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The Goderich Star, 1930-07-17, Page 7
no no. 0-a4ale tan, Ceemenit. ask wi. an► .sal; the Gaal • al"` "�Oq"�M I iaeiak+ 9. >1<- ZUNI root Jvi.i T. sonde the future ew R. hos the i..eeert '-TMiosssl► Leasco reesi ..tMMoe t;t1-l1. "'by lsope;. oho tondoisiseo let nothing t+ '* xrxt-issidk 1it< hakeFrom a book entitles "'Tisa RUIN - All row mysterious shall los ba igbt i moitmtine Wools,* of 'Thoby at last. tiono a limthesos,, 6x10." the fdbrr- Be still. my soul; the 'wave* ono I mg is oatherwed .boast D.horak. She winds still know lie tho only woman, iu the Mir oke; His voice Who ruled therm while He Is placed.. at the height of political dotest below. fpower by the common consent of her ltatharina Von Schlegel. p fronto. Dthsr fsntaiea •havli rrlin►rd 1*11AYRR woo* ss D000tah--but: not by the oo votos.,'of the people. Jezebel reign - Rear J who our eraven e , 0 (hodveo":t furo 1 ,, At/oafish ' rSIRnad; but their aei�ao u and who arta. seeking day by day to etre was unity. with haattrod kr reflect Thy glory, Stand by the tthe community. abet itot hhi lav« misationaries of the) Cross and. wo like Elizabeth Lot ee bemoan through their miznixtry draw num de#otl' :in too hoot dinstance been ix. • aching and weary boorte to 'Phil*. tiding' to their de helm 'Debo this e d siting ' royal line.',; Bat Deborah had ... ._ meth no royal lineage. 'She was the wife a of an obscure man. She was 'drusen in spite' of her fix., im *bite of her quiet life, in -am lige whet)iron might ',hove been suppa,seti to 'v jyS .W.. etK.10.1jtpvtJflrclusf „ 8ACXACH[ VA sonli trrit. a logit �a1t foci. tfri a au.'t 4 reroseeiat. Steiol at 'sow toot SVVART8 1110` 1111 J1af33 Liner flak �tebzes, Eta.. NMontreaal Site act Nit ori the Squats S,SYEOA1: Flint -CLASS AUTOS.RRBADY, .fOlt bf'I'YICE--'•GET YOU A'NYWHRIRE Attu Wi1TN YCU won TO'GET 7,aERE 'tS1xe»e•y trtcet atll'7'ralaes Mad - f,arsseti et .oats p'isronzers coned tor in;`s,t,r', sti▪ r' %Pit of the town for- all • trains at a f. T. P. or C.P.:1 . , ` . t►epatati. lb''rin pt Service and . Careftl .Attendance. `' a?airr Llv'terY *illy iMac* Ser'vlc. T, a iota. , _ M +$ -tion eta;#+r::;. ler overv• Y or Patronage S91CIted '-T S] hone1( ' t 7 ;, ttltsaoi>tt•eal Street Ove oiled physical giants. -pan ' *se of true ty.. attr selection is One of the greatest tribv;:es erverrpaid to the intellect of woman, Before she wa3.chosen as a judge she had filled the olkcre of Iiropite- tess, Certain flours of the daY she wags to be Pout . under .litho ' palm tree- butweeni 1tuliaah and . S3'ethel in Mount Ephraim." ; ilero 'she ini. strudel all' who soughtliar counsol -snuk;s to' the Sonia •the wurels' of 'Gadd.: iShe was a rifted woman --- wont= ettdotved''not only with earn. _ nnonoenoo but with that which is sups. posed to he• its apsposite> --th - spirit; of poetry (chapter :»); K In °today's' lesson Dcboralt IN seen in tho po11 N.i;:np sphOoe ,1'1I . Twat; lite%,'wives tons hoist', -ren alike, Wer) being Iualtrootod by''rt' noighboroo, foreigner whbo hod 'settled in "the alticlst ' 'r. •t ho ' mightily oporeooed oho :ohildrett• to of :''steel." 1 ro'mt the slug off Do. I�efir flow week n b h 1 h$ 0 9 tieptet>uber, the ? �1n4 G►prt axe lurgestunziu:eaxtinu in die world like! a bare not. sofa,: 'r` to d` .. lteithcr. Were, children left untn. les w lad b alt e e ant"' the noun •4' I R t tfcltts; Drage oto niftcgntandolOversi- T£.tlip figur ebov'e onoted are oar. litQrt'.' Peale iemt sect ,haw' ea M`essvi, Xing, Dunning,: It a Ono t fu1 y sot - ,�....... t Wad brat I`t f d 1' uG3rt�'15rt#taT *S }i � ofthorn and 'for tnven Y yearn ast Mies .T .ww.'W`�r. Panorama o rfl�a and Portrclying �d tondo,. room A A A ' •(5).,,p'.* Meet? art • donor y o dot late ai:"tgzcri5 k'in August and , . 'eo'lh t; from the, People of , tlntarto alit' ' the Conaervativo Government of I'yxoniitar:..'v'ar.. nrd b'prnruson' during his.sttvott aa Plat* ern 09nwOw at lbw Ism lam, Z ��*_ t: xs, LOU (» �a 7w j ,Wpm,.,, Aar the aetth. tp ,oaf Jaeeeha ' Melee** moi t s loosed et tasmtiea ris � D� two Tsws'e. is Par- aiba Clinks I 111ta NTito is rivOlt for glome. Will Mr. Slag dare to. a the . one of two of his moot promise*, .lt[haMtturs >« i 1) R Geyetliinent due its eight anal a half yeex* ash. mluistratiea has eolloctid from. Ontario more the, all pre d- Ing Conwrvative Goverrnn.nts a i(inrlpding Uaiop) tow: food during thele total thirty»Rye years 1* oMee. (2) x'he 1Cigg Goveritmint during it,t eight and a lialf� years itt Mike hats collected from the people of Ontario ' in taxes the su14 of $1,040,071,200, whilst , ` the total '*mount* eolleeted by j the Conserva;tve . 'Governments of Sir John A. Macdonald, Ab. •ott, 'Thompson. Bouch. Tup- per, Borden Mid Me£gheu• ds� • mg a... thirtyfive . year period was $1, ,8tt3.'16 : " 1) Tl i* •King' KGovernn ant has' collected from, the people 'of. Ontario, 2318,437,183. - .more 'NUS ins eight years than tho people of Ontario were asked to pay: under ° Conservative government in a ;similar eight year period from 1814.1922 by the Governments of Sir Robert Borden .and 1;Ionorable Arthur <' Meighen. :) '"Thu King Governutent•.has posers on. the hood of every 0ntari0 family of live ti •total tea,, levy in . ei ht /carat a $1,- 4600 against the Conserve- t.ive's levy, of $1,0710.00. during he eight' years before the King reginru, RR rti we learn the ia,turc of }tits op. # C root 1 $03• 1=1 Life nut safe. The Israelite Was -hunted av111.be in.pxbga'ess« ` Women �verc e s, is r ui n s attrac- 8 ... loos etiilpcttl itvcr dollars. ^ g,r s who went ' Bowen to ;Barlow' water dtnho mut 1Iod; t tat toot fie `lard >t: every q len a wars., administration 'tr.' Ring rte ate > w..s: the d etim xla<. patio!), over *limo e ' : _' A b I deft pelma cs t ee 44EMO ptfi7t. Then .,,.,„1,11 _ � P� a1l � ,. VS. , she ossa' by a steam' of ar {tory'. a_� X _- for the sake, � tuei ttattnd_ctrl sti ax Ill S2nturia. tr'-'19 0. .�. Canadian t tIi ` that lir E tunubla to think ':iaiiPt 11 g stroce,sful and' i.os r CiJ.1�'4lV>t a . 1Ti's tvltal� � ler ,us c . Wilk v s1t. is � lit .err atilron trit:li 1 ' most t . • thatae Kai lT ve %iattiri o {�tmtattt'h;;ts xodu��;:tut+s cansialax>ttton..,;ift - ;vus.:ttnt,:-rt wkttb ,axe tts sauna tuclaY ;u� tltc.y.a • anal •... . oval .th, ; 11$41111' o : e $ . tvpro fife -tavo . nrsa n ,� f 'pltrit Y Yp 6� p xu is tit: , lute of t tip. . ,,1� a as Etchla rtitnistelriror ; sll ssaY$t !T --oracle a' mdtlter. in I.ra,•1, , "'""'- t- yearns, Aii5 e the e Y t o to n P a a the e h h _� a< . �.� � - Ulm is C)x E s of � AG .--.---.,.., I 1n r a u t. rx brill -teat, � the icing "Of' 'Canaan' ifis a' fur 5 When is of e rat C; d. M ' r+iti 3 In P� Odor Car&..Do,et "Cut in One of the greatest dangers on the highway is the driver who Willson �� other cars when there is no apace Zr him in the traffic line *bead. if he should meet a car g in the ' opposite direction, at crash follows -with injury to persons ce cars. It's* good rule to keep in line, unlebrl you have a clear view of the road ahead, and thew is a place in the traffic line which you can reach before you nwet on -roiling traffic. . Don't be .a'nuisance by''tcutting ill". it is discourteous to • other drivers and crcates,n+eedlss danger. You may have a crash .. and even i%0u don't, you are liable to a tine under the Highway Traffic Act. •�6 The gel/stone o Safety n u on The King's' Highway send all other roads and *hallos one Olin GEO... nit it NATfONAr. Y - r or u ac d # t t +mC d tho , 'VOYAGEURS.° h a u , a ax � p .ora t9f fftte Y t? 1tO tote . A market e rot o s ' 1.1 >r, ft 3 ,i tka ' f e goods' bout• a h and g tw O .fie: , d de sB� loch �r m b lc 1 r rot d g W ari:� v S � .. th lash; ash' 1>e h si r 1 tier a3ylti 'a ng the' au' grayel damaged:the da ri* industry. Iixatp tion, of nue • farmers -tut' l £not is, eluit v "N11en Alleve £s .11 surge 'laacly Of �y M ntptr. will strive ' n levo t. urine . 'e germ; pxey%rtS. �n an - �� ewutig oma ata de >ar b'xougttt dawt► '�; upon alto-4.4 yltaas, o h . 1118 Ttud t. matt r r her mens front its, da s vv111; ,llc 1144c'et t1+" 'ltnysa. of Comntanar ,, a of apaso iadr • �' pmt lY. aSiseraat , "rnubt� 1�ia 'elle '! Y on the firs . ,: , His New a NT?. question :.. I ., . i< �t,Ma .le. „gold, ; a .pati rich kreaty paisVery 9 n af the t1aY IS nal ` iiT-. Ivo. shall. have nothin to fear. t ta' r �.j HEPEOPLE'S S'tTYRE et*.1ave• . oat • .: � � ani , , . .. . � , . » .re- . ar r erre* . . o colts . $xI ;ono fart' x �, I s n* p Y lar the f armeeraaou • ohm ry ld Y e, "., _.� its, d %eget*" ' , pf a that- 's ore ' est 1 ..thtp :pt atpo of ' fO ur t It is O s the 'Government pr s tit's, Ito non* P o nut" at ha t We, h p e A o � tett at' Y o tt tai leers, thtt the d R .,_ . e sword. or s argent stag 1e: stage!' that" Deborah Thuhr iiary and 6t*It ba44., m lud}tiM`t a 'evert • e> i',u', on's£d iayi that. this treaty Wilt lie' br at»'} 'kt ti. 'Than sunt°ee t'. vessel' ' xnd ' aid of Barak. �5he'. Ait•C:4NA1)A'l' 'l 1xJ11 v:e resent sd,.`,: 'vigorously Iwill (blies not ,0g p logon pf p -e or 1�Vltetttluatti rot .p verretha fixe. e n > "dealt otort,''3�ou lea. ow rs d RI s . ng is xeturaned 'ta )Oo'tkpr that he see ' confidence restored rlej>res% for Pietrici want•to go. down. til, este' p fighting Koen w R 4 txit'ln, the stroke 8l 11°t'' ► at ci hoed btptt% ."0 y ' rtefar Itot.nt• Ori@f .-nut the New Zeatiattlt � son c1ispeI1ecl, and- •t'he °coijntry. +� tlkto $osrcT,'..' a the 'Tagt#f Advisory treaty onto, • ootco, a oirt7 lit %f • 'prosperous. told content d"$ u andw lbc KiVeak fly ":: f .talo ha»�k. pi.; r.5ix,: c t � iijO 111a o M ren t?ax?te i arse ,tet°t+iit+es lee ila g l '1st -,_ • • • - +, z :. t A > r 4, '.. ta, 1 went +s 1st -Of Erittol( rorinctsr lair pl way ;With ver31 tion lio$7.ott The. 'omen cries .toad.:. Iacsr».yousri>e' 3r.2,ocW-Val Elllt . g.. t t* .ta. OW 'that' arra a It 1i Y cJf alt m rt r , butt your o 000t �ntians 'ha be t ai d Cartrtoo (loos .not. t buY from Bre- tet uh apt back to tho sound d . pot; weirli+ad' moat . : n , iso vend• -.strike the Qpinxpssor dowi' CHC>R";18te1"i c"cert"billE 23' ,,r at£u to a mei m ken . rixtGiule of the National aead�. 2,tndb.' ... vt;�Eu11r► uI!d %'utter'«o have; an them nt Y' elf the 3tiathrat t 1 polio$7. � • x'ir'ite the urian with '1aaSp£tatapg heart -all- . .:. h �:tuntry. Mx Ri h r.:e d C� l; O' ngs Tseri e . _ tr he d--cttttW-pt'apa�a het^' �rt`ilua , wn .d o allot re that. it' xs' ,. �r ttal?!s os�. but the hoe bride as out of is ti alaaartethtira,g: which Only .a florist who is atttt•aatrt`iat ,ran rirrange' amardingr to her. cortume and the, grate uir the brldc.. All, this, con .11.E stone by - • txarufrtdoue A 11uae1' . n erent• d foots "'"tis+wets ng a� said or th exs, . n tahnot. go ;ating...he u: mast d t!I sled cort7, ,ie tele, .nf "senalo. told's." which,: would novo f :Un a cloyment ,o n for dome with isnot '}io svo?rlao .',ous£ pit200 nCIud' $5,itO0.,Fu ono P0000 .he' sold. "ar'e'ttnfi as p ..eat, e . b P f,. riwlon; � �- �t►% w lash, the ,relief of.uttem layntettt to :aa rsr "' o des,. l bl to as coon.•. virnee .bonder Toro' .gmretgtmt+ tt. .tititna . . ltioll Yeit luso . & fe is t et e ,,pitorjoofagdaoolot oorheaswim; Coe n,vono' .Sk s . i 4t10uatTar'► %o oto oil#--uoit• hl' tO othirik itlo limit l` z'ti4scfr soda of your vieto l"' d stance, 1 tttuclo and el£tn ttrtalsio a}o think *yr t£otitallyt ' onabti 't?l'Tror� foOlni les. ',It-M.40o ` p0,no , ' " .' etn%rgeatt',00 ltteE't . F es,« r go; lfnoflYi'ti-lYttat�' ' pr to be the w*ometes Te _ "mit Flu.--...l,md; a><Tiar x_ r tK Res, irtatt £s' Unfit for his a " ,h: shall at staeleee dsilf.: ' as iisurml." bdr' H>tra.:, e"li iftpd lriii .of :zea't bnrrl start s r _ _ p mt+nsh£n at Qt awl; the batfilet-field to . ntttii tx ;'d' t, 1n osrtde. 1r!oun6' . Witii' 'lint folio it ago Ikti. T hole is now nuts iniiisa frantic sst..; Intl D'• 0 > io Ole otacrdvaiaao net tariti'�a, in sells of-rrdtttttlYlep. lath'. teanist' tr, ,gin to 'T9 0 elect Qla 'hair`. � rah arose, maid vi+eot►t'vvlth T(,ir'+ittiai�iser'fwi!�.Rzlril,itkw-1►r1on� t+otda.rtrrtl �alimatt;'r were;;nd�ted, and ;deaiaang hotness# ,au'ii.tn: hSs'nw:"t ='^� halal ta: ,T,toaleeli: x qh :oho bis. of mock* r, .. inge . it itis'. ,Thr n: o d . s the Ktsiitaat• thele fight and rov,trt^`_ .�,,h it t�. r. peec>l aio o'C'' Genaieri�ati'va ntylitay. ' rho a of the C praudiy.. aiitiaoieylilnG: .< a uaatt£xe are anrlihi • 1;ARRIS ` e.- therm As a h9.bit' anf his rine Yottxe 'inf Neer 1 i era -urin rir>".: uroparl ottetitats to littrmotni tlr ti. ., of• d. Dai At:'i, h' spine sArtte "tatlaoa5 F: , Xing said,' P1eIU@r►t' hL his Rw1l,r+ne"+ar'la foie*. • �'pV« ANS TE/(.4 , bps woulli "vre£itiire : aye .. • o, t P. ,k„ iia _ .. ' ' „ , t0 .. 'y, there'aleve>~: ino° wilt h,3 •t � r nn,...f..: titter, Ya ; sties `+t y `IT of ,got'+ 7`nett' D+elftirab '• y �.t* otttlraerrdtnaaaer T ttR pTe a " liut"Ygtti`'at; ttlb w#lir 'h+4e 4-': r41 >r'had bost,roytcg+nwwrda , t`1t iks stn, tint r,r\tttll3nt' ..-3 0., taorinmocll i t/ ttIIVIIi«; tsp ere utast .Arbon 'toe p'too •7�'aradp' Weataerhers a id ulovm ant end of r ' 6 the jogai* he results of til 1 l kited. grolee the i''nlr,i,. e Broken ' is sword of ;Sig- era,, itattcred : is hit .ahipld. Re ' is. d_. mountu . from his chariot, and ;ruins ...-runs. 'for dear fifes ,• Gcnsv atAti algoo, �nusn ..'nresew,tnd ;tri. Any.' #fltrlta'Otinit 'a Will Olt `do; in him' Ho,+ -y a.� �ti9 , We still need:::. , for,'►tutlse't which waw t ,e"r su t . f 'rote ,,f ' , b ' n t lwrlah aruett"' ; t, �, t . 1. *yf. more, tet. tl+rt ?foist,' n»„n i n„hn dr,� .R,i l= , s #itriJaaT',9r1t1,,�fcta:3les rilir ;'Welt:, . - .borough. and 'mtttu'rc .eons£deration, : Tas3«,' "1F '' 'hi a Ni'l'e., si.: • 1ttrL� Rtrr..trit `#tsraoia.t a .a Mr; heti .. ova :. : len.',i - i t a of . nth eo ti N ,y het t:tw.: , • - . -.... ,r :: • . : {$ k` . t htcve a., :very 'lave t s not �t to ""` *41 +., n. nue :to, otound..until Worms osPtlt tttxen h 'atthtd •' ergilit 'bi thoi eehli vi e' the veto t ti+rlr +'tit.',tro4'1'9°1'1°4+sno'tea , lot ,, alg-. , ,. .•.,.. � , , � . , ' *, ` �!, ,lotto rtaatJt � ...x11. rise sin )yii�' �rver.: And de. dexlnine • the .vptal£tY of . childa:en. ars of hoz► �(a'ttyo l?ketvnttCe if 7ttn. lit-. ia!�► p1Pa� ri ?Nil 711'r,.tiot�l � l�t� � �_ a .vr amendment to the. 1? i 7 at ne .. 'L�` e 11�rlrA is Y throaae iniquity v+hach is: eating. Soren ;ivn thein . b fleets that' h' r31 is dmaaaes,int�* xt h` thea a , idea. yno11tg Mother , . they' . helae.�ve hoar o think of his uttl rinz+ A f, QUICK ��o , hon° ellerttic vralcr�tcim' Cleaner rattlioveS the dust; . a brnoni , t just mov , the' Boost. Vic . guarant alt, 11 y d r tt „ Latttps for ii$06 �haour's. Wilk fit and' See display at dr very-- lraart of our Manhood land Graven x►rya raprirnrtoar, tc►:: lie Ve change of front Over .setuonall tariffs * 1 '�' ate"'.'htfnra> ,d nvords OA ti;,-a;i1 h - Kout tho Paras t +vett the result £ lith tot' •� J vcrtltnan end, 'WORLD MISSIONS China. Testing'' .els - ' Just . ', now i - hin at the is a rorig': anti-religi a �xeeizng, espe» cJolly tinning the oath of the eoun \ toT. All religions e e suspect aas sav- rutg of trot titian, not only_flutli- tiisnita,'bt3t�'agis t, Euddhi m, Con: fueianistu. - and all: reiigiotts. .. ey,.. ore all being tried • in the tiro. ` ",ill `they obe' found wanting/ 1 think -undoubtedly Confueitrritsm, . Taoism. ltd Euddhiein will. Whether Christi- iantty will also be- found wanting des, 1 think, lOrgelY on. us re•• pmerrtatives of 'Christian Tonds who dwell in China; and it aepettds not ase much on what we •say or prcaseit • `_mos' an our. actions ',dud lives. Mins. in�, although' Chriastimi ecotyverts' tiro eo•mpirrettivply few, there to Un- doubtedly . a ' very .teat .intere,t in tho porronaality of eauts a Christ and t • I :ut /17o i 'taste 1H422' o t rttet.,./74 tt is trt•.41t liGtr,st in Vie:rotted:" cool . 11r as':as tttho.e p.:of«e. �,tp,;'.os ca ' 4$41,,1O.Ottor.11titi AVOW,i« c. A intot"so ;issues. 15ubit fro 'CANAu AN NA ZONAL 11V. TIN SERVICE to TORWflO, UA/Di' 1.3XCEPT SIINDAV tt.. ovd +Godetiolt' 0.20 ti.tti. R.15. p 111.4 Clinton 0.44 t ni, "2.45 pan:' •' 8etkfortiz 6.59' ,a -,t 13.03 p.m. " :'itxitoholl, 7.21 'a.m. 4.30 pm, , rrive Stratford - 7.40 a.m. 3..384 polo Kitchener 41.40 •teat. ' 5.18 Nu. " Guelph 9.07 A.M. 5.44 pito , " • Toronto -.10 25 a.m. 1.40 pain Act Urn. altah53iifYrv. o'n. ttTdoGr:.oGii"top.,a7eou47. ,lytrlor Cafe Cor t;odetieli to Toron- to est ntot,titin -train, and Toronto t0 &Aerieh' on 5.05 11.m4 traria No eloinge of cora. betcwoon. UotlOrich acrid Toronto. J'... A. LAt' 'Rtb1(34 • 'own 1'asoonger cud rheirit 8' Tid1:oi ,1s,'ete, ... _ tea..,.. ukd": Not Sleep Nerves Were So Bad wxs. Ater, Cloudier r Pork Takeo OaL, writes:- "1 was troubled with my mines, tout l no sleep at night, *ad 144 week shell. ever"' morning. X Was advised to- try Wilbuta.'e fteart ,ands Nerve" Mille, and aftr-r tsking ane box i eosin found tho rrrak trolls Lad diooppeoarer't And x toad sleep better, and after ta'ktsg all bores }: was completely relisoed of my trolls sad t*eld do my ono Erb." rl'�1� r aN VIII Sete at all drog.aed trtroaral emits; or mailia illopito n> f prior %,,T" 1]cd 14. MOW* Go., Lett t4t. Out. , i e 0 Orota gh land tua- it oho ' A:. MacoltiMalda in 18/4. emu of Niue `era Ago Comes True MAW oicttxea' ;Mae the i~tettatawerst mit[ at I'ti lector ito t uraffrsate1 In the r-ist/t evert sir tuts Meuerr:s!' llart'ieur' Ade.tes nitro Ir creases !Seerthe atraetter rit;o➢iet of the +Jhrl:,A ti'c:7of the new or,e;e atOlgistettaysirgtho GtfJJlitot8 of thellioltieistion. ' In 1r''-3lsb , to of Montreal thea me of a 'brid�-c o Ian tit Etr•'rl•&ur v, tlt the corlamtinit~'t`s 1•f the booth Shore. >''�te �h+y then a'rlertrlt M'dAtilrtt; on which tow rstatttla th0 aru3agnni3cen>✓ a!ttrttettire knola+ta to tD, " three generations hattet as tint Monttesl'Tabour fridge. bifida" Se ci el ed ata tray llitli,1330. ' • The ainit3A IS essilte.Ps1rr gas.Ialtir ha the foreground Is ty ions di the resin of ! Barnette. t ft day, f©r i it woo not till 1680 that t etrtefixttt wars installed in the Iforl:r;'air of Montreal. T'odaJ tote dream ofe'.stcty yeatto totooisroof irrdintthe brii-,ssioof "net.clefts'bfinest traanxnt!lnlrritxttlllo1Ctafifitntoend bnl incetieg-ofilvnrinatcd by 1235 -one thousand ertndle-enrol fneandeocent; rlectrielamps--etotsi etIca,0a0 candle -rower. laps' ill Plans for this unique installstiera went iieeila'ned by the engineers of tlx Il '1? E;r omni son in 1 1113uasetieu toast , niongnst}oa engineers of the Nortbeetn Electric Company LI itcd. Jr ;. For convienincomic*" 1 a Laino t,. rem1. -c i ,!r* fir' ti erl� ��*;�.'rtilt,r.ilt+>yj 't,r�:i'il ,I,Y a DMus' S erac,tu jir"the tjtl�. Tomtit ' PLAN. A 'LONGER STA '--A BANFF 1'i ski, estr Settertpn s.T,. THiS•YEAR , , ;'summ Deily iwl' id z to �` the Cenadiar •.Ro 'c�Ct'Cii , , '1+'131 b ° nt. urge,lnt.cait. ;unifies Y-lllvr. . CIgery ' s : , �. sats ..ee: Through the Canadian, -Rockies , Vancouver ' ,'�. 9.00 o.m. light. ; , .' EQUiftMENT All rkcping tar tester dirt.: (ngcor,women'xloI, .nd beth/ mens beth, tmokings roams buffet/ ,obscrvetld/t Iounge1 aol"eritim, "V414/'-' ind x stry .: Open obscrw ear bdwe :I CeI e y KImIoop3. • /a%1% r ClOORRICH t... fN SERt/lCE' EPT 27' AiNgm 0 is J. itliw ..411,17t11ti :slit t :A.termot1 CANADIAN PACIFIC ,r.t.nYi FEDEFAil� A me fast, t lough train to the 'Walt fear in _Toronto baily at 99.90 Re.m. Torr Minaki, \Vitthlreg,13randon. gina, Sttatkatoon, Fdinottaton, jailer and Vitaeouter. EOUtPMENT ellotc�peei (','slat' cheat Oh. secvtation' -- t ilrary-Iieiffct ('tor with Vadetfervicei taituter1 qr ingCsce, `varlet Sleeping eery, Car anti Ccsaatcht e. Atry Algia 4 eariailmo rwaysulna kit you mereea»wt fadia.rt ulnas TOP*?Palt ttiutIR IN CANADA