The Goderich Star, 1930-06-26, Page 7Ht�RSipAY� $ir�11c 301116 Ifni pasilssfeerw#MaiiRi�iiMtii�Wi iblr#iiiFitt�iNl7iiA�ii+ifi ii7t5rft3i�i11;fiiMliii�N 'noon ray._,wiat snout iw ran 1:r wu srr►ai� u �ie, iiiia4a mitt 3swu�c in two mnad.t c.f � w trial thio yr, and it ab' 01as wonder ul Sunday Afternoon ➢� t cleat ball t�, gra et I 1 S Fr tat irpi±41t,1 gitww !� y ISABEL 1I.4N'LTON, 1"aaxlfant , Ont. a1 ,t i Witt At rte. liar• THE GOD! ItUCII. STA , %ORLD MISSIONS at.eUan1K to txv Haat sfaai.,! lei vat rias •t A Fund€ed year*. t e fes a ie a _wxe sail as ;! a j Czar .an ,'i giant • The teeming of 'ter Lebe2c clay. Big my fon for tree, lit .liana ie t -C'hra t.an anitsiariArier'.0 lndist as per :tl[trna t i *ill say tail for y t rax a� �, wictuilful, fanatic t ei ovi liter, gal at r can t 1 i fella ail fe lied, A cut t orwevtac .cit a �iiRwrae:;; 1 s. Qe all rCi�`*1 1'Ull it '.33 njlej! ii1�, ._ tnc '.l. _e :IaU [c?cx;xity GE A➢➢ yiC+Se371 21:'ini� 4tetKY tTiati Teri t Alf Arid sierra slay kitadxtisl, sand S m th; Aare : cn c tlxrrt5 �cwra Aga Sir !;..ter ,pkW, rye chewtathe8 a2 a.. e, IMO- A sand Haat 1 ttixfl itivcre `nheatreon, lret tenon. t" f.`e et3a^ ^ � 1N a chew slice. , e$ j3"!1, C..ial, ` t hristi in rectal ., In tele verse V. find Ends claim aH a an .c.. hate ..erne rime real And y WW1 tlac fndavidu„ 1 -cf'e. In it is e„leri::,. -4,„4 t, tog people of India Ceae 7,, r, clafticudty many c act zi:a: sated the eat p3aovidentialt�y..t::aa tla:aaa czl._o¢Yaar n,;c:a:wee aa�rb'ined>' nave is In enact -standing the c➢itr.. _,i under wlaa�h i -e liel , Gt od aro4. inti ! �.. '.1eleted, 'ems between ethe I,rhera�1410 l Kcx era a faaaixlg 33 bre"ks it u1. separates MO er more et the members iron" all STURDY CHILDHOOD as Haat the t'e:a...erratanc 1 ar3 a tala(i3 c early aseeefutiens, from '.I •.. al cAro ,.. ' ea�raa�.aittc.l tv as prestectxte ttarrtf for a grid love and weals tla1.1 out as strap- The ctonciz cMi(imtaE• Fright, aF tivt� natio c a r e°, u 1 'i. y sr ai Ez 1 y a sera in :~ issuer lazed. L il: tlantigb,, little 3tla•.u: ie tYae a' no- everyr nary lea^Ice. j,at€lx iotas arrangcell tent et the, •t" ri£t i3 u unlike ;l.'araaaa, they nary Y:noty s�lai- .. is 3 t'. ^'c'al�r, sa tftrH elailel svla� desi::> ed to•p:eteeit Tsar agrac.altatrwH, @ they they aro going yet the breaking is not :1:111ertive. it ie• tH1Q ia: tlarightpaitining anal s:amnti►adtuxita<, ata.iu�yr'sc.a Gup of ski and endearing assneiationy,oi• ceeyly al i;�3 1?e staar ?y .And v�a11-�--�1 of Canad ;, frac er it these incltastries iis .i -,a to fill •thcau with corroty, t. pti o aaa lie av'cryone admires arcs assured ek aRst.t:➢ity 13. taLifl' Arad poaailaly' dismay. No doubt tlacse:'• his<a. .Yaere£Qar.. r.3E i1*era. iii goua i;� `vhilct n Canserva«uv eoveraasayerat is ^oma acelia;gs were fn tho tniatd and: not 1tirae:eve at;, ,year Fault, not his, in prover subject, 11.t.'4 er, to aryl • lacmit of \.mart when tiro coaumand ., lie must be tailing and at is up to Seen + iaanRcs which the me a ed�x xc r a3£ .tee , ..arse to lanai ! di all was not tax • •.tea en fleet't,e gets relief -that i e is cou'a$LS which th ' eetive 11t ; loss for 10 cal! did trot ept1 with the �*`t3.& m ancdaei11 Haat will tiapi�Y:ly t,ovcrnmera fs Ara arsuranee tar tlaaasei 1c�ving of.coaaaatry, l ialred and fath- I make hint v.en and 13ee Marti ell. x:ho have their 1. - tl i cle-et ^c* fn " ers louse. Inuxrediat(1, after the f baby's Own Taiblets are iel:co ral1. nu( industries that their~ lra si- . command ,cries.. u great ysrorxaise: !!! dcexrrzed far infants and young clad« ness 1:111 not be ruined by tFae sudden "And I will maks of the...a great na- lien. There is nothing to eelualthan remnoal irf the protective ditty and 1 tion, and I avill bless thee, rid axaatce for correcting the irregularities of the t}ac� tlood.ug e £ t:1e i`aaa..diarx raaarY:et shy narxur grz at; and tlnatu ..halt ] a stomach and bowels„the rants.. of . trti'1 x grille l..1. dost s. blessing. And I will bless them ,that most of the fila farm which little ones The Liberal Party after clenouti.in>; - • ble a thee, and curse .him that epee h' culler. mo Tablets aro sold by mad- ° the -procectave Tolley of Sir Johan A. thee; and in the.. shall all families of Peine dealers er by mail at 20 cents a he prnwld Per olley i yea is, .A. the earth .bc blessed," ith sox front The Dr. Williams Medicine Maedo "to adopt n e their ,awn. '4vre- Co., Braclville, tint,' a Liberal Government dais policy of _w,.«.. •..�..-,.=...- prott�Ctive.teriii' i� a football to ba MUNICIPAL CQU I CIi kicked 'hither aand thither and played Colborne with as natty requirements far' the moment .demand. A Liberal Govern_; Colborne council met Juno 14tix at merit's attitude towards the tarn i3 2.p•m. as a Court of Revision. All so vacillttini;-;aq to cause dislocation is members present. Minutes All of last in vim industries •because there ation Meeting Adopted as read. appeals in vi my of a liked tariff fora dean... the 1930 assessment roll were iter period• iihrs dislocation of Indus - .ed and disposed' of. Several dogs salts makes it impossible or labor to were removed, one assessment lar oint be: certain of impossible or capital edandtwons a ed it e na as.joint mea ,o added a s et. owners to property, also where forms t4'rn certain 878 auditions in Canada were While ei.^,c s Dark maze 1 tread, And griefs aroerid nae spread, Be "Dieu any guide e Did darkness turn to day, Wipe ;Jerre -Ws tears aware. Nor tel' arae ever stra+ I+'raxsa Thee aside, Ray Ealleer. PRAYER Levi, who art our Guide eve": unto death, grant us, I pray Thee, grace to fellow Theo wbitlaeesoever Thou goeet. In little daily -duties to ithirii "dhoet called us, bow down our wills • to simple obedience, etatien.o under Pana •or provocation, strict. tratlafnl- • ness of word: and manner. lat*a�ility, kindness; in great aets of duty 12 'lien sbouldst ea -us to there, uplift 'to self-sacrifice, heroic -courage, laying••.•down of life for thy truths elle, or for a brother. Amen. • :Christian Rossetti. 'S.'S. LESSON FOR JULY M. 1930 Lessor. Topie Abraham.• -Desson Passages -'Genesis 'k` el.e; 13; 7-12.: Ilebre'Ws `11;11.1f1. `Golden Test--Beraws 11:8. ' "Now. the Lund bad said unto Abram, get thee 'irnt of thy country, T SWAR.T.S� Milo a flora tive� Rack •oh, Eta. Morwt,Msul Starlet• just oi;,,tbeR Square .st SEVERAL FIRSFfJCI»MS %AUTOS READY _ FOR SERVICE • 40E71OU ANYWHERE. AND WHEN`YOU•WM'Vro GET'FUERRE t. I- `bungee Meet 411 Trains and Paasarnger floats Chapter 13:7.12. Passerierne: talle3R lar litany Abram went forth in' obedience to part el the 'tom„ hear all Gods call and in the course of time trent.. t !i, T.r+li. or C. P. R, he .became a very rich man. This is lteoo* ' the first mention found in, the Bible Here we are given .an idea of the sublime life to which man .is .ca}1ed.. rig God we live, and move; and have our :being. We ;are hedged about by Goin ,and what touches •us touches us touches Him. We are the temples of the living God. In this :promise we see the' influence of the .present over :the .future; "In thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed." The full interpretation of this promise is found in the person -and work of Jesus `Clnriet who:is the:Rekleemer and Breftber-: of all who receive -him by faith into their hearts; yet an won- .' der -lying truth is that .one fatally. should be .a blessing to • all families who come within its influence. Proimpt 'Service and Careful Attendance. t►"w. oar Livery and fleck Services .will be found alp -to -data in *every rasped. Neer PetrelleafiCSBoiluhena T. SWARTS Pbeno 107 Montreal Street older mark.: took the matter up with - - his nephew and as Dr. Parker says, his words would make a beautiful motto today for the kitchen, for the parlor, for the factory, for the church; "Let there be no strife, pray thee, between thee and me; •ttitd between my herdmen and thy herd= mteri` ti+ be ret en.': or such: And Abram was very, rich .in cattle; in silver, and fn gold." When he left his fatherland his neph- ew.+Lot went with him and of him it. is said: "And Lot also, .which went with Abram, bad flocks, and herds, and tents." ,surely, living in,such fav- orabic. 'conditions and having gone I : 'orth at God's call there need be no dispeace -in their associations. But we read of strife because "their sub- stance was great, so that they could not dwell together." Abram, as the 'tU.SrE r -ie�tr iC THE .:i1r+Cy1"1.'dj5' STOAE 1 3 1 e.brethren." Then he made .a proposal in which self is not seen as the first consideration; It is beautiful to see in another' but hard to do.: Be gave Lot first choice and was anxious he should be satis- fied for there were heathen neighbors "". near' who should not see any reason - for thinking evil of their way of life. = "And the Canaanite and Perizzite dwelled then in the land." They are still with us.. Rite world watches the churah and takes notice of the strife and discord and thus is given occasion to the enemy to blaspheme,A,,. What choice did Lot make ? lie - went. out and looked about him and saw the.plain oaf Jordan that it was �y well watered everywhere. That he • chose and the -land of Canaan fell to Abram and they : each went. his way. But in choosing. Lot overlooked one. - thing. thing. Who were his neighbors. '1 Csvk h�eatricr!y • : He pitched his tents towards Sodom. py. "But .toe men of Sodom wez'e wicked W. h 'by llB1ectriaitty and sinners before the Lord exceed- ingly." So we find he }lad a great. estate, but bad neighbors! Material • glory, ` but moral . shame ! Noble CLEAN, QUICK, 'lantiseapes;' 'but .mean men•1 And men aro donng today just what Lot Cheaper' than Cod irr ween did then" Abram received great coni - All tl ceI otic Vacuum Cleaner pensation for his generous conduct ` removes the dust' a broom end Concern for hie religion. He wag ,,,j.,_ ' told'to•:'",;oris , lit th tagh"the'lanid CONVENIENT', just moves the dust We „guarantee all 14 y d'r n Lamps for 1,500lters. Walk in and see display at The Hydro Sore .ts e -wd re in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee." Hebrews 11:8-10. The writer of this epistle, and par -1 tieularly in this chapter, goes into an: extended account of the nature and effects of faith. Those to whom the 'epistle was -written were evidently were bought since assessor's visit the alnxos't ..;cantly similar to those exist - names were changed to present awn- ing today. Immigration: had ceased ers. Court closed on motion of Wm. and there had been a great exodus of Thorn and G.' leeagan. At •the ices- nthere s to the United States. Tho tar meeting the following bills were Canadian market was used as ex paid: Road accounts, $906.72; A. C. (lumping ground f:or American fronds Clark, supplies (old accounts), $3.82; and moat of the Canadian manufac- C. A. Robertson, wino for road fence, surer' found it impossible to sell their $14; Wm. Sallowa, salary and expen goods at a tfit. ses, $36.06; Geo. James, painting sign, The. National Poliey of protection $2.50; G. J. Hetherington, • Part salmi i was designed by Sir John A. Maedon- ary $75. The treasurer repotted re- old, d sign who Sas des4n'ibed by Sir.' ceiving $20 from the clerk for gale of Wilfred Laurier as one who bad cemetery lots. Council adjourned to „ . meet July Sth, .1930, at 2 P.M. above all' a farrreaching vision be- G. J. -HETH'ERINGTON. word the event of the day-andnwith ft a whole -hearted devotion to Can- • Clerk. ada's welfare, Canada's a;dvaneenwnt SUNDAY SCHOOi. HOSTS and Canada's glory," as a remedy for CATV the ,conditions then prevailing, airs What is the task of the Chaaolx policy was so successful that almost Schools of North. America? What is immediately after it was put into op - the aim.of Christian Religious Educe- erasion, trade revived and Carnia Lien There questions will maPgte commenced to make great.process. the international convention of rein- It must Sae remerabercd that neither ious education at Toronto on its .open- Sir Wilfred Laurier or leis. successor,. ing day. June 22nd, and right through Mr. King, have offered any substitute a crowded week of enquiry and ,£e1- for this national policy. Mr. King lowship. Each morning these. goes- has ruined the value of the potfoy, of yin ciceofd f:o n.b hyo ra t oe S tions will fbee intensively studied by protectno y P rt popular, conferences as well axs'Itxofeg- 'and trnkerfng' with it to- servs�,us y _ N d th our: sxonal,rtudy .group Among thy.. pant Purposes. '.He heli not had e' c f Si John A Mardoaaald able evening sessions be that aid- ' a Tt would almost appear. as though dressed'by Canon Charles E. Raven ,of 'his connection with the Rearkanfeller England, Chaplain to ca on." on 'Foundation or his friendship with "Christ and Modern unveiling m P . 'There will be the nnvei'ling of :a statue of Robert Itailces,• founder of the Sunday school movement, to stand permanently in Queen's Park, 'Lead- ers in Church and State, headed' by the Governor General, Lord Willing - don, will attend. . Proininent laymen as well as Pastors, Professors, Mis- sionaries and departmental experts appear on the program for each.day'j Concurrently from June, 28rd to 26th the Christian Youth Gosnell of North 'r'erio- ig to meet at Toronto, to be followed by a Larger gathering, the Christian Youth Conference, for three days, June 27-29,' .An attendance of' 6,000 is anticipated. W Randolph 'Hearst were zacspon- sible for his spineless attitade in for- mulatinga policy for the ode'b :be meat of Canada's welfare The contrast, between . Sir. Ian A. Macdonald and Mr. King is so *great that every true Canadian should rea- SLA'P'S DIARY suffering from some form of perseeu- tion .and his purpose in writing as he' - 11 did was to prevent them fr.m relive- briday: It twas • gritty hot this singagain into .Judaism. 'The •apostle evening after 1 got threw mowing .the describes faith as "the snbrtanace ,of yd. and 1 drops down in the lawn things hoped for, the evidence of swing and went asleep. and when 1 things not seen." Then he proceeded awoke up why Jane was a setting in to illustrate its effirsey and power by the clitpxe vex to the faun swing and reference to numerous 'instances such as 1 seen the bewtiful aparishen I pa Ahratn. His object war to show nubs my eyes' and sed 1 wander .bow that there is power in -Faith to 'keep long 1 have ben a sleep and Jane 'sed .,,,,.... Well how old .are you. I faled to see '' her meneing•. CANADIAN NA IIDNAL RY Saterday�- -N'ot a lot a dafng at the � let part of thea weak end so I .hardly p C T . no what to tell about. As Pa .says rURI11 SERVICE to TWWWW 1 u who {•odrks 4it the noosepaper offs DAILY EXCE1x1" SUNDAYnoos is scaret. Not eVetn vas there Leave Gederieb 0,20 a.m. 2.15 para. rno perticlder Xeitennent In are fan - Clinton . 6.44 a.m. 2.45 p m. bly. Mebby that is zoos tho. But " Seaforth 6.59 a.m. 3.03 p.m, you can't never tell what will happin " Mitchell 7.21 a.m. 3.30 p.m.. when too. i5 Lir vasit you. Arrive ,Stratford 7.45 ion. 3.58 p.m., Sunday -Ant Enrmys euzzen by Zitehener 8.40 man. 5.18 p.m,' marryage rias s vissiting us today, Guelph if.07 a.m. 5.44 p'.m. We that is pa and me had a ,gritty " Toronto 10.25 a.m. 740 g.m. sod time all lair ;Tong shoes Anna ire stat« Returning*Leave Toronto 7.50 a.m. tared so bad but then as Ant Ennry 12.55 p ea. and 555 .m. sed the ,only time you Can notice it is Parlor Cafe 'Car Goderich to Toren When he tasks out alowd. to on morning train, and `Toronto to 1<iunday Patty Benett has bad a Goderieh ora 5.55 p.m. train. No great disapg $t finerlt. itif' kost,oi fs io hs change of emJra between LAIV1t18PICl;Ix and that ht tube has tad the hmmumpsaf r over he g Toronto. Town 1'arbsenge±r aatd to fat to no what was the matter of .Ano. A '1 filers ilette+�t - hinL �. Teu*day l'e, tad a lfinlcle -witch • Ott 610 • 61. ,,ti 4,60 a t0041„„ti ant er IA* t ►t *0 ." • - deed and left 'lawn a little money and WHO It FAMILY tae glut it into tiro hank and called it HAD •DYSENTERY • Dysentery ie one of the worst forme of bowl eons plaint and should be checked rrt once as its tetras*. tibia oltea proves fatal. Mre, 11. P. Stewart, rind1ater, Sask.,cwrites: a:,fie years ago we were all very" bed with attacks of .dysentery. My husband get a bottlo of Dr. Fowler"s Extract of Wild Strawberry and after tale ing three or four doeee we were completely relieved. Siert then rove have never been without to bottle of it in the 'house.'" On the resrket for the past E3 y-eaxnl pant up only by 'df. 'C« 31ilburra Co., Ltel,, Toronto, Ont. bis ennerjency Fund and last weak he invade a rreagernints for nae to rite; cheeks on it and now he has Named ; it the Sinking fond. Ma desert no what he calla It tin". VWen airy=l Ano 'e Inc a tafgger abuter today out of Aslan rubber bands and wile the teethe? was at the black' bord 1 tryed a peace of ehawk in it and 1 bit her just between the deg - dere rand 1 gess ehe was about as Stara' ' tarizrs: i mass and this Was the lot' tknt' I ootr new the; was aloud to . keep fella in' after skoel ora tho la 1s day ei1 AGO. rAGGI altvtlM ovtgEyPs idea of �yT C .ocolate t .ihhittk t f it flglttyfl iuty tasty Iieces to the pound. More th.ui twice as many' as in. the usual package. A. range . of selection generally found only in,. two -pound packages. - • Double -orated Almonds, centers of Fruits and Nuts, Jams: and Jellies,, Caramels, Malted Mill~ Morsels, Clave and ristache Marshmallows -many ()thee special and unusual flavors. Lowney"s «EIghtW111otal.tit" Chocolates are truly art oti, final and practical idea to modern sweetmeats. Quite the smart and proper thing to send or germ' Here, in a suirablc,giift pink ',tassel • 'WL package of and purple, tied golden cords, and wrapped in cellophane, ace °Eft lty 'Dainty" small -piece chocolates - hardly two alike �-. c.ch a delicious ""otic -bite" confection• -which may be sovetkarm►dcextelidaio- 'tily, on, any occasicxl-•�dur:ng' bridge 'atilUnahc, after dinner: •� Chocolate* 'EEB4typonty are .a teal "find" fo the ia;p to -date hostess who, delights in the unusual. Especially appropriate foe any sort of travel. 0 1 n" The **hex wr,'ILrenoert You to the . _�... to lam.. I 0\ l'J"�` F• 7f 5 .CF OCO I ',! 1 ? 4)3 TNF Al • °MUM INATOR$ OF PACIKAat CHOCOLATES ' The (Minims Lowney Chacglates including ``.Eighty Dainty"are for sole by: .. ji MICDONALD'S Ca0NEECTIONER, 'Goderieh - HOGAN'S CONFECTIONER, Gam, BLACKSTONE'S RESTAURANT, Goderich OLYMPIA COi1 "�iC NER'it".�'Seafo� ED. WENDORF, Clinton 'V11'ii t,la BAAKERZ Br lite that the Im of aistection 'laid down by Canada's gre4atest.. states hanna►n and approved of by Sir Wil- fred Laurier is a policy quits good 5 '3 enough for this country to follow to- Y. 0.46311IllieLleltILlitelLe dayt 1► *ane, col M R r�1 They throw men•down,yct they call 'em the weaker . sex. INSULATED AGAINST RUST ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE WRITTEN GUARANTEE "OJIBWAY" BRAND Stiff Stay and Hinge Joint Fences Do SALLY good fence on your farm means greater saris- faction and greater profits. h enhance;, not only the appearance, but the value of your property, and is a worth- while .aid in realizing larger returns from. your investments. ZINC INSULATED Farm Fence, with its wonderful qualities of time resistance, 'is ideal for Canadian uie. It is guaranteed to give service and satisfaction and, although easy to erect, is a permanent addition to your farm. On the left is illustrated the famous Stiff Stay joint, which makes one of the strongest fences available. The post used in the picture is a Banner Steel Post, built like a railway rail for great strength, yet easy to handle, haul and drive. Note the con- tinuous tinuous notches with the new drop loop clamp which provide easy attach- ing of line wires. Extra large slit -wing anehorplates anchor these posts solidly into the ground, making a permanently firm and. substantial support for your fence. The combination of Banner Steel Fence Posts and "OjIBWAY" ZINC INSULATED Fence Products is one that gives you everything you could possibly need to fill your fencing requirements. The introduction by Canadian Steel of a new process for the finishing d fine Lawn Fence is a feature that will appeal to all those who demand fuse things for their homes. A finishgrcen enamel that is far more last- ing and satisfactory is now baked on `OJ1BWAY" Lawn Fence. This baking process replaces the old Method of clipping and letting hang to dry, with its attendant annoyances of paint -daubed hands and clothing in erecting it. • Ask your dealer about the famous "OJIBWAY" line of Steel Fence Products, or write direct to us for complete information. Canadian Steel Corporation, Cleated Mills and Head Offices Ojibway, Essex County, Ontario s' *Warehouses: ilanniltan and l,Vimndpt