HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 3•
INSURANCE -rank McArthur
Neighborhood MIST.LIKE DROPS News Nuggets
Picked From Our Exchanges
1114/HEN co&lbrer oil is *nut& t
" 'Mei its broken up into
myriads of mistlike drops quite j
in milk. why •
Naturegtoais tvkles the butler -let
Winghani 11,.. S. Teacker Resign.] W. Taylor, Comber. the marriage ef
EWD:rtir,17(tterall Managcr
The Answer 4,),Fzi,lint;1,"6-ef.'nouricerid tinuatft'lltlielft11.132.
U. Line will climax the Lake Setissn,
is Imre
this- year, with their Cosi%) is,usei•
stating that the lt#S0 ertliss ssrsi
A Wrist Watch The Great Ship v'SF,F,ftls.DllE1113
rase)* far t sae o prewar, seers.
Buffalo Sunday, September
SCOTT'S EMULSION 11:1•ZimLa PaP3 e " t°1' Ckl kulct b11°- k"
Wi hainfthei
r -yeungest daughters -Dais- IL.- • -"th -
bas aecepted* POS.. Iona Mr. MIlt°,11 It' lien (4 1)ettlito. tO those 'who lave ?port at 4 -let -eland Mordays September
more dap fifty years ago wort j ger oor prmeipal in the Locan 'Ugh son 0 • an re.
' Zurich, waS selenurized recently.
world-wide recognition as cods
lower oii in a iotni that people ‘Vinghant Residence Sold Death ,of Former Brusisels Resident
could take and enjoy. . a Winsimm k eg.nWtlIrofuthexetcleetlah itlilf lirlielliagineebld vit':
„ Mr. Jas. H. Mitchell
, Whin Peg need cad-
aver oil, take Scott's
Emulsion, 14 *asp to
take -digests reoilik.
P e emee. ot itrs. Fleteter, yourigest son of the late T.
• John Davidson on Leopold street arm
IF. Flezeher and Mrs. kleteber, now now in possession. ; of Toronto, but formerly of Brussels.
Wingham Store Manage: Meted Death of Jehn A. Walker
Mr. T. Y.. Smith, manager of the; The death occurred on Wednesday
eeettneowae.Toroato.00• Dominion Stores at Wiugham, has r of last week of a welleknown eitisen
41.1111111111111111111111111111011110118.1111811.1111 been moved to Owen, Sound, where; of Clinton, John As Walker, who had
-...ho will have charge of a store. never recovered from the effects of
LEGAL CARDS1' i injuries received when atuck by a
Ooderich Two, Farm' Sold
ear about ten weeks ago., Mr. Walk -
qt. 11 ; Mr. Henry ;Snyder has dispose(' of er is survived by his wife and one
his farm on the 16th concession of
ister Solicitor Notary Publle Ete • eon, George A., of 'Clinton.
, o erte twp. o Ildr. Fran ones,
sdecessor to J. L. Ellloran and held a sale of stock, iniplements, New Uniforms for Wingitalaa Band 9 in this great tidy, Beautiful Macke
slope 07. Office, The Square, Goderich. one
etc., recently, Mr. Snyder will go 1 The Wingbtun citizen hand made _
ER N1 S IT M. LEE to Goderich to reside. their first Appearanee in their new inac Island Will be visited on Friday;
. nuiferilla•On uesday evening of raw ' --.4 - • ‘`' .." ' twee hours spent anildst •Nature'e
their examinations. 'We 110Ye Still for het' Insiestie UV over Isdie
a large a large stoek of these
beautiful 1 Sleivel WatelieS, on up through Lake ilhrep.
. i Wednesday Will Mid the palatial
prteed from Great,'Ship -44F,EAtiOlIEE" wending
$8.50 her way through the pieturesque St.
May River to° beautiful Sault Ste.
Martel where the famous "Soo' Leeks
Every 'Watch guaranteed. are located. Time will be given pes-
senors here to take in every ,point
of interest. Leaving -the "Soo," the
E Robertson Great Ship Yetesees her way baek
'througb, beautiful lit. Marys down
a a
C. 1 Lake Mienigan. Chicago will wets
come the tourists on Thursday; four -
and JEWELER teen hour a 'will be allowed for sight-
seeing, shopping and enterteinments"
Barrister and•Solicitor
I BlYth Band am's te ParrT SeePd week when therattended the Ltek- tie Mrs. McNatfght-viat 14st" - 'The '-.Oreat---Shlp--t4"SEEAN-DEEkr A
'Sax Life Bldg., Adelaide end Victoria BlYtil Citizens' Band left last Sat- !now tattoo. Whey had * turnout of 'the late firs. G. E. Henderson,
t will then turn her prow homeward, A.
Telephone. Elgin 5301 • today for Midland where they took i twenty men and presented a slianPY Seafeeth.
t • • boat for Parr
present a 'number of musical pro- 1* SilverWeed's 'Truck Overurned
. Oro o Y Sottild. • They will ,appeavance. New Roepital it fklatensars.liratter. oiSeo spootemdaheyrselpr Litrivintr
• arriving at Cleveland Saturday even -
eon Sr. who bas retired, Mrs. Itoin Tide delightful Cruise will -reveal
Following. the dead *
grains at various points While AWAY. One of SilverNitood'S large trucks sir
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary
is the nue grain nalfro,
to America; One of
nature's most healthful
cereals.: To know how,
delicious it can be, just
sit down to a howl of
crisp Kellogg's Corn
Flakes with milk or
feersieletrotiowAitlieli , _
• • Hey -Taylor was oVerturned in the ditch between '
last week. The truck was crowded home King oPmed hev'tner°zItreeatncifore"la inctottisptgu: pleturesgee cities and points along
at erson, Jr., of Hems% has the true beauty and fascinating
Howell and Zurich on Tuesday of et`
Oaten of the Great Lakes, and the
into the ditch by a road scraper, the I. Tit t -such is Tierd here .the shores
. Public, Conveyancer, 'Etc. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos
Late House Surgeon New York Opn- --juin
driver of which did not notice the ap-•is evidenced by te feet that fOr fife /dr. sw• artz, made tb oat e t
Preach of the truck. Fortunately the
, and little damage was done. .
Accident Proves Fatal to Tnehersraitit in tilt' last twelVe months ever tyre comfort will be aviiilable for.those . •
0111 -
•••,n• ••••••0•••• • Mayo -
tiles are high y Znifh "
teen years the nelaber 'Seeking' aa' that the regular & B Line trained
e eill li •
.dangerous Irk:chime&
ek Contained mostly empty c * 0
ans conuriodatton in hospital has inereess corps of ,eourteous attendants will
thalmic and Attral Hospital, assistant at usY d.4P-a, t bar& •tasks • c, Bily ' ° - , t' hundred' patients have. been treate , taking this wonderful cruise. Speelal
413aatp„entertainment and sightseeing trips **Health Authoritiel
Sqintre Throat Beretta, London. Eng. I.nearly all being bed•patients, who re- entertain
are being planned for each day of the
Moorefield% Eye, Hospital and Golden aurlday out. Persian Little four-year-old Lindsay MAO
03 Waterloo Ste S.• Stratford. Tele- 1 e.eeptitheskbaeoftand i. twin ,son of Ser. ene Mrs, metthow quired several• dars or weeks of
ed., with each successive year,. until serve the passengers and thut every
phone 267. ' • P labies Removes redness 'Taney, 2nd coneession of Tucker- -treatment. 'The new hospital will ed. cruise. • •'
1 f tl
M Hotel Benton), Poderist, on t•he and relieves irritation. smith, died Sunday morning, July nut any c ass of
pa ents, amen 111. err, 11, v; teaurenkaat. General pas,
evening of the third irfonday ef each. . tetwovp,,,zzet feetious disease aed ilmanitv
27th. as a result of an accident that smarter Agent of the C. & B, Lbws
White* was playing with. some , have already been made. He attri- • •
Next sign in .Semember.
PEIZI'IA • liappeneil to him on Friday evening. PEOPLE “ALL NERVES" stated that *great many reservations .
mantis till the tollaveing dey, Tuesday,
of him breaking one of lds sees,IYVIlat Y y i butes this early booking be the great
other boys a motorcycle fell on top
• ss ef 1930. • • •
• 0 It You Find (muse it
popularity' won by the Cruise in past
Pneumonia developed • and Sunday Thin Coodition yeers, and „also to:the reduced mates
DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER. awn,. • • !The so lag a spe,eaa
A very popuiar 'couple weie United rnditirild c411s0' bY,Wevenek • • •
Telephoning is always easier thart
• • merning abont 10 dock he passed
rt f th'
Glazier•Mair call eervous debility is the ,runsdown • EASIER THAN. WRITING •
quse o worries, • s ff,er rs
• THERAPIST, GODER1CH. writing a letter and usually more
B quipped with electro-inigneti ' on Saturday, July 19th, at the United
1 - *NtiNUMENTAL WORKS tired, low-spirited , and satisfactory. Out-of-town palls are
in marriage by the Rev. A. E. Doan, themselves
HAMiLTON ST. , church parsonage, Mitchell, s unable to keep their 'nund on any- simple
as quick in connealon. . •
as simple to make now as local calls
leethea Electronic electric treatme t , . , HAMII
i e i op ae 'e. , n • Ol 1 a Elean r Mair of Toronto weld! thini. Any sudden noise stortiesand and
n , lia,d . t., Best Material and Latest .4 ° t- '. sets the heart palpitating violently". The Jew evening rates an 'an one' •
and nervous diseases. Y In a ,
tendency. Wee hourt 2 to 5, and 7 D gns
esi • eSt' 4 atighteP of Mr. George. Mair, of They cannot sleep well at night; their
calls begirt at 7.00°P.m. and still low -
Expert Virorkmanship Goderieh twp hetame the bride of Ile er night. rates at 8.30. You can
. ta 9 pares excepting, -6Ionday and holds tremble and aegs' seem unab
speak ,a hundred miles voy *ore, for
A; N. ATKINSON, residence and. Prices Reasonable . youngest -son of .Mr; and Mrs. Harry. is- indeed pitiable. „ -
Glazier. oi int r. s . t • about .the price of a In° ie.
„Dotland Monies Glazier of Toronto,
-.11iiiiiiday•and by appointment. es. . ._ _All Work Guaranteed ., V) support them. Such a condition
Dilice., cor ner of South street and 13).1- i CI oDoctoring the nerves with sedes
Your,,busiriess will be
humus road. Phone 341. ... . , ssk I ..• . , appreciated.
Death of Mrs. Mervin 'Perrin '* tives is a terrible mistake. The only • - - .
A veiny sad death took place in Vic- real nerve tonic is a supply of gpod
'tufa Hospital, London, early on Mon- red blood Therefore the treatment Teronto---Aug, 22 -Sept. a. . '
day Morning of last week when Mrs. for nervousness and run-dowe. health London -Sept. 843. •
MeevinSPerrin, youngest daughter of Is Dr. Willianis! Pink Pills, which Stratford -.Sept. 15-16. .
zrNicir;tt.n,dprsrsseodGeawoxairtotthcie, oafg!xoeft:e2r4 _promptly build • up and , enrith the Listowel -Sept. 16,17.
blood. lfhe revived appetite, optihre, Lxdeeterreh_.5Sonetp. t1.61174.8. ' ____• .
elite; - husband and little son (Ronald
her ear,. strengthened nerves, improved'
ite and new strength which come id-. KineardineesSept. 17-18.
years and 9 days.. Besides
ter a course of these pills will delight Seaforthe--Sept; 1849. ...
frolltittmers7:nrda}fsohuer ississturrsi.vecl li37 i°tir evetY sufferer. Zuriele-,Sept. 22s23-., ' •
,KtranaNxiniNO •GODER1CH, ONT
milexAs eslegney es sees . • . 0. Box 161-
. Live -Steen sea General AuctioneerS,
• Eiffin Goderleli. Th t•St • t
-see ma e everywhere andallefforts e es rap
snide to Five Yda,-SallefaOtiorl. •
Farmers' Sale Notes diseeseted.
Ele.drical Shop
Auto 'Accident Near Brucefield „ You 'can get • thete pills from any Baylield--4ep•t.'24-25'. • •
know -Sept. 25-20.
medieine dealer or by mail at•50 cents Blyth -Sept, 25-26.
We carry a goocrstock of 1 rine force et an intersection a mile eine- Co, Brocicville, Ont. • , . I nesse s-
and a qearter south of 13rucefield • ••..- - ' . Dun
. - ' W'
July 27t1t, w Mr. Maitland of London Month Ending June 30; 193_9
When their .ears collided, with ter- a box inmi The Dr. Williams Medieq,ne
coistuct sales Anywhere. My _
terms are reasonable orid %vill try end 'Electrical Applia'nceb
give satistaotion. • '
Phone Carlow 1314. or address' as• itures,
•4; G0E161.1011. • , •
-p. 0- . thout--stx-d*tiOck----Sunda-y- .eveintig# Itepoo of. 'Rog SkiOnents „ nighante-Oct."te8; .
° • NfirAtti iiiistac. ETC.
Wv • .
w . .• received a. fractured left leg tied sev-
°•Goderieh-Total, hogs, 108; select
W� Specialize
Wiring of All Kinds.
Estimates -.given on
appl atio n
General Conveyancing 'dime
• • Good Companies Itepresented •
• Phene . • Ooderiate Ont. •
_. • ..
cliILLOP• :41tril,TAL fIRE INSUlt: Phone 82 West Street
PARSE AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ;:.,---e-e-- s•-.• ----• ' ---.77---7-
ElITY IN8OBED. , - -• • - ' .-
Value of prOpeg7;sured up to Jan- INSURANCE
uary.1910. . . . --
, . OFFICERS -Dames. ettnniely, •Presli .
lent, Iteeelswood; D. P. McGregor See.- _
dent, Goderich; Sas. Evans. Viee-Preel- . •
Treas.. &lateral. .
ere injuries to his• hip, and Mr. Wil- bacon, 29. bacon, 40; b f h , 22 ;
son Cathie of Heneall .received a eut heavies
over' his right eye and a bad gash in and feeders, 9. Auburn -Total hogs,
i; extrahea-vies, 1; lights
the head and both are suffering to
SOMe Xt t from. shock. 263;. select bacon, 864. bacon; 153 ;
butchers, 12; extra heavies, 1; lights
.. liensall Lady Celebrates 99th and feeders, 1.; McGaw -Total hogs,
. . •
Birthday • 216; select bacon, 51; bacon, .137e
_, .
On. Thursday, July, 24tn,a; very butchers, 16; heavies, :7; lights and ' '
large number or relatives andrriends feeders,1. Huron Co. locals -Total •
of Mrs. Agur of Hensel' met. at hes hogs, 1845; select bacon, 472; •bacon,
hoine there ter congratulate - her upon 1095; buteliers, 134s, heavies, 60; ex- ,
reachmg the' wonderful age of 99'tra heavies, 3; /tents. and feeders; 27. ,-.
- years While Mrs. Aginvinis reach- Huron County -Total hogs, 5770; eel.;
1 butch -
faculties Sii. a most remarkable lima- ers,56I; ,heavies, 164; extra heavies,
1. ed oecwonderful age he has all:ben•eetsUeons1645- b:tecin 3144. • :
t sure, 'being quite smart on her feet 19; lights. and feeders, 88:
• The marriage took piece at .the
I 604,,caoh • • ble worm nreperation and it always I -
r 'fully good. ''
while her metriory is clear and bright
. , ._:. . P.3xterminator he's ranked as a reliast ,
m ains its reputation. • ' ,'
. I home of Mr. and Mrs.. .1. E. Cook, Al- •. The Canadian National Exhibition
• bert sfireeti Clinton. fel SuturtfaYS - is the world'e lergest afainal spec. -• ;
, • • For years Mother Graves' Worm
and her vision and hearing wender-
- Shouldice, Walton;
Wm. 'WM., Constance; George mgCart-
Sey, SeaforLh; Debt. Ferris, Harlock:
John Bentiewise, DrOadhagen: John
Pepper, Bruceneld; A. Broadfont. Sea-
orth. . .
AGENTS -W. .7 Teo, B. R. 3: Clinton;
• • gm Watt, Blyths Ed. ' Hinehley, Sea -
teeth; John Murray, Seatorth,
• • Polterrotders can pay their assess-
ments at Calvin Cutt's store, GoderIch;
A. J. aloorish's Clothing store, Canton:
or X. H. Reid% Barfield.
repro It :attended to by the
Establitted. 18'18 • ;.• 1• / , I
Head °Mee; Dunga
urn,. President;
nnon, Ont.
Wm. Watson, Au
• rector; Directors- •
W. X. Thompson, Auburn. Wm. Mc-
Mutual Life
Assurance .onfiany 1. Helen Mae, arid T. G. Nisbet Cook, of
JillY 26th, of their only • daughter/ taele. sett • API
of Canada
r.stabllehed1210 •
D. D. MOONEY, Agent •
Nbartt : oormiuea. bat%
. Toronto, only ' Son a Mr. and Mrs.
T. If. Cook, also of Clinton: Mr.
and Mrs. Cook left on a honeymoon.
• motor .trip to places of interest in
, Ontario, After August 1st they will
' • reside at 2168 Queen streeet east,
The Late Sohn T. Wood
Exeter lost a highly esteemed, resi.
dent on Friday, July 25th, in the per-
son of Mr. John T. Weed, who passed.
( i aWaf'•Itt the age of 78 years. Mr.
Wood had not enjoyed good health
for several months but tor a week
PreVious to his death he had been
confined to his bed, death being the
result of heart trouble. Besides his
widow, whose 'maiden name was
Charlotte Jenes, he is survived by
410- 'daughter, lilre. Win. Melville,
Exeter, two sisters and one brother.
ShirtS $1 2
. itt* Vicksa)resident; Jas
St. Helens; W. P. "Reeds R. R. s • •
cial Sale 0
No. Lateknow; Harry' Salkeld, •
iGodemeh; Alex. Nieltolson*, Lucknotir; pe
Thn Griffin. R. IL No. 7, Luchnour ;
Chats. Ilevntt, Kincardine; Itobt..Day.
id8en. Dungannon. • B • d I th' She t
*Rate --$2.00 per thousand.
Bropheu Brosl.
The Leadiag .
Patera! Directers
mai Ealeslaters ,
also Antialtice Service
Orders carefully attended te
At ill hours-rigiker day. We
ars the impeders ofunatorny in
and for the County of Huron.
Phones: Store 120; Residence
4. Moder.
'unDiietor And
• Godericit,
All calla promptly Winded: to
day or night
Pboethe Store•SM; Mose Wei
Engagements Announced s
• C 0 lir S Mr..sand Mrs. Will iSiurdie, Luck.
now, Ont., announce the engagement
• of their only daughter, Elizabetn Gib.for One Week Only strong, IL A.., Port Arthiir only son
son (Bessie); to Malcolm Jainee Arm-
Plain white, cream and tan
Broadcloihs,. also Percales
in the lot, stripe or novelty
designs on light or dark
grounds. .
Separate 'collar and 'collar
Sizes 14 to 17
• Special Clearance
• of Mr. and IVIrs, A. D. Armstrong.
Seaferth, the Marriage:to take place
quietly the middle of August. -
The engagement is announced of
Anne Coutts R N daughter of Mrs.
' Coutts and the late Mr. Peter Coutts, :
Conn, Ontario, to William Dawson . ,
&Muesli's,. M.D., Brussels, •Ontario, Add to your heating plant' a
the marriage to. take place the mid- oal-bin full of Heat Folks and
fi/ultiiiiy your. heat. 'Here is ' the
die of August. ,
Died in Vancouver way to subtract froa your usual
forth passed away at the home of
of son,. trips to the cellar. Here is the
way to•divide your' ordinary coal
One of the early residents
her daughter, Mrs. Stone, in Valium. eOsts, There is no "zero" in the
iver, • on Sunday, July 20th, in the Heat Folks multiplication table,
person of Mrs. David MeNaught. but they can spell"heat" and
known residentS of Seeforth, in the
II"' Mels491116 were ""11 "cheer” with their eyes shut.
' Mr. and
1 early daye and nems 48 years 0g0 re. If you want to multiply Your ,
ttlipor trestresouvr,.teksohubt, (Limn, kis tn: p tics .n of ausyruorbupt5n,., andan,t t theakaffeaa.lyst, . .
predeceased her some yeast( ago, and ifs reorriPel:
CALL THE • „ •
•4...ordr* it3o Saw* rue. p
The WO1r1419
ffest Soiling insect 11‘11P.
^ 1
Her Two Chiklren Had
Summer Complaint 1
MtieTkeitild, Glee. Xisz. N.04 write*:
"1 ani the mother of ing and Would not b.
Without a bottle ot Dr4-rowlerte flatfeet of- W114
vory- sick, with outwear coin let,' and tkere
Strawberry .in- the house( ' youngest wars
nothing X tried 'could equal t t reentay, end X
tried most everything,. but. they Could get life Tel
'Dr. Eceriler1o1 made a change, In both of them
• loin than two •
by The T. Milburn Oo., d., lioroate, Ont.
gannons--Oet. .• •
tile market Or thsr at SS' yssexii put 0•17,-
D 0 1-1 N.1,(.. ,sh
!lily preisitittati. z-,
II sestvitcE Ina.s.trir. .,r
otim,,,,,,,e, *lir Sain. ,: ... 4 4,
fl'ir.". m "int.'s,,1/4. 3
.• % * • . . .. . # • - . . .. . .' -• . r 1‘.
. . •
1.° A BALA:NCED DiET. ,•- ...... • . •
. . •
0 b necessary to ensure perfect health.. During the hot, stletty clays ot summOr the problem
ak 1 . May Ws.
...- et attractive, appetizing meals Is intensified.
NW itour DOMINION STORE k ;stir stocked with a great variety of deliciously. dliferent Ia. Via
foods that wiii -help to spur, the jaded appetite, at prices lower than the average.
. - •
.. .
• • • • •
7 TOTAL VAL= 047
10 1 ri
TEACHft- t
- :
$1.25 - . moved to the Weats • Hee husband winter
• 7, •. . •
Agents for rip Top Tailors
P1100115 364
--# laaaaalaidialatahn I
• I
, Nadi hi 1
Ph met 93 Goderich
a •
90:11ESTIC •
it SHORTENING= 45e .2t1517.$20a9
•.TSU? PINTS 2 *Oa 25c etVairr3 190
9:om sou "th 1.1.0Tnis
• .3 "ft 25c %Ito!'•19d
HALVES N'ig*N11 19e
• ;, nm,5 37t
ita• 119Yel
solleiftED. 01. 'COURSE 0 r#1.0xnlonstalo
ovHetiliztosi, •
atifr sea i.0.1Vra 1 Orange Pekoe 46110
MISS Till iltie
a •oatempa • DESNINIIT
anetat. OLEN',
Colleen,. SS
ollramist eittimks
11/11111k2Evil 25
tlaSinertar ; MGIC DAMN°
JELLY Powders .4 pkgs.; 23c _ POWDER.. .. 14-41. Tin 84c
• •
WAD 011.
CELCK12.14, • 1-02. ,riN 39c
MAZOLA ... MO g Tin We
tIN zetitOta eorruct OrtTAnt.gr : • •
4),ANCAKE FLOUR Ptl% 18c JUNKET t•7#,,a for 25c
• _ elat UK'S
'RAY • *z. 991. ^29g
•01 ."LY
4 •
Mtn jAX,I..;'D BEANS mcliV"
4140bale,' saw .
wist B MUSTA0
compAtor . iota myi. 200 sEALEfiv tirczwmaoz
-SIAS Pkb.
V" 1St*
TAPIOCA •... . 14Ik
• •
• s.• -* •