HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-03, Page 51,16.0 MUSICAL 'SUPPLIES • of All s Portable Phonograph ;la anfl $25 Vktor Ortliophonio Portable $35 Strings for all Musical Instruments, at TEM 00151334CS STA �f Detroit* en**, the week- the *flThe leadeltneg melee was and :on *Er reteirn were 004 by' Mr. W. R. teed dor. icreeneestated by Mr. and M -rite T. Hun- hue the thening of the . ter /*ere tow. A. M. hfclAten of Sid* J : • IC 011 Friday ***moon of Week *tor of the Wide: enuite. tke ' R. No. Cepa 10 beld annUal a' rseeption wan held at • Plenic et- lifencee- tang Park. Thew- t hone the bride* Parents. Litter ente wed f riende of the ebildreat turn- Mr. arid Mrs. Strong left on their ed out in iarge *umbers and a geed heneynkoon, told on their return will thee wait spent playing gement and reside Toronto.. running mess of different kinds. BectianinteSwayek. • Niissee McDonald and. MeTteWell have , The Pilot Preebyterien. thurek both bee* PnE*ged for the eentIng Breckville: Wale the sceriec of et Utile Year. eY eft on a V ox but wedding et high aeon on their respective homes. neado, June #5, when Rev. Dr, Nor - CAM PBELL'S DRUG STC)1?E A gloom wart cast over the neigh- mut N. maeLood ente,04 borhood on Satureae Morning when it bowie of matrimony Miss Carrie wits learned -that Mint Ovtett 'Moore Mergeerite Seetyrie, only dadghter of • PHONE St (Vella, Cook) had passed away in the to, 444 ewsitte ee (hoe" in dna holy eaxlY heurs et the morning in '?ode- *I'd street, end fferry Sherpe rieb hasPital• She bad gaaa Beichanan, of Aimee Buchtmen: , , , , =Ate? er. , --e--ez-----1..-..weia...,..:14. ..._-.e...... 7hospital lest ont -week previens to iliderieb.Phe church was teetefully GODERICIT TOVOISHIP 8404140 and attended the Snowden and everything that skillet! dectoes 4it4e being',Nutked with pabno$ ferns : fend nurftes coeld do wee .0011E.4. Mrs. eee. out .tiewere. 'The pewit ter the • Mr. and Mil. Brink Orr': of Teem., Min Margaret Pentland ia spend- l More 'was barn and raised in Lee- guests were tied with l'etwa of tulle, to,. are spending the vneation Ye& ing th&,summer, vaeationilat the home !urn, where she, resided until her and the organiet* C., H. B. Price, pre-. relatives here. , .. of her 'parents, Mr..,:and Mrs. A. B. 711arriager.Ndien 410 went out West, eideli over the musical portion a the _ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillock, 0P Pentland, Dungannon. ° returning some years later and set- Amite. During the Alvin; a the :Sault Ste. Merle, are ving with,. 'The Satrairient of the Lord's Sup- tling on a farm at Carlovr, where regist.er Miss Geraldine .MeNish, eou- eolatiees leer,e. • • 4 i per will be diseensed with in Union they ,have resided eer eince. ---e sin ..of the. bride, sweetly rendered et the Ileum of her grandparents,. M. day achool at 2 Ter. Rey: G. Bett, sons, Elmer, of Nee, Wes, a G.Ode- riage by her fathel the bride was 00, , her death atel had be,en operated on, deeerarted for the happy event: the Penhale reunion. Miss margaret Marshall IS visiting-, cbureh next Sueday at 0 pan., Sen- leaves a sorrowing husband luta At= "All Joy Be Thine." Given in mar - and Mrs. Ed. Spieran.' (the pastor, will be in &large. I rich, Charles and be at home. also _tended by Miss El (ten Quackenbuisle• Mr. andl!drs, Tedjohnston, a Tor -1 The Stmday school Picnic of Union her aged father and mother and four of Smiths Pelleretho wore an orchid out, Motored up and are the guests church, which war( held at Capin kit- brothers, Herbert,. of 'Woodsteck, crepe gown with ht to .eorriapand, of Mr, a'ini Mrs:, Fred Elliott, •. i ehigand on Monday aftereoon: Was Lock, of -Saltford, Will end Oliver, of and tarried a bOuquet of roses. lilies ,,,.. Miss Helen -Bell* -of Wiudeor, lei very well attendkd. During the 4f.. Leeburn, and four sisters, Mrs. IferrY 'Catherine Budiandn; of .Goderich; 'spending the summer vadation at the i terrioon the !Vette Were keenly eon- Freeman, , of . Welland, qMrs. Alexniece of the aroma made si dainty •elome erf°her father, ¥r. J. W, 'Bell. I tested. About sly o'clock •supper, ..He.reen.:1Xxa....•,Geci. :Freeman, Lee- little flower' girl,,, dressed, in. buttercup Mr. and Mrs. labert: •lowerby and., was served by the ladiee, after which burn, and Miss 'Rose, at berne. • The yellowwh• diat• 'to •iiititch, white kid on Bruce, motoredto Gr ,nd. Bend on ' a softball.game was played betWeenfuneral was held on. Monday 'after- shoes, And carried A., basket of roses. -4-r ,,.77.•-•.,/ thm e arried men and single mere noon from the,,, home of her father, le E. G. War, of moutees,e aoted as I The score was 104.1 ire favor of *the Mr. .J. Cook, to Colborne cemetery, geoomse0444. a04 the ushers were R. single men. The Was also a. booth and was very largely attended. The D, •King,„ eeontreiii, and (ma prat.t, on the -grounds, • Rev., -R. Lind, of, Xeelaurn' church, •Brockville. The bride Was eepieture , - CARLOW ". conduced' servitor at "the house end of ;girlish latreliness ' in a beautiful grave. pallbearers 'were her our, -We are sorry to -limit -that lila. q • cons, 4,31rnek, Wes, Charles add ',rod, . " ig Meedel is not as :well ;as her many 'and twe brothers' Will': and LoeR. . , . There.were many-. 1,!'ery bean' tiftid tier - t. " •'' "friends Co like. . rig . 2 p 4.1.e. and Mrs: "George.--Pateesere of al.„,telbutes. '.-Rel ves_nresen frem .e,e eat Teronte, metered: tre. and -spent the 4-!' distante 11"4"led' Idr" all4 Xr-S" week -end With 'their .reratives . here HePl?ert conk akd_familir•W°°dstmk; .to',those. who liaire ApasSed and.* A Mr st ci 'M'rs Haile Freetn d • „ . ....,.. ..., an • an lower. 6 •,r. .- . ' • • " eee. ' '' ' .Afr. and /gra. Will "reantOrtotorecl - son, Bert. of. Welland; Mrs.,' $.z. Hew. tireir eXa.niinations. we have . itii'..Strathrfiy , on Monday :end sevetitt, of Mitchell; Mr. and 1z T.. Pote J g Urge...or:large $loc1C.of itiese",,.. ,, the:.houday with Mrs, Tenn's mother t•ter.4eClin„thni Ittr'i°111",Cet,er''WQ94. ''' ' • -• and other. relativet.:. -.,., . beMittil i 5 -jewel. W4the:ti " Miss Fr.....;01''.Young .- Motored tO : ' ... 'rieti , ' . M.%/i. -Rasa Ylning, MX .Derninion pay, Presentation tn.: MISs . Jefferson.-. „ pc from - 11 ortb .8 ",i -4.,!.With her eouSins, 'Mr. and .-r. , ii•. s-a.si : 50 ' .... and '441:*iiiit for a Week With hers_ On Monday evening of last week, the . relatives there. • , Members of school, section No 7 Met • teiry :Wirteh .,gilii,enteea.:', - 'Mr,. JOlin lohnsitbne, of • Ottawa, at the, home �f Mr...I...Winn arid:ere.- . . Government water power engineer, Sented Miss. Jefferson With a hand - visited. et: the . home .n.f.,_,Mr: . Aloe _. series travelling Case. The , address ' Tong on Deininion Day : 1‘fr. John- was read by. Stanley Snider and the 1 ' s -: : , , , stoee°,ie enegibew ' of ..iiire. ..& •Jehe,- kift WAS: presented 'by, Edith Fisher., ip..! ()pert o Steno, s , • • - los ..Teffei son made . a. very euitable _ , • ;gr. and Mrs.`Edo Grigg, :of 'Clinto'n, reP.IY. Afterwarde :.•irtiir liiimeniptu . an their. much er,! Miss Mabel: 'of program . was arranged " includinp and g DIAMONP MERCHANT !. . . JEWELER • -. .• . . ••il'oronta) visited • 'with Mr. and 'Mrs.::recitations,.speeehes, ConnininitY sing- -' 0.144,1e 'lig ‘ .- 7 ' • '..' copici, ....Tohn-,'. row* ?and rutaily .on euneay,.:.ing-r-ergefe,selections;'.-atic4'...and luheli " ','' ".. ..:"Miss IVIabel iiill *alma lo g r: Visit' Wei,' served.' A g o , . tune was ' en - , . .. .. • - 6'. " ' ' ' '' ' , Mrs. 9regg.„4/14,' )4,43.r.oli,n1IF .aare !ids:. -. i,.0Yed by' all thci4e,Qp(tres..;:.' The ' .td:: Agr.$4.2 ' . , ' : . • (cress Was as fdlib'wS i'." . :.' . • ;I: gr§...EookteL, and • San, Mr..:..1101.. Dear -Miss: jeffersort,e.eMe,' Yon-ro O. e a e . ,Oktel and wife, Of. Detroit, metered .nay • friends, ,have learned . Of your ovee • and spent spent : the week end with 'intended renieval.frarn',60.iiiirok.atid t tr . Mr.", and -Wt.' `WilteMeIllWain ': They :have . gathered tonight to eierese . our ' , . „ • were eccoinpame )lome .01i Sunday sorrow,. a .your . gem . tiring . e WEEK (tr ItTeAr I to li : • . afterneen by -.Mes. Edmond, whe,.. had 'tbee: you have been With ite Yeti have --,•--•:,.•,,••-• .. • , .. been a .gueet, of .Mrs: Meller•ainfer a -Pre'Ved- yourself . :worthy of eesteent, MONDAY and TUESDAY ..,:,,.., few weeks. ' .. • , , *, ',*. . : . ,'.. ... ,-..• beth as ,ateaclier and ae n nOinVanien: ' 1 . ' ., , • ,.. .% ... ' ... ' ' , . Mrs, RaYmend, who has • been to 'showing your intereat,and.belping: in • - , . , . . !ii..LJA. .EXBENSCHUTS :: • ', ••' Toronto during4he. deathecipci futierel the rarity' enterprises of the Section. head* •a :capable', eest" • of :!Rni'dneen 91 the late .Mrs,..-.'Sykest, Mrs: Ray -and Itgv.,e , built' up a ,bend ` et friend.= -favorites .in 4 • stirrznk.. portieyet of 'nend's -. ?nether, . who Passed.. away ship which, will. be long lasting 'To .Love.,::bonr. in .tho.,notovinno ,::orinte:e ThursaWnight, returned lioine.-inon- Sae that We will I-else:you' iit.' .-Ionly. - 4- .playgt,411114.; >Zeldin , Reitge.,.,„ Action day.; Mr. .13qyinpOdt.itteilded the fun ,ii4ttly' exeressing our. feeliege,! -aed 1041.441.4/04 .suprerne, • - . .. .. , era bit- ' 4atriirday; Th4'. eMernenitk, we 'hope that- if at.°.any tiine in the : gown et -ivory crepe sap) made or princess lines, long and7 simple, and with long eldse-fitting sleeves: Sh also wore a dainty tap *till a coronet of pearls and orange blossoms, tulle Vell,•-rope fiearls and a dinner ring ef eehlte gold set .with blue sapphires and diamoncis,,the latter a gift of the , • groom, A shower bouquet of .Sunset vises and lily of "the "valley completed ewhere 1±,fr, Healey la employed), and hervostume. Immediately following floral tributes from many ktncr the ceremony a rdreption and beifet friends expressed silently that luncheortwas beld at the residence of simpathy which is hard for tongue to tell. Emir. young boy friends were the pallbearere, bites Garrick, Bruce Blpomfield, Rerineth Aitken and Clarence Geromette.. A large gathering of relatives and friends ..fa• -`11r1).•!' / "Irish ,,T6614 . Linen" WITH that exquisite loveliness in design and weave " which you will find only in "John S. Brown7 Shamrock Lirum. Brown44 Linens are shipped to us direct bout the mina in Bel, fest. Ireland, therefore we are prepared to offer you exceptional values in all household Lirxens. • We are showing several new' designs in all white and colored clp.tnask dinner and lunch seterralso-all tawela..witlu. colored borders awl appliqued in neat rnoileinistic cleaigns. Kenthoodi twoutone, and solid 'color all wool Blankets and ;13enrniller Blankets IN ALL SHADES - • L.: The Cash . •Pbsima 86- Ptore . ' • • , • — . -- NYE STRIVE TO PLEASEAVEgYCtiSTOMER WITH c6unTeitl1IIiSJKiiuS. - - senvtet AND DPENPA8l-Z,.rYIERCHANDI$E the brides parents, the table being, decorated with the bride's cake), streamers -of bine, roses ,ancl eluey lace eentre. The house,wae decorated withpalms, ferns and cut Bowen and . , CountY,, Ont. ' After her marriage:she .Bertha Zones, 61; ' Harold Fitinigen:,. resided , at.. Paisree: • Ont.,, where the 51. Sr. MA° ,Jr.11X.-DerethY*Itoh-hir members ..ix the,v,.$anioy were berii;, tts; Madeline ',Caesar, '19;'.Violet 'Ere Later Mr. and Mit.. Collinsori moved rington,' 76; Trvine..t:edY) 181 Migedlitt to Goderich, Ont., and .ele.ven Yenta 1Vict(euzie, 14; Billy "Ciieser,..13; Alma ago . came to Chilliwaele. where -they Anderson, . 74; Richard- )arks, 14:` . have :resided • since. :•The.... surviving BillY MitClere, 67; 'Verne Alton, 03, members ot the familyera7cleceased's Horie SWan,..60; *AMA Reed, 54; *Ale aged ".huebrinse, and twe . daughters, bei t Itivett, 62. Receremended some '7() guests . were greeted by the -was at the hose ancr.'graveside.-, to Mes.;.3.11 Stark, Chilliwaele. and MrS, prornotion•from Jr. Ill:. to' jr.: 114 1 ex, , pineas :and proeperity. The: grooni'e• . ' Lift Up your. Aire aed, tearful eyes, rest,: -'. ' E, Ii,' Roes; of 'KEnnloopa'; , Tee fun-, eept eral. too. plate 'Wednesday ufterno'on; Harvey Ciebert,, Bertha Onfitt. '..lhe. ... in. erithinetict - Perield Roes, beidal coupe as they extended OM witch'the dear ,gratulations• rine hest Wishes for hap- . He :Whom you weep is far 'i*AYi . ' SerViee was ,conducted .' in . .Cooke's asterisk .denotes :..reeinamended •.,feer. gift •te__. ,the bridesmaid and soloist is joyful ' hope your -heart 'easteee; Presbeterian. church,' by: Ray.: Az • C. prenration: .. _ ' .,,,_,- ..,,,,,_-' .- were finger thigs,.to the newer girl a ' (our loved one le le. paradist; • 'Wisbartt interment being--nuelein the ... . EDITH Q. fifclit§:. Teachei1. bride's gift to the meant 'leas. a . 'steel- -ok 1.Q.0.61, ceinetery, ' .The .syniptith3i of: • ..7.77. merobers of the fannly in their, •dti.x.." '' ' •: ' 777: HARD ON HO :.:41:1L4ir ,. DAYS:, ..,. BABY _ string Of baby Pearls, to thkhest, man Not lost, sad heart,' but gone before. and neliert gold euff • links, 1 while the.-: .- many friends,- :here.' go. out .:10, the, ' Mg. eilirer cigarette:.cese and lightere ..erogreee,,,. Jane 42th:, A dotible ber., COLLINSON.e-ChillriVeek - (B. C.) ble bereaiereent. . • ,.. -,. ' •• :' • . . . • . .' . • - -- ---------' ' -!' • IA, the ..early afternoon Mr.. axid.1%.fre,• f',4,6 eavement :..enine... to ' the -fainily• and Niagara :Tails,' 1VInsieeke: and other ,_. ., i ... ,Thezharian, left by -motor tri:' visit at *---- ' ' Vittoria. aVernie,. dining !the: week7, na his' on >r $0a; '... Eilmlqdr pas- of .aethme.knows veliat'euch.sufiering nds 0 ;Vim :Robeit' Collinsoli, 'A i.. I re.; ' Asthma -s ' a vrture.-No One. who. '' hasn't, gasped for.breath in the 'Power* h.e.a-t.; "d'"hot dl's '011-715"-,----te : nights, is 04 re 3" • IA*. : ..i. ha::: • Julyeethe ..inonth •ot •Oppreseere . ,_. .„,„ „ ''' " ' haring- Weetern.Peinte 'before :taking • uP resi. ' sing twee on Saturday ate:Cineagoi is. -Thole:olds • de '• keow,. .. Notre • :Nine de Grace; IVXoritrettl. . deneret 101: Coolbrook: apartments, •while on • Sunday': evenieg.. Mrs., Collin-. from :experience 'hoW immeasurable is lio'itai'vr' 'Yiiei;e'reVrtligniai''ec11:11,t.Ail;ii40.4: . ooingleway the brule wore . .dress , . ..on who . had been III for 'some ,time, • .the relief provided bY. Diet' marvelltitis 1.';131.'lelfti=iiiiresticZet;*.v.gtesil'ilnritrittr.,"....; ' 'ef. tilue' <trope .Mmiette, with -hat ef. ' passed on. The . family had no know- Pre.paratiOpr:De. j.; 11/ le nogg . A -' IPdge. of :the' seri"i illness at Chicage' thme Remedy' • For year:.'it liii!tlie(!in two,:tone•Baku: straw; gloves and hose PreVe.tit:- thete'et't tbtb,,t,o;r4A. vtt.,,,,..,. until .the ineesiege eeinveying .the. new.. e reliiiiing'the.'.triest: severe easeei : If P°1!' on:'. II d d.rlititell.,- The popularity of the brie . ecietlk arid handsome gifts intoner. ef ciruo'o•iet.. - . • '. : • • ' Other 1 mediin'e :is a... Stith' aid t&- • mothers cluriek thleAmt stuninee.e.s.iii.. .. , of :Iiie..de.atlf, •rectelied bete pri Blinday, • me, noihnsoa.wai ebottt ,50:..Years of. ie ,securing- thiS reinedy.,„„fren.X., :yew.. . yen ore.'a 'Sufferer de•not -delay a .daY , dal • Couple" was•eitpresSed,tiinirme,rotis the .happy. event. Among the guests - age': arid hat 'resided I at ....Chicago Tor : .. .!,?., Baby's Own Tablets: .They regulate . ea the past •',40.• years ,IXe:' vas • a con- .. • • ' ' '"' • ' •: - ' .... the 'howeli and -sitontachi and an .to 1 attending. were Jintea Buchanan, W,e .e. ..- . ,., 4 ..., j: BuChanari, 'Mrs. M., Swansea, God, .scructien engnieer "and nninarried. . .8010(06;ditEPOR'TS,' . :, Het%) doe given to'. the' well: eiti.ei .:•' erieb; Mr:and Mre, H. R.•Stowe, ,'X'Or4. The funeral•teek plaCe on. Wednesday. ' . . il.:",,,,,T.,.. A:, xviy,tiejo.,.. '. ,.. ,the toett%t Lirsu.yrormeeortrigigiirag." ' 1, . . after oon;.-the Masonic circler, ', f ' ' : creleie-Ileadie.,.,. ' ' • . ba:ving :eharge 'et the ,tirrangentent ; obto; ' Mrs. 'A, G. Reid, Barna „,,,.• , . . il which he Vas'. a .prominent .Membeor ' iehool; 'honors: .°769P, ptiss:'•66(1: . Jr, ,-; meeieliTP..dealerti or by mail at Jnnier ' rearn, Dungannon pubiic,1 banish' •W ' The. Tablets are aOld. 'b31 • .. - '.:,..A.' pretty.: wedding took. platie' en. 'Ito,. te,,Sr. Iff.,-loois Treleaven,- il2 : .centf) .a 1:;(*froit Vier Dr. Williatitt .- 7°,1i rsday t the liOntn of,Mr. A 4 s.--- d dueting the serVice . --TIm'aat Derielda Jones, 79, Yiola Young„. dek,,,:„IVIedigine.. o., .*Ockville, Ont.... •• -. . Robert W.: Beadle., , Toronto'', when i • • ' - • - • .... Collinsen. was born. ,in Hurone-. . , . ' ' "" • . fi 'the, younost .daughter,.:Ether:Ehza•- . , • ' beth, tee -ante' the -bride - ot . Mr. Robt. -- ' W.,''Citeigiereely on•raf. Priv. Ceeigiei and the late. 'Clipt. jeliiir• R.' Craigiel', Gederith,'. withRev. ' J. A. 11/1iis-, tar,' efheiating, IThe bride, Who was wore .-. a 'becoming. .gown •of.:Powdt giVen. in • Marriage by • 10r.. ' father, .blue' With.. Metehine,,hat; aeil tarried : (),-phelia roles, arid Igt!iee of the Valley Mr.. and Mrs,. Cringee..left, later b reetor, „the • 'bride..',traVelling in a' • . TtlA._:. - f. .T'r74-lufd• ,ltiiheY:V1.Sen To.i64. • • ' .. A gie.eq.,...14gRvz Toprn.e.. .... . . ...., . ., .• , ._•, . . _ a toOntif01,..:SupplY, . nf ;Rich, :1-fealth4iving BloOd.. ' • • . ., Sufferers from nerVeits:debility'Ond .. theineelVes..tited;JOw-Spirited and un- = able• to keep -their minds 'en anYthing. - • They- aretotally unfit to 'perform ., their . everyday dirties. ,•': . Doctoring the nerves with Sedatives , -a terrible.. Mistake, The' only real ' nerve tonic le ageocl supply of riei. -: red.'blooci. To -secure this rich, . Fed '-: •bleed Dr. Williams Pink Pilli Should . • be: taken, ...Enrichingand purifying the bleed is ' their Whole mission. Cori- eerrimg -.them Mrs. Albert Rentlby, .Baneroft,_ Ont., writes:. "Two f,ears ; "age I wal:' a.camplete„,wrec4 in bed , for seven Months; extremely n'ervetts, _ had to Color," 'Nothing I: tried SCAM' 1 . ed to help ree until X begaii Dr....Wil- [ limns Pink Pills. My .condition :it • °nee imrir ved nd t di X ' 11 ' ,.t I 1. eintenci sincere SYmpatliy.te Mrs:. Ray- feture yonwOuld visitns you - ,Y,V. ERN 4,, • ,Society meetmg ,t open you. As sl ght token of o r TFPIIANOPR PATROL!' NiTe district met in the tented ehereh .anpreeietion,„-we wk. you to 'accept •.,f, • • on Monds,y.;:night when the. agent, thia' trairellingepase. hoping that. it WEDInnerTHURS...- Rev: .N.4.!.BoWpn, presided and gave a. iney. go 'with you..fillawith pierce:int • . • ..• very •intereatineeen4inetrimtive.ath reereeries of the, time- 'spent in. good Norma.- :Shercro', end Belle Hewlett .;',.dross .regarding the.F.V.Ii-otir of the: old (Signed 'oil ibehoit'of the in poignant deetea of hesits adteft.,:, Rev.' :Mr. • Gibbs .aeeenipanied 'YTTLX....SNYDER:arel ARTH- Drarnetiem• .eneetactilar; :viteleea., ger-, : Mr.' Bowen.' Sorry there . were not -E" FISHER.. . geaus ultra. smart. drama of. modern More. out to heat' of the .gteet work'times • : • . t • • • '• thet demi! by the-eleible Bo.,: "V;114 •11.04),.. THEIR OWN ,yisited NEWLYWEDS 1 COMEDY, ' " • - • over the wool end With :friends., in IN -SOCIETY" LEBUKN -* • • . -• . , • • • OWden an'd' Son Precr Were " 1V14'is argal4.et''CrttilflInktOn return" FRI.. and • ' Saturday front' ylsit C RL • A/1w Qty. a //orb= . of , with fiend." in Tex:onto. „ LAN4;11(Lt was, at her ,home eeeethe. week end ele, ..qtaiugete . of ' Jame -3 , tireeents fast,Moving aeon 'tale Misges Helen -.and • liabel McMillion. eurelay•'_vieitors with.her "big tbiiir! :ACtion; leiva gone • 11-0ine 171 Auburn"' un",Ser- Gd,fge 1 "... reete W. A]» will preach antii6r-, • glintior androinante feature' ..• to stem se -heir vacation: 'THE C/Rcus IrE4.9", , Mr. Lloyd uortoi .arkt sister% .Sadio;- •soanrys4e4vyr?e,leuilyn ,1.D3otehn, yabftroerankocnini„rcoh Episode , • . Of Niagara, Valls, are the guests qf - Mr, and Mrs. re, Feeeise,..r • - Mie and litre, Lloyd Young and lit-. have, ':ereieee on Fr/di-357 afterricion, July 4th, at; the 11.q2no of ,the 'President,: Mrs.:. -John tic daughter; . BettY," frOT:i. Detroit t� start fanning Agnbi- Ur. :and , Mrs; J. A,rinstrone . and - ' -4 • • On Saturday afternoon the: -Donny 1... :Brook Sunday se/fool held,,a penile to . • . harbor park, Godert0i. During the .afternoon Olive. Jefferson . Wak• preserifed with a handsome auti bag, -e'en behalf Of the. Sunday school where she: has _been faitlifin member • and 'officer, creffeieen leaves thie Week for Woodstoillete' train for a njrse . We heeess, • Mise. Laura Robinson, R,11.; Who has lieeri on the etaff-eif the hospital 'Welkeryille for several, 1w:tithe, re-, turned ,horrie last week. • -mond in lier.sora bereavement. feelethet our many bottles:. are 4tflip i'4A1110$D,14STIglit" ' eveinng 0411,110CIN pow.itsry -Nratiiioe salt at -0.00 ew Lower Prices 01 - • • Due to.over production op the part of the. :1-10iery TUI.un- • facturers 5illc 1,-JoSe have 01 ciropped in price. We have 'taker' our loss And' have 'marked, bui.. stock .to crittform with, the new KayserSilk Hose; Teg. $1.50.noW$1. 5pr. What' faiiorite.t1Ose in the new- Slipper Slendo"1-leel, the smile _ get quality, the same maxi style, ()vial knew low price. 5iik.flosp, !pg. $1 pai.r, now $1.06 air Silk Hose, .re.$. $1.00 pair, now 89c,„ air WE AIM "TO SAVE YOU IVicoN' EY 1-1ave you seen the, strati Silk' En sethble Suits. wp .are showing ? Very reasonably priced $8.95,to $13.95" 7 of Store a tie Y6u1' GEO' SCHAEFER v .rtione • o a . o :V . am we and, able for anything without fatigue ; or • trouble." . - . ' 1. ' • Deaner-Saunders" ••' • You can get...these pills frein tine . a dalightee caf.:Mis. 'W'Ll1.• 1.1, Saunders, - was married ` to. Mr. Leighton .G... • • Medkine Cce, recite Ile, Ont. -: .0ents a .'box fri3ein .,Thje Dr. "Williania • - Defier, Montreal, Son ,of Mr. aid Mt. • . W. A. Dener, Toronto, on Saturday, .... OBITUARY' :-. • • - - in St, Aidan's ehtreb, Tea'Onto; -Rev. ' ••••• - Dr. .Cotton ofaciated. 'The 'bride, Who EltALEY1--* One 'Of. earth's little was given Charles Sa dose wore a gown ey by hot. hracher, ur. flowers was plucked in ite.earTy bud' i ding to blossom, fOrth in a brighter ' Helen Bethke Saunders,. :medicine dealer -or,,,,i,' meil, nt 5 ivory an fashioned on firinceis "rid' when 44me8 Milekhri HeillY: /thee" With veil of Ch.orifntoillpyhelauet She (little Jim) was laid to rest in lVfait- carried a bouquet and 11131'7a -the -valley. The bride WaS land. eemetery on Sunday. he dear w e c a , orliissLonffepayio:, Evverristowaenrd,e e Miss' Mad r,tiiolhyo,!m\l'oo/nr tib disnuglywould 31st, haveilae sbk:ueticnh three ritaehe attendee by , emaiely frocked hi pink thifFon, with arnieble Ittle late*those who knew pink and blue lace hats ' and --blue him 'win sadly alias Ills l""1"e" se0es. mom-enas emwere comm.' All eympathy is felt for the bereav- , bia rases and blue delphinium. The ed parents and two. sister,, ,lean midi seechdaorkirnbtrorrittasina.ttaennddedthbey tildtri.i,Jeserk‘rtve04,11. 'Katy, also the brother Ithy, whote i darling has gone before. Rev. R. G. ,holyie of the bride's mother, atuf later wreath from the Wurtele family, an, Wrifil,.;iteA.lexA, rae,2. eptitoinoen!..watil4teeeidi... t, tie other from htgrebledavGtologiedicieesr.ieerh.-&ietacebeaeatialuttifilitttlie, the cennle left bv motor ior Riven fti Inn, the britte traveling in gambit -0 ' •-..,„:".Ut , .! Iblue sille suit with matching hat and- te ;I' shoes. On theipreturn they Will, re- side in' Mobtrea . : Strang4M*1gal' _, I A cmiet weddink was „held itt Kew Beach linked church, Toronto, on Weddings Wedn _eeclayt Jubr,2tid, Dr, 1 A. Cra1.0- The bride can prepare her wedding toti„ eleinting, .wl,rn Laura nein, gown and be sure that it is perfect, third daughter of .7,;:e. and Mrs. ,,,toe0 but the bride's bourpret ie semething It Dougall, heckle, tho. bride of mi. °Which only a, florist Who is an artist. *Hugh Preston Strang, son of the hate can arrange according t� her costume Strange Goderich, obt. The. 4bride, Audi, Mrs, and the grace 61 the bride. 11 thie, can bel done by .Dr. Hugh Innis Strang Who WAS unattended, VOUS Otani away by 1,er feher, She wore a gown of pale' .1):Itic georgette*. with eggshellhat • and aloe& and earned a shower bou- quet re gwectibcart roses and lily of 4. PEO. STEWART lomeRt(14 'Tho c 4- .I./ NEED:- THIS MONEY. I. : ., , , .. .71.r.,t116 "Monty: y4ti.: .pdlid...:(p.i..f.O:O:cl''Opfald 'be Spent ,VilIdi'd.:y011: get : the lst:.ctio'lity, tielp*est . , . pricek.,andthe finest 4eririeeeet.it ehotiid stay ,in,'yoilr. dist tjeti f it doesn't yoprcounnuniti 7: cannot grow in the :end,- you Sti.ffr directly. liy..the• Io'.' of . properly, ..iatili!... 1.41.' prosperity. Theie,at close to 'even. . 'hundred , Superior,thain• St9.reis in Qn.tlriq.H2ablisis -91.v.ried ,1),,Y, ati-',: ...-Andepentent krOcer,-ut.they buy. , as One; . in treniendOitt;,-, quItinities,i. ne..4 at thee store- •:: if you -would practice ecOnnr,ny and-berie.,111.'yObr •Colurourv:IYI, ,., ..,.. .., , ., . •, . . . . . . , .. , ..,.... : .. .. ,., .,,... , .• . • ' •'. . ." '' . SELL TBE FOlt LESS-. . . ... .. . . . WAGSTAIFFE'S" 40 oz: jar 27c: Orange Marmalade' Leland Sweet mixed Pickickg, 30 -Oz. jar 47c. Kraft Mayonnaise, 'large bottle ..„ Kraft SandWith Spread, large *bottle, ; .25c Balm "For Cleaning Porcelain", per' tin 14c - Kara Coffee "The Secret Blepd" i/g's, '31c • l's. „ . . ;60c ,Princese Soap Flakes, large Pkg.: , .23c PREMIUM RED Tall . . Sockeye SaIM:on 3.9c FIY Toz, 8 oz. Oft. 4'.1 • Kkoirah frlealth Salts, 2 tinsi • Surprise Soap, 7 Cakes for Fresh Roasted, Peatillti, per lb. McLaren's "nut Punch, Assorted, DerbyPasteuriz.ed Chet r Ib., siet Ire.! ' SWIFT!S ,JEWF.I. 'cartati Shortening 16c • WcIch't Grape Juice, pinta ,35c Wednesday Special Seedless Raising, 2 Ili. • Aylmer Gp,Iden Sweet Corp,•2 tins. . . 35o Japanese Crab Meat, per tin, S 4430 Canada Dry Ginger Ale, pints- . French Mushrooms, Small, per Ifni .19c CALAY Tc411.T 40AP 3 Ckes .25c ' AND ONE CAKE FREE . . . .00e Pimentos, 1,4's 10c. %e..... .16c .Red or White Rubber Rings, 12 cut, 3,doi• en '39c° • for. • ..25c ° . ...... Fray Sento, Corned Beef, 12 oz.. , .23c each tich.25c Ayliner Bo des* Chicken, 14/s, .39c • H. P. SAUCe, per. bottle. - 26e KELLOGG'S PEP 2 taw. 23c. GLACIER BRAND 'Sar1dines "Canada's Best Pack" 2 Tint 23c roceries at Reduced Prices on Thursday; - Fr:iday and Saturday, July 3rd, 4th and 5th. , ?UNE YOUR ORDER TO McEwen, Goderich • J Calvin Cott, Goderich rrion'm A PHONE 14.6 • WE D E IVER