HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 4• PAGEFOUR 0.0,00 August,s The Mop& of Speeilds'ist •'CORNFIELD'S Men's. and Young Men's 'Suits Offered at 25 per cent off regular price,s for two weeks on'iy.. Think of its This is your opportunity to secure a neW'surnmer suit at a remarkably low price. .7 wo.Dress..Specials TxicQslierte Dresses at $6,50. Plain Crepe Dresses in different shades; clearing at $7.95. Bathing Suites_ Aberley Bathing Suits for Ladies, Misses and Chi dren tat 25per cent.off regular prices. Ger,aLbuhing-,Suit at great Saving. There are many other special values offere&in Ladies' ancl Men's merchandise- as we must make room ' for fall goods now commencing to arrive .° 0==- i0000) (=0=i0) ^ 4OOJ± CORNFIT TRE CtiDERICII STAR 4A UN'IFORM. FOR i Goderich, °Maxie. ODEICCH FOLKS vit,lzedimmy.ivieR comeGIATE GIRLS To tee }UI U1 et The $tar, i Dear Sire -Kim& being the follew. Rug matter to the attention of the 5vske. ANTYOU ;totora of late yeaxe to enforce oe DUNLOP'S To. fop TO Parente et G. C. I. feria, --10. rinieee-aelveoli it-less---Iteen the euggcst the weaving of a sehool vael. fetm. In meet -ewe this consiste of a navy plegted skirt, a white middY DRUO STORE, : with navy collar and cuff, A black tie, Masi (in some schools) blael; casb. m ! FOR ee t)OTTLE ere or liele stockings. • Duxing the past school yeer we OF' PeRFUMV - : have been encouraging the girls of the Confliete to _wear, middies and , skirts, at It on the dees when they '4,pelji, ha4 phyeical training ' claseea. The ireeeonee to the suggestion was par- ; tieularly good iu the higher forme. !Even in the, first forme, however, a i good vereenteee of the girle4adolitee I tide standard dress for their I". T. lelesses, ' e • re We were well pleased with the re - it of our efforts. However, we would ;like an VQ111 better repreeennu. tion of girls in middies next term, not only ou the doys wilethey have ..- --- -- -- -- - - - - - , P. 'T. (where of 'Course it le the hest I I cestinue ta egleteetheni_ perfect free. • 'BRIEF TOWN TOPICS 'done for exorcise) but also 'on other -Remember tim..bgrao races at Sea- 1aye. forth on Wednesdey, August VAIL InsPeetor Jennings did hin is part$90Q in purses for the 2.10, 2.18 and el encouraging the girls to wear mid- 2,24 trot or pace with a silver trophy Idles and eltirts every dee- He Dien. to the horse breaking the track re- tiorsed many of the advantages of this cord. • told other points which Will favor will hold their meeting on Mrs. Gor eccm°1nY'l ' The Goslerici, Woman's Institute costume -neat appearance, don Bi-sett"s home in Saltford, on 14th graduate. ;tict).1. stuoetyssfurgrpaduates. Imre.: tonight. Tr..y. A. that the boes at the 'radio t tio • • with arents as well as with girls. remarks of igoroo of Om mothers and ef 'tee refreshments. Cars will leave ADVERTISE 61 MB STAR ' from your disttricti , -ene meat Chantable e lanation is . ' t* During he year it Lae been very teb rsday, Aug wilil take the form e'l a 'Picnic and It gratifying to hear the complimentary other eeople of Goderich. one in,b, the progreen committee ;lave ehora,e remarked,- "I hope neddide will be - „ • • . . . , THURSDAY, AltGUST 7th. 19$11) SAY,riom. (RA tWsle cloT eyes "Litie CAT4T CAri see LL DARK in seltATee,N, By MAC 0,44 IWILOR 44141%.5 Vikiett 1.06T14Iire141 At* 14,40Q° HER Siti.-4,41,FReVIDY WHV mar YOU 5i-tikve fl wouldn't have found himself ia such a pre- dicatnent. Depend on us for your health and comfort. accessories 1 Cigars, cigarettes, Lt Freddy had a good razor blade -be co'DERTI-11c%111.EXA.L.L DRUG STO0RNTEmoo. candies. A fine, fr6h stock. letacKay Hall at 2,30. Asthma Brings Misery, but Dr. J. I D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re. BUSINESS EDUCATION eiet.:* the misery with %memo re - The -fall term of the .Spettert Bed. iiefte Inhaled as smoke ar vapor ie ness College, Wingham, and the Can- radio's tio Verye'ineeraioet reeeeese.- ;Ida Business College (College and of the bronchial passae,e end soothes Spadina) Toronto, begins Tuesday, them. Restriction paeses and ceey September 2nd. Students may curry breathing returns. If you knew as on at home by mail without charge, well how this remedy woold help you Courses maybe paid for at your von. as do thoueands of grateful users, venienee, .A situation awaits .eeelt there would he a Vaell.ago in your leompulsoey by the time ny-daughters • are old enough for collegiates." Because it is such a sensible, prac- tical, 'economical and yet attractive' school costume for girls, we suggest .that in planning their daughters' fall wardrobes parent- give the matter of the middy and skirt for every %shool day their earnest censicleration. 'Let our slogan be:*(Eyettlegirl in a dy." • , ,. Thanking you ferl,. yotir valuttele space, •we remain. .0 'Your s very 'truly, • ., , G. C. 1, IPEACHING•STAFP., WEST SIDE -StJARE • "SHOP WHERE. YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP ,010, PHONE 4 t8 REVIVAL OF INftERES'Y " • • Boworio ;°"*.."*""'''"1"" Tit e d eV Ma public inter - LOWER SCIIOOL -11 EXAMINATIONBAILTS The following pupils from rural • .schools of the Inspectorate of Weet • Huron, who -Were candidates at the . Lower School examinations held at • Gederich and Luclimuv in June last, were successful in obtaining standing in the subjects indicated he oW N 3 Ashfield Cecilia Bowler, Gram., Geo.; Joseph . . ' Hackett, Gram.; Hist., Geog. George MacGregor; Hist., Geog., Grade MacGregor, Grant., Hist., Geo.; Donald MacKay, Gram., Mete • Geog. ' S. S. Nn. 4. Aahfield (Ltieheltsli . Isabel MacKendrick, Geog., Botany; - Jessie MacRae, Gram., Hitt., Geog.. -S. S., No. 8. A,shfield (DeMeannoft)eeel Arith., Art, Botany. est in lawn boiktliw has been aim . xi h Z 1* Helen. Thence Grain., and especial interest etas been direct. of Geeg., .4egelc. 'II; Wilme Teeleaven, McKinley Ramage, Grams i'llYalog• fest throughout • mads ItIl/s Year 1-listraeog., Arty, AgeleeelLe A t oo jQW S. S. No. J. 'Ashfiels1.-eMery Clare e Aritil,'; • NeelY "'Todd,- Hist, -C4e0R4 cd toward ,the 1)ominime-learm Gram„ Geog., Agri:). LI Dor:. Betauy; ,Iticherd Weatherhead, tine il'ouenament to behold In Toren- othy cm:120., GrAm;* giete Geog.„ Mete ieetany. . • tee 'opening on August 18th. This Aerie. 1; Reith Johneton, Gram., S. S, Ni'. 1Z West Wawanesh (.10 r•-•, wiu Abe thirty-eighth anniversary Geog., Agrie.. ' • slYee)-Etta Taylor, Hist., GO, of the inaugeration Of this conmeti- e, e, ehe 1 1. jeehgeid-iveaegaret Per. Agric.` II; Velnaer Breonaere Orem.) tion and it isoopeetedethat the num- Atithe Art, Zoology. peer- of rinks entered will exceed that C. , S. S. No. 1. Hay and Stanley of any preeTithe year. (Drysdale) --L e o nerd Dertomme,) Headquarters .this year- will be on Hist, Geog., Arith, Botany; Ver.; theethest excellent greens of the Vic - one; Detiomme, Geog., Bot- toria Club *Idle there will elect be any; Marie Laporte, Hist., Geo*, available the lawns of Oakwood, Rus -, Park* Canoe a 11-h Park Clubs.. The 'e teurnentent comprises six iompetitioes, the Dominion Trophy, the Ontario Cup, -the Toronto Cele, the Primary Dbu'bles, the Willison Doubles and the Rice Singles, in each of Whinil a most handsome trophy will reward, thje Winners, • in addition to the individual prizes. 'This year will be malted again by the presen- tation, ef.ii 'new trophy for the .0n- tario competition, the donor being Hon. E. 4. Itylokome, ' rishe Gong.. Art, Botane. S S. No • 10. Aehieeld (Crewe)-- Helen Andereon; Arith, Art, . Agile. II; Cora Finnigan, Geog., • Marjorio McDonald, Geog.; USX - Soria ' "McWhinney, Geog. Agric. 11; Claire Pentlimd, •Geoge Agric. /I; Wilfred Pentland, Klee. t t, Arith., Agrie. II; Aoaa Ree4, Bis t.) FrenCes'4.Croeler, Att, Agee, 1; Eileen Treleaven, Geog. S. S. NO. 17. (Cedar Valley); -Jean Johnston, Hist.,ePlaysi?ge • Agrie I • Margaret aohnoton, Phymoge Art, Aerie. I; Mary Lea. :nor. Hist, Physioge Agric 1, Aerie. 11. S.5.No.6, East 'Orawattomh--Edythe 1,10Bowell; Gram., PhYloelPt Art, Botany, Zeal. S. S. /ilo, 13, Past Waleattesh-Phir. mice Gram., Phystog., Agrie, , S. S. No, 4. Weot Wowattosh (St. Helens) -John Foran. slog, Arith., Zoology; leabel ani., Phriege Arab., Zoo.; I any. • ' EC.BEACOM, I, P. S. 00SPITAL ,0AltPEN .PARTY Al GEO.: LAITOWAITE'S The 'Ooderielt Township Hospital Auxiliary will hold their annual gar- den party on Mr. George Laithwaite's premises, Huron. road, on WhursdaY. Aug. leith. , Tea will lie served from 5;30 to1:80.O'elock, after which there will be a program Pitney work and ether tables. Tickete--.A.dults 50.), Saturday, August 9th continuing o urday,August 1.6t gus Never before haversuch values beeu offered to the people of Goderich and vicinity. Eve rythiflgfl the•stoie will be on Sale, includitytMen' ss suits,which we Were fortttuate in being able to purchase from a reliable manufacturer tor this sale at it fraption of inal cost together with our stock of Clothing and Men's Furnishings Suit Lengths, 314 yards anli be sou retatd1esso cost as we have to make room for fall goods warriving rn SEE LARGE BILL FOR FULL PARTICULARS CHAS, SLAC Men's Store Worth While You Know The Place Have you had an order froutitaechlees... if not, have au order sent down add Try their 'Goods and Compare Their Prices. Phone 368 for Prompt Service' Speciais tor the Fortnight• . CERTO Our°al?' Owngo ir*Faitcy Mixed 0 ORANGES .. g& . Per bottle. , ..290 5 for. .. - .2lle 0 % -- AK ' o Per doz. 45c, 50C Per lb: . . . . .29c 11 70c and. 900 ' • - .,.---.---- 'Sunlight Soap1.; . to for... ..' 9c. 0 '---------"----. li Sweet Com . , * --L-----;----'- 2 Ttios for .25c moliEs 2 tins for -25c, I --- PI Maxwell House a Rideau-. Hall ' II or Blue Ribbon o . COFFEE Per lb .. .. :'59c - oxr o 5 lbt. for. :.24c 0. • Per lb., • 1.16e Soda Biscuits LARD Per lb. ... .17c 0 3 lbs for- -49c DATES 2 lbs. for. ..19c. 11 , Ptr ill:: .... 0 . .35c.: . , ;,----...-...-----7-7.. (linger Seem lb f 25c . 11 0 , JAM Pineapple, Rasp- berry, Apricot, Black Currant, Red Currant and • Strawberry' * ' 40 -oz jar..39c 11 0 ' 0 1 PEAS ' ' Breakfast Bacon . . a lead Cucumbers 5c and 10e *. 'TOlVIATOES • 3 lbs.. or 25c. or 95c a .basicaL POTATOES. Per peck.. *.,45e CABBAGE . 5c, 10c, and 15c 2 tins „for. ..29c Aylmer " Po*. & BEANS Large. . 220 Medium, .siin ppr cliocoLATE -tin" *11° BARS•0 Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. for. a500 Butter Beane ts • BOLOGNA 1 Per lb.. ...too O %Per al lb.. , ..25c, s --- .11 CREEN PEAS 11 fresh or Smoited of .4 boxes for 25c Picnic Hams r• Per. lb 24' New:: Beets MATCHES . 2 bunches forl5c ' 3 boxes for 25c 4 bunches for 25e Bulk : Balk Teas es a, *i... --H.-!------7' Nowt Butter .0 .1.1-_, -Age 5,,,,,_ GRAPE- FRUIT 0 c renmwg Onions Per lb : .21,e 0 "'tic al-Wd 'me 'IV i0c and Scico ..2 bonchos for 15c FLOOR WAX 4*.`‘ ula 25* it 300 a dos. ••4 N. AMMONIAlic1for .25c Bifiirill . ir",...... ' 3, mars ' BANANAS 1 'i..1b., tin.. ..31c. * 3 tif:',.. f°r* • " 5° 11' and 35c 3 kgs for. ; .21c Jars, scissc rings, ..........; oa.......41..._,........., L...ticiiNkgas....sinu_raAR...!: 0 Rubbers. *tee 'P°r d" * ". "38c ' ChiP" 'Cornflakes • a . Afall En° .61°Ietit LEMONS , 1 Spices, oteyinegar, on -.----;--Honrie . ,;..P.,______e__,a,r pkg..„ a..a.,„ .21n 11 3 ibg. for , 236 4 .ia , 0 IIs7 rpteantet • ' i.outung ...nuOlila ' 0 McLerat's Pancti e . In the, comb, ner',?p. Per lb. .......Se •it ,_ .... . •0 Lemoo, Orange, • Ili.. . . ...Stk. 11 4-. w O. SOAP . cs Gape, Rasterry. . 21A lb. pail- 35c g .01 •We Peaches 10 for.. ...39c 11 Per bottle. ...24c . 'S lb..pall....60e 11. Pet doz. ... Aro' See us, kir any of your Wants for Canning or Picklin . We sell CURRY'S, CLEVELAND'S and MACIiin BREAD Terms for this Sale -STRICTLY CASH. BAECHLER Calay Soap, 3 cakes for i Sc with coopom sore anairtthis Soap. BRING IN YOUR COUPONS Own Phone ' 368 Cor: Kingston Street tufa Square • .1 •