HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-03, Page 6• -7 PAGE SIX ftea The flavour of SALAD*. Is the awe olollightfoll of all IP TEA Wroth from ths gardons/ THE GOMA= STAR OWWWWW3WWW.F1 IWWWPW. 7-7 Rat 'es.dr4e.eal, Torre: Your Cerc- cc: erarolozanent 19;.2,9" 're -I • .e . kenelicieney legislaSion suet* there lie.re LOH able te vele tbeir 1, is omplications eord. 60 *Mins a year 15 sPent pincera, teiniug the wavege wilder., Ut tO gie ou t ao the Workmen a eampensatiee, ness aril cearehmg out lenely tiaelia I Mothers/ Alleiveuev. Old 'Age along the herike of rivera whiela Row I ' ay into Cie heart of will natere, a') 1ezrno, et.Cieunized laber towerd the Arctic North. View have "1 'vas a weakened ree.lown has es or ...99,6 ineinbera 'threaded their vailways eerooe COndition for 4 yeare with a e0:11. :1663. branch unions, Ursilies ar_e taine, wideh were thought to bola- plIcation of troubteS, !nit Sargon )n' "-"-ti fes;fi, Accessible; they have theown their 134.41.1?Tnli*rcalise that Canedee flocks . and herds.repreeent a value of neerly a billion. ineledieg paid - try or that we possess aa one,of •fen rich , aesets over 20 million head of horses, cattle, sheep anti swine and 50 million poultry. oVoitkh 1 :1397/tir inhgtroaresealtr Va9ds ern the equine out; of bueiness. • """CfateatclaralisIgindustrial life was ee., la,fively unimportant when the I Dominion was formed but today there are 20,000 ciente eninla.Y- lug five or more with an invested • capital of-nearir,four end a half billion, 'a grosa prodnetion value '• ' of three and a liolf 'billion yearly , and over 600,000 empioyed. pits - -elver-her -seen ninny large midi; lions ' to plants and new one erected and a ;narked feature of bridges over mighty chasms, thus liukiug Tho whole continent together. New hen come to Canada, in this gen- " ;oration, still greater pione,er work, in human' progress. 703 - Detroit Free Preee: There is noth- „ in the matter with Canada. ndon, Eng. Daily New a: Canada has alwaya been the Pathfinder • Financial Times, London, Having achieved so much at this EIGHTEEN SIXTY-SEVEN °NINETEEN -THIRTY Our 'Antal DOMINOS orSurvey and Outlook The Stirring, .Stery of' C4na,dian Delrelop_meilt . Written ,specially Lor The Goderioit Star by Frank Yeigh author of "5000 Fuels Abtlut Canatla. . rt.& ihita ham Annisins elsolopNo sen lo $ea,. ond „Pox the riger titito Oe piet.y, Me earth..1"-;Antio yo.S; " 0 stage, is cenada cherishing an ilia, et slot* in as -razing to besot-m*0e world's greateet trading na ion . • CANADA'S AGE PERIODS Canada is 61 years Old, dating from Confederetion. -Canada is111 year old, dating - from the British Conqueat of 1759. • Canada• --290 years old, frora Cartier's%first yisit in 1534.. Hudson Bay Co. is 626 years old. Quebec City is 322 years old. • Montreal is 288 years old. liaiifoor is 182 years i,Jd.' iToronto is 1.37 years old. /Victoria is 86 years old. Winnipeg is 84 years old. . Canarit' rahrisuroadnut is et • ' .Vancouver is oci. ?ears old. JOHN RAHILLEY • I :902091; ,44ortragsthevr straightened me mit altd I -don't' ” 4 — - totals with over 000 matinee. in SOME ENCOURAGING SIGNS l In goverpmentel use of wirelea " litany encouraging signs marl; the 'and aelatiori. • outlook on this 6iird Tuitions' birthdliii In the world's grestestland hinge such as: , ee....e.S.------ , e„, I Publicly -owned railway. - • erheveare Went more young vane.. In electricel development in pe diens attending our educational instie capita semi...dolt of Power, - I tette= year by year, now totalling In newsprint production. . 2,84:4000.• ._ , ' ; In the Empire's' forest leserves, The Coal produetion of the western In the *rem, and extent of,Nationa Provinces As steedily Increasing; Sm. Volus. .' ..d. hatohewtm with 100,000 tone mine in .'S4Seend-th'ilie world's per eapit •• 1929 than. in 1928, and Albert* with .s trade..., : record production in 1929 of 7,147,250 , In the 'Einplre's largest Sour mills - tons. 4 In some of the world's great br)(1 the preeent clay industrial growth is the ever increasing. application • of electrical energy in reariufe.c.• ture, • , • Mildng • in trik!ng r SOME OF TEE EWE EKITs of 1930 know when I've felt better than the eMell atfOre3 Of -1867. be some oe,the highspotsOf 1930, or the nearest year thereto fin. which, d. r • nowi. My stomach and liver , o tiered tan ue was 111 14_ in 'nickel andeasbestos pro- Dominien ineir.taine its leader. data is &Val a e, A, 0 , s . , g • A record :steer in coeetruction. mated, and I iva's a -victim of eon-, 4 fluctit'n with Ohl in third place end. gradually taking the -second. The best industrial erapleyment-s'lation, The little I ate gave ale' 1920, Xever the history of mining . situation since Iin igeOtion and 1 'telt all the 1. - were there greater proipects with - A record year in autos registered 'time. Seve‘n bottles• of .41'gOn ,.. - • prospecting by terceslane and the and telephone* in Use. !ended all my ailment's, my entire building of railways Into' mineral A record year in newsprint prodee- syStein IS in a strong, healthy COn- I 'areas of the hinterlands. The ti"' '•Iditietti - and 1 foe goott,front. head- - coniarip„yel . ars--2411,-no,dpuh, show. liver . in a thorough, natural way tenr ofeejonat parke spa -fares r• ' A reeor year .: n"Antr*eeerd.iiiiT. iii-inTningHL—W.nr uaTait. 4conrdt#14pVatc-Johni RallillieY, '98 • A record elver in dairying produe.,hteCatil St,. Toronto. ' Capital investments in the eleetris *es, ie • seal pewee indigitry hat eisele lategellY4 e In extensive deep '1004,:flelteries. *gni .400. tenu'years" egfoto the world's largeshsrainiers' bo over a_bielien now, and 19,00 is adding operative' eregaroestiee, - materially thereto. • In the largest single unit elevate 23,540 vessels Arrived at the port of 'in the world. . 'Ilic4?ItIlirthien4:91;S=1).4ared,' with maitsnoirnmiLoefs the lorihydro 4e.st; trao !ion. "*.seeree. of eities repot inereesed worid"witest•National argon, may be Obtained at , record year.* life inserrarteee. 'to loot „ . e annual •xneAtatts: A,metd Yoar: theybuil,ding of highways. , d sir in hydro develOp- "Sargon stimulated mitional Phrho ti • mi Canada- fu t er leads in her al;•8,,- 1920 eial ahem report a aimilar retie building. towitruett°11 1929 °veln " • duet ri froin rts for forming pro io A record year in aeronautics Campbells Drug Store, Goderich. record • Year in lisherieS Pr tion. • record year in fur farmi • of increase for the. Stet' half Of 1920 Oidpo fur /0;1,4, • 1.tole".;;ei340teuen/treee?naanndylleQte ,401.Veefiersotetil „pe,t132,,e,SW:kr,Ld'see laegenstesand richest enental faetora upon which the prole! n1 a!u.1 7 • "• Vg fair '04.DrrgtiVteil:trdt‘nod'4 [WA!. 19,3.04EG+Iii*4:IN • 3'1401'4'0 continuing /°4 'a habitual interesting. in ascertain In;sie borrower foreign markets dtring, 6,00adals, regarded today. • the- peet, Yore. bus "att01411!*' The follewhig are answers to the • spitted abroad an amount of her own fleedien , .eavings far in excees of the capital erbesreince Wales: olbe poesie • Outt 'seines' to Causda:.toeseelt! Wales. or Canada is .3 reef ..ef pre- empleyment. • • eioue metal so Veet in extent filet no eCenediesjeade radiation eMitinneSeliving_inotreemtehart it; sterich that sto increase new Inariceta are open- 3 no Men 'ken value it; deeper you ed and new channels discovered. . go the 'more matenielted you become. • Tho petroleum. output Tho.,Governer0Generaft Canada .is chiefly in the Turner Valley, is •Stend-' at the 'trees:0 time the beet country ily _rising. • Five years ago it Was in the Vioeld'hi'Whiebeto lire. " 168,000 .barrels, in 19119 may theide janthes • Wolfe in 1700 'below. a, million -barrels,. • •- • • Canedit Semetinie 'hOziee, be .Westere eeeding of spring wheat is viets-Empire,.. the teiiteOf'-•Vowor and •"materhille iihesid of other years, learning, Nature has refused them • taria's Infixing proditetioe •Shorsed nOthinge There iseow people . Per cent increase that; three inontlis , out of our little Spot' England': that of 1930, • . .1111 thfiragiet apace.' . • ' . • Toronto lierbor 'line '04 -pleats *is' •A Bight Mon. ,. Reasiee litaedenald z ,presenting inrestment .of '20 million* You are the heir of two splendid 'civi- ., m lands, building and equieenententel . and I-esin only . ;AA •that .. the Toronto Industrial Com:Wesley. .yenr future - may be worthy Of its .bos tooted 20 new industriea. mutt premise. • • '. A...record fruit ;mon Predteted. . '• 'Right .1,fon; Wieston Churchill .'Mink Municipal :air. ports are being' Canada is the greet there'd of BM- -.erected te Meet the. growing . ,plie,-..binding ns from the Atlantic to bilaineeees. • - : the ;Facile. She, thee Magnet of ' eeeseei, r." tentiOn dtavaing the • CANADA'S .• LEADER$H04 Enintril- together With the', English Aces 61 the 'North: Americen • • Canada enieee Unique status Of. en&- ; , leadeeihia in this Confederation year e J., ka. editor',0t,ttie London of 1930 in the 'follewhig among many observer: Above all; Canada among Thiess. • • • In railway mileage Per eanite. En wheat ehanipioi,ipe* The einployinent sitnetion oe on s..lert'Velleat and fitter exports prior to Ili 3ifay tkra0, showed a. "deeldecily 4941/.,. • A record. year: in government •ree I0 highest grade • wheat standards. "ftlle' ward tioeement" on reports front 720 firins—a -Ablation better 00 this ,In the world's largest single canal elate than all earlier yeera of. the rellOck• On the Welland,' /a the Empire's largest telescope -- The llnnk - Montreal's latts,te*.ttiTletVetitori4,8 Nicest inland sea statement says: The present coneA- imrt, at mot.1.410. Mae ILI S • Price 2116 . the eelf-governing mitione of the Ern- , pire„ has it pesitien and a Mission like_to_ethet. , I . Fir Two. or Tiros boys OM IL' Ai; Gill, Tory Hill, •Daf... vrairsiigerlig terrile11-40.te e.austpstlsn. -AO *mils ilia est have tOr titre 41. Aril day* at dew, aid I *mild 'hardly do ay 'work; 'One city is' bleed teld 1114/mit' • Tolieer,P4/14 tie tit elee it sdeli said • 1 sew' *Or as likarn-telit cesustipa.,„ .01 at 'all stitaillitaii114, dealers, assdeadAlltale is SS* at pd.,' by OA, Ltd, TOrtattir,,Oat. wwW.Wwlat Ste the Pacific CoMt thb Summers • hospitality of gaper ParkLodge itt &cheat of the Canadian; RaikiessTennit, swim. ming, ahnbing. *notating. Enthralling ,seenetay elites. Then see Va. touver,Victotia sod*. •gorions Paelfie, Cos*. Only al fe ;re cloys mitre required to take the &also to Prince Rupert And Ateske-pleseane tem. pimions-livoriderfeboights- toteapoleviltagas-elaciers, Enquire *bout Lent Tooth* VokeeSs fa effect from May leth, to September 30th B'eautiftilly illustrated, feidereorailablethreaghanse AMMOICIAriailt*Ni*O1Wir ItitihitigyoN anadtarit atiorta yantmorwitirirrva c NAP A record year in tha dePesitS. • . A record year in trade -radiation. A. record year in 'gold production. A ' d eat in coal. production. A record Year in bend sales. A ' record, year in total national wealth—now nearly 80 billions. A. retard -year' in the dotter value of Canadian business. '• • s A record year Jn 13 S. toriat, emkiXD:v.i..ruTuus OUTLOOK What is' Canada's future outlook 7 Based on the record of the pest .year, and the vast years, Canada's outlook on the future is encouraging. bright, homing regmee to all the factors. The Midland Bank of Eng- land in its Monthly Reel*, said: !"From whatever angle the position of Canada is regarded, thevision is one of substantial and well-grounded pro- sperity." The President of the Bank of 'Montreal said:yrecentlysere never '*ag Bine , 'vete-yr-Of Canada when 'business. as a•whide has been at A higher' Peak than during the year under rem% or when the developed reeourees of oup wealth were more wide and varied than they are today; and never a time wheeehe earning newer of our People waS sus- tained in so many channels of produc- tion."it is ease of more and itiore----and' more in almost every depertneene--see „ , many roods neaten and 'new ones mode. of forward strides in numerous directions. More trade is being ear. Tied on in 'and with, more eguntries: inorOmanufactuaik heieg, tarried ofl 'n AM* eas; tren.e censtrnetion i$ under way or phoned; more:highways are being built, more autos and more telephones are in- 'ow more pulp and. paper is )being prodeced in larger plants; more water power is being developed and extended in its radiation; more, elevae, tors to hoid more grain are being U*cross the country and :more and is aintuallY brought under Culti- edam -More mineral discoveriee are being, made. and more deVeloPlneXit of ex st g mines year by year; more rellwaY treeks are 'being laid and new lines projected; Mote homesteadS are being taken up in the'West and more ttlers are pressing into the: Pelee River ;mat more steamers are aiding nevigationtand ttiumportation it.o and More flab are ,being ;caught; more fur bearing mil. TO*18 raised, and trapped, more live stbek grown even more hens are We* more eggsl More and more and •yet More is the atory Of progress* CANADA'S CiligHENT ST,Oley A : Npwszeu; - tions, •feder.41' and . provincial,. cover fire and forest patrols, sur- veys and photography tonnected • therewith, transportation, life saving, etc. •100 firms are also • engaged in commercial aviation Covering 'Al parts of the Domin- ion; swees of aeroplanes clubs have been organized and munici- • pal and other, airports establish. • ed. The rk were no Aeroplanes in reSe_rvesk the nineteen eoinprising 1.1,099 aquae miles which are sits iyacting thousands of visitora as . vast recreation areas. Several of eethe provinces have their . park areas on a Targe scale and in ad- dition there are many • birds esivetturries.' postal Serisres. Cane& continues to extend her postal servfces in.' keeping. with tha"oXFailliati of the couhtri with over II.;00() post offices and 206,FDO rural l'asolvn Confederation. The air mail service covers over 3,000 miles as against only 367 three eie.ers. ago and this feature is being rabidly -extended Lo cover a 4,003 Mile front.' No country is using the aeroplane in mail sr - vice se a greeter extent than the • • Prosperity • • • Canada is still being favored with 4 emarked d& -gree, of • peospotty, '• despite eoMe,e Set, :bac..*10.-rrhes • „Plebe truly says:- No • other comitry, except the . United States, has made such progress in the. past" feva• years in debt re- 7dnetiep ; and ta;cation relict in , advancement, of trade "and i prosperity, The Dominion- hae become the theatre of world.at- tention and has assumed, a pivotal , position in eeetie foul polities. The Detroit Free Prete. stye : ,There's 'nothing the :natter' -with Canada" . Canada Inre also beeome a moter eat coantp. With. a Oar for every 8 -1104:44 with' 1,200,000 cars eeeristereC Ante" production in • 1929 tifiribered 263,000, a new • -'Prodtiethin record -of- a value ' reaching' toward the ; meth There were no mo- tor ears in 1867. v.. Haire/4 •. • • Ls one of• the o ' Canada', Wee s with arr, an- -.:"-r'• • fili441klil.41146o,.11. 7:0; .1:411:: ., ' 4111100- in value. ' The 'ex- .. . les' of ,clieeee la niaintahied 'at. ' f *li-flgure; Canada has 3,- $.70900 .milch cows, • Fineracial •••••• . . • .' " .` ' - Canada is in a heittleY Ondition '." iinkieciallf•with the dollar main; ta ing its .purchasing power and with ;the ' national eretlit high. • '.• The Dominion and provincial eel ; venues irierease. year- by year to - tailing'' in...1930, 600 millions -ea , Ocord Sgtire. •Oier Six billions • ,e. :Or' fereign, monde. has been in- vested in the Dontinfon and Can. • itdien investments ), abroad are . '41:Cluitional wealth is rising an- nually ' :Aftettur ..04 ,.E11.20.., *noon "-inark. • r „nuttily with 80 billions in sight. rotestry. t ' ; As the BMPlie'S greatest tiniter resource Canada is rich in this vast natural.resouece with ailin- tuill production value from eamps T of three Million tons a. year, 1 and millaof over 600 millions,. in- , ' eluding pulp and limper that ac. , eoUnta let nearly half. Canada . leads the world in paper produc- tion mastle exported to the United States. The, pulpwood 'reeourciee Alfricititire 10294030 vtis a fairly good year ' deSpite the reduced wheat yield. The average of over 17 bushels to . the acre keeps Mat Canadian wheat at the world's higheet-fig. pre. 'Me field 'crop willies Wet practiesaly a billion dollars while the gross agricultural wealth has reached the highr mark of 8 bil- lions and agricultural revenue (field crops, dairying, live stook, ete.) at over a billion' and e. half -.making Canada one of the rich- est staff producing lends in the world and its agricultural capital estimated at 4 billions. nking Canada's tanking institutioos eottinue to hold their high Piece for stabilitee The data of 1867.8 ita almost negligible *compered to 1930 with deposit savings of over two billions, atoete of three and hall billions and annual clear, iiigs of 45 billionteall record Andres. Them 304 btatiehes as against only a hundred at Con. federetieri. enmities tatadii is taking the lead in .01.. .liting aeroplane servteee for ex- * PloreterY end mail delivery work. The 'country is air -minded to a inerked degree. Their opera- CASTO RIA Yet Want* Ind iiiidatt blUsalrorther301(ears Always' boas ihe 4 algratture of are estimated at 1,344 xnilhion Cords. Newsprint production which was unknown at, Confeder- ation more than doubled since 1924 -and new *ilia and additions to old ones are being built. , lorult , 1920 was one of Canada's best torinitogial fruit' yeses with an apple crop of nearly four injflion* UM'S and a total prochietion of over 20 minibus,. 'Canada's tip- ples are frequent prize winners and many new **tidies are being 'treated at the eiperimeittat fruit stations. 00 millloos is also the Canada is .addieg •13 ndiech of mites timo,:qry to. •bee 'railway -mileage which- stands, tint in pyopertion of Milonger to petunia - bon and veeendh totel mileage of ever 40.000.evithel64 milesof eleretele; railway tracks. The opening ofre.'the Owl:eon's • SaY Itailivae. marks a neerePeeh, et- feiott- Inge elimenteith 7Altd the TOUT- 'Bileor are under way and an outlet from the,latter area t�" the Patine is being diqcussed The total operating revenue of the existing railvievs now well exceeds elle half billion figure. . eiegraph.Teleplitines • „Promgse is iotorted in these two. deptitments with increased -bug- . ;less le land, cable and airelese meseanee and, connections across . the continent and to the Arctic -.Gavle. Canada has 13 tele011Ones Don't THURSDA.V! JUL I •Ord„ aww. klitissoldersiy f0 A:410g:: 'Here's the sure, quleko easy Way to kill all mosquitoen indoors and keep 'OM away, outdoors! pr ay clean sinFlitu -2,44am i'47490** The %Ars to Sellioglusec"1.. hagrenched the 300 million mark 1 We are very sorry to hear of Mrs. from small beginnings, the Peace 'John Tigeet's sickness and we do . River area. is being eettlede many. hope she malt be spared for a long . miles of good road a are being time for her husband and family's , built, every cite' shows growth, in sake, ' . . . fact the entVe West in 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Burrows called, 'shovel at nniliCle of expansion on Mr. Burrow? aunt, also Ws: El- clurIng‘tbe *past decide. len Burrows, and Reg% 441Ighter"f Watejh •Ceaada,-.4Yest and Feast-- Elaine M. Burrows, on Sunday. • • Grim _ . •- 1., The annuel school picnic of S. S. No, i A. 'IT. was heideon Seturday. - THOU'. 'NAST CROW Ca,„efternoon,... June 21st on theellste-0-7-----, ' 'Thai hest croWned a. with Igege-Buteases.S., efieldeora-her farm at .. - might and domioini we havO Sheppardeon. . In anticipation of a girded the land and the 'sea, jolly time a goodly nuMber of pools 44 a •wytto would fashion: 4 gathered at the gronnds at 2: o'clock vessel, We are montane the and they were not disappointed, for nation bo; . . • ,Miss Johnston, the teacher, had Ire- ne' centuries open before us, pared a well planned program of ea. 'Bast and Vireet Are the floors ces .and.contests end . in`‘het.,toirettd • for: our Nate , k" , . : • andresstnelftrditlinenseOndhetIadeeverY " And the"sMilesOf',Ag favor le: -*Melte, fest ondestemeese. :There were, • On teriiiiicl Abe hante'Vf bur reedit feirtifiy'eate,' for '"older children, country is sweet.'.'"' i for thin and fat felksiirace$ to sum " - ' ••• . ' I any age. No one was; overlooked. 0 CANADA * ' i The contests were attradtire ' akna. ... 'Lord of the Lands, beneath •Thy emany elder ,peoPle. tried their skill. . ° bending skies, I Miss Burrows was judge in the tint On field and flood, wilereer our , of.neekties and proved *herself to be . banner. illea, • ' . !fair ahil impartial' one, '9i"Angeo and . . . , , Thy people lift their hearts to; lemonade were provided by the school . Thee, • •- board. At the"einielueicet of the sport Theirsgeateful vases' raise; prolgriOn lunlcb:liaskets were opened May aur Dominion ever be and every body enjoyed the good mite. • A temple to Thy Praise. ' A vote of thanks was given to Miss . 'Thy will alone'lerall.enthrone; Johnston for her kindnesa in luiving Lord of the Lands, make Cain- soh a very enjoyable picnic and to acia Thief) own l Mise Burrows for her permission to Lord of the Lands, make Cen- have the pion* on her grounds. The 1 ade eThine own.. , . Weather Was ideal and the - grounds A. D. Watson,w. bearttiful.for thetieciislon.t ,-- • , • When Asthma Conlin; do not de- • ' ' '''"'s':e.7-4*-4- sCair, Turn at owe, 46 the help efelo The West .Stro.e,t . feetive---Dre J. D. Kellogg'a Asthre) Remedy. Thiel wonderful• earned will give you the aid you need so sorely. Choking eeiteee, breathingbp- comes natural 'and withouteffort. Others, thousands of them, haveesufee' resod as you suffer but have wisely' turned.. tit. this fannies retbedY 'ma ceases to suffer, eqereeepackageetidS Very de '' •• . • ,SHEPPARDTON . (ylion4K) for last week) us is, ideal hay weather, eonaider- • ing the amount of rain we had wail crepe- look grand: *• NOSS Estella ••JislinSton,' -teacher O .1= HaeSekt is at her home here and we are glad to know she is getting on nicely after her long Siege of sick- ness."' We hope ler a, epeedy, recov- . • Elect"' -hop- • We carry a fiend stock of • Elegyiegl, App,ianees We Soetfalize4 Wieingxf Kinds Estimates given on • apojiceeon " • Frank McArthur 'phone Am weat stir** 'DON'T KIPPER . With ailments of the kidneys, liver, stomach or ether intestinal organs.; Your, whole system will begin to feel the enervating. effeSts • of dike* s order* of these 'clelleare Orgrrni ' . When the danger eignals of;110.044 aches and pains begin to appear eliminate the.cause of the trouble bee fore •something demitie happens. Bon.Tone, consisting Cif the.benell. cial extroets of 14 teats, barks, herbs and berries has been landed fn. its excellent results ebereeting breakdowns of these ortanS. Get a • bottle today and notice how fine your enjoyment of life caa be. Price $1,250 for $3.00). • • . BON -TONE Is For Sale At All Good Druggists Everywhere. , Or Write To'. t , . • , _VV. A. `1?10,01.6 I" Ca:, 94. Ae4demy st.,iveiveirk eine ark 100 people exceeded on, 4.11.IIIIIIIIMIII,""1"""MIMIIIIII."Mliniali.EEEEINEMN ly bey. the U. S. 'hie Bell Tele. /here are nearly 1,000,000 phones 411)110611110?* on extensions and improvementl. • J1Plifir ' "APES IL . experimented with in ;Brantford 4' in use, all ahem the first one Was zit „ . ' in 1874. Trade . Whereas Canada tarried on her foreign ,trade with ,less. than two score eoutttelea in 186/, now the number his risen to 134 end 'oth- ers are being constantly added. as • new channels ere opened. • Trade totals nearly two and s half bit - lion$ reaching it pet dolt* eiguee • phone is speeding 20 inillions • *Ail ...„4,„ • ea i 441!0* -"1."111001" • and veiretrible canning. ! Para • Canadaaida holds its lead ea I great fur pr tie ng land. Fur farms were unknown in 186/ and later. but today there are nearly 5,000 prodicirag 20' Milieus worth of „pelts a ear. The raw fur prd- doction y trappings equals the 'Saint *Meant with a .catch of nearly 6 inillion 4kelta annually. Hydro POWer 'Canada leads the world in elec.. trie power development per capi- ta, with 0 million horse power dii. e ped out of an ultimate 43 million li.p. or Venal' per eent- Maniemsed electric power was unknown to the Fathers of Confederation but today billion is itiveettel therein mid more• then • two4hirds Of the °homes of Can- adians sire using eleetrieity for lighting and dernestie purposes. - nioise ere Chewier! for terly development plants in every r annual prodheti on Value in fruit of t260 coinpared with 040- Insatiate .a Canada is*one of the leading in. •tUrance countries of the weld ...with the highest 'per eapite rate in the Pmpire and Jsix billiona Written' in polides. Between 1920: and 1930 the amoent of life in- eurtmce itt foree inereseed by over 100 per cent and life insur- ance has doubled Re record every ten yeare since 1073 with 101., tales of over 600 tabor Labor ermlitions in Canada, eon -1 Unite to be on a eatiefitetere haeie with the liielacet inde:e nutattm 1807. The rate of recovery of Canada's eemmeree far surpassed the rate of general tecovor of weird" trade atter the War and the total trade has increased by over 100 per dent since pre-war days. ' Western Canada Western Canada reports progress in many line, notwithstanding, the reduced 'wheat crop in 1929. There was extensive building., sonetritetion. of branch railway lineee development of water imw. era, 1nerease4in homesteads, in - creamed trade. The total field • erim'a value reached half a bit. - ..lion. Plans t'or nearly 500,000 ii p. ef hydro sovice are mtdei way. Mainifeeturirag produetion KIDNEY P 1. 1. ° CANAIDIAAIN' irtrEIROCiall" An, TUE PACIFIC COAST ...www1Www hi (Sot May IStitifrons antlerich To Viatcou' fly, Vletorlieleattle, heti land and return41,11:95 Banff and return, reached otity vie Con.' Wien ?arida, $90.20 ° • In OW Ione Ist ;Ake Louise and return. teethed onlY vie PacilleP' $91.50 Return Meat October 31st. Stop,eiver allowed. Let us Orange your itinerary. Illustrated literature will „ 4, gladly furnished by ° J. ft BERITIE Towa rtiAot Agent, GcderZeit, Ont. r(l't /MOO Sun 0: It is x 0 MAI To bid Abide For w Abide For W and •( grace inovin • trust • with 1) 5,5 Lesein • Lessor • 28;1 • Goldei Jars - leaee as th diftert wen r =tun The m, meal clung 'Esau, The v1,110'4 - • FOR ANO