The Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 2PAGE TWO Po .1119.11 Salads Orange 'age Pekoe gives greatest saes 11S ORANGE PEKOE riffirA T A ,. %Vresh from trite gardens* ORLD EV :Ivo=; • 8-100 Conquers Atlantic hands and did Ifo 'with Min% feeling. Rite second link in the British Em- .Free Wain wc'i e the dreier of tlro day pore's communications chain was well and many a ithlaCriy {tat took ditirulee and truly forged when the R-100, out of the tgl MOitibta. The i.' ng - Britain's mightiest airship, flew leader wan chaoa:d Al:,`- of 'town, And across the Atlantic Ocean and an. h- judging by the speed at xvhieh he left ored at the air mast situated at St. it looked ns if 1b.. vas ;going fore' good. Hubert Aerodrome, Montreal. Can- •Gandhi's Lielitett t 'Again In 'Piri,'?it ada had long waited for the arrival,Lite old saying that _"as One 'wets of this giant of the air but delayone iaarns" ,wolfs mom to apply after delay postponed the great very rp;.ly to Vaallabhtol rate!, chief Eve• nt ll last weektwhen National t onal De- `tionalistn lend-Gandhi r, ahthe Presntt time. cage to the Minister of a fence advised him of the fact that We `weeks ago 1"atte1 "(Mass -released the R -I00 had left her mooring mast Itrom 'prison' where he was serving at Cardiugton, England, and was I sentence for his activities in Bombay. nosing out over the stormy Atlantic I riots against the British. He is now to Canada. According to the corn- back inthe „rolls ,foliowitig another der of the .British dirigible, Corn- demonstration which would have die- rupted the' business of the city but for police 'intervention, The 'British' authorities. in < India t10 flet:. waste much time in .dealing with such lt'tw brealters and it is . thought Mr? Vend" T` E GOD RICH STAR OA,NADAIS PRIME MINISTER ELECT • ►ilio Hon R. B. Bennett, Leader a the Conservative Tarty, who, succeeds Rt. Eon. W. L, Mackenzie Xing es Prime Minister of Canada as taresult of his victory in the general!_ eleetitlti. nusnrer Booth, the trip over the ocean %vast most uneventful, and if the air- ship had not encountered a cyclonic gale in lower Quebe: which tore a ortitni of the fabric covering the p hi and his friends will 40011.13 top R-100'8 fin, a new record would have been established for the flight. As ming their heads 'against • the ; cvali., it was the R-100 took only seventy I New Pact 17t!layely eight hours to fly from England to Canadian American negotiations. Canada. The British Air Ministry i over the'new anti- nuggllln: treaty.. looks upon this trial flight as but the in process of i?alfatiation prior' to (lite first of regular crossings between ire•the' ielection defeat,. 01 thy.-L=brill! Gov-. two units t link BritishinrEernment, are Iwing held up pending The first in inter empire the incoming Of thfr 110-W. iiennett Con-' flights was firmly welded .last year,servattive Governmeflto Sorne'revis when the Imperial Airways of lion- to of Canadian tActtte3t. in uatlneetion; Lon- don commenced a, re} alar air service with the treaty' aro anticipated' with=. between England and India via the change in t orernmont, !Under RgyPt• its general provisions, this 'I7yi After the Elections Some time in September. The pur nose of the .gatheringis to discusza the Irroblemie of marketing and dis tribution. , T,raede Envoy Returns "Trade within' the British Empire, has seized the imagination of the. Briti-h 'people. !the British comrau.• ., wealth is in the minds of the British people. ;The British commonwealth is in the- minds of the British people far more • than: at any time in. the past bel s lyork Praised thirty'years and. it is reacting to .the ,a purported. statement' by the gang- Douglas' Cone benetrrt of Canadian. trade" according si'Governor warning foreigners that (Musical Canada) to Gordon' 1 . Johnson, ,. Canadian Chinese authorities would not: be, re- e . Canadian tt�ade commissioner to Glas o!w,. tvlxo sponsible • for thorn after,three days. Amgng our younger halls returned to. Canada to interview The region ^is: eeming With horcies•of (musicians who are doing good work Canadine manufacturers on the Pus- ;banditti and ' asserted Communists, :autaide o£ aur larger cities, we find abilities of the• British market, and si>Red'army wale reported to have who three year ited to stem the, Stales is. ..undertaking„.. _.. The recent General Election with northward' flow of •contraband Silks,' its turmoil and chaos has passed into cigarettes, etc., in return for Canada's history as an event in the Dominion's prohibition on liquor'y expert, political life' when the Conservatives I{ing George .'Sigh .ei was ` .:Co y were given a chance to govern Can- nth a final flash of enlolc and the, ada and Rt. Hon. MacKenzie King mallow formality of century -old .l'ar- and his liberal administration were it mentary IT.113"w teCrelxlony, the London sent to the tian benches. As re Naval Treaty Bill became an official; is usual when. General Elections were set of Parliament and_ an 'integral, held many familiar figures a n at part of'tht stat tes of the British ada's political Perhaps wereebeaten moatst- "alai. Shortly ore. the. Mit" theo polls.enPerHaps the two const• House. of Commons prorogued until prominent were Hon. A. C. Dunning, October 28, Royal .ascent wets .given. Minister of Finance in the King Gov - to the treaty. . , ^ ernment, and General A. D. McCrae, Government's Unusual aloe('" Chief Organizer for the,Conservative party. The final standing of the ! ' The Cunard Company of , Great various parties 'was complete this Britain has announced that the Gov - week and it is noted that the Conser-' ernment has undertaken pant of the valves have a ma-jority over all par- insurance on a marbrmoth new Cunard' ties in the House of thirty-three express liner that will be built' on. the seats. River Clyde. The liner planned by Returned Soldiers Rout Communists the company is said to be of such ex-, The efforts in Canada by the Com- ceptional dimensions that. She would monists to stage an Anti -Imperial be outside the range :of the ordinary Diay celebration ended in n manner insurance market. • not calculated to encourage the Red Egypt Honors British Flier enthusiasts. do Niagara Falls parti- Miss Amy Johnson, the twent - cularly the reception given the Com- two-year-old 'English: girl who made monists was warm to say the least. a remarkable a5olo . Bight in 'a Moth Aplane froth ngl to ;Australiis;F. gathered crowd of at r caned pot ar baa been deeorated.With,11, "Id mil theFit in dh commencedd topbt near by Bring' Fuad of• Egypt. i1he medal the Faits and,utthey blacken 1•WAe presented Rb •Cairo by' !''vernier British history, but reckoned Sidlty Pasha. without the rational male populace of ke radii • ,,.. _ rpVelrsy Niagara Falls much • t0 their regret. A number of returned soldiers derid- Sir John:Simon, prominent British ed to take matters into their own liberal and bead of itho, banana In- • dian Statutory Reffgr rn Commission, • whore report :bore his name has fin- ally Benefits ally settled a dispute six the Manse r .,, of Commons whether he or any item. dust Marvelous be of the Commission should fortis part of the British delegation to eha Indian round -table conference next "Ft, years a disordered stomach October, by flatly* that'he. refusal and sluggish liver kept me so condi- to be "the subject et a wrangle paced my whole system was toxic. The question of Sir .lohn's. partieipa 1 tion .as a member of• the, British tie - legation 'at one time threatened a .eC1 . his in the House as both Conserva- tives " �t* and Liberals wero - Snxions . to have hien as A representative. As his; report, however, ^was reecived with great hostility by importatlt' Mosl�eia and Hindu Natiotraliut circles in In. dia, Premier MaeDonald apparently thought beat to eliminate at' the riut • set it possible source of difculty'. • Floods In .India tit no'Eaer rains #hilt it pours in India' Particularly during.' the monsoon Per. Sud. A report, . from } sirachi buttes that hi' flood waters of the mighty river Indus, have swept cover the low. lying Demi , of the peer Sind and driven thousands • of natives 'below tlicii to refuge in Karachi and other large centres. Shikatrpur, in nalrmsl times is a flourishing trade city of CG,000 inhabitants, ,new numbers only 2,000. ' Water fifteen feet• deep swirl-' ed through fioine of the :streets and has .completely eneitvled the city it. self. - ' Textile Industry barley a a, One •of the biggest conferences .of ntanttfaett�rers in the various bran- ches of the textiles industry in the Dominion is to be held in Ottaara'. Til RSDalY, A•UCUST 7iii, l till LI 1 1111011!! i .111II lilillii Ill��1I1ll ,.he Bank of Mc, itreal i`i i c ±? stain. and helpful contact with he'<ta¢I>La�•Is or thousands of cus• Wailers throughout Oai;.da - ,nd in other parts of the world. ,i. it as F 1 ,lac(e ill aF ! IP 1y •FI {,F 619 - Lstablialled 18IT TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF1809, � I Illllllllllllllllnlllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 111111!1111�IIIIIIilllllllllllllllililllliilllllllJlllllllillllillllll�llllllllll � 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 Popular' Parliamentary Figure 'Ta cat kris and I oud H yuan fiftyDouglas Campbell, pd d H C Hamilton, at Teases o , Severing.his. con ieetioq with the [Miles north of Ilankow.w. As a #result ago . Succeeded C. /14;"4" of C'4"1 ons of ^Which he has 1 o fthe �erlsis '.on , the. Tangtse. River!Godertch, Ont. the - i Mr. Cate! bell believes in ;giving, been sergeant-At-arMe slrice x891, I-Alto/0 British destroyers have. proceed -4 IL W. Bowie -recalled that he is t ' at falls sed to Kiukiang to rein- Pkblie goo music, but at thscretivn the deist 'othcial ztppois ted, by 'Sir John' fo a the. British Yangs'te patrol. time . he exercises' wise dtal em - A.. MacDona.Id.' Thu. old chieftain, he re . �- _ . 1 His Sunday night organ rec s ` "was greatest arliametltar alm—alluring. provoca- 3 Cody only- that which.. the average said, wa . the .x 'p } !'creta» B n and xenteinber.. „I ., ilrstener can enjoy inn in, my forty years lit Ottawa," ;ayo,' and clraxm ng. Fragrant and l directed a. number of the ol,. Bolles who has. resigned to write 1 refreshin sac it:cool breeze in sem- He ells also to !, ,favorite cantatas such as "Olivet mer:Delightfuli d Stainer's "Cxueifixion. the Skin Helve y so i ea er 1 omment. Al- lure. uSoothes and dispels all it5•ita-1 success of his w _ ennn lit o s... together he bus made a s Softens by siathex a, f s and' whitens the. hands. Per -;G wast;;• '"ixf"'G(rderielt; '•ani-am si ton of sits» Balttl is at peerless requisite for;. pleased: thefunctionariesmethin hich !reals orth women wile Euro for charm• and dis- street church, so g otic d, , s memoirs, will be succeeded by Col. f �to use Creates , ., HarryCohill. o crises of surpassing Loveliness. Ca vary, an fi c mp a t eh' Inas ki 1 t ft n ter His work,• too, as , Honks of `liras sweep 4tingste. Makes caused much favorable c Valley Authorities—at' - British-naval'rail liars !clang, China, 'have urged British sub- jects at Euling,' a summer resort twelve miles south of there to ova - Curate quickly. The action followed • M11:3. JEAN M ACLRAN Ttvo o;3erations were a further drain on my strenr:tth and vitality. couldn't half sleep on account of net- vouSness and was weak and exhattet. cd. The relief Sargon gave me was marvelous. 1 have n wonderful trppea tits, sleep fine and am delighted nvei my naw strength and energy. - "Sargon Pills were exactly tint 1 nec4!ed to get my liver active; sed my system of poisons and rid Me of ronstipntion without the; least Ili. , cctfing."-aMria. Jean . laeLearr; Apt.'; No. 10, The 1.tnden kin., Rain Ave., Toronto. Z ' K' Mew at H Ulcers Bad Legs •ELECTRICA" +0 RK 13E4 WORK MUSE WIRING. MOTORS AND OTHER -1,ECIRIC4 A P ATOS WE INSTALL AND fEL� T ICA R ALL KINDS EQUIPMENT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT OIUR WORK GUARAPC M Lot sw, give you tint e> 1. es Toni limit TALBOT & CORNISH att tinction. Use it. for hands' and face. not passed aria e Ror this Dalt 51 gars ICANUl"A ' OrD ONLY BY THE T. M11,00101 00«,Limited ., Toronto, Ont. • ruena m Q 000.0©Ona©dr4'©rmOO< th Indigestion. sops‘wasiuraidlo Eat: Indigestion, or dlspepuIa, is caused by poor digestion, and•to`get rid of tLia:terrible airllction it is necessary to place the stomach in a good con- dition before this can be done, For this purpose Burdock' Blood Bitters. hos no equal, Mrs. .Ei.. T. • Bowman, 157 Rebecca' Sti :Iramilton, Ont., 1 had been _troubled, for years, 'with` in. digestion and suffered so badly:p was 'afraid to .eat.' T am , on, my third bottle of .'Burdock Blood ` Bitters, and can now. eat .anything:1 like tv thoiit. distress after,:, and can -en, joy' my sleep every -"net without 1e'9 ear; of suffering. '1." Gnnnot praise B.B.B. too highly' for what 'it' hits dons for insl.�{ romrsonoszteunnom FOR A PURSE OF $2,000 For_ the. Benefit of -,Crippled Children o fily..,a• vots n the final bout, 8 round§ to decision, for a purse of 1500, to be divided , 1000 to the winner, $500 to the loser... "'Referee's decision to govern LoU" 'MARSH( OF '140RONTO0 TO REFEREE UR BOUTS FIRST BOOT :George Barber vs. Willie McDanalt (6 round$ at 128 pounds) SECOND BOUT Tommy Bland v►s, Hugiie Lees (G,rounds at 145 .pounds) THIRD BOUT ' Freddie/ Gail vs.: Rollow Burke Detroit , .: - Mitchell, Ont. (4 pounds at 144 pounds) MAIN BOUT Frenchy Belanger,. Ex werJd's champion and -presf nt anadian champion, will meet obby Chfimpion•Illiwveight4 Buffalo, N.Y. uron Coun 'a1. • • Ladies Fill Enjoy the Tournament as Well as Men Tournament Staged Rain or Shins`, Covered Free P'a (king Space on-Gronnda. Erecting Stands to `gait 4,000 ,_-3,000 at $100, 500 at $1.50, and l * rat $2,00 Cute; Open et 730--43Oxung Commences 8.15 BAND D IN A,TTENDANCE aummomosegginuummuMODIOUNMENISKIMILIONNINOMSEMENMEXIMINK, t 0 l��