HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-31, Page 60
' 1 •
• •
. 4 •
, • . • . •
Pattlt SM.
A Woman's
as Well as
--a Man's
• !ERErtOt *reason in the vr,tritl
why wonwn-in business or at
' tonic...should. not enjoy the same
banking privileges men Ado. In,
facte\ they do a aU branches of
The Canadian Bank of Oxznaeree. "
If you open a Savings Account at
this- ix* every courtesy and
cotuideration will he'extetukci to
you; and you will ftnti the pra.
tical business experience gained
'in this wayextretnely helpful.
Saitivo Account is Ter; COttot
and, ONACtint$1114. with
ieguist deposits and Wens*
*e211* sreatereajoYtatatt.
comfort and confi
gerANDARD 13/411t
Aftiso attiorcos PANAtte
• , .
- •
. .
(riorstisied'Op the.OnlartaiPipartoteot of.44Piemitsire)
" the 1.°"*" iM..ki1 iiaJ1110TFIElt OF ELEVEN, rALE moms ARE IN frum.
glic Jour big nigher than rIftist.n.ii. At mime sh:Peeute
rims_ sbe peke reeivid for this 7. ' DEEPLY CRATEFUL... Fern et narrows diresktlenn •
14;-ealwas &Yee bia: LI auvinicty Id
. ate-sys Threatens Teem
fastoorAtinvf 4 -sty
As n insult us, um, ,,,,,, uiletito wa# Po.sr, my liter ' Pia., nomard, nea.,.1 al.r..-...ir dricitinua woos.
I Prwirtimm_. o) toe skast year. ir Is es, vililli loikiraf4a, jay %Woos wore tiiiir-.; :IA-- iir'''',711,0"--Lex"--Z'
I wing, ;sat tisir membership in the 44'..t4e "44 1 "Al 144°81`. .114 VI°4"" la;tui t'wo- -ttle-blood----u-sui—ily reitti—ut IA c
i soetattan wilt be _ doublail iturrfes ,, ., .
' crease in valuate. Owing to the fact
t the Aronting yesi with * similain
r .
J Om; only the twit grailea of potatoe..
,4. Are acteptad :far sale and thtt all pos.
must be'inspected in the ;nett
to lemon freedom, from Aimee, the
iAssoelation does not even nor de i
sire say Musounninti *Cron* as quaq
. lity not quantity is the Coundatioti •,:n
t which the Association la haildirg. ' #
I Nerfal4 Angie Orchedgs
Adtil nareta, illeeplesinesia
, Aches. tie nettodata,
r. Wiliitnois Pink Pills are tliNer-
ero from most ether medicines -t is
'ittposeible to take them Joel not feel
better. Their whole IlliNgiOn. 111 tOt
tusk* rich, red blood. This new
blood strengthens the nerves and
Ores vitality to the whole body-.
A. -oncoming them hire. G. Cook, Blow
IOW, Toronto, says : 'Two yews
„ ago need D. Williams Pink Pills
for a nervous breakdown rith the re-
sult 'that I have been well, and strong
ever since."
, Yon can get these Pills from any
• tlwaler tic medicine or by mait at
cent* a box front 114 Dr. Williston
Medicine 4 Brookville, Ont. .
', P• C. Paterson', Agriculturol Rep:
resentative et Stmeoe, rekons that
Norte)* 4:Ousurs commercial apple i
orchedig. on the wholes enter to be/
in teach improved oondition. As a
• result of the orchard end spray so-
- nviC*
el4otlitor!ipiinruerq.Zen.bettirerthPerni'ingl'es44$ndil ll'
better spraying, the trees are vigor.q
t,00s$ hove. good folisge, and insets 1,-.
and dltatavel are goldenly under good .,.t.'
'eontroI: The 193u .rip wilt not teal
, large as the crop of 1.020. but there
,. •
i i$ promise tbet'it Will he of excellent•
' 10
linelltY. _ .. MRS. W. PIKE
glie new precooliag *no cold *tor* 11 • 4' t wow a to run alvgy *on IV
rorteirtFrurrt47-0-tro*we."405 te4AssoebYintlbeert:.414:ttil".4*, '41144 It',"• ...a.nti41i;14*- Icarg,::
*ilk extend tt outtbetios . sees*, """t4"11 •Z° mv": '" 4' n''' 141,71 , ....
! • 11141.11.401.for sent-.4.z.z. Nome :ism .Wornterott medicine.-
" Airnotst every noultrynnot Arida :.it dotter -Ina . , • . : ' '
• siecassitrY to sive' the bird .opsomi ***44041 Allis gtizOliio#tekt ow liver
044 nenhnialtItillr-014ar to :05retss to normat-isetter-intntrat-giving Int
tante rOnattpttions st. the .restut, of. tholt•weak.lec.ttown' teeing _produes ..
•. hintArY gran Ateritnt.ond Aloe con- ed AIY, other .1axatiVeSsu-Mrs. Ws
,!--__Alnian,.,,ntSzi.,-Makz, ,..bat,feature.;ottiving4Pykes:-SIVIVesn4inrft.Asie,,,,Idantiltoni
•yaw* a 'Tow; p_t44r* down : the cal Ont.. I whit, 4 task =rioter, of euiveu
• Atinnt in. the.: wag ,-MO *toes in. thefenuarem. - • '. . -,,,, ,.„ ,,,,, ..i. • .,.,t.,44d,„.•,,,L..„ . pa 1.4chwebia, zne,
PoultrY. rotten *111:40 the same tillngl .':$0,4°4 11.10 `1*•.''ebt*Iti'.8 44 11'1:;4e'r' ' ' '''' "j '''.. ' 'Ito bonse..thi*
*Lefferts . of ,salts., ',. Besides ,inc.das.. ' • - ' . ...'''• ' ' 'arli°417 ° se!." 4°4* ' 'elsrzRe ." .i'
• aa• *pion- tante; And 'Wilt not have the richS at Cainpottlta Wag ,Store. ' ........, .. :Avant. Own to are net re....,.. .,,,,,,1,,,,,
.,.. 44 . the' few 'ingredients used in Iipui, any o ors pack., ir .. ,. „., kid' got .to $labititti Inr: and Ir beet it .
' see le: eittrenielk rioh;itt vitamin 0, 0.t.EC4AITICT4#''''r PICNICKERStW''.;mitch ill'st, aarrive4l; *re, houseigtn;
rielt in .Mittereht, and tanks higk* : " ,,,,,.,, ..,,• 1 .\ ,,,., „. - ..,:• . the fokes past the we a deen.. n : . ,.
digestibility.•:: it 'is. richer, In vitas . ' By ‘Parbam.'46.. 'vro,aka ' ' ' .• 'Who the hid, looked like and noticed
, 0 ., gut. some .yeas, an s• ono. 14 inother , taa- otcagets ,
••• Thi ' ' a tb '' • ta .1 .' - . Irgvation' ditYa Ore, picnic' ' 40,Y0; hia , pitty • itsy.bit:sy toesys.. and the ..
- • tilt** t' ' t '4liote t• inta It - ' with' foOd'andjitor ears- with einhiss •ontania* beat ' r Too. con .never - tell • . .
tisox t4 ',the r4lOYAtlehd" VeldIrtment' SUIV•31,4#0.' bathing, suit and, no5 One ' $aterdity:-.--well Ina told :toe . tide
• : ' tu': ' • Northern, rijit i ' ,ren .(ther, own • and tile neighbor) .E;i:,9?4.t' a boy ora • dog whertthey:get
. , ming' Int' 0 ' -.. and icirtre ta,theihench or woods for to slobbering. But Of: coeSe the Irld.
The twentystidtd , annual . eonter...aouttof.doorit. : rtue., Accepted didclettt Oen ..hatt4 no teeth PA In.
erten:- of• the agrielitural, relireaeut0-. 'atyle, of gireSS:for. these entings, is,..a: .Wassent dategrous,.
.....*.- , give:: the: 1•3**00entiAtives the. epnov.. ' .phildren; hate no tendency to Oyer7. to get busy ao a ,eutnutate all, 143!
. 1: -1100.44P. 111O..' party. .191, ga:: as far eat -11 their meals Ake/Art ttaPerVieed'.; none to gond annY Arai.... X aed.- Well
tunIt•ir; t4.'Ofe$110. 'Oak' belt:: nt: tirst: dress:in summer. but they•will over- heat inantiera • witelr ma says aint•
north ; 414FrInPOsicaning v‘l'Itinir tnn-. lilting are . the digestive ..tmsets. , fol-:IX.,willlinst 'w4teir •-,Pa• .and do ' like -he:
,the tOrifererieer.Will'lle held at the to tiod_pialsoalug %IA -4t• relgiat.pul'ilt- I alieg nelts tins Valet: nt• It e: table
Northern 5 ACelettp. •at -'llinnteitk !'utlon front . d aate Department of ennt how. Got 0: long •farely.. well:
*Ad rem**• : prove' the sttoottoo:21!144 " Aolt;.#4,ouiP.s 0049440 • 144 1
• tOr the *Pie growets of the County. • ein'a?ant,,, 4;431.0'ir4,4e41 11', 0411•, )-.1.1!
' ' * • UP 041104414444 4 044 ti00PW 4r04 A
of grIellhate isbeingin 11°t" tilte0tiOnS the wiadoni eNntort- or Morning we was A. -going to liove a
'hart Ontario *Ida year in order to such. go5tualos.,. •• otto, Co. for supper and advised we.
A$400140,4 aettioray and points of lowing picnics. • Sonietimes, these does: but she seatuegrto think'
interest.,en route. -The, sessiOne of unpleasant experienceS' Are Attributed be Jost off if watched1 woo
"- P"PoStabling Capacity front one . end of thej Stable' to :the
• _While the ewe ore out :Orrepaltere other.and then 01461de he 40,0 Sootd"
it; 4 good time to Make any lteeeti,#, trig to length. .
am*, alterations -In the tow stable. . Petite Growers Otheitt
Thp. length and with ot cow Stella The Central Ontario Potato Grow -
should to -adapted' to the.site of :orso Assoetation, atich hat -$1 lane
. cov,s in. the' tte14. I Most stables. number of its merabere in Sizneoe
thane aro eltate that are uncomfort. 'County,- was very gittecesettil, ht itst
11.140 froris otssolugin sums that are operations at lea!; 'year* the,tirst year
too short and others that are. heed. . of the organisations and plans are
testily dirty from, Standing in .,+U. Under Way to greatly -beetle :tile
• : - that. eft) -too Iong:"--tiergi are gt: few
general,tnershership and the glitantitItot .po,.!:
dimensions for eoiv.stables : •tiktoeu .hurnot.4 iiss, this. muodution,• .:
For Ayrshire& the stall length Should Ostring-,the-,trotrketing' season- 1.!
. - - ' .b4 4001 544 14 58 inciter for'Roi-• IS 11 . : o T. P. Brand potgt
steins. 58 to , OS ,Incitest. for ,J5ersev.,, , toun wutiinoid, 50 of whieb were.
. . .04 to: tst incite* and tor Guereseyss ot groan itt.Sitiotie ,Cotntri.'. pioovo-
. • ,
10 5$ ir101i* A good plan is to.bave Fteive-4were. very.. encouraging, being
the - 010.tfotn!.: gradually- lengthened 'ova, to t4oprices for Starittntar...
. • :
Bon4one. with; its:ltresitte; lea445,.
barks and 5.beriteis, twang ,yott feet
wettitiful. Witr„111.15Your: vita)
Ott • ftipatiorting u• K44=1
'tended.: :Itheyf ' Bion4one.'
• • • ,40444?t, giveltint tellPiltakat
bk.:144'101PS ikont 'ettanacit.get7the Most- out of the f'4041#!!-Yesi'40**
14 make othet iiviovtiott organ litnetion nottuttny-tinti In tlity,.
way,, enrich the blood And build stregth. PriveP.25 0 for
Xs Poi Selo At All Com, Druggist* Klerfrt
" • Or Witte To •
A. VONEr CO., 94 Acisifity::St.;Ititimitek N
Aro' :1,1
1110 et ilia sow Ilayi la wows See. palile
hog *MAIM
Ahter Septitiolow hot" the tootorist Moe elves 1,0011;
mot pothoteliot alko.ft.loo oetrihres, rook*
Min PAY or Wm hio deto•
lad tido applies la la Omani.
*Aiwa or be the UAL aad $e
walk lifars than ever is It sow .
'-a-mand More Than awls
004041 Driving Otiatiraide
atiktak. tgo tlho er ftrothreIM*
hik moo other gelmilisse ens
Sit pws* ne pennisrar resnille.
If maetroriefediar
441* 41610110 Asa sitss *out of say Crospoisy tressiltre et maw*
WhIch:Ivas ternioOt the ;.00t..of the Health .say.6,:that.a.outbroos,.. .: v,i0 40,41.,buiv-titnittrlop after
demonstration foruflott, isnow . an ,stotottkaug follow -When' the .food is :the Go• and tint 'et-rei101ta:." 146.•
0000.404,U htititation. under the ahotsg. reproach .figin. : a sen4arir _ snedity-4The. Li$004437:' *PO tee'',
aliperylidatt .ot• ..the,'''Oritnre 'Depart. *endpoint;' ,!•::'t '. • ' - ' .!oher at 4103014f .**§PieUt by Ite-
titant,';af ittoletiltiirii.' he . party left....' onus teeters other than 55contam•-•:Petitenta..tin&Oal.ii:enserred and re-
Narth.'/ZWV. on, the, night'..Of iil'uly, 20t1 inatod ,rood roust . be. foetal . to , miry :plyed & sed tliOt ItePentrenti'Wn's t'ne
for New ./46,koard from Whertee:. trliis the Maine. Sloe-. eXPerlinental . ev;., eeling yOu• ger.,wiien.- you. do .stint,
to various: , pailits.. •' of interest 1:osor6 :deuce tshotva... conclusiVely that , hot. ';hit ig' you situddentonght. 0 of done.-
lootoo,,,r'•plui sesatons • at • Monteath has a veryPraf0444 in. And. got Pot. , -
Arienwton:Arbnitki*•.nnd On Saturday 'dome over th'.O 1digestive 'systerat'•of ,....1dunday,41ront - to a reccUellon /Or
'Pails en . Mc day ' night'. The ,retitrzt .day . under luentertitresartuty - valise , : was free . I herd : a Indy at pa, did he -
the,juirtsr will visit Cochrane and -human being it ils••It
•itlieVed that A :stun .artist or . poet or eo farth and
Optialtiahlgi• :letUrning ,,to :, itooneis..wooto.diotor :eateit, on n bat ,sultry 'Wile'. X Was eatintgjhe 'lee trettni • !0rlth.
trii!-.11000,..:Wili miteplaite on Tuesday. An.tattbreak of ,$01.-ero,tiiioteliaa;,evOn, like,•Allee .CurY.-.1. rA:AttA1.3re4 a Wile'
:'!,::: . -"' .• :11eerpi Mtnadult • , ,.., Whett,ther.t504,4 gok from.contandiv60 then he Sea.. I OM not !sive wet-
lottithit'Attill-Whe'at ha's. been in .30044: :' ' ''•,- •,-' , ' ; • titert no her or not but ,please. dont
• tut ,ewing throughout ' the province '''Experiment ai' Pe4Orrned ',with '..anie, ' ta*k so JOad4064 my . wife is- Setting
doting the. Pest, *e1;'or-tuo ,dit$Si ' nude eller': that high ' tentperatere - rite Over: there and she 'has got , ogle
, and in. the'.. ,insio40...r.lif distiloa: a groatiy reduces the ,efiloiencyof the keen etre.
itoOtt -,$,telrl hos '4,06.4 ..h*t*Csted.. 'Res, 040A:trie sYstein.- Anima „;11:104fhl#4 :' TAleitlitY:'4411',. t 1'Y'll ' A suit
Ports, 'frams the Afintielia" repreaentit h-1 hot roonis_itill undergo attacks of case for at;. poor Old: lotlY• Otani/ , trent
UV* indiostm . that 'spring krstitts :ore severe, 4*re:hes : after. 'eating -slight. the dence,,to the north . 'end. of town
showing :excellent- Prendae and witli ly etattAttlinated-t:Oil Whieb 'titans" . one she - give me a .0110, :tckle.- I
1:eorttituted::favoritide . weather; obouitt: /IQ 2/44t°1444 ' 3V1414(11in animals olanted to Stiend it 'for a ivo cremn
444'0 4 4Pianditt Yield,. .lock a ran 'kept ln--torinw with' :met Air: fur- 'One hit . r .ttutlbtia trot .felli. down In sena Parte resulted lu.the burning thernores the ',al/Ohne/4g shoW ' that and•test the nick-lehiSt before I got
4 40 , Ot41000008:, A1414,-.'. 00,gp,;,,ti 04 radical eltange010,10-Pke in the Acid. whair ;the lett..creeifyi. was at. ' •
cop • were genera* 'very •satiii, 'oentent ' 'et the;oeteresieh'• and -in :lhe ..: NCieneditY.Atit Emmy red aknesesi• • '
: factory., .:.Sote, vottiwkble • *urns_ function:, ' of t4ii.' whole ,: etitnentary 4'4. pa • IlliTtl The paperr;,-ititOV''.004. ' •
Ittirpar,Acri.gor, the green pen :crop for, .trttet WhttnOtantintai, is. suit:feet:et, to: Idarrvedlige keetis.mettlOttsgliiitick'.
tit&t tuoritror 'ir 4%;4,4.:..zeteioir-t;•. Mit'4!,141.4104:e.,,•:;liot06. r', .';;:i;ste:i11:-t:tit'lz..vtnifzeiiltrItlrc,..i;,,itt'4?4,,:s,:, .'.:
I , jUdgitig 401**IgitkOjel0 It0A an a *I'ea t 111 6* 414 . in: the' heat regulating: and he ' sett to ilie:,ladir.`' ',V110,.li.' nro' '..
Toronto, SePt,,•ilivi and dilt* open Om; :.doing 4 inatritiutin volunto. of- Work :the liars kottite .and ,pa Sited her I*, .. ' . ' W.
are folludett in the..oue list4 :tooetionit Of the skin and. there is a •f*atir"4444ti pew: ' in 11.4: rtioitini• Ma
for the big fall lairs ;Ode' you'. Th very close:relation between the netiv- heard it 'to.„'atook vs, Will enjoy *gold •
petitions , in jitt.ori. teas: 'teed , OA:digestive' sAtem :is able to earry ink 0,4 She dresses... like .ne ' if .her ' -
gran, ,ftult and ouwi.tutt.n„, oonit-2..y:, only.* mlithinna load.. :..,' • ' tushend :lutist have a 'lot
detest: have .boen. Annoutiot.4 : fee the' itr.0 the. lOkill and: the activity Of •the' dinner toilette.- If ett0.. ' • : 5, .'
Mlowlyg noMPeVtionst-' A N. ...K.,: 'digestive -system. . When the. shin ' is Thirailo-A: *Iraq weilloot 4. rttiSt. • • *atst
and itogleetie, liolene4 intocountt • • Theseztaeteta . Make- it 'very reit$01141 : Itl* 404 No• eke. 7.04'54 to me as- if, nho : •
reetrotomr, Jinx $to, eke-- '
t•• Ever see a boy behind a Shredded
Wheat Biscuit? You will have to look
quick befortr the biscuit disappear*.
but wait and you will seelim take
another biscuit—imd more milk. The
more he chews the crisp shreds of
baked whole wheat, the more he likes
it—and- that's the reason he is. teal
bQy, full of bounding energy and mil*
ant health, haus good for grown.ups
Delicious with prunes, kiwi apple,
bananas or any fruit. .
woutositta,stumaora mouttcomPitotio gaga:
Empire Games at Hamilton
rdtmsttw tottoo, 'ontrit Oatiseitt ,410 to"-; ballet* thaVAI. n1001.' :nttlA etn" t104` Own "IWO* the Wm/
Etthibltion. :Ottawa; Attend Igth goat nItetilY **.rt, eta hot humid day tiro 'A* tor .-clreased.' • Po. seowool ..th be
• loth, *poi ontetittoto tivtstouhl de.r -the'. stress of (mental anxiety thinking. tletpley bat lielidritt Say 'tut/
fy f
do 6 sc nreti
eite1roou:fte4k14, Ztut'tlic'e's'1:1'es074114At*r
itramtetyttemitl. len vepu tor
vetet!,k Aldeng4 weed tiOnitirat On 1)St threatening s‘o
Industrial, BItItibition, $ept,, loth, eimile ar to food poisoning eintlreaki.°
ogler dmpetitiona liwitsreek ant! It la well to ketip tote in
domestic science. Mind and to plan a quiet
Ciktogg keady f.r 434 pane • , before eating. %I& .time tan be
Ina recent bulletin to sIunior :tnIet-Pl*Yint a Word gene in the
Pamela Associttione, 41; E Shstle,. reoflint it' !doll' aloud, ort if
looks rnotistint.direetor Of the-agrica. the clultiren are used ttg SAO A thing,
tutel representative broths statea t*IrlhAt * "It .1)41°1
that letbilte Merida hay* beef, re. ne.1mehtart should'kimple and
nettled from *9 counties eVr
nd district* on. a,chentinnt be bolted
, tonnutthuts with t•.. Row •One good. Combination it tran bread'
"400 Petty," Itt these candle** to. and Utter, tomato aandaithas. ens- •
tai of 1145 boys between the *teeaf 14t"le of '44."161 potatoes and hit*"
and to years have &Mitt:01y etts- cooked eggo, len-fide and Ailed
. roll.d. or an avers of 4$ boyf .per cookies. Another -to. Use when
reltittY. It la laggesteci that ;tut., OM* fire ft Isnot*. Is vegetable.
Forma foodetit entourage thovidet, -croak% • jelly tramiwkhustr'...
tomtit ,to keep their re.eords up.to., and fruit. Stuffed form vegetable
so that they limy he complete **114, lett*" isElditithis **:1 niilk
when railed' for prior to the county mar bit f°11"141 47•41"EnTtise Pa*.
Ito$41.14dItittit COMpetitiOn. • *O." ^ it an aseotttnent of
itiltkrifil Mal*lin
Cellists- *o 1012100N1 ' * POPer nap-
governMent "or the United lan-44* dil°eCslitte* dstEli
, Kingdom is Owing an embargo 41,1 Sir esiti tiro or three sweet troche*
all trades
Money Euler.:
ea Weatodoa•Aliek, aorta
*$yti, bianowielalloillrAuto Me.
chante,WehletZeotrIcios,lirlds. --
orproftenton, Urn 51So
bour, pot flew, fro* start,
t WO**. Fre.
. of. the
Oen* *bleb
roiilroton: and prod*
hPoelfic to.
oinOthe theurtepacirck;
• /
Islortben't Belstntl, whibs Artonittl.
and repratentative omm.
taittee. bee been Aimed 'to **ours .
full lititlish participation at thIO
notable eriOtts of • Ai"
British PloPlets • _Caned*
course, be tor, tour is
orstotaur. *coy provtode seedloo,
Ito 'outetsUothur Athlete*. 'rho,
ors oitelhilid to Xehltp
August 101411.
live Children
','' sinintoi.Ciiitigoliilitt
sot Y...4*. aittutitis, aim* lio, *Al linitell44,
1.'11::: :jr Ogr "tit 414 *Milli *I Ott ahildooe; sod **old WO lio,
' *It's* a bettle of De. Wooteroo llogoes et *id('
Itto ; to the kosso. Mr two petoomitArttok.
mitik iolosstr4soilistss, .issi , Oa* Woo
r, Isis 4.144 ellita thety osio /lot
Jesoesthher, but they-tl g•t it• AMA-
.' • , Ity•f, *a& s. sharp leybetk.rf, this* la
' ',#WO-lieses.lOs t
. ,
* natio* for **past 11 rim: Pot ott ofli
by Tfiti T. Mftbera Oe., Ltd., Tertatte, Ont.
of nited State* barrelled A POROOrtiliN ANNAltlitaAltr t ,
*P*6 oxeept 'Toney mot number Is this an tumivermaY You have
trawl from August 1 until November foroothro 1, If se, there is. still time
14 recording to repots tabled to up. to sedeent yourself. Your telephoto
pia shippers. Thl* ia the period dup. will tato you to any Abet you smut
int which the Knglish home grown In it few zolootee also * looting- by
apple* ate going on the market and long distant. Is a form of 4ement.
their ow* product will thus be -sate broke that etierzone oprecistes -
stlardeti trees Ati. Attu ot- ttotto-4)4t4t,town -04114- mirighys are
- -
irovermuent will *Riot id t it • a
States *Watt. Tho tietitotruafv the listrzernmake or Wel on and they
olltetes omen erupts* to ItrItitski ever before. am.
gitt ikt 1.00
grost goontltiesf whkh" tonally go
Oft tbr Itorlish 3,1110ket at this thee,
PAt the, frultripssui molder** errl.
ler fit tho Stoke Vous to Cooled*
titattzt, it IS estlotatol, 1,111
CONA0Vir hag the A1111411itill tOnkilia•
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