HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-24, Page 611041011
41.111.11........ Or .1.
Tea MU* bilt &Oa 114111ADA
is guaranteed to No fresh
--" island. but be a coostry of eine mil-
all Shia. That She lasiners
Ase hos people so y ae as Cais-
% cie Tarim. ads we ehouid Inn give a grew Wei- .
EAREs . Mai !ONO a chance to put theetabot-
Aug rhea Ta WJACT *A jtilit a
A t weeks before sin election in Goderien
„harbor !Alt itil Cie year round, Not
-one laboring man in hit wont town of
Wingiumi had ever volid against
' hire. „ The ' Crit3 WalAitt aCit have
HERs I charge of the patronage of_thelidiog
I tion day' ,uuti alter ding
ads airesald food the people of Uttneda,;
"Do 0111* Pala mod if he was electedi
ho weald 41. all la hie power to help
lionaste to put titie het) .1feet.
Hen. Yr. Yintayetet. the akXt' I.
s ilialaber. said"he was glad to eonat to ! I
' the elk "ea* of Huron said to newt i ,
Isar% abet as ri the candidates, to; JI
tome to ow of the most sttracti4st 1
Saris of tlie ercyloco with the coun. 1 I
e_ri live war. had to so y at word for two '", I ble Canada nay law ;mil* every min w ;oh) get a square deal
tY wet bud out in a very attraet. , ,
41 watt utcup? rig - po PIICA : s
i eashavaiwurri %oats •irirriameranefflaavoi ea liti_upuld have the petronage of
of his friends. George Spottan W33 t s
fortunate in having an old **palm- ; r„ fat detgai abay. -the nth*. Lust election he had tee
again going to be a member and ,
, (eil-koeniteriet--Ottoura. --Anyone -whey; ' I - - -- -°*--**. the water in the
istudied the vonditions must be aware; ' . X" D. CASSIE:ill
lof At tinning .1htinge, Ire would not 1 , _04,1. tloclerieh harbor to eve if the threats
thanked the people of goderiett for
made were being carried out and be
in the House, and tioderich would- be ', i Eamy Tarisso.
h• savicoa, ba,fourbd was the feeling 4ebury!‘111:rel' ' C.INvi*• ra.1"11RITI1411wirlin $ 7.1"4' liQiinbell'Irj tis rillY°:13gistS
14 thit• splendki. vote they gave hint in
r •"4 .i .,...---.7,--:' - -011.40-4,42-0,-;...-."..^,rooft-r#)"rr''''ta'='-::r !...1•4 ...... • - ..... ,
SS ISO travelled tip and down the n4011014 ASSOCIATKIN I the Grits were going to be in power
suit: (i)rf thos greeeatt.pretse.sure brought
\ . SPOTTOWS BIG. CODER1CW MEETING emu/try. but ha cautioned against the ' -...... .
wealtroas of over confidence, and said ...—.....:„.-:-1.1,-;:-....---..,-,.....11,.. rridtbLitee upeoqztpirreite tiOrrd IttilieTlYehrulde
the only way to maks vertain of the -
i• result was ho gat oot araro lot voter. houses. stock. up .with- ik ioidler iv, 'vete fur a suppiirter of the Govern,
•ROIL 'WM, litilii11411 Sarticrrosidrice rotted - Xiito the air* aPrittrin% Wat OM dig. eider 1Nitsts .0101..ille nlooket wili suPP.11e4 f ?r ZeTtif Po 14dIrte: ;gel Ligiftil
• , beeyear,uoes141..befeonr intslect;itet:
1 the gamier 'roues& of the Govern -
wised 1110allana who would come into 4 *WV 4:4".
Etection Vig* , ,, ,
molt ora he hod sat with lir, Tre-i. KWIC ea uial' eaer'ellleal 111;avirutl:tsl 1*
wart* for et* plitlinairkt ani5 kre,,, ZFRAbliit blAttlir? Xing W01414 have in getting an appropriation for Gode-
him as a very useful member; hecrorit, to admit he Was guilty. What *bout ti-lh harbor *au t°14 mat a t1ia7ti1ea
"qv brklIng * f"elillers while Yfoeliniththell‘dePputat1411Prolnatitpon Ovrti:aidzerrbit.
• • an extremely influential *ember and .0.or, mot meo_tootd not get work depotetiowt twit were 'ent
Can'. ads town and he had
ltv,poteedseSuot-essiul Business Mon Like Bennett, iiiinnetyPtilit p4,43144beettitayntrogrientruitta,UtrbAtel yes xtet „ow hoveto ecteatt he
• Not a Theorist Like Iiinft - inters** *bleb tonetituted the rove- bad raaa 1.11*4vattaka* 1Tt' "s11°Ing Tblererrei to11P14041.4'"ZtiOieIt he
„ t
and be 0 -„
, .
1 I , , . , , , . .6,„6„6_,„.. ‘ t, • • ,, _1_, noliees ulrif ftsheufearedire*ofivitt,riolui irtteilehrsi ttolorrpAtiperstiokir: st trotepryttrsitc. such deputation* shouia contintic to
gef down whatever party was, Au .
„.s.‘ . • . vouany in * palatal Meeting When '0 have the oliportunity .nf beano* Government and livery fortives wife shor,it free 'had* he had to admit "t• rower. Thelight sytu, to get .the op.
zt9Iroematkulauldeh714 girkeptie alt:ethgeh'tisinst tIsfibtilaVrfous°rniowriv.h.:ft" /41414"411/1/614was soscrikiwwilietedblit*Zerhent..tTsktUV0 1.0**,1 rags eill "L'ase'Llinbirsitlyaallibin "08,5,tota'siret:xatittl-t
, .
Writer an office or factory. lie 00,-roirt- •.hetkuiti heek the othot
• d atmlt 'the iegis !dive hells that that mr Bennett would have .44%
the States en
,the twerieu court 000e relit too his iob IS IN:Winds' Conlervativa tro *r *Arum whit would be *Me iteen the et rs4 4 t $90.000 the Itelkt Year. Sir *
end, but with Spotton'a meetittg whett Promo Ferguson, got **dot rt
. speaker so es to held timer
o! the ,Rokefe1Ier
s tasstonor,yookogrtyhtotuth_oloilthe, ohitutehttad..840: Lesde ereextit°4.411.. Finlayson would 0:ext: ho orwitopronii.notxpeciattetstrornbooteiotieksooteawoot,trhetehtt4yi.:,tluytutieveee. 1,4,1nomousii money nut eouute. to ins 4•04F., 4
, sge $0 LO the pree ptoymetal Cott Mr, Tr, ewer** viva hit fpnu! *woos forced Into the flight, hocausa4aatfau .4Ar Imo xpront, n1.0041014 --,Si317,weeles wer-e: -gee. n ihueeri 1
terVattra itAkicrAt 100 04110400 more. at borne diacUasiug county mitt. ,tna 0,04,00, feel the * roan who 'stator Are vita no au- - - t ti4
eclock. Gorge is as hig gnu us was the 004,100- ,eystem, , The farmer otioldad ,,watthie bort?: no t oriel or hook writer who re: !iedil 114k tut* *little credit for this.
anti there was, a Jot of ,geod‘ Tore,
an Or 1910 ilind .rtOW' 'WO tt'llin fat Utter pri00* There Vilk3 4"44 tt!' tbe tates, %when 'there is -
trouble. izireribiww4s ;moos for . no rour aytti'etu:sivorocury codnirtr....-Zsoitton .ttluiee
, Agin kerit tO, ..t4k0 last and our OVAI tors, hiving 'beeh * member of Mr- tuition „ofJ-the-sverking mane 141:0 vgitsoo4 VA is to be a minion. oiss..ing ,t,!t,fLe!tiena,,tots,.12,,ut „,,w421,
George Spott4rt held the trow4 of on county council for Oven- yens, yeer the ,Crep leo* hotr jut; hit*itito 11440 411100000 Of every. for za" t!ft..t."(arui, CV44444t' 9 .441 49"'
, ti+Ver 2.000 UP till' 0- quittea. r of eleven' In 1919 one Of the great q • uestion* no )3/AlIfelkt excure'ent, W ete t:Eadhed--41'-. Than haajaaaa vvuer114 114114" and7Mr. $114411'
the host, .
had a wonderful wystent, And our Ito :Movement. a grain Slid ever/holt .oharige;' everybodr von otxtems v:vrePnoo a be etiiietop, ‘`so don't
talla Harold Blackstorte,.4r0011:=4,. toot atritetrid grow up With the best "IA aitifrifig 40411440yed. tm..21 3.6.0 go g to 00
-140 give -the PeoPle wor44 I *you're .40-' s h tt 4
two festrs -thiogs tee • 0 . '4un er cley Camide. • tied b the IY V -C. etral *attire
7 • '
TKURSDAY, JULY Seth. ilidah,
A Tribute to
The Farmer
N 1921 and 1922 corta#
affecting she farmer
very serious. Wheat
ped to less thou. Si.00 per
b cattle to 6 cents per
pound* butter to $1. cents
per pound. Butathe farmer's
own living COSte did not
declin so abruptly. For three
years he struggled. ogaiast a
cconbination of difficulties
which would have driven less
courageous men to despair. -
Gradually* hoizever$ IA* fa- -
'suer worked biroseif out of
fe$40tit and to -day, the
• Canadian farmer regarded
as the° most successful in
te ffirtnOr VOA lig
fight. efforts coin*
• most' but he had help from
4 A,
eotne people 40,44 MUMMA.%
wlio had unbounded faith in
Bonk etnealriehhu.
use oi its unchanging
cy..to" further his interests
every, posible way.
wa 'After a 'Cement hy the. (4°.(tede t same' System' provided Gott our ben felt ft., ..IceWora ,re.;,,s;tho:It.rat 0451,-,,, ,,thexe tbinga. you
tiork •OPO,netst• the PrO0freditbr*Us. ebair., °OVA Nr* t.r,- , you arereitingr at the trough, of •, • r
" 0:41014.041 it OM WON**
pir bser -0$ ;ands ng nall.tuna 40.1.qtts WOPZitbar axa.,17 4 7074,44 aFt70,111: ievoroteist• fOrbA.1994stspalinthInuu4nr. mit Boo,n: rtbr,I.adetotactuirtirtubsecircal:eer).ewptItie. ,4,1412A1U;* BANK, ..01t CAS
h Vrci t and help the* i into his' own start 14.-- th brit ywrt44.,? said Mr. -Spottont
• the OunterVati,
• .
r root firat tailed uIt'idayorlacEwan lats OttaNv* we lotutd that , Ware train
cboe p rt Artb te,t' * vim. Ifir're wow,. *milt 41-',°"0-€114,4 IVEr. Spatial). reerted rt0 t 0 e. e
I •F,' ". • 'Ewen' ixtended a warm welcome to ing t t
d signs-
. . ,
%nu %to •
. -101knokadm.._01-,yocone, r,,,,A. a h Government Was allow.
t felt the e eet at the leek u -Aviot to vote tor youth geui, sre .GodYerleb voter' jor ..4t$ lor.oes.
V, t
Onnl. WV, n nYnnn, - • 4' 6 VI -0/11 vz#E 0 a BIUNCHEL IN
' tweets in Ponder roll -0016 duee "1> tams' - - were *to asked the rrOvinei ter
tor wbo ttte .geeit epeaker could prodUee rOUrstavOt t 0010.1i t 4.trit „ , aekt. to. run, the. Ountr3r*" was the lievnx *01, ,110. ereeu
' i> filar • atm Meat and HO tOra0 ItO r tisa OP, tbe chairman put 'it. before be tore was not -144500itl)ir Oil the iett-OV.
br e•ressi ohm on, 00E4 ditow, oIron dont than a eolle prates'sor. writan" g •aftt` the -1s b.rau-A' la an "
1 WW4t- he the "(Verattorr 'Mu en. hit /44ture_ a teeing such • ar- vest need tv tow, yo.4 41,0 pro- gperouvt iboou •sin the, ottect states, Every 1/15i0.0, 'AVOly.,...,the Toronto talr‘111!0•
tt AO, Ao,ctu; 110z•iniu tr,./1 said. to Ming M • tie -
t evening, .^ • 'toilliens or n , 0 _uvcr itani tun .1
' .+VatiVa' candidate SoUtit • afar" am "oho .a .i.&attertui .t1400.„ aseiti'-w.weesvint-11- td°o'aVlixtsve cof aul' but tit' er-e ;41; spot.": 'h8'17:C:tarit" 11"Xt:ICk .B*1:1; Stmtt°11 said he 1"131(1 alwaYs
W. Veinkrth.k.the COrW.01 '$%xtgttrtev4The °At.bbil)lievee' orbee9lidutv41413-10°UnatIrt 000$1-Ild of bleu ' go called man:" , etztope'rt legteleyprop give every. t ward re.
sao m briefly. *yin it was anhonor W•tt
taelri,Govern*ent, the 110ndolonno-v'4 assemblage,. To tbh* out over e rbe said "r‘salt yOur P.tif0 ohe.is get; "hostnese aid 0.0447 Beaae. japanese aerobe t This, GoVernmeut
•" otrurtenti the Heard '' Of Trade+, etC.,,, thoesul4 gnersons , had -come • oot tti tom all.,the things_ you need,' And- hadtouched had ulardWirt4110.015,,,', `_ . wire,,tbe -beet:40640 'lie ever .saw. -1,•
• PheYget '.•the 'PePer,etunPnulea Sou hear 'the .auentions•',of the di Y discIW the,Ortte *ere to/1W . to Ida Ito. lua--. ,isi... ...
Araete ,-As A Men. oondofer kw -'." 'They hod - been in • pOwer Ifer• nhie • -
; the lumber eitortpaties ter•eoMeini...and. , 'ot-,1 -0..e.wed tbettpconi4 Y.Stera tiliniciTig, iThey had pit a;lady in the Sea' riding toispea.k for tita'14ligal ,eanav ,y0,0x,a,anci, erceb: year Was .xvOi$0104.T4 t ..
. 'the, road Onai4`00t,i911. kiii*,; 1,--enora gotjug. two:opponent*. in ad -Sr Owe-. senate; he oked, - The Conservhtiv0 4tienteerarltree. Vhies4ionaOidf till! Wiltilitll 'ilihk4e' .‘Imeineas -Manager . that ' got nowhere ••
, Sittee ta keen :going • ntur thot • s•PP` Of these things. 110 said be-, 'V, vx, rate., wo.ut mota • a : lady do. in, the .
,, • and V"t Wagar 1044 igge sUTO -tt tion and he had not $0;171411 -10lb t* had granted the ladies Votes in .3-.01 Liberala in Pot -Tr 'Ond, 'U.0*. Ile' ' V*3 itnil°:1Z.yellet!: :4rtterl; y140U7;10.11' ;haid:ft:O'. a
heUttlAt .the .:King '0Overintlent -said •pna• with • the.eandidate as with the andit the 1,iiiera1 party.bad_, beeA:rin gang about, 'sraPpuStlig .1,glat PtirOW mueslis els s ; • •
it had•nothing to dc... with It42: . 'Great. Family dournaLwitieh he nob. vowel... ho 4id. bet believe the IadieS. , . : , - - .: r s r . ; r' - r . , . - - r-; • ''
.ViVdet-tba B.. N.. A. At the niattei Iished ri
of unenrildoyssent, was ,Itot!ras-06,- 4.4.."ed litilltid*"Ott'...401tiz:ber*st IltPfs's'yelleatt ljeen4teld!: Welecciultiderabbtati'vstbsesiVr11. eltVillt0e13rt.:t149erk-
:to 'either ..ProvbieS en, Detoiniun or free dtdir Just ask for the Advertiser bee, :woe opposed AO it they had le. , .;
the municipality: so the Only thing .
'was 00.0DeVartiOil of the three, Boi
Xing attid with ihrutal eniloueness, ::fovlitel-tt6viui liltr..t7I;;.i7ettt'16,.. aliFildi, :044ilegillii..Effi.- f.'isit.fainot 117,,),,, .•., LONii0:14( .' '' ONTARIO ,.
.. ,
Ittit a tit0 0,0rit '14000. r.. ' s ' s ',• . Oat 't110 situnie minded 0.114 were seri . net 1r4ng ,in AMY Ogis - -
•. - VbernAtu 'Matto, came up in the ing The 'Advertiser free, and if. Iltio
woald_not agree' to, i : - ,,. •
lug' :the t40Y.0tIllSnt rtd. tentribut0,,ert106i'lliSt it4Avoulfr bo:sutp .to he ()roe counts, Iii,, „lid Tia behove ie - • . tri the, best,
- :- - - : Vederar-ifouse.lt was on * motion ,staltat Fad not file. nerve to publish mr. sijettoo.,eahi he enii At to take , .E.. MISER Sal'''. l.130.1, .;1,930
- lir "' of WLebor ntinnher, whezwe% not nalo, . an Aitielerit-WOuld arlear in:The Ad. theladies* pot in the'Mattee of div-
' 'IltahllIttlo-lreel;trt:,7t4910.114eeer. vv,,***Ithin.:(itefe7:4.011:074t..vieiiial';:altilintittierl4tieinig-013it haie 'seirehed titeobgiftl it wIre: in.17aell' 171 tbh: ' ; Y°Pr Plari-s- .navst: '41 '' '°;e:'-..;;°
ihd‘ Tomtio: pavers fe 'See' if he had, marriage ceremony' "until 'death ' "er 111T,O, t:ton.I.I.,4;.#.:0.1,,hsOtit,,. yr.otetti4".4.7.10'?:,:a.; . .
PIA° -SaAl- 414t els0t16a- ' Vualf-t lif-t Made -•407 foolish SPeecheg• And'the.u' divorce -de us -part!!!: it avittid. bring ,', actuatioil.,41;4:',Vie, easure tire, / 0, , '1•!A.- . -
, . 413Lesiqi se., the ttre.eent eteetion and ,ItheY earee- out and hlr.r. •••5, potteit :Aata tiopo,fooe to fare with the gnostic*. .•. , , .:
The 0101011Mo Odd ye* along s..inno,- in, ',no' .Silinal. •Tbe Atteeftiaer': divorievedrIseorlr .,. _tor not - ).r.tirtt'lr'r.': . ... Liv0'.': qtocoptlir._. ,48,•,:zioli:141.11.7, Art,o.Pure .,•7,...004.; :
King as the Ove-eent' Prime MintratTo 'he would'.Walt, to see if it was ,COoled, If a a
" Itow., but what ahatit the moMiedOnso quoted. a Paragraph he wan auPPOsed Aida would be nntightY6 Prevent:4e of, , Aniga tiros bibette, ., ve th..., ,.• ,,,, t 4:;?il Si
•• ,end: whatrehOuti, Iris- um*, lel* att. ,ei--., Yeave•#st-ed in Teton& and it'VrA,;$1. AiVoree. All YOU are thinking of : , 1.10,.trA. : ,lifVo,titerfIS- :„Nirtrttrit .2'etC.. l',131P111,,,..' Aga .: . •• 1 :
•'.',':'' ' 'met* 'nor 1°16V1‘. 0(1'6 *as:•116w1;* I* ettY that likely he 'Was speaking '0f'n "bemuse -Intl going back to do mY, • Cherry ,Pataway, .,cos!.47-.4. okmc, a . . _ . ,,‘,,.. . ..,. , . .
,, :: 1 it*st aald' there waa W. tMeMPIOY.,: ;likely ':oerrect.' but ' they, Went 3111 to 'divorce Vote against Vie: ,,he .Onid, • 544:**F'." ' ‘:ii.V.ta.i---';-s. tir+41-,..1. 6.;‘,..+1,1 •',:Grittldit4.10- ' • : '
; rluid met it 41POVer. Ottiaaiis .1:10 eam tariff. as high as; Harean'S" gallows. ,06.,i'" ----t to pnt. dive* out of tho.toon- •,
: - • rIViOtil.tbri Milt)lt 00113100r VOW but ite: mtbli-to-the Perplexity of his Libettit power for vino years, 'why; were they •
Features. . ::Sltening' liok6o ,Shos 'Trotting : 1:, . • .. : ,
tar es, the tWO: Western Provinces. These were , animis6s, and perhePa try." . : :- ' ' , .. : • 1 * , -. :1 . ' everybody. .' I , . • ' '
with riThetli 0 'Prutre"iVa galterh' Verettery; tiriftt.... ." Her had ft•'• t" • The kw?: Government had been la .-
: • ,".,.,,i , torf44,4,artlye.4revors,..14116tvineletv'eie, ittoptreefett ;tfxrfiotrelUttiAtht!at ililltitIaill 0111rtiffart,Artof .elitlol iiiolky:itli,:ntwitb-w9uhto‘igantroereleetoioun444104 `,..•.' '' " •
Races•.,:' ., SOmetturig:ta interest •
. • . . . : ..,, . .... ,
• : Pie** riVs. •Of the Ike Pr"Inee 44 NOWAt*Ottglit7doWtr whY tinsit4 Tee We *mid dell `with the BMPtre :
• I ittSoirlag' World. expiisitiOn,
14tlel140,14, 001 the de,oN 91 iIl
• sctompuomlatituott4ratittldiaeater.,.
.taintriterinideduestional features.
,...114,04yagenti:igorgeatis antridirand .
poge!ier. deptoOng tho ticturesque
tor.4.4see of mirth Atonerieso deeelop,
112*AS prostato4olotio hy,1900-•per, ,
•-loravera on AC ectieldra littlest eteas.
Seim:194 $1.00. Boxes
• zee •siwocit •sitosheoe avkpo, for, ct.
• . N411,0610.
tas 51 Afl.Cse.'
' . ..,COnnikr4tIVO 00#ntinnenU , 011 l'ti.`' ',Pi With , it nn .*bat we had every -10At tirOtrt14104 it did not•-:ptit Canadian . , , , ':. - . a .
. tentlY 4404 se that they'Wete going the SaMo effect •as it,rikeildential•alect verhaiwratit.'oralr.dtv;7'it "0.4$ lasla :. attractions.: , .•.7.. .:. ,.,,,l., . a
- ...,
-to be he ig Power, for somelears. • Brit'. tioo-•ir-. the:st-etea where. hrealdeutho .Bennett wal *toothoottre; /loco said , .., 4 • . , a,-,.... . •
iltdel. CIO* August211M1k
King Mad 31qt 114bre Pent 91.0e'fOt SW electirins'•.produeed.hord timeS, in IA. avy.stiotton, 4$1 would rather have le ,
thew people. representing. SO, • per ,youet. heonet the country did ,not ';rnillienaire willing . te„ give mi,
e i- jOb ' ' . , , , '
. ' Air$V. '. That Wasthe realionl the Pro., power.:,„ . ,., . . - Writer kir itsforniation, opd. pi.fire liati. .,-...' ..- '...
.. got. of the population of Ille .etitro.. know,what.party. was: going ii-4.he-,...
,in .",..r.• t
' - •• 'r...., ' ,:sromtir.t,
sloes Were fighting. 'Ontario .hatPii. : mho two produeta.of .tanade should_
I T.
-.. 4:1:411:1'11"6"'•"*. IL% ' trgitl°'lttt:th11g*tbeii1eC.46rnlMUfrttar*41:itnCanada
gifi:tioribysrCrtib0ted50pr cent rtCanlian 00Unsto rt
' ' • ' ...:;. 'et..tles Wealth, , Ever*. good-hearted„..„.,lichen 'farm .productee4if there was .
solo . ,,. ” '. c_Itiaelt• should unite in helping :solve Anything .eht*e to huild tip a ,Country '
the tinettipleVinent* problem and, the ,of.. hopp.v. •., home* be ,weekt like to -
Ipbrablitti °:(yerutuPit oh0.014 ght know what.. it was. We had vrt5t
4"4""*".'"i• "6"/"" ' : ' ''' . . . . hebesteslields-and were shiPpirig it . .......:
lit .01i ielliH' ; ;0 4110 '-: thika—.. Inli. ti '' ' ' ViKiii ' uttibt- offronter-f- to, MO It
Az A itoirirlir.. ntagimigalagisa7,, : - Ar, ' . :NI' Bralttfordlneetirig there was ii. .0t.'"'/tattoltdfaetlittredStiitteitinirctretalinglikts.elfalaiTe .
,,,. , I. i., / / - ' • .1. ,, • , ' •• ' " . - - • , .; •unemployment in :CSUadSt but coni -front V4009,900 to $70;00%014 giving
. • •• .,• • ' leering the 110,00.00 et the, tr; ft ..employment in the 'States-. to thou.
1%,endeskther!:ittnerg„tiePref' 'Cvlsonsids raro*.piolizt 'sends -Of, their men atid then sent it
t onsitebr M* it
Oimemployment , in, ieepupol 14
!,01;Ctfltthektir--;aid'', ho ,04 .tioi
7' •."-',Glitisthollimilit-titir .4.tiktif. -- -. — mijoy ..tbfs 'electionetrinit, hut was
. . -• : 7 .rottWiitsigattortfi, .10dhrik..obleotasspeZantsijotetticr of happr in his oven wok* end loved it. ;
ie.- /........6 ., - :end with the 1930 orep non et/Inanr 141itte :riettkill tialfgait.lwheeithbitngltiltrl' hiell.: ..
ily ifewinvt!! • ; .. ,) on the eittiatian Was torible'hut it ramattattor.20 hotira a. thty and lov• '
. Was not itopeless# Canada heidertor. ed tlie work and was , adding tO A41 • ' ,
'. 141011 VISA& of Mine end forest, of ,witheitt. ..h. man was streessfui 041,7"
4k'j Lit ' riVer. fitek4 Ildtz • 'tilt liti,A.,'''4,11s1°Litl8Z-.14 ' at a 'thing he loved ,0 .he suggested • .„ ''.• -
' 6 • i r."-ltu.. .rsi •re_sflueiles taNt..1"0.)44301: be un-._ -that the Pettple keen his •opponerit vtt. , ..., r • ..
1 1 1 .- --r -. . velem. ttennett's. policy SW to put, the 14 TA writing Grit toticles. His.. , • . ! ' •
ot antff 10(14, . trimetit when it VW baiht Olitegfakid.r_ ik thrust latthim CS1Pote tber:inbeclluitskeinhie ' - liet' 141.11C1' AwilthlatilliiiriellinikwC*116:*
, , .
:twit. The people like the, fawn. et _ "t "n. te.nce weelat he. leas going . . . -I ...
-- ' • , . ",..the -petiole to w.erk. And ., pay, them
_1_2_ . it "We dealt went elieritYs thedolt or * :Ives keeping, the promise he rnadei .- . ,illeiteiti$ 4 '.0 104410116A1 1:0001.
**sat*, 40Cene dirg.„Intir ' hand ,out. We wait work," : But if _ that ha would tome hack and give ' - ; paidatiGiSpacloasairietitonern :
' Xing woks • racketed we svould riot - ever$ eon -nullity an aeeourit of his '' - , L„,„1 atcks it s 444106, , ,
it that . gg Drillhir ' . -- have to.operation- iftst hteause he- tewerdship and if he eltose to spend ' . • - ' www
PH.°1^t71kindy.: rukhearhirUST„,,' ,„,A,,eiseY.4,47.;. . 1 Zillent 4b:cfate-wlsgrat' t°Z411riolZ1 114"3„ "I:nit; °bet lit 4ittuls*Pubblk' , . hiitowsighi lia4* coatiailli '
wigs s' Liberal tar! Premier Towbar. • limo of hie .1541*nr to iet the young ' iliklaillitite • e 1044101.0011 '- . ;
. , . itaa eviabis I. pity, Wall mos kis. , .., ttliiii.,111/711,15,:itltri;:ii, ilier:,:.proniasttparotisitallettIitashil mablidtrYcigptly.itry !: . ,'. .10ett_Pfoomitistotioiloyolektigitimolectigdacitioc*** , .„
., . . .,
await hoe it retratitiot , _, 'i urigitting.sor ,irtOilvial riiiiits... _ . Re wee goottd as laying , he wee ;.
a rimadid gesposidainty. .., -.. ' And tt?i make. matters worse wa had': oppow to pogo'', It* moo. said , w a inieresdallnaL91_' eit OW*
A_ _it , ' a Int of -.undesirable citizen* brought _ mr such thhir He sokeed in -: bestligOlthe 101.0611111 lifillf VOSI .
se omen permit &PON w ll" ' 'itv 4, /NW from Southern. ButuPw mimakers, iakevawares. he MO stated; • veio. Milk ygortRoleesen .,
and they were teething their *wet and believed he ald agie Wagtails Pro. '.
the pririelphe at rommumism. Xing ally ,adeelabiteted, Rad to bad not ..- ' , MP 11‘ taY 'Anti acelhill iv/ '
Mt th'iltilOdalt ' . ' - bad lbra"tbt la ilal'r imntigglutt- laid they wee* improperly admin. CAI* Oise nit nail studio '
,„ ,, , = tow" know** there woe no opeclor - -
., '-fretvi $eatitetivlArgrope. -'1Xe should I
. • • 'thole MC% ha_ t he Wai fantasise tha
rayon and had *tots tin ovir •,
- - to tars. .
- "of kiiiss* for air orirs whreiliriarntles1 Kim malt
IMM14 and
' essoprim# irilb erniew es ow lie *Vs ftoiriff .Ws.r*ls to
- - " - tote the faro iseibeetry. (':-..
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, would tents in thing% To wag tete •
hg Blotto% bat be tbritiitt *Wet ow*
Whitatte Anal *beg New 114101111thiTa
spit7mit pootere their nettle adi the
, mud. Now Xing wee *obi
latOtit !Act te the void eterege _
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TO. n285 Art wikuomme
Prii• &wail oew Studebaker oilees tbecomfiert ofet 114. ,
Inch *Melbas*, the that *robes 70-boeuepower eogiOa. •
Theirri of oil and fuel, k appeal to the re:ooauty watt
1.40144 seit ste ,efavecitthallaWitohatobilavAstotinotesialtutestitenoutithomeolethe.rimoottieTchoterifoit.cootreatviimempoia
- 6g, fratneoelf • sprinsaluteldes,
M power Saallato 111111061a
SAO it a pipiat to sea nod claire
itoyi Nektons or do awe
•slips of the C.1101141111111 Patalk
• rift AN kw $110.00
Agit lee Mai some or
J. litACXAY, Gairrigi Ass*
caulks Itedlitliehila Ulna*
IP A,ent IC
It1GULAit SPAN, 401301k, 055 • "
iherillaistiiiropriArshj 4..4r* . .000.
00. Sodas. 2-dorf, . ION r. twos .
teelbalaSIWIS0 (liwIrowbork.413114 liris4411:441
Cope ist 4 . . . . lIN Ilaw4eerfer4 .
wiliwsillat. *044 elpiiimieskilibilstami 1401.0101100111
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