The Goderich Star, 1930-07-24, Page 44
141.41V114, •
.Wse Ide ossediese
L:111,410es het the seesid wog elset
togd Ile ewe ordeffort
tier sew torders ,
weird the essaiest t. *. L. whit r
teediered fer sod *wed te
hew is* Osier cereened le reed Wile
vit that prase for meg the old Mem
Ilse tea osiketer reportedeeelbeellyd
ahem lese seepeet $81e7. lidde was
restored so the ammo comagttaa.
A revisit for penateetos tie erect
* *kettle slew for the rwish Awa-
ke* oh! Ce. arose the tiedesee Co.
Win »forted to the peal* wore*
The following application* for
building permits were referred to tee
Ira aulanatime: k'roes Jahn B. Hes-
dierson, to remove a portion of pres-
ent dwelling on the south side ot Bri-
tannia road sad erect time stairway
and mike other interior alterations
and repairs, estimated. cast ;76;
tront W. droplesy, to ,eoeer etre/
sides end end ot dwelling on" Quebec
street with Went rock feted shin-
elee, estimated colt 11425; from Wal-
ter Naftel, 'tu put. tante*. door in
gerage and reehingle portion of roof,
Britannisi road, estimated cost ;100;
trom J. B. Graham, to re -roof dwel-
liter on Hayfield road with potent
ashphalt shingle*, estimated cost
$100; front Keorwood White, to erect
VIM. on Anglia** street, estimated
cost of-471We= Mrs. C. Stager, to
41104 AlOW 'Trick chimney and make
minor alterations at dwelling od
Idglathouse st, eitimeted toot *75;
ont X Douglas Brown to erect
story arid a half brick veneer house
end garage on north aide of Elgin
avenue, corner of Market it., house to
heve full cement basement with a
composition shingleroof, ettnebed
brick veneer gorse:, with same roof,
'nouse'26x84, frarlige 18X11, estimated
east $4000; from Thos. Johnston'to
erect driving shed- on Britonnie roady
attsched A*, present steible, on north
Settles Wellington $t Sidewallt, Decides on Changes d
4 - !improvements at Agncultural Grounds
Wh Stopn Windows Left on Council
' Chamber and itulibisit Not Cleaned Up • 'of pretent handout and toeiecta
new.-- iron* with patent
eget side, 115,116, frsiV, patent root-
ing, estimated eoet 250. from is
McClinton, tear down shed at rear
. oot 415 eangement be aro-ed end the cash eordsinee with clause No. 1 as WielrliPeg'' nONV As eaeBY es Yeu eau
11111141110 mod am
Whoefrosaila %Mend
oeseds see
her dad flew ei whet
fleet sow elessylittethebiered.
M.*** tie sepeta--pse Owl
ay deo ,
*we XT. toe ilehiel
tilsot ihritagrosisketerrillessi
;Wig was amor 128 ler the tins '
etirmidesele tiez:: 1.
ted wrote as
ism 1 assesieed . the epseilletioas _
fee week to his dere at the harbor
ednelowtOng•beerellikandwItrork. too .11waifigerth;
Io w men anti therefore the proper
one to ger the job. Sesiningiy you
had your mita picked ear the job be-
fore you received pervioits price-.
'1 harmers it is onneesesary for me to
hand in a further tender.
John Pinder tenets as follows:
1 received your specifications far .
which 1 thsink you, and am re:earning,
The &me Werth Wide
High-class Haberdashery and
Had Tailoring
Phone 219
4.4 0.1.4a
Comtalet itaprocouont$, t
same as per your request. I don't cos received melee' the Kin,: Geectoe
teed that I caa submit a tender as ment's eheree.
ion e specetions would not vow have done so tune!) for uS, 4 P03' petb•bor. and 06' OW"
phette Servim 1-aVe uta42.' otttrot-
Y°4 are APPAIA414( an iaspector lieeliett's Pledge is a eaticlual wells ' aa Wally as
pass Ontario Health Laws. Your *ion -whether theylive in Prince led, ever befor, After '4..00 pen., when
whom don't know, aed, in my opin.. *Wein that guerentees to the az,v(i., quiqk as a call to urn postedoor
STNiefficAtiort IA indefinite with re- werci Wand or on Vancouver 'eland. evening race .15egitix yott e44 talk It
geed to fixtures, no plate numbers It takee the financial burdefi tram I -lunched. inilee or raort tor eeeliC,the
and Can`3 the insi:ou- Price
41111k whatever, thtit isny price made would the Provinces re
heve to be the only coniideratil7a a tarteoUs *Mak:40(Q Old Area Pen- NVorres in children, if they he not,
seconded by Councillor Humber, Met The -committee brought in the fol- , take*: the financial but eu o often 'death. 'got tel.
plumber could work to. 51"6 throughout the pf'Y'"Intwl" veciee. to, ettWle eoneeilseins, and
the town MAYO the stands and thee lowing repoet on the rest roommunkipalitiee ,those provittees XeterMinafor will protect t4
the cost of moving fence end stande ter and this was adopted: wnere the local Ge/ernments • 'were drat, from these distreg,Sing ateic,..•
be first taken out of proceeds of both In the matter of plumbing sit resit compelled to peas on frem two- ..,
eitends on Aug. 4, 1930, and that the rooms et this 'waterworks building we fifth* to oue-heit
Race Y. meoeftetiort -- meal read Zuly 17th mid hfre Lee)* letter of Municipalitiea ot Minitel* and ,of , .
balsam. be divided 60-50, with the have considered Mr. Lee's letter ot to munielpelitiee ditect texatien. -etrree,
, 44
that the mutter he referred to the July 4. which was prior 0 asking foz , Ontario know how heavy that
public works arid parks cennmittces, new teaderi, also the letter of John ' burden hex been awl how =telt ilea
Thor finance tommitnee reported Pinder of July 17th and a letter of vier it ix growing. .
18th from Wilfred Donaldson, .jr; Bennott's policy means relief ', •
that ths chairnsen of the Anence cone. July
works coremittemiand the mayor bed from Fred Hunt to de, the work for Tistbeh6ermebei3eireheteiersetahniedett,haftTeviets ,-
rnittee, the *chairman of the public and a, new tender dated July 17th
c, a square deal and equalitY of treat-.
arranged the following terms in cone 8428, and Mr. Hunt's being the only
4 rock crunbinsplant from the Dom- achepted. meof,rictiolodraffkUr old folks in every pari
metiers with the purrhase of the No. rsew tender, we reeorrimend that it be
teak $1000 july let, 1 1; $1000 July agreed upon of the Wellington St , -
let, 1982; end 81000 July lst, 1933; sidewalk
Per oent, until ov by Councillor Bathe, secended
With. interest at 51/4' If ed '
pod, and recommended• that this ar- Y Valle or orse
paynt of 8300 be vend, Aug' eith tosielecied_azdelec mended, and call Your r.eiglibare In fact yoitr
roofing eptime t O.
b ss t tht1114. th0 'Wellington street sidewalk and
You eon telentaine
t-OVirrt teetas to be an arduous, $4.-.1t. ase 3, each telephone will dud for you alinoet
Attending to the us 0 o A, request from. t,jegegeflericheTrot- "
WAS 1%41**,9111$ 4L4uarter'of an
-01 Alidtight lat, Stiday whvu
.anuncit dOldeti eta. it a del.}
hit of tiMo Seemed to be silent
trie.tters Proeedure and Coonf
Builth and Coutteiller Hilrehet
Mere then one ololt,of the °IN
wrone 11."mnot,utrong,” "You'
.4% didn't," kind during t)10 eve
Orwevtr. the eouneil gut Vale:,
IVIMPUg'-vuitters ,nut ut- fite va
least it is t, bo hoped so, ata,
not much wonder it lirtili.n.late.;AO,I,
*ben one considers that. tho coi
undertook to "settle seat quo.
ap.Minigo, oet*.seemee
404 bilMt$ 1114x40414* lkotlisto
• Where 0.-
Bow IliVer Canada boots.
locos* calibre of intestine
The working nuti—the salari
an tatate ? UAW VA11"be atto
or his ,familtt By an inves
• MEW Vlach reinves
are reeeivel regular dividends
Write for bailor pisilicidsre
'There tre -chatter restrictio
Gortnittent, 6.11pettltitiOri 'WM
Uppe V
Aviv.* 441•AjUld_tba_tha
- . •
Heath Auttietides th,
flyl. one °flour
cety.itinit.4 the Special
• at costs and 'anyone anywhere in ths 'world. Tao
Orlt that 4Lk 0.rt $Urprisingly law. .11eibeced
mgen. seenee evening rates begin at7.00 p. )fl.. wed
still lower ttig,z.: ratel aM B.3e---44
St. Georgo'g "Aity.-mc"
e tieeisio*i
eurnene t at
solicitor be `
matter ac- •
'ark for tier
h the Code-
y 21. to 28.
,Auge'e t(,)
of Cauncil-
unciifor Me-
elaita that'
1ponsorett by
Moser that
Er. Zimmer -
e on his lice
iadea again
° in front-
- Cole, Pride
el that the
to attend to
man Moser
n trying to
/ to ehe the
• 1•voiced 4t
- • rtaah *boat
as referred
atoned the
were not
should be
:eroue. On
• Councillor
'eferred to
tee to taka
could not
rsd out the
the road
t over the
c,1,.,1 to the
ith power
in windows
ir and dirt
eYe refer -
he council
its tattier
wrt. "We
' to deer,
'do it our-
. ne, er to
h$,Is the
street in-
ks to see
to know
'that this
t *aid if
the sip.
kft to
ic works
s to ten-
*ad sag- '
• 2 by d*Y
t outfit
trt's gar-
iith woo
Special Sale o
Broadcloth.for Oae Week Only. -
Maio whale cream
Broadokl4a, alifitV Percale*
to:the strive or tioyelty
Ourigu-4*Uts t4Obt Oar
• pretruds,
Etpoite'calior„orta cc�ar
••. attoultcd,' • .• .
Sizes 14 (3 17
Special' Cleirance-
$i 25
f 1111,71,4111.1..1.190
44, (!jAes% IlriadnY for' ' theeeflielanwet ' I
Il_pado_in each packet, x,
-10 105' RER PACKET . A c•
at Drineitta, Groove, cooled -Stares. . _eeete,utS for Tip Tap Tailor*
WRY PAY MORE? , . Moe 384
MS vnulat# fix Papco..Heatageo.00. 1 ,
is the intteral: result oY aperfeetly
0 11 lAttettotattg bcf.,y where all the or -
gam are acting regularly, ;When '
• you putter with headaehes and •
pains' you can tra.e the teem to
heetticcincen 1.110 action of eittl.
er st5ur kidne, lives, so* testincs stomach; Usoallei they ore elege
ged with eliscoseeformieg refuee thet sending poisons through,
your system. Bon -Tone, composed of the time-testett ex-
tracts of fourteen hate, reots, hake end berries, *II not only
cleanse your system thorotighly but wilt also tone .i Get a het -
tie today omd-notice the wonderful remulte of its aia. $.1.25 (3
r 23.00). • , , '
BON.TONB Is For Sale At All nef'l f/ruggists Syerywhere.
• • Or Write .
RiGNEY CO., 94 Academy St.,Newa N.J
OUR 111103 MI wow oak wow' Gushissizavo
(-,,,Leit us give reef sak saillimio sa yew imp.
TAIugoT £ 00111111111H
rii. a , • 1 :, - • -- -
, ••••••----••••• • ,
raitlee To eomplete aCortg-; `heeieh.
was carried. dommIttee had hems Tho Are millentittee reported having
dovnt to the yours& representing the Passeed all simetemodosm for building
couttell, est baseball eh* and the Pertte rotarrod to it at the lett
Redly Aseoclatiella and Councillor roused reeethy.
Itumbee gate it as his opteien that a The sense* west Indo coeneeduat
isoetoli diamond 1* treat a thr men of the winds, to eestelier the natters
gond Wend could Ise need perfectly. of the illonihhig for the rest roam
The Pacing Aeseeletiee west to said of alit Welliaotes street side -
more the oW -Ohba( MOM and *eels. walk
The fel/striae letter was received
frees Hr. Les :
Tow letter of July ilith asking for
Wader* for p. ..p...&4 pleating sad
swerenee se the westerwedis to hind.
ley ender ef Awe 11Ith. iserserdiser to
mode pelbilehed hs the keel sepera,
ewe the Sewed sod amenot ender
weed why try Wend Yds sherds! bp
Weed M. lIbs drewieff ot the
epeoillwilease e esimkete euwoloss
sod diode out eseeillwed an any
pion is ti*.__ far. this week. A
shwa 'two lye *lee HMI Dross. tore
*wee ter the sifted walk town.
Mrs Wee *i mired &mow
*is Irrost.
Mold. out of it and the following
motion* It** :•
Mooed bow Crowd/lees DOH. and
Hoer *het the Trotthise sod Padre
Adoeistion ise granted peaveleakes tr
novo, eld meektuery and kitchen
to tins smith of Ur, 01414! had mat^
b.rttlia stable rat et It. et their
• eireenes. the town stleseleg
Ainsocletion to toe knieher bideteehed
poetic* of lone oldie topsoils the
ereeent silk tidy, the ss to he
the iweeerty of the lamb ad ho, Ire
wiled only et pkesers ef the de&
• wid 1. he wreelted by the edi
pewits deck* fie fhb. sad as or
Mae reseeded the omit*
wee esembeillitit ed
or swap lbws Ofhtil‘ lig 01
elet the won.
Wei polkoltleg the
illeillim""41=111%, 11.111.0111ZIANI04"
•troubled with
11011* on Face
and Neck
lase S. elowthowe Trutt NA+
• r
writest..-00X wea troubled witis belle
" on my fectssed neck dee to the feet
that X had impure blood in sey fele
tem. 1 tried metal kind* of ithelle
chef, which lard no 01tott os *OIL
Finally a' friend recommend.t Bete
doek Blood, Attar* which 'eke lad '
taken fir a flsr blood trouble.
After taking two 'bottle" tny blood
wee ssentpletely *leered, tlik toile
Tiered% 11110114 diseppearol so4 flaw. never bee*
them *lace. X brow
of *otitis:4r to splendid,- or to Wet,
derfil for a blood purifier si
. •
ittee to
by the
-co. for
1 it was
-1 eeivencierie 'POLICY
Ottawa, July 21st (8Peelol to The
Btar/.--The Nations! Old A. Pen-
sion Policy which Hon. a D. tholliett
•II4 pledged, to adopt Alibi the half of
the oast of pensions wow favteeed by
kfackmisie Xing es to the Provinces'
and the muntelpalities to 4)t* /r^sierel i
It means a square des; to the old
folks W104 are ifs want, no dotter ill
whet pert of Canada they Itve., Now,
thooth every Province erect -Metes to
_the Feeley -el revenues whkh pay half
the- oeissioms to the Province/ teed
hive 'brought tinsel into fortes four of
the, greet Th—where the seeds .
of Bee acid an, perhaps gresseea-
love hews wed* to provide the eds-
. sr half of the isseptey and the Motet
- sehulakkettoe. Their aged loci* irs
nereteitosta timorous's., get. nothing
L brat Iltr. eat
t net he tree at Qn.bse, 01 Moo
Brenewlek. et Neva Ikeda and of
Prhses Illiwerd WW1 Net a emit
Uwe the lesedp fat te these prods-
....— J. .. dillead1101.111111.111
.'11P 0411610
ii. .41ilo.
4 . +II
•, VIE * 4
•14 ,14.• gr 4
• 4 1.4.1 *44. 1**44:!11108tOF fira41111.0.
,11 41 0.4 40 or- ••• IN -44 eon.
II II 14 • • ••••..air: •
&alma Baltalo, E or Port StxuskyaCan.
and Criroolat4 Ohio
INF THZ C II LINE he yew host fors dellgtstel nights er
3.• Driver/wawa oft board sod avoid miles end sulks of titi
soidasmy, gen Vshileyon *Arnica a Cia Lint laitaxt, tag alt
she coesions sod meow, of* modern hotl. Coesmodiksos sleeping
goonots. lecellemt dishy room service. Specious cables and decks,
,Oesoderesi lothhi phials* "
=Warbwrorwieirkftibsthitatok1141.p,ta„ Aimee t S
it stalfmthr. weipaafaa10#4. Aaasossfili
— Perrtatialiosyoeftewont Divimodb
Pr.114•444t. • r,.....4•04,,e
, • •'4
t 0" Aka44