HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-17, Page 5�rnd� &j4ffrrnoonLUAU Comidat. Ont. still. my meal; thy Ged debt un-' To un- dertake future as Re hes the Tby hoopt y canfidenee let .nothing All .now mysterious shall be bright at last. Be still, my soul; the 'waves and winds still know His voice Who ruled them while Re di pelt below., ` Katherina Won Schlegel. PRATER Blear our prayat',, 0 :clod, for all Who here given their lives to Thee and who are. seeking day by do to retie, t Thy, glory. Stand by the missionaries of the Grass send through their ministry drew many gelling .and !olio hearts to Thee. Amen. KIDNEY TROU, B L E estc,E9A((ACuE VA SHED ',I fl CJs"', Theme* write k14se1 #*d : ms.ronsupstieeindientiore� _iM�Jc ( �( eche mid 'overnishtx,th rrt4:',[•ttro4�. !TI porter uitt, b00aslslap tt 9nee. n' cit w.tleve trots 'SWARTS' tl.t} Q fllid Ji k33.Liiierj flack *Stables, Etc. Mastro*, ,Ste. liter pd' the Square SEVERAL. FlRS": •CLASS .AUTOS litAfY FOR SfttVIC —GET YOU ANYWIIDIE MW 'WHEN YOU, WANT TO GET THERE ennesee Meet ell Tetthts 400 'I'siillenucr hall peeeengeee celled Ronin nosy. pert of the tow►ifur 'All irsiO4 tit 0, T. It; or C. 1'. R, ieeiiots:. col pf service and. are(tiI „Attendance, Out' •Sevety: rind t'1tackk Veering wilt'' be Mooted up-to-d*t. In every reepeet +�M Veer Patronage SoIlcited dl . A'RTS 4)11000 '1117 Moctreal Steele ro, pEtrtzs sroie, 1 -AW electtic, Vacuum eleancr just Mov,cs: dud.. Lampi for 1:- Soo lours - :AIX in, and, e display at e Sore. riurs it iti:,taaoroligh/& valet ,it eft B. le L88$ON FOR JULY rIth. 91St ' Llamas Letiessi -J et1-16. „olden x it «-d.riik 1+11:4 l FM* a leek entitled • lee User +(herr.} Matheson. U.D. t u i.1iow- sag se gathered *beta Deborah. Size Oe the tatty woman in the Billie wko is pieced at :the height of political newer by the cateniun cott.aet of her. peAople. Other femalee ,have reigned resides Ihreorah--bu, not by the votes of the people. Jezebel reign- ed, Atbalialt reigned; but their eat- pire was regarded with hatred by the tonammnity. Evan popular sov- tesigas like Rll>rabeth OL. England have in the first instance been in- dtbtee to their descent from the ex- leting royal line. -'But 'Deborah had no royal lineage. She was the wife of an obscure than. She was chosen in spite of her seg:,, in spite of her (mitt life, in an °ace Whe men might. have :been Supposed to Haves Selected physical gimes -Han age of cruelty. Her selection is .onee' the greatest tributes ever paid to: the intellect of wwnan. Before she wee `elitism as .a Judge she had. filled the erose of prephe-, toss. Certain hour... of . the 'clay she was to be found under "the palm tree between- Remelt end Bethel in Moans • Ephraim.' Ilt;1u `she in.., strpeted, all who sought her counsel. .- -ceche to' the Teeple the Weeds of woimtn ndowr d nett onldy* With a o monsenra "but -with that which is stip- Need to L. its. apposite -the: epi'rit: of poetry (chapter ,5),, • Ine•toduy's 'lesson Deborah is seen in the '',pol,t.f . t1 ,sphere,. The Isree• titian, wives end children alike, were being maltreated by a neig3t'bor;--.•0 foreigner who : lied. settled in edge midst at theta ;and "for twenty y�ettrs: he' weightily" o" •v""A 14.4. _.,t-,,. . �'-of ''•e el." ler iterazii we .Ietarit; it?es'dee:n Life' eat safe. The .. like a here, neither were ,cl ed and the :y, dowrx to draw; were .aesailed It wee'. brutali aeitagbtutnl., tut parish ove the ministerin' says.: PI tiros Srserat, the ea the kink` of •J germ • ,Preying, faihily, :Sisera Hee.love denian ;lathyseries for It . is at this tisk§ the aid of ,want to.go-do flghtrng •: woman given '..by ;, tames and teee The .woman •' er bend land strike the man w $fivers, "I canithuo come .,Y#1,,,:.inet '"Will you alio b`redit. of• your in ablest', `term oUY,• 1•dare snot'' ;cries, "i will to be thewo man iii unfit fo the battIe-field! "Arid Deborah Barak' to, Reties the Welton. the. 'ranks of tile • l*.ted. Br'o1cez4 era, slrnttered' .i mounts from h ernes for dear' . Wetid1 need tta !ks abroad let sfnr. etriveiti +'; of Deberah, °o mein Obeli rise. throneiniquity the 'very heart womanhood. WfIItL Chinon .u';4'1;.; now : in• ttroug • a'nti-rel ciitllyt' among t All religio tiring of supers tiiati'ty,; bet -Ta fuc anisrn, and are all being 't they 'be found undoubtedly tied Buddhist() tianity will al depends', 1.tlii. prest1.ttettivee o {swell in Chin+ ea intteh on w AZ ell otic 'a `Oeina, altlioub are eomparati fdoubtodly* it• e the p :raoitalit CANADIAN SER " Clinton Seafoetl Eiteherver 840 aari. 5.18 pare olletaruilige-Leaee Toronto 7,50 zian. Patiov Cafe Car Goderieh to Toren. (1,4 Elamite tealue and Tekonto to feederieh on 5.55 p.m. train. No S. A. LAWRENCE. then Ticket Agee. COold Not Sleep Nerves Were So Bad Mrs. Alex, Clenthler Book Lido, Osee writtemee "I wee troubled with*lity nerves, cotdd not sleep .at night, and had weak emelt e'reri motniug. t wee edvieed to try Milburn,* Resat arid Noted 11110# and tater teltitig one box mon lotted iho week 'pelts lute disappeeteel end T towel aleep better„ and after taking air boxes / was completely Mileved. of my trouble Mid eteild 416 xny 61fA Week.' 'Pries II a Mold at all ants and general !Orme or mailed &mat es menipt, pxibe by The T. Milbank Cee .(.4 Panorama Brilliance and tondos. gendial�- ale Owed& nag and Om the past bre as abr. Mirkagiven am few K dame tee erethe Will twee el two of his a premised (1) Tia. Wag Gowirs wet dwrdag its eight and a half years ad- ministration hire collected fray Oetarie more time all Peeved. ins Co aervative Government. Onehadlaer Valoa eo.abined derivVr thole total thirty -Arne Years is oate*. Th. IUs G.v gement during its eight sad s half years in office hes • chested from the pesum off 0i6,1171f °Merle r,100, taxes whiilst the total amount" (-oilsated by the Conservsertve Governments of Sir John A. Macdonald, Ab- bott, ^1•hompeon, Boodle Tup. per, Borden and Melghen der - leg a thirty -flys year period was $1,006,883,167. f ei i) ; Thea • Rini iGavernment ha: collected from tke people 'of Ontario, $818,437,483, more :taxes is eight years than the people of . °nterro were asked to. pay-underC nservattve government in a similar eight - year period from 1914.1922 by • the Governments of Sir Robert Borden and Uonprable Arthur Meigben. (4) The Ring Government has iia• posed onthe head of every Ontario family of live' t+. total tax levy in eight ye*re of 11,- 462.00 'against the Consery e- tive's levy of $1,073.00 during the eight years before the Bing regime. (5) 'For ever ane dollar, of. taxe.g; ems bath James tensides te Per- Alroree hik Lit CA NADA 1 .Don't "dos In Ow of the greatest dangers on the highway is the driver who insists on peeing other cars when thee* is no spaos kw him in the trail%) line ahead. If he alsouki asset a car coming in the opposite direction, a crash followsp—with Wary to persons or It's a good rule to keep in line, unless you have a clear View of the road ahead, and there is a place in the traffic line which you can reach before you meet on -coming traffic. Don't be a nuisance by "cutting in". It is discourteous to other drivers and creates needless danger. You may have a crash . . . and eYen if you don't, you are liabCe to a fine under the Highway Traffic Act. 411 The Keystone of Safety on The King's litglaans and all other roads and streets CARE COURTESY SENSE Safety ee 'Annie. omens :ere • MAW 0,0tv.te eh 'the rtettehetet 'vs h311 !t lookedl , lot we. It% leeel the, people of Montreal dretimei of a bridee irdn tete her1.3our *eh the eommunities of the South -Shore. cehe site they then *fleeted wee that on which now stencil the etee,nitieent atruetere known to use three generetione later, aa Mt* Montreal Ilsrbteir Bridge, officially eeered on May 24th, 1930. The Nino* esaskasawai sae lamp in the feregreand is tyriral of tbeerientlie derknrse t4 lie day, fo it wee tot till 1880 that *kettle light wag installed in the Harbour of Montreal. Today the d room of ninety yearn le? 365 one thousand reedier -pow* ineandeerent electric Unto --ietotel of 16,1,00 t andle•power. Sptelel leents for this unique instelladen were deefrted by the engineers of the ileiboer Commiseion ifs conjunetien vtith., BilireTheliOrt eftlifteers pith* NOrtherrt Merino Company Limited, 1314 itre a.4 L. ound today we they. i Iscaflorli aherl lucved6t fpl 01 loret be:iinea rweg. oet etood :;:nrd... ty•two yore ago, - rove, the itiTiner„ Will leave 4uestioti of the dee.. 13 the ttion of our farmers—aud , That subjed wisely and fisiv ,dealt with, you will let us net hawk to. the eound with veeillation anti eection- ie 'National Policy. eate 11 pm, , Daily eine Winnipeg realgary • Weadings The bride tan prepere her wedeln% t 1 gown and be sure thst it is pareeete ., but the bride's, bouquet is tertnethinet 'Whit% only a florist who is a* artist, ,e421 arrange leecordieg te her entitles end tho grime of the bride, AU. this. eart be done by - GEOZigtiiigiRT hong* 1 Bruce S 1 E D iN 17'4, SEPT 27' For convenience and.travel comfart' .. will serve you for the tselfth steson. pLAN A LONGER STAY AT BANFF THIS YEAR . . . summer social.censt of;.. the Canadian Rockies ... and Lakei. Louise, only' Forty miles away. . • [rough the Canadian Rockies in cl.,sy. EQUIPMENT Ali sleeping car &sire din - log car, womenatoonse end bstie teen's i smoking room? buffet observation eee Kamloops, , ,....q. 1.,Arifiiiirmarigitimr, 1.4e* s • :ANAD1AN PAC F IC IFEDEFA A fine, fast, thiough traitt ,to the Viet, leaving Toronto daily at Se%) for Mimild,Witittipeg,Brandon, an Vancouver. EQUIPMENT eervatione-libtery -Buffet Ca. with VattetSerticetStandittdSieeping eve, Tottrlot Sleeping Cate, Ihning Coe ,smd Quiche. ,114 ainteithaink. atiorta.1 •