HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1930-07-03, Page 4rAQE FOUR Ladies' Summer Dresses Figured and checked rayon dresses, aleeveless or....ith short sleeves, flegatar up to $5.95• for $2,..9,5 Tricoshene dresaea, withking sleeves, dark and light patiernS, Regular $10 and .$412,' for $7.50 .• • COATS BATHING SPITS .. Me balance of our stock of Ladies' Coats Bathing suits for ladles, gentlemen :and . children in correct ,styles. „Reasonable vices. offered at less than% manufacturer's' cost. These come in Tweed, Tricotine and Broad- MEN'S SUMMER SUITS cloth materials, • • - All Men's Suitt offered at 4421 prices for July. 4, • , . ° . . Ladies' Surname at Reduced Prices --cnigoE ' lattna.,.- I N WESY SliiE--5171VARE - 7 -- --- ' - --;-- ----- , ...SHOP WHERE YOV ARE 114V1TED TO SHOP" . . . • • ^ • ' ' voomm,me••••,../1•••••././T.060...e. - PHPNE 416 THE GODERICH STAR. • - 3EDITORIAL TO1IMENTs limns teleeteel two texts, Philippians Stapleton, Marjorier Robeoit Spent, A LENDER becometh. the- gospel of Chest," and Verna Plante. ' 7 3:20, 'Ter our eonversa- Grader V11.--Itamona Whitely; Ter- n aexti#ndieg thet the country 'Nail la in balloon," The Archbishop esti Buehler. • aee I a 1.1 showed that while in the present day Domitid— • evaec, feotlie ed on vat t ex- converentiOn meant "'talk " 't ON DAY ' I erre- IN GODERICH i.,100 fe the St3tel: Glee^ erly aleatirTeonduct;" which was i,(1 Spotton I ..(the yray for the policy more the sense in which- the word was ' • . which Pr mier King at last adanted; tobeunderstood intim text te he ineet. et efays to do it well, and Goderiele a policy which Mr. •Bennett at. ones cd, or aii thearevsiel version transla-m:certainly did it well on Dominion Day. And it paid; the proceeds of .the af- arose and Toe Race, under 9 years ' colieurred In, saying the only trouble of ' the be s'rol•th'y olietyourospaella:1; e semi) $280. 0, --.-Evelyn Peonsee Mildred Geier, Ed. •: was the report of the Royal Contmis- ',Chr " and "For our citizenship is 'welillich°.11woPurrirreenlver vet.,:eds-sie/ .eieiroseieJohsartne Racii, . under.13 years ion shoted have been given legislia in ala"' ' ' approximately• 4000 people wit noPhoiliteillowwerthea Roman n i caner- the hig, doeldeelieader baseball game .-Maxine Wilson, Dorothy Prolate, :. tive effect:: to . years before. Mr. t D. haw01,..1ir Rouse of David and the Xildeed. Costello. Sutton is malting hs Position, an tha• Mang. a triolony in Illy ft:ev°incl :he ColoredLeek-tight rate, under 9 years.... liquor question abundantle deux in conquered to show the people the ,theti operrigts43traDcAtron°10tf the Morn:- Edrienne Johnstond 'q a 0 an oa ne , ids meetings. He etend'- for the Pio. manner af We of Home and to use it ing was the big parade at 10 (Moak. Edna Prouse and Grace ;Morgan, Jean hibition efanneufactare. and iresPerta?". ?us, a girth() Of jn°71,'''mlf4:Inle it; and, outside of centennial ,Week or Elliott' and Pearl •Farrant: _ • Ileele' Was els that height but he deer- I recora et 12 ft. 2 inche*,, at least tee ° 1E4 with inches to spare, In the horseshoe *Ching contee0 Charle3 Elliett, of Winghato, won first in the singles and Jos. Swallield* Godericb, second, and in the doubleo, Caarlea Elliott and Herb Natty, of Wiegbana, beat J. 51cCimriell end J. wield la the eeml-finals and Boa LZ ia Boa ot Ilerisall, defeated Leitch nee Bailie, of Gellert*. an the finale the Wirethain pair were viet,ors. I ale results ef the children's eaees ;la MIOW$1 ....„,...- -I CHILDREN'S GA51ES • BOYS I 40 Yards, under 4 iears-G. Bloomv I field. Frank Young We), Raymond Snell, BillieThornloe, jack Freeman. 50 yards, under 8 yeare-Itaymond Ginn, Raymond Costello, Donald Mc.. Cluarrie, Jack Tufferd, Jack Fitzpat. 4 . THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 - • CODER1CH FOLKS 6004400 1 1:00th" SEE Walla. Ewa?, s mAsazleo Yu., YOU BRUTar, Ott 3;AAPar YOU V VW MOULD CaehRifee VW LOW* LETTglaiSler "HE el Of YOOR DAYS- ve 6 By MAC YE*, sur Tkose DAYS YOO team> 1301, youia STAMOIeWiZY WTI" U 3 ORE Many aids to help you keep the bloom j -NOW' 'You 1T4iii ArrITHINO FROM le' Frye oktiv, / A Dimemi000r. . Er-i0tX/H FOR, Mg.-. • 11 (10: DUNLOP • • youth. Standard drugs. Tact articles • - of charm. Come in ani try the store of • IP • 60 yards, 10 years, and imder--Jaelt - Snell, RoeseRutledget, Walter Doak. THE REXALL DRUG STORE • courtesy arid service. 75 yards" under 12 years -Jos. O'Brien, Arthur Bradley, Joia Bare tan - 1(10 100 yards, under 15 years -Clifford GODERICH no a Stn d P J O'h • r y, John rouse, AS. rie to the *ate for the first time and. Sack race, under 11 years -Carl Bloomfield, Clifford Sturdy, John made a run to third instead ot,first and was constantly on the job us a Prouse. • fun maker from then on. °Aetromobile tire race. under 8 years -Raymond.Costello, Raymond .Snelle latter The cool atmospbere, especially the part of the afternoon and the Lep ruoeunoesbreb.di.t Br.loeceem2, ander 13 years...411i, ,relypetaetocrowd closed in on tie:, field ford Sturdy, John , Prouse, Ben tion of :ban as would have obtained prevent as good en manta - Bicycle lava •12 yeare and 'tin dor Under re,ore favorable aonditioes. -E. Fisher, Keith Cutt, Edwin Deere During the interval between games Bicycle race 10 years and under- a three-mile marathon race R. run. John Carrick,' J. Johnston, Bill Mc- There were eleven"entries; R. lien- ltale • ders , 01 1.!000p F. Johnetone T. Ross 'GIRLS - "? • R. roves, Ian Melaity, Bell, B. 40,yara under.:0 yea °rat' 1W/4Y Moss, Wil 41; jean. Marriott, Rita Costello. • • 50 -yard rem under 8 years-- Edrienne Johnston, Elva Snell, Mar- garet ...Butt, Frances. Elliott, Grace Afore -me% • • , ' 80 -,yard race, under 10 years— Elaine Tremblay, Annie Whitten, ,Jean Elliott. - • • 75 -yard race, under 12 yearse-Mar. geey James, Roy McMichael; • Rob- erta Johnston. • ..I00 -Yard • race, under 15 • years -- Margaret Elliott; Louvaine Bloom- field, Theft Lumley.. ' Hudkerchief Race, under .14 years --Theela Lemby, Bessie ,Walker, Mil- dred Costello. • • •-• 1 I) eand at some such very special- event, we Leoteeehe rae,a under 12 yeltroae tion, something which only the Dorn- , s epp ng stone to e. gorame a- , have never seen a better parade& than Sean Lumhy and Esther Lee, Derothy inion Patilanient -. can bring about. other eiradecos. In the tame way last Tuesday's. There entre sozne Praxis() and Madeleine Ihshep, Thelma • Mr, an pessesees the etuditlee of Ohrietiens, 11S a elgOnY of Heaven tine -very beautiful floral floats and decor- Bell and Margery Wbittakere on eisitle whose,. citizenship was in: aced cars and many ,coinical oreetione Blayele rap, under 14 years-, • " . leadership. - ' . . Heaven,' should become a centre of M the ealithemplan ,section, while in • Mabel, - Johnston, ., Gladys . Grapsiele; - • influence, showing the world the the industrial and. trades 'floats there Bessie•Weilicer.. ii . . . SERVICE ' , Christian, Way •orheing and leading was a ...eery large turnout. The par- :* PARADE "PRIME WINNERS " . ' • - : • , others to the same style of life; a edeltipPed around .the Squaree -- • Liduetriat and Merchants' Floats Hie tee interesting eitory ce., einiyie4 eentreafrom 'which fuethee tatiqueste • A. feature ' arhieh has hee Very r,tomiii•oti load Machinery • co. let, wilt Geo. Spetton has td tell as he I fr,- aniAt wonid be made I -Chis- attractive one in some of the parades Western Canada Flour Mills 2rel Ian. . • gives his account of his stewardshipl tians werfeto held the "World ter God an past years, the marching of the at Ottawa:. Ile loves to. cell himself ; ual4 pore 'out ' .. • . many this v. ear but. the 80year-old• to etend the Kingdom of God school children, was missed by a good pedal Oia l CAomp ny 3rdl. ' . . • Decorated .. utomobies--dederich, gth the ehired man" of the .people and ' At ftue eoloniets of 'heaven we must elub were there 'in steen a - n -were d Women's Iestaute -let. • • I V a lithurapieh we •believe that never before hee a' Practice brotherly love in our lives. proud and happy in" their, honored an it t,00k ten cars to accomniedate F nzliy ip Me' 31 dl 1 ' peepilifsef his riding as has Mr. Spot- plump e, o love had „ God s help, and ,all. trbd ears all bore the sign "80 a e r"s"'" -le " ee stl . e Lenore Whitely 3rd. • tt.was only through our own life we •year old club," and each member of',Nora Juelt, 2nel ccorated Bicycles -Betty Little ton in his islreer •at Ottawa so far, vzoild sifow this love to the world. this honored club was supplied with a - 1st, D.. jobeston 2nd, Edith -Sturdy ecores of instances of zervice for in•• - Our duty was to hold the world for hedge with the same wording end the .* 3rd, Edwin, Dean 4th. dividuals ere to his credit in addition God, just as the Baleen elty held the; arms of the tawa. The followeig . colony for Rome. Tho knowledge of' ettogenariana were in the eare 0, . Horses --Peggy. Parsons lst, Jack to the larger affairs of policy, in the love Of God was • t otti"tii• i W 0 •13 II 'It II' Carrick 2nd,Bob Wilson 3rd. not s e Ingi rn.• atop e , OA. Ruse11, Wm. • Ject in the. House.- Even the Gede. tanee; et was a matter of instruction; ear, ,r„,. meEvoy, Virerareill, Thos. crowd of 4000• on the grounds ebr the I Allem Rat, Johnston, Jae. lelacVi, As alreada stated there was . a which lie has been heard to good ,ef. wlaiiit Varna to ‘ adhikirett by inhera afternoon program at the agricultur.• . and unless -pendia' diftharged their Redfern, 'Wm- Lannan, Mr. Dawson, rich harbor has not suffered in spite . We needed Ged'a help to do this but place at the bead of the proussion, E. Cre,n4(eizeiel,a,raminTocn.1.1toaaticil member of ',unguent' so thoroughlyachi ery._Veneimoly stressed the mat .0 f eseiteiree to tho. anyone lel lever teadt, act on the • duty to teal* their. children about f• Mulled • ea.leay, • Duncan exeeRay, a grounds. trate and grand . stand of the threats that were made at the, God; the next generation, would knowMei Ross, John oio eld, Jas. Mc- receipts • isenotinted to nearly • $2,800 last election of _what would happen no more about GotPthan do the heal Gill, :Wni'.. Neaves, Vroemene and off this about 8160 eves for auto- mobiles. Seating aeleartnnoclation was if litoith Huron did •not send a Gov- then, and it wee fitr More ireportant Steven Andrews; Alex. Chrystal, ernment supporter tb Ottawa, and , , 'that Childted should be brought Rola.. Cleric. Geo. Hunte'Adam Fos. provided ,foi 2000 and it looked as- if I with. a knowledge of tile difference ter,' Thos. Sturdy Geo Sturdy Jahn there.mat be nearly as many more int-rodueing and backine.nn the dela' they shetrld become success in a POW, LiMe, Vita tdr. tha record sheivred 4126 paid adalia- both by speeth in the Rouse And by between' right and wrong thatt that! Rolierts• n, Chas:Seeger • R 3•• E not occupying the stands., In fact , gaCon that wait to 'Ottawa Ma. Werld13" semi% hence the vital impor- sem*, 'elone (8526 adults and 600 children). • 'I'i town band, Of„ectursee led the The .hig ettractiop, of course, was Spotton bale done well fer Goderiela on gttlerureatggaeolgochr hi re"thecues.) with the' double header ball game between baeboia, To be able to seer he believee %Text- to the pliant, in the 'matter .14CI408-1;:elltrtlicr etihMeiears •mi th the House pf !David and the Colored lin ha., brought back to MS name the. Sunday .the tenet. council, officials and waier ,Detralt• • "The House„of Bo- • CUII.Ll Us •0l0& tuents $50 for every .dollar of eaters; eelleOf*: So Manyaparents shirked. all and: light toinmiesion. A couple :of vid 'woU btlh games and never Seem.. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,• nee ei,,e, responsibility for . the 'teaching of mounted. -men -"in military maiferie ed 't.° lene; the* l'eaeklenn' even when he haa-VOcE4Vgil is a if,•. •••••••• '1'''''''' their .ehildren that it fell on the Sue- prejeded the fire department of the the -sure was against them. On the of stewardship, but afr. Spotton °or day school teather, and whatever one ,town, First came thii`old equiement; I other nand the darkleo verse notice- ' tiCeship these pest three years. tit tesc'her was helping to hold the world :drawn hook and ladner trAttle and the the game.. When they got a few rues: I he: has only been serving bis tippitlii. could do to help the Sunday' eelibol the old' Steam .enginei- the old hose 410 were affected by the .standing of • Philippi wan. only the stepping ed by the i'wo modern ereetbr trucks and, intpiSy. hut -r,hey .did nob -teem to old horse-drawn hese wagon, follow- ahead they •beesente •quite enthusiastie somewhat skilled mechanic he wi I be f°2. G°11; . able to tgwe even a better attOtlat at . , . says if-eou went to eontinue sending i oniata of MOV011 wen not done till we treek with• chemical, tank, and the teen days' absence in a session before' ' abeentefrom the House except on rare inablyer things I' have commanded Oaborate Bora' Baits and ther were on July teeth for him. " 'Noe ba: he been tieen, teaching the end of his next' term. Ao he Constantinople and our duty as col- and therniceil accustom A member is allowed tif- b you," -. . "antwevitiees" to ottaiv4 .30,,,t vote; ft:Billed the eernmande "Go ye, there- men of the fire comPaner =Arching. `• ore. and in p of all na- . The Hutt ultural Society and the ST. PETER'S SO11001, . • . eard: • . lThe score by • innings was as fel; i tltenato o .of what- Women's Institute bah . a number of very gh, Western Canada Tifouri Milts la.lv-, 1 . • a 3 1 0 x_..0 tank and eeno udder pitched the•iirit, game for -the Rouse hoe truck, .131_00e; thrive to Welteop •adversity.. joneslco attractive dee rated had Tato of the- whiskered battery. For the splendid pit'cher and had good eon. trol. Smith wee 'the receiving -.end of David midi was•very coal and was, a: coloTed men` Moody, and Buchanan were the battery for the first game. stone to theenleiralw Melt went Onto the combination ' Spotton has not -been abeenb fifteen • . their produete in the parade. . Thn Oelered-- 200'1 00023 -780 - days in the whole of the last three t° luxe yi'.4-Phyllia. /taro,. Rita Dominion aoae Machinery co had For the second, game 0 GradY yearn ana then only witdn paired. Cosjello, WeIter•Mero, Donald Hilde. quite a (number of machines in the started in the box for the Whiskers The 'people of North Huron are not Senior I.• --Gertrude Antonio, Elaine brand, James Baker. • procession, all (if which were sold'. and in the .fo Al u Ir waa relieved by There was a power grader fund to Segrist . The ",(lar dee Aped several going to turn down a man who has Jahmon. Mary tfoggartla ' Dufferin county. and another was sold rifehern- The sore ° y innings .. _ Whitely, Mary .Cinopion, abut( Pt. IL -Minnie Antonio, . •pens.or to Bruco county recently, a anian grader is to go to Quebec.. Glide- it ,onto am af latorkeethe evening Whiskers.: -I 0 1.*0 6.0 a 8 1-10. Colored- 1 -0 1 5 1 St 0 -01-11. i given the serthe Mr. Spattail hila• COINiP/RIVA11()N AT . Remedy, Evelyn 0' lieu, MarYal114- tichei new rock eruslaer was included . . . - . Sr'c,EouGrs Astotker, Bert haeehler, Jack Fitz- in the line.up \but the bin in ednnoz. before tne.seconn game waa 'ever., arid a - tia k T dd Mc °tacker, Muriel tion 'with it ia too high to Make it the fact tnat•m°8* of the °Pm° re" . . convenient to include it. And there ruined to the finis i showed that they His Grace ArchhialiOn ;Williams" Pe-ez° ' ? Y euted St. George's parish on Monday Spam. , to confer the rite of confirmation on *thy Grade . III...Connor Batchler,_,,Dor- Burke, Billie Ifogaitle Filahl0 ettaatruetion Co. of Guelph. The bn. was equipment cold to the Towland "eve the eveut; in fact it was only in the gettinge good enjoyment out of a class froni•St. GeOrfWa, nn.I 't lass front Trinity ellureh, hayfield, and Time -len Whitely, Christine( Morrieon, Robert perlal Oil Co. hod a 'lumber of trucks. lest half hour that more than eon- i. tree.), ,Bateicia ileethler, Patten Miller, haker and Ainslie, the two candidates froze St Paul's; Clin. skived one slipped iut. , ton, also were Tweeted to -receive the Billie Door. ;law sheripard. Raymond Costello, Mette Turner* Goderieli Fruit Mated. Curryte • rite; • hoe Mr. Mille. rotor of St. ern, Darker Bros., Machwan and Teb. , Rouse of Devid is a cracking good 1 The ' clown first baseman for the f Grade Ve..*Tosephine Kennedee butt, P. Ile Wood &Ford' ears, P"mg °9 wen t° 11"14)rlqt* Be 1 • dro..rie• _.101 he is considered delinquent.but Mr. . intommoNs ,put two motor traeks loaded with Inalterne-0 1. 2 2 (3"31rge'8' Pre8en" the r°1'M PepPle arel Webb. Francis Mero, Geo. Baetbler, 4. W.. Murray, ete, al. started the fun wt12...1:1"z4te ps11. J.g of llls rarmrerotion, llov. mr. Pull a,Lango /iforn, °intone° Goomette, no were in the parade. . '' ---- -''''''' of hayfield, the candidates from hio verna phadere exaelne (51airlt,,,t, Several Amos and Andy I' 11 Air 'moo. congregation and Rev. Mr. Hatiritoni 4.Grade in _Ernie hueke, Willa taxtenbe a ethoot scene Jaek i the !nee' +pp, who conferred the Aptistolie rite those front Clinton, to the Archblah-1 no qw,,r 40070111 Ilivlq, mieivw. c09. Boa, e&ta" alan4 goiy:g. dot the ,s. rl..rn. 'toll-% '' Patrick, - liturdoen, Gerald! elaieney, an old t2oaeb, Tompkins Core "P e .. it; r3CC3,, WW1 judges' stand, start- G in an impressive tatitMer. . 'Tor hig Comm* A.rehbishop WU- "rgritaidt virL......yoneph O'Brien. tor17 big bell anti a couple of sulkies all roceries I.,.t.--....., ...-........., .--„,..u.. - , ---.--- -------- complote, 3 wash.day scene," darkie 01. _ e SOLICITOUS Oh YOUR. PATRONAGE tetin of . , harness, a boat, a antenne rePresalle g a . othe Hottee of David an 0vriFrueitt an ,--- - - - band, horsehaek riders, a goat in . ' 'CINDERELLA BEAUTY SHOPPE'l• toTta Ball Tetime. many prettily de. • 0 torated bieyelee 'W ith gaily, costumed - call" • (anal TehleeTT'S/14111)1eAlri 1171ST STIlEfee, •• . !eiders, nod we ting the nuiat not flea' orget the O. PRICE szSoN .' f.l7oprig icev bcnmaple f rhe John A ICennee4v butter Wave , . aw t.bainrottrrifvf.14 4:„.114,9t)917. erttzergInjoannziYa COr. North St. l Square Priiialwn• LUSTEXIVA $S,. $7.50 i s • I - Waving and . trainee were held on the Square and 1 G008716:ewillftie:ntcTartt,ti:un'airc:IrCttctle' : Afterwards the girls' and boys' - the horsedice content darted at Vie- Ate/Ands . $Z0.00 ' - twin Pork and during the tanning of . Information courteanoly given nett request. , teem. the intor;tbalastie champion Satiafaction Gnarantted. •the childron'e eaten Bet, Steddart, of ilobliONF 237 i , e vaulter gave ati exhibition et nolo; PHONE 248 A FOR APPOINTmemr ope, Evteirigs 0, aereintment erla i vaulting ail raotle the ,asteniohing ; -"i'""1"‘"1"6"1""64""""" .- --,Kir------ '-..A.-----1, - 7"---:::.7"/.4*"V "'art' ---"----"- .11 A Mir Stoltz, E. Dobie (Auburn), W. Quinn Meet, et) and E. Chapman (London). Qglinix wee the whiner oz the cap ana Jaii-••"efeleay bailie second. : E. hell was close behind McKoy but could stretch spurt which McKay made and not stand the. attain of the .nome in his efforteto keep up collapsed a few feet from the line allowing Dobie to come in third. Quinn's time Are the three' miles was VI minutes ONTARIO - . roadway in font of . the block be- tweee x* ea, and Montreal street, witle ,e• Blew ore/leave supplying the . • e„, ... • Douglas' Egyptian' Linenent stii 'be in every, household. -Stop q bleed.. • ing at once, cauterizes wounasrand: prevents -' blood poisoning. Ree... away inflanneation and proud fiesta- • 0 and 32 seconds. . .1 0.0easeit`etalt; 3na, 34:43e • • In the evening a Auad concert was given front' the stand in the Square and a street,dan9s. was Held on the . . .0,- • 06,, is Co For Over 30 !Rare • b, • 4 . . • :•. List o Speeia Values at - These... p rice s\ig(iod for the two weeks: Saturday, June » 28th to Sat., July 12th • . ORANGE MARMALADE .. jar. .• :Special at. ..26C. NinzweR 1:10Oce or lleno Hall C FFEE Po'sdi Bran Flakes .5 tbs. for. ; . - • . 0 A). sciAP • 1 0 • bars for ..39c t.! • -:.•• • • • • • • 'Stadia' ht. Soap 10 bars: for-. .55e • . PORK ZEANs 2 picKs..' for..23c Medium size per torn flakes' 3 pkgi. for ‘25c • Soda Biscuits lb. .pkg... ..16c Shredded Cocoa- . nut ib.• 29e • - -• OLIVES Stuffed or plain Per' jar.. ...33c r • LARD 3 lbs. for. 49c 20.1b. pail .$2.99 SWEET CORN 2 tins fn-....25c NO. 3 PEAS 2 tins for...29e r. 25 tin... ‘.. , . • • • Aylmer Soups . (except Chicken) ,for Choice . .RED stkuvfoN Tin4, .33.. 0 ' it. :Jock Oluyougaica Sala:lbressing 2 for.23e. • .* CTO -1 • Per bottle. .1290". ..12eauUt Butter . in;tulk, • ''er 1b.. ...21c Brunswick ° .smansgs ,t ee • *44110010 ' • -1 47 . 'o. '.3 to?' . , . 5c GOOD BROOMS .1 CUCUMBERS- - • . . Bulk ". . , . . o RAISINS lbs: • I Canned' • .0UM1310.0 :ChOide eft:alit)! • . tini. 0 * _ ° Prepared - wiusTAUD . .Per jar.. PRUNES 0 jibs.' for. .... 290 • 11 •• -,174 Ainmonia or • Marline • ,•• pkgs. for. ,23c .21 -PAPER New. OTATOES ' 2's, 5 .lbs. for -25c i's, lbs. for025c NWS Per both .19e • pothes for 256' NEW .CARROTS 2 bunches .for•25c ASPARAGUS P.er . bunch... ;10c 3 bUncties for 4 Onions, Lethiee and- Radish Per bunch "BANAI`I—A-S. 25c turd 30e 'doz. • OR,41G' 4.50, to' 90c a doz. • LEMONS Nety • • 40e per doz. ' rAi CABBAGE u G' • tat tit et 4 'lbs. for. : .2st, fo Aylmer 4 tins ... 25e Burrtt BANS 0- En Lail:. ttc.ou'h'errike*„.te:.. $1.25 tONATOES Choices Quality. ICING SUGAR 2 tins for.. .25c 3 lbs, for...23c 44,44444.44 . • . , Good /I Granulated or Black Bulk Tea s Brown Sugar a Per lb... : ..I8c 0 1 z35c ' Fresh TOMATOES o Per lb..... .39c 11 40 lbs, for 55c Per lb.:- ..15c and 15c•ettch *re sell CURRY'S, CLEVELAND'S and MACKIE'S DREAD Canteleupes for. — ...25c .- . 'Terms 'fel; this SaIe—STRICTLY CASH. ' '... -- - . • Go W R . . BAEtHLE 0. Square Del iverr Phone -368 Cor. Kingston Street and . • • AD tOp eclat Soul eelat Mi ee th and onto of :51 M 'span Um( son 144,4 PI • „ head favoi lit've Plan me . WEt Nora In a Dratr geou: • times prose 'life- ' slain, 4 fa ot - Pr 441