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The Goderich Star, 1930-08-07, Page 1
1116X. PAYS ' Advatistog in Tito Coded& litig gem tato Om hoar of the peopto that limy in Godadoth4 bite Mho Pest - cake Wooto roper r000ptarlo. tor ISRVICNIT-F1113T YZAR SeherriSi°11: la 4 Isar I* GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANAD"1, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 ..1. $2.110 a pow * U. S. potato. - Ciipierich 1930 Chaiitanelua a Financial Success , slid Priigraiiis -ire Excellent—Can. Chautauqua Will Ili , . •, - ... Dot C. N. R. is taiscoliing the early , Ta .tha Editor ao the swum oasis 4ivsk • rtatiOn mid Martins au Mooday 1 *Nippy Tex gag,11$G 'POUTS PEOPLE WE KNOW **ming incoming train • for lock of t, Dear *tr.,' was k atar' 1, Mrs. S. Vicluira Is viiiitiag frbuido NICROLSON.-1n the dosth sis Winitioodor7BrruJett litii.AlotY klin tiff tiring' . pang, of Canada , , a kliky out sad in to Goolorien oft,the itaaiyiLiarair-ia business. This will hove -two trains mit _01, ,...,,,i, la a ..,___,...----0 Mio* tthel Eider spout tho holiday 'N'itliolson, an ski *NI 1""ld • at (ion. -,.....„_.......,. lc. N. Ft. ' "2,67"'"10.04: wixthilimploxtutivos atit.liclisospanistrepteit: a the reHosideawag.t sofm13adericiitiv oftbeisati=! I Post Prom the Groot 3iabbeie :lintsuldits*Iwtovorwhaittisitstill dio brother toiloolato *tat who boo %on intik.' earn to Catiodo at tho aim 44 1 Rost of Longskio, which is in the, ot tho prim fight mid 1410t • bilie log papers in Tomtit% htui returtioci,: oightoon sod hod Iwo a rostioolug ahoy ▪ tit laOatherlY Part Of &Ora *NAY, bliar Pa!trOaalla se4 Po ____,,,e1 ItIP -1,te to town. tZioiterkk Aver sinew, beim hi, at a short distanco north of the omit.% . eratobie °Widow - 1 the" 11"t s'"16- son Gaol. of Nowniarket. are visiting vitt, two daughters owl throw soot =IP*. it °`„L" .. Mr. and Mr*. Fred, Itowoon wind ,'Ilith roar. Ito is survived by Ws Mre. R. C. Milne. ot Toronto: Mrs. tialt, hammed • mias cards MeRito, of Toronto, io G. Si Buckman ond Mr. lAwrosee owe, ei InitY t° 32 in Go4twith— tatimed.' Vitiltbai at tho homil ot M. and Mr.i.tNicholson, •of Prockvilto; Jolla Nieto oak it Will olsbn,,,of TorontOs ark4 13okokkt Nich- - erhod WaDritar. qt,"*GI*r*Itaro, of 1.,lotroit, hat- olson,:. of New York. Mr. Nkholood Ciallit -few"- Won violting his wont*, ' Mr. and .Wae. * raeolher of the Preehlterlet* isse,sseses * para. X. rar. Ff. Urabotto... .. - ehureht mid the foriorol *rote* sm ,,,,,,,.,„a laarpoi Copt. Billing* of the Solvotlott Fridoy, duly ifith'i•Avere t **ducted 30 Tc2T---ami oanaso *Awed Army lo spending throo welts' VIMC4- the minister, Rev. R. C. MeDoratid, bt abase .12 thoroct tlort at Das. hortio a hOr. mother and the paildworors wort Meows. devoted lcingiten, Ont. , ,.,-, • Lawrence, Donald *nil Jolin Nkhol• Charm vklytkaltim twig cocoon and tho mislay of the h la :the * we /Intl ; RUIZ Ig**Mas***4,,, olestodlte4y4Ctreetr°1441.,**.olOn'Priplitia'C.:1-.1:ftintqt; an illness of map , - For the strand thus iho. Canaan not,..„?0_12forrt. Chautauqua in Godorich will be a an- 46;,-ipliTicimtircilitt*-- 17,7sor$411,/ilt. 11:1:04:14:7= . nate, with tliii aril, t%; .tho booi.jeet C•40aPhtl' • • • : • .-'-' t i -.7:al. gglilytt•b:oiltrit sdAio:fsititul.f*biltut Ctairpl.mligt._ MUSIC - ',... ,..............a. : rist, er1214.Nliiiting et tho home of Mm and Mr. , , frOirl' the ilad* iiretitifielleklite' fillti Ivett• et- leiker- their elletwit *ea *11* Alnrt 114;••• '!,t9 .2 4 4) - . '.. 1', Site,was_A .dougit * I to Mr - , .R.()thijoi01 * little Short at. the **IOWA Of the 'Pro**1. -BY' their.' injoye`St : i* ' the'.0t ttk ttre°,,„*°*)...torii,„,::Mr.L.311411 _nnit Iiii. RObert-MeLood, •iind Was ow a iellirromond eta& Iguotint* tlie. half 4 the mangle •nd.., trIPSIsa •taikitnin the *one 404147' Veriout wiet 41" 'VV.V1/.‘ 'f4.* "K. 1.!-:1X1r13: irk GOdetiOlk: townoltip, whore olio wiles made . um .1141041110411_. , Ir.Otro,t0T 1EROX Clillith;Ooderke Intut°45 whkitlFe**ta the bead fund 'rit,'' il"..rilatt with.„111.-1....10111. PithTh: thifilIGrait..t4.--tk* it' tt.......... t . itkrIA-Vit ' Spot 4!thsi greater port of ha .11fo. at swag a - aloes gas . '',Orgalti$14:,. sit Imes ,re0,1140allierasai..staaai, stratta.4.4,,., __ ... iluttilt nYselliturrIbteovii,finc.!ieriltniozttlio,;11:40rtswagefitasiriti:emitott't7tFesorifirlie:,t"=:leetleetimertri..:oritzbillittingalta tioszTv't erstiFooti904e• wi.,1:102r, tliiiiileedrtrilt:14:011,40,11$04:11.4irrIbeiovnettheldb iteodbitr, :watt thotho mr. " •=-t ' •Trochee of • . ' mire the requisiteittunitter Ofgooratt- tee* yaw edelfted• _ t :this sot :Motor trip. ta Ilobfiiii!„. • -it" ..,rtiwm 'of Goderich, and hi* hrOther..,11.14,1141** catch wiso km teroalon he reoly, 4,4,eated„. aro .41,„,,,,, „,130,40-1f iidorawea ..wa : . am; . at. war4s .. : Mr. atm Mitkir liIiteorollto"." 0.: --.1.--" Molood, •of *total& BObirt socuroo, 1=oli awn in . '11,ALI4O # TINH.'filliDINO,Mt, -47', ----7- aerlob. 'Tot, to r it, Dungatett. .,1 -. 7,.-- •VR,...Ixt•2111.11,4:it'ittk.„•:-,P61.11',14hwied8a,r,tiklait;iTI'74:11:1_, :Iftntyat:t..'i,t7,,,ii.. lit , , Obinierg.:Ctik.itd.:(40'ileriCh'lliekled.iter' .1.6x,,tendonck,',.:' I Praligt,, my protest (No*: - '80E- L'Ott Tiji. iii -Fr. 1 ,ulkir win **,s* aw ' Priat011. 'thefe ..1*, '41'•*Pect41' Prtze. a. *IP- contmerciolising, k- Orliutneo..domie,:arldlip:.TillerimrroOralYith. et 1.' og4ot Iterievreieittegacitollnude.tott.0,11140,tilne.c.•:..x., E. Jouay 1,.,,. - i ..11in Cilinivol'ef.-. ationsbeld 'at the os4; I..., ,11 POW. I, 40. , trr,r0-11 Tiloir • , „. ptizo *uist;:t‘t tIi:i400:,*,44ei.,30t•ta: the Ilitrii* Sentintint itinoMe the' illnliert l Clheiltia"Pill, foe 1001. Will ,hat.o.....A;pi.e1K fee, it-- hos ofteer t.,0*ti .• Oiand 0Ottre*:',10, Were gnesto Of tat intietintotoor .01.-inadarlabt„4" takeout% .ro* doom. iosty. ' .'4,..*:*:::,$..4".,Fk',!1"-git,,I=Ti 7,.;;'?' ' t ..ileie,e,.gliip,*10*.„47,-.: . ,garttxti..4.,04).1:10...z. ,,,I)Agg„..,; „ir,,,,t. ,,.„.ali„,ti , tlier:liairiVrelielittlitlitelaill4eltrt "4:11: b we 1 I a 1 I Ctaft3:7.:AStlit _ i i 7:. rs 1 r Iv • i g h es t a ti m v t 0 2 au 14 ..113,00 (twisted. by, the. Dominion Boe".•••which-luis a brutalising. mid tlegrlid" r In:Addition:. lii.'priee Usti .aIroody„, This, .barieoer, , iS, entirely -difforent.eaon spent the week,end lo ItOwdeett noon- frOm. the fondly lome, Nelson Belay. 1410811rdt 11 - - . - : Hall ''' ' ' ' ' ' : ' if '14 ' liable ' IA hod en" ,..a...er an...',....,., ...0,. •....0 -,......---:"., format wha babilast irharaday attar. say 1st peke., 412:50.i:•2na:"Init'n':51", .os a Citizen and Kepi ittliktit 't-40 hitt . '3''''''-' MI ' ' '''''" - ' ' ' ' ' -• -- Unn UnrOallO St/ 0 - In, t, , ' telt 0141110 * 118:**eh to hitdreltOrt ll't'l 410°4 lire". 1494 Mis.4.': -veF1/1* Heil -Was a' niombor of Noah St.. United Ilt Li' TIT:!:..1_tlita'4 .I.va .-t.::gi.:4t.%.:;./q•B.11.,„V3,!ilt..r.:41,, vt: T11/)11)-;:(*orjrtr. of'14itoot And .Willington -fits,, • - • For SPVeintine" phone' jt tioliST ..,N,i,41,......Iiargo eiMioet V.lotrola. Pavilion. olii•TumillItit, •..e.eellill0'..',hi r'JO .oltrolie 20104 arrangeksent to con4,- -it zot'zi::12,44', 6- ailt.).-:tAttplegig!404p.iot-s-1:11!..irtt:,- 1,v riot to . w.,04.KE0,..•sat. (mice. .. ... • . ........lp„,004„ ,aacootifill,, ."toologli the ,..,7,i-viixiaacite...iteuptiarraeteratuf$10Ohdoord ehlitudereliiirl'zoeoe.kvipinv ..". ' ' - • . ...... . 1944 1,,61.1., ti.eue,-, Apialanee' IrOnid igebehlY., haye •Ew D. :E.9 444Y' Z.614*ge III"' 1* l'*e4* '''Pt4344-* =;41t‘iot4o;IVhilgX441t4*-latIlle..' ;a: ' le,21.12:t.ad'..tlati'ibtOrt oPent alew dornsa . ..,tywa 4 tonsideration, of :the Llpro•lect •• t' 1111;. 'Ivti4 it:tt:Vt4dtttgx,itlltgltlie: ,4- 'sOme , tilOnths hire. 4ohn ilnitOet. al D ITO irett.Aftor on Illness of n . , •-• • .4•Ao„ end Woke... - ..mo J. , .„..- • .. _ , .. : hovers ot So= .e: . ••• ineltidlog.' records., APP11". • it, .0., ht*Pie....;'•Iteat' et:01404:J. ' Or. 14,- 0400 0.' 'it .0 ' Y-7,7-- , Cleveland,' aro villain); With:the for,••• --- ---. liyi,, isboenrom. lyfigia.:s.8.-E'....-oav,:o. A -i - , to . ae,',‘, ' lafger.. hut Or *till*, attraettons,.• the". • offered:for the- hest C011ection oe 'wild :.*Iii.,4aara ao*%dttElelvti:igitit.*. • th1"11' mr. pateit, :aro le, tho, .rtte't tte it itirlYdAt '. !I:I,' t * 3= :w000n .Et.., 000rk.O. ' ' ,' . :''''''''-;'",•' Afri S'e:N«.' 0.. 'AVM :. :' .' ', .•'.'1991)11: ...•Pd1•!•bltleir. Ili:Pee...aro woggs IS c„otizoop2.....1.40,m: World -wicks - tires.. IOW' license -No further use ter :tigrie-ev.eiiing• -.. "7 '' ''''' - • ''"' , :'''''' :,--," ' 4P•WPOVV."se: art -4.1)e:40;1104 41)-d ..: •• . .'' ',,.' ' , " .. - 4,.st, konti, ,' •.',.*001Pendt,..heli12 itceointdOded 'on. his', .Afre.' .baetew *Re letaagy.'hinas .4easta, fens by bes Fyil.. sAkE, „--70otiti*e ter F e.t. n , . .. , . ,,O,.,' ,110-.4..elitehter.,.or'tlie folkeoing it att yiril- E,4,.-/S,,t4.,bits!,2*,11,114,11.marldTrren,,,:yirV18.1:010:00..?1ut.41:17111,iiv'14.4-: niankl*;11'.;in -;sulne, Apply 40.,0E0ROtt COQUVrttl',141+Ifen-itelikboraliip: lre*estekl to " . '... , orronged • In., one, ,contenter, by „the, - _ . , , i i,. • .........., . retuMt•to-Ctorelind,by.... ef.i o , _ zst. .0); 'rooms, -ololtic , lights, vath‘,.$t, Peeqe'3, ebuteli:oll.A.rearidaY__500-fhaiributed to -the aoheola. ...at. pit; ' It ii,i ,, .4.4 i ,le Ally! . ti**gbtOr*,:, %,4444,44y,, llibitt irkIktat- W &Cod readY„,lo lodge •.• . 94". -."--"e• -- Vest . Wiiiiiiiiisn'''' Aliont '. tifteeti'llelatigor bale ihrelarti_1211$M.44"./.! 10:1„, ri!: lerd;r1 rtSteltftersli iidsr7=1 n ,nal C**Aaaares*****. CRaleP01,8-4*** ' ''',;t '.-" • 2' ' '' ' .0 • o 1 Pirk'i .-.. Ai the..gaideiiimitY in- coiniedtion -as! PlA•ze $311* Phlox' 'Orin 'frOM-.t,h.e , • ,, - .,. , :, lawn 'Anton' MIK.' good rellao, gardoo- Oen:40'14'3*A NA,It',-*Ills' "9v4 ilr-"er- at '1,2' etetbelt; n0011' Ot tii'liest (1' '' 11""t°14"13$' 4'11/1enlbek.41"14e °411°t.-ilt-,: rdeit'S,.' . DO 'ent$ ' ' ISit. 04:: titir34'.:.,,,NYA.. .1'.. ^11.01414:aGg:ti:rifc*:littial ri--64- - rtlia"4.11:Y4.G.:**1130° k bil:Te9Ittth411"- '7-1!**1114.71”..*** w00117:- '11111,tre . . „ , , uway $1,.1,p.4.x.0 t,,,‘ ., ini000t 8v., . A., 00 , tiehav;. of the.- For nice liStS'eatdi tSthe'litie're"1:44Yri';'°ItiZ61i7s 'Ctnillr'igtt"ItHill 'r'ig°. Nif'°n Il'' hel.-'' ..:'''''' 1. ' • ' . '''' ' ' ' ' ' 1 T3 F It , - ''',•• ' •• . - - 4 '10140 he. Peed -10 OA keit% 'allii..'whok .,,'.7.1kin. .°P -d Mi'S'4-i.'icti, ' A ' .:',..d.,1 . 1, .. :since- uhert,,,.., mom 40141101C gteeee. , . . ' santektVitli it lifo IncIPOOr#iip 'inrthe . , . .. • , , : 1 , ,' :/ '.., inentheta, of..the -Sonier-;•Nr. .4.., Of -,St. . " ' ' c L......,- ' ' '. ' ' • ' ' ' - ''' -Ammo,' - ' " 'erne in tOi*O, fAt • SaturOttiti4 *4;1;0 :The - ' • 'o".!..1.'441, 04 ' "'" e;"4 4- • 414g ''' eonneetion With:the 'Oriiiiilfilr'Orgliniellitittal;47.. ,1101.1.414,, rxiim.,.1..,,,i,.,441T ,_0131,1s.vora,47iri.,,I.irtoe4,17, i Ge,. ot..,ges, 011..,ilixti?, .,, ,..i::,,,:, , ..„.: ,,.,... ,, , .„,, . ,,,,, „, ,,.„ ,,,,, iii,,x„.iiiii, t.„; ..,, ,,, ;„,,,,•,,,,,, ,. .„ „:, . .4,t,v,,r4, teloirs : ,I. „ ,, ,,. . •,. ,,, ,!.,ari,J.4p1,..,kaalot,,,Xot,*Li°' Ar° Y1.64' Zatitnnl of North ' ' street United. • • And ki R•obbY Miry, Deletrtger 11 0004 illowlexa 2.,eaeettsot:40c:atioe,...4t, oekg, s. ct urc!t..0*Fle.,,;3. 04,Itti.., ..., , ,; , . . . -7.= • .- +4'1_ ,•. ..,,,, , tftY.p-Otaley4,..Aro; t. esti'. ' 'Allyn,' 40711e4*",4.9:,4,,kixr",iii4Z7t71:irn,, lit4-na iiktil .r.4.k. , tn., t I no1.411 ,,,.. gtilts 7... 1 41:0. alt4.14,•••ortainiy morkZif a worthy otrocatorta 74,roe.,. plietrz1104.41304}!.1;rtlei 'f':),014kiniVc.0.1,4.111.pi1100.1iiin,jUtif 2ski•te:toki,Geitorarttyessocherti..trtellte , ,::niterGv.4ketnece•h' nEvS0insbcriratemT..isClinir4iTirl,f1:44.Y4,,,„ : ,. ,' . ''7,-.47,,''''.`""'..4.. ,...,, ,. '..k4,;1';j().''itp°'30:, ....,g rrzi.,1,,,1:'4,.,!Smtailf.oiii.. aniaoiti•iv- Itis's E INC :w' ailn7St114i1;;961. .I); litlysttg:Itstit. '1.! i,V.,4144:1144kuist.„414.11=s•totisr Abaci 'i0.14r ) ' it lieellr(4 '.17'1/2, '1/ir "•'' ' '.0 ild held lalst 'ffhatiday, en: -... ami.:).,,,,,sfs fe gen,4411 04; , . . , ,D00 Si••e,.; - . " " .',' - , , ., . , tinieiT'aa-Ciaa,'•'-.0-i-•"t•" 'otiitv;a - ,!•rti, nflolYvAve4'In :seniC;Ciavenee.,Pust.,•Butile,, format nne. oat .01L,a,,,. tiv.o.,i. in., ,.,e,. ot,,,,thelie rv lawn,was striiiost ,tioc65,., , : ,.. , , , , : , , .. ..1,,wa, .vekir., ,,$013,se. • that .,I had. to . i '-ti v, in finn.. -!, '''. . , ' ' tOcet of:„411 t *ha' O..doughter. Mrit, tholoplosi owl adka * lalstrhala slits . batty ;through •O•odorloitiast SaturdaY ..".1 Ti.isni ,11sn';.itrattOn,' Acteropinied• t,-'43'siVrr C1'. ;1'7' a Alt': 41°Diktoblir ttrite,r,Adimulina41117111ter Tors:ta imae'4 ,,s,. % AllAi.s.i4c.;):6,... ,.. ' 'f•I Ir. - :004saws.6 - d .. • • ; Tile la.lt- *Mae 'of .the second half 40ifiltiluta,:-N ,I!'4Utu_ s'.%iqt'll 'by. Mr. And Mr3. Wnf. Reelet orei:Ditt 17, ifIn •,,,,A -14. ss patia: ,14--tr' ii, ilk itotiofir. - t!i4:'ql-etg:-*tr-gj#1,st,4*':t-I'-t':!'-*W,'5C''112flre'Pet'p''If'abr'FN'eV'Voaaf :''S'S'4'Ll5.'''-1,44.'1,t2,t1:1-lio"4'.. ,"kaigAtW4744,. 4411''31.Ts. "dlit„*...itir:+'°*A..,1",..iPki,44/.1°.2ers414totthfil. '''titlIttif :4°-(4trer.'at tisroitit' :041040 : Zii, 'deb" --‘ II. ..14'. F' - '3"13111.' P'lliii**;' ------"-------iiical, tate..-., • - - 44 , to about 4330.':.1Tlas,..-3,Fag ' aetie3., ‘ot ,the,..".04g.4e4011,101e• wilits•-„OsYed,,an. , Aileticca 4,41.,A,.....,-,...fr07::::,490,Y,7r04:;',...0. 14t,tIs.' o-.,., .. ":*.- '1,''' - .'On..... 1'4! ir4a-y-..-.1-iStt . -the. -••c2ihiOn. ,teoin new. kit ti,..'s, OrY-ti'llittie,•ltaii_.'tifili r. ). ,, ter Ile.,......, ,,,,.....- ',.,.....V4•01 ' ..,.....,,, Widt,,,T, Titv14.4. cotroit and ?Dui „thrall atlaw sot ta the pro.. . "' - : .. Wia .110r0 and, .0okierich ivoS wIth: a ;coo* Anil' or; :‘,.1.:lorgo-ik..,.0akroa,,'. (411p,fai 'toeit'-ptitte on •Tiestio, Inip' eese of holing arroamsd. ean Lii-ritii.54 1.4,14.,.484117`1,..Il.,."'Iv. e".",,.n1Tv.:;1•1i,i 4,,, v,s,.,4,4. funeral took in thonbsento Of the ,1411,04 •,tJ Pr!.'4#4.1. 11qtrileit sport_2n Thl vA 'OPTION SAT4R. ' ,..011! .: '11011SEIJOL •,. The, rainnial :' ..kither.,,big. , Of tho *daro Of, •-!.. to -1. „ Thit:Upx 00,u.e. *na. so.,Intlee4-4•1 paaAeoian two, A6::'.1rt,F;i3rn. pastor, Roo. C. F. Clarko, by...001,4,0. 'Ptiora *re !Plant tee ea iTgliain*I0 -.... y ti Ito; irittritt, '- ttlit-NlggiNtl$,,'. ,orghty*year-qt4 ' eta!) livta., he :held. at ,unktiukty. kg kta — ' . ' ' M4313'141-1* Ptc$ t'f'' 1'4°15° to $e° ilirri ,Wegiaraula4).'1,11ift•trata;11:,.1.4;0, -t-Lt`,eiriao- itivx.m-._,At,4.L....,sixt.roa., c, sk.'spotil'A_$..,...P4,TIF.O._#, Th,,.*;arrisY,t .Ap.g.. :. .9,0d,eveli'..- :,: .. . ,. XO.: It 11 X rci,x a.:' eentent aoping-stone aretutit. •.the .v.,;(1,.3.-0-..viii,*flit. :tram lit.prosetit, 04: luvo,v..13, me trt: 040vbilecptoorilareatigernhviiurf,h! Tanhde ltroultasionsoniserootthatshetholoset lassos:4st ..N!'e, are: inOvroeted irlt • . I , , Of tho acte2itarians, ',Sten, 'atti,'Other Arclier,•.,,im::'; ..;:...'.„ -.3, - gi.:s: 4:`,,i .-4,-; .VrOyeinent -long, -01At-,• Alto. U , theyo ic ri•:;--tiken-ii-,---o.. --ti-, --,-;-' :a ; rati-boarors, were - lessrs. Thos. V. *1 Id the eliertieS kilter? el 0.2freieh. _ W-O.St183.: •• ; ..• ' , " . . . • . , :14to, at 2.uo , a cloca pan.. . Thovnyes, Trosttan, el ......, •,4 0 ' 0 0 0.--....0 grass 111 the .Sq.Unte,' on Obvious, Int, .k..141,` Alai Wool: at testita Fills t16.1"ellia-;t•-t,t- IG .0,datatoatiittl.' th se who. wisli •to' Attend; .londlY not:- weeth . *". • - h.5„ ouliki pi her.•iresi:..' el:ear:Vs* ofege ere-invIteli..- 21).:...; 2 2 1 b,..- 1 1; life: laiseraille ',tar ' the town .7Conliell. ,. •..- * t ' 44: 1 .&I -.t• ..e0 1.'-**t...11!:„.t.:111•*.:i1"41rlis-'.:ritlY1••••..i.'••:".'•:-.,,'.,' ' Attended tho.„110itic,i',Ituriil: .Ceilvta t. The local' Beard of ilea th... mot on Oollsolsik, Skop Matteson and. 31r...and lire; .., T. ' Veil 1. ONS 'CASE OF SCARLET IrEV4IP. Ntitat. riketk Mandl' This* et the .6 grt ',Ana. -XrS.' - 400.;:COO14 XteSiT3* • .il.""IL - ' ' Qtle4 'I i: ' nicer arady . H .. , • - ils..1L. T.:Phillips .* 8. Bowden ,and And: the 'vows. is cortothly a worthy " - •• ' 43S.: J. .W. S-NliTril . '... •••• : jedion in town in the i.nehrlilierhoed of Fritalliy,.cf",-p .. :: ' 4 ,1, t ' 0 '' 1 ' o' ne VitiSens' :Committee noir to• Make - .!...i'' . •I• 79' -, 7 . - - -. . . . . 1•111,04.''''''''"A'47.6;' APPril'S. T"o•to . .' ,• . Ix°,,Ilieli" .1;l1sioisrk_ L,t• thn 0.9st offiee..a.nd. ,:tiilitilti:, UN", of .., ... , . ..,, ,.. . _ . , , ,, ,., : ,........,..,....„.7,..... . ,,,,N, 11Talleliiig• 'sq.:Pm' 34ilvo . 919110°4 Utte6; Re .Ctiorelled ..S.teeting Monday..: , .. :,.. , .,i 0 •-•:.,,:ss,....g ,,,,.4,,•,:;::ill..!it.A• .jit?i,i'.."•,',,, 0. t.i.zi..4.4,11!-,s,,ic, .tivo.w.41,1,0 1)06 in goderich the, Wer :1):184ailYii:u.i.t:21/17:141i%itt,;. Igill: ... „F'3ieilt, sh.,::,;:.:1,1721,. iir, tblis,s4.11.18 ist moeliv„;: at.„1,40,...,*teeti..0.1aeoi . $,.1?yey4;t!tee. . iaa 1,e,,neranged. -, ,il,titilieSdn ' 're , .. " 2 0 il. 0 g -0 „ . ., . ..,:r7,',4"-rt71.;..e.„1.1....?".. kt tIolv•bi Waikato* ".."1"103.:ite•st.Ctititeti,.•rli.. 'tktoat at tilO, .eoitteittO of kie litoos.e, C. N. R. ,Troi.,Artiiii14.iiipar'. .:?.:14.1,1e6.6.,,I:i4',,,,'b :'''',,....., C'. port Of •16:14nei 4031,- -'. , ' , .: , ' Geo. ,.5chaeffer And A., I. Mateon. (in has Oita to say of Mho - 7-j-iitai ; SI ' 04,-,ps),•; hail intritor; hall. elutIrs-i,-lx• a ' "Die 40014.0 t'he' nut and , '-r'' "8 - st' O' g4 ' 1Dr.'..T- 14. li`V'hiei-i'S'''Itarn°114' "s!lra' 'POPP 104,,.*Oeh. .P1101)1, friwnds, 'Woe The . secretary . -reperted' thSt '. Ma. " This :.-Godoridt os40% r.1, Aft E.:Keeton., of, ,Toronto, wtislit: the ,ehale).. , ., : ....... •• , .. ., boitins...,touralivasat hoe*, amok : at y; quartet...owl' oak 4401rig ;oni, .. runner,..341; a rugs. eoll, • pxl t ;,- ...rOgs for MiSSenger' and 0..44' buSitiosz '., Clinton ...' 29 ' Ai PO E tan ieek - the' Blitn.Onter: sti.sice' rem pleased to ',moot ,ourfortaer Oltizent,' ''CV,pk. Marshall ba4 paid ikiti board. 4)111 Their latest ,vanturn to temp taVaa ttre tl$Iiilg, .001,o.,.effect on ..,roil traOs•-; #ulfor4t .;,-..'th, - '-'14:' ° it "' - " - di atillio.-004Ori'oh,. twat 'on 'Mtn; Mgt,- . ..,31k. 'Ontt Wt.' Ut1ht, 'qtatigie ,Bree04. of 220' to • Robt. Kay for beop: during on the opOrting ma,. 20- ,E.tii1414•1:c;ililiiiorrit'elfili4o; 6.1.:_tititn..,i):4.471iiit.i.,11:iiiii:,:.,z,•st:,;s.,;,-,,---, ,•, 4"4: 3: '''. ' '+1'. - • ',4- - i ' liiiee stititiht 'Una% 0..-,S•,. viite,,spent the weelt-elid lit Oderiell. quarantine.. . .. - .. e-,, 4, • iltht fait!: V1411.00. los ii,..- sby 7 1--'.. :::.--:Gfilcrlii*:ii1;1',,...s.`76:::':** '5' ' 1 4. t14'.1 °. 3'. 4 . . . 5 -..1." 1: "11 1.• li. Litka iStleoi.,,,,, .11:ettell' '''t0Ok . Seeet.td. Miss, Laut4 Enivore;-.W01 UP' 101.11.' ..11.19. secretary also .reportelt oneDion tr_, _near somirr elPa ,.r.lAcoS.'.,.ktuliiiti,-7014;ed:'Irroeonto.tor the -weeloond. - .' • - Ciao of nenpt,Ot levet on )rictoria at, , L . ; Priffede-„ la 'le:le,IP' NOPtiahl' ,,OtterreeeSeS38.‘1.1q,birill, iiii.k.gi - ''.:"etrrfoznan".0 - largo 8 Alr,V,';" r, O'Stieti; 2b 4) 't .44 .;:ti ' 1.‘t 41 t .011:72:k114, or worontottlaird.. "these'. .., Me3r • -Geo., Ise -elle, liert %Mica.; waearded 'Aug, 4th.. . • • . , . Not * sakes t• 64o: 'Aiontat. 'It'IY ''''''"". $ 11 lb ''''-•' .., g 1, o o o. 1 three horses, were all Sired' 14";rair: 304* Rowittree litUdentS, Of ItUrni! Location plan, grolind olon, .elevot afford . a botiitet . .41,i (k flat fir. "ftiteiii447reinoe' teilttlit?811i:.1::?li;Pl'ilticil: ti.'---- t' 14' itt-APts.'<jW;I'7- '..(1'-".1147:ill' *Li ',$.1;:e'rH ''' .r'' --C% 41' '1:+''' ' Elliiitil:17: . ,;r1r1,41.'71:4,1'.:.• i'!".;.:'... ..i4 ' ''''ll)°:•'; °. 4 :' :': I .:112 ?i: . -' tlilanAvii?,4;:',,IF.' 'HI 'Th8,1;irairit:,i i utcrii:L* it ' ,, extended '. e I end,!.t'9;rI'''. . i'ote7Si: ;It t.'.').'14 ' II f'entank .,i: 101 r i ',I) ,:w. 'Pah 5:11 ti:.11g1v: 'Iv rl:ti°161 e tpe"));15;;;Wri 14 nj"1Y 'd11 "° ms ' 6" ...vie • • POinu_t:' ,a„ideiLlo ..,,,,rintei • kafiSmoe.,m' ,sttio...-; ' - . ,,:-.. ViTANTE0 ,.„..• - • • ..., rt Wkins rf .L..,-, e , 0',1 fo--;0 ' 0 0 l'testettl Vol,* carne set7044 ' O.. (Esylot e. victoria street. - . sented sfor approval.. It w" itiored: this tordi'. ad tint_ ' 14717irt14;6.777;vat?' 471‘;4w1:71"r9e;i :***""'i). uiri ' 'II 1.8: IIOT Ita-Irltht ;..*1*":*•':'.' t :°:.: P',.:..I:: ''. 2 offiltril:f:P-01'4,it:TIVi.,w4g: .,..iiart.:; Ittrngli'lf1.1.1rtr.ntt..'41! Io, that abst :31-7iprg:::!.°1411t:r6r egsbey ill ri . Plate guard; 3.hurtuir: a'aoolliie 'OAP. -' .. ''' inlx,r1kk •priog_ rtaict, • Alone, . .. . • ' , 34. 4 :•0 ' / 21 ,, 3 McCullough, of Toronto Ana. li. .•(.* • Ning, of Detrolt„alsolvirs. 04.0lozior .. lay itroceedlogs; in .colinection with : *Aft lt'S int eVell Ilttrtenitit4iergaltri t"gt,tirital1/4':1 '0'''''.!,'!'• '''' ' '''. .,,,.„-6'. .-,..- i' ... ,,' '. ,i'. ' : '.. .7- , z;, ,' . -'' .i 2'3 4 e5 4.11:t4 ''''' - ,: "91,../i -fie' `.4.41vY°.ilialti,'elv't4.14dIti r,1 l':':, 4:41L'i'llt47111Tri4ATIJ41:24' =4,:gra'pittri.iteltiavitt,ivbsi4w.fhtiitry's..... *. .. ,„„,„E., „,...k, . ...... .r id e ome, 111,1, 11.44 0,0 0 4 0 0 x_s. ,‘ 1, c , u gess. , . titir dietril;it-eild:41:4*1•4tri;4' 571;i1O*1'-'!";-....111.401*..egro0t litttrkolti,..".iret(Fr4 liGio1., 6 1 0 0 21 0 4.--'=4. •••• '. --',Piet-CY4olifistrul, of ttilVn) W*re; *sett wifa „slut two doottten, 'Lamy ;Alio' linnith. • 0.8-rtigai.: - ova . by ' :: DM real cord. - oouttles: carpet. sweetie. ptiroen'.iOois' On -8raeo...St.... • APPlit in • Mli'''..'' AI". • v', ?0 batted, tor Hawkins in `9t1*. 'an* „'!rnfik X.1104 ditg. Teed- !rt. :Sanica,, -of Detroit... 1:?ey. til$14tIllit 'laiiii,ix. as,poimici...i,,_l_m_ ,:i.„ ::,...tk,,,Att- ;:..,12..._prio,.._41•_ili Imo ihr mol numerous lather ortieles. .. MON11001/F3i1'. .. • — ' . samotary it . -. .• • • • ' ., ;. , Clarlek.lOrh. . .. ' •.' !,.. - ' - :. 0". Other 0"911P" -1Ct 0,14 r..-! ttIttt tita..411'au'. ni* nivieniTaTaralri 711614"silrlorisss. 0311;retirinbelebi:•Irldr""le' a.° '.I,16.1!"'''' 'tIVAI*K' . . D-TO•htiM•Old'harlit ; li:mitlite.-.: •,s.'''•Three-b,e'llte, lin, d. erseit, it?Pl:1-.:.. ::11, 43..„°?6.....*..S.8 .,....a....14,.._._rk.e -4fttral:....i1W_e....,4,1' ' 404 XillokaqW. ' 1,.../ 14. 4. ,,,,,t, , :,, .. . • •Note- • Allyann 't.1,1ablin 'to -*eaonallio; t Y 'at .vitot.'orogg, or p1 204 list4,. 7.0104hist,,bit•scilw.i.ijaki wo(4, , .. illigiee:',:turFwvZ44:14;ru ;lir 0:131,Wirdt, i r ton 4 c scli. 00 . :,. !ter°*•111te*.novetelfvfoer€Iffre sneptie, took •,..-GochitiOli la la chaelf• lawatgq,.,,,,,elgto .plons et olleet Carried. . ., . ,. ,'• 'notion.. gia'%. 0411:y toMivol,f1,Zr.'1441q. '' l'I''''.. - . ..',. ' . 'r: ' . • „_. . . sot .fio rog.:40tvelion 2. ,, '...,.' vor30,:fi7attlte heint-tlit'inSth)* felt* • , ' .. ' ' ' . W."- "''7 . . Ivo. Nvoir, osshitant sanitary . iii-: ,,,,,,._,.;411, ,., ottarits,....raot, _ - . • . Toga ,sLiAl,A001‘1,vttoted In Oodeliell.: , At:111k *0-64.41y Stook„.1,2„torciett, li. starta in.-the:01rd hat of the', 0614ett' ' ,q11.4 PAVio,,.$01100110titt4 'IlY!11!; ,nonitar,..inpoite4lor, ..701t _tiO_Oif.f0«, ,,„42,1 71g new trot ',city Isoo tonett$„ , itioerione.e:.:Tnnfity 3; Plitz10 4,' ' ' ' . • ' . ' Glite. stow,. . , . : • • . , • •TuendnY ater4000, Alt 4 TO, PreMenv 'AOC During tilit 0101011 1 , n#CVO l'''"?•' -7. AA. „ 411. (41INT')Ittt;Veittigi:IT' innecessorr. :Raul" A10.00 weekly,±•..ei- ' Maio*, on holls4Tuttney 0, Viitaloy ",,, .:The. Miromary is its,-folloViii '..i., ,,,. ,'•' Trustees, , Pern011n (in the eltair),': PASSelr...U114-iSokadepturk, ••• - st Dv., 1„ •St.ock .t,, Carrick Z. .' • . 240. Mee Irster Stoke Pars* 11000 r•Thornson, wolockee, 0 out.,!, 04%440. told. mottle four, eleite to the taint dump To END -:»•1--........t.e.; ' so sobilanCat shore .0f rollfg,...• Oo",..0.00 . .' 'It.. . *G' ' tti - ' l' ' ' 1 21 ,‘ :1:1:::::;.ur the coming''..' year ',sere ...et' P4fh:ndedfi:it:tt'hhe: in:fidit4.1v:elo8Ulldreport1tdlt::: 0. liert: :nt:st htatime141111"1411**WAVillfrneabseee , , . is.,814i, -Montreal: .Q0e,' , • Aterthandlse. lii.LNAGhlt.. 4083 . .- .. . nitio..tteser....,8**14-„..kt4reher,..,1 4, . ititee,riiiiii;701y, 4-1a•eife.,.1% "C.* t, • , 'Tim following eon raCts 'With .t0:10 A. Stevenson's steldes- tw ea tovir -,itaiint tali Is as sow le Is visited Ilirt. ,4 . H., "HUMille:Fi 1.A.- 9' it,iii ..vitsrti.i.6flrie.r6 I., 0, large 4..,l'el. °I! , °II -.4.144°I1/..,1!: 41:III,,r. c-,..'',.'gRe's'.614Attrdei.cal,;ii:':' ,prariosesed14;:ulgrar.ltoeisto.1,1$:,,t0*.trihoael:aml.tsas1.140011t! .has not been mit into ,..protAer eondi-' ,t4 4103,10, vitt tab, . THE 3$4ALL STORE ' vont tits, with ouv.iino at 17$ Nair" Toasty 4 by -Corti& 6, by pritaley• 3. ' 7'.- : t'"•.:**•• ''. ,' , tie Itobineon.' $1050;, Mae Ceetrodo atIt6auhloY,et InsAliftneftteir41411ratti4e1Nre°4•14:411frehliir: .' tiitak:a.Tint hisrbss . . OntIont of business to be done lir . Innings -Pitched hit Stock .2, lir .....orrweiae. ,AI:aray • .e• • . with tot *to spronst • prokinots.. , Von, .‘091. earn . at least , (3.4 ' ii gir pireo-tystieoi „Zurich ; 'Dn. .01,..115,1,,..atsltifi ..,,i,:..'.1,., ,,, ., • ,..t. it. 1.g...,„.....:. .,:: $Slit2surfEl!m$40:14zdMittlis ..,),rig,01%,.1.1::.sWica„$,tos2,...05nif.:kInctyoll ,pirt.lenigirotkiknotilpril. ,tAl .tAtieoYnimbeil;ire8t i'iki'ottilorsaatifklakthes, Per: weftk if ,you arol active and canbt«. 'owe,: oaderieh., , :. , . . , Ittk i . v'''"! 1 " rikptlitiv 13111,At iert;°t4.0?..!.kr ytile4n lealr,,9in„ktAti Then: on Tuesday at Henson. the ' ; -1'' 1. ' i' . '' , ,,, .,' ' IforticyLt• -1000.1 Mios pother lititne, hi a teller in West street . And 'on in.., .we a .41,,,,,," -• • ••-•-- ' the email old et_ I.Me: 2:10, '2 19 0:1214 ' • Mial).110-101 Ihrtivell,«*9.00; ssiss &we was lodged about *Oleg BOON tePt. . . - LiVe, (J 11 Atia: .-1.UTFP*ATLIc.• $00Vii ' end. 2*26 dolden shoo Kiwi, Porse,.$1iou $924,i• 21‘ I E .Sh 21500 ' ' ' fi r* 141**1601 * rho Mao et • us* • . . annowe : ; spoetion,, 1 found this mOre, of a re -„Storoped Guoit Towels is iptninne. **AL ,ssamAT* AND INSIII4Abi * raked roil con give th s 00..orPse- - an 34 ee' ere Talc ha- 14 IfIgitist!gt12,11,1uSkiiiligi%-41'..:' Y12114"1„ ,alimmaty folaa t ' . ' isip Patch' .„. „„,;.„... ' ; 3: 1 4.• Ifices Ivi.onftred nali,- toitio Mfg ANGE. . . • it WATKINS MVP , DeOt. oa, lie:. ...Henson • • •All Ft- It A Po t it • BreWei, ilathwOIL '' ' 1 Mabel Bailie, 2023; .Mies Margaretri :. _t ... 7t, ,hantod:ora than. nu unsanitary nuistmeeil ond: mama stenos mei therOforo roported the Case to ,tinsdeo of MAIL Pion. net . , ` '. craig-, : west. Mootreal, P..I/. • : • Horton, ei ..i.,.•.,.. 3 2 . 1 2 .0.:',„ 0 lifollougoll , .... . ... .... • • 3 -: I. ' 2 2. Livilson_,,S00; Mils Vera, Ellie,tt '4926; -:tito chief constable and the tiro chief.. ,•Guommitood pairs •"'-'''''''''''''.'.tt-,--'---...':-'' ";•"''''-"'" '. --• : ''''!"-"" .".'"' '.' - 24410% 'es ....... 2 1 , 1 2 4: -1 ' At .140intenht .rriatee . ., :mg. Ainlian Sp allorneloe. *001 ' toe folloiving ' Is the report from 'i - olgo„ W. LIfo, :Madinat **4-; Allta ,..:i boseranos - ' '-' 4"""".""""tPlc'"lr, Ronnie, ,rth .„„,,.. .., 0 ' Albott, Sask....," ... _. • like hoard oecided to tisk, fOr „E.4,11N $4 TO 414 rEit . ' - DOslio,v•ib ... S 0 1, ii, 0 .. ii, baron Gtettait . , .. 4.. a 4 a derx /or the supply of 40 tons of ilrot 'torte* London, .on Alio ssinplos of SPECIAL orric**, 006- the .Depertmont of irealth'' •Llbotad 1 • T01.1 0014"T SAVill TO MR TO WIN . In 1929 the Sail Life Assurance Co. of 'Canada paid to living folleyhokkr% in natarinz polities a Wefts $40/13.1148. Those policyholder* lived to onloy Do fruits of the'ir own prwSenc*. , betwailery between 'balm and 1,4 To roorosontativeo of policyholders who diod during the yoor haw** Tiocknow sad Whitochurels„is t_ittot pooplo la this 1922 the ColltPear Paid $20.4515.946. Thom poticyhtIders did not live ausgrrultoriukthoolos4ortre.:dhogrolway thlaZtthogandy. ateockfooar W moire paymmit themoolvoo. The Planer P*Yeble tMder their . of tons of earth have boa eliiropod in Whither is our town to refill the roadway A *two of Ono Who lists Lived prat taken from the bank of tido lig For a , hole is to be Seen IS the Star Office Editor star, -By , 1 wiodow, and it, is on lotermiting e3t. onpn in lost wows _.1 titbit. thin 111. bOXIM bent 'us"' lite ChaldiliKeln in town on Aug. 11 policies is giving a chaste to Otos* they loft behind. I MC* 115 "A."' Itoskiesco 540 H. R. LONG. District Agent Far Oda Ambitious. rellablo meo wooded yotoorbititt: ,..„ 3 1 t 0 FF. -Ti. Lindsay, *4Won.. dank antinicito est coal for Central milk tod'ircant sent hi Ti ;IMO 'MOW* YOUreaTIA room fella& Maids. wider, iot.. in I trollying for Aviation Mechanic& Scrutton -2 1 / t: 3 0 C. Hodge*, brio:del:0:m ;town settles. • • Cretan . Milk lot, Er. H • 11 • J. at *cc rot time Mir whits _cstiteion, ,4 g o am$, viiikees .5 3 &Moat, all coot to be welshed on the ing per tentage of butter int wat known sotAnne, iint condition. oholm tempo". 1frimrditi'" POM 'I Gime Ii4.4'rk. ntivichm alltlern Kerslake; cf r.0 4 2 1.• 0 Eva Grattan 3 - di, Mr. At C. 3itchealt asked for ait M. nu ..... , 14 3,23 'export for &sots, ° Pike 910'9. Venn" °3°G "*11'14talicerr 1r Acei*le" Weldinot WHO . . . t 0 I. McManus', *iit4tiolit • PreiNea hi. Witty es Caretaker 'at nynft • Di • 3.03 .Moron & Co, essy terms, Storni 4 els. central OW, 'Trootees Conde and a Blgsoi‘ 3,00 experlotice, 14sen g Meow. Wiens, hulustriol Klee- t • toot' vottooe. modern r• ournienees. 1 Maddaht, nrieutyingh 10 a la al Andersion*; Weiland, Miler moved to increase the sida MeMenns 28 0.0$ Yoe aro lots: iruit. Price *Link tined fyloidetitio. Otaftlint, iterberfor _ terms 114 bleirdemeshio. oft Godemen or roll tot lotormoilou. , Areherr, 2 2 3 t 0 Tittle: 2:11 sv, 2:12%, 2:12, 2114. Cutt tooted in SinendMeta that the simple woo taken wits being SOld :the Isto s Foote evelient °boleti tionses front fOOMISION litifte: SCHOOLS, 'Frittley, „et. ..... 4 0 t 0 2 0 r g,129,4 met ittio -eSY.Plicatloh 10 order till ilext-nteet, mood ig,.per cent. rook. Si It A PO Pe Peter at Xt. *1'el dr.' by *50 (whielx would Moke the it ItZ ilohnstort 24 • 3.23 -0Ptitiiil 'work to cillotee of moldier good 114, totbre, pow siopikollos is now. Write ifither, as . 4 0 0 / 8 0 3". -Wellwoodi„' art 4$00), but Tr/fatten 'Wallace and 310; %wile iresor of which* ,4atry mod* *stases froth $1301/ 1111. *MOO up. . „ . Excellent !Worm tetra: %OA 011itile !ifMAW limner. orchard: ittra' Asaler '''. . . y' 11 rasing crop Ortilrift. hmloirtyiliantai r. _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,........ mi W11 es Hydro okvirtet net fer Ossi;.tdrdrest1 MOWN . Trite OMR WM essito.potoore good. tem& . gooledisto PoseeesteUoNsala Other faros. Mk . .1. Vt. AnsInTIODIRT. Rost *Nato. rho* Mt . lion M. . Oodartelt, Oot. Easton' Ileoloisirters._ TO Qttreat - Wood, 14 !di.... tfelYn P*" ' " " 1 I 2' 2 I ' IV Rothwell,OW - 111-1611Yeltitn°A 6 d" ' I Prk4 Ac'‘' Lin. -.Robinson 3b .... 8 - 1 2 t 2 • ' ing And this tattled. 0 tho town water 'Sent- ha* aro frss West, Toronto. . - Duquette, sr ...... 4 ' 0 2 0 0 41 11.14„1It4Ainl Nw.";:tepn_alli„bu. r.t 4 1, 1 2 --,, 't 31% t.* _XI* ic ' hhfif t 1.17 it6p.,r4 PiCeillii•r• . " ' n°' C° " * -- rallistreemt oereleet-e,et to Sonderoon, c ..... 3 0 0 0 4 0 ^-67,, folit:4;,.":-Gi;6rioii. . al" * f ° 'e lat' We" in 4* 1 tht ‘ ,011e0211011 or the V10114 It a MUSIC* 1041011 a The M. Oa 114 it WM %. . IrStideSOilk rf • • • I AI '1, ' gi il 1 Hinton Todd „ 4 .3 • 3 3 -thattnetor in the achools. ' A motion poled, that. 3(r., stovonson he notified CA*1141 - , . so_ _4 il iri 24, 74 sj ix w* $1,4 * *Ktrawitt. _ __o•hy Trustees Thomson and Millerthot that ke most Put id a ten** norm sit John ...., Carrie Direet 6, ' 3 4 4 , the boor& ilk for 'illiddleittleiht for and 4tnin in 'ilin stohle on Quebec iii4s Moons 1.....,..-7...: .: --- .1untity._ ri, 0 It 00-0 0 0, jiii 73 ' a ' u , ++.4 .t._ lair I i ill L., ' ...e.... 41 WEED BYLAW tit‘,7170.4.,.......1,t 0 * i t * s *-41. Gatald4 r 's r a 5 Soltstlit:t Fre:nlifv.I.7.t7,!t: 3 "ir. • '' :itritralkttlitli":1414"1211rrktiglittet:'"111•13 'letrtilt.0.1;.044.1,11:Vrcjiiittir $(41:14: 1 fare contribisted totter& the emit ke."1,,,Aa eelo d "rk 11"4 1"""s4. Mr' A. T of Goieric, fi,‘Iiii_nt_0,..-. 1 234kitigly . Godorteh---41 t 0 1 0 2 II 0 0..-4. ,t• haa rstimere Tifigooterjr. Allot tho Sot lodes thot have hereto. - _ Tretrr.,._hito-lbehistow, wane. ,,,b2itedlY30,41:eitoili.: i:1140, 2:18,1,,waluditt_titorsolLif liiey will tentinnet tii *Wit, 4:Ing I' in be Wtdiegtnb °whir jklaaraSk4 oss most tothwitlt rys crit _ Biltrias=diei_orties. Briaapii. 2:18. . • ' A rottither of ateounts wore refer- , ........ , Chute loin Autos . *a ... miss 211,7 lot,: 24011. ' '1.red to the. finance committee to pay gross AvnotAsiest SALM sof doitte401. othieviloo prose. -Eno* Walsh 9„, i t i 3 2 .1; if tettral cermet. ' ontion wilt folionv. 84"wk 4.114-43 14"6" 31' 141"s' Pb."141" 64. ''''''1"." 1, And the roottor of **trio; kith •olistorlere AM ivitk ohms, Rail Spotlit orlon ow all Work Pellessoo .a. c porraummAttic 11;.asserlboosis es ' %amok* si' ,n,,I 11""gaagoat NeW,11,, .41,14"r° 2 71 0 11‘ Work: of If* boil* St ifkistia oebool ieftu in OW P*0014r I se .14.0.41.is 4 Gay. c. ir. ••••141;,406004. * * i $ soo• iss morso sitordoemisiotorieVie. Ityire. Ilk pee Slott 1 'Hi, 1110, la% lisViiin-na: .., etas loft IAA's' sint Cbalsont • o IdUl, .41:1418:011.7 W. i. • I