HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-31, Page 414 , ,. it • -4111•111111 WO. • SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK -END Preceding Civie !laGd�7 OR this weekend' we are offering very special prices on ladies' fashionable summer Dresses. cool an smart styles for every summer occasion. TRICOSIIENE DRESSES, at.. VOILE DRESSES," at CREPE DRESSES, it.. FLOWERED CHIFFON DRYS, 14 �at... ,Y /.h a-. ,.,•,..w .•.a w.. it4 •:w . Ek . , E IIS different shades, at......... &„1,. '.`o 'ap Ladies,'FullFashioned Hosp indi l~ent shade' . step i, Rego*, . 1.25 for �n ' c sh rue y, tie yard -- in_ •.flowered : atterns, Reg. �. 1.25 and:: 1. for' .. vel ��r Iresse .s �.n e will b .open ~n x -' 'e n a cin account the Monday holiday, a O titcata :�r�1.. Gar*ai.,: � >aac,.r.. •D , / F 6450 $4.50 $. 00 up h.. if .1, WEST Snotton "hired 17'i* 4 . w IE. IDE SQUARE �'Sl lata'li l ltt4 < tY A MITE •. to. SHOP s• X' wild go. asked. BONE 416 THE 000$TIU 1 es $strrdsy atlsrssss. I lam woo mews wsessiey erreer- 1�to� to=o of Mss. Moran. Slee was toeOdes: , d eghser et Mr. sad Mn. "Wm. J. usepoon. of tier +Alts+. She Md Iwo s eeridem of >b(M *rs„ where her lewesewi, Ur. Marian, in trseleis m eoot sad they es** Imre to spend 'the holidays. Mrs. Martis was in' or used 7walth until leer Friday morning whoa she wok soddenly ilt.' the do.tor was toiled and no fewer tha:s four dcctors were in consults - tion but it Wu to no Avail and Mrs. Martin died the following morning. Iter renaaine were interred in Exeter. The sympathy of the community is+ ` a extended to her bereft partner nt, life nd xelxtises an their and loci. MAF 'aK NG ..Master Blake .Katon, of Belfast,.„ spent files week -end with his gated° Miss Florence Scott, of belgaave,t spent last week with =her Priem:, ?-44i`23, Alice Shackleton. Tte Rieke young people held.' tlo- lightful league meeting at Mr. S. D. Stcthers' cettage at Xintsil Friday evening. Mr. Palmer Eilpatricic, Who i; tale ing the supervisor's .: cure in p'hi'si- ant trai"iixc in Toronto, spent the week -end Ott Its hoot, 'luxe. '_ 14>lity. � Amber irate here; Aticrr _-: od . tlw . »penins: meeting Monda evening of the united Church Sum-: seer *hoof, 'which .;as . being held in •'6oderkh-this week. Mr. and Mrs. Retold ,Stevens am Miss Vere, of Detroit, and Mr. Stev- ens,. Sr., of England, ere guests •. of Mr, anti Mrs. Thos. Anderson this week. Mrr Ernest Blake, Mester Clifford, Misses Winn Pied, Muriel And Phyllis Blake.and Mrss, Albert -Alton motore to. .tirinnville:Era .where tlteYbpen a Yaw days witli Mr, Brake's sister, Mrs. Wilfred Roffman., mother,. Mrs.. \, m.: Maks., GODERICH FOLKS TSU1a3iMT. JULT Hy MAC �.. • k� Many aids to help you keep the 'blown of youth, Standarddrug.s. Toilet articles of charm. Carnein and try the stare : e' cotw esy and service. :United church next Sabbath. Master Jack Kershaw, ar ctodorieb,,' visited ISM week with his roust»,; MAsteer,Graete,re McDowell. Moa« ` Fothergill ansa children, ,of I ;andesbora, spent last week with the former's sister, Mrs. Alva McDowell.: Mrs Albert Nethery .and children,, of Itainiltoni=are visiting the forlmear's. sister.' Mrs. Fred J. Cook, mid other friends. , Mr« end lktrss Wzn OxQ .ser and. family, of Crewe, 'viaited, on Sur+day at the home of Mrs. Crozier's par - mite, Mr. And: Mrs. W. IL 'Campbell. THE coompit C. DUNLOP MALL DRG STORE ... ONTARIO Mrs.. B. Weimer and son, welt:.of Windsor, aro visiting: at the home of the former' unci:', Mr. f'olrt. Ducih- anan,and other friends. 'The °itemtie: Cirele nit pxesentina their play at Belgravc this. TUtpsday- nigtt .and at • Varna m Thursday, Iffy 31st. • P .. MrN. Gordon (oelt oral- ehildren re- turned to their home at Cochrane las,. week. Mr. Enrriaerson accompanied his aunt and will*spend a few 'eeks: home: . in their r1n cd on Sunday at the home f thein "male, Mr. Burl 1'G`ightzrmn... . "F k: y,;. the c indr�e l sabnd anti: ' ,� . beaitbY as the "-first cart: of ra Meateb, They cannot the healthy if troubled: with worms. Use Mother Graves'' Worm 'Exterminator. n WOOLLICOUB BIBANia Arnom0BILE. 1�.aNG Mr. , Elwood'Staekho:me, Miss Eva , 1i A t riCO ' r;Tcr'Cr ' Stackhouse, ofBruceiel , and Miss uuxorrr e'en Wi htnnan •of Sault Ste, arie visits /.. Miss Mary' Phillips, Toronto m visiting with her sister, Mt& Thomas Alre Mal Andrevi" Gaunt, -of St. Retells, spent. Sunday ,..afterimon with Mr. and Airs, Boy Alton. , Vire are very spiv to bear that Mr. Khner Alton . eonlined to bed At present with rheumatism. MisS, Lizzie Webster and Mra AgaUe 'sPeItt SUMO' With Mr: and Mrs- Albert Alton. Baclietts, United church, Sundy eeheoe-, feeding their annual pie- noi on Tuesday at Point CIark, MUNTS iustifY .Liberal election -promo goveremeut was asking Mr; and Mrs, D. K. Alton. and sons, ganda it should -be that the death for * third term—and all govern- Leslie and Betty spent Sunday viith ititortli liaren't3 kao4 of thaidro 'trade wee sounded' nielitS Stre horn to fall; - their daughter, Mrs. Percy Grahum, Britieb don't see it that wey.lunk, aa,a Thirn they l'vbeat• Urii, 'and Mrs. Thpinao alaT_ e out an un eratands a tag tern of St, lie ens ent Sun- by.the defeat of AfeeKensie King, tut, 411rOttlIAtt bAVek been. of Sheppardten, "A realist Canadian Government , berg in ',better then a gesture, dent Ala o.!3A, cap*. ' ea:vs The ThillY 8iiOress Pulashed by bolted the door Against any tariff Miss,- Meida- Ilene spent Sunday - ting better and 'better' °Canada hes decreed that in, iro-ibl,Pa.,,,,41,1 Cog, erenee- •fatt Verial matters sentiment anti eon." '574t Le° eirelloistainceO," saYs the" alam " We is nti .. all: 14.suir);i4:;'.tainizi,,t7Q, 1,1,1aleitbeco,•.ft 01070,107..voanivitto,,r- 11:natto' by: -,itrt-net**bit,t aq""±":13).tOtnitAte31..,7t2tiinrFdlLtd!Me 't,941flatitint. ilt, 'en:cilthi'irasli.(1.Dilelir4ilr,P'°:hpinl'i'4c'eainal!:r!cil.):1144 Didie • if Bennett ivat2c,otood, .cildie..t vili,ty it, ye gill., e „I:7Y ExPre4. , it:. ' ' -Tteked him' to berg in' for .the son spent Sundarwitit :Mr,. And Mrs: and spento--/ew.dny5 with their vett- lb '' 'I he den t re "a add*:': " lkhlehealtia Afar Istid to the our 6114, Method ,is to. tag. foreign - . .. ,, .. ,a4ttg., betVre the .ekettent.'„'.1lentlett;-;;0401.% .wh te'lltrii*nnett „ow. L.,- us . make leandi read* tii de • hitaineeti Witli',Use, lin. W.; Piniiifeleit'itintlgsciorte, One, 'it le getting birder th Pitt 'ever importti*!0 0e t 0 41-1..e-- --tian i want: tl sell ?s her wheat. : If ,we 8ins, Ilr'' Re'bert" IsTelsoo, aPd ,h,ttrs... D'i.,..coSt "the ti era * at e pmedieno, "Let weinsdse„:: gesture to wheat entering Briteht.' . • `;Mr. 'And, !Mr4 ' *or& !-.StAiVart; °I:Bei:lett Sweene the grout:try.' - defeat of ., e ..King '.'n , ' 7' 777 , ' ' " e, ehe ' is nt beartii i;ltit -Daily Express ,-. Apuimeemiry seeetcee were held; in • Xing had to trliket COrtAtIV X' for"; Bennett,- Canada AN9 "the Rm. oe,-410 Wal going to this e0Witri OM' t 0.1110 dePrealiOn* aoy Thqnks ojhe.Electors of South 'Huron for the loyal' suPPort given nie at the polls ,nn ModaitY. and congratulations tit Mr.-MeMillati in his Asidield Prethyterlan church on Sun - LANES _Ate terry to. reper the Wm; Colt*" Clark kid. Mr. 0-4'irge. mr. alto, ma many x.terk, of-St.',Ifelelite: visited. at the ndO 1:10, himr-s,optedy reeevetY, _borne a:M*1i' *OM, MrS. M. C.:. Afee2, ro• oted,. OPIentlid time.- Mits. Ber.tlike home for the their. monster gatden potty to beheld ISO SinideY, being Windom_ pee als for t e two wee Axe. Ult.. EverAody welcome, - ,lifts. Aithent, Of Toronto, iS.' firiSit- household duties sit present. *nom A numb'er froln Westfield ettended _ A number of the $oung people ,.,' fir. end i rte'8eo. Cook Mid fain." - week. Kist Melds Lane was sent ail Mr+ lokr ‘, Another nice assoiftnerit u Cat hand. AR te.conditIoned and in A.1 shape. 0 Every itikr mug he said 'within 10 days make wont for inmate this, ord Pgao4.A Ford Clo64#1 27 ord Coupe 26 Ford. Pedan Ford Touring 23 Chair. Coach 27 Chem. Sedan 25 Choy. Coupe Fit WOOD & SON Ford Garage Wes AimuitN,, Inwood': George Lawlor is liusy paint. OLIUntill A big Mt' llowomes house at present: 'woe I beak lieret an holt -here at I • Mr, And Mrt. W, T. Riddell Were at Niagara over.. the Weile-endi taming' hack tho beginning of the week. er thia week attending the tuner:it of -1. hie sant, the late Mrs. to, aro the guide of the tattoo* 1414 • ler Um (Dr.) Weir, of the Village, • u. Lockwood ii"na utrou, were 'Westfield biedie on the ento:en od ,the,Lord'at stopper, red lit the Per bottle, Per dOz, 70c And Sunlight °Sweet Corn gannon, wire the .gwestit of the 1st - Mrs. Ifeery geBriere of Detroit, Is visiting her sister, giro. Pate:sort, of the villsge.!,- 814 was over for the g.• • After nest aiimotn the Beptist worshly together In the Presbyterum eltureh In the afternoon. The , t Bury Boodle and Clayton Ladd woe .to Detroit the beginning of the wok bit hen returned hatkee there 'woe SO 'work, owing- to repairing. gong on where they were emit:Wed. • There wis a large congregation at charge °false letrykee. They nettle. 'plate walk* an nous' affair.' The rollectIon umentei to 1141. Oslo of ,the :Meet residents of the , village ptioeed away last week hi the - pens" of Sm. Gorge. Marsh, who hod w•11 and favorably known kir* tor * imer time. She to * her aged I:unser in lite. tlwee ems, William. if Colboree; Pert, of •Ilionett. end Arthur, jeer Maisitobe. gad three disegkeen. Wm. hoe, of . "West lifeweasek. and two el he - 11 %Wee thole% Imre. We erespothme whit ber *god porkier sag Malta* la "Opole Imo. A lams sto tolliseemil her awake la their citimid" bat *14614. tiosiseStesittiit Coaling Riptiirse, Call and, mie es. • iod* Biscuit* LARD !Voir for, • itts for. lap Currant stad Otkeidthat Per lb, DATES C OLA q Medium size per. r lagoket Rod Carrartio.. boleS Carrara box. tor. Granulated Sew Word FLOOR. Wiklc.' Carniteinis ICING S• UGAR Robber*, see. • .30c It atc. Us for any of your Wantsfor The. Morning Ilea Spky.rith tweet 'tolls wit k cake—hot an dainty est their name. Sniter-ceetri. current. ItUTTERFLT BUM! ere as Mboksooto end low More It^ any lived ro Mak* "temorrow'e wet :vest with a box rho, 401. 11 task 'iltar k' 411 Bulk Teat 39c. dPite. 59c0 43Se sad /de lb. boxes; for 250 le :Talk- it NSW 6114A.-3 "t ,.;se°c ICREEK PEAS , 1 .144pw &Os *al • - Carrot* 4....bunebes for 25e flaw or Picldi *4. W Sell tURITS, CLEVELAND' and MACKIE'S BREAD Terms for this We—STRICTLY CASH. - 11) Phone BAECHLER Car, 'Campton Street and Square