oi: last week, with all the members , being a menace to health. If there presen-; with the. exception of Goun- i was any likelihood of the council .put- tiller Bailie. The meeting was cal- i ting in a sewer he did not want to put ichurchfixing aide nthe to theexpensen ' o co ' i s xof led for the pawns o f u g, g the bylaw granting a ten-year •ex.ten- , the old tank, and he pointed out that cion of, the period during ...which the:it was a question of health, not alone Company it to enjoy a axed assess-.; of "convenience. He was going away meat Or $70,000 (including businessi for a holiday of a week or longer, and assessment),.. as the term under the thought . perhaps the council. would present bylaw expires with the end put in the sewer in the meantime. ,. of the year. The bylaw was given' Mayor MacEwan pointed out that two readin ;s and was• s:onsidered in then town. was pitting in a sceptic . committee of the:whole. The vote tank at. the present time. and that will. be :taken on: Monday, Sept_ 8th, such appliances should not give trou- and the bylaw will be published in the ble. Ile asked Councillor'W.orsell to.. local papers starting next issue,_ ' - !give isoexperienceQof septi;, tanks, The bylaw is numbered 18. rind By- : whichh did by saying that . there law No. 14 was passed, taxing'polling were lots .of them .:in use in various places and appointing officers far 'the towns, some of which had been in for .vote on tho 8th. ! over 25 years and had given no trou- While this: was a special meeting ble. calmed agood deal of 'general • Other .members'of the council were of the- sou l • business was taken up. .As a matter. asked. their. views. Deputy Reeve of fact the first Friday in the month Craigie said it would be a. matter of would be' a regular meeting if—the getting an engineer's report' On a council :had not decided to:hold only sever if it was to be put in, and the. one regular;meeting an: August. Up Mayor pointed out •that the council. to: date two special meetings have had: tried'. to get all the ".pro'spective been held and it does not seem pos- requests for both sewers and side- i- ble to get along. with only one m et- walks in by a certain date, stopping Aug in the summer months. construction and issuing debentures. 1 bad moved that the Reeve, as finance 3, o'clock sty the at.erndon lar chairman, have charge, but Mr. Turn» next month: er demurred and an amendment by,(Frosty another.. correspondent, Councillor Humber, was to give the Mr. Geo, Lawlor has'treated' his special .committeecharge,andis ieer i s h a cot of fresh mist.• was ca seconder only the mover ang ho At present Mr. and Mrs.N. Mur - nay to of the original motion voting ray are having their holiday;. naIn the amendment. •Mr, and Mrs. Rica and Douglas re- in answer to a :query from Cain--- ciilor McLean it was stated the mark -Tinned to Detroit' on Sunday. ing dY' of parking places around the Mr. Jos. Carter's; family held a re. inside of.the roadway round the Square would be continued as soon et the men were free froth other work. The clerk reminded the council that the plumbing at the rest room at the nst. waterworks was ready for inspection. Mr; and Mrs., G. Thompson. oELon-, and the council had. not appointed an don, Spent the week -end with rela- tives here. Ur*. L Plaetzer is seriously ill at Present, Her many friends hope to hear better, news :soon. . Mr. and Mrs. Flank Robinson, who have lbeen visiting. the former's par- ents, returned home on Monday. . Rev. Wm.. Conway, . Mrs.. Conway and son,; ;iVlorrisof: Woodstock, cai,ed on • old friends here' early this tvcs'k. Knox United Sunday school held. a: very 'successful Echis on the west hats of tlie,river last Wednesday af- ternoon. Mr. A. McKenzie leaves on Thurs., day for •Toronto to attend. the mar- riage of his eldest' daught: , which is to. take place in that city ori Satur- daY .. , .. Mr..'»nd Mrs.:Mortimer. and Arthur go 'to: Kincardine for.tviRo weeks' holi- days, Rev. Mr.'Barnaby -till :have charge of: the services for the. 'next two .Sabbaths. . -Rev: Mr. Bunt, the Baptis-w pas or, Reeve 'lhiiiner thought the council was present, to ask if the=coutiell as should constructthis sewer- and carry. W -likely to -put. a sewer :on piston. street. •the cost o'v'er o'v'er as had' been done be,, The cess peal into; which the: sewage fore.- Councillor Humber agreed with • -from : the house drains was out of or- this idea and suggested that if the der and last Friday the water backed town engineer could not be .. got at once to make the report Engineer " Brough or Engineer Archibald (of union by the lake on Monday last. Mrs: A. Sphul is very ill at the home of her rarother, Mr. T. Roberton. The young ;people's meetings will be withdrawn for the month of Aug - inspector. Someone suggested Mr. Donaldson, at which the Mayor laugh- ed. Mr. Donaldson, .it may be noel:- led, eem- led,. is the one who said the specie- '.iat.,ans . would not' -in his opinion,. measure up .. to Provincial •tlealth Board requirements.. Councillor Humber . suggested lylr. Henderson, lately `a newcomer to Goderich, and : 'Councillor; Moser seconded the appointment of Mr. Henderson CouncillorMcLean was for p2 Le a i the ap- pointment of Mr. Tichbourne, but pip. Henderson was preferred as being more of a ;stranger :in town as yet. UYhe clerk also pointed out that the sceptic tank: the town was putting in had'to be approved by ;the Board of Health; and all the councillors ex pressed surprise that this permission - bad not •been got. Somebody asked who was looking after the thing and the clerk replied' that "Nobody Was looking after it at all." : It carie out also that there was a cement floor to go mond some. carpenter work• to be AMONG THE �•� 9, (1 h i l / i O 11 aT I Seeafortli) could ' 'probably be got: FOR iF LETORER' Councillor McLean was agreeable to going ahead with the'work, and, on .I A !the -.motion of Deputy Reeve Cra gie, • Watch This. Space Next Week .For. Cior th Anniversary Sale M. ROBINS PHONE 384 :1 a-,0 solals--for T SILK UNGERIE • Kayser Vests A quality garment hi shades '•of Pink, Peach Orchid and White, sizes 34 to 42. Sale Price, each , ::.... Keyser Bloomers A Bloomer to - match the: Vests, ` in the Ofi 9c same shades, also Nile Green and 89c Eggshell. Sizes.34 to : 40. Sale Price, pair.... Kayser'; Vests In a 3 -ray, quality, goon shades,sizes 34 n to 42. ` Reg. '$1:25 each. ale . Price $. • V� each Kayser Bloomers. -h Reg.,$1.25 .1.25 pair. Sale Price To match. � � � 1.09 pair « • ort y� Pantees In good shades; sues small and medium. Reg. $1.50. , Sale Price, pr - $1 . 0 . . +0411.4018 i rrs WAIGi99P'S • AT� REDUCED PRICES ijk — tJVILLE� LA�IVNS- an+�.'�OIIES►- In heat designs in ropers fast colors. Regular 60c and65c per yard. shades. Guaranteeda g Clearing at . 9c per yard - A few pieces of ENGLISH PRINTS in small patterns. Just the thing for house dresses and kidd'e3' play' scar. Regular 39c yd. 'Clearing at 19c per yard KENWOOD BLANKETS in the new two tone, also plain and check in single and double bed size. BENMILLER WOQLLEN.'BLANKETS in check and plain colors at mill prices. The Cash Store P�id114' 8�' E.HIBBERT Tait House of Dependable •, lerchandi le. -°'a show, the nature of whnot a heat naso nk Lf• the pro. ranks, too highly reconimend'ed. It is an, All brides etre. a ,� st 'attaches to : the . t "mat man doesn't ,; •.. tlsausual furoreambitious venture and its very dor- rill. weddings the ll lT f tl oun sten ev be# wide youngster !Burke is ei and resided there un»g c a curtain»raiser which its ca or. to Rollo Burke, a Mitchell ing should ensure its success. Neth- get married. Irr.al. debut of ' left t ak it a'1 ed bee ho projni5cs: to cut - ing will e undone o m e , �.y .r • s high class uttair anti the corntort ni*. PHONE 330 in the - boxing game 1 the many: Matrons, both ladies anti 'broth years. aid, wits For [fphalatsri,i,p, Rarriaearg� born in Mitchell -res . e gentlemen, will receive extra atien-• tt f,s,firhng `. tion. A first-class ring will he erect. A Isr a ranuu of Saimpis Carar til' two years, ago .since when. he -has :.tion, and in : act nothing will be left been commuting betweenl)etroit and g 1 pini. S * ianaa exCried t • s me undone'ie make Friday night, August t . 2±IMMERM I'• Toronto, He has talion. part in o _ P. A► ,Nel Toro p filth, one 'of the greatest in the his- Smite twelve bouts and has still to' lose a' tory of sport in Goderich and. its en. aAn a ' decision. .-.A worthy oppnent is being \irons. ' '� „ sought for him: i .—_._ _. ......., ._. _ _...- . .I , large number of Toronto sports- • ;. inen are ,coming up to take'in the done and the water and light • cont- Saivatidi►' Army; Sunday school at .mission would need' to put ,the water 2 p.m., Sunday evening 7 p.m.. All in, none of which had been arranged g welepme for. No one seeincd. willing', to take The` choir' boys of St. George's hold of the mater. Councillor Hum-. church held their annual camp last ber " anoved that the `.mayor act and - week on the: -lake shore south; of the , `i--�- Councillor, Moser seconded, but :the town, under the supervision'. of. the - mayor. declined. . The • job went beg organist and - choirmaster, Mr.'G. B. ging. It properly belongs, of course, uz. to the. . harbor committee, but that- Davies. eoinanittee refused to act ,because .7ervs es at Baptistr-church on Sun- their recommendation as to the' dal.next will be es fgllows: 1t)"b,.m., awarding of the eontracct was lot act- Bile school; gospel service at 11 arm: ed -. on. Finally, under . pressure, and hbv, pan., conducted by. Rev.Win., Councillor Croft, chairman of the sge. I Raithby,:of St. Thomtal - The pastor, RvWTB t; will hisp1 Cement for Sale Fresh carload .dust ` arrived._ '! Also." work such las. aackin up ' 4 houses. building cement walks or foundations, general .repairs, J.. J. MOSER General Repairs,• Contractor Call and see us Hamilton St. 19. Silt knit sips In shades of Pink, White,. Orchid, Nile :.. Green, Peach and Black. ` Sizes large. Sale Price $ . . , 9 Small, medium and g �. each .. '�.�.. tit n• "r" ini -We Absolutely Save. You Money. Store GE0r .a. SCIIAEFER �.��• Phone 56 • cial committee, consented to- ace if his committee: would act with him, and with some assistance promisedhe. aceeptee the work. , • !' • • The 'approval of the plans by the Provincial Board of' -Health \ vas look- ed upon as .larg'bly. a matter of form, if the local board approved; as the Provincial Board ; would go by the plans and what ' the ' local . board de- cided. The council adjourned - about 10 o'clock. , e.. un occupy u - pit on Sunday next. ' • This Sunday, the music at: the Unit- ed church services will be led by* the North St: choir. • At the morning ser- vice the -choir 'will render the anthem, "O' Light Eternal" (Miles) • and Miss Olive Miller, ; soprano soloist. of Tor- onto, will 'sing. In the -evening Mr. Mr. Harold Blackstone will play as a flute ,offertory the "Berceuse'3 from Jocelyn (Godard), and a soprano solo, "Faith Only Faith," will be sung by Miss Edith Stoltz, of Auburn. �, �,r►�+�,. AN AMBITIOUS are at Dr. Weir's this week. SPORE CARNIVAL • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor spent - the week -end visiting friends in De. troit. fessional boxing show.Jas. B. Hey�- Mrs. Joseph Irwin, of the village, Holds is staging at Agricultural Park is at Preston this week• visiting vela- on Friday night, August ib, are iirs tives. `J seeding .apace and indications are - Mr. Rite of the bank'here, arrived that this ambitious sporting carnival home from •his. holiday 'trip the.end will • be :a tremendous . suc. ess, both > of last .week. from a sporting and financial point Mrs. Sislor, Phillips over was' 'the of view. The profits ate for the trip- guest of Mitis Phillips over the week- pled, children of Huron County and, end, this in itself is enough to Assure. the Mrs. Lawrence Platzer, of the success of the 'venture: Blyth gravel road,' is- seriously ill But Mr. Reynolds has planned wise - at present. The Rev. W. T. "Goodwill's two p hY. not.intends to to. public who daughters: of 'i Toronto, are visiting. dot"ttheiHbit" for thpoor. tittle ive trip-. their father_ here,at' present. • pies something in return for their Mr. and :Mrs, Chas. Robertson, of money, this in the shape,of-a� protfes- Goderich, spent the beginning • of the sional boxing show the like of which I, �' has. never been utaged in• these parts.. Model hea re fore a record crowd, "1+'ienchy" Bel• anger engaged in a sparring exhibi� -Mr. and Mrs. Johnatiin, of Toronto A Preparations• for the monster :pro* soucirous OF YOUR PATRON/.C.Iw... !`CINDERELLA LLA OEA rrir sfO}P R�. . (0:%7;11, T1 14111"t"1 5 UAlti)\%Mt�r-) W, S7l' s'.CItnrg• •e;- a lav • e r ' Tft4':.dl)%l John. D. ;�C'etlllerl�r Luster Prmanent Welting Methods • • • Iiiforniation courteously 'gine HONE 239 FOR. APPOINTMENT . 7.SO � s and.• . $10.00 upon request. B appointment onyx 1 TF: YOU WOULD PR.OSPERI_ • The first stet):.tdWard general pro:�nerity deponds.•on you.. IE You make, y:ieu► irri+ceeY charas at one at' .the: Superior' Chain Stores yet are directly benefiting yourself Tbil mow. you spend at :these stores stays right in your cotnrnunity, for every'Superior Stara is owned .by an independent: grocer . amember of your _ community who PIM rates+ =owe, euterp ire -=when' Xrae-prospers the community. prospers,. and AS it goes ;With your com tti,' - iri ;Men with voui. FOR LESS • ... � SELL THE BEST � The other night at Belleville, be. tion of three rounds• with it `stable - - • mate. At Agricultural Park, Belan- WEEK; OP AUGUST 11 to 16 . ger wlio,, by' the rota', is present it- - ,., ..... weight champion and former world's. champion' and a anadien Ur boot, MON. • • ..._ , . will engage'1n a *ea'l` honest-to-gaode JACK HOLT, DOROTHY tEVUER nese scrap to a referee's decision, and HELENE CHADWI'CK + over no less than eight rounds and I in. the drama of a scheming woman. with with:a ~worthy opponent, Bobby Clary1 who • came between father and eon. fiyweight and bantamweight chane. A powerful poltrayal of paternal -'pion of tate. - love. Ties iNewi a toutYork goodSenough• to bei - "Ir'ATHER ANDSOW'staged in Toronto and Mr. Reynolds was only able to land it here "through . lit1;GAL COM1;t1Y the co-operation of Charlie Halle, - "LAD;'ES' MUST EAT" • ,, famous .'Toronto boting. promoter, - Who ivas able to indigo Belanger and Clary to come on hero and help out such a worthy cause. rhe show has been sanctioned by the Ontario Ath-._ et in retie .(ohnmission, the government ap- WED. and { W1L A.M:Ff. •. rit's 11 rifling love stor modern Spain, the land of dark eyed pointed body supervising profession - beauties and Jilting serenades at sport in Ontario and they will ap--• i mei1F. BELLS OP TOLEDO" point the referee and variolic other. . FA'TIiE commit, officials, assuring that evei,tt•ing is "WRONG AGAIN" fair and Above beard. - Three other bouts: will rowan.I out rni ,s,1 4 rho program and as in the main bout, Lail are to• a decision. One six-;',nnd- 'IRGINIA VALE f—JASON ROB.' sr will bring trngetlaer Tommy island ARDS and ,11(Alt DEM' and Ilughie •Lees, . taro . welters good ira a splendid sea drain*. An island 'enough to recently find a prominent oncost chips floating in the Sargubo l pdsitiOn on a Toronto' boxing pro• Ssra- two. shipwrecked men and' ti gram. Lees' is a willing niixete e'lui • girl. Ste ... Viand a• super -clever' bolter, !Making '•THE I3I,E or Lost T SHIPS" .; for nn ideal match: Another .'flip- ' REGAL comEIiY ,rounder will bring together(Write Barber, former . Canadian amateur „mop TO yd'EIFFA1,air . 'a hampion, . and; Willie Mat1Ionr►ld,. who. MOW lint, at *i* pair.. tial been figlitinv willl i,Yreat atraces5 6 Royal ;York Tea ✓'s28c'i's SSc Chateau Cheese ''whaileirome and nutrs- • tious—it spreads or slices. /z s ..19e ,, Libby'f . Dill Pickles. per bottle . , .25c Luis Toilet SOSO "for: a smooth skin".. -3 Vinegar—Canada Vu i[ar Co. Cider or ' Spirit, 16 oz: bottles . ......19c s Columbia Silent Matches 41" 7 per bo • Princess Soap , F'Isdtes--,'Uro 'Princess Soap Flakes, don't have red hands„ (;trial package free), large OM. ,23e Lealand Sweet M red Pickles,. 30 oz....47c Crown. Corn Syrup, 2's 17c. S's • • .350* • Clark' a v Potted Meats, ,a s, 3 tins. 25o Welch's Grape Juice. medium size. ° bottle.. . per C, 33c Crisco 1:'s • 25c gest for fryingand cake making - RaspberryJam:: 40 ox. jar Marsh al': Kippered.I erring, I's...• :Ito.; Marshall's Herrin in Tomato Sauce. I's 4. ,y Canada Dry Ginger Ale, pints 26 v« . . ' Chase & Sanborn'G cafe.; %'ar 31c Kelloggs Corn Elakes2 far 19ea Green Giant Peas. Nur 2 ties. each, , ..25e Choice quality Canned Pears, 21/*',, firs 25 Brillo, small, 4 -pad, 2 for Large 12 pad ... • . .25c King Oscar Sardines, per tin. ..17'c Seeded or Seedless 'Raisins, 2 'II* Prunes, medium size, 2 ib, pkg s R „ 29c Chipso Large PaCkstgo 19c -For Quick Lasting 5lldlt" Groceriesat RetticeAI Prices on. Thursday,Friday and Saturday, Aug.- 7th,. 8th and 9th PHONE YOUR ORDER TO ' J. J. McEwen, Goderich J. al vin Gait t, Wer PHONE 46PIONE 116 • WED Er 1,.1 r E R