HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-03, Page 8EIGHT TU th GODIRICH STAR ' • • • V. ---/;11AF.LIFL••• een Maicelea, were .0tTatfoe'd V1olter0 Letitia Dusan, of Fort Frenece, Qn Saturday. „` visited recently with their aunt, Blase , Mi. teeiar, .IL*.. Ag'MK a sastoa. Leten itia DreeYe ' - Have- You Ben Robbed of JU$T IN teen? with M. Agar and daughter Mre. Johnuten and daughter, Mise I'l Marjory. metered freun Saeketoon Helen ijohnetori, of Oebawas vibe bora New Frock by !be' High an4 aro vii,-.3aztrz Mr. Jegae. e fatlier Leen visiting. relatives in this incite, , Mr, JakiteD Agar, oe ieeitileld, and ity, will retureeto their tome on Fri. Cosi of biter's? „ether relative:1 an the atot,,u3. They iloy. The- Sinvlicity All in One I 'were avQomlianied by Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.Park,-One of the prettiest Pattern is the Economical Stanley Agay, Who leeet their too chill. of June iscadiov via% -solemnized atWay...16o at Mks Noble's. dren in a lovel erossing agoident neer the home of the bride's parents, Mr. . 1Ve have jut re.. t.,giat,,.z, come wear eeo.' ' ' and Mi.. Richard Fark, inn con. of Patteens Kept in Stock. ., lar. and M. A. D. Errieeten,. of Av:Ifichl, on SaturdaY enerning, ‘ve,c1 a..: large Sip.,,, ,C.aeiti?ve, called upon frier.da In this 2,8th, at eleven o'elock, when their pee-, -. e recently, being necOniaanieon d d daughter! Mere' Edwina (Mollie) - * 14- MISS S tiOliLE ment of China from by Dar= and Mrs. Chae. •'$3l'.Was united in marriage to Arthur BRITISH CXcliANce • BLOCK M. W. Maitland hicAllieter wee Richardson Stewart, third son of Mr. , ode a is pot ar. v; vIvitot, 1t1 her aister, Dirs. ltelt. and hire. Hugh Stewart, fourth con. "" cx Fork% forea few daya last -Week. con of Ashilelii. Who cerentertY Freskyariai, congreeetion of the lei. Zdt. and h7ree Bray, "ith con. Went Was performed out of door s on the lage intend baying Part a Pardee. Y. on Wawanash, bed as guests 'on Friday lawn. Rev, C. If McDonald, pastor of e e ,,,,,, - thele cousine, Mr. end Mrs, Russell Erskine Presbyterian chutch, Of which re tIn 4' " -- ie. This is now on dispi4 y in• earrow, a Windset.,.. who are. is in. the bride -4 it member, oilieieting. To gruadad' andAgidoold Proieront. InV ben aler:Oit it their nettago at Drumm the strains of the ibidal 'Cherie from Pley're Ae``/V°1°°111C' a , Beach. • Leben•xcia. whkit was played by the Last Monday evening twa loads of 4,AMAtore fdr Allf. illiV2Ottell 1 ' Ali, and Mre; EthrortIty anti fam. bride'o' elder sister, Miss Edna, Park, e.=•-eN . e. e. - eawlege were going Ito the hilI On 1! the west side of" the river when the, •••••••••,........, ilee ef Toronto, have' been gueats witli the nei4e, who rteS given in marriage eoemoct on bia3,aa running. back, . Mr. and MIs. Chas. Alton for a few. by her father, took her place under The driver succeeded in backing to 'Lbw* '• an arch at evergreens tralaned with the sideof the „road end storied. , 1 • hirs., Robert. Moore Was admitted orange blossoms and pink roses. to Goderich hoeplUel on Sunday alien. leathway was strewn' with pink *ILI' k St . * ' ' t ole's-Boo '/‘ ore: , went a critical operation. looked very winsome in Fearing a smash-up the driver of the ohuintdoel tohneewbaleygatgtttohelatcbrtkenesxt-tsfiede Inng and on Monday morniug under- eta s. She . n I. d mrs..s her eovin of shell' pink georgette, with Rev. O. 11. McDonald an holiday motor trip with Helifax es brilliants tied with btue ribbon and Her hair /la° the a oP .9 Ige and it .ran e ce gold lime bodice over satin.to eabie at the side, widen held" Donald are lesking this week en a- Was held .in,place with itIandeau of The damage done was onlyslighte _ LANES Miss Mary Hackett, of -Lucerne spent last week with friends herIe, m. Mr. and Mrs. Walter ‘ Alton;latul.;464. son spent 0 day last week la London., miss Lana ' Hackett is spending thel ii;;;, . summer vacatiOn , with her , Patents tenewit Sue, ay by Rev. rt. Shortt 'here, of Barrieee A number from here attended the , • MON litat • t ' Pentland, of Gode- feneral of the late Mrs. Fred Mae -i Donald, on Tuesday, July lst, • - rich township, Is spending the yaca- tioti at the'bome. of her parent's, Ur. • Eael Shortened, of Detroit,i and mra, A. Is. reflood, . spent h few days recently with Tile. mro. Biiho.., p aindetwo ehildren* rill - parents,. Mr, and Ittra. Sam Sherwond, lie and :nob of chleago, waived on c'huteli, Ltlekhow, on SnndaY OVelang. :r I here. • ' • Menday to *pout the •holidays with Quite ti few from here attended the .e. Orange sermon 'held in the Eriglish ,r7bIt'ulars eAlotrinherrsen. ts, Or. ,and , edre.. Aroatee DaVidson is visiting . eche. ,relativett of the bride and hridegrooin Armstrong of terleb, wer the Its destinetion. They will camp- on. site carried a shower banquet of (Frem another correspondent) ' way *rid will be accompanied by Angelical Beauty roses and maiden Miss Crevel,. of Michigan, NOaw th� lartorieta wilt, are taking the hair fern. Wet only adornment was gueSt Of Mrs; Bert Marsh lest week. ten). The service next Sunday - a yellow gold necklace with pendant, Mr, and !Mrs, A. C. Jackson, of eonducted next SundaY by gift front her aunt, Mrs. W, Mason Gederieb, spent StAnday with Mrs. W. 41..aereen Of Ethel and the au:Allister, When, as a little girl/ the B. Patterson. • 7 '7 bidder -Of Saturday .,perforMed4the Miss Col:TO dim, dot* of Bower' girl at her aunt's' Melted with Miss Margaret Ferguson marriage. During the ligning of the over the weekend, , register, the .bride's younger sister, Mr. FeedWashinigten. of Hamilton; °Miss. Beth Park, Wile: to the wedding visited hiS brother, Mr. J, Washini- day of her shiter, celebrated her ton on, Dominion , twelfth birthday, sang very sweetlY The 'Patterson family held Atheir as a solo; 4IoneYMOen Fel- annual reunion at Gale on July 1st. •nloerr liwtgilstitlieervceedmmiOnnYthae dwieggingrbeloimn: .3(4:rietemaottottru,edhe deowefilthoe4; the elatdiivy7 from the gtiests including only immediate Mee. , Volmanhauser &apt Nits. N. Jim and Marion. of Toronto. ePentthe "" 29th' tivee in Goderieh' for a few days. menihening about lizirty. '.Fink and -end. sister. MrJ. told xis. Allan Meat Mr, 'anti 208`'' 17r'e4 71"eleaven, end white streamers and white bolts were and other relatives heree, over the four children Of Tonento are guests festooned fraal 411$°e"tlie week -end with hir;e and Mts. John with Mrs. Robot. 'Treleaven and other tabler'44011011 was7-centre1 IOW the . We' regret to State that Mt, Ewing Millie. .The . ,eltitdren. reinalged' toe retathees. thie Week. . • . three-storey wedding Oahe; erettli3r took•stukienitill on Sunday and was their summer. Vaeatien.' ' ,• „„%tiss Frans lioaelt,' of 'Gederleh.waii deeaated ;in white 'and sibiel., The. teketz -te' Goderith hospital and oper. • ' • DUNGANNON ' . . d table ivaet made beautiful with . lieu. at.ed on for appendluitis. At last re - LJ lti8iltretowit4tlit ret PgifelillirtAstv4r" a" quota of • roses winle Pink rosebads PorN• he Is tifUng well. .. mrp, trete& , Mrk A: E. Copeland, of Pot Hope, -.., ru'iaaa.„thei oc-.11,s.•et: -4..-zaf 7---01.0--itiy la a er.' atla*d beshie e' Itch elate, The bride' who is p trained nurse, IS wai ng on is visiting this Week at the hone 0 guest. with her ereendo wee 'Dees, was the recipient of Meet beautiful ialri'.: - ' ' • . . . .„ . ..,.. r brother, . . e, f tom, . f ' . .. . . . and valuables gifts, among thetri'being .. Mr. GeergnSnell, Sr., passed away Bray. She also., was a visitor With Mies Eakehireeediclui left en.Satur- ft. handsome cedar chest of :walnut 'One rather _unexpectedly on Sunday 'Oen- ber sistr, Mrs. Stephen Weller, of - iley•to avow the vattitian at the home ish, the gift of the bridegroont. Xttrig. ne had not been in geed health Godorlob. • .' • of. her 'parent Mrand mrs,, Joke and Mrs. Stewart left by motor for ai for. some time -but it was hoped that A, service in the interests nf, the jock*, of Beantsville., -. •-.. . fortnight's.',honeymoon at jr,andea,i;the operetta' :he underwent Tionte six Bible Society was 'held in Dangatallea . lrbe lonlitai fawn sogio of butigan, ,tearninetoo,,Detroit. and Other cities. Weeks ego weeedd ilaPreVe--hiS'•eotaii- United • church on Sunday evening, non United ellurch as held on. friii:.. The -hrlite wor for travelling 4. cp$A• tion btit although Herem,are'd front when: Rev. R. .1. Bowen, of London,' day everting and despite the inclense delbtered a eelendirle addrese upenthte eney of the Weather, was quite a sue- Unite of navy blue 12'0IirgOtte. .61re it he:lied net really henefit0Nby.: it.• 400,1 with trilumings of ecru lees rind 'e e .. , iir,44,„. 1;.__,..:.,.; • work, Rev. C. C. Kahle and -Bev. Mr. izess. The .fanetian was ail held •im. brilliants, shell pink hat. black oateht• 7 ' „.. yypp,-,e,t'ing,dp Gibbs of St. Pears Anglican aura, 'doom and d good crowd -was in cat- leather ebeee and coRt of bloolc brood- .. Our . school defied lest. Thersdai• Dungannon, were tilso "present and tendanee. -rellowing. . the slipper..tnth witii • broadtail fur trinireinge. night2for-.vaeation- tookpart in the:service.: Collector.which..was held in the Sunday eeheei .Trnoe Owl,' return fiteV wilt rota') c'!"i A. 'number from this .Vicinity Spent were appointed to canvass the district room, ,, n splendidprogram was eve- 4/ie bri!4°groM7,'s form in Ashfield, the heliday in,Ooderieh.e. , -•-•-,,,-..- fer.rentribetiOns .tarrd this worthy .dered in . the chureh•auditorittliv'R ' eeeoieeeehese eon be at home, to . their '• mr....Aliterarti Rodger was a trind- c' all'g" ' ' ' ' ' - : ' • '' ' O• ,0*' Retie • presiding. IleatIM s .fkforalO after August Tit, . .... Some ' from here Ottentled .4. very were given. by,". Mts. E. C. zoih. Of .St. . • (Int'ended for, last week): S' : : !OP14340r on Sunday. .' : , • Miss Marjorie ,Cattinhell spent: over SeceeSsful JaWn Social ' at BlUeVale Thomas and by ivi. . R. A. rrx .. . gig,: N. F. .ohatd ha,s . as guests the week -end With her cilusin lyti-s Monday evening, • ... ' . • and Mise Edith 'Hicks, of Dtingarnion.' Who arrived On Weditesdaer her in • Vont Harrison, of Goderich. , - " A meetieg of ratepayers arTS.S.S.',:lOSS Jnatgaret Pentland sang a solo*, er, Nhs. DaleY, and *her Mee°, Miss, Mr. and Thu. Rat. Rimlianaii Yiqt- .. No. 8, Asheeld::•Utuegannorte, e hag!' and also Miss M. Treletrien of loiek- Alice Richardson, of Kennedy, .Sask. ed on 'Sender with the forme•r's bro- been .talled for Thursday evening at 8 now. Pinno &eta were given by Miss They will remain, for sinus time. the'''. Mr.. A Btizhanany Brussel*. • pan. to elect a trustee to'ltn the • vac- . Alma liowell Of Goderich and Miss Miss • 'Mary Ryan, is spending .8 , Mr, ..an Mrs: WM. Walden spent aney• . tanned by the .resignation• ef..Margeret •'Pentland. A i male guar,. week. with relatives iln Detroit: . 'over4 the 1 eek -end, with their dumb.; Mr, Arthur Culbert. - . . . ' ' . tette, the Members of , which were . Mr. and WS. lifiltoit 'Stothers,' of • ter, Mie..-: Jennings, or Vindsoi: Me,' nnci hire. G. V. 'McKenale and Alan end 'Benson Pentland, Daiwa*: Toronto, are visitors with Postmaster Mr : en • nri, . 340k Campbell and- . Itott: Verne rent/and, - Nile, and Geo. and Mrs. Stothers. - • ' . fantilyr t) Aylmer, Yz3tted, recently , .Buchanan; ,Goderieh, rendered sent°. "The regular aneeting of the Dee, with Mrs, Campbell's Sister, Mrs. .."1.1 , selections and some Inimical selections genii -on branch of the Wcnnen's Insti- bert Walalt-' - ' ..... were /three by an orelmistra, composed tate was held at the hente. of Mrs.•P.Mr, \S m. Leittotete and . Mize Mute' of Time.' Evans, Stratford, violinist, Ross Mr 'Thursday, lune' 2604: at 2 id l LaMente, af Toronto, are Visiting Frank Mellwaire .. Carlow, sanplten= p.in. with a good attendance. The their cousins. ;Mr. , and Mrs. Walter 1St, and Mrs. G. C. Treleaven, Plant* -Meeting Was opened by .'the singing CoOk..and deter friends. • ' . 3feesre. lfnrvey. Anderson .end -Pal.. of the ode, followed by the repetition.' - .nr: and .100'.. John Snell and fart- nter KilpittrIck sang n duer, with of the riord's Prayer. The secretary ily, of Wind'ettr, metered home 'on Misa Oily° Andersenas aecempaniet, teed the mizzutes of the last meeting, Saturday' Vie see the forine6 father, The gate receipt' were in the neigh. iborhood Of $135. - .. Miss 'CO4 Pentland . feturn4d on , Sunday from a fortnight s ...visit with .relottives *t Fleilterton. , , . . , • aft,and. hrrs. WM.- Sillib, Miss Myr. The .'MOrning irento,, . . ,. Ile Sillib and Mrs.. R. McDonald and, _0.4*y-rich esweee rolls , ;daughter, Mise Marjorie, Visited at .----rith coffee -just As ..-Aire- home of -11frf and Mrs. Henry Ob. dainty as their naroe. , .• libe Miran township, on Sunclave • . Sugar-coated,' currant* - . , -Miss, Jesepliinee MeAllister, Mr. Da-' vid MeAlliater and- Mrs. Davidson et- ) 1114114410 THURSDAY, JU Crl fv::a ' 11114 11Fr- Extra Heaviiy Felto1 Rugs Slade by Dominion •Oileleth Company. New patterns and heavy finish.. • Size 21:i Yr.; yards 0.75• •3 x. 4 yards $8.50 2 yards wide any len SEA GRASS RUGS • Beautiful for bedrooms or 411 cottagg floors. Seze 6 x ft,. .. ,..14.111$ 9 x 1Z. ft. . 4 ..*5.96, BLANKETS ' • • For..hme*salo':, Blue, Rose, 'overcheck conihination 'ors, .whippectjingly and finest all Pura: • P. W001 DimPls ped. size 66 x Per ; . . th, at per- square yard 50o • MACK PLAT CREPE • ' Heavy- Silk Dress Crepe, best nal*, • deepest raven French Mack; 38 >inches, • wide. Specially pricecl, per yd. $11 ,StililMER SILK DRESSES - Silk and Silk arid Rayon ini,;eci, in Plain - "colors, Pinks, Greens, Mauves, "White, , EgOell,- box pleats, tucks, etc., very styltsh ,and l: will wash .perfectly. Sizes 1 1,4 to k 40.. Each, 35.95 ; DOME WARP ChENESE SILK, DRESSES $12.75 " Webster igcnie at Baylield SaturdaY I ---••:•-•- ASHFIELD and, report. a. good time.. Blake Sunday school will hold. an. Mrs. AL G. MapIcenzie is visiting,i' . mud. picnic at Kintail this Saturday in %/nig. ' . - .. ' l' afternoon. It is hoped that every Pone I ltfissi, Barbara Rose,- of Montreal,.isl , ily ip. tbe congtegation will attend. •. •the guest of her aunte,Mrs. A4.Beck; . Ilessre. Thos, Andereon and Herb ett. . ,, • Curran. attended the banquet • and Miss Elizabeth MacDonald 14.11 eeremonies- in connection With the spending the :vacation at her -homit..' g 1 Ai formal opening of the new Khmer- here* • * .. ".• , I. ! * ' , dine. bridge: Peking,. , • . Mrs.. Reht:=Waglitr Of. Detroit'. 10_ ammo --The garden panty at, Zion. Yridar the guest -otter eister tare ;eel.* ' • ' evening47wav$ deehla'alariasa4 Th weather was ideal, supper /and pro gram all: they' were advartisid to be and" everyone appeared, to be antis tied. The three -act coine4;."ril Ex plain Everything," 'presented -te, Ebenezer young people was well act 'ed liunierteis situatlims.tlitengil out. IletWeen" acth sitike Were sung by Mie Alex: "'SWAN or Parwittount and duets by Misses Meld's, and Win ,nie Lane and 'Illes:arx,Ilitrver Ander eon and Fainter Kilinstribli5., all' e whirl .were well:reeeiVeri: , e 'Kenzie. : • - • hfcbaald and% Miss ji-ani ••• • VIUNTEST 1VieDonald, of Duluth, visited friends 4 - here last ,week. I , Open to All , - __Miss Charlotte MacRenziel of"• 11.1\ilig „TROPHillie$ AND e Mena, Hope; is spending her. vara. vRIZES tion at --her tome here. Wm. McGregor and Dr: George STEP DANCING Mr, Norman', Shatkletbir the misfortune to •be thrown' .from wagenSaturday while daing10 road. work, Be sustained: paihfhr.lillirte about, the head: and': shoulders' tha wril• lay hurt off work for some.: time cE.regor.ef ...Chicagaq. Mr and itir . .Geo..-Stot4it-W.St; • Helens 'Ef'and.and *go- naudh*. Sunday with friends here; 'sPe • , ableConawgbao4""-"Iiirr"-d . wO.OLLe0141317, FLU AND AUT011.10Bitg' •' 1 ' IlsIStinAtiCE • *itrrco$* . , reoxx 296'' • • 11AYFIELD ;: ' Miss' Jane. Reid.. Visited friands at . . . -Seateith last week. . • ,, Miss Mend-. McGregor:, Waited friends Al Detroit. last week,:-. • A large number:spent ,the.:Eirst iz the village at the lake holdingepienies. A number of the citizens attended the ball garae'bt.Gotieriele, ontea est Me; end Mrs. •George•Elliott _Spent Tuesday eVerdrig.;.,Inrjendoni friends. . , Miss Prootor, Of 'Toronto, viaited her aunt, Mrs. George King, over thc holiday in the Village. Mias Holmes, ef.ClintnirarritsaLera Monday, and opened a .gift shop in Mr. J.oliketTippet's.atorev. • ..Dr, and airs.. Lewis, at Toronto, apent over *e First With Dr. and. leira. Woods in the village. ' • The Linnaten family of •DetrOit aye taken the cottage etvnedllaVNetr, Snell for' Jaly ond Angust and :Wily- Camelron arid furnilY;.,of oronto,satTiveti; on Monday to spent n/y and August with, his brOiher; IllITMAFLY BUNS tended the artniversary serinees at are as Wholesente and v 1 Sunday • nutritiousas any bread . Mrs. Geo. tiodgine. RipleY, with roll. • . • .,„ her mother, Nrs.' Jackson, and her Make tont 01 row's niece. Mies Muriel Thompson, and breakfast and luncheon her Aster, M. R. Mills, of Cleve - "ti real treat with a boX land. called -upon Dungannon vela- ° fresh" from • - • tives Thtirsday. They were ae. lells,of Ripley. CUrrYlA Qu•ality Bakers. 'c°1111)ftnled by Mr. MI Phone 405: bridge on Wedneadity -evening at her. 1 Miss Ek Elliott entertained at home in IMO: of her -friend. -Vied Ethel Case. Blithe% of Chicago, joined her ....eerie sister* Miss jean Stethers, anti other GARNER NICHULSUN where she will sfititni a TOW &Os. it rehttives Thuradity _at Toren MONSTER Miss Ethel Case „returned to her home in Toronto on ThurailaY after.. - after a verynloysible visit with 'DEN PARTY ri°4418'*b 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Ref J. Wigginsmet. under the auspices of the ored from Brantford On '1,1irednesday , uNiTED pAithigit.§ . and will be . guests for the eunimer 'holidays. at the /tomes of their re. .Nogrn•HultON7 AnOtiVe, parent. at Dungannon and • will be held on Blyth. Tuesday Ev't July 15th Mr: and. Mrs. Samuel Swan and family Were guesti on ,Sunday with Mr. and 31r3,, Alex.r Mowbraye of Blue. at hig residence on the dth line. Ili% • , eat of ea! Mt, and Ws. 1. MeHaeltren and soeigrave. Simper &min teve kM two •Children, of London. spent the 8.30. Program by the CaWan vreek.end with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Congert 'Company of Toront0. t0 -minute addresses by the Lib. eral mid Conservative eon& The following students from Godee A ,rioh Collegiate institute* having coin. dates, W. 11. Robertson 10.1 Meted their examinations, are holl. George Spotton. Dancing after -the progrem. Good platforin dewing' it their, reaPeetiVe IMMO, irl Dungannon and in the viehtly thereof:. b'nd mile5tIvA' tfeesre. Benson and Alin Pentland, . • Admission t• Arthur Brown and Prank Savage,and Adults GM Children 25e. MiSses Mergitret Me' NV* HENDEllgON, Pres. " 6wasttefveftLYzArti triaticinity spent „ WM. ner"'"'"). See* DoMininn DaY in Gaderkh. which were approved. as eead. The Mr. Geo., Snell, 190 ewes very a` I' • 'PHONE so • For tiphohlteriuter Repairmit r • ' a • A lEtra rooie of Sample Cover .irene carried P. A: ZIMMERMAN - Nelson Sre.t -titiron Gait: .:Spec'41Businela Lomb . : daily. at -60 cents ' A carte '7aerriee at all:hours,. TURKEY, DINNEIR • • Sunday • . thusWit11,1 erg'. •HUGH WO1VG British Exchange Bldg Telephone 12;. 11 011 eall was otswered. A solo. by The farmers' in this ' vicinitY aro I" Master "Donaid_Soss was alma enjoy.- busy mowing bay. Owing- to the wet ' J ed, as was alsC a piano duet by Mrs. weather itkist ratt going into :the barne G. C. Treleaven and her daughter, •ni a! good simile as they wish to'see alfrs.-PeTePFinnigan gave ' • • excellent report of the lliStriet meet. Me:-Melvizt Brown. of „Cerob'er, and Inc held at Anbtmli June -17th and „ Ms bepheve Master 'aeorge.Brdwn.,,..ot Mrs. Davidson gaveanateenat of the, Ruscorifb, speht over. the. week -end O. E. A. Convention 'Mitch Wag held in with the forine?s sister, Mrs. V. P. Toronto at Easter. The branch ac.. Campbell:0 ' . canted the invitation of Mrs. _Jean Mr. • and MO. Nirlimor McBurnev, of Williams to hold the next meeting at ttgino and Mr, And Mrs. Chas. her home, the ken -tail to • be answered 'Carter, of VrOglunn, visited On Wed - by recipea.for salads. The hostesses Moo last with the forme -'s eou. for the next meeting- will be 'Mrs. " sine Mr. Campbell. ' Percy Finnigan, Mrs, Fred Rosa 'and Mrs, A. E. johnseon: of Weld -We - hire. Robt. Davidson. A dainty lunth wanoshe Buswell, of Lnekno*, was eerved, Wire. Jean William* aed and mother, Mrs. Harvey, of Ex - M1 B. A. McKenzie being the hoe. etere visited on Friday with the for-. tesses. The singing or the National..nler'S allaughter, Mra., J. Howard Anthem brought the meeting to e ,Campbell. close.:•.,.,„ it is with deep regret that we have • C'engratizlations are extended to Mr,; to ?hrottide the passing of one of our and Mrs. Roy Rutledge imon. the- ad..; residents in the perm* of Me. George 'Vent of a daughter. • • Snell, Whe paSsed 'beyond on Sunday •./des,Loretta 'McClure to.be con. evening, the ftmeial serve being gratulated upon being a winner Wedukelper and-intertnen coathine Class ceinpetition held 'at neink Medd Be I's cemetery. The Seafettb oh Friday, June 26th, maker. &with seems doubly sad as Mt. SneIK ,thkelirection of the district repregene brother, Mr. ffuraphrey Snell, of Lon- ta00 of Huron Co. and the Dept. or deehoro, underwent an operation in Agriculture. Miss McClure will be...Clinton hospital a couplc. of weeks one to, be sent from Huron Co. Ire ago and Pailed away on Tuesday .lroronto to the a N. E.. next fall. . MOrtnng et 2 a.m. The deepest syn..; . turthy. of this eqinntunity is ekteraled to the serroWing fandlies and friends. ji.vjore, miss Alma Muteh is visiting her" Nimpotericr parents in the village zit present. • Mr. Arthur Irwin, of Wizigham, Mr. John Scrimgeour, of Goderich, opent Dominion DO in the village, spent Sunday with. his friend,. Mr. Air. Thomas Johnston and Charles Thee. Andiron. ' Nivins spent the week -end In Dettoit. Misses Grace and, Olive Blake: et. Mrs. George Yungblut is Visiting tended the Nile -Sundny school picnic Ifvreleetle a. t Bothwell, and Detrait MIS at Port Albert Seturdale. Mr. Palnier Hilmetriale went to TuesdaY being one of the,temil ear:. GuelphTuesday to' take surnmer ; rierwa holidays, there was ery eouoruare i oatmerietultpitaurpiee a!testlsteocOie.tAy...tiki,, that day. • Mr. and lib's. Fred Doer, of Royal Well represented at the League Oak, Mich.,: visited at the holne of a the Zion appeintment „Sunday e'en - Me. Gordon 1*YlOr, ° ing* ' • • We Itte glad to be able to state that Blake Smiley %that,' spent 13k0At ly after ter late illness. ix ingeroving nice- enteekoyinagbleatar lake. .Szadtenaridawyemphieer- Mrs. Smitheneon and her two greed, made for a good time and all engaged daughters, of Toronto, are visiting heltarrt.ilpviinnutitye.ssuPOrtek1400, ha; log. Imo trot, of odertete, and Mn. George lramitton. Pleat Wednesday the Presbyterian been teaching in London tbe past six ' Sunday sehools of the county intend months, returned Friday and will having a loint plenie at Rayfield. almral his vosition with his parents, On Friday afternoon:of this, week :Mr. and Mrs. Neurone .Shiekletoei: the annual pierie of S. S. I. 2, Hui. Miss Grace Anderson, of London, lett, will be liehl in Ball's grove. . spent the week -end with her eousins, We, t(resorty„to say that Mr. Geo. here, returning to Lender. Ttiegdity to Snell is not reeovering from Me Iate take a position in the .oflice of the operation as his friends would desire. Street ItitilwaY Co, 41 Gra% sele and daughter, Vial Olive Anderson left fot T. of au-', .Y., are visitors at WS. Otte Tuesday where If You- i° wanted to fit' liorse with a collar with which to draw heavy, loads, Vou would not take the collar to the hoise$ you woultt take the horse to the harness makers, it man who knows his business. o n , Cameron. , . , .rthe summer residents arrived in great numbers on Siettn.day and finr- ay and started' iretifeir..gettael% to Pend, the het weather' -at the batty - Mr. Hedging, wifei ana- farni1K-ef Kitchener, . arrived' mi • Monday even - ng to spend July•andiAlignet at the ake, living in Habig Seetchinerrs aliniettY'streett 'The- large and'. roomy shed hen* uilt by tliteMen of Stt,Andtewee run- d.cherch wilt be Aniehed the hint of he week -or beginning:. of next and willssbe a, great building and «great ceotnnuiclation for winter use. The members of 'B. 0) L'. Nb,. 24 are eking every arratigeMentqor a men - ter •celebratitet in tile village on Jule? 2th. About, leilireie are !vetted tom South. Perth,. Seale Hero* and °Hifi Huron, A number of good eakera .adilreas the brethren nd every eceeninnufatibm will be pee- Ared to tatifty. the. Ilerggathelung,.- -baseball' matt% will' be P1*3'ed in lioepinagrig. forgoodwg""6..eatber andWeelarlea' aty, between a tern from M ort Huron, Mich.,. and a picked team om Clinton, width wilt be played In 4. THE • QUALITY BAKEitY JUST 'ARRWEDv A freali shipment o$.' hlen!• ss Fancy Sex and Ladies' Full , Fashioned Real Silk Hosiery at. reduced prides.•• ' CODERIGIt KNITTING. Cat Ltd. - - EAST ST: 0.01DERI911. • •_-;• --7 --Royallarkes An* Enjoyable t I3i7 Young and pia Se sure and -t ; 4iitasMot Natural Siemer • taint- - GOOER1(1111. MONUMENTAL.- WORKS • 14-WILTON ST, Best Material:and „Latest - Designs" ., • Expert Worlirnanaltirr • Alt Work Guaranteed ; Prices :-Reasonable Your bneineeS, will be " appreciated... . W A. SPOTTON . GoDER1CH, ONT etxot•ster 101.. • tement for Sale Fresh earload • just „arrive% Also, work surb as larkiag l• houses, indhling cement waSE$ t or fautittationa, grAtral repairs, .7 Cen,,rat Repenter, • CooTtrac.ior :cot ittil sit , 44t. t :IT PAYS TO MODERglit s. Vont • , Plusibin 3' IN CONVENONCE• HEALIll 444,RESALE VALUE JOHN PINDER - I • • . # a- * Fe*, motes cifoctuureS, riturr0, vitanTont,ns.. . ntrrrnu;',.noGs, j -tom tointire, smvitiweenos mt. maul " Prigioarp ittoiapeci Ette rif.tectiok Telapition 127 Cail in Hari' satisfy $earselt o; ant 131 . Erryba4 Weicente. Spares Grocery • , • • liar Stare ot Satbiattiatt: Thistatort Street poderich r2rhone 146. Vire Deliver iri Town , The nurity of the ingredients used. plus the. expert baking • ' ageurea you the Best Quelity Bakery Foods. Try et* .Cakes; - Pies. Cookies, Bung. Rolls and Bread once and PAM' aiwa33 trede here. • E. U. CLEVELAND -------------------1-- Phone. 11.4 West St, 'Of.. Education. She was atemmened If yon have FOOT TROLIME bring yOur feet o one who has 4t4-1;,.!Irci lortm ,T2t,ptven, terk sister, .Miz END, who.' Litivn anti' Verandah.. nrade a study of how to tit supports' for weal: or fallen arches ste. et.0 vieiting :mow -apead a week in tele '1 anti: giVe relief for other footailtnents. , thin.lccalit$ at present; and -revisit- for, !Et I have taken! Dr. SA,,hoirs Post Gracittat0 iDurse 011 the '5Tnit.:"ElibultitAltlet:o1411agd* torvteet- TolLn 'renter., taken iosi- the rik of'Mentreal, Luck- ITURE Gray a brother's, Mr. John Moulden, ing n librarian course in the College i study of the Na and dui prepared to supply you with any of ctliuuri..11ontyttgoi ulna titkIna6 npArgnearsitr, tiii 1)1 Dr. Scholl's Remedies arid Arch Support/ Vevisdrtaaaph°°;tgboe ,thelusat!O1431htte4ruflitn1 kistnciiC-g at filar W. HEM'S SHOE MERCHANT 8g:it Anders:or, this week. irlon ir4tIcgt.t7 gat thi$ trot, thc' A num v from herc utt,",;.1.1c)1 the rtl% 614 ttelimeEELvE.R,,:iSoir We have been fortun. ate in being appointed - local agents for Aukraft Paint. Womorn PAINT) Let, tlementablete this pod Paint to you. HAROLD .DCAOKSTONE ON WV 3f10ADWAY OV GODERliCH eve.e. „ CIAANERS , • • • Let Us Do Your - DRY CLEANING for SPRING Wiled WE Dop Clean Them thty look jou ftk new,, Save Money this Spring by itavirig us dry elm* your old Clothes. J. II. VROOMAN, Tie &Aoki Freed Dry Ow* Veit rime 122 Wet* Street 1/